frgp update

FRGP Update Marla Meehl, NCAR

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FRGP Update. Marla Meehl, NCAR. Review and update topic list. Summit Western Region Networking (WRN) Stimulus Internet2 Membership Model. Summit. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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FRGP Update

Marla Meehl, NCAR

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Review and update topic list

•Summit•Western Region Networking (WRN)•Stimulus•Internet2 Membership Model

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•Goal: establish a lightweight, nimble collaborative overlay above the Front Range GigaPoP (FRGP) and the Utah Education Network (UEN) for managing regional connectivity (including peering) and potentially other related regional IT projects

•Initial members: FRGP and UEN

•Lightweight MoU with process open to other aggregating members over time

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Summit status – June 2009 (complete and in progress for FY2010)

•Cooperative of Front Range Gigapop (FRGP) and Utah Education Network (UEN) to support advanced networking in Colorado, Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming•Connecting FRGP, Idaho Regional Optical Network (IRON), Idaho State University, and UEN•Bottom line savings•FY09 budget: $1.13M•FY10 budget: $863k (‘Scenario B’)•Overall reduction of 24%

•Maintain regional geographic balance and diversity – NLR node in Denver and Internet2 node in Salt Lake City

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Summit governance

•Policy Oversight Committee (SPOC)•Pat Burns, CSU & Steve Hess, Utah (co-chairs); Steve Corbató, Utah, Randy Gaines, ISU; Marla Meehl, NCAR; David Wood, UC-Boulder

•Technical Operations Committee (STOC) •Steve Corbató, Utah & Marla Meehl, NCAR (co-chairs); Barry Bryson, UEN; Alex Hsia, NOAA-Boulder; Kevin Quire, UEN; Greg Redder, CSU, Pete Siemsen, NCAR; Jim Stewart, UEN

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Summit status – June 2009 (complete and in progress for FY10)

• Services•Advanced IP connectivity•Internet2 – 10 Gbps – Salt Lake City•NLR – 10G – Denver

•10G wavelengths for transport•Two Denver-Salt Lake City•1 production – Internet2•1 potentially for experiment/research – NLR

•One Boise-Salt Lake City•Production in support of IRON – Internet2

•Internet2 Dynamic Circuit Network (DCN) connectivity•2.5G – Denver (in support of Northrop Grumman)

•NLR FrameNet connectivity (Denver)

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Summit status – June 2009 (complete and in progress for FY10)

•Internet2 GENI network research support•Flux Research Group, School of Computing, University of Utah

•Internet2 K-20 Network Sponsored Education Group Participant (SEGP) Program•Colorado•Idaho•Utah

•FRGP R&E Network Member effective July 1•Two seats at Internet2 connector ‘table’

•Commodity peering services•Internet2 CPS – Salt Lake City•TransitRail - Denver

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Western Region Networking (WRN)

•A parallel discussion going on regarding possibility of a larger Western affinity group•An opportunity to improve network service for “the West”:•Arizona•California•Colorado•Idaho•New Mexico•Utah•Washington•Wyoming

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•Intra-region peering•NLR and Internet2 services•Back each other up (provide diverse layer 2 and 3 if on-net failures)•Efficient and cost-effective commodity and Transit Rail (TR) and Commercial Peering Service (CPS) connections

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WRN - Objectives

• Continue to be involved in NLR and I2 and influence their direction•Cost savings across WRN through resource sharing•Shared governance •Robustness, reliability, redundancy•Improved regional connections including primary and back-up I2, NLR, etc.•Improved national peering services from TransitRail and I2 CPS•Enables shared commodity amongst WRN•Improved purchasing options, e.g. single entity purchasing, back-up port fees•Improved multi-state network in support of Research & Education and economic development

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WRN - Objectives

• Agree to WRN concept of resource sharing•Endorsed conceptual WRN engineering design that enables WRN members to share resources•Endorsed funding model: recurring and non-recurring•Year 1•Year 2

•Execute Agreement

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•FRGP NSF ARI for BiSON upgrade – LoI•FRGP NTIA BTOP for BiSON fiber build•Wyoming EPSCoR for BiSON

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CSM-Colorado School of Mines Spons. Part. 0 0 RU/H Level 2 56,620 56,620

CSU-Colorado State University Univ. Member 33,600 26,000 RU/VH Level 1 59,600 0

DU-Denver University Spons. Part. 0 0 RU/H Level 2 56,620 56,620

Ithaka/JSTOR Affiliate 33,600 26,000 n/a Level 3 53,640 (5,960)

NCAR-National Center for Atmospheric Research Affiliate 33,600 26,000 n/a Level 2 56,620 (2,980)

NOAA-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Affiliate 33,600 26,000 n/a Level 1 59,600 0

State of Colorado SEGP 0 0 n/a SEGP 0 0

UCB-University of Colorado Boulder Univ. Member 33,600 26,000 RU/VH Level 1 59,600 0

UCCS-University of Colorado Colorado Springs SEGP 0 0 Master's L Level 3 0 0

UCD-University of Colorado Denver Univ. Member 33,600 26,000 RU/VH Level 1 59,600 0

UNAVCO Spons. Part. 0 0 n/a Level 3 53,640 0

UNC-University of Northern Colorado Spons. Part. 0 0 DRU Level 3 53,640 0

USAP-United States Antarctic Program Affiliate 33,600 26,000 n/a Level 1 59,600 0

UW-University of Wyoming Univ. Member 33,600 26,000 RU/H Level 2 56,620 (2,980)



AHEC-Auraria Higher Education Center SEGP     n/a SEGP    

BVSD-Boulder Valley School District SEGP     n/a SEGP    

CARL-Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries SEGP     n/a SEGP    

CBOCES-Centennial Board of Cooperative Educational Services SEGP     n/a SEGP    

City of Boulder SEGP     n/a SEGP    

CCoD-City and County of Denver SEGP     n/a SEGP    

CDHE-Colorado Department of Higher Education SEGP     n/a SEGP    

CMC-Colorado Mountain College SEGP     Assoc/Pub-R-L Level 4    

Deproduction SEGP     n/a SEGP    

DHHA-Denver Health and Hospital Authority SEGP     n/a SEGP    

EDUCAUSE Affiliate 0 0 n/a n/a 0 0

ESS-Education Support Services n/a     n/a n/a    FLC-Fort Lewis College SEGP     Bac/A&S Level 4    

MSCD-Metropolitan State College of Denver SEGP     Bac/A&S Level 4    

SMA-St. Mary's Academy SEGP     n/a SEGP    

STAR-Science and Technology in Atmospheric Research Institute SEGP     n/a SEGP    



SUB-TOTAL   268,800 208,000     685,400  

TOTAL     476,800     685,400 101,320


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Discussion / wrap-up
