freshmen vs. wild: pre-enrollment programs for new students nicole craven julie schultz the ohio...

Freshmen vs. Wild: Pre-enrollment Programs for New Students Nicole Craven Julie Schultz The Ohio State University OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH

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Freshmen vs. Wild: Pre-enrollment Programs for New Students Nicole Craven Julie Schultz The Ohio State University OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Slide 2 Session Overview Introduction Theory behind pre-enrollment outdoor adventure experience Programs at other institutions History & evolution of Camp Buckeye Assessment & evaluation tactics Q&A OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Slide 3 Camp Trivia! 1.How many national parks are there in the United States? a)24 b)42 c)54 d)64 2.Which state has the most national parks? a)Alaska b)California c)Montana d)Texas OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Slide 4 Camp Trivia! 3.Approximately, how long is the Appalachian Trail? a)940 miles b)1,555 miles c)2,175 miles d)3,450 miles 4.What percentage of your Daily Value of protein is contained in a CLIF bar? a)5% b)10% c)20% d)30% OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Slide 5 Camp Trivia! OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH 1.Approximately, how many miles is it from Worthington, OH to Bar Harbor, ME? a)978 miles b)1,043 miles c)1,302 miles d)1,566 miles Slide 6 Purpose of Pre-enrollment Programs Theories in higher education & student development: Student involvement theory (Astin, 1999) Vectors: achieving competence, developing autonomy, interpersonal relationships (Chickering & Reisser, 1993) Value of social interactions in student retention (Tinto, 1988) Value of pre-enrollment programs (Upcraft & Gardner, 1989) Multiple intelligences (Gardner, 1993) OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Slide 7 Purpose of Pre-enrollment Programs Theories relating to camp programs: John Deweys (1938) experiential education Kolbs (1981) Cycle of Learning Brent Bells (2006) outdoor orientation program research Outward Bound studies OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Reflective observation Abstract conceptualization Active experimentation Concrete experience Slide 8 Camp Programs beyond Ohio State Outdoor Orientation and Adventure Camps Trips Dartmouth College Outdoor Action Frosh Trip Princeton University First-Year Outdoor Program Harvard University Adventure West Virginia West Virginia University First Ascent Appalachian State University OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Slide 9 Camp Programs beyond Ohio State Traditions Camps Baylor Line Camp Baylor University Camp Texas University of Texas @ Austin Eagle Camp University of North Texas Mustang Corral Southern Methodist University Red Raider Camp Texas Tech University Roadrunner Camp University of Texas @ San Antonio ROCK Camp University of Arkansas @ Fayetteville Fish Camp Texas A&M OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Slide 10 Camp Programs beyond Ohio State Combination Camps: IUBeginnings Indiana University Dawg Camp University of Georgia Ohio Camps: Case Ventures Case Western Reserve University Wilderness Orientation Program Kent State University Miami Connections Miami University New Adventures Ohio University OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Slide 11 Camp Buckeye Year One (2005) Establishing the program Planning/logistics began in late February; mailing to students in early May Targeted participation: OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH CampExpectedActual Camp Joy (Clarksville, OH)150 Camp Kern (Oregonia, OH)1529 Camp Palmer (Fayette, OH)150 Camp Fitch (North Springfield, PA)1517 Slide 12 Camp Buckeye Year One (2005) Establishing the program OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Camp Fitch North Springfield, PACamp Kern Oregonia, OH 2 days, 1 night Thursday/Friday last week in August 3 days, 2 nights WRF last week of August $50.00/camper (FYE supplemented ~$25.00/camper) $100.00/camper (FYE supplemented ~$25.00/camper) 17 campers (11 women, 6 men)29 campers (19 women, 10 men) 2 FYE staff, 1 non-FYE staff, 4 student facilitators 1 FYE staff, 2 non-FYE staff, 2 student facilitators Climbing wall, kayaking, horseback riding (facilitated by Fitch staff) Teambuilding, climbing wall, rappelling, swimming (facilitated by Kern staff) Slide 13 Camp Buckeye Year One (2005) Establishing the program Planning/facilitation included: Communication with participants Registration processing Communication with staff & student facilitators (training) Evening programming Evaluation, follow up, fall reunion OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Slide 14 Camp Buckeye Year Two (2006) Collaborating with campus partners Collaboration with Outdoor Adventure Center (OAC) in response from 2005 feedback Three types of trips total: River Wild; The Maine Adventure; Catch the Spirit OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Camp ExpectedActual River Wild I4017 River Wild II4014 Maine Adventure1426 Catch the Spirit5014 Slide 15 Camp Buckeye Year Two (2006) Collaborating with campus partners OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH River Wild I & II New River Gorge, WV The Maine Adventure Acadia National Park, ME Camp Kern Oregonia, OH 3 days, 2 nights (last two weekends in July) 7 days, 6 nights (last week in August) 3 days, 2 nights (WRF last week in August) $100.00/camper (FYE:~$30.00/camper) $275.00/camper (students paid total estimated cost) $100.00/camper (FYE:~$40.00/camper) 31 (17 women, 14 men)26 (15 women, 11 men)14 (10 women, 4 men) 2 FYE staff, 2 OAC staff, 6 non-FYE staff, 6 student facilitators 1 FYE staff, 2 OAC staff, 1 non-FYE staff, 2 student facilitators 2 FYE staff, 1 non-FYE staff, 3 student facilitators Day-long whitewater rafting trip Kayaking, hiking, biking, lumberjack show, lobster bake, trip to Freeport Climbing wall, high ropes course, swimming, canoeing, learning styles Slide 16 Camp Buckeye Year Two (2006) Collaborating with campus partners FYE planning/facilitation included similar elements from 2005 OAC planning/facilitation included: Equipment provision All food/meals for WV & ME trips Reservation of campsites, rafting guides, kayak guides, travel logistics Basic camper training Trip waiver forms OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Slide 17 Camp Buckeye Year Three (2007) Expanding opportunities Added rafting opportunity for transfer students; additional weeklong trip for new students OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Camp ExpectedActual Navigation (WV F)2824 Transition (WV T)2815 Connection (Maine)22 Inspiration (Michigan)12 Exploration (Camp Kern)5017 Slide 18 Camp Buckeye Year Three (2007) Expanding opportunities OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Transition (for transfer students) New River Gorge, WV Inspiration Munising, MI 3 days, 2 nights (first weekend in August)8 days, 7 nights (first week in September) $130.00/camper (students paid total estimated cost) $290.00/camper (students paid $25.00 beyond total estimated cost) 15 (12 women, 3 men)12 (7 women, 5 men) 1 FYE staff, 1 non-FYE staff, 2 student facilitators 1 FYE staff, 1 OAC staff, 2 student facilitators Day-long whitewater rafting tripHiking, kayaking, backcountry camping Slide 19 Camp Buckeye Year Three (2007) Expanding opportunities Changes in planning/facilitation OAC hands off with rafting trips Formalized student facilitator selection and training More flashy marketing Attempts to increase participation Cost of Camp Kern trip Follow-up email to new students mid-summer OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Slide 20 Camp Buckeye & Buckeye Adventures Year Four (2008) Future directions Distinction between Camp Buckeye and Buckeye Adventures Creation of three Student Director positions More involvement from FYE in planning and execution of trips Focus on risk management and facilitator training Specific changes include: More campers for Maine trip Timing of Camp Kern trip MI trip is replaced by KY trip More extensive marketing & promotion OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Slide 21 Camp Buckeye & Buckeye Adventures Year Four (2008) Future directions OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Buckeye Adventures Mammoth Cave, KY Camp Buckeye Oregonia, OH 5 days, 4 nights (last week in August)3 days, 2 nights (3rd week in September) $250.00/camper (FYE supplement TBD)$150.00/camper (FYE supplement TBD) 22 participants (anticipated)100 participants (anticipated) 1 FYE staff, 1 OAC staff, 2 student facilitators 2-3 FYE staff, 10 student facilitators Caving, canoeing, hiking Small group ground initiatives, the Amazing Race, adventure elements, canoeing, social activities: sports tournaments, pool party Slide 22 Assessment & Evaluation Tactics Programmatic evaluation: Participants motivation to attend camp Whether camp met participants expectations Best part of camp experience Suggested improvements for future camps Remaining concerns about starting @ Ohio State Long-term assessment tactics: Tracking quarterly GPA & retention Focus groups at one, two, and three years out Campus involvement, particularly in adventure-type activities Benchmarking with other schools OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Slide 23 Intended Outcomes Student participant outcomes Form meaningful relationships Identify strategies for successful academic transition Identify strategies for successful personal/social transition Articulate goals for their freshman year. Have increased self-awareness, decision making skills, autonomy, and self-confidence. Demonstrate characteristics like teamwork, respect, flexibility, tolerance of others, courtesy, politeness, sharing, and selflessness. Proficiency in skills associated with specific camp Demonstrate leadership and collaboration OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Slide 24 Intended Outcomes Institutional outcomes Students will feel more satisfied with and connected to Ohio State, thereby contributing to the retention efforts of these students Program participants who ultimately graduate from Ohio State will be more likely to contribute financially and otherwise to UAFYE initiatives and programs Increased collaboration among various campus constituencies including the offices of FYE, OAC, colleges and departments, and other student affairs areas. OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Slide 25 Participant Feedback OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH I think that the best part of Camp Buckeye was the activities, especially when our group went hiking. We scaled down the side of a huge mountainI feel as though I connected both with myself and with my group to a deeper extent as we helped each other make it down successfully. I learned that even though we may have come from different backgrounds, we all are capable of getting along Slide 26 Participant Feedback OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Meeting people before the school year started was such a great experience. It eased the anxiety of going in not knowing anyone, but also went beyond just that; on the trip we all got to know each other so well and created priceless and unforgettable memories. I would recommend Camp Buckeye because it's a great chance to put yourself out there and realize how much people want to get to know you, especially right before college. Everyone's in the same boat, and being able to bond over that is wonderful Slide 27 Participant Feedback OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH You realize how easy Ohio State makes it to get out there and do something that most people can't offer you. Rock climbing off the sides of cliffs and kayaking on the ocean would not be normal opportunities to come by, and OSU offers it to you with ease and for such a great price. I miss camping already. I tried sleeping on my deck with a sleeping bag and a pad. It wasn't the same and was really cold. Slide 28 What Happens Next? Items to consider: Type of camp Camp location Camp timing Type of activities Targeted number of participants Cost of trips for participants and for your office Staffing needs OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH Slide 29 Questions? Comments? Thank you! Nicole ([email protected]) Julie ([email protected]) OCPA/OASPA Conference 2008 Worthington, OH