fresh grad social media strategy

2012 Social Media Strategy v.1 3/19/12

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Page 1: Fresh Grad Social Media Strategy


Social Media Strategy

v.1 3/19/12

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FreshGrad’s Social Strategy

Current Social Media Landscape

Competitive Social Landscape LinkedIn Careerbuilder Monster Indeed

FreshGrad’s Social Media Plan

FreshGrad’s Social Media Plan - Details

Next Actions


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FreshGrad’s Social Strategy

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FreshGrad’s Social Strategy

• Build FreshGrad’s online identity and create visibility around brand’s connection with relevant influencers.

• Create and maintain active social presences on core platforms.• Be the number one pioneer within competitive set amongst core

demographic in the social space. • Be engaging: provide content that generates sharing and dialogue

with fans.

Overall Executional Considerations• Advance planning on editorial calendar: monthly basis across platform

(Appendix #4).• Diversify the content across platform, integrating images, questions,

re-tweets, polls, press mentions to build engagement and increase dialogue with key influencers.

What Social Media CAN Do:

What Social Media CANNOT Do:• Tie concretely to specific ROI goals (e.g., # of resumes

submissions, # of email sign-ups). Social media is about brand perception and engagement.

• Happen overnight.

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Current Social Media Landscape

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Current Social Media Landscape: Overview

Social Media has become a global phenomenon which has redefined the digital landscape and changed the way we communicate, act and live our lives.

In 2011, Social Media¹ had a global reach of 82%, representing 1.2 Billion online users around the world².

Online social behaviors have re-formulated the way we think – a journey which started with email and instant messaging but now includes social networking, micro-blogs, video-blogs, pin-boards, photo-sharing, bloggers, v-loggers etc. (Appendix #1).

As the social wave continues to rise, new platforms and technologies are emerging and users will be looking at each other to keep ahead of the game.

¹ Social Media refers to global social networking sites and blogs² It’s a Social World, comScore, December, 2011

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Current Social Media Landscape: Snapshot

Facebook remains the largest global Social Networking player in terms of audience size, being #1 in all markets with the exception of China, Japan, Russia and S.Korea¹.

In October ‘11, Facebook reached more than half of the world’s global audience (55%) and accounted for approximately 3 in every 4 minutes spent on social networking sites and 1 in every 7 minutes spent online around the world².

Twitter reaches 1 in 10 internet users worldwide and has increased 50% since 2010³.

New players are emerging, with Pinterest, increasing 512% over six months (May ‘11 vs. Nov ‘11) (Appendix #3)

¹ Top social networking sites: China – Sina Weibo, Japan – Twitter, Russia – Vkontact, S.Korea – Naver² It’s a Social World, comScore, December, 2011³ How America Fell Behind, Thomas Friedman, December, 2011

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Competitive Social Media LandscapeLinkedIn


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LinkedIn: Social Presence*

* Data as of 3.18.12


# av. posts Content type

FACEBOOK 113,422 15–20/wk - Webinar updates- Behind the scenes (co-founders, international offices)- Links to relevant job/career content/articles on brand owned (their blog) or other

platforms- Polls - Nearly all posts end with question to fans (focus on engagement)

TWITTER 137,570 5-10 /day - Links overlap with FB content, focus on blog updates - Feature updates- Re-tweets

YOUTUBE 5,257 1/wk - Product demonstrations- Interviews- 3.3M video views

LINKEDIN 124,437 N/A - Career openings- Recommendations (2.5K) of the company- Products/Services

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LinkedIn: Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways:

Facebook is key social platform for brand – as much as 20 posts in a day.

Twitter platform not fully leveraged, cross-posting shortened versions of Facebook content.

YouTube used as customer service platform with demonstrations on how to make the most of their platform

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Careerbuilder: Social Presence*

• Data as of 3.18.12


# followers

# av. posts Content type

FACEBOOK 156,132 10-15/wk - Links to relevant job/career content/articles on brand owned (their blog) or other platforms

- Links often tied to relevant popular culture (e.g. St. Patrick’s day, NCAA, SXSW)

TWITTER 66,829 20-30/day - Extremely conversational with followers- Branded as Community Manager’s voice (Justin @ Careerbuilder)- Use of re-tweets, hashtags (#jobhunt)to extend dialogue and reach of conversations

YOUTUBE 1,223 1/month - Interviews with Career Experts and Employers- CB “How to” demos (not CB specific, elements of getting the job)- TV Commercial archive- 6.7M video views

LINKEDIN 6,501 5-10/wk - Links to relevant job/career content/articles on brand owned (their blog) or other platforms

- Job openings with Careerbuilder

INSTAGRAM N/A - Behind the scenes at their offices, and on the road

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Careerbuilder: Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways:

Social media presence has voice of their Community Manager (Justin) across all core platforms = very conversational, approachable and knowledgeable tone

Content skews towards general tips for getting a job, seems directed towards a younger audience, though strong fan engagement on Facebook primarily looks like older (35 – 54) demographic that has been out of work for a few years

YouTube employer interviews are a standout, exclusive behind-the-scenes appeal for job seekers

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Monster: Social Presence*


# av. posts Content type

FACEBOOK 23,887** 5-10/wk - Questions: polls- Links to relevant job/career content/articles on brand owned or other platforms- Multiple localized (e.g. Monster UK) and product (Monster Trak) pages

TWITTER 10,044** 2-3/day - Five Twitter handles (Careers, Works, Help, Hires, WW)- Re-tweets- Jobs ( may be paid postings)

LINKEDIN 14,610 3-4/week - Links to their blog posts- Links to press mentions

YOUTUBE 639 2-3/month - Interviews- “How to” demos, product features- TV Commercial archive- 2.8M video views

*Data as of 3/18/12 **Counts for main ( and account only

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Key Takeaways:

Active Facebook presence covering wide variety of content topics which is interesting, but impact is diminished.

Engagement is diluted because of multiple handles on core platforms, each covering different content= fan attention is scattered as result.

Do not own “Monster” as handle on any core platform; finding Monster’s official presence on these platforms is difficult as result.

Monster: Key Takeaways

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Indeed: Social Presence*


# av. posts Content type

FACEBOOK 1,815 1-5/week - Behind the scenes (co-founders, international offices)- Links to relevant job/career content/articles on brand owned (their blog) or other

platforms- Announcement platform for new feature sets

TWITTER 25,361 5-10/week - Job openings at Indeed- Cross-pollination of Facebook content

LINKEDIN 2,175 1-2/week - Links to their blog posts

YOUTUBE 122 1-3 /year - Interviews- “How to” demos, product features

Data as of 3/18/12

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Indeed: Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways:

Lackluster social media presence amongst competitive set, missing out on opportunity (and what has become industry standard) to engage their users around their brand story on core platforms.

Indeed’s strong Twitter fan base is not aligned with brand’s current minimal content efforts. 25K+ followers on Twitter may be result of boost that many brands received in the early days when Twitter introduced their recommendation engine.

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Competitors – Key Takeaways & Learnings

Overall insights and key takeaways: Cross-platform call-out on all pages (i.e. noting links to brand’s

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc. on each social platform) = fans will know where to find you on different platforms.

Content mix: Diverse (links, polls, and questions) , rich (behind-the-scenes, exclusive interviews) content together with re-tweets to vary content.

Live Twitter/Facebook events as another form of engagement.

Personality/voice with content delivery leads to higher level of engagement.

None of brands within competitor set allow for user-generated content (UGC) on their video platforms = potential opportunity for FreshGrad content differentiation.

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FreshGrad’s Social Media Plan

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Goals of FreshGrad’s Social Media Strategy

• Goal: 500 – 1500 likes in next 6 – 8 weeks

• Goal: x5 posts/wk• Content:

Questions/polls, links

• Goal: 300 - 600 Followers in next 6 – 8 weeks

• Goal: 2- 3 tweets/day• Content: similar to FB,

Re-tweets, Replies

• Goal: 100 – 300 subscribers post-launch

• Content: Testimonials/interviews (students/employers)

• Goal: Content; behind the scenes, events, start-up diary

• Secondary channel, content used on other channels

• Goal: 50 – 100 Followers in next 6 – 8 weeks

• Goal: 2- 3 updates/week

• Content: similar to FB

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FreshGrad’s Social Media Plan - Details

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Role of Core Channels

• Awareness• Engagement• Re-engagement• Answering

student inquiries

• Engagement• Build

relationships with key influencers

• Dialogue with fans, sharing content and imagery

• Awareness• Engagement• Builds

education• Distributing

video content

• Awareness• Credibility

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Channel Framework: Facebook

• Drive awareness & activation• Develop community for long-term engagement.• Leverage the community to drive online conversations

around Fresh Grad and create advocates. OBJECTIVES

• Content strategy: Write posts that increase engagement and interaction, i.e. behind the scenes, questions.

• Timing: Post at either 3pm or 11am EST- peak rates in FB conversations¹

• Minimize copy to <90 characters for bite-sized, digestible content.

• Ads: highly effective way to reach and convert Friends of fans.

• CRM: create Fresh Grad ambassadors: evangelists who (1) encourage their network to join the fan page, and (2) voluntarily respond to other’s posts.

• Engagement: tracking sign-ups by school, incentivizing students, and inciting competition across schools.



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Channel Framework: Twitter


• Monitor conversations on Twitter about jobs and related topics, and respond to key questions (like Wholefoods and Starbucks do).

• Live Twitter event with key influencers that have strong Twitter followings (2000+ followers)

• Exclusive content, i.e. teaser shots to new features• Include Twitter tab on Facebook


• Enables real-time updates on the company.• Enables Fresh Grad to interact with key influencers by

sharing product updates, press mentions and industry insights.

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Channel Framework: LinkedIn

• Establish Brand Credibility: See who is behind FreshGrad, provide links to press mentions, links to strongest brand content, without focus on engagement


TACTICS• Update channel with all press mentions for FreshGrad,

focus on high quality brand content to link to

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Opportunities for Later Growth and Expansion

Google+ Exponential growth since launch, outpacing any other social network

site with a current reach of 65MM global visitors¹. Higher growth acceleration on Google+ than any other platform² Advantages for FreshGrad: integration to Google search, Google

+1, Circles, Google Apps/Tools, YouTube, Google Maps. Need to address content strategy at later stage.

Instagram One of the fastest-growing apps with 27MM users and 150MM

photos³. Benefits: increase sense of community amongst users, more about

being personable and sharing “behind FreshGrad” imagery Need to address content strategy at later stage.

¹ Custom Analytics, comScore, July 2011 ² It’s a Social World, comScore, December 2011³ December 9th, 2011

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Opportunities for Growth and Expansion (continued)

Pinterest Social image-bookmarking site also seeing high traction in traffic

and received 11MM visitors in December, a 4,000% increase since June 2011, where the site saw 275k visitors.

Alternative to search for user discovery. Currently, limited competitive presence, traffic to FreshGrad from

Pinterest, new platform to pioneer amongst competitive set. Need to address content strategy at later stage.

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Next Actions

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Next Actions

Agree on social media strategy

Discuss proposed tactics for each platform Agree on editorial process (see Appendix #4)

Discuss and agree on later stage platforms

Implications Resources (cost & bandwidth) Process Content & Management Strategy

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Appendix #1: Shift in Social Media Habits

Source: Media Matrix Worldwide, comScore, October 2011 vs. July 2010

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Appendix #2: Growth in Social Media Sites

Source: Media Matrix Worldwide, comScore, October 2011 vs. October 2010

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Appendix #3: Highest Engagement Rates

Source: Media Matrix Worldwide, comScore, October 2011 vs. July 2010

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Appendix #4: Editorial Calendar


March  Facebook/Twitter:  


April  Facebook/Twitter:  


May  Facebook/Twitter:  


June  Facebook/Twitter:  


July  Facebook/Twitter:  


August  Facebook/Twitter:  


1.Thematic Calendar

Twitter and Facebook Content Communication Monthly Calendar DATE XXXX








2.Monthly Calendar

3.Copy Calendar

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Appendix #5: Growth of Social Networking Leaders

Source: Custom Analytics, comScore, July 2011