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©Copyright eClinicalWorks, September 2014 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT eBO REPORTS

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Why does a blank screen display when running any reports in eBO? ______________________ 4

Why is the report pulling old data? ________________________________________________ 6

How do I export a report to Microsoft Excel or to Adobe PDF? __________________________ 7

Can I compare payments from the Day Sheet Payment report with the Financial Analysis at the Claim Level report? _______________________________________________________ 7

Can I compare the payments from Financial Analysis at the Claim Level report with the payments from the Financial Analysis at the CPT Level report? __________________________ 8

How do I log in to eBO when I receive the error message: The user is already authenticated in namespace eBO? ________________________________________________ 8

Where can I find the eBO reports version number? ___________________________________ 9

How do I upgrade eBO reports to the latest version? _________________________________ 10

How can I quickly access the eBO reports I use most? ________________________________ 10

How can I find a report using the report number or report name? ______________________ 11

How do I track the daily productivity of the billers who posts payments? _________________ 11

When I run the Denial Dashboard or Denial Summary report, it displays blank. Why? _______ 11

Does eBO have a report that provides the patient’s transaction history for their account, which can be used for tax exemption on their medical expenses? _______________________ 12

What report should I run at the end of day to track the productivity of my staff members that post payments? __________________________________________________________ 12

Is there a report that lists the number of deleted claims? _____________________________ 12

Which report tracks the productivity of the staff members that are responsible for creating claims? ______________________________________________________________ 13

Which report tracks the productivity of my staff members that are responsible for posting Write-Off adjustments? _________________________________________________ 13

Which report tracks the productivity of my staff members that are responsible for adding and posting refunds? ____________________________________________________ 13

Is there a report available to track Visit Counts by facility? ____________________________ 13

Is there a report to track unposted refunds? _______________________________________ 13

What report should I run to get the days in A/R? ____________________________________ 14

What report displays the Aging Balance, which also includes the Patient Balance and Insurance Balance? ___________________________________________________________ 14

Is there a report that displays the Payments or Adjustments not posted to a CPT code? _____ 14

What details does the 21.01 – Step 1 – Claim Status Dashboard report provide? ___________ 15

If there is a system error when calculating the balance on voided claims, how should we track such claims? ____________________________________________________________ 15

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What is Days in A/R? How is it calculated? _________________________________________ 16

Is there a report that displays the details of Aging Balance by insurances? ________________ 16

Which report lists the patients enrolled in a specific insurance? ________________________ 17

Is there a report I can run based on CPT groups? ____________________________________ 17

Do we have a CPT-level denials report or any report that lists denial data? _______________ 17

Which report displays the financial data based on Insurance Groups? ___________________ 17

Which report lists the patient accounts moved into the Collections cycle? ________________ 18

Which report lists the Diagnosis Codes used on specific patients? _______________________ 18

Does eBO provide a report for patient visits by the Visit Status and Visit Types? ___________ 18

Is there a report that lists the total number of visits per facility? ________________________ 19

How do the Beginning A/R and Ending A/R reports helps to analyze financials? ____________ 19

What does RVU mean and when should we use RVU reports? _________________________ 19

Can I run a report that lists the total number of patients sorted by age and gender? ________ 20

Which eBO report will list the claims that have multiple Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary Insurances? _________________________________________________________________ 20

What does the Insurance Payer Mix Report display? _________________________________ 20

Which report should I run to obtain financial data based on my resource providers? ________ 21

Can I create a new folder in eBO reports where I can store my most commonly used reports? ____________________________________________________________________ 21

When I try to convert an Aging report to PDF and then try to print it, it does not display in a correct format. How I can get the entire Aging report on a single page? ______________ 22

How do I re-run a report without going back and selecting all the prompts again? __________ 22

I always download certain reports in Excel format only. Can I display the report in an Excel format directly without manually exporting that report to Microsoft Excel? __________ 22

How do I obtain a list of all new reports available in eBO version 6.0.3? __________________ 23

What details does the Incoming Referral Detail Report display? ________________________ 24

What is the difference between Payment Transaction Associated and Payment Transaction Unassociated? _____________________________________________________ 24

Can I obtain a list of patients who were NOT seen by the practice within a specific date range? _____________________________________________________________________ 24

How can I list insurances that are not linked to any Insurance Groups? __________________ 24

Notices ____________________________________________________ 25

Trademarks ___________________________________________________________ 25

Copyright _____________________________________________________________ 25

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Why does a blank screen display when running any reports in eBO? 1. If a blank screen displays when running a report, click the Broken Page icon adjacent

to the address bar:

If you do not see a Broken Page icon next to the address bar, look for a Tools option on the menu.

2. From the menu, click Tools and then click the Compatibility View option: (If the Tools option is not available, press ALT+T)

3. Ensure the eBO URL is added under the Compatibility View settings.

The URL can be added under Tools> Compatibility View settings:

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The Compatibility View settings page opens.

4. On the Add this website field, click Add:

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Why is the report pulling old data? If the report pulls the same or old data, and this data doesn’t change when

selecting different prompt options


The prompt page does not display—instead, the report pulls up the same data every time the report runs

Check the default action.

To check the default action:

1. On the far right of the report, click the Set Properties icon (first icon) under the Action section:

2. Under Properties > Report tab > Default action, change the action to Run the report

from the drop-down list:

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How do I export a report to Microsoft Excel or to Adobe PDF?

To export any report to Microsoft® Excel® or Adobe® PDF:

1. Click the Export icon to display a list of export formats:

This option appears on top right-hand corner of every report window:

2. If the report export fails, disable any pop-up blockers in your browser settings to

allow pop-ups. 3. To turn off the Pop-up Blocker:

From the Tools menu, select Pop-up Blocker > Turn Off Pop-up Blocker (If the Tools option is not available, then press the ALT+T keys simultaneously).

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Can I compare payments from the Day Sheet Payment report with the Financial Analysis at the Claim Level report?

The Day Sheet Payment report displays all payments posted by the biller for the selected date range. These payments include both posted payments and unposted payments.

The Financial Analysis at the Claim Level report displays only those payments the posted to claims by the biller. Therefore, if the biller posted all payments to a claim, and included the patient payments, such as the co-pay, then they can compare these two reports. If not, then the payment amounts will differ in these reports.

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Can I compare the payments from Financial Analysis at the Claim Level report with the payments from the Financial Analysis at the CPT Level report?

The Financial Analysis at Claim Level report pulls only those payments that were posted at the claim level.

The Financial Analysis at CPT Level report pulls only those payments that were posted at Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®*) level.

If you are posting your payments at both the claim and CPT levels, compare the payments from these two reports — the payment amounts should match.

Note: All payments posted at the claim level should also be posted at the CPT level.

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How do I log in to eBO when I receive the error message: The user is already authenticated in namespace eBO?

This error message usually displays when:

The user closed the last session of eBO reports without clicking the Log off option.


Another session of eBO reports is already in progress on your computer.

To resolve this error and to log back in to eBO reports: 1. Press the Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys simultaneously.

2. Click the Start Task Manager option. 3. Select to the Processes tab. 4. Select the iexplorer.exe option and click End Process:

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5. Repeat this step for all iexplorer.exe options.

6. Log back in to eBO reports.

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Where can I find the eBO reports version number?

To look up the eBO reports version number:

1. Log in to eBO reports and click the Home option.

2. Click the Version option.

Here you will find the eBO reports version information:

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How do I upgrade eBO reports to the latest version?

To upgrade eBO reports:

Contact your eCW Strategic Account Manager (SAM) so they can create a project for the upgrade and assign it to the proper department.

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How can I quickly access the eBO reports I use most? eBO reports has the option of having two separate folders: Public Folder and My Folder.

To access your favorite eBO reports quickly:

All reports are available from the Public Folder:

1. Copy the reports used most from the Public Folder to My Folder for easy access. 2. Search for a report from the shorter list of available reports in My Folder.

To copy a report from the Public Folder to My Folder:

1. Check the box in the left column next to the report. 2. Click the Copy option from the top right:

3. Click the My Folders option.

4. Click Paste:

Note: Reports saved under My Folder are specific to your login.

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How can I find a report using the report number or report name? To find specific reports, enter the report number or report name in the Search box at the top of the page:

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How do I track the daily productivity of the billers who posts payments? Run the 11.01 Daysheet – Payments by User report to list the details of all payments posted, sorted by users who posted the payments.

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When I run the Denial Dashboard or Denial Summary report, it displays blank. Why?

The Denial Dashboard report and the Denial Summary report require the JSP (Java Script Protocol) to be run as well. Select this JSP option each time before running the Denial Dashboard or Denial Summary report.

To run the JSP option:

1. From the eCW application, click the Reports option from the top of the page.

2. Click Reports Console. 3. Click the Populate Denial Code option.

The system prompts the user to enter the Payment Date range.

4. Enter the dates and click the Populate CPT* level Denial Codes option.

It may take a few moments for the process to complete.

5. When the process is complete, run the denial reports.

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* CPT only © 2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Does eBO have a report that provides the patient’s transaction history for their account, which can be used for tax exemption on their medical expenses?

To list the details of all the transactions on the patient account for a selected date range: Use the 37.07 Patient Transaction report.

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What report should I run at the end of day to track the productivity of my staff members that post payments?

To track the daily productivity of staff members who posts payments:

1. Run the report 11.01 Day Sheet – Payments by User.

This report provides an option to select the date range, facility, and the users.

2. If you want to track the productivity only for specific users, then select those usernames accordingly from the prompt page.

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Is there a report that lists the number of deleted claims?

To display the number of deleted claims:

Run the 124.07 – Deleted Transactions report.

This report displays:

Deleted refunds Deleted financial adjustments/write-


Deleted payments, deleted claims Deleted encounters Refunds linked to deleted claims or


Financial adjustments/write-offs linked to deleted claims or encounters

Payments linked to deleted claims or encounters, or claims linked to deleted encounters

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Which report tracks the productivity of the staff members that are responsible for creating claims?

Run the 121.02 Day Sheet – Charges by User report.

This report provides details about the total amount of claims created by the users within the selected date range.

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Which report tracks the productivity of my staff members that are responsible for posting Write-Off adjustments?

Run the 121.03 Day Sheet – Adjustment by User report.

This report provides details about the total amount of adjustments posted by the users within the selected date range.

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Which report tracks the productivity of my staff members that are responsible for adding and posting refunds?

Run the 121.04 Day Sheet – Refund by User report.

This report lists details about the refunds created and the amount of the refunds posted by the users within the selected date range.

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Is there a report available to track Visit Counts by facility? Run the 13.07 – Visit Counts report.

This report lists the total number of visits per facility within the selected date range.

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Is there a report to track unposted refunds? To track unposted refunds, run the 21.05 – Step 5 – Unposted Refunds report.

This report displays all refunds that were not posted to claims within the selected date range.

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What report should I run to get the days in A/R? Run the 31.04 Days in AR report to get the details.

You can sort this report by Facility and Providers.

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What report displays the Aging Balance, which also includes the Patient Balance and Insurance Balance?

To obtain the Aging balance, run the 31.01 – Aging Summary Analysis report.

This report lists the balances and categorizes them in Aging Buckets.

The Aging Buckets display in 30-day intervals, such as (0-30 days), (31-60 days), (61-90 days), etc. This structure helps to identify the amount of balances pending in various Aging Buckets.

Run this report to track the pending balances. The report has an option to categorize the balances by Insurance, Facility, Providers, etc.

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Is there a report that displays the Payments or Adjustments not posted to a CPT code?

Run the 36.06 Unposted Transactions at CPT* Level report.

This report lists Insurance Payments, Patient Payments, Contractual Adjustments, and Write-Off Adjustments that are not posted to a CPT code:

The blue hyperlinked numbers are the payments and adjustments not posted to CPTs. Click the number to display the list of Payment IDs or the Adjustments IDs, display along with other details. These transactions can then be posted on the CPT level.

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What details does the 21.01 – Step 1 – Claim Status Dashboard report provide?

Report 21.01 – Step 1 – Claim Status Dashboard lists:

All claims belonging to the different claim statuses A graphical representation of the claims belonging to those claim status A drill-down to list the claims in the individual claim status buckets:

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If there is a system error when calculating the balance on voided claims, how should we track such claims?

Run the 21.07 – Step 7 – Incorrect Calculation Balance by Voided Claims report.

This report generates a list of all voided claims where the balance calculation is incorrect.

Users may group this report by Provider, Facility, and Insurance:

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What is Days in A/R? How is it calculated? Days in AR is the average number of days it took for a claim to be paid by the insurance carrier.

For example, let’s say you are billing 100 claims a day to an insurance with some claims paid completely and some claims denied. Therefore, the Days in AR (the average calculation of the number of days it takes for an average claim to be completely paid by the insurance), according to industry standards, should be 45 days.

This means if you receive a complete payment from insurance on every claim within the 45 days from the claim submission date, then you are doing well collecting the money from the insurance.

To calculate the Days in AR, first determine your Daily Average Charges.

Daily Average Charge = the total amount of claims created in the last three months DIVIDED by the number of days in those three months.

For example, if you created claims with a total worth of $9000 in three months, then it means that you have created claims worth about $100 daily.

Therefore, your Daily Average Charge is $100.

The formula for calculating Days in A/R is:

Days in A/R = A/R Balance (Total Balance) DIVIDED by Daily Average Charge.

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Is there a report that displays the details of Aging Balance by insurances? Run the 31.03 Aging by Insurance Detail report.

This report displays details about the claims pending with insurance and sorted in Aging Buckets.

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Which report lists the patients enrolled in a specific insurance? Report 41.06 List of Patients by Insurance.

This report provides the option to select the insurance and then displays the list of all patients enrolled in that insurance.

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Is there a report I can run based on CPT groups? Run the report 372.04 – Financial Analysis at CPT level (With Procedure Code Group).

This report provides the option to select the Procedure Code group. The report displays the financial data based on those CPT* groups only.

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Do we have a CPT-level denials report or any report that lists denial data? We have two reports that provide information on denials:

375.01 – Denial Dashboard


375.02 – Denials Summary

Both these reports will provide denial information.

Note: Before running the Denials report, make sure to run the JSP as well.

To run the JSP, log in to the eCW application. Go to the Reports menu, point to the Reports Console option, and click Populate Denial Codes.

To run the Denial reports:

1. Click Populate Denial Codes.

The system prompts the user to select the date range.

2. Choose the date range for a maximum of three months at a time. 3. Click Populate CPT Level Denial codes.

The process may take a few moments. When complete, the system displays a status message Populated Denial Codes Successfully.

4. Run the above-mentioned Denial reports.

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Which report displays the financial data based on Insurance Groups? Run report 362.04 – Financial Analysis at Claim Level (with Insurance Group).

This report provides the option to select the insurance groups and populates the date based on Insurance Groups.

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Which report lists the patient accounts moved into the Collections cycle? The mode of Collections can be patient account based or claim based. Therefore, depending on the mode of Collection Cycle, run the following reports:

39.01 – Collections Report Account Based


39.02 – Collections report Claim Based

The following is a screenshot of the Prompt page:

From this page, select the date range and the Collection Cycle.

Note: The report is based on the last time the collection cycle was changed. If you write off the claim balance, select the Write off Amount radio button and select the Write-off codes. If you do not write off the balance, select the Account Balance radio button.

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Which report lists the Diagnosis Codes used on specific patients? Run the 51.01 Analysis by Diagnosis report.

This report lists the information on patients and the Diagnosis codes used for those patients.

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Does eBO provide a report for patient visits by the Visit Status and Visit Types?

Report 5.04 – Patient Visit Analysis.

This report displays the total visits categorized by Visit Status and Visit Types.

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Is there a report that lists the total number of visits per facility? To find the total number of visits per facility for the selected date range, run report 4.03 – Facility Visit Analysis.

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How do the Beginning A/R and Ending A/R reports helps to analyze financials?

To analyze the financial activity for a practice during a restricted date range, use the Beginning AR and Ending AR report.

For example, if the practice went live with eCW on 01/01/2010 and if you are interested in the financial activity only for the date range of 01/01/2012 through 01/01/2014 then you should use this report.

The Beginning AR and Ending AR report provides details on the financial activity within 01/01/2012 through 01/01/2014 with the total balance prior to 01/01/2012 and the total balance after 01/01/2014.

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What does RVU mean and when should we use RVU reports? RVU means Relational Value Unit. The Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) determines the RVU values. Use the RVU report to track the productivity of providers in a multi-specialty environment. RVU reports are used by multi-specialty practices where providers are paid based on the income they generate.

Note: Always run the JSP before running any RVU report. This JSP option is found within the eCW application.

To run the JSP, log in to the eCW application. Go to the Reports menu, point to the Reports Console option, and click Populate Dummy CPT* Code and Modifier Values for RVU.

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Can I run a report that lists the total number of patients sorted by age and gender?

Run the 41.01 – Patient by Age and Gender report.

This report lists the total number of patients sorted by age and gender:

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Which eBO report will list the claims that have multiple Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary Insurances?

Run Report 41.15 Claim with Multiple Primary/ Secondary/Tertiary Insurance to find any claims with these insurances.

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What does the Insurance Payer Mix Report display? The Insurance Payer Mix report displays a pie chart representation of your total patient population belonging to various Insurance Groups, if you have Insurance Groups created within eCW application.

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Which report should I run to obtain financial data based on my resource providers?

We have various reports available based on Resource Providers.

You can run claim-level reports based on Resource Providers, and CPT*-level reports based on Resource Providers.

Run the reports available in Folder # 373 – Resource Reports for CPT level reports based on Resource Providers and run reports available in Folder # 363 – Resource Reporting for Claim level reports based on Resource Providers.

Reports available in Folder # 373 – Resource Reports are:

Reports available in Folder no 363 – Resource Reporting are:

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Can I create a new folder in eBO reports where I can store my most commonly used reports?

From eBO reports, use the New Folder icon on the top right to create a new folder:

1. Click this New Folder icon to create a new folder and name the folder. 2. Copy the most commonly used reports to this folder for easy access.

Note: This folder will be visible to ALL users; if you want to copy reports only for your convenience, copy them to My Folders.

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When I try to convert an Aging report to PDF and then try to print it, it does not display in a correct format. How I can get the entire Aging report on a single page?

When converting an Aging report to PDF format, make sure to change the printer setting to the Landscape orientation, instead of the default Portrait orientation before printing the report.

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How do I re-run a report without going back and selecting all the prompts again?

To re-run any report without going back and re-selecting all of the prompts:

1. Select the right-pointing arrow icon from the report page:

2. Click the right-pointing arrow icon (the Play button).

The system will guide you to the reports prompt page with all the prompt options selected before running the report.

3. Make the necessary changes on the prompt page and re-run the report.

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I always download certain reports in Excel format only. Can I display the report in an Excel format directly without manually exporting that report to Microsoft Excel?

To set a default file format for any report: 1. Select the Set Properties option available on the right-hand side of the report.

2. Click the Report option and check Override the default values:

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3. Select the preferred file format and click OK.

The default file format is now set.

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How do I obtain a list of all new reports available in eBO version 6.0.3? To view the list of all the new reports available in eBO version 6.0.3, click the What’s New folder:

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What details does the Incoming Referral Detail Report display? The Incoming Referral Detail Report displays the incoming referral information by Facility Name and ID Number. It lists the referral type and status, the number of each type of referral, and the date it was made. The report also provides the name of the Referred To, referring providers, and patient identification information, including patient name and account number.

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What is the difference between Payment Transaction Associated and Payment Transaction Unassociated?

Unassociated: Pulls data for all payments posted within the selected date range.

For example, a report run for a date range of January 1 through January 31 will pull all payments posted within January 1 through January 31.

Associated: Pulls the data for all payments associated for the claims created within the selected date range, regardless of when they were posted.

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Can I obtain a list of patients who were NOT seen by the practice within a specific date range?

Run report 5.05 – Patients not seen to list the patients not seen within the specified date range, grouped by Facility.

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How can I list insurances that are not linked to any Insurance Groups? Run the 44.04 – Insurances not belonging to Any Insurance Group report.

This report helps to identify the insurances that are not linked to any Insurance Groups.

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CPT © 2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Fee schedules, relative value units, conversion factors and/or related components are not assigned by the AMA, are not part of CPT, and the AMA is not recommending their use. The AMA does not directly or indirectly practice medicine or dispense medical services. The AMA assumes no liability for data contained or not contained herein.