french and indian war

Do Now: What can cause war? What do you think caused this war???

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Do Now:What can cause war?What do you think caused this war???

Aim: What caused the French & Indian War?

Why did the French, British, and Native American fight in the French & Indian War?

What issues or problems do you (as your character) have with the other characters in your group?What do you want from the other characters in the group?How can you get what you want?

As a group, decide who deserves to win the war (the French, the British, or the Native Americans? WHY???

So what happened during the French & Indian War? .


The French & Indian War



Who was fighting in the French and Indian War?


To know for the clip

George Washington: was a 22 year old American-born officer of the continental militia (the army of the British colonies). He was born in Virginia. As a commander of the continental militia he has to take orders from the British.

Who started the war?

Land disputes along the Ohio River Valley led to the French & Indian War



Who owned the majority of North American land in 1700?

Which areas of land do you think was most valuable and why?Why might this area be a very valuable part of North America?

During that era, there was a superstition that a snake which had been cut into pieces would come back to life if the pieces were put together before sunset.

Albany Plan of Union was a plan to create a unified government for the 13 Colonies, suggested by Benjamin Franklin, the purpose was to create a unified defense against the French. The plan was rejected. The cartoon below was created by Benjamin Franklin to persuade colonists to approve the Albany Plan of Union.

Treaty of Paris 1763Ends the French & Indian War

France: lost Canada, its empire in India, and lands east of the Mississippi River.

Spain: got all lands west of the Mississippi River, New Orleans, but lost Florida to England.

England: got all French lands in Canada, dominance over slave trade, and India.

The Proclamation Line of 1763Violent incidents such as Pontiac's Rebellion prompted the English to try to end westward expansion onto territory promised to the Indians.

Settlers were not to establish themselves west of the Proclamation Line.

This effort was unsuccessful and angered many colonists who were already living in the area.

On Great Britain:

It increased Britains colonial empire.

It increased Britains debt.

It increased problems with Native American tribes (Pontiacs rebellion)

Therefore, Great Britain felt that major changes needed to happen to pay for the war and improve conditions with her new larger empire.Effects of the French & Indian WarOn the American colonies:

It united the colonies (they fought together in their first war)

It created bitter feelings towards the British because of the Proclamation Line of 1763

More anger and resentment towards the British.


Why did the French and Indian War mark the end of Salutary Neglect?

How did the French and Indian War set the stage for future conflict between the American colonies and Great Britain?

Suppose the war had ended differentlyHow would Americas future have been different if the French would have won the war?