free the children 9º4_a

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  • 8/7/2019 Free the children 94_A


    Escola Secundria com 3 Ciclo do Ensino Bsico de Matias Aires 9th form - 2010/2011

    English Written Test - A

    Name: ______________________________________no _____ Class_____ Date________________________

    Evaluation_______________________________________ Teacher __________________________________

    Free The Children





    Free The Children was founded by 12-year-old Craig Kielburger in 1995 when hegathered together 11 school friends from his school in Thornhill, Ontario, Canada, to begin

    fighting child labour. Today, Free The Children is the worlds largest network of childrenhelping other children through education, with more than one million young people involved

    in the programs in 45 countries.While looking for the comics section of his local newspaper, 12-year-old Craig

    Kielburger saw an article which changed his life forever. The story showed the photo of a

    boy in a bright red vest. Craig read the story of Iqbal Masih, a young boy from Pakistan, whowas sold into slavery at the age of four. In his short life, he had spent six years chained to a

    carpet-weaving loom. He was forced to work 12 hours a day, six days a week, making

    carpets for export. For this he was paid three cents a day. Through luck and bravery, hemanaged to escape and began speaking out about childrens rights. Tragically, after reunitingwith his family, Iqbal was shot and killed by those who wished to silence him. At 12 Iqbal lost his life for defending

    the rights of children.

    What Craig learned from Iqbal's story was that the bravest voice can live in the smallest body. Although Craigwasnt even certain where Pakistan was, the differences between his life and that of Iqbal inspired him. He knew that

    he had to help. He gathered together a small group of his Grade 7 from his Thornhill, Ontario, school and Free The

    Children was born. Free the children from poverty. Free the children from exploitation. Free the children from the

    notion that they are powerless to affect change. These were the messages that fuelled Craig's mission. The idea was agood one. And it caught on.

    A. Decide if these sentences are TRUE or FALSE. ALWAYS justify your answer by quoting fromthe text. (4 x 4p = 16p)

    1. Craig Kielburger started Free The Children even before he was a teenager.


    2. Craig read the story of a young slave boy on the local TV news.


    3. Iqbal met his family again.


    4. Craig was killed by people who wanted to stop him helping slaves.


    B. What / Who do these words refer to? (6 x 2p = 12p)

    1. his (line 6) __________________________ 4. that (line 16) _______________________________

    2. he (line 11) __________________________ 5. him (line 16) _______________________________

    3. him (line 13) __________________________ 6. they (line 19) _______________________________

    C. Answer the following questions on the text: (5 x 6p = 30p)

    What is so special about the movement Free The Children?




    ________________________________________________________________________________________What happened to Iqbal at the carpet factory?


  • 8/7/2019 Free the children 94_A


    What did he do when he escaped?



    Who killed Iqbal? Why?________________________________________________________________________________________


    What did Craig Kielburger do after reading the article?


    D. Look for words in the text that have more or less the same meaning as: (8 x 2p = 16p)

    1. was started ________________________ 5. obliged ________________________

    2. work ________________________ 6. run away ________________________

    3. searching / trying to find _____________________ 7. coming together ________________________

    4. fastened ________________________ 8. it became popular ________________________

    E. Choose ONE of the topics and write about 70 words on it. (1 x 26p= 26p)

    1. What do you think about Craig Kielburger idea?

    2. Is there any form of discrimination in our school / country?











    Tens sentido dificuldades em

    o ler e compreender os textos?

    o responder s perguntas?

    o aplicar o vocabulrio adquirido?

    o escrever?

    o organizar as tuas ideias?

    Ser que

    o procuras perceber a ideia geral?

    o procuras perceber a ideia geral e s depois os pormenores?

    O que preciso de fazer para melhorar?

