free press gujarat tuesday, march 27, 2018 vadodara ... · sardar vallabhbhai patel ? your report...

VADODARA EDITION 2 FREE PRESS GUJARAT Tuesday, March 27, 2018 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Status & Changing Roles of Women in Indian Society (85) Empowering women is thus clearly a basic human rights issue. It is also an issue linked closely to reducing poverty. About 70% of people living in poverty are women, most of them in rural areas. While representing a large share of the agricultural workforce, women farmers benefit from only 5% of agricultural extension services. Empowerment of women has been one of the strong- est drivers of social evolution over the past century and is acknowledged as essential for addressing the global chal- lenges facing humanity. Working women, both educated and uneducated, are denied equality and justice in their houses as well as in their work places. A working woman who is also a mother, is expected not only to do her office work, but also all the household work, both in the morning and in the evening. Violence against women is the largest war today, as measured by death and casualties per year. Although 125 countries have laws that penalize domestic violence, up to 70% of women continue to be targeted for physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime, and 603 million women live in countries where domestic violence is still not a crime. Inequalities between men and women manifest them- selves in all areas of development. Inequalities are obvi- ous in: Human development - health and education Economic development Violence against women Participation in public life and policymaking Social attitudes and gender stereotyping Although many people respect women, women believe that they have been treated unfairly in the past. India is ranked among the worst countries in crime. Is has espe- cially high rates in all forms of sexual exploitation. Women face sexual harassment everywhere, in the street harass- ment rates of Indian women is also an upsetting part of Indian reality. homes, in street in public transports and even at the workplace. Sometimes Delhi is called as the rape capital. The most terrible part of Indian reality is that most sexual harassment cases remain not reported as the victims think it will put their name to shame. According to statistics, only 20% of those cases are reported. The sta- tistics also comes to prove that in every 10 rape cases, 6 are girls under 18. Vinod Chandrashekhar Dixit (AHMEDABAD) Why we must remember Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel ? Your report “Sardar Patel was an embodiment of Indian culture” published in your FP Gujarat dated 20th March 2018 reminded me the memorable lines of H.W. Longfellow that - “Lives of great men all remind us, we can make our lives sublime, And, departing, leave behind endeavor of nation building. The genuine qualities of lead- ership he had shown as leader of Satyagraha, flow- ered in greater way in the administration of the country, maintenance of law and or- der and ensuring stability of the country and making it in- vulnerable. Here, I would like to point out that if our country is such a well built & multifarious, then one can carefully guess that Sardar Patel is the chief engineer for it. He emerged an astute leader and a per- ceptive statesman acknowl- edged as the ‘Iron Man’ and a founder of modern India. As a nation-builder, he was a key leader in the framing of the Constitution, consolidated the nascent state by integrat- ing the Princely states and reorganising the bureaucracy. lute fearlessness integrated 553 princely Indian States into the Indian Union. Due to the achievement of this mas- sive task, Sardar Patel got the title of 'Iron Man'. ‘He is one of the prestigious leaders of the world who became im- mortal by uniting a scattered nation without any blood- shed. He took over as the nascent nation's Home Min- ister at a very crucial junc- ture in history and devoted himself whole heartedly to ensure that the country which was already partitioned re- mained intact and united. As soon as he came in contact with the Mahatma he decided to discard his foreign clothes and follow the rules of Satyagraha as laid down by Gandhiji. He showed a genuine interest in the wel- fare of his companions, by constantly enquiring about their needs and problems and helping them as best he could. I would like to quote one incident of Gujarat. When Hindus and Muslims rioted in Ahmedabad in 1941, Patel was in jail. On his release from jail he told Gujaratis that on his release: “The wounds that were inflicted on me, deep down within me, when I heard of what took place during the riots in this city, have still not healed. If even 10 had been bold enough to stand up to the miscreants, this would not have hap- pened. In future, do not ever run away. Put up the defence. Face your enemy with a su- perior force: Gandhiji’s path of non-violence.” Today, when we remem- ber this great leader, I would like to quote his 5 top quotes that he dedicated to India and inspired us a lot. It is the prime responsi- bility of every citizen to feel that his country is free and to defend its freedom is his duty. My only desire is that In- dia should be a good pro- ducer and no one should be hungry, shedding tears for food in the country. Even if we lose the wealth of thousands, and our life is sacrificed, we should keep smiling and be cheerful keeping our faith in God and Truth. Manpower without Unity is not a strength unless it is harmonized and united prop- erly, then it becomes a spir- itual power. Every citizen of India must remember that he is an Indian and he has every right in this country but with cer- tain duties. Today, even after 68 years of independence, our coun- try frantically needs a leader like Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who was not just an inspira- tion but was also a hope for our country. It is crystal clear that a person who has high moral standards is bound to take decisions, which are also in the public interest. As it is rightly said in Bhagwad Geeta that this mortal frame is per- ishable but the spirit within it is never dead so when we say that Sardar Patel was dead in 1950, we simply mean that he was physically dead but he is spiritually alive and his spirit must not be dead. With the statement of our PM Shri Narendra Modi, I would con- clude that “Through his skill, vision and patriotism Sardar Patel integrated the nation. We can never forget his con- tribution in uniting free In- dia.” It is hard to find a leader like him who dedi- cated himself to the service of the nation and its people. Let us hope we find a de- termined leader like him with depth and vision. Fol- lowing up the footsteps of Sardar Vallabh bhai Patel to inculcate integrity in Public life, let us remember him with veneration and bow to him. Let us imitate his admi- rable qualities. us, Footprints in the sands of time”. Today, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is a historical figure who moves us to tears but it seems India has forgotten this precious stone because today’s young generation of India only knows him as a freedom fighter. The younger generation has little under- standing of the Sardar’s monumental contribution in stitching together a united India from disparate princely States. Though Sardar Patel’s contribution in bringing the nation together was great, his memories are fading away gradually and thus he has become a silent icon. Sardar Patel was a great political leader with exem- plary qualities. Straightfor- ward and outspoken, his commitment to secular India was true and well-defined. Blessed with extraordinary qualities of courage, integrity and an iron determination, Patel played an important role in the freedom movement. He was, thus, able to win their unstinted support in the His efforts to change the Hindu religion and protect the people of other faiths re- flected his longing for the right to religion. He was a person of independent nature who brought together the farmers and encouraged them and hence got the title of 'Sardar'. The British government considered him as a threat and his lectures were consid- ered anti-government and he was imprisoned several times. In 1942, he took part in the Quit India Movement under the leadership of Ma- hatma Gandhi. With great wisdom and political foresight, he strengthened the small king- doms. There were a lot of problems connected with the reunion of the copious states into India. The impact of Gandhiji's personality on Patel was tremendous which gave him a new mission in life. Sardar Patel's unrelenting efforts towards the unity of the country brought success. A man of iron will and abso- Meteoric rise of omnipotent Xi Jinping Chinese President Xi Jinping has formally amended the country’s Constitution to continue in office as long as he wants. His audacious de- cision is on the expected lines. It was only a matter of time that he had to announce the move through the coun- try’s rubber stamp Parliament known as ‘National People’s Congress (NPC)’. It brings Xi in the league of legendary Chairman Mao Zedong, the first President of China who ruled until his death in 1976. How the historic constitu- tional amendment, which has finally set Xi to stay on power for an indefinite period, has come to reality is worth a close study. The two-term limit i.e. 10 years continu- ously in office was introduced in 1982. And this March 11, the amendment gave unprec- edented power to Xi. The NPC approved the change in the norms on a vote of 2,958 to 2. It hardly gave any time to the Opposition that could have come from some quar- ters of the CPC. Now, Xi can retain his post as long as he wants after his second five- year term comes to an end in 2023. The process by which the amendment came was really unusual. In fact, Xi had started the process in last September when he re- vealed his plans to change the Constitution at a meet- ing of the party’s powerful Politburo. He even launched a working group to discuss the changes. But ironically this group did not come around until November to make the possible changes, less than six months before the revisions were to take place. However, what made Xi move ahead is the way he packed the party’s top lead- ership positions with his sup- porters last year. This all hap- pened in the National Con- gress convened in October 2017. This has eliminated all major roadblocks to amend- ments to the Constitution. A draft of the amendment was unveiled in mid-January and came up for full support from the NPC’s standing commit- tee by the end of the month. However, Xi and his team were too smart not to reveal the proposed abolition term limit until February 25, just eight days before the annual deliberation session was to begin in Beijing. Records show that Xi has offered no chance for any dia- logue and discussion, unlike the way it used to be in the past whenever any constitu- tional amendment came in. When the Chinese Constitu- tion of 1982 was amended twice in 1999 and 2004, the concerned working groups were laying down the foun- dations for almost a year or so. Generally, even ordinary changes to any legislation were covered at least by three rounds of the NPC standing committees before final approval. Though Xi has tight grip over the party unlike any other heads in the recent past, certain elements within the party have strong reser- vations about the abolition of the presidential term limits. However, it was an open se- cret that once Xi has decided, all within the party know that no one can stop him from doing what he wants. He has conducted massive raids against those who opposed him in the past, coming from both China’s military and the party’s Youth League. Around the same time, the People’s Daily, a party- controlled newspaper, regu- larly played down the scrap- ping of the two-term limit by saying that abolishing term limits “does not mean life time rule”. The other Chinese State media also gave exten- sive coverage of the sessions without mentioning any criti- cism on any issues. The Chi- nese Radio International praised the fact that the ‘long-awaited revamping of State institutions’ will be high on the NPC agenda. This all shows that Xi has worked underneath very hard, and, particularly, kept all his de- tractors at bay on way to amending the Constitution. The way Xi has prepared for these sweeping changes “for a powerful state and for the benefit of the people of China” demonstrates his in- genuity to manoeuvre his way into a position of strength in the party. This year the NPC was a gathering of 2,980 deputies, who represented China’s provinces, autonomous re- gions, centrally administered municipalities, the special ad- ministrative regions of Hong Kong, Macau and the Armed Forces. The NPC’s resolution to pave the way for Xi’s supreme hold on power has simply in- dicated the prevalence of what is known as ‘Xi Jinping Thought’ in the party. Be- sides, this NPC session was very important as this year China will complete 40 years of its reform and opening up policy. Apart from Xi’s exten- sion of term, other two areas of focus were corruption and protection of environment. Structural reform proposals will be unveiled which may include creating a national anti-graft supervisory board that would target all public officials. The media houses in Hong Kong has already speculated that supervisory authorities for China’s bank- ing, securities and insurance sectors will be reshuffled soon. Also the bodies overseeing these sectors in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan will be in- tegrated at the earliest. Along- side all these political board games, what would come to the fore is that the GDP growth target is likely to be kept at 6.5 per cent. With Xi calling for growth, which high- lights quality over quantity, en- vironment protection will take the centre stage at the NPC. Let’s have a look at how the Chinese people have re- acted to Xi’s decisions both within and outside the coun- try. First of all, the young over- seas Chinese students in America demonstrated their dissent against Xi’s power grab. The posters saying ‘Not My President’ first appeared on March 1 at University of California, San Diego. Some days later, this campaign spread to Columbia University and New York University and finally to some nine other col- leges across the US, Canada, the UK and Australia. This all happened only when the CPC proposed to scrap the presidential term limits. Much before the formal announcement of the exten- sion of power, a silent protest movement started in some countries and among the young people. They represent that generation who has never seen and experienced the might of Chairman Mao and his long arm of power. JNU SPECTACLE Protests by a section of students from the Jawaharlal Nehru University are now getting a bit tedious. Despite support from fanatical former students and some me- dia outlets, the protests have no support from the pub- lic at large, unlike the protests after the horrific gang- rape of December 26, 2012. Indeed, when members of the public questioned why they were being inconven- ienced, it appears some protestors threatened them with violence defeating the purpose. The riot-like situation witnessed in the capital on Friday as hundreds of mis- guided students tried to lay siege to the city was rightly stopped by the police. There is, however, little doubt that both sides indulged in violence, the police clearly misbehaved with a photo-journalist and the students, despite trying to whitewash their violent streak, did at- tack a senior police officer, leaving him with injuries. Student politics remains vibrant in India despite claims by some Communist leaning student bodies. But one reason the protests by the JNU students has whittled away public sympathy is because the public at large feels that it is more of the same old, same old. There is no sympathy among the public for the anti-attendance protests which is where the current protests germinated. In fact, the taxpayer on the whole is disgusted that those who enjoy subsidised education are protesting what some would consider quite normal and attend- ance norms apply at many other Central and private universities. There is a feeling that the sense of entitle- ment that students have has gone overboard. That said, the students were also protesting police inaction against a professor accused of sexual harass- ment. On that front, the students are justified in raising that issue in the public domain. There is no excuse for sexual harassment in academia and this is a problem that has been going on for far too long. There is a feel- ing by some that sexual harassment charges tend to be a one-way street with some notable Left-leaning aca- demics getting away, but it appears that even that is changing. If students have felt uncomfortable, they must report this to the authorities and action should be taken against offenders. However, accusations are one thing, there must not constitute the judgement and must be substantiated. However, accusers must be made to feel that justice is being done and not resort to senseless protests which if they are politicised tend to alienate support. The reason the protests of after the December 2012 gangrape were popular was because a large sec- tion of society supported it. However, JNU students are increasingly being seen as protesting for the sake of protesting. That is bad optics, and matters are made worse by the the seeming violence at the protests. Students have the right to protest and must protest but they also have to take people along with them if the protests are to lead to meaningful change. Disrupt- ing public life is not the way to go about protests in the current environment. Harley-davidson®Celebrates 115 th Anniversary With Freedom Demo Days In celebration of Harley- Davidson’s 115th Anniver- sary, the American motorcy- cle manufacturer launches Freedom Demo Days in In- dia from 27 March until 31 May 2018. Freedom Demo Days is H-D’s open invite to all rid- ers to experience its legen- dary bikesunder the “All for Freedom, Freedom for All” brand platform, which was launched in 2017 to cel- ebrate H-D’s enduring legacy and the pursuit of freedom that unites all.To take part in Freedom Demo Days, one can either book a test ride online or via walk-in at par- ticipating dealerships, test ride a H-D bike they desire, and commemorate the day with a H-D 115th Anniver- sary pin. Those who purchase a new H-D motorcycleduring the campaign period just need to submit a photo of their new bikewith caption,to enter the contest to winan amazing all-expensepaid trip for two to Harley-Davidson’s 115th Anniversary celebra- tion in Milwaukee, birthplace of H-D. Celebrating Harley- Davidson’s 115th anniver- sary in Milwaukee promises to be an incredible experi- ence, connecting people from all over the world who share a passion of the free- dom of two wheels. (19-10)

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Page 1: FREE PRESS GUJARAT Tuesday, March 27, 2018 VADODARA ... · Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel ? Your report “Sardar Patel was an embodiment of Indian culture” published in your FP Gujarat


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

LETTERS TO THE EDITORStatus & Changing Roles ofWomen in Indian Society (85)

Empowering women is thus clearly a basic human rightsissue. It is also an issue linked closely to reducing poverty.About 70% of people living in poverty are women, most ofthem in rural areas. While representing a large share ofthe agricultural workforce, women farmers benefit fromonly 5% of agricultural extension services.

Empowerment of women has been one of the strong-est drivers of social evolution over the past century and isacknowledged as essential for addressing the global chal-lenges facing humanity. Working women, both educatedand uneducated, are denied equality and justice in theirhouses as well as in their work places. A working womanwho is also a mother, is expected not only to do her officework, but also all the household work, both in the morningand in the evening.

Violence against women is the largest war today, asmeasured by death and casualties per year. Although 125countries have laws that penalize domestic violence, up to70% of women continue to be targeted for physical and/orsexual violence in their lifetime, and 603 million womenlive in countries where domestic violence is still not a crime.

Inequalities between men and women manifest them-selves in all areas of development. Inequalities are obvi-ous in:

• Human development - health and education• Economic development• Violence against women• Participation in public life and policymaking• Social attitudes and gender stereotypingAlthough many people respect women, women believe

that they have been treated unfairly in the past. India isranked among the worst countries in crime. Is has espe-cially high rates in all forms of sexual exploitation. Womenface sexual harassment everywhere, in the street harass-ment rates of Indian women is also an upsetting part ofIndian reality. homes, in street in public transports andeven at the workplace. Sometimes Delhi is called as therape capital. The most terrible part of Indian reality is thatmost sexual harassment cases remain not reported as thevictims think it will put their name to shame. According tostatistics, only 20% of those cases are reported. The sta-tistics also comes to prove that in every 10 rape cases, 6are girls under 18.

Vinod Chandrashekhar Dixit (AHMEDABAD)

Why we must rememberSardar Vallabhbhai Patel ?

Your report “Sardar Patelwas an embodiment of Indianculture” published in your FPGujarat dated 20th March2018 reminded me thememorable lines of H.W.Longfellow that - “Lives ofgreat men all remind us, wecan make our lives sublime,And, departing, leave behind

endeavor of nation building.The genuine qualities of lead-ership he had shown asleader of Satyagraha, flow-ered in greater way in theadministration of the country,maintenance of law and or-der and ensuring stability ofthe country and making it in-vulnerable.

Here, I would like to pointout that if our country is sucha well built & multifarious,then one can carefully guessthat Sardar Patel is the chiefengineer for it. He emergedan astute leader and a per-ceptive statesman acknowl-edged as the ‘Iron Man’ anda founder of modern India.As a nation-builder, he was akey leader in the framing ofthe Constitution, consolidatedthe nascent state by integrat-ing the Princely states andreorganising the bureaucracy.

lute fearlessness integrated553 princely Indian Statesinto the Indian Union. Due tothe achievement of this mas-sive task, Sardar Patel got thetitle of 'Iron Man'. ‘He is oneof the prestigious leaders ofthe world who became im-mortal by uniting a scatterednation without any blood-shed. He took over as thenascent nation's Home Min-ister at a very crucial junc-ture in history and devotedhimself whole heartedly toensure that the country whichwas already partitioned re-mained intact and united.

As soon as he came incontact with the Mahatma hedecided to discard his foreignclothes and follow the rulesof Satyagraha as laid downby Gandhiji. He showed agenuine interest in the wel-fare of his companions, byconstantly enquiring abouttheir needs and problems andhelping them as best hecould.

I would like to quote oneincident of Gujarat. WhenHindus and Muslims rioted inAhmedabad in 1941, Patelwas in jail. On his releasefrom jail he told Gujaratis thaton his release: “The woundsthat were inflicted on me,deep down within me, whenI heard of what took placeduring the riots in this city,have still not healed. If even10 had been bold enough tostand up to the miscreants,this would not have hap-pened. In future, do not everrun away. Put up the defence.Face your enemy with a su-perior force: Gandhiji’s pathof non-violence.”

Today, when we remem-ber this great leader, I wouldlike to quote his 5 top quotesthat he dedicated to Indiaand inspired us a lot.

• It is the prime responsi-bility of every citizen to feelthat his country is free andto defend its freedom is hisduty.

• My only desire is that In-

dia should be a good pro-ducer and no one should behungry, shedding tears forfood in the country.

• Even if we lose thewealth of thousands, and ourlife is sacrificed, we shouldkeep smiling and be cheerfulkeeping our faith in God andTruth.

• Manpower without Unityis not a strength unless it isharmonized and united prop-erly, then it becomes a spir-itual power.

• Every citizen of Indiamust remember that he is anIndian and he has every rightin this country but with cer-tain duties.

Today, even after 68 yearsof independence, our coun-try frantically needs a leaderlike Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel,who was not just an inspira-tion but was also a hope forour country. It is crystal clearthat a person who has highmoral standards is bound totake decisions, which are alsoin the public interest. As it isrightly said in Bhagwad Geetathat this mortal frame is per-ishable but the spirit within itis never dead so when we saythat Sardar Patel was deadin 1950, we simply mean thathe was physically dead but heis spiritually alive and hisspirit must not be dead. Withthe statement of our PM ShriNarendra Modi, I would con-clude that “Through his skill,vision and patriotism SardarPatel integrated the nation.We can never forget his con-tribution in uniting free In-dia.” It is hard to find aleader like him who dedi-cated himself to the serviceof the nation and its people.Let us hope we find a de-termined leader like himwith depth and vision. Fol-lowing up the footsteps ofSardar Vallabh bhai Patel toinculcate integrity in Publiclife, let us remember himwith veneration and bow tohim. Let us imitate his admi-rable qualities.

us, Footprints in the sands oftime”.

Today, Sardar VallabhbhaiPatel is a historical figure whomoves us to tears but itseems India has forgottenthis precious stone becausetoday’s young generation ofIndia only knows him as afreedom fighter. The youngergeneration has little under-standing of the Sardar’smonumental contribution institching together a unitedIndia from disparate princelyStates. Though Sardar Patel’scontribution in bringing thenation together was great, hismemories are fading awaygradually and thus he hasbecome a silent icon.

Sardar Patel was a greatpolitical leader with exem-plary qualities. Straightfor-ward and outspoken, hiscommitment to secular Indiawas true and well-defined.Blessed with extraordinaryqualities of courage, integrityand an iron determination,Patel played an important rolein the freedom movement.He was, thus, able to wintheir unstinted support in the

His efforts to change theHindu religion and protect thepeople of other faiths re-flected his longing for theright to religion. He was aperson of independent naturewho brought together thefarmers and encouragedthem and hence got the titleof 'Sardar'.

The British governmentconsidered him as a threatand his lectures were consid-ered anti-government and hewas imprisoned severaltimes. In 1942, he took partin the Quit India Movementunder the leadership of Ma-hatma Gandhi.

With great wisdom andpolitical foresight, hestrengthened the small king-doms. There were a lot ofproblems connected with thereunion of the copious statesinto India. The impact ofGandhiji's personality onPatel was tremendous whichgave him a new mission inlife.

Sardar Patel's unrelentingefforts towards the unity ofthe country brought success.A man of iron will and abso-

Meteoric rise of omnipotent Xi JinpingChinese President Xi

Jinping has formally amendedthe country’s Constitution tocontinue in office as long ashe wants. His audacious de-cision is on the expectedlines. It was only a matter oftime that he had to announcethe move through the coun-try’s rubber stamp Parliamentknown as ‘National People’sCongress (NPC)’. It brings Xiin the league of legendaryChairman Mao Zedong, thefirst President of China whoruled until his death in 1976.

How the historic constitu-tional amendment, which hasfinally set Xi to stay on powerfor an indefinite period, hascome to reality is worth aclose study. The two-termlimit i.e. 10 years continu-ously in office was introducedin 1982. And this March 11,the amendment gave unprec-edented power to Xi. The NPCapproved the change in thenorms on a vote of 2,958 to2. It hardly gave any time tothe Opposition that couldhave come from some quar-ters of the CPC. Now, Xi canretain his post as long as hewants after his second five-year term comes to an endin 2023. The process bywhich the amendment camewas really unusual. In fact,Xi had started the process inlast September when he re-vealed his plans to changethe Constitution at a meet-ing of the party’s powerfulPolitburo. He even launcheda working group to discussthe changes. But ironicallythis group did not comearound until November tomake the possible changes,less than six months beforethe revisions were to takeplace.

However, what made Ximove ahead is the way hepacked the party’s top lead-ership positions with his sup-porters last year. This all hap-pened in the National Con-gress convened in October2017. This has eliminated allmajor roadblocks to amend-ments to the Constitution. Adraft of the amendment wasunveiled in mid-January andcame up for full support fromthe NPC’s standing commit-tee by the end of the month.However, Xi and his teamwere too smart not to revealthe proposed abolition termlimit until February 25, justeight days before the annualdeliberation session was tobegin in Beijing.

Records show that Xi hasoffered no chance for any dia-logue and discussion, unlikethe way it used to be in thepast whenever any constitu-tional amendment came in.When the Chinese Constitu-tion of 1982 was amended

twice in 1999 and 2004, theconcerned working groupswere laying down the foun-dations for almost a year orso. Generally, even ordinarychanges to any legislationwere covered at least bythree rounds of the NPCstanding committees beforefinal approval.

Though Xi has tight gripover the party unlike anyother heads in the recentpast, certain elements withinthe party have strong reser-vations about the abolition ofthe presidential term limits.However, it was an open se-cret that once Xi has decided,all within the party know thatno one can stop him fromdoing what he wants. He hasconducted massive raidsagainst those who opposedhim in the past, coming fromboth China’s military and theparty’s Youth League.

Around the same time,the People’s Daily, a party-controlled newspaper, regu-larly played down the scrap-ping of the two-term limit bysaying that abolishing termlimits “does not mean lifetime rule”. The other ChineseState media also gave exten-sive coverage of the sessionswithout mentioning any criti-cism on any issues. The Chi-nese Radio Internationalpraised the fact that the‘long-awaited revamping ofState institutions’ will be highon the NPC agenda. This allshows that Xi has workedunderneath very hard, and,particularly, kept all his de-tractors at bay on way toamending the Constitution.The way Xi has prepared forthese sweeping changes “fora powerful state and for thebenefit of the people ofChina” demonstrates his in-genuity to manoeuvre hisway into a position ofstrength in the party.

This year the NPC was agathering of 2,980 deputies,who represented China’sprovinces, autonomous re-gions, centrally administeredmunicipalities, the special ad-ministrative regions of HongKong, Macau and the ArmedForces.

The NPC’s resolution topave the way for Xi’s supremehold on power has simply in-dicated the prevalence ofwhat is known as ‘Xi JinpingThought’ in the party. Be-sides, this NPC session wasvery important as this yearChina will complete 40 yearsof its reform and opening uppolicy. Apart from Xi’s exten-sion of term, other two areasof focus were corruption andprotection of environment.Structural reform proposalswill be unveiled which mayinclude creating a national

anti-graft supervisory boardthat would target all publicofficials. The media houses inHong Kong has alreadyspeculated that supervisoryauthorities for China’s bank-ing, securities and insurancesectors will be reshuffled soon.Also the bodies overseeingthese sectors in Hong Kong,Macau and Taiwan will be in-tegrated at the earliest. Along-side all these political board

games, what would come tothe fore is that the GDPgrowth target is likely to bekept at 6.5 per cent. With Xicalling for growth, which high-lights quality over quantity, en-vironment protection will takethe centre stage at the NPC.

Let’s have a look at howthe Chinese people have re-acted to Xi’s decisions bothwithin and outside the coun-try. First of all, the young over-

seas Chinese students inAmerica demonstrated theirdissent against Xi’s powergrab. The posters saying ‘NotMy President’ first appearedon March 1 at University ofCalifornia, San Diego. Somedays later, this campaignspread to Columbia Universityand New York University andfinally to some nine other col-leges across the US, Canada,the UK and Australia.

This all happened onlywhen the CPC proposed toscrap the presidential termlimits. Much before the formalannouncement of the exten-sion of power, a silent protestmovement started in somecountries and among theyoung people. They representthat generation who hasnever seen and experiencedthe might of Chairman Maoand his long arm of power.

JNU SPECTACLEProtests by a section of students from the Jawaharlal

Nehru University are now getting a bit tedious. Despitesupport from fanatical former students and some me-dia outlets, the protests have no support from the pub-lic at large, unlike the protests after the horrific gang-rape of December 26, 2012. Indeed, when members ofthe public questioned why they were being inconven-ienced, it appears some protestors threatened them withviolence defeating the purpose. The riot-like situationwitnessed in the capital on Friday as hundreds of mis-guided students tried to lay siege to the city was rightlystopped by the police. There is, however, little doubtthat both sides indulged in violence, the police clearlymisbehaved with a photo-journalist and the students,despite trying to whitewash their violent streak, did at-tack a senior police officer, leaving him with injuries.Student politics remains vibrant in India despite claimsby some Communist leaning student bodies. But onereason the protests by the JNU students has whittledaway public sympathy is because the public at largefeels that it is more of the same old, same old. There isno sympathy among the public for the anti-attendanceprotests which is where the current protests germinated.In fact, the taxpayer on the whole is disgusted thatthose who enjoy subsidised education are protestingwhat some would consider quite normal and attend-ance norms apply at many other Central and privateuniversities. There is a feeling that the sense of entitle-ment that students have has gone overboard.

That said, the students were also protesting policeinaction against a professor accused of sexual harass-ment. On that front, the students are justified in raisingthat issue in the public domain. There is no excuse forsexual harassment in academia and this is a problemthat has been going on for far too long. There is a feel-ing by some that sexual harassment charges tend to bea one-way street with some notable Left-leaning aca-demics getting away, but it appears that even that ischanging. If students have felt uncomfortable, they mustreport this to the authorities and action should be takenagainst offenders. However, accusations are one thing,there must not constitute the judgement and must besubstantiated. However, accusers must be made to feelthat justice is being done and not resort to senselessprotests which if they are politicised tend to alienatesupport. The reason the protests of after the December2012 gangrape were popular was because a large sec-tion of society supported it. However, JNU students areincreasingly being seen as protesting for the sake ofprotesting. That is bad optics, and matters are madeworse by the the seeming violence at the protests.

Students have the right to protest and must protestbut they also have to take people along with them ifthe protests are to lead to meaningful change. Disrupt-ing public life is not the way to go about protests in thecurrent environment.

Harley-davidson®Celebrates 115th

Anniversary With Freedom Demo Days

In celebration of Harley-Davidson’s 115th Anniver-sary, the American motorcy-cle manufacturer launchesFreedom Demo Days in In-dia from 27 March until 31May 2018.

Freedom Demo Days isH-D’s open invite to all rid-ers to experience its legen-dary bikesunder the “All forFreedom, Freedom for All”brand platform, which waslaunched in 2017 to cel-ebrate H-D’s enduring legacyand the pursuit of freedomthat unites all.To take partin Freedom Demo Days, onecan either book a test rideonline or via walk-in at par-ticipating dealerships, testride a H-D bike they desire,

and commemorate the daywith a H-D 115th Anniver-sary pin.

Those who purchase anew H-D motorcycleduringthe campaign period justneed to submit a photo oftheir new bikewith caption,toenter the contest to winanamazing all-expensepaid tripfor two to Harley-Davidson’s115th Anniversary celebra-tion in Milwaukee, birthplaceof H-D.

Celebrating Harley-Davidson’s 115th anniver-sary in Milwaukee promisesto be an incredible experi-ence, connecting peoplefrom all over the world whoshare a passion of the free-dom of two wheels. (19-10)

Page 2: FREE PRESS GUJARAT Tuesday, March 27, 2018 VADODARA ... · Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel ? Your report “Sardar Patel was an embodiment of Indian culture” published in your FP Gujarat

Edi:Mayur C. Bhatt, Printer & Publisher-Owner : Kalyani Pub.PVT. LTD., Place of Pub: 37/ A, Rajlaxmi Tanament, Opp. RamiVidhyalaya, Laxmipura, Gorva,Vadodara-Place of Printing :Mahadev Offset, B-4, Ravi Estate Rustam Mill CompoundDudheswar, Ahmedabad-19 Owner: Mayur C. Bhatt.


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Vakrangee Limited announces strategic busi-ness tie-up with Blue Dart Express Limited

Vakrangee Limitedthrough its wholly ownedsubsidiary company“Vakrangee Logistics PrivateLimited” (“VLPL”) has enteredan alliance with Blue DartExpress Limited to offer lastmile courier and logisticsservices on a PAN India ba-sis.

As per the arrangementwith Blue Dart, VLPL throughVakrangee Kendras will offercourier pick-up and deliveryservices to the citizens – moreaffordably, reliably & effi-ciently. In the first phase,VLPL in collaboration withBlue Dart plans to roll out lastmile delivery services acrossselected locations inMaharashtra, which will fur-ther be extended to cover theentire network of VakrangeeKendras across thecountry.This association willallow Blue Dart to extendtheir reach to un-served and

under-served areasthroughVakrangee Kendras.Parallelly, this alliance willbenefitVakrangee Limitedbyfurther expanding their bou-quet of services for citizens.

Shailendra Jindal, CEO,Vakangee Logistics, said,“This strategic partnership isa game changer for the e-commerce industry in Indiathat is struggling for deliveryof goods to the large ruralpopulation of India.Blue Dartis a well-known brand andthis tie up is very importantto us as we scale up our lo-gistic services to provide cou-rier booking and last mile de-livery services to citizensacross the country. This tie-up will also open up additionalsources of revenue to ourfranchisees.Vakrangee Ltd.promises to give every Indian,their rightful access to a widerange of modern-day productsand services.” (19-10)

3M India stresses on the importance of workerhealth and safety in chemical industries

On the back of celebrat-ing National Safety Month,3M India organizedthe firstedition of the India ChemicalAdvisory Council (ICAC)inAnkleshwarrecently. Aimed ateducating and addressingdaily safety challenges andensuring worker safety, theICAC is a first-of-its kind plat-form where 3M’s Global andIndian safety experts ad-dressed their chemical manu-facturing partners such asAlkem, BASF, Cadila, Dai-ichi,DCM Shriram, DeepakPhilolics,Feminich, Fosroc,Lanxess, GNFC, Heubach,SRF and Uniphos, discussedthe need for“Building emer-gency response behavior inChemical Industry”.Membersof the Council alongside 3M’steam of experts, shared In-dustry best practices, con-ducted educative training anddemonstration, identified ar-eas of need and highlightednew and emerging technolo-gies that can help companiesprotect their workforce.

Speaking about the im-

portance of worker healthand safety, Mr. Nandakumarsaid, Division Manager, Per-sonal Safety Division, 3M In-dia Limited, “The need forcomprehensive worker healthand safety personal protec-tive equipment solutions hasnever been greater. With thechanging regulations, indus-tries and technologies, peo-ple are faced with the com-plex task of finding the rightway to help protect theirworkers and business. We aredelighted to receive a posi-tive response from our part-ners year after year as theytoo believe that a safe andhealthy environment leads toproductive workforce, ensur-ing better organizational per-formance. With the science ofsafety being of utmost impor-tance to us, we willcontinueto educate and dem-onstrate to safety officers andworkers about choosing theright type of protective equip-ment that can minimize acci-dents and hazards at theworkplace.” (20-4)

34 million live votes received for thesuper finale of super dancer chapter 2

He came. He performed.He conquered the nation withhis magnificent super moves!

Amidst all the fanfare,Bishal Sharma from Jorhat,Assam, all of 12 years, wasannounced as the winner ofSuper Dancer Chapter 2, thesuper hit dance reality andhomegrown show of SonyEntertainment Television. Hereceived a whopping 12 mil-lion votes. Not far behindwere Akash Thapa fromDehradun, VaishnaviPrajapati from Panipat, andRitik Diwaker from Kanpur.

Bishal was conferred withthe title of ‘Dance Ka Kal’ bythe Super Gurus, ShilpaShetty, Geeta Kapur andAnurag Basu. Joining them

was the versatile and India’sfavorite actor, Varun Dhawan.Along with the trophy, Bishaltook home, a winning amountof Rs. 15 lacs along with acertificate of appreciation, aspecial gift from PC Jewellers.

The finale evening wit-nessed the viewers turn intojudges and judges into view-ers and also see the votingresults all through the showto know how their favouritecontestant is faring. For thefirst time, it was not thejudges but India who de-clared the winner by LIVEVOTING through theSonyLIV app. The show andcontestants received 34 mil-lion votes from LIVE voting.(19-8)

Hyundai Inaugurates ‘RegionalTraining Centre’ in Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad, HyundaiMotor India Ltd., the country’ssecond largest car manufac-turer and the largest exportersince inception, today inau-gurated its 7th State-of-the-art Hyundai Regional TrainingCentre in Ahmedabad. Thenew Service Training Centerwill ensure the overall tech-nical and soft skill develop-ment of entire service profileof dealership manpower inGujarat to provide un-matched customer Serviceexperience

Speaking at the inaugura-tion, Mr. Y K Koo, MD & CEO- Hyundai Motor India Ltd.,said, “Hyundai is a Modern

Premium brand and we arecommitted to provide un-matched customer satisfac-tion through best service ex-perience to all our valued cus-tomers. The auto industry isevolving at a fast pace andto match the advanced tech-nology we need to constantlyupgrade the skills of our man-power through continuoustraining modules. The newservice training center willempower technicians withboth technical and soft skills.In 2018, we aim to train morethan 20,000 Service man-power at all our seven train-ing centers and training acad-emies across India.” (1-7)

Ayyaz Ahmed to play abad boy in &TV’s Agnifera

&TV’s f ict ion drama,Agnifera has managed tohold the audience attentionwith its complicated lovestory. Now after Vishu’s(Mohak Khurrana) death, thechannel has roped in the su-per dashing Ayyaz Ahmedopposite Shrishti (played bySimran Kaur) to furtherheighten the drama in thehousehold.

Ayyaz Ahmed who waslast seen as Dhairya inSantosh Maa will be essay-

ing a completely contrastingcharacter in Agnifera. Heplays the role of a badassBaiju Bhaiya, a fiery, egois-t ic gunda (thug) fromKanpur. He will be seen atlogger heads with Shrishtiwho detests him for being anoutlaw.

Confirming the news,Ayyaz Ahmed said, “It issomething new from what Ihave played onscreen in thepast. I am really excitedabout it, this is my secondshow with &TV and I am gladthat they found me suitableto play Baiju. I am workingon the performance designof the character as it requiresto talk with a certain accentand also creating a uniquebody language of a gunda.So yes, I am looking forwardto start shooting.” (19-8)

TENDER-NOTICE no: e-Tender KLTPS-82/2017-18. Tendersfor Supply of various materials and other works are put on website:, For Ten-der above Rs. 5.00 Lacs. Vendors/Manufactures and contractorsare requested to view, down load, participate and submit onlinefrom below Rs. 5.00 Lacs maybe view, download & participate only from /

I/c Chief Engineer (G), KLTPS.


S.K.V. Nagar, Panandhro, Kutch, Gujarat-370 601GSECL: Dept-GoG:

Baltra launches world-class range of ElectricChimneys for perfect home and kitchen

Ahmedabad, Leadinghome appliances brand,“Baltra” has unveiled an ex-citing new range of ElectricChimneys with auto clean andlow noise features. Createdwith innovation at every step,the new product range in-cludes Baltra LINIA 90 Tchimney which has matt blackbody and 1150 m3/hr suc-tion. The model with uniquePush Switch Panel controlscomes with Metal blower, LEDlamp and Temper Glass hood.Priced between Rs 8,990 toRs 25,990 the range of BaltraElectric Chimneys are avail-able all across the country.

Besides keep while unveil-ing the splendid range of

Baltra Electric Chimneys, Mr.Sunil Jain, Director, BaltraHome Products said, “We arecommitted to offer completecustomer satisfaction withour unmatched range of highquality and reliable productportfolio. Most desirableBaltra Electric Chimneys arehere to make your cookingexperience more joyful.”

Besides keeping the homeand kitchen smoke free theaesthetically designed pre-mium quality Baltra LINIA 90T chimney also adds eleganceto every interior by creatingan aura of grace, style andvibrancy. It has been de-signed keeping in mind themodern concept of kitchenwhich not only requires anappliance that absorbs smokeand fumes but also addsdécor to the modular kitchen.The unique auto heat cleanfunction is one of the primeUSPs of this trendy yet sturdyproduct. Moreover, it prom-ises unbeatable durability,low power consumption andhigh performance. (13-9)

Hello Ahmedabad!! BOGA LaunchesNew Store in Ahmedabad

Get set to be spellboundas BOGA…Be in Style, theiconic fashion accessorybrand of Mumbai launches itsfirst franchisee store with MrsHema and Mr. Deepak Asnaniat Satellite in Ahmedabad.Sprawled over an area of 450Sq. ft, the two storeyed BOGAstore is all set to charm youwith its mesmerizing interiorsand outstanding product of-fering. The interior of theshowroom speaks highly ofthe brand’s belief in authen-ticity and classic sophistica-tion. With the launch of thisshowroom, the brand foraysinto an exquisite range ofBags, Clutches, Sling Bags,Sunglasses, Scooter Bags,Travel Bags, Bluetooth Bags,LED Umbrellas and otherquirky products.

The new BOGA showroomhas eclectic interiors, largelypink and white in its colourpalette. The flower logo addsa burst of fresh pink just out-

side the store. From the mo-ment you walk into the show-room, there’s an experiencein store like no other. Thetoughened glass top displayslarge object d’ fancy pieces,which gives a quirky feelingfrom outside. From the dis-play window to the store fur-niture, everything is custom-ised to fit the space. (19-8)

Develop into managerial leaders who can foresee the future trends and shape the world: Vice PresidentThe Vice President of In-

dia, Shri M. Venkaiah Naiduhas advised the students IIMRohtak to develop into mana-gerial leaders who can fore-see the future trends andshape the world in the bestpossible way. He was ad-dressing the gathering at the7th Convocation of IndianInstitute of Management at

Rohtak in Haryana today. TheGovernor of Haryana, ShriKaptan Singh Solanki andother dignitaries werepresent on the occasion.

The Vice President ad-vised the students to not becontent with merely ‘manag-ing’ well but must learn tolead. He further said that in-stitutes like IIM Rohtak pro-

duce Business Managers,Leaders who have the wis-dom and courage to reformthe institutions, business cor-porations and government.With this enabling policyframework, I am sure theIIMs will strive to innovateand grow even further, headded.

The Vice President saidthat institutes like, IIMRohtak should work withbusinesses and policy makersto provide excellent educa-tion and promote research forthe benefit of the society. Hefurther said that studentsmust adapt to new situationsin the corporate world as theyevolve and emerge. Theworld of learning and the

world of work are changingvery rapidly and you need tobe ever alert, ever agile, headded. Remembering Ma-hatma Gandhiji, the VicePresident asked students toshun: “Knowledge withoutcharacter, commerce withoutmorality, science without hu-manity.” Your actions in pri-vate and public life must beguided by a moral and ethi-cal compass, he added.

Following is the text ofVice President's address:

"I am happy to be heretoday at Indian Institute ofManagement Rohtak at the7th Convocation of the insti-tute. I congratulate all thestudents who are graduatingtoday from India’s one of the

most prestigious manage-ment institutions, IIM Rohtak.

I am glad that IIMs estab-lished to provide managerialleadership mainly to anumber of public sector en-terprises that were startedafter independence, haveemerged over the last sixty

years as centres of excel-lence. IIM Rohtak was startedin 2009 with a view to shapethe future of our nation byproducing Business Managersand Leaders who have thewisdom and courage to re-form the institutions, busi-ness corporations and gov-

ernment. You are all awarethat the Indian Institute ofManagement Act, 2017 hasdeclared IIMs as Institutes ofnational importance and hasgiven them greater autonomythan before. With this ena-bling policy framework, I amsure the IIMs will strive to in-novate and grow even fur-ther. I am happy to note thatIIM Rohtak, strategically lo-

cated in the National CapitalRegion, has taken forwardthe legacy of the IIMs, andgrown significantly in such ashort span of time. It is com-mendable that the manage-ment and faculty of the Insti-tute continue to make theirmark and are continuouslyupdating their knowledge andskills to equip the students toface the fast changing.