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MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Free-Body Diagrams: Introduction Learning Goal: To learn to draw free-body diagrams for various real-life situations. Imagine that you are given a description of a real-life situation and are asked to analyze the motion of the objects involved. Frequently, that analysis would involve finding the acceleration of the objects. That, in turn, requires that you find the net force. To find the net force, you must first identify all of the forces involved and then add them as vectors. Such a procedure is not always trivial. It is helpful to replace the sketch of the situation by the drawing of the object (represented as a particle) and all the forces applied to it. Such a drawing is of interest: Weight, or the force due to gravity. Weight acts on every object and is directed straight down unless we are considering a problem involving the nonflat earth (e.g., satellites). Normal force. The normal force exists between two surfaces that are pressed against each other; it is always perpendicular to the surfaces. Force of tension. Tension exists in strings, springs, and other objects of finite length. It is directed along the string or a spring. Keep in mind that a spring can be either compressed or stretched whereas a string can only be stretched. Force of friction. A friction force exists between two surfaces that either move or have a (1 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View

Free-Body Diagrams: Introduction

Learning Goal: To learn to draw free-body diagrams for various real-life situations.

Imagine that you are given a description of a real-life situation and are asked to analyze the motion of the objects involved. Frequently, that analysis would involve finding the acceleration of the objects. That, in turn, requires that you find the net force.

To find the net force, you must first identify all of the forces involved and then add them as vectors. Such a procedure is not always trivial. It is helpful to replace the sketch of the situation by the drawing of the object (represented as a particle) and all the forces applied to it. Such a drawing is called a free-body diagram. This problem will walk you through several examples of free-body diagrams and will demonstrate some of the possible pitfalls.

Here is the general strategy for drawing free-body diagrams:

● Identify the object of interest. This may not always be easy: A sketch of the situation may contain many objects, each of which has a different set of forces acting on it. Including forces acting on different objects in the same diagram will lead to confusion and a wrong solution.

● Draw the object as a dot. Draw and clearly label all the forces acting on the object of interest. The forces should be shown as vectors originating from the dot representing the object of interest. There are two possible difficulites here: omitting some forces and drawing the forces that either don't exist at all or are applied to other objects. To avoid these two pitfalls, remember that every force must be applied to the object of interest by some other object--or, as some like to say, "every force must have a source."

● Once all of the forces are drawn, draw the coordinate system. The origin should coincide with the dot representing the object of interest and the axes should be chosen so that the subsequent calculations of vector components of the forces will be relatively simple. That is, as many forces as possible must be either parallel or perpendicular to one of the axes.

It should come as good news that, even though real life can present us with a wide variety of situations, we will be mostly dealing with a very small number of forces. Here are the principal ones of interest:

● Weight, or the force due to gravity. Weight acts on every object and is directed straight down unless we are considering a problem involving the nonflat earth (e.g., satellites).

● Normal force. The normal force exists between two surfaces that are pressed against each other; it is always perpendicular to the surfaces.

● Force of tension. Tension exists in strings, springs, and other objects of finite length. It is directed along the string or a spring. Keep in mind that a spring can be either compressed or stretched whereas a string can only be stretched.

● Force of friction. A friction force exists between two surfaces that either move or have a (1 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View

tendency to move relative to each other. Sometimes, the force of air drag, similar in some ways to the force of friction, may come into play. These forces are directed so that they resist the relative motion of the surfaces. Keep in mind that to simplify problems you often assume friction is negligible on smooth surfaces. In addition, you can ignore air drag in problems unless you are told to consider its effects.

The following examples should help you learn to draw free-body diagrams. We will start with relatively simple situations in which the object of interest is either explicitly suggested or fairly obvious.

Part A

A hockey puck slides along a horizontal, smooth icy surface at a constant velocity as shown. Draw a free-body diagram for the puck. Which of the following forces are acting on the puck?

A. weight B. friction C. force of velocity D. force of push E. normal force F. air drag G. acceleration

Type the letters corresponding to all the correct answers in alphabetical order. Do not use commas. For instance, if you think that only answers C and D are correct, type CD.


There is no such thing as "the force of velocity." If the puck is not being pushed, there are no horizontal forces acting on it. Of course, some horizontal force must have acted on it before, to impart the velocity--however, in the situation described, no such "force of push" exists. Also, the air drag in such cases is assumed to be negligible. Finally, the word "smooth" usually implies negligible surface friction. Your free-body diagram should look like the one shown here. (2 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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Part B

Consider a block pulled by a horizontal rope along a horizontal surface at a constant velocity as shown. The tension in the rope is nonzero.

Draw a free-body diagram for the block. Which of the following forces are acting on the block?

A. weight B. friction C. force of velocity D. force of tension E. normal force F. air drag G. acceleration

Type the letters corresponding to all the correct answers in alphabetical order. Do not use commas. For instance, if you think that only answers C and D are correct, type CD.


Because the velocity is constant, there must be a force of friction opposing the force of tension. Since the block is moving, it is kinetic friction. Your free-body diagram should look like that shown here. (3 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View

Consider the following situation in parts C - F.

A block is resting on a slope as shown.

Part C

Which of the following forces are acting on the block?

A. weight B. kinetic friction C. static friction D. force of push E. normal force

Type the letters corresponding to all the correct answers in alphabetical order. Do not use commas. For instance, if you think that only answers C and D are correct, type CD.


Part D (4 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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What is the direction of the force due to gravity acting on the block?

ANSWER: vertically upward

vertically downward

perpendicular to the slope

upward along the slope

downward along the slope

Part E

What is the direction of the normal force acting on the block?

Hint E.1

Hint not displayed

ANSWER: vertically upward

vertically downward

perpendicular to the slope

upward along the slope

downward along the slope

Part F

Draw the free-body diagram for the block. What is the direction of the force of friction acting on the block?

ANSWER: vertically upward

vertically downward

perpendicular to the slope

upward along the slope

downward along the slope

Without friction, the block would slide down the slope; so the force of static friction must oppose such a motion and be directed upward along the slope. Your free-body diagram should look like that shown here. (5 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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Now consider a block sliding up a rough slope after having been given a quick push as shown.

Part G

Which of the following forces are acting on the block?

A. weight B. kinetic friction C. static friction D. force of push E. normal force F. the force of velocity

Type the letters corresponding to all the correct answers in alphabetical order. Do not use commas. For instance, if you think that only answers C and D are correct, type CD.


The word "rough" implies the presence of friction. Since the block is in motion, it is kinetic friction. Once again, there is no such thing as "the force of velocity." However, it seems a tempting choice to some students since the block is going up. (6 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View

Part H

Draw the free-body diagram for the block. What is the direction of the force of friction acting on the block?

ANSWER: vertically upward

vertically downward

perpendicular to the slope

upward along the slope

downward along the slope

The force of kinetic friction opposes the upward motion of the block. Your free-body diagram should look like the one shown here.

Part I

Now consider a block being pushed up a smooth slope. The force pushing the block is parallel to the slope. (7 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View

Which of the following forces are acting on the block?

A. weight B. kinetic friction C. static friction D. force of push E. normal force

Type the letters corresponding to all the correct answers in alphabetical order. Do not use commas. For instance, if you think that only answers C and D are correct, type CD.


Your free-body diagram should look like the one shown here.

The force of push is the normal force exerted, possibly, by the palm of the hand of the person pushing the block.

In all the previous situations just described, the object of interest was explicitly given. Let us consider a situation where choosing the objects for which to draw the free-body diagrams is up to you.

Two blocks of masses and are connected by a light string that goes over a light frictionless pulley. The block of mass is sliding to the right on a rough horizontal surface of a lab table. (8 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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Part J

To solve for the acceleration of the blocks, you will have to draw the free-body diagrams for which objects?

A. the block of mass B. the block of mass C. the connecting string D. the pulley E. the table F. the earth

Type the letters corresponding to all the correct answers in alphabetical order. Do not use commas. For instance, if you think that only answers C and D are correct, type CD.


Part K

Draw the free-body diagram for the block of mass . How many forces are exerted on this block?

ANSWER: none





Your free-body diagram should look like that shown here. (9 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View

Part L

Draw the free-body diagram for the block of mass . How many forces are exerted on this block?

ANSWER: none





Your free-body diagram should look like that shown here. (10 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View

A Push or a Pull?

Learning Goal: To understand the concept of force as a push or a pull and to become familiar with everyday forces.

A force can be simply defined as a push or a pull exerted by one object upon another.

Although such a definition may not sound too scientific, it does capture three essential properties of forces:

● Each force is created by some object. ● Each force acts upon some other object. ● The action of a force can be visualized as a push or a pull.

Since each force is created by one object and acts upon another, forces must be described as interactions. The proper words describing the force interaction between objects A and B may be any of the following:

● "Object A acts upon object B with force ."

● "Object A exerts force upon object B."

● "Force is applied to object B by object A."

● "Force due to object A is acting upon object B."

One of the biggest mistakes you may make is to think of a force as "something an object has." In fact, at least two objects are always required for a force to exist.

Each force has a direction: Forces are vectors. The main result of such interactions is that the objects involved change their velocities: Forces cause acceleration. However, in this problem, we will not concern ourselves with acceleration--not yet.

Some common types of forces that you will be dealing with include the gravitational force (weight), the force of tension, the force of friction, and the normal force.

It is sometimes convenient to classify forces as either contact forces between two objects that are touching or as long-range forces between two objects that are some distance apart. Contact forces include tension, friction, and the normal force. Long-range forces include gravity and (11 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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electromagnetic forces. Note that such a distinction is useful but not really fundamental: For instance, on a microscopic scale the force of friction is really an electromagnetic force.

In this problem, you will identify the types of forces acting on objects in various situations.

First, consider a book resting on a horizontal table.

Part A

Which object exerts a downward force on the book?

ANSWER: the book itself

the earth

the surface of the table

the floor

Part B

The downward force acting on the book is __________.

ANSWER: a contact force

a long-range force

Part C

What is the downward force acting on the book called?

ANSWER: tension

normal force



Part D

Which object exerts an upward force on the book?

ANSWER: the book itself

the earth

the surface of the table

the floor

Part E (12 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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The upward force acting on the book is __________.

ANSWER: a contact force

a long-range force

Part F

What is the upward force acting on the book called?

ANSWER: tension

normal force



Now consider a different situation. A string is attached to a heavy block. The string is used to pull the block to the right along a rough horizontal table.

Part G

Which object exerts a force on the block that is directed toward the right?

ANSWER: the block itself

the earth

the surface of the table

the string

Part H

The force acting on the block and directed to the right is __________.

ANSWER: a contact force

a long-range force

To exert a tension force, the string must be connected to (i.e., touching) the block.

Part I

What is the force acting on the block and directed to the right called?

ANSWER: tension

normal force


friction (13 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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Part J

Which object exerts a force on the block that is directed toward the left?

ANSWER: the block itself

the earth

the surface of the table

the string

Part K

The force acting on the block and directed to the left is __________.

ANSWER: a contact force

a long-range force

Part L

What is the force acting on the block and directed to the left called?

ANSWER: tension

normal force



Now consider a slightly different situation. The same block is placed on the same rough table. However, this time, the string is disconnected and the block is given a quick push to the right. The block slides to the right and eventually stops. The following questions refer to the motion of the block after it is pushed but before it stops.

Part M

How many forces are acting on the block in the horizontal direction?

ANSWER: 0 1 2 3

Once the push has commenced, there is no force acting to the right: The block is moving to the right because it was given a velocity in this direction by some force that is no longer applied to the block (probably, the normal force exerted by a student's hand or some spring launcher).

Once the contact with the launching object has been lost, the only horizontal force acting on the block is directed to the left--which is why the block eventually stops. (14 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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Part N

What is the force acting on the block that is directed to the left called?

ANSWER: tension

normal force



The force of friction does not disappear as long as the block is moving. Once the block stops, fricion becomes zero (assuming the table is perfectly horizontal).

Newton's 1st Law

Learning Goal: To understand Newton's 1st law.Newton's Principia states this first law of motion:

An object subject to no net force maintains its state of motion, either at rest or at constant speed in a right line.

This law may be stated as follows: If the sum of all forces acting on an object is zero, then the acceleration of that object is zero. Mathematically this is just a special case of the 2nd law of

motion, when , prompting scholars to advance the following reasons (among

others) for Newton's spelling it out separately:

1. This expression only holds in an inertial coordinate system--one that is not accelerating--and this law really says you have to use this type of coordinate system (i.e., Newton's laws won't work inside an accelerating rocket ship.)

2. This was a direct challenge to the Impetus theory of motion, described as follows:

A mover, while moving a body, impresses on it a certain impetus, a certain power capable of moving this body in the direction in which the mover set it going, whether upwards, downwards, sideways or in a circle. By the same amount that the mover moves the same body swiftly, by that amount is the impetus that is impressed on it powerful. It is by this impetus that the stone is moved after the thrower ceases to move it; but because of the resistance of the air and the gravity of the stone, which inclines it to move in a direction opposite to that towards which the impetus tends to move it, this impetus is continually weakened. Therefore the movement of the stone will become continually slower, and at length, the impetus is so diminished or destroyed that the gravity of the stone prevails over it and moves the stone down towards its natural place. (15 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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A. C. Crombie, Medieval and Early Modern Science</>

This theory is sometimes called the Animistic theory of motion since it envisions a "life force" being associated with motion.

Newton's 1st law is often very difficult to grasp because it contradicts various common-sense ideas of motion that they have acquired from experinece in everyday life. For example, unnaccounted for forces like friction might cause a ball rolling on the playground to eventually stop, even though no obvious forces seem to be acting.

When studying Newtonian mechanics, it is best to remember this as two laws:

1. If the net force (i.e., sum of all forces) acting on an object is zero, the object will keep moving with constant velocity (which may be zero).

2. If an object is moving with constant velocity (not speed), that is, with zero acceleration, then the net force acting on that object must be zero.

Complete the following sentences to see if you can apply these ideas.

Part A

If a car is moving to the left with constant velocity, one can conclude that

ANSWER: there must be no forces applied to the car.

the net force applied to the car is directed to the left.

the net force applied to the car is zero.

there is exactly one force applied to the car.

Part B

An object cannot remain at rest unless

ANSWER: there are no forces at all acting on it.

the net force acting on it is zero.

the net force acting on it is constant.

there is only one force acting on it.

Part C (16 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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An object will have constant acceleration if

Hint C.1

Hint not displayed

Select the most general response.

ANSWER: there are no forces at all acting on it.

the net force acting on it is zero.

the net force acting on it is constant in magnitude and direction.

there is only one force acting on it.

Relating Graphs and Free-Body Diagrams

Two forces are exerted on an object of mass in the x direction as illustrated in the free-body diagram. Assume that these are the only forces acting on the object.

Part A

Which of the curves labeled A to D on the graph could

be a plot of , the velocity of the object in the x

direction as a function of time?

Hint A.1

Hint not displayed

Part A.2

Part not displayed (17 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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The net force on the object in the x direction indicates that the object is accelerating in the x direction. But accelerating doesn't necessarily mean speeding up. As depicted by curve B, at the time the net force was applied to the object, the object had already been moving with nonzero velocity in the +x direction. The effect of the acceleration in the x direction on the object was to

1. slow down the object, 2. bring the object to an instantaneous stop (which

occurs when line B intersects the horizontal t axis), and

3. speed up the object in the x direction.

Part B

Which of the curves labeled A to D on the graph could be a plot of , the position of the object

along the x axis as a function of time?

Hint B.1

Hint not displayed


Notice that the correct graph shows

the object

● first, moving in the +x direction with decreasing speed,

● then, stopping momentarily (at the top of the curve), and

● finally, moving in the x direction with increasing speed.

The graphs in Parts A and B were not the only possible velocity and position graphs for the given net force. However, all graphs illustrating motion under the influence of a constant force will have the same characteristics. (18 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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In this particular problem, the acceleration of the object was constant. This caused the velocity graph to be a linear curve of constant slope (i.e., a straight line). When velocity obeys a linear relationship, the position of the object follows a curve whose shape is quadratic (also called parabolic). You saw examples of this type of motion when you studied motion under constant velocity in an earlier chapter.

Conceptual Questions on Newton's 1st and 2nd Laws

Learning Goal: To understand the meaning and the basic applications of Newton's 1st and 2nd laws.

In this problem, you are given a diagram representing the motion of an object--a motion diagram. The dots represent the object's position at moments separated by equal intervals of time. The dots are connected by arrows representing the object's average velocity during the corresponding time interval.

Your goal is to use this motion diagram to determine the direction of the net force acting on the object. You will then determine which force diagrams and which situations may correspond to such a motion.

Part A

What is the direction of the net force acting on the object at position A?

Hint A.1

Hint not displayed

ANSWER: upward


to the left

to the right

The net force is zero.

The velocity vectors connecting position A to the adjacent positions appear to have (19 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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the same magnitude and direction. Therefore, the acceleration is zero--and so is the net force.

Part B

What is the direction of the net force acting on the object at position B?

ANSWER: upward


to the left

to the right

The net force is zero.

The velocity is directed to the right; however, it is decreasing. Therefore, the acceleration is directed to the left--and so is the net force.

Part C

What is the direction of the net force acting on the object at position C?

Hint C.1

Hint not displayed

ANSWER: upward


to the left

to the right

The net force is zero.

The horizontal component of the velocity does not change. The vertical component of the velocity increases. Therefore, the acceleration--and the net force--are directed straight downward.

The next four questions are related to the force diagrams numbered 1 to 6. These diagrams (20 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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represent the forces acting on a moving object. The number next to each arrow represents the magnitude of the force in newtons.

Part D

Which of these diagrams may possibly correspond to the situation at point A on the motion diagram?

Type, in increasing order, the numbers corresponding to the correct diagrams. Do not use commas. For instance, if you think that only diagrams 3 and 4 are correct, type 34.


Part E

Which of these diagrams may possibly correspond to the situation at point B on the motion diagram?

Type, in increasing order, the numbers corresponding to the correct diagrams. Do not use commas. For instance, if you think that only diagrams 3 and 4 are correct, type 34.


Part F

Which of these diagrams may possibly correspond to the situation at point C on the motion diagram?

Type, in increasing order, the numbers corresponding to the correct diagrams. Do not use commas. For instance, if you think that only diagrams 3 and 4 are correct, type 34.


Part G (21 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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Which of these diagrams correspond to a situation where the moving object (not necessarily the one shown in the motion diagram) is changing its velocity?

Part G.1

Part not displayed

Type, in increasing order, the numbers corresponding to the correct diagrams. Do not use commas. For instance, if you think that only diagrams 3 and 4 are correct, type 34.

ANSWER: 12345

Consider the following situations:

A. A car is moving along a straight road at a constant speed. B. A car is moving along a straight road while slowing down. C. A car is moving along a straight road while speeding up. D. A hockey puck slides along a smooth (i.e., frictionless) icy surface. E. A hockey puck slides along a rough concrete surface. F. A cockroach is speeding up from rest. G. A rock is thrown horizontally; air resistance is negligible. H. A rock is thrown horizontally; air resistance is substantial. I. A rock is dropped vertically; air resistance is negligible. J. A rock is dropped vertically; air resistance is substantial.

Part H

Which of these situations describe the motion shown in the motion diagram at point A?

Type the letters corresponding to all the right answers. Do not use commas. For instance, if you think that only situations C and D are correct, type CD.


Part I

Which of these situations describe the motion shown in the motion diagram at point B?

Type the letters corresponding to all the right answers. Do not use commas. For instance, if you think that only situations C and D are correct, type CD.


Part J (22 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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Which of these situations describe the motion shown in the motion diagram at point C?

Type the letters corresponding to all the right answers. Do not use commas. For instance, if you think that only situations C and D are correct, type CD.


Understanding Newton's Laws

Part A

An object cannot remain at rest unless which of the following holds?

Hint A.1

Hint not displayed

Hint A.2

Hint not displayed

ANSWER: The net force acting on it is zero.

The net force acting on it is constant and nonzero.

There are no forces at all acting on it.

There is only one force acting on it.

If there is a net force acting on a body, regardless of whether it is a constant force, the body accelerates. If the body is at rest and the net force acting on it is zero, then it will remain at rest. The net force could be zero either because there are no forces acting on the body at all or because several forces are acting on the body but they all cancel out.

Part B

If a block is moving to the left at a constant velocity, what can one conclude?

Hint B.1

Hint not displayed

Hint B.2

Hint not displayed

ANSWER: There is exactly one force applied to the block.

The net force applied to the block is directed to the left.

The net force applied to the block is zero.

There must be no forces at all applied to the block. (23 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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If there is a net force acting on a body, regardless of whether the body is already moving, the body accelerates. If a body is moving with constant velocity, then it is not accelerating and the net force acting on it is zero. The net force could be zero either because there are no forces acting on the body at all or because several forces are acting on the body but they all cancel out.

Part C

A block of mass is acted upon by two forces: (directed to the left) and (directed to

the right). What can you say about the block's motion?

Hint C.1

Hint not displayed

Hint C.2

Hint not displayed

Hint C.3

Hint not displayed

ANSWER: It must be moving to the left.

It must be moving to the right.

It must be at rest.

It could be moving to the left, moving to the right, or be instantaneously at rest.

The acceleration of an object tells you nothing about its velocity--the direction and speed at which it is moving. In this case, the net force on (and therefore the acceleration of) the block is to the right, but the block could be moving left, right, or in any other direction.

Part D

A massive block is being pulled along a horizontal frictionless surface by a constant horizontal force. The block must be __________.

Hint D.1

Hint not displayed

Hint D.2

Hint not displayed (24 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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ANSWER: continuously changing direction

moving at constant velocity

moving with a constant nonzero acceleration

moving with continuously increasing acceleration

Since there is a net force acting, the body does not move at a constant velocity, but it accelerates instead. However, the force acting on the body is constant. Hence, according to Newton's 2nd law of motion, the acceleration of the body is also constant.

Part E

Two forces, of magnitude and , are applied to an object. The relative direction of the

forces is unknown. The net force acting on the object __________.

A. cannot be equal to

B. cannot be equal to

C. cannot be directed the same way as the force of

D. must be greater than

Hint E.1

Hint not displayed

Part E.2

Part not displayed

Part E.3

Part not displayed

Enter the letters of all the correct answers in alphabetical order. Do not use commas. For example, if you think only the last option is correct, enter D.


Two Forces Acting at a Point (25 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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Two forces, and , act at a point. has a magnitude of 8.60 and is directed at an angle of

65.0 above the negative x axis in the second quadrant. has a magnitude of 5.60 and is

directed at an angle of 52.5 below the negative x axis in the third quadrant.

Part A

What is the x component of the resultant force?

Hint A.1

Hint not displayed

Part A.2

Part not displayed

Part A.3

Part not displayed

Express your answer in newtons.

ANSWER: −7.04

Part B

What is the y component of the resultant force?

Hint B.1

Hint not displayed

Part B.2

Part not displayed

Part B.3

Part not displayed

Express your answer in newtons.

ANSWER: 3.35

Part C (26 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM

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What is the magnitude of the resultant force?

Hint C.1

Hint not displayed

Express your answer in newtons.

ANSWER: 7.80 (27 of 27)4/11/2006 2:45:28 PM