freddie mubanga, sun national coordinator national food and nutrition commission, zambia

Workshop on Strengthening Effective Engagement to Scale Up Nutrition - Zambia 10-12 June 2015 Nairobi, Kenya

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Page 1: Freddie Mubanga, SUN National Coordinator National Food and Nutrition Commission, Zambia

Workshop on Strengthening Effective Engagement to Scale Up Nutrition - Zambia

10-12 June 2015Nairobi, Kenya

Page 2: Freddie Mubanga, SUN National Coordinator National Food and Nutrition Commission, Zambia

04/15/2023 2


Page 3: Freddie Mubanga, SUN National Coordinator National Food and Nutrition Commission, Zambia

Multisectoral Platform Date of joining SUN: December 2010 Date when MSP was formed: 2012 Under which office does MSP sit: National Food and Nutrition Commission

(NFNC) Membership of the MSP: Representatives from the 5 Government key Line

Ministries (Health, Agriculture, Community Development, Education, and Local Government) CSOs, NGOs, Quasi-government Institutions, UN System , Donor Agencies, and more recent the Business community.

List of SUN Networks in the country:Fully active / Partially active / Inactive

Government partners Fully Active

United Nations Fully Active

Civil Society Fully Active

Donors Fully Active

Business Fully Active

Technical community Fully Active

Page 4: Freddie Mubanga, SUN National Coordinator National Food and Nutrition Commission, Zambia

Coordination mechanism For Scaling Up Nutrition


Nutrition Governance Framework

@ N





Page 5: Freddie Mubanga, SUN National Coordinator National Food and Nutrition Commission, Zambia

Accomplishments or Progress

Networks working according to identified Government priorities

Networks collaborating with each other to find synergies, reduce duplication, and strengthen collective efforts

Strong engagement of non-traditional partners, such as the private sector, to expand strategic partnerships in support of national nutrition efforts

Allowing each group to lead from where they are

All Networks functional, and regularly engaging with NFNC and other Government line ministries in SUN movement

Page 6: Freddie Mubanga, SUN National Coordinator National Food and Nutrition Commission, Zambia

How was this achieved

Strong national commitments at Nutrition for Growth Summit in 2013

Extensive advocacy efforts on behalf of Civil Society for Nutrition

Good communication between NFNC, line ministries, implementers, and supporting partners (both donors and implementers) – enabled joint planning and joint progress reviews

All of the above supported by a considerable drive and motivation on behalf of various stakeholders to positively impact malnutrition in Zambia

Page 7: Freddie Mubanga, SUN National Coordinator National Food and Nutrition Commission, Zambia

Challenges and Risks

1) Delayed institutionalization of coordinating structures at national and sub-national levels by government.

2) Slow pace to Amend the Mandate of NFNC; Commission is tasked with some tasks that should be shifted to line ministries, and not given enough political clout to coordinate effectively

3) Involved line ministries implementing the programme in “silos” without converging on same target groups and same location

HOWEVER:• National Food and Nutrition Act is currently under

revision, so some of the above challenges may be lessened in the coming few years

• Coordination strategy now in place for all levels

Page 8: Freddie Mubanga, SUN National Coordinator National Food and Nutrition Commission, Zambia

Thank you!