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Franchise Application Form 2012 franchise application form for distribution to new franchise prospects

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Page 1: franchise application form - .NET Framework...franchise application form for distribution to new franchise prospects The information supplied in this application form is to determine

Franchise Application Form


franchiseapplicationformfor distribution to new franchise prospects

Page 2: franchise application form - .NET Framework...franchise application form for distribution to new franchise prospects The information supplied in this application form is to determine

The information supplied in this application form is to determine your suitability to become a PETstock Franchisee and does not obligate either party in anyway.

It’s important that the information provided is accurate, true and correct. Information supplied will be treated in strict confidence and will not be disclosed.

Your referees may be contacted to assist in evaluating your application.

Where more than one person is party to the application, each person is required to complete a separate Franchise Application form.

Terms and Conditions

Page 3: franchise application form - .NET Framework...franchise application form for distribution to new franchise prospects The information supplied in this application form is to determine

Part One: Applicant Details

First Name: Surname:

Street Address:

City/Suburb: State:

Post Code:

Years at this Address:

Daytime Contact Number: Evening Contact Num-ber:

Mobile Contact: Email:

Marital Status: Number of Children:

Will your spouse be involved in the business? Yes / No

Are you or have you ever been self employed? Yes / No (if yes, please provide details below)

Do you have any retailing experience? Yes / No (if yes, please provide details below)

What are your hobbies and interests?

How did you hear about PETstock?

Why are you interested in PETstock?

Do you have pets? YES/NO (if yes, please provide details below)

Are you involved in your community or any other organisations? YES/NO

Have you read the FAQ’s on our website? YES/NO

Do you think you have adequate financial backing? YES/NO

What average annual income do you hope to achieve with a PETstock franchise?

What location are you interested in?

Have you researched competition in the area?

Do you plan to work in the business?

How many years do you intend to operate the business?

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Page 4: franchise application form - .NET Framework...franchise application form for distribution to new franchise prospects The information supplied in this application form is to determine

Part Two: Company Details

Company Name:


Registered Address:

City/Suburb: State: Post Code:

Years in operation:

Daytime Contact Number: Evening Contact Num-ber:

Contact Name: Position:

Company Structure:

Part Three: Applicant Employment Details Please list your employment experience from the most recent onwards.

Company Name:

Position Held:

Street Address:

City/Suburb: State: Post Code:

Years employed: Annual Income:

Contact Person: Contact Phone Number:

Reason for leaving:

Company Name:

Position Held:

Street Address:

City/Suburb: State: Post Code:

Years employed: Annual Income:

Contact Person: Contact Phone Number:

Reason for leaving:

Company Name:

Position Held:

Street Address:

City/Suburb: State: Post Code:

Years employed: Annual Income:

Contact Person: Contact Phone Number:

Reason for leaving:

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Part Four: Personal Finance StatementAssets:

Home: $

Bank Deposits: $

Cash: $

Shares: $

Other Property: $

Superannuation: $

Motor Vehicles: $

Debtors: $

Personal Effects: $

Other Assets: $

Total Assets: $


Mortgages: $

Hire Purchase: $

Lease Agreements: $

Credit Cards: $

Bank Loans: $

Overdraft: $

Personal Loans: $

Taxation: $

Rates: $

Land Tax: $

Other: $

Total Liabilites: $

Total Personal Finance Position:

Total Assets - Total Liabilites $ Monthly Commitments:

Mortgage Repayments: $

Furniture Hire Purchase: $

Motor Vehicles: $

Living Expenses: $

Total Outgoings $

Financial Contacts: Please complete name and phone number of your personal service provider.

Accountant:Contact Name: Phone Number:

Bank:Contact Name: Phone Number:

Solicitor:Contact Name: Phone Number:


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Part Five: Legal Details

Are you declared or undeclared bankrupt? YES/NO

Is any legal action current or pending against you or any company associated with you? YES/NO

Have you ever been convicted of an offence, other than that of a traffic nature? YES/NO(if yes, please provide details below)

Part Six: References Name:



Nature of Reference:

Contact Phone:




Nature of Reference:

Contact Phone:




Nature of Reference:

Contact Phone:




Nature of Reference:

Contact Phone:

Part Seven: Declaration

Everything stated in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand PETstock will retain this application whether or not it is approved. I authorise PETstock to check references and employment history.


Name: Date: / /

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