frances chaput waksler and george psathas - selected books and articles about erving goffman and of...

Selected Books and Articles about Erving Goffman and of Related Interest Author(s): Frances Chaput Waksler and George Psathas Source: Human Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1/2, Erving Goffman's Sociology (Jun., 1989), pp. 177-181 Published by: Springer Stable URL: . Accessed: 20/06/2014 05:08 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . Springer is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Human Studies. This content downloaded from on Fri, 20 Jun 2014 05:08:36 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

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  • Selected Books and Articles about Erving Goffman and of Related InterestAuthor(s): Frances Chaput Waksler and George PsathasSource: Human Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1/2, Erving Goffman's Sociology (Jun., 1989), pp. 177-181Published by: SpringerStable URL: .Accessed: 20/06/2014 05:08

    Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at .


    JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range ofcontent in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new formsof scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected].


    Springer is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Human Studies.

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  • Human Studies 12: 177-181,1989. ? 1989 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

    Selected books and articles about Erving Goffman and of related interest

    prepared by Frances Chaput Waksler and George Psathas

    Note: The following listing does not attempt to be exhaustive. It has been com? piled from (1) suggestions from the authors of the articles in this volume for works about Goffman that ought to appear in any Goffman bibliography or that might not be widely known, (2) a sampling of works from a range of different countries and (3) important and widely cited commentaries. For many of the earlier commentaries on Goffman's work, as well as for a "A Bibliographic Exegesis of Goffman's Sociology," see Ditton, 1980, below. Another extensive bibliography is provided in Winkin, 1988, below.

    Ashworth, P.D. (1985). 'L'enfer, c'est les autres': Goffman's Sartrism. Human Studies 8: 97-168.

    Badura, B. (1978). Erving Goffman und die moderne Kommunikations? forschung (Erving Goffman and modem communication research). Special print. In medias res, Preis f?r Kommunikationsforschung. (Award for communication research 1978.)

    Birrell, S.J. (1978). Sporting encounters: An examination of the work of Erving Goffman and its application to sport. PhD dissertation, Uni? versity of Massachusetts.

    Birrell, S.J. (1981). Sport as ritual: Interpretations from Durkheim to Goffman. Social Forces 60 (2): 354-376.

    Bourdieu, P. (1983). Erving Goffman: Discoverer of the infinitely small. Theory, Culture and Society 2 (1): 112?113. (Originally in Le

    Monde, 4-12-82, pp. 1 and 30, trans. Richard Nice.)

    Boutte, M.I. (1987). 'The stumbling disease': A case study of stigma among Azorian-Portuguese. Social Science and Medicine 24 (3): 209? 217.

    Cahill, S.E. (December 1987). Children and civility: Ceremonial devi? ance and the acquisition of ritual competence. Social Psychology Ouar terly 50 (4): 312-321.

    Cavan, S. (1966). Liquor license: An ethnography of bar behavior. Chicago: Aldine.

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    Collins, R., and Makowsky, M. (1984). Erving Goffman and the theater of social encounters. In their The discovery of society, third edition, 230-243. NY: Random House.

    Coser, L.A. (1974). Greedy institutions: Patterns of undivided com? mitment. London: Collier Macmillan.

    Craib, I. (1978). Erving Goffman: Frame analysis. Philosophy of the Social Sciences 8: 79-86.

    Cuzzort, R.P. (1969). Humanity as the big con: The human views of Erving Goffman. In Humanity and modern sociological thought. New York: Holt, Rinehart, Winston.

    Dawes, A. (1973). The under world view of Erving Goffman. British Journal of Sociology 24 (2): 246-253.

    Denzin, N., and Keller, C. (1981). Frame analysis reconsidered. Con? temporary Sociology 10(1): 52?60.

    Ditton, J., Ed. (1980). The view from Goffman. London: Macmillan.

    Drew, P., and Wooton, T. Eds. (1988). Erving Goffman. Cambridge, England: Polity Press.

    Emerson, J.P. (1970). Behavior in private places: Sustaining definitions of reality in gynecological examinations. In Recent sociology no. 2: Patterns of communicative behavior. New York: Macmillan.

    Fontana, A. (1980). The mask and beyond: The enigmatic sociology of Erving Goffman. In J.D. Douglas (Ed.), Introduction to the so? ciologies of everyday life, 62?81. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

    Frankenberg, R. (1986). Sickness as cultural performance: Drama, trajectory and pilgrimage root metaphors and the making social of disease. International journal of health services 16(4): 603?626.

    Gamson, W.A. (1985). Goffman's legacy to political sociology. Theory and Society 14(5): 605-622.

    Gonos, G. (December 1977). 'Situation' versus 'frame': The 'inter? actionist' and the 'structuralist' analyses of everyday life. American Sociological Review 42: 854-867.

    Gordon, R., and Williams, B. Eds. (1977). Exploring total institutions. Champaign, IL: Stipes.

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    Gouldner, A. (1968). The sociologist as partisan: Sociology and the welfare state, American Sociologist 3: 103-116.

    Gouldner, A. (1970). Goffman's dramaturgy and other new theories. In The coming crisis of western sociology, 378-395. NY: Basic Books.

    Hall, J.A. (1977). Sincerity and politics: Existentialists vs. Goffman and Proust. Sociological Review 25 (3): 535?550.

    Hooks, P., and Levin, J. (Fall 1986). The social identity of the chronic schizophrenic. The International Journal of Social Psychiatry 32 (4): 48-57.

    Hymes, D. (1984). On Erving Goffman. Theory and Society 13 (5): 621-631.

    Kitahara, M. (Spring 1986). Commodore Perry and the Japanese: A study in the dramaturgy of power. Symbolic Interaction 9(1): 53-65.

    Lofland, J.F. (14 July 1970). Morals are the message: The work of Erving Goffman. Psychiatry and Social Science Review 4 (9): 17?19.

    Lofland, L.H. (1973). A world of strangers: Order and action in urban public space. NY: Basic Books.

    Lyman, S.M., and Scott, M.B. (1970). A sociology of the absurd. Pacific Palisades, CA: Good year.

    Lyman, S.M., and Scott, M.B. (1975). The drama of social reality. New York: Oxford University Press.

    Manning, P.K. (1976). The decline of civility: A comment on Erving Goffman's changing view of everyday life. Canadian Review of So? ciology 13(1): 13-25.

    Maruki, K. (June 1986). Everyday experience and interaction theory: On E. Goffman's dramaturgy. Shakaigaku hyoron (Japanese Sociologi? cal Review) 37 (1): 24-34.

    McGregor, G. (November 1986). A view from the fort: Erving Goffman as Canadian. La revue Canadienne de sociologie et d'anthropologie 23 (4): 531-543.

    Messinger, S.L. with H. Sampson and R.D. Towne (March 1962). Life as theater: Some notes on the dramaturgic approach to social reality. Sociometry 21 (5): 98-110.

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    Mooney, L.A., and Brabant, S. (1987). Deviance, deference, and de? meanor: Birthday cards as ceremonial tokens. Deviant Behavior 8 (4): 377-388.

    O'Neill, J. (1972). Self-prescription and social Machiavellianism. In Sociology as a skin trade. NY: Harper Torchbooks.

    Perinbanayagam, R.S. (1974). The definition of the situation: An analysis of the ethnomethodological and dramaturgical view. The So? ciological Quarterly 15: 521-541.

    Psathas, G. (1977). Goffman's image of man. Humanity and Society 1 (1): 84-94.

    Psathas, G., and Waksler, F.C. (1973). Essential features of face-to-face interaction. In G. Psathas (Ed.), Phenomenological sociology, 159? 186. NY: Wiley-Interscience.

    Rawls, A.W. (Fall 1984). Interaction as a resource for epistemological critique: A comparison of Goffman and Sartre. Sociological Theory 2: 222-252.

    Rawls, A.W. (Fall 1987). The interaction order sui generis: Goffman's contribution to social theory. Sociological Theory 5 (2): 136?149.

    Sch?fer, A. (1983). Identit?t und sekund?re Anpassung: Zum theore? tischen Bezugsrahmen Erving Goffmans (Identity and secondary ad? justments: Erving Goffman's theoretical frame of reference). K?lner Zeitschrift f?r Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 35 (4): 631?654.

    Smith, G. (January 1988). The sociology of Erving Goffman. Social Studies Review 3 (3): 118-122.

    Strong, P.M. (1979). The ceremonial order of the clinic: Parents, doc? tors and medical bureaucracies. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

    Taylor, L. (5 December 1968). Erving Goffman. New Society, 835? 837.

    Verhoeven, J. (1985). Goffman's frame analysis and modern micro sociological paradigms. In HJ. Helle and S.N. Eisenstadt (Eds.), Micro sociological theory, 71?100. Beverly Hills and London: Sage.

    Vukadinovic, R. (July-December 1984). Kvalitativna metodologija u djelu Ervinga Goffmana (Qualitative methodology in the works of Erving Goffman). Revija Za Sociologiju 14 (3-4): 235-239.

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    Waksler, F.C. (1973). The essential structure of face-to-face interaction: A phenomenoiogical analysis. PhD dissertation, Boston University.

    Wedel, J.M. (January 1978). Ladies, we've been framed! Observations on Erving Goffman's 'The arrangement between the sexes.' Theory and Society 5 (1): 13-125.

    Williams, R. (1983). Sociological tropes: A tribute to Erving Goffman. Theory, Culture and Society 2 (1): 99-102.

    Winkin, Y. (1984). Elements pour une histoire sociale des sciences so? ciales am?ricaines: une chronique: Entretien avec Erving Goffman.

    Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales 54: 85-87.

    Winkin, Y. (1988). Erving Goffman, Les moments et leurs hommes: Textes recueillis et pr?sent?s par Yves Winkin. Paris: Editions du Seuil/


    Young, T.R. (6 November 1971). The politics of sociology: Gouldner, Goffman and Garfinkel. The American Sociologist, 276-281.

    Zeitlin, I. (1973). The social psychology of Erving Goffman. In I. Zeitlin, Rethinking sociology, 191-214. NY: Appleton Century Crofts.

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    Article Contentsp. [177]p. 178p. 179p. 180p. 181

    Issue Table of ContentsHuman Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1/2, Erving Goffman's Sociology (Jun., 1989), pp. 1-186Volume InformationFront MatterErving Goffman's Sociology: An Introductory Essay [pp. 1-18]Snapshots 'Sub Specie Aeternitatis': Simmel, Goffman and Formal Sociology [pp. 19-57]Goffman's Poetics [pp. 59-76]Goffman's Concept of the Total Institution: Criticisms and Revisions [pp. 77-95]Stigma and Conversational Competence: A Conversation Analytic Study of the Mentally Handicapped [pp. 97-115]"Turkish Man You?" The Conversational Accomplishment of the Social and Ethnic Category of "Turkish Guestworker" [pp. 117-146]Language, Self, and Social Order: A Reformulation of Goffman and Sacks [pp. 147-172]The Published Works of Erving Goffman [pp. 173-176]Selected Books and Articles about Erving Goffman and of Related Interest [pp. 177-181]Back Matter