fr„mm~ i, - 1970 - the gazette news... · 11/12/1970  · teachers of icendrjck joint school...

I~ Silent Retired Teachers 1M„";„,n'(r(d,n ybrgwid l I ~s sn d ~ Honored By Masons """'" '" """"" I t>' "~S $ P]gg The Itfatjonaj Prcsi(l«nt of th.B Pf Open Bonnm veterans ot iroreign soars nlmtbary Mrs, Mary C. OBttono of Oican, New i York, nla(je hei'fficial visit to idaho D«rwjn T«rry, Mrs Coen at two Places this year, in the North VOLUME SD ggNDRICjf, AND GENESEE LATAH COUNTY, IDAHO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1970 NO. 48 Gruoll «nd Bon P, Cook, lctired at Priesi Itjver lind in the SOUth at teachers of iCendrjck Joint School Pocatojio District No, 285, were honored at n Mrs. Charl«s IBettej Deob«jd, the roc@tlon gjyon fcjr the«1 Friday N«jo¹U Councjhnembor for I(jaho OCfober RNiftfag JQe Alexlader Mes Kendrick Lodge No, 28, other members fmm this are« ind 1g t g Ve Vergg& night, ¹vsmbor d, by om Masons ot htontana and yyasbmgtoo, tolned +. M i +b + I CN t C . JBB)i«etta gent« Pe Pits A cleyel'rcg (am, Pj«nned and (jrOVO tO POC«t«110 fOB the vtalt and I C me m .,e ~nted by Mr ~ M Q ~o councn lneetjng of the Department B«jnf«II I" tho Kendrick «rea re- g.f Joseph Aisle«lujstr, 81, died Itfov. g ggf ' Merrjck, also retired teachers of trio of Icjsho Auxiliary, Whjldt there she. g " s"g"t y ~"0 « 8, 1970, at St, Luke's Hodlpjt«I In dht6Ct, f~u~ ~~~ ~ was 44 on a t ur of tl I4d '"g m''"N'f ~~" "'p'~ A f'pokane. A. soa of Joseph «nd Mrs. Fdn~ MablNBtt State University Life Science Sujjd- Phoae %+%OX ~g jng muj pms nted a check to Dr. Sg m" for ~ 8'G ms'~~ horn at k%oscolr and ~ iin JUN tb„R1~4a 'd,ool Prjn. Kliare from the Department of I(I«ho, ~~m ~ w~+ Jujjaetta, Death resulted from an the K ndack M«sonic ~o, «sstu- » cence«~arch work' s'y' n~n Bid o am th thjrt - 1MNIo Sa~> "0 ~ ~ at 8'le« cp, ugone oe r, B' ~ tot«j of 178 inches of r«jn f«G on'N, a Native of Gonesee, died «t bor employed by a cement comp«ny in The funeral Air Mxa, Mae T. Welsh, t. ~ Qo e M~ as the " "'"''y '" 'up ~ d«y p~ whjh f UrL ln of«~~ teacher„jn a ch(ssmom setting, corn. Port this research and «nyOUng ho jack more then tho «80 that Sas ~ w«s tB(Bm Mdl(ch 28 Ijij2 at Qen. %lfBL, and ajlc gr«nddeddgjlters; a 11 ~~ piete with school desk« "ec ves jn do~ js «I y p recorded the s«mo period in 1269. eeoc'g and lnsrried Andes«t ~, a bmthcr, W«rcj Aiexluider of Amerj- glO p, en He «ISO added that SO far thai« ~, at GO(MBSOC Ontche 2t, IjOt. Can FaGS; Sa a«CLe, Eben Ad«nie Of' 0 I meath there h«S been,38 tnChee Of tgn. Suryjyee dali lhe family hcmee MOBBCOW'» and SSVter«I niece« and stories wore told about their CB(por football «tedium ever to be built by ~ ~ mo 0@ ~ ~~ ~ '- =:*-hng '-:-= =- ~ and aoiohlts Were % Be Ta and ays. tsnoee as school te«chore, Slide« of a college or university. ing. that figure as of Wednesday mora- .- -p'=+:-: - ''.,- < . =.'-:.': death hist X«Jy. F(lnenBI ssrByices werBB hekt et the Boy R«mey school plays plvlsented by Mls. Tar Later in the w(ek ths group Pjn Ch Ik ~ oa @ Bjd ~,''-." -'. " -'"'-.,':-.'='- -'-'.. Hs g J«z er Funer«j Home in Pajjbearcrs 'were Eugene Tdlyklr, Mrs. A«ron Wells, «nd a, be toured to Helena, Mont. for the Nat by ed other members from Idaho and ~' ~ ~ t,-.--,t«,=-- a ''«r . S~ ~ ~ f ~ jn Cju(ries Noble, Harloy Porter, Bruce e bmi leamsii se a gutro ot born~a. homo yreahtout'o «omar vtah to ~ ht O ~ .:::. j ma -:;":::-:,,= I t<.: 't tuo wee sung b Du«ne I ke M'ontana Banquet and the Western f ~ for ~r snd trope e om gortety,- aud tdoto at ods eonr ~m, bbdm mdt 48 $ nt«r Jg giyen,,o .—...-,,;:.." 3 !,,',, CrSllgc Hearn Of pr«sen Mn, Tany, Mrs, Quell host the Wester( C(«(fore«co in ..- ', ' "-'- -. '='.,- 'I i~:.."' ChBBBtch Potluck FFA Convention Aprpreejatjen hBSued by the Qrand Jujlaetta G«nmuaity Chnltch Mon- Master of ~ jn Id«ho, ln re(AZ- In OC4+er. Mm Deob«jd «b «t. jthn f dedi ted service to th tended f I~ Hem«Oem}ng «ad N«tjon«j Council Members of tho Potlatch ftjdge I '' 'emple wtjh 29 Baembors «ad two Now Yerk Workers and their paBt«ntdB gather«d I ' -: ',: .;.. - 44'-"'- g(Best« pl oseBML concjude the program. Refroahlnonts wore served by Mr. A speci«I district meeting w«s hok Qjlhortt spmuj worthy hja at omfjno on october 30 for state «nln prdeen~ NBa Ps~ .t' - ''' '' 'FA f C n ~- -~ M 0, E a Co~~r Qj m Phillip of Aroo County EBCIensjon egrj(nditur«I agent, tt ', ."..:--:;: -,...=- tdp b ~ City, Missouri to the', and Jllnior %F«ltNea of Kendrick i and State President, Mrs* Cliarjcs Jay N y of ~ton ~ 6" ~l ~+. ':. 9'-. ". = . N«tion«1 FieA Coavtentjon. He told aity Hospit«I in Se«ttje Thursday Masonic Lodge No, 28. Smelcer, Osburn, to make their of-, to present 00(mty awards for '1 H @": '~.; '. f ths business and «ctjvjtjes -i where hc is undergoing tests At last Many @~lie«, certjfjc«tcs and ficial visits io District 2, Members PmP t ~ccI>ncc ~ 8 ~ aw~ fPt ','. formed by nie(nbers aad dojcg«ties report he was resting comfortably. mcmontose of the teachers'areers attending fmm hero wore; Mrs. (-'haa. I g ven by hldj~~"hade sgl cujtU U «n <-"." e. l «t the conveatjon; «iso sbo(Bt~thcjr, M(s. John Gmsecjosc dmve Mr. «nd wcr» also oa display. Deob«ld, Joe Forest and Gerald Hal- O H gmups for Nes Peme Co(mty',, -, trip snd the country they saw c(Mn- Mrd(. Johns over.'Xhcy stay(Mj at Ot- The Chsueles Sme jeers wore @tljr pcrformdBnce. ib 1 L g utllwlcic cn M~Snn~ a ~~@ ~ R.w.~,s C~~~G m% b ~m t~~ q~" my y ~~~~fom~on for an outstanding Hereford aber; an(l « lne+Bhor of SL Mary tl Altar So" „,~ wer vcrV helpful th«t rj~ecs P(Brrtngton-PBCS«eu Rites Vovved cws Notes OF&a) Represettw)lveS, r && ~ 6 ~ rule thecte„vihcre about the s«m Mr. «nd Mrs. Evcrett Parr(r gton ~ Eva Wilkcn, a 1«cket for the top ~. xnen were very prices SpMk TQ KHS Stttd@lltg ense«, e morch«B(disc ~ foi. th« ~, Gcaole: D«rrcj Grk«BBr, Se- ae ~ «em vp + no hippies a(UB(nlnce the ln«rrisge of their dea- Mnl. jtotija Arnnttagts best Junior Jjf5es pm1oct; Mike attic «nd Raymond G(iescr. Qeur dsa ~ ~ ~ +em~~ «s I ghtor, B«rbat«, to Mr. Sam Prim«Oil, I owl~i«rk Norlnal School 8tu-. Csmowskj, a show halter for ~. N8@t; tWO d«B~, Mrs, Frank Ip ~ ~ ~ of use g ps ~ 'son of Mrs. LIHi«n P~ Lewis- dont Body Presldhmt Marv Yates aad place in beef shovtgjmr «nd fitting'QSstLII 80«rc«00 'ore they got to that stsge. ton aad Albert Pmsnell of Boise. The Club Reminder I Adminhitrative vice-pBMMBIdent Lynn Mark Musto«, a ot fol third, and lira, 1(ect t ~ I Ug Pi wedding wss offjc(«tod by Ber- m«et ON( B«rmws vtsjted gondrjck High place livestock recor(j book; antd Q —; four IBrotjiela, Virgil ««d W«I- t«jked on FFA «ctjvj"es at thc La Father W. May jn th Zpjscop«1 Agatha Porkjn«l School on November 9th. While et 'mv Lawrence„« lnerchandlse Church in Lc(B(i«ton, Fcid«y, Novel«- with Mn. Rolljn Arlnjtago as eO I lCondrjck High School they talked for top H«ndy Handscwjng Pmjoct. ~, Cklrj(st(si, and Arjhur Kjoaln, . PO ~ g ber 8. Ide«OI with Xloa ~ student body presl-'County mcd«j winners werc Sus«a Q(BO«t Fans, Monte««. and flVO grand- (~~ ~ ~j bai ~ g cn by, The bride is «senior at KHS «nd amp 'ent Supt. Don Blakeley and many Bogrcr«veterinary science. Vkdcj. ~- Ingle «ad ¹11 Hejmg«ftner the gmom is cmp joy(ad pmjoct. studsr&l. H.~~~ &Abyp~~- ~ ~ ~ at St. M~s It~~~ d ~Gb ~y~t.h ~~~«m~ Other New« ! ~. p ~o of ~ ~t ~ID~0 >~, ~., 1~~« 1818 ', ~~~ ~, O ~. ~ V:~ p. ~ ~~ a b~ ~n ~ ~~ at home in the former home of her la«t %«ek Doll«le Bet(iem m Summed uP by Y«teg ee%'0 at LOWIS I beef . Mark . M uSIOO ~CUI ture SCh . ~ jtts(I«jelrl al«SS W«S ~ the St«te Qr«age On WOmea 8 ACt gl«lsglrds BBs Or JOhn hsd tho good foltuno to lNIg a bilck clark believe th«t wo h«vo a good jere«Bent beef tr«ctor Mike ~ ojt'edsy aj }0 a ln at st $ Bvjties Sbc «leo rbetccjved a gift door. «nd ~lngve to offer skj, beef. Debbie Camowskj, agric«I Q«lnlh. Qcjcjlr«lit aS th«R«v Fr„mM~ Rml at 0 Kec~& Church B~~~ «"d bough,every student interested In post- tare achievement; Jimmy Allen. forlwn«s d y. Gnmgo for first pl«ce winner in the'er MH ~M M ~'rs Art high ~ education whether It dBstry B«rj Ls(wince foyrostly elec . ' . hoM jnt th Juijj(et 0 ~ of Spkane e tbe ~-Ih ~ t~ y~.~ef p~, ~ay; and MAk C'hd~~.~d Ed 8'&AVh" M~ am~ ~ ~~& M~~ ~ ~Roe)m ~ ~m ~ W~ de Pedorson home in Jun«etc« on i f u teacher education, nursing i ~ scj * John ~ baker M d a lmd Pejd'r ~me ~wed a nd rauem in &e Podo~ I or om nevr school of .vecational I Itf(rvr mc(nh«rs roc«jvjng NB«alber.,f ~ ~ '" -- . o by ajj Present. There. werc t(ixtlt else vjsjtorsr, end Son ~ %«yne 'f ROSA«lr. Wet4I I t«eh~a We -are h(«te . ta «h«re lt I «iiilpe pine tncitnded ~rjn«Bnt«tera;, dbgit«SBhgbhdr " + ~sr - '~ -- ~-. en gueStS ~ K . Iwjth tho «tudonts of Kendrick 'High Cathy Christ««son, Alny L«wroncc, '~ W ~ (At I ' ~ I-ti„d ih ~ ht ~ d punch and cookies wcge served by tho . 'ohn 'Iojljn, Kjuss, ~ K«'cn-r v(011 bc heM at Beige, 5I'eBto'Bj(bcr I to en poder(«Bn of Jujjaotta wsa «Ijkj I Wsjj«ce, Cindy Lohman. ' ' ~h ~ ~> hostess(e AII ncv(- women who have Mond«y visitor hi tho vornn Bon- I Admjnh tr«ovc vie« „President J~ sjjfjo(v Joanne perks Rick Stout ~, a«L v«BCC Laf I for ~ r ~ ~I Ip ~ mov~ to Julj«ott«%'crc m«de wcl- Jamjn home. Lynn. Berrows t«ikcd with thc stu.IGIcnn. «Nd R«ndy Sjlfjow lifnlkm ~ ~(Bm~ G ~S venth ~ ~II b give„~ come is well as the long-time resl- lher, ~ Gricscri Joseph 'IIBtnsson, ~bc the 12th thmugh the 15th. The d«y «ftornoon guests Mr «nd hfrs' ~ CI w~ Su" idem about social activities on tho( ~Bon Sljriow, Jeff C«Bnow«kI„J«ni«I . ~, m "~, '™ ~ i dents. Don M Iv «nd John I mcntj~~ tho Q~ ~+ co~+ | An~'«ncy P~ S~ ~h~ Grjcscr Tccvv Green. Because m«n 'omona members, Shor('er Honom j Ajj«r boys vecrc BIII Schjuctcr, Jim «nd 12:30 P~ f 8 I I, s«sk I ft M ' ug 'rL %(Iso« F~~ orga(«st, «cc(sn- will bc «(tending Na(tonal Grange I A bridal shower w«H held in tho after having ni. tw vcok» " ' "g'«n" Da+d +~lkcn ~ "~ clov~Ipsnjcd hjrs. htar(in St(tut who sang, «1 Boise ih < be P ona'Nazarene Church socj«I room S«t- vtdttn tamoy here ineiuding ihe i~ m +e~ mm tbe mer ae~ i'omtddae sod gain" "tesue iitv toed ( eorms'ee been eaa tied lurdav emning honoring hoss touise Fund. «nd the Warriors first basket- i hers of. the club, !My Gc(j, My Aji," ond "Heaven, My i The neo(t Bneettag will bc geld: Arnett She will become the bride ™n I ball games on Novon &r W ) sp(bcjaj recognition was also g yen .'Horne- ' Tuea., Nov. xqth s(00 p.m, at the l or cr«jg shawver this month. Host- ",«gain-"t Montana School of Mines~ o thc leaders for the wonderful >bI Bun«I wes si 8(. Mary's cecnejery, I Fmt ~j T.z+pi< Th m mji be a.~ v em Mrs. Barbara Shawver ~ th(1 have done in the comm(mity.,u~ .tMrs. Thchna Mcycr hss been a lead-] <eventcen guests were present to pcrce County records hjr «nd t(jrs . TIio Genesec communi(v Is sini 'r for 10 years, the longest on Ne« I ~uwcch her open the many beautiful ,and useful gifts Hjs mother, Mrs. g d di „adomth g i ~ ) K dbtvtha, ht. est tud h hedmd dd ed t th dd,g g tSCh . d nd gros. ore mother, ra j~.'lVOI I IRL QQ, Mcycr, Emil Snflow, Mrs. Marvin ',A(id (moxpcctcd pang of (his good ~- I Snflow Mrs luther Parks and Mra 'oman- Them (vere thre( ry im- d ck l aries Parks received Icdujc(ship, I (sn things in the Itic of Agnes ~~ Oy~~ IlECI i ~ried(or hei family her church and Q«ry Sjifiow and ~"~«. KIng piete thc c cning's 'ni r- ~ Ii honio ohc h d ini rests In 'tl r GENEsEF ~t„~ K~ l ~ ' s t IMrs. Phil Bahr and Mrs. S>~mtcr I, it«I«ment David Wiikcn shou;ed sii,subjects; but none of these inter- t92 « ~~ for 85 ~'tkoncn or evening callers Included Wm* des or the trip ho «nd other New I I'Orred with those three great loves, Idjcd Sunday bhyovombcr 8 ni g.DD « ln'I «nd child&A ~d Mr and Mn J«AM GUM , Pcrcc County 4-H'cra made to 'and she was never far fmm the icy I ~ pnc„nma «t pa~di~ 1,dj N~ I Other '.beus Mn(, Robert Calljson entered the 4V«shjngton, D. C. Inst J(mc. ~and satisfaction they gave her. i ing Home Mo~, Sbc hnd b GI i Recent ~~sitora in the G. C. Bowca When you first came to knov. hcr. ~ jhrcc deil I home were Mr. and Mrs. Harry %qn- you AUght have thought shc ups an Mra y~~un r u~ A ~l,tera of Lcwlston And Mr. «nd Mrs. Weekend gu(eb In tho John Lot-Iundcrwcnut ~itcr m~~'Hd«y'iugi Fey Euf rS cy(cjtablc, nervous person as she u~e from tjic dny of her marriagc ic i Vbtill«rd Bouwn and granddaughter, fussed, bustled and scurried about Otic Krej~ until Ihc I;(nc of his I Lian. Sunday dinner guest xmas XVajdo Eddie Lcttcnmslor I(nd Ml'. A(id Mrs, ~d g d d I geeI1 Ager PSgejtttt hor daily life. But then, as you had dcajh in M«rch L(58 Yho( u~rc m«r. IBovb~ of Lemon. Roger Bru«CIIO, an of Lowlston. Oie privilege to know hcr better, you tried on ~ jjl 1889 nt Gcncseo I Mr. «nd Mrs. Charles Noble and jcould sense Uc strength And inner ~ dnughi~ oj'Ch„@m„~ Atnsaihj~ Gayic OL~n .~sited with hf . ~nt l~t week ond 14% his g~d I Jamic suo Lohm«n, daughter of T'ien Agor Pageant. nou'n its 12th,beauty ~ mmeS to «udrc snd (S~ ) B, ~ ~ @ ~.'md. M~ L cy G~io md R ndy pnmnts, the John Blankcnship«Mr and Mrs Fred Lohm«n of JUII«. year nationallv IH Bceognjscd by cdu- I mother og>, 0„ took him home end sp nt thc etta, h«d hci tonsils removed Fridny cators everywhere And cited in the tsccure I„- thc love nf her family ~ h, G ~+ u~n, ~ Qgfgj'n hfr and ht~ H pf$ t Rigg «nd dau Weekellde NOVember 8, at Tri-State HOSpltal In M~IOn@ Cecr far Ite ut- i And Shc had thet «bore all Cl~ jg@. % ~i~ h m Ih ~ OI ghter and hf(S. Darren Bouven and On Thursd«y Mrs. John BI«nkon Ci«rkston Shc is ~o>~~ nicely standing contrjbuoon to our children of Spok«nc uvre week «go ship and Bobble called on Mr's. Lava to Mrs. Qrjossr, shc h«d just come hfrs. K~lncr zvnl a mcnibcr oj'Sunday risitors and luncheon guests ry Blankenshlp nnd daughtcnl In Brunsjok AOr d(Wimeujt Content but thc OldeSt from VVOrkjng in the 1«urn and iraS St. Md«yen Cnjhoij Churd for 15 )~, Of her mOther Mra. Flora Candler Lewiston, hb Wlib rt am«sick was t~m «nd Iae'st tMn-~r Pe t Of st«nding in her kitchen p~~ A ~ b,~ 40 St. Man-'s Alt,r S'dhcrbmu,cr F101~ Cd toihe Grjtman HOSpitii ln MOSCOW Itn kind ln the n«tjon. Thj« CO me«i... I'n Quraya ~m b 1 Mrs, Sandra Hotrum «nd tuw sons inst Monday In the Lily Spckkcr Saturd«y «ftcrnoon "omo in ~vjston 8'mday Qo M «dmlttcd «lid has been undergoing thmugh 17, and girls «rc fudged for Iiko th«t ' '84 J- (El~) ~~ ~v SR A y Mght ~ f th@„ toes celled on thc Eugene Taylor« .to b, ~d tm t"-ent &dr scholwUC achjcmmont, civic A good wjfo, a devoted mother, tMrs Hem'Rosclin> BIOIcnbcrg, grandmother, Mrs. Flora Candler and in Jullnctta. COntrjbutjona; POISO Pcrionenty and a fine Chrletinn Indy~ Will aural r QCNOSCe; Mr«. Louj (Iree) AgOSI, UnCle FIOyd, Mr. And M'rs. Phil Southwick and Craig appo«r(mcc App"cetjons «rc ~ love Agnes Qricsor everyone ojso %«BIL,„Mrs. %'caley <Hoicnl hrra L«rry Foreman «nd daughters family of Princoion were Saturd«y Mrs, Roy Cr(Ug Is recovering iiiccly being accepted an(j Intern«ted girls did . BR ~ ~~ Mm Etboi Fr«B. Ca Iv~ Pam «nd Karen visited her djlinor.guests of Mr. s(hd M@4 Arlic at har home following m«)or surgery can obtain them by writing the = c K~, hler. N~ Whitlmgcr, ncic< Mrs. Allen Flint, in Post Falls Alynjtagee ''Ctcbjfr'7''ram«n Mc»«(U Pageant Hendqu«rtern at 128 Buna Lc((isjon, nnd hjrs. In(MB Bcrncr. of Sunday «nd shopped in Spokenc- Mr,. «jj'd" Mrs. Clay werot Hotpltkl in Moscow, hfrs, Craig's Drive, ROCkton,. Ill. 810'f2, Qttgjfett. Qub: ~Q j'eet Othello; «nd sc(Mm ncphcux, Alfred Mr. «nd'rs. Sunday gucsbl of Harye Tljpiett end daughtcl', Mrs. John Ncshclm, Cold From. Kendrick, repzelcntjng Our I I wi1 Boih Sjlmrton, Orc., Lau~ Sjc«d, Oroflno, visite(j thc J hL h«irl«ys daughter, Iva Gentry, Bay, Alasknv hns been hero caring area ls Cindj Fey, Star Route, Ken- - t t ti K d<~ FI ><I fclr JUILncjja; George SICng, Mcscou'; El. Satilrd«y Ovnnjng. Mr. «nd hfrs. Ver, Thc James ~jtjngor . family for hor, ddck, % 15 m'd a 10th ~o stu- ~ d om"cn 0 m~mun,'V~r ~ Sk dt hen., ~m ~ P~- non Q~und, T I ~ S~«y spent the weekend in Portland, dent ag Kendrick High School. Shc ~ an ny W k "Op moetj g Wcd- i~. Ck,~ Mrs, Rollln Armltego and Mrs. htrs. hthuije Hicks hes mturnod Richard Bcnscotcr «ccompnnjod Mn Q. Fey, trim for d tj„b„il, seed Bosn(y '(vns recited night nj homo «ftor «month's vQ~t wit and Mrs, Stani y H pl to Lcwi - 25-Ye@i'NS Ci„di vIII b p rtI Ip„tj~,n th t~rj fo dc ti g b 11 -p seed 7,@ ton Thursday where thoy «II boarded BIB( mclnbers received 28-Year Pins Idaho State Finals in Boise «t thc owors «nd tiny cones. Also the G ~ i(ijh ~~ nm«%cd+a- Sh vWt& vith h Ato, M «piper and Stanley punted them to when tho Kcndrjclc Masonic Imago Boise Hotel on July 30a31, III . - 3 3cnjcs. Boiso to AttOnd a Maho St«to Fcd- No, 28; A. F. Aj A. M. met Thurs- =- Ron cali-Bring and ««Ibc A R Fp ~B I~f0( k ing, They returned thc following Temple, Mrs. Glen Bnunignrtncr And Mrs. Gone at Gr«ylend, Wn., utero ho hns A day. Receiving «iver(is 1ycrc Ciny King, hj 'nd 'ra Bc P'oo 'Acc g ~g centerpiece Q'oodruff sang Iiymn«ranbcrry f«rm. Shc uens kept quito nnd Mrs, Duanc Mcsko of Tom Iflng, M(A(ning Onstott, Gerald p Pallbcnrcrs use Alfred Boih. SII. b((ay sightseeing moat of ilio time p riday overnight nnd Ingle A O Kannckcbcrg And Eu. Juljc Dcobald, «ttWdc(j tlic Stmvnrt- ttty Satur(iny guests In thc Roinn Arn1. gene Tay]or. R; I,. BIowctt Also Blcwctt ivcddj"g Saturday morn g KHS SeniOr Cl'aSS PlaV George Sic~A(I And jm BIO|cnbcrg Mos Mr, Beulah Peters returned to hcr iingc home. Jolin Justh and Davo cllgiblc, wns noi. present io receive ~< t " 'rititty gigot QOV, Q coiv; Don Agosi, Siy(tkn(ic'n" Ron home here Tucwlay following a trip Armitngc oi'cwjston werc also I(IH nqv«rd, 0( hs on t I 0 ' Biciczbcrg, tycncBc(. tc California, where Hho v&jtcd hcr Saturday vjsltors. ri'oii1 oiir «(tea werc hti', a(id hf(s, A, TI(0 senior CIAHH u'Ill p('anent A Burial ivnl ni SI, hjn(a" s c(amcicry, '"' "'"" %8CS YO Meet Oi',"KA"„II,"kcbc'r„',"hfr, ~t'd hj'~"„"„;„'«,. Piny"cntj'tlirt "If~Thn't's 1Vlic~ lt'H Va~.r B.ivvls wns Iii cliargi of nr- DI go And hf„FAto ~mPb Imp~crjaj Valley. Rnmutc Home hirs. Peters hAHIte(I with Mr. And Mra. Gordon Penland in Boise. Cinirch.,lnl(n Bunnbcrgcr win I>c In B ~ ~ ~ > . Ad»is«it>» CI(arge«nr ilio e>t'»Ing Mr. «nd Mr., Burt Cain apeni. H(v- It'rieudship Club ch(((gc of thc pieI'(oi~m. ' Am: A(II(lta, SL0(>; high aehniii, 7,t hi~ Ge~hk Lniuntin was plead. e~ I I v,,II'I'(t B I'I p 'I hfr. «nd Mis. BI('.hard 1 ind of ccnta «nd g(A(IC alii(iol, 50 cenia, antly a»rpriaed Sy(bn~iay afternoon before reiunnng to ihiii honic in Tho Evergreen Ierinndahjp Club , Etnmott, MAIin, Anno((AC(t IEie A('- A mntinc(m Peri'Ormanee WGI al~a Wheii a grtiUP nf friend@ tiivOPPeti in, lmPerial Vaib'y, Caiif. fn(rtlt Wcdncttday, Nov, 18 At 00 Meetiltg POStpOueri 1'Ivni of a baby dnughici; born to h( heidi in the ABC('noon begiimitig bi ingjng vakt And lee cr(tarn tn ht'Ip Mrs. hjurjcl Berry of Pulim(oy anti Iiomc of Mis, GICNjeebI~;I", 71>c rcgulnr lnonjjiiy them Nov. ljrd, ivojglit 8 prmiida. At. 1!M for the high achnnl HIU(lenta, iit r eeiebrattv htyr birtiitjtiy Anniver- Emaie Brand( of Min(a uerc Mnn- Qr-Iiostcascn for I'ho mooting of Uic c. G. club hns, bc(tn she linn been nnnic(i T((mmj Bichene. Although tlic ginde school ivin nnj stiiy, day vjaijn(s nf Mis, lieu!ah Peters. mccting WIII bn Mre, B, L. BICWOtt POSIPnnnd Indofinit+, Mninbcrn WIII Slie IS a gmnt-g(V(nddt(uglitcr Oi'r. Attend the maiinee, Parenjet aro Wci- An enjoy«bio Afternoon iyna SPent 'tingje Bran(it iyaa An oyer night innd Mrs. A. O. Knnikl(cbcrg, bc notified of ihc Inccjjng date. And M(s, Paul Lind. come. visit iiig And playiiig cardtt, guest

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Page 1: Fr„mM~ I, - 1970 - The Gazette News... · 11/12/1970  · teachers of iCendrjck Joint School Pocatojio District No, 285, were honored at n Mrs. Charl«s IBettej Deob«jd, the roc@tlon

I~ Silent

Retired Teachers 1M„";„,n'(r(d,nybrgwid lI

~s sn d ~

Honored By Masons """'"'" """""I

t>' "~S $ P]ggThe Itfatjonaj Prcsi(l«nt of th.B

Pf Open Bonnm veterans ot iroreign soars nlmtbaryMrs, Mary C. OBttono of Oican, New

i York, nla(je hei'fficial visit to idahoD«rwjn T«rry, Mrs Coen at two Places this year, in the North VOLUME SD ggNDRICjf, AND GENESEE LATAH COUNTY, IDAHO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1970 NO. 48

Gruoll «nd Bon P, Cook, lctired at Priesi Itjver lind in the SOUth atteachers of iCendrjck Joint School PocatojioDistrict No, 285, were honored at n Mrs. Charl«s IBettej Deob«jd, theroc@tlon gjyon fcjr the«1 Friday N«jo¹U Councjhnembor for I(jaho OCfober RNiftfag JQe Alexlader MesKendrick Lodge No, 28, other members fmm this are« ind 1g t g Ve Vergg&night, ¹vsmbor d, by om Masons ot htontana and yyasbmgtoo, tolned +.

M i +b + I CN t C . JBB)i«etta gent«Pe PitsA cleyel'rcg (am, Pj«nned and (jrOVO tO POC«t«110 fOB the vtalt and I C me m .,e~nted by Mr ~ M Q ~o councn lneetjng of the Department B«jnf«II I" tho Kendrick «rea re- g.f Joseph Aisle«lujstr, 81, died Itfov. g ggf


Merrjck, also retired teachers of trio of Icjsho Auxiliary, Whjldt there she. g " s"g"t y ~"0 « 8, 1970, at St, Luke's Hodlpjt«I Indht6Ct, f~u~ ~~~~ was 44 on a t ur of tl I4d '"g m''"N'f ~~" "'p'~ A — f'pokane. A. soa of Joseph «nd Mrs. Fdn~ MablNBttState University Life Science Sujjd- Phoae %+%OX~g jng muj pms nted a check to Dr. Sg m" for ~ 8'G ms'~~ horn at k%oscolr and ~ iin

JUN tb„R1~4a 'd,ool Prjn. Kliare from the Department of I(I«ho, ~~m ~ w~+ Jujjaetta, Death resulted from an

the K ndack M«sonic ~o, «sstu- » cence«~arch work' s'y' n~n Bid o am th thjrt - 1MNIo Sa~> "0~ ~ at 8'le«cp, ugone oe r, B' ~

tot«j of 178 inches of r«jn f«G on'N, a Native of Gonesee, died «t bor employed by a cement comp«ny inThe funeral Air Mxa, Mae T. Welsh,t. ~ Qo e M~ as the " "'"''y '" 'up ~ d«y p~ whjh 1» f UrL ln of«~~teacher„jn a ch(ssmom setting, corn. Port this research and «nyOUng ho jack more then tho «80 that Sas ~ w«s tB(Bm Mdl(ch 28 Ijij2 at Qen. %lfBL, and ajlc gr«nddeddgjlters; a 11 ~~piete with school desk« "ec ves jn do~ js «I y p recorded f« the s«mo period in 1269. eeoc'g and lnsrried Andes«t ~, a bmthcr, W«rcj Aiexluider of Amerj-glOp, en He «ISO added that SO far thai« ~, at GO(MBSOC Ontche 2t, IjOt. Can FaGS; Sa a«CLe, Eben Ad«nie Of'0

I meath there h«S been,38 tnChee Of tgn. Suryjyee dali lhe family hcmee MOBBCOW'» and SSVter«I niece« andstories wore told about their CB(por football «tedium ever to be built by ~ ~ mo 0 @~~~ ~ '- =:*-hng '-:-= =- ~ and aoiohlts Were % Be Ta and


tsnoee as school te«chore, Slide« of a college or figure as of Wednesday mora- .- -p'=+:-: - ''.,- < . =.'-:.': death hist X«Jy.

F(lnenBI ssrByices werBB hekt et the Boy R«meyschool plays plvlsented by Mls. Tar Later in the w(ek ths group Pjn Ch Ik ~ oa @ Bjd ~,''-." -'. " -'"'-.,':-.'='- -'-'..

Hs g J«z er Funer«j Home in Pajjbearcrs 'were Eugene Tdlyklr,Mrs. A«ron Wells, «nd a, be toured to Helena, Mont. for the Nat

by ed other members from Idaho and ~' ~~ t,-.--,t«,=--a''«r

. S~ ~ ~ f~ jn Cju(ries Noble, Harloy Porter, Brucee

bmi leamsii se a gutro ot born~a. homo yreahtout'o «omar vtah to ~ ht O ~ .:::.j ma -:;":::-:,,=I t<.: 't tuowee sung b Du«ne I ke M'ontana Banquet and the Western f ~ for ~rsnd

tropee om gortety,- aud tdoto at ods eonr ~m, bbdm mdt 48 $nt«r Jg giyen,,o .—...-,,;:.." 3 !,,',, CrSllgc Hearn Of

pr«sen Mn, Tany, Mrs, Quell host the Wester( C(«(fore«co in ..-', ' "-'--. '='.,- 'I i~:.."' ChBBBtch Potluck

FFA ConventionAprpreejatjen hBSued by the Qrand Jujlaetta G«nmuaity Chnltch Mon-Master of~ jn Id«ho, ln re(AZ- In OC4+er. Mm Deob«jd «b «t.jthn f dedi ted service to th tended

f I~ Hem«Oem}ng «ad N«tjon«j Council Members of tho Potlatch ftjdge I'' 'emple wtjh 29 Baembors «ad twoNow Yerk Workers and their paBt«ntdB gather«d I

' -: ',:.;.. - 44'-"'-g(Best« pl oseBMLconcjude the program.

Refroahlnonts wore served by Mr. A speci«I district meeting w«s hokQjlhortt spmuj worthy hja at omfjno on october 30 for state «nln prdeen~ NBa Ps~ .t' -

''''' 'FAf C n ~- -~ M 0, E a Co~~r Qj m Phillip of Aroo County EBCIensjon egrj(nditur«I agent, tt ', ."..:--:;:-,...=- tdp b ~ City, Missouri to the',and Jllnior %F«ltNea of Kendrick i and State President, Mrs* Cliarjcs Jay N y of ~ton ~ 6" ~l ~+. ':.9'-. ".= . N«tion«1 FieA Coavtentjon. He told aity Hospit«I in Se«ttje ThursdayMasonic Lodge No, 28. Smelcer, Osburn, to make their of-, to present 00(mty awards for '1 H @":'~.; '. f ths business and «ctjvjtjes -i where hc is undergoing tests At lastMany @~lie«, certjfjc«tcs and ficial visits io District 2, Members PmP t ~ccI>ncc ~ 8 ~ aw~ fPt ','. formed by nie(nbers aad dojcg«ties report he was resting comfortably.mcmontose of the teachers'areers attending fmm hero wore; Mrs. (-'haa.

Ig ven by hldj~~"hade sgl cujtU U «n <-"." e. l «t the conveatjon; «iso sbo(Bt~thcjr, M(s. John Gmsecjosc dmve Mr. «ndwcr» also oa display. Deob«ld, Joe Forest and Gerald Hal- O H gmups for Nes Peme Co(mty',, -, trip snd the country they saw c(Mn- Mrd(. Johns over.'Xhcy stay(Mj at Ot-The Chsueles Sme jeers wore @tljr pcrformdBnce.

ib 1 L gutllwlcic cn M~Snn~ a ~~@ ~ R.w.~,s C~~~G m% b ~m t~~ q~" my y ~~~~fom~onfor an outstanding Hereford aber; an(l « lne+Bhor of SL Mary tl Altar So" „,~wer vcrV helpful th«t rj~ecs P(Brrtngton-PBCS«eu Rites Vovved

cws Notes OF&a) Represettw)lveS, r&& ~ 6 ~ rule thecte„vihcre about the s«m Mr. «nd Mrs. Evcrett Parr(r gton

~ Eva Wilkcn, a 1«cket for the top ~. xnen were very — prices

SpMk TQ KHS Stttd@lltg ense«, e morch«B(disc ~ foi. th« ~, Gcaole: D«rrcj Grk«BBr, Se- ae ~ «em vp + no hippies a(UB(nlnce the ln«rrisge of their dea-Mnl. jtotija Arnnttagts best Junior Jjf5es pm1oct; Mike attic «nd Raymond G(iescr. Qeur dsa ~ ~ ~ +em~~ «s

I ghtor, B«rbat«, to Mr. Sam Prim«Oil,I owl~i«rk Norlnal School 8tu-. Csmowskj, a show halter for ~.N8@t; tWO d«B~, Mrs, Frank Ip ~ ~~ of use g ps ~ 'son of Mrs. LIHi«n P~ Lewis-

dont Body Presldhmt Marv Yates aad place in beef shovtgjmr «nd fitting'QSstLII 80«rc«00 'ore they got to that stsge. ton aad Albert Pmsnell of Boise. TheClub Reminder I Adminhitrative vice-pBMMBIdent Lynn Mark Musto«, a ot fol third, and lira, 1(ect t~I Ug Pi wedding wss offjc(«tod by Ber-

m«et ON( B«rmws vtsjted gondrjck High place livestock recor(j book; antd Q—;four IBrotjiela, Virgil ««d W«I- t«jked on FFA «ctjvj"es at thc La Father W. May jn th Zpjscop«1Agatha Porkjn«l School on November 9th. While et 'mv Lawrence„« lnerchandlse Church in Lc(B(i«ton, Fcid«y, Novel«-

with Mn. Rolljn Arlnjtago as eO I lCondrjck High School they talked for top H«ndy Handscwjng Pmjoct. ~, Cklrj(st(si, and Arjhur Kjoaln, . PO ~ g ber 8.Ide«OI with Xloa ~ student body presl-'County mcd«j winners werc Sus«a Q(BO«t Fans, Monte««. and flVO grand- (~~ ~ ~j bai ~ g cn by, The bride is «senior at KHS «ndamp 'ent Supt. Don Blakeley and many Bogrcr«veterinary science. Vkdcj. ~- Ingle «ad ¹11Hejmg«ftner the gmom is cmp joy(adpmjoct. studsr&l. H.~~~ &Abyp~~- ~ ~~ at St. M~s It~~~ d ~Gb ~y~t.h ~~~«m~Other New« ! ~. p ~o of ~ ~t ~ID~0 >~, ~., 1~~« 1818 ', ~~~ ~, O ~.~ V:~ p. ~ ~~ a b~ ~n ~ ~~ at home in the former home of herla«t %«ek Doll«le Bet(iem m Summed uP by Y«teg ee%'0 at LOWIS I beef . Mark .M uSIOO ~CUI ture SCh .~ jtts(I«jelrl al«SS W«S~ the St«te Qr«age On WOmea 8 ACt gl«lsglrds BBsOr JOhnhsd tho good foltuno to lNIg a bilck clark believe th«t wo h«vo a good jere«Bent beef tr«ctor Mike ~ ojt'edsy aj }0 a ln at st $ Bvjties Sbc «leo rbetccjved a gift

door. «nd ~lngve to offer skj, beef. Debbie Camowskj, agric«I Q«lnlh. Qcjcjlr«lit aS th«R«v Fr„mM~ Rml at 0 Kec~& ChurchB~~~ «"d bough,every student interested In post- tare achievement; Jimmy Allen. forlwn«s d y. Gnmgo for first pl«ce winner inthe'er

MH ~M M ~'rs Art high ~ education whether It dBstry B«rj Ls(wince foyrostly elec .' . — hoM jnt th Juijj(et0 ~ of Spkane e tbe ~-Ih ~ t~ y~.~ef p~, ~ay; and MAk C'hd~~.~d Ed 8'&AVh" M~ am~ ~ ~~& M~~ ~ ~Roe)m ~ ~m ~ W~de Pedorson home in Jun«etc« on

i f u teacher education, nursing i ~ scj* John ~ baker M d a lmd Pejd'r ~me ~wed a nd rauem in &e

Podo~I or om nevr school of .vecational I Itf(rvr mc(nh«rs roc«jvjng NB«alber.,f ~~ '"-- . o by ajj Present. There. werc t(ixtlt

else vjsjtorsr,end Son ~ %«yne 'f ROSA«lr. Wet4I It«eh~a We -are h(«te .ta «h«re lt I «iiilpe pine tncitnded ~rjn«Bnt«tera;, dbgit«SBhgbhdr " + ~sr - '~ -- ~-. en gueStS ~

K. Iwjth tho «tudonts of Kendrick 'High Cathy Christ««son, Alny L«wroncc, '~ W ~ (At I

' ~ I-ti„dih ~ ht ~ d punch and cookies wcge served by tho. 'ohn 'Iojljn, Kjuss, ~ K«'cn-r v(011 bc heM at Beige, 5I'eBto'Bj(bcr I to

en poder(«Bn of Jujjaotta wsa «Ijkj I Wsjj«ce, Cindy Lohman. ' '~h ~ ~> hostess(e AII ncv(- women who haveMond«y visitor hi tho vornn Bon- I Admjnh tr«ovc vie« „President J~ sjjfjo(v Joanne perks Rick Stout ~,a«L v«BCC Laf I for ~ r ~ ~I Ip ~ mov~ to Julj«ott«%'crc m«de wcl-Jamjn home. Lynn. Berrows t«ikcd with thc stu.IGIcnn. «Nd R«ndy Sjlfjow lifnlkm ~ ~(Bm~ G ~S venth ~ ~II b give„~ come is well as the long-time resl-lher, ~ Gricscri Joseph 'IIBtnsson, ~bc the 12th thmugh the 15th. The

d«y «ftornoon guests 0» Mr «nd hfrs' ~ CI

w~ Su" idem about social activities on tho(~Bon Sljriow, Jeff C«Bnow«kI„J«ni«I . ~,m "~, '™ ~ i dents.

Don M Iv «nd John I mcntj~~ tho Q~ ~+ co~+ |An~'«ncy P~ S~~h~ Grjcscr Tccvv Green. Because m«n 'omona members, Shor('er Honomj Ajj«r boys vecrc BIII Schjuctcr, Jim «nd 12:30 P~f 8 I I, s«sk I ft M d« ' ug 'rL %(Iso« F~~ orga(«st, «cc(sn- will bc «(tending Na(tonal Grange I A bridal shower w«H held in tho

after having ni. tw vcok» " ' "g'«n" Da+d +~lkcn ~"~ clov~Ipsnjcd hjrs. htar(in St(tut who sang, «1 Boise ih < be P ona'Nazarene Church socj«I room S«t-vtdttn tamoy here ineiuding ihe i~ m +e~ mm tbe mer ae~ i'omtddae sod gain" "tesue iitv toed

( eorms'ee been eaa tied lurdav emning honoring hoss touiseFund. «nd the Warriors first basket-i hers of. the club, !My Gc(j, My Aji," ond "Heaven, My i The neo(t Bneettag will bc geld: Arnett She will become the bride™n

Iball games on Novon &r W

)sp(bcjaj recognition was also g yen .'Horne-

'Tuea., Nov. xqth s(00 p.m, at the l or cr«jg shawver this month. Host-",«gain-"t Montana School of Mines~ o thc leaders for the wonderful >bI Bun«I wes si 8(. Mary's cecnejery, I Fmt ~j T.z+pi< Th m mji be a.~ v em Mrs. Barbara Shawver


th(1 have done in the comm(mity.,u~.tMrs. Thchna Mcycr hss been a lead-] <eventcen guests were present to

pcrce County records hjr «nd t(jrs . TIio Genesec communi(v Is sini 'r

for 10 years, the longest on Ne«I ~uwcch her open the many beautiful

,and useful gifts Hjs mother, Mrs.g d di „adomth g i ~ )

K dbtvtha, ht. est tud h hedmd dd ed t th dd,g g tSCh . d nd gros. ore mother, ra

j~.'lVOI I IRL QQ, Mcycr, Emil Snflow, Mrs. Marvin ',A(id (moxpcctcd pang of (his good ~-ISnflow Mrs luther Parks and Mra 'oman- Them (vere thre( ry im-

d ck l aries Parks received Icdujc(ship, I (sn things in the Itic of Agnes ~~ Oy~~IlECI i ~ried(or —hei family her church andQ«ry Sjifiow and ~"~«. KIng piete thc c cning's 'ni r-


Ii honio —ohc h d ini rests In 'tl r GENEsEF ~t„~K~ l~

' s tIMrs. Phil Bahr and Mrs. S>~mtcrI, it«I«ment David Wiikcn shou;ed sii,subjects; but none of these inter- t92 « ~~ for 85~'tkoncn or

evening callers Included Wm* des or the trip ho «nd other New II'Orred with those three great loves, Idjcd Sunday bhyovombcr 8 ni g.DD « ln'I

«nd child&A ~d Mr and Mn J«AMGUM

,Pcrcc County 4-H'cra made to 'and she was never far fmm the icy I ~ pnc„nma «t pa~di~ 1,dj N~ I

Other '.beusMn(, Robert Calljson entered the 4V«shjngton, D. C. Inst J(mc. ~and satisfaction they gave her. i ing Home Mo~, Sbc hnd b GI i

Recent ~~sitora in the G. C. BowcaWhen you first came to knov. hcr.

~jhrcc deil I

home were Mr. and Mrs. Harry %qn-you AUght have thought shc ups an Mra y~~un r u~ A ~l,tera of Lcwlston And Mr. «nd Mrs.

Weekend gu(eb In tho John Lot-Iundcrwcnut ~itcr m~~'Hd«y'iugi Fey Euf rS cy(cjtablc, nervous person as she u~e from tjic dny of her marriagc ic i Vbtill«rd Bouwn and granddaughter,fussed, bustled and scurried about Otic Krej~ until Ihc I;(nc of his I

Lian. Sunday dinner guest xmas XVajdoEddie Lcttcnmslor I(nd Ml'. A(id Mrs,


d d I geeI1 Ager PSgejtttt hor daily life. But then, as you had dcajh in M«rch L(58 Yho( u~rc m«r. IBovb~ of Lemon.Roger Bru«CIIO, an of Lowlston. Oie privilege to know hcr better, you tried on ~ jjl 1889 nt Gcncseo I Mr. «nd Mrs. Charles Noble and

jcould sense Uc strength And inner ~ dnughi~ oj'Ch„@m„~Atnsaihj~ Gayic OL~n .~sited with hf .~nt l~t week ond 14% his g~dI Jamic suo Lohm«n, daughter of T'ien Agor Pageant. nou'n its 12th,beauty ~ mmeS to «udrc snd (S~ ) B,~ ~ @ ~.'md. M~ L cy G~io md R ndy

pnmnts, the John Blankcnship«Mr and Mrs Fred Lohm«n of JUII«. year nationallv IH Bceognjscd by cdu-Imother og>,0„took him home end sp nt thc etta, h«d hci tonsils removed Fridny cators everywhere And cited in the tsccure I„-thc love nf her family ~ h, G ~+ u~n, ~ Qgfgj'n hfr and ht~ H pf$ t Rigg «nd dau

Weekellde NOVember 8, at Tri-State HOSpltal In M~IOn@ Cecr far Ite ut-i And Shc had thet «bore all Cl~ jg@. % ~i~ h m Ih ~ OI ghter and hf(S. Darren Bouven and

On Thursd«y Mrs. John BI«nkon Ci«rkston Shc is ~o>~~ nicely standing contrjbuoon to our children of Spok«nc uvre week «goship and Bobble called on Mr's. Lava to Mrs. Qrjossr, shc h«d just come hfrs. K~lncr zvnl a mcnibcr oj'Sunday risitors and luncheon guestsry Blankenshlp nnd daughtcnl In Brunsjok AOr d(Wimeujt Content but thc OldeSt from VVOrkjng in the 1«urn and iraS St. Md«yen Cnjhoij Churd for 15 )~, Of her mOther Mra. Flora CandlerLewiston, hb Wlib rt am«sick was t~m «nd Iae'st tMn-~r Pe t Of st«nding in her kitchen p~~ A ~ b,~ 40 St. Man-'s Alt,r S'dhcrbmu,cr F101~

Cd toihe Grjtman HOSpitii ln MOSCOW Itn kind ln the n«tjon. Thj« CO me«i... I'n Quraya ~m b 1 Mrs, Sandra Hotrum «nd tuw sonsinst Monday In the Lily Spckkcr Saturd«y «ftcrnoon"omo in ~vjston 8'mday Qo M «dmlttcd «lid has been undergoing thmugh 17, and girls «rc fudged for Iiko th«t

' '84 J- (El~) ~~ ~v SR A y Mght ~ f th@„toes celled on thc Eugene Taylor« .to b, ~d tm t"-ent &dr scholwUC achjcmmont, civic A good wjfo, a devoted mother, tMrs Hem'Rosclin> BIOIcnbcrg, grandmother, Mrs. Flora Candler andin Jullnctta. COntrjbutjona; POISO Pcrionenty and a fine Chrletinn Indy~ Will aural r QCNOSCe; Mr«. Louj (Iree) AgOSI, UnCle FIOyd,

Mr. And M'rs. Phil Southwick and Craig appo«r(mcc App"cetjons «rc ~ love Agnes Qricsor —everyone ojso %«BIL,„Mrs. %'caley <Hoicnl hrra L«rry Foreman «nd daughtersfamily of Princoion were Saturd«y Mrs, Roy Cr(Ug Is recovering iiiccly being accepted an(j Intern«ted girls did

.BR ~ ~ ~ Mm Etboi Fr«B. Ca Iv~ Pam «nd Karen visited her

djlinor.guests of Mr. s(hd M@4 Arlic at har home following m«)or surgery can obtain them by writing the = c K~, hler. N~ Whitlmgcr, ncic< Mrs. Allen Flint, in Post FallsAlynjtagee ''Ctcbjfr'7''ram«n Mc»«(U Pageant Hendqu«rtern at 128 Buna Lc((isjon, nnd hjrs. In(MB Bcrncr. of Sunday «nd shopped in Spokenc-

Mr,. «jj'd" Mrs. Clay werot Hotpltkl in Moscow, hfrs, Craig's Drive, ROCkton,. Ill. 810'f2, Qttgjfett. Qub: ~Qj'eet Othello; «nd sc(Mm ncphcux, Alfred Mr. «nd'rs.Sunday gucsbl of Harye Tljpiett end daughtcl', Mrs. John Ncshclm, Cold From. Kendrick, repzelcntjng Our

I I wi1 Boih Sjlmrton, Orc., Lau~ Sjc«d, Oroflno, visite(j thc J hL h«irl«ysdaughter, Iva Gentry, Bay, Alasknv hns been hero caring area ls Cindj Fey, Star Route, Ken- -

t t ti K d<~ FI ><I fclr JUILncjja; George SICng, Mcscou'; El. Satilrd«y Ovnnjng. Mr. «nd hfrs. Ver,Thc James ~jtjngor . family for hor, ddck, % 15 m'd a 10th ~o stu- ~ d

om"cn0 m~mun,'V~r ~ Sk dt hen., ~m ~ P~- non Q~und, T I ~ S~«y

spent the weekend in Portland, dent ag Kendrick High School. Shc ~ an ny W k "Op moetj g Wcd- i~. Ck,~Mrs, Rollln Armltego and Mrs. htrs. hthuije Hicks hes mturnod

Richard Bcnscotcr «ccompnnjod Mn Q. Fey, trim for d tj„b„il,seed Bosn(y '(vns recited ~» night nj homo «ftor «month's vQ~t witand Mrs, Stani y H pl to Lcwi - 25-Ye@i'NS Ci„di vIII b p rtI Ip„tj~,n th t~rj fo dc ti g b 11 -p seed 7,@ton Thursday where thoy «II boarded BIB( mclnbers received 28-Year Pins Idaho State Finals in Boise «t thc owors «nd tiny cones. Also the G ~ i(ijh ~~ nm«%cd+a- Sh vWt& vith h Ato, M«piper and Stanley punted them to when tho Kcndrjclc Masonic Imago Boise Hotel on July 30a31, III .


3 3cnjcs.Boiso to AttOnd a Maho St«to Fcd- No, 28; A. F. Aj A. M. met Thurs- =- Ron cali-Bring and ««Ibc A R Fp ~B I~f0(

king, They returned thc following Temple, Mrs. Glen Bnunignrtncr And Mrs. Gone at Gr«ylend, Wn., utero ho hns Aday. Receiving «iver(is 1ycrc Ciny King, hj 'nd 'ra Bc P'oo 'Acc g ~g centerpiece Q'oodruff sang Iiymn«ranbcrry f«rm. Shc uens kept quito

nnd Mrs, Duanc Mcsko of Tom Iflng, M(A(ning Onstott, Gerald p Pallbcnrcrs use Alfred Boih. SII. b((ay sightseeing moat of ilio timep riday overnight nnd Ingle A O Kannckcbcrg And Eu. Juljc Dcobald, «ttWdc(j tlic Stmvnrt-


Satur(iny guests In thc Roinn Arn1. gene Tay]or. R; I,. BIowctt Also Blcwctt ivcddj"g Saturday morn g KHS SeniOr Cl'aSS PlaV George Sic~A(I And jm BIO|cnbcrg Mos Mr, Beulah Peters returned to hcriingc home. Jolin Justh and Davo cllgiblc, wns noi. present io receive ~< t

" 'rititty gigot QOV, Q coiv; Don Agosi, Siy(tkn(ic'n" Ron home here Tucwlay following a tripArmitngc oi'cwjston werc also I(IH nqv«rd, 0( hs

ont I 0 ' Biciczbcrg, tycncBc(. tc California, where Hho v&jtcd hcr

Saturday vjsltors.ri'oii1 oiir «(tea werc hti', a(id hf(s, A, TI(0 senior CIAHH u'Ill p('anent A Burial ivnl ni SI, hjn(a" s c(amcicry,

'"' "'"" %8CS YO Meet Oi',"KA"„II,"kcbc'r„',"hfr,~t'd hj'~"„"„;„'«,.Piny"cntj'tlirt "If~Thn't's 1Vlic~ lt'H Va~.r B.ivvls wns Iii cliargi of nr- DI go And hf„FAto ~mPbImp~crjaj Valley. Rnmutc Home hirs.Peters hAHIte(I with Mr. And Mra.Gordon Penland in Boise.

Cinirch.,lnl(n Bunnbcrgcr win I>c In B ~ ~ ~ > . Ad»is«it>» CI(arge«nr ilio e>t'»Ing Mr. «nd Mr., Burt Cain apeni. H(v-It'rieudship Club ch(((gc of thc pieI'(oi~m.

' Am: A(II(lta, SL0(>; high aehniii, 7,t hi~ Ge~hk Lniuntin was plead. e~ I I v,,II'I'(t B I'I p 'I

hfr. «nd Mis. BI('.hard 1 ind of ccnta «nd g(A(IC alii(iol, 50 cenia, antly a»rpriaed Sy(bn~iay afternoon before reiunnng to ihiii honic inTho Evergreen Ierinndahjp Club

,Etnmott, MAIin, Anno((AC(t IEie A('- A mntinc(m Peri'Ormanee WGI al~a Wheii a grtiUP nf friend@ tiivOPPeti in, lmPerial Vaib'y, Caiif.

fn(rtlt Wcdncttday, Nov, 18 At 0 0 Meetiltg POStpOueri 1'Ivni of a baby dnughici; born to h( heidi in the ABC('noon begiimitig bi ingjng vakt And lee cr(tarn tn ht'Ip Mrs. hjurjcl Berry of Pulim(oy antiIiomc of Mis, GICNjeebI~;I", 71>c rcgulnr lnonjjiiy them Nov. ljrd, ivojglit 8 prmiida. At. 1!M for the high achnnl HIU(lenta, iit r eeiebrattv htyr birtiitjtiy Anniver- Emaie Brand( of Min(a uerc Mnn-

Qr-Iiostcascn for I'ho mooting of Uic c. G. club hns, bc(tn she linn been nnnic(i T((mmj Bichene. Although tlic ginde school ivin nnj stiiy, day vjaijn(s nf Mis, lieu!ah Peters.mccting WIII bn Mre, B, L. BICWOtt POSIPnnnd Indofinit+, Mninbcrn WIII Slie IS a gmnt-g(V(nddt(uglitcr Oi'r. Attend the maiinee, Parenjet aro Wci- An enjoy«bio Afternoon iyna SPent 'tingje Bran(it iyaa An oyer night

innd Mrs. A. O. Knnikl(cbcrg, bc notified of ihc Inccjjng date. And M(s, Paul Lind. come. visit iiig And playiiig cardtt, guest

Page 2: Fr„mM~ I, - 1970 - The Gazette News... · 11/12/1970  · teachers of iCendrjck Joint School Pocatojio District No, 285, were honored at n Mrs. Charl«s IBettej Deob«jd, the roc@tlon


Unemployment Continues

Mrs, TrixH Eriksen oi'iarkston audMrs. A) Zenner wish )o thank all ladies Frank J. Hartste)n, manager ofwho attended )he Fashion Wagon at )he G~~~ + 1 '~d Ule Moscow office of the Depart-Zegaer home Saturn 'f Trust s ~ M + y . )o N "~" ment of Emp)oyment, reported that

St. Vincent DePaul pick~ Nov. 12. ~ 9 fo I~ reg ~ ~~~ bis office assisted 16 area workersMr. Sud Mra Mike We|tin),.MIS. E, @~ for ~~ h ~ ~~ f in scour)ng emp)oyment. This 1s an

P. sdad,~, ~ M, Md'e)t,n', 3804507 %~ ~d ~ appw~ hcmase of three over the previousall of )lt AflNro) were''178)isday Cve-' ~~v~M hW m ~w week, During the week, 19 new jobsging guests of LucH)8 Moser 'IIay d'e last w~ wm M~~~' ~ were received and at tbe.c)ose of the

. and Mrs. Marvtn 'p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~@~ ~~D„

lveek there were 15 jobs avaiMoser and Paula and Mr. and Mrs. Bob W s ~'@Yen >'~~ '"+ Workers in the Allowing occupa,-Barbee and ch)Mren of Co)tou. The wss piesent and gave a report to M tions are needed: carpentry laborer,Mike Welfuus )eft Sunday morning for ~d on ~ @ate +e~ y ~h faoer, ac+rice station attendant,their home and the other ladies remain- p ~~g ~M in ~~ h salesperson, T, V. Bepa)rman, k1tch-ed for a )onger vjsit..Mrs, Moser. and w~ ~ + er en he)per, housekeepers .,babysitters,her goes@ were Friday dinner guests ~ the ~ 8@~~ day-workers," waitres'ias, .coo)cs,ef Mr. and Mrs. Oscar HC)tsbunan in| maids, and a L)censed Fractica)Co)ton and -an werc guests ....Kgh Schoo) wIH Nurse. Bartstein added that, thereef Mr. and-Mrs.." J. Se)uubach in stazI).8:drivers tra)n)ng cours Novem are many young workers ava))ab)eMoscow, her Mth. Students must bc fourteen for fan yard jobs,6 Strand, KOHogg, Grand Chief by thh date, h order. to part)CI~. The number of persons rece)v)ngSf 'stem made har OKcis) F« further hfolsnation caH Mr. Ed

) unemp)oyment )nsurance benefitsvisit to the local PYthian Sisten Temple Davis 2854SQI who ~@be the instIIIch r continues to c)imh. During the week,Wednesday evening, Nov. 11. A 6:30 127 Latah County residents received

dhricr- Preoeded the regu)ar COMING EVENTS benef)ts. Last week 115 persons re-meet)ng 'hah) jn tbe,'+reiian 8 h'8L Nov 1Q Father 'Daughter Banquet ce)ved benef)ts and 8 year,,ago

Mrs. Geclrlxje.Gribhle gmk the week Nv 12: F. K A. Style Show were 67 rece)vtng job)ess .,pay. OfS)aksne Qgih ie)at)ves and Nov 21, Setuor B81) the 127 persons receiving '.)tenef)ts

71 Ive in Moscow, three )n" Genesee.24 in .the — TruyrDeary, BOV)u. area,four in the Kendrick a;ji, 24,-in thePotlatch arear': and one'n:E)k Riv-

wjth':he,jpaisjchildten, Jeff, Tracy and. ning m the IIIu)ti ~ ~bm of er. Th)sty-twro new-c)a)ms-.were filedLisa',Bo)pod':wtu)e their peeiih, Mr. and sc)aoL The cence r ~ y ~ durtug the week comjiared- to 28Mes. Tem,Boyd. were m Coeur d'A)see. Gee* musa insU ~r'~ last week and 16 a ~..ago.Nelson at Poruand airived hers by. the Junar highFifdsy to vis)t hs-mother h Moscow chorus and h)gh

Cenesee ValleyLulx)gran of Lewiston Ciitertahad p@h Supt. Laster Diebl has released thea~d ~atth ~h ~forth &g~~M M. ~M A

-H ofs

gren home. Present were Mr. and school. kana spent .the vieekeixj with her psr-Sp~, M . Kat B -IIIGH SCHOOL eats, Mr. and Ãrs.. 'Leon. Dan)e)son.gsrtner,. Mr. and Mrs„:Cbarhe Baum- H)ghest Heuorsi No grade ~ h . jfrs, Karen HIxsfur)jlr..and.-Pat aud

and Aarlsx

.Mr. and Mrs. lack Magee and 8fyrna Helsiiann Debi ~ N Danny jo)ned them:roi:,~and Mr aad Mra. Mark Zeuner WOOd. Cures.H ~ Dan DICM ~

. nsmzday CVCn)ng'r:dmner . gueStS Of'Ratbbun,, Mr. and Mrs.. E, A„.'Morken were Mr.Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sc)I)uetsr were Hisses: ht )east thr and Mrs. Edd)y -Ãorken.and Nanett8,

Sunder'hmer guests of Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs.,'John Tieu of s)udley;FICIgcr h Moscow.. IDoiotby JCINs> N~ J~r ~ Kansaa Over: Saturday n)ght andLast Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. Poe. Laurie Anderson Leis Jenl Sunday guests the Morken home

and MrS. Jehu Ha)man Were Mr, and Wanda TierneY, Mark BCCker, ~ y rWCre John Steut end Chih)ren aad JayMrs. Paul Parks. Anderson.

Mrs. George Anderson returned home Honorable Mention: ht least a "B" Greg, Jeff aud Dan Diehl were seekSunday froIII Gr))man where she was Average with no grade be)ow "C"

Cud guests of -their )grandparents, Mr.under observation and treatinent for a Ny)a Roach, Mike OdbeIg, Ray Mor-

l and Mrs. Oscsi Dan)8)son. They wereweek. scheck, rMarietta GIMser, ClsC Busch, '8H dinner guests of MI'. slid Mrs. Hcr-

Mrs. Nasl K)nyon underwent surgery Chdy Teghuxj, Fred DCPeH, Jerry My-'man Isakseo m Clarkston.Mooday mormng at Griiman M~ ers, cathy Beunett, Marilyn Baumgait-

t Mrs. Don Lhahan bas returned to herhasp'n. Moscow. nei', Roil Nabob, Dean Kmzer GarIy, hoIne fol)owhig 8 threeweeks stayMr. and Mrs. Paul Parks snd MI'. and Esser, Dan ~, Jim Evans, JoeI tha home of her daugiiter, Mrs. Jay

Mrs. Ed Jut)e were Suix)ay dhuer Johnson, Ron Teigen, Teresa Baum-1

Jurgenson and famly m RepubHC, andguests ef MIS. Bsibara Gehrke. gsrtner, Shsuna Workinan, Margaret,ass)st)ng in the care of her 4-yearoM. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Iamzey. of Kal- HCHIIing, Sber) Herman, Kathy Broem. granddaughter, Kirstm, wbo had thejspCH,:kfontsria were weekend house- Chug, Jeanne peterson, Tim Seeker misfortune to break her )Cg whenguests of Mr. and Mrs. John HoweH and D)ck Green, Bruce N)chols, Dick Evans fCH from a rock malL- Kirstfa's le'g hasfamHy. The two families aMended the Jun)or IBgh IIoae Roll been phiced in a waitung cast Ond, withU. of I. and Weber State Game in PuH- Grades do not include "A'8" in the aM of crutcbeX she js~ aboutman Saturday afternoon Chorus «nd Band real welL

Kathy Giese fram Fix Ridge wss 8 8th Gradci Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schragg of Port-visitor of Mr. aud Mrs. G)cn Brazier Stra)gb )and were--Sunday gu'eo)s of Mr> and

>sirschiy unU) Tuesday- Mr Jhn Baumgartner, Jeff DiebL Mrs. Lev) Rossiibo.Brazier rvisded his parentsr-rMr. and 3 «A» and no irCS'r Mr. aud Mrs, Vernon P~ wereMts. Fred Brazier at Paradise Villa Mke Backer SIH Myers, Roberts ~ of M ~ M D ~P~

on Sunday Sarhic)ar, -Kfnith 'Davis* Wayne Jen-iand son in Lawiston Monday 8)tcning.seu, Lousnn Mader, Cheryl .> I M. and Mrs. Davg Peterson; and sonLoiee Morscbeck, Cher) Moser of Le%listen 8nd Mr 8nd 'Mrs'-'Bern)8

at the Wm. Wo'od homL Present:were peterson.- Hermsnn ef ]moscow')hdtv .ThursdayMr, and, Mrs. Da)8 IMek)nsm..from As 30 averag~ grade below a "W Cvenhg in th8 P8458a ~

Mra. p aye 'Dh9ChSOnr "lD)888:Dean)er, SbCMon

'jlsrd:-OndMr. and -Mrs. Vera D)ckm- SICOIL Lea'nue Teigen,

Card jar Ond Mrs.:Lee Dk~': flem Chuck Leva') 'an Musgrave, Don Return From Eastern Tripsnd faun)y jr'; CuMCsac. 7th Grade:- . GE¹%-P-Rr.8nd Mrs. Harry Eg.

Stra)ght "h's": . 18nd Sr. Iebiriad Siturday, Noveelhar

Max r Sc)isvenne, Ken»erson Lori, Hoist, LInda and Jhn m Sprjngne)d.

wCH, Joe'Andersoix , fam))y at the Nabonal Ah@Crt h Wash-BSb ~-'tb G~N~: - 30-m~y a l~d'd apct ~ mgt D- C-Darre)L Ty)er, Jay Roach. Pat ~ ~'F41)ands toured states, jn.

t in fuH fores L . 'g G~ chding Delavvare New York D)strjctSatuithy ajtenaon, Novamber 7th. ef Columbia, West, Virgima, Virghia,

WC were there whee the town was Ke Cie Ta NeWS Maryland and Pennsylvania.'180tedhy the aiarax Behg outside Same of the east 'oints

fhe stsuon whse CVeryone ar T)iesday, ¹vember 10 meethg of htet@4 to.the GcoeSee COup wereGENI~E —KeGC-Ta's HaHowe'Cn tbe Capitol B r)Min~, the House of Rep-

party was-a great succesa We made resentatives wh)ch wss in session.. -Al-lo perform and did it., plans for our Imnt sale and Chrhriznas so the PCutagon Bujk)hg where Col.

Jif we were residents of your town, party. Our mht sale vsH) beg)n Sat- Hoht has his 08ice, underground in th)sI'd say thank you for a wonderful group uiday, November 14, 1970. buiMhg.

fhemen and r)hnr pretecthxx Tra+ Boyd brought refieshmentsMr. arid Mrs. Everette R. Jones and Lmda Flodm wH) brhg them next)the Coeununicauons Center which prov-

, Wa)ungton.. t'one. Re)arter, 9)sne Moser.I Cd to be most enHgbten)ng aud In)erestrhg.


maaa )vauo oooo% of tbe Nabonll al GaHCIy of Arts, ArHngton Ns)jonal

„"" AllllAL CAMPFIRE GIRLS OAIIY SALK ."~~ ofU~~~ ~~~~ K~'Sailor MI83t —~hocolat+ ~o~erefI + I'a~tel

N 'LSO HEATH Toter-L-mS ' 'of Concentration at N. B. C. Televisionil "„ICky.

In Peunsylvau)8 they CspeclaHy Cn-DOOR TO DOOR SAI KS —NOVi 14 2i "„)joyed the Amish country and the city

g lof PhHadelphh, which is mhture ofthe 0M 8nd the new'worhj

H IF MISSED OR YOU NEED MORE CALL—MRS DICK FLODIN—H Th Eglmh ~hXI ~~ j,..AT 5-8874, MRS. CLIFF LEACH)RAN —AT 5-2138 MRS. NADINE - ll tercsthig Points of lnt8rek '5'efore re-KAMBITSCH—AT 5-2994, MRS. TOM BOYD—AT 5-2899 OR ~.

"turmng home

~ Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon FoilettCandy Will Also Be On Sale At Food Center Thrift „"Honored on Anniversary-

GENI&W~In ce)ebration of theirStore In Genesee Compliments of Don Er, Mary W. "„Golden weddmg Anniversary, Mr. Ondli Mrs. Mshlon FoHCtt were honored with8 ditmer at the Hill Tap Iestsursnt in

rxxxxzzxzzxxzxzzxzzzzzxxxxxxxxzzxzxzzzzxxzxzzzzzxzzzxr PuHmsny Sundsyr 'ovember )St by, the)r -children.. Present were Mr. 8nd

Mrs. George FoHett aud children fiemLewis, lMr. Snd Mrs. John Brownand faituly from Moscow, Ond Mr, andMrs Leonard Brown, Mosey'. Theevening wss spent at Oe home of theirdaughter, Mrs. '- John Bfown dwhich cake aud coffee was served. AH

A Sincere "Thank You" )he famHy was present except a g 88)j-daughter, who is reshHng in Peiissfals,

people who supported5th at', the church. There were 14

and voted for mointhe orro ~ oooo„'Im oo roopreceded the Sible Study. 1Nrs. Cai'I

November 3rd election.There wi)l be an off)cers board meet

ing at the home of Mrs. Cari Shnonson Friday the 13th at 1:30 p. In.

The Stewardship meeting will be onNovember 19th in the hoine of Mrs, EdJut)8.

Mrs. John Hawcll served refresh-ments after tbe business meeting was"I wil] work hsrd to prove worthy of the trust

placed in me by the people of Latah County and) Sccrotsry-reporter'romise

to serve each and all areas faithfully and j Ch, Change In Church Hoursimpartially.

!NORMA S+ADR 'St. John's Liriileran churc)i are;

SIIIday School: 10:00 0. m.Morning Worstup: ll:00 a. m,

3uliaetta Scells llclp~For Sowt)r Project

Mayor Gubert SProw) of Juiia-etta has announced that, tbe Ci)yJuliaetta applied this week to 1),Fariner'8 80810 Adm)n)straUo„ f„rfinancial assistance to co»Ullct anew sewer system. The conlmu»ity.has no pub))c sewer fao:))t)eel „„wand last winter the Julisctta 8 hoo)was c)used tlecause of sewer.prob)erne.

The Farmer'8 Home Adm)n)s)„ation cauld grant 50 per cent of tbemoney needed for theproject Ond coMM Alake 8 )ow )ate„rest, 40 year )oan for t'le bs)sac„tough a prog~ des)g~01st rural communities. Tbe app)icat)on and support)llg dociuneni st)„nbas been developed by the Ju)iaottC)ty Counci) with assistance froin acotum)ttee of concerned c)Uzenp, sudC)earwater Econom)c Dove)opinentAssoc)at)on.

C. U. TQINNEIt TOPSSus)8 Rjcard, reports)r

Un)ontown -Fourtec)n 114) membersweie present at the meeting un Noveln.ber 2, )NO.

We had 80 of the Weekwss 3fory . with 8 hiss of 4)tprrorls, Oerrirrj oorrrr orrr rrrrrorrof the Week w 8 loss ef q pound.The total loss Of tho week was noae,

A)bert Rcetd'8 ntunO was drawn Cutof tba kitty. 88 was preoeut at Ihemdatlng, so reca)vel 3LI,

Checked your dr)ver Heense sndvch)c)8 )nsPeertion st)oker.)ately. asksthe Idaho Depiirtment, of Law EnforcanentT A m)nuto spent now Iosee If they are vaM cou)d save youa trip to court.

Hcenses foi vehicles reg)stered underthe annus) systonx

C»nle Informut)on C«>ter

BOISE—Idaho's teria)na) at StatePo)kw beadquartel~ in Bo)se for theNat)ana) Crime InformaUon Or~uter

(NCIC) operated by the FBI inWashington, D, C, hss bandiednearly 1Q0,000 traiism)ssions sincethe Gem State ja)ned ),be 49-statehookup in March, 1969,

Apprehensions and recoveries byIuaho )aw eni'orccment officers haveincluded about cveryuling but mur-der suspects and fugit)ves Meted onthe FBI's Top Ten, accord)ng to Lt,R)chard Burns, Boise, communica-tions supervisor.

Between Jan. 1 and late Septein-ber of this year, Idaho Iaw enforce-ment departments entered 916 )tealsoi. wanted persons into the center,which resulted in Idaho officersmaking 152 ib)ts" on in-and-out-of.state entries and 130 "hits" beingmade in other states on Idaho en-tr)es, Burns said.

Be said stolen vehicles and proper-ty, inc)uding guns, bead the list ofentries and recoveries in Idaho.

Recovery of a stolen Yebic)e oftenresults in a subsequent "hit"r Burns

'said, when a check of the driver oroccupants of the car discloses theyare wanted on other charges.

A)) ot the states but Alaska aretied into the NGIC, wh)ch has re-su)ted in Idaho oNcere locatingproperty or persons ))sted by oUlerstates.

"In turn," Burns sa)d, "NClGoperaUons have resulted in IdahoentI408 being found in statesthrough-out the country."

ParUc)paUng law enforcementagenc)08 in the various states makeentrics into the computer-memorybank i n Washington v)a teletypeand when a request )s received on 8person or property, fues are scabbedelectronically and negative or pos)-tive responses are sent to the!rigi-nating terminal in seconds.

Th)s year's "hits" in Idaho, Burnssa)d, besides on vehicles and wea-pons, have included other stolenproperty «nd ))cense plates and ap-prehension of persons wantef) fork)dnapping, robbery, armed robbery,


burglary, non-support, desert)onfrom the armed serv)ces. parole «ndprohat)on v)o)ators, unlawful fughtto avoid prosecut)olx forgery, autotheft, grand larceny, fraud, pcssess-

) ing and cl)spens)ng narcotics andYio)aUon of the Se)ecuve SerdccAct.

The NCIC )n Washington is inoperation 24 hours a day as )yi theBoise terminal, Tbe service is ava))-ab)e to ai) )aw enforcement person-nel in the state.

"Speed in transm)ss)on of mformation is the nuc)eus of the success-,tu) operation," Burns sa)d.

"It's only a matter of secondsafter a request )s entered that «n,answer )s returned," he sa)d.

The system is )nvaluab)0 to theoff)cer on patrol who can check outa susp)cious vehicie or its occupantsby use of his radio and thus be fore-warned of 8 poss)b)8 dangerous situ-ation before acting, the lieutenant

Ipointed out"AQ entries or requests don'. re-

sult in Tits'" Burns said, "but thesystem hss pieven it'8 worth os 8cr)me f)gbter a thousand UmesOVCI"

Certain Types of VehicleStickers Expire Dec. 31

BOISE—Nineteen types of veb)c)08not reg)stered under the staggered-license system wjH find their ))censeplate va))daUon stickers expiring atmidnight, Dec. 81, the Departmentof Law Enforcement announced.

Jack F. Parley, Bo)se, d)rector,Motor Veh)c)e D)v)sfon, sa)d vch)c)esHcensed under Ule annual plan, Jan-urary 1 to December 31, mustregister prior to the deadline to re-main )egs).

Included under the annual systemof I)cens)ng are the fo))ow)ng typesof


trucks and trai)crs, commer-cial trucks and trailers, motorcyc)es,house, utH)ty and renta) trai)ers,city cabs and buses, hearses, ambu-lances, wreckers, rad)0 amateur,NaUona) and Air Guard, disab)cdveterans, dea)ers and reposseefoix

New stickers for 1971 are avai)-able now at county nsseuloI'8 offices8Iid may be applied to present, plate»anytime before the Dcc, 31 dead)ineFarley said.

Staggered-system validaUon stick-ers expire in November or December,Parley noted, thus allowing assessorstwo months in which to va))date

Fmal R)tcs ThursdayFor Ole Nass, 77

GENESEF Graveside service forOle Ness, 77, who passed away Novenl-bei 2nd at Paradise VN8 NursingHome, Moscow, were held November6th iu the Genesee Cky Cemetery.

PaHbesrers were Phii Hermann, DonHermann, John Myers, Lloyd Wilson,

LC~R Harris, John BSMus.ooler Legion Post was

in charge tbe military service.Pastor Christian Oevood gave the

graveside rites,Short's of Moscow, were )8 charge of

the arrangements.

R, C. Bergman, Spokane,Passes Octaber 11

E. C. Bergman passed away Octo-ber coness Hospi)al in Spo-hme after 8 Iong 1)hess.

Services were conducted at Tboru-hi84eragbty Funeral Home with cre-mation foHowiug. Survivors includehis w)dow, Margaret (Sampson) and 8son, Keith, Spokane attorney, a dster,'ary Lynn, Seatt)8 and two broth-ers, Wa)ter and A. R. Bergman fromSeattle,


Mr, and Mrs, John Stout are the

a@+,ha y paieets of. an 8 lb., 4 oz. son born, November 7 at Gritean Mem-

or)st) hospital, MoscgW, Mother and

6randparents are Imr. and Mra E. A.Modien, Genesee.'aud Mr. and Mrs, ILD, Stout, Lew4ston,

Card of 'fhanksWe are sineeivt)y gratefld to friends

and nejglibors for the many carfh,f)owe rs, memo rhh, and other hndacts of ~thy Cxtenf)ed )o us durhigour recent bereavement. A specialthank you to the Ladies who served theluncheon.

The R. E. Nordby family

Monday Bridge ClubGENESEE'he Monday B e Cub

was entertained last Mo afternoonby Mrs. Chester Quaky.. DavidKuehl was a guest. Honors were award-ed to Mrs. Kuehl aud Mrs. Edna Magee.

Films AvailableGENIKEE Did you know that 16mm

fHms msy be ordered, post paid, fromtbe Idaho Sate L)braIIf tbroughdfour

in and see our catalog on fails, Thehbrary is 'open:

Monday-7 - 9 p. m.Thursday —2 - 4:30 p: m.Saturday-8:30 - 11:30 a. m.

Card of ThanksNy sincere thanks )o friends who

reinemhired me with f)nwers, cardsvisits Cnd Siks wh)8 1 was h tbe hos-y)ta) and since rehirnhg home. Aspsehl thank you to ankulanc8 driversLaverne Scharnhorst and Duane RoachWbo?@IPOnded So Izinierouf When COHCd.


State Moves To 9ecreaseTraffic Accidents

BOISE—As a means to reduce thenumber of traf5c accidents in Idaho,the Idaho Traff)c Safety Comm)ss)onhas recommended an aer)a) survel)-ance program be )nst)tuted as soonas possible in a dcf)n)te h)gh-acc)-dent area.

The comm)ss)on also approvedsubmisslori of an appHCOUon for astatew1de alcohol countermeso ureaprogram, fully funded by the, federa)govenunent, after receiving twosuch appHcaUons from Boise Cityand Idaho Pa)ls for Easterri Idaho.

R)chard Hughes, Boise, commis-sion cha)rmaiX said comm)ss)onmembers felt the program would bemore effective on a statewide basisfrom the money available ratherthan operate it in se)ected Ioca) jur-)sd)CUons.

He sa)d the statew)de programwould fncorporate proposals con-tained in the Boise and Idaho Fallsapp)ications, such as avai)abi)ity ofdriving records for courts for pre-sente'nce investigaUons, stepped upenforcement; Indent)fication ofdr)nk)ng and problem drivers and re-hab)Stat)on.

Mark Gibson, commission director,pointed out several .states have de-c)ded -to attack the prob)cm on astatewide rather than local area)n'order to reach a greater numberof dr)nk)ng dr)vers.

The uie of aircraft Iecommendation came after 'flfaj, Gen, GeorgeBennet, Boise, Idaho'8 adjutant gen-eral and 8 conunisshm member,sa)d,''We have to take some drasticsteps,to show'ur people we are at-tempting to bring about traffic sate-ty,in .Maho."

Agencies associated with an air-craft patrol are to meet and formu-lated program, including how ft canbe'unded,

Sen, Wa)ter Yarbrough, R-Grand-v)air,. and Rep, John Sessions, R-Dr)as, cha)nnen of their respect»ive TransportaUon and Defense com-mittees, and also commission mem-bers, indicated they were in favorof such 8 program and that thostate should consider funding it un-t)1 such 8 time as federal moneym)ght become ava))able.

The comm)ssfon decided to lookInto a proposal from an Idaho Medi-cal Society committee for evaluatingstandards to dote rm)no driver li-cense qua))f)cat)ons of appHcatlonsreferred to a medical evaluationboard.

Also approved was a suggest)onthat strengthen)ng school bus in-spect)ons be investigated.

Thc commission, G)bson sa)d,plans to institute other counter-measure traff)c safety prograliis inthe areas of selective Iaw en'>rcc-ment and mu)t)-d)sc)p))nary accidentinvcstigat)on )cams if Coligrcss actsfavorably on appropr)a))oils.


. )IrLC




MOBIL OII) Faonecrsl

)Nohugao - «gob))o)IIPunsoee, Stovoo XNsoo) IfnelTIIeo Sottesjeoo k===:-~


PheOO AT IF411i Ot AX 8408) t] IIr

If eaie than Ono mauso js mice,And mme than me kuso Is Sco„

Then yeu mast agree, qu)to obviously,That mesc than spousa is spies.

~ What iovohl nntjquo furl)jbsre'tho wsy I wt)ore~ 6~~gst that bu3)s oh) chast7""I don"t how, but @sy tol me bcrmother wss )ho sama way."

the ~~M Ond announced,I'd Hke to buy 8 . ma'Om.""Do yeu want 8, sbe sug-

gsotsd,-Thai's )nighty khd of you ms'Om,"

the Uy oi)swered, ''but tmsee I'm porkocL"


whoa yon Teak of INSSRANI(or Invsotinoota) Th)nk of DoI

RorpriomrormoatjVC Of


Frank))n Lifo Insurance Co)spoay

SPriaIter IHS))ranC8AGENCY

Offics Ph. AT.64181 -Ioo AT 8-2171

..'unera.. i >a ze..MOSCOW, IDAHO PHONE 882-4534

GRAIN PRICESWheat, New (pop, per bu. „„$1.451/2

Feed Barley, new Crop, per ton „ASS.00FEEDS — SEEDS — INSECTICIDES


Gcncgcc UI)loll W8rcllousc CoNevr Hours —Monday Thou Friday: S to 5

Sat.u)'day: S to 12Ge))csee, Idaho Phone A'r 5-264>

Page 3: Fr„mM~ I, - 1970 - The Gazette News... · 11/12/1970  · teachers of iCendrjck Joint School Pocatojio District No, 285, were honored at n Mrs. Charl«s IBettej Deob«jd, the roc@tlon





'grout SeaSOn g]OSOS QOV 30 ters remaining open year-mund, orfor special seasons, are listed by

General statewide trout season tttttne and area In the 1970 regula-ends November 30, bui, many waters tionsJn all sectfotttt of the state stay openfor fishing for sonlo or all ttpeciee,sometftnes on a year-rouncl basis', f"b'"gthe Qaho Fhth and Game Deltart- sports' sp ~ pnment, remh dA buglers tA y, son for chtco at Bear Lake runs

New regulatiotts were establishedii )with a limit of 50 cisco a day forrecently for the 1971 calendar year. isn IIcettse or permit, holders. Non.Current regulations do not ettpire

) license holders under 14 years ofunU1 midnight, December SJ. Wa- t age are allowed 20 fish per daly.

Galne Harvesting t oct %heat Pool DividedThousands of hunter airport catds The Latah County share of the

from all game znanagement utdttt 4 2Point up good "enc and deer Jtaivestyt wheat pool Jty a little over 12 thous-On mOSt; rangeS. Data ace bttSItCJ On and dOJJarS, dtOyottlrttg to EJVin Lind-

report, cards returned voluttfarily Say. OtcecutJVO:director of the Agri-hunters and do not representIcuiturtd JstabllisaUon and Conserve

complete kill flgitrey, Besides, much Uon Service.=Each wheat producer I

of the best hunting stIJI lies ahead wlto earned a 19ds domestic ~for both elk and deer. certificate has ahto earned a stnaJJ i:-

ree re rted thro h Novetnber ~h ~ ~++a of domesUcrertlfi-,','iguresreported through November

the o.Id wheattl d ~ 1 cl n thvsyd ~ tported by huntera Jteportifi'JJJsfor trophy antelope, tnoottO, bighornsheep snd ntoutttain goats so'ar ~'~.this season all are ahead of the same

optiota to request; JJtelr shaate of thepooL They may request a check. byDecember '25, 1970o or they ttaay

o I t leave the money in a research: jndIGOI IfJJfIIJ0Jl$8 AleNOFINts { pt omoUon fund

J am the tueeas gyygaa~em ( pmduoera Who earned Sn espcrtII cere«!~~e of less than $8.00 wIJJ

not,'tvefor Gtarlitagstouss',I Jala Of XeeWJStdttt Ottr ttaeour I', ment, and a Cheek TVJJJ b

masts.wid marlcers tests caf Shtt Ii ttnclaimed ttttfttt wm bo re~fttteit grtmite, d~~ See. " the Data Ptoo»g ~,".Jfattsss,

City on Deotinber II, 1970.The netvly formed NaUona1 Wlteat

'i Xnstitute was:fottnded hy the Nationgag: wai.aayeJN: ':«I sl AssochaUtm .of .Wheat Gtoweis, ',,

National Gnange, The NaUonaJ.'ocalRep..PJt. ~-44N4 ii Fatmets Orgatdzation, The NaUontal

1 Farmers.Union, and The V. B.Duram,'

Growers AtstocitaUon and 'approvedby Congress tn September, 1970. Thehaw'ives wheat growers the optionof tyeccdvtng the ctcport certificate,ot'eaving Jt tn the pool to be ltsedfor pmmotion snd nsaeandt. Fundsnot ct 1~& Jay December 25, 1970,',

,wJJJ,dau~~9y go to the Nation-


Whtsst Xnstltute fior 'pmgrstns de-tdgnsd fo dscptmd domesUO and


marlcets and increase uUJJ ation,of V, I; wheaJ'. One of the wheat.industry's.mar problems is the de-

.'lining pet'apita oonsumpUon which(has been steadily dowtawtatd for the

i'ast 30 ystata

Wool Producers MustHave Saba Documents

lWool pmthtcers must have salesI

documents fior shont-wool and un-natfott s Jesthtil hsurssce erJJNIIttatios's, offers . ive payments. for 1970 markeUngs,1. Souttd fife ittsursnce ~ accN

(Chcclc our lots net costJ. Chtdnnan of the rajah Agrictdturtal2, Mortgage clearance tnottey StshIJIsation snd ConservaUon

afoaey for educstJOL {ASC) Committee.4. Retirement mosey. Bales of both wool and unshorng Cash io setoe estate teaaalhoa may be tyaattuaeted

d, Jntturssce for wotnen 'apldicaUon for JncenUve eandngs.7. Emergency funds Mt'. Glenn em~~<~ed that pur-e', JJl bfifiy h~ p ~M ~ of ~ ~m 1 bs must

important eligibility require-

ROBERT E KA~~ 'ment is %@day ownership. Ptoducersmust cysyn for at least 20 days un-

12JJe K 2htd %h ~ shorn t~t on which theyapply'earotasafor paymettt.

Jlervtsg fills stea new O yestN. Mr 'Gleam said, lamb feeders andoUbetta who trade in sheep or Jambeshceld heep ntcotds which clearlyestablish compliance with the 20-dear ommnorrtr ncaulnaneae rr tactplan to apply for* paytnents


weel pmgratn.Appliri'-uae~ - for wool JncenUve

payments may be matin by pmducers'at their County ASCS Office as sotmas their ssies are completed. Wooldeiivety expenses, as vreJJ as anyother maticeUng expenses, not shcyetm

„in the Sales docutnedats should bel tteported at the Um, applicaUon Js,I made for tncenUve paymenta

hppllcaUons covering 1970 mark-'etitttgs have been filed by IS r~e~lproducets to date. The ASCS Com-

tnlttee Vice Cltainnan esUmatc4 anaddiUonal 22 pmducets will file by'he time 1970 markeUttgs are com-'pleted.

Under the National Wool Act allpmduccts who market wool and mo-hair in 1970 ates eligible for incentevtta paymenta Shorn wool payinents

,to a producer are equal to a pottoen-tsgydt of Jds retunts fmm salea Thepementage is that requitedd to raisethe national average price tdtc'ievdtd':for shonl wool by all pmducets upto 72 cents a pountL Mohtdr pay«ments are deiennlned in a sian!Jarmanner, with the national inoanUveprice set at 802 cents a pound.

CatUe SaIe OutlookIs 3righter

The worM market for V. SL beefcatUO ttook a large step towanJ thebrighter «Ide for this week with'heannouncement of the sale of 2,200head'ot Polled 1eemfons caMe to bealdpped by alt to the MagailenesProvince on the southern Up of CJdle.

The «nnoun cement came fmmOrvtile Swtaet, execu Uvis secretaryof the Amettcan Polled HerefordAssoclaUon Jn Kansas City.

The purchase «mounting to morethan a mJJJJon dollars, was made bythe Chilean Jtfinlstry of Agticulturdt,and the catUe will be a patt of aconUnuing pmgram for the develop-ment of a beef caMe industry inthe south of ChOe that is -beingdirected by "Corfu'Corpontclon deptotnento de la, Pmduccionoa an indus-trial dovedoltment department of theChilean Govdtrnmdant. Under thesame pmipatn, more than 10,000U. JL Polled Rerefotds have beensold to Cidle ln the past titnte yeats.

The Amtlicin Polled HereftotdAssociaUtm has been named tb han-dle Jtrocuremtmt of the cattlt, andrepresentatives of the APEDnow traveling in several states with"Corfo" officitds locating and purchasing comm ettdal Polled Bere«fonl heiftsra

Target date fot'le fitst ahiptnentof cattJO is Novctnbcr 20, and theport oi'tnbarkation ls, «gain thisyear, schodttlcd to be Shepltarui AlrForce Byttuo ln Xvlchtta Fans, Texas.

, World Airsft, s divisinn, ggof Trans International Airlines has; OeLLbeen named ata the ctlrrlcr, tutd thettltxt tt oi'rttnsixlrteUon wIII bc ta

Super I'X'.4 Strctchlt.t as It ives onlast later'll shtpmcnttt of more thnn3,0tIO hcttd. Sltclahanl AFB was,nllnl& ate tltc point of dcptitrtltrtt be

Icatttto of. Its J3,500 foot runthwys, thelongest fll Ule sot 1th


Use The Gatfette - Nestrs Cl@i@tfleit kch To Site» SeH or~S&teeeeeeet of ConejiSen


Teey, Idaho

AJN.Of Oeb4er Rth„1870%=;f


Loans and Discounts $10,357~Bonds and Warrants 3,387,338.34 ', ",

Cash on Hand and Duefrom Banks 1,592,838&

Bank HO11Se FLJrnltllre 4 PiXttlreS,-'-'- 66e223$8

$%jg@,65927 ",,


uO,000.OO 'l


low YoNIet65-'t0

IIIL of Top ONNlity,


Oryar Ieonsmiod Special Offarl



ARB IIAI!Capital Stock8Reserve Pond and

U dl ed 6 '704.0096591:l l




Cslstom Neselghterllg



hting yoear ~~t~u Oo onr plane

All meat coat to speelnea5oles,vealeped 4 elollck frozen.


',I: I,'I: .o$

4 artt-s-'tta KATE& OF TROT ON T2JOT-ONhST aeKOROlyAT

- ~ I.!ra,i.i,,i,;I . uu,

tE. a ~pa@





Feat ttriyte Ittstattt Play and AFC

I ot


Pclmiral Quality Color VlfThe Saxion is styled and crafted to capture theauiheniic )ook of Cotttetttporaty fine furniturecabinetry. Richly grained Walnut finish on hard-board, Features indude Admiral instant Plal~ftt-stdttt sound arid picture. Automatic Fine TuningControl-fine tunes the picture at the touch of aftttger. "Super Scope" VHF/UHF tuttets for ultra-

sensitive ail-channel reception. Precisiott craftedcolor chassis with copper-bonded and etched. Cif-

cuiis. Adntiral High Gain 3-Stage IF Amplifier as-suxs "studio sharp"'ictures and uniform con-irasi. Adtt tiwi auiomaiic degausser-climinaicsmagttciic itt,'ericrettrc. Admiral Color lV setscomply with FCC Radialioti Umiiation Requite-mettis. 37" H, 82" 1V, 19Va" D.

S Ythtt hDIAIRha tthlwhttTY lt Coact PICTtldt TIISES. Ptttutetube «eryeerted te ettttttat eetetet te be ttee ttetu deteate ley S~hdtultet'e ubtyeetiore teuttted te eutateytuc e yetdueeetteet te e Cyitey deduct tee teatreu seeutte ettd ittttuttetoeat cerate ttetd by eueeaey. Ytettaetttact ettectlee tatdett tetttttetuae ceId eteeaed le Aduetrtd etlet tettuett,

0NLY oooo.oo

J:d%dl~dldf~tt Ilt

I~eo..". )rocl'fe,....... IBAHOu

IlrII!,,5 l',...

III <lW'~ ""it'Jim" Ig''t lilt!

ii p —,uasts~tauurorru lrl I tidIJ JIor I J u

erI i Ii ia~


)y 3 <)y ) 4 ' i) '3 ')

Your ome m~roiemeIit

ttr ~Jii 'I Sito smhesI IN yet fetsfof

eeaettei roueltettaf. Yoa aN la I araetl

of ae Rle as yeu Ilhe let Jsahe those

Nesfplaos IsohlIIe, „

i ~!4.""i[ Il=,—

!>IE"5efe Is o tlo of eleotflo hoot to soleo ey

heatlsg IIroblesi asti tho oost of opefatles seaseueeeoeee taeertee

seer loeeft The latest ls the series of ttflt raN

Jeihiotloss has hrouaht the lesf osfl stay to dolls:

I/100 lier hilosfatt hour.

Nahe those iilaos. Use letter. ls a Joledeleil home

uaie uoeoie witt tieetrta iieet.

cait roer tteetrieai teetee eoairaotor or...'I . atp

Page 4: Fr„mM~ I, - 1970 - The Gazette News... · 11/12/1970  · teachers of iCendrjck Joint School Pocatojio District No, 285, were honored at n Mrs. Charl«s IBettej Deob«jd, the roc@tlon







Steelhead Count UIISteelhead Counts over Lower N011 steel ead al'e in Idaho waters

umcntal Dam show that mare ocean.gong r n ow roug ing rainbow trout are in Idaho that fall fishing has been except on«

waters this year than last, Tho corn- ally good. For exampl, the

parativo figures, as of Nov, 2, are fishing in the lower Salmon Rivor

51,968 steelies counted since July 1, between Rlggins anci Whitebird

tho begbmhhg of the current fish averaged 5.5 1/2 hours per steel-

year; 50,887 last, year. Better peas- head. Sinci October 17, 868 steel-

age conditions this year brought head anglers were checked with 150more fish to Idaho, even though the fish. Fishing also has been good in

1970 Bonneville Dam steelhead count the main Salmon River below: Nortih

in the lower Columbia is currently Fork, and in the Snake and Clear-

113,356 fish, compared with 140,271 water rivers

Home Ooobin'.~


409 S.JACKSON MOSCO% PH01%E 88M8SSOur recipes for this week were sent

in by Mrs, Lowell (Nancy) M~,former Gencsee xexident now living inC}arkston. Nancy gave us recipes oncebefore and they received many comple-ments, so we know these wiii'too,

These are the Inst of our recipes. Re-member it's your contributions tINt

2 cups cooked rice1 tsp. chopped pimiento1 green pepper, chopped1 huge onion, thinly ahead2 cups cooked tuxitey ol chicken2 cans mushroom soup1 cup water'k cup shvered ahnondsSpread. rxce evenly over bottom of

greased casserole. Toss together, pi-miento, green pepper, and oxucnx,

Sprinkle turkey oyer vegetables. Mixnoun with water and pour, over alL Toewit% ahnonds. 'Bake 1 hocur at 350 de-grees, 'Serves 8,


4 cup butter or.:nglrgarine and2 squares chocohte, Melt and save..

Beat:- together:weH't'/4

Rn sctas1 teasixNlx vanillaAdd 1 cup fkur and the chocxhialnra


nuts if desired. Drop by Tbsp.on each sectinx of waffie iron. Bake 1minute. Frost with powxiexwd sugar

whBe warm, (Use'xxxsdbnn, heatfor ). Yiekl 2% doiieL

PatIrcoxise our.adtV,ertlserw


'The Roy. Evans family have movedinto their new home,

Adrian.Nelson and .Carlie Grleser xe..~ Wednesday, -fiom a llHhy big

game hunting trip into the 80iway,

iMr. and.Mrs. Dick Gree and Mr, andDick.: Nebeilsieck .. '|wturxxed last

Tiiurxnlay'rom i trip.'oCaMornia'..

Which wasp,very much exdoyed 'as were;, -'vosHs, withyxelatives it Igamath FaDs,. Oregon and sP0rtiarsL

Sxnday Afterxioon" the, OnxnxnnnI5r

Church h sponsoring a program andxeceetmn to honor'he golden weddhxg

: ..anniv'arssry of 'Mg, and'rs,: Gets'Guests mre'): w,'jick-u

. nesday at, V at. tha'haiae'- cI~".,:MMra,

. Ryy. Traixtxxx'ij to ~te tb'e",bINxliay. annlversa'ries''cxf-'John'Lyusdke„and RayTrautman.'a'nd the:vredduxg-','aniiVxfrsary

. of Mr. and Mrs.'Txtautma'lL*-

50 YEARSAGO;-',''1e

Hamoe yulbhd in hii thrashing outfit.the other day and srxys he is 'throughfor the season.'

in Ge~ at 8:30"-:o',@f4.:%besday'norxung', Nov„'9, ~:.::Fr=':F'A.Backer

ofacicxtlBgMiss ixxna, Laxnherte,.'aldtthaaihrer.of Mr.

and..'Mrs. F.E. Lieib'e~n4 Arthur G.. Mayer were untt8d 'h";marriigB hst

Thursday afternoon'at,a.o'dock at'ew-iston. Probate ~„-:WoeMIexx peifoxxn-ed the cerenxon. "".

Miss Hattie Johnson and Thos. Kim-berling were united:in mamiage at thehome of the groom's mother. in Mos-cow at 2 p. m. Sunday Nov. V, Rev,Wayne F. Snoddy, pasfiar-ixf the Mos-cow Methodist church officiating.

Walter. F. Jain is sumering,from abad attack. of pleurisy.

'Ihe girl friends of Mrs, Arthur Mayertendered her a misctslhndmus bridalshower Tuesday evenhg at; the homeof her mother, yMrs. F. E. Lambext.

Mr. and Mrs. Fete Eries are the par-ents of a daughter who amved at theirhome Wednesday morning, Nov. 10.

A baby daughter was born to Mr. andMrs. G. E. Tabor on Friday, Nov. 5, wt.W ibs. The little miss bas been chris-tened Evelyn Metxx.


0z i ~~ -For Spring Fertiliaers


. (enc rie(. ( a..e Co.KR59RICKix IDAHO PHONE 289-4961

1~ ~

s ewe ' e e %%>e ~ e+e se se>E1aen egII

I~n~e~Ã% ~ %&e~e~&e e e-te~e ~ s e~ ~ 1+t%r






C. R. Little Auto Shop,I!. Kendnck, Idaho

I.i r- -'' e e e e e es—eL e e na e re e eI eLe eLeje e \ e ~ Ei \ I ~ es-\ ~ e

s s



aM;a~ ~of medi~.Nchcdy can ptedict the fatcte. That's ashy it',a

arise to boirow at home, from the Land Bankassociation.W'0're fall~0 local lenders, serving hundreds ofborrowers in this part of the state. Obviously, we

- know local conditions.

When farmers face a tough market, a drouth, or:need abresk for any other reason, we understand.

Stop in; Letus tellyoumore reasons why the'LandBank is your best source of long-term credit.



- $. %%a al RRC R Rt .R n '70 CAPRICE. COUPE,... $5~V-8 Automatic transmission, power steeling, power brakes,rxnNotheater, like ndnv. White andi Green. Factory, Warranty

r69 CAPRICE „;...........,...,................,.....,....Wzw5

.'OQi.skACR Inl

I Iflirelfieiiie

isorite For Uotil

4-DOOR HARDII'OP, radio, heater, automatic trsxuunbuxlon. powersteering, power brakes, air conditioning. White vinyl top, bluebottom.

6S IMPALA ....,........„,....................,...,.......$2854-DOOR HARDTOP. radio, heater, autoxnatlc transnhlaslont pow'rer

steering, power brakes, air condNoning, Blue.

'70 MONTE CARLO .......,...........,..........,....$34912-DOOR HAIIDrf'OPe-'radio heater. autoxnatic transxrdseton. poisesteering, power brakes, turquoise.

'6$ PONTAIC 'So8|neville .......,.....-.....,...,...$2954-DOOR RARlyroP, euliO, heater'e autnmatlo traXISXX&elxhn. poorersteering. power brakes, electric wtxxdown, electric seat. air con4It-ionlng. Blue and white vinyl interior.


GAL'AXIEa&N'-DOOR HARDTOP, radio, heater. autotranwxhlssion, pcdirez steertngs power ~ V-8. Blue.


ASSOCIATION OF:, H~dm8m a,j Irgiix 8]II <'lg h4I

n mrs rrwaA%5 F



4e~rg45eM NO+Co

141 Sfh SL


Diat:SHewoyd-34$ 4l:


MOSCOW110 EAST 2nd —882-2812

Gainford Mixe Mhuager



We Win Order Axxy Spechhl Itexes Deslredc



:)Lq,,II,'i;).II;.;-i~- I~,<

Chshproieo .GRshlhhr,118:,Ne+,Sixth,8t, Lenten 88


NOTICE —.-EffectlreImmediately. %'e'%91 BeCLOSED EACH SATURDAY. At xj'R5OON

I We Give S a H Green Stamps on All.nttyntli'S en —„,'-

. if-..jiaifI- by the Ãth: Of 11IOntch-;fOllfk~



Phone 289-4061 '- - Residence 2T64181:

ZION Lm;xm8IAN -

vnxhxcCH'ev.'.TheoÃeske.'-Worship Service —.9:80a. m.Sunday School-8:30,a. m-ALCW—2nd -Wednesday, 1:30

CCMhliMUNnT; axxsuxcCHLmnie Wix xihyyhRh Pastor

Church Service —.9:00a. m.Christian Women's Society

1st Wednesday. 1:30Potluck —2nd Monday

~'<~~@~~~~lliA!~/Wit. ~tira~lr irg~ii jq <jgjj> ygrggrgj7~f.-yN-gl f- P.

taavxcCH. OF NAZARR2/ERev. EIton Hilmard

Sunday School—9:45 a. m.Church Service —11:00 a. m.Sunday Evening —6:00 Junior


Wednesday —7:30-p. m.

1 t I esll


TISSUE, ----—."----------.--.---------12rolls for 80f

SEVENI.'H DAY ADVENTISTPastor D..C. PerrySaturday Services-

Sabbath School—2:00 p. m.Church Service —3:00 p. m.Bible Study —Tues Night, 7:30



Rev. RonaM G. PerldnsSunday School—'9:45.a. m.Church Service —11:00a m,Sunday - Eve. Service —7:30Wednesday —Z:30 p; m.


; Inhtlxx:xx METHODIST . x;xolixcCIIJohri Hunsberger, Pastor

Sunday ServicesChurch School—9:45 a m,Worship Service —11:00 a m.MYF—7:oo,p. m. at parsonage.

18-2M. with 14% SULFIIR

870IOO Por, Ton

This Means That. Your:SOU THWICK

COMMUNITY.: vxsxixcCHRev. A. F. Twist, Mosccer

Sunday School —:9:45a. m.Church Service —,Every other

Sunday at 11:00,a.m.Wednesday Mid Week Services

at Z:80 p, m.

, ITR -EN Is 4~~ per lb.I

PHOSPHATE ls ........SgPer lb..SULFUR Is.... 72/2g Per lb..

We lee Have Large,StocltsOf These Fertilizeri::

Ammonium SulfateTreble Super Phosphate

Bulk Granulated -GypsumAmcmo|lium Nitrate

ANS 30


Our Aim Is To Please.

Good Service, Good Equipment and HonestyIs Our Way.

TEWINR NKjIS; --------------—------------------—-- lb. 23'.3FIILL, OIIT; ROIIND STEAK, or-

IIINP ROAST~ --—----—------—----------------—---- lb. 88fHREAKFAST SAIISAHK ROLL, ----—---------------- lb. roll 38f


Rev. Theo MeskeSunday School—9:45 a m.Wcxrship Service —10:45.a m.ALCW—1st and 3xxi WednesdayAll day meetings

Missionary —.2nd WeL 2:00

I 'ENESInE LUTIIERAN PARI8HESChrisian Oswood, pastor,

St. John's-Sunday School-9;15 a. m.Morning Worship-10:15 a m.

Genesee Vsilcy-Sunday School—10:00 a. m.Morning Worship —S:00 s. m.

c", "- g $ 'a', x x I o'r ] ; 'eI


Rev. Fr. Thomas LafeySunday Masses —8:00 and 10:00 s. m.Saturday Mass —7:30 II. m.

,"Iaitisfies Sunday ObligationConfessions: Saturday

4:30 - 5:Oi —7:00 - 7:30 p. m.


Sunday School —9:45 a. m, I

Mormng Worship-11:00 a. m,

GEO. F. BROCKE L SONS, INC. 87 ORETHRIFTRX.smtr WRY~'C.K I s:.sPhone 289%23%,Kendrick

ecs st ~

WtHlATIKS of,PtHEERclhOS, ------—--------—--S,DoxoF for 81.00

WESTERN FAMILY SYRllge I'III oz, boHli, -----------:-—-- 28f.

WKSTKIIN FANII.Y FRUITr OOOKTAIII San tins, -------HIfor, $1.00

WESTERN FANILYiORtANHK JUIOKI IH sz..linn,.—-----.4for 81.00

TOP,: DOR or /4TH MEOW PKT FOOD, ------—..---...----oon 7g

ARDEN'S DKLIIIAi-IOF.,OIIKAN, Aooolisl,.FlsIors, -—'/R, Hlnl. SSf

IANANAS, Parr lb..------:-----'-.----—------—------------ 105POsTAITOES, nrbjo ------------------...--"---. 10 Ilio,, for 405,

6AHIIAHK, Psyi!bC. -----------.------- --------------"------ Df

Page 5: Fr„mM~ I, - 1970 - The Gazette News... · 11/12/1970  · teachers of iCendrjck Joint School Pocatojio District No, 285, were honored at n Mrs. Charl«s IBettej Deob«jd, the roc@tlon

TfIE %ENDI f1ififf fihXFJlTE

Pubsshed every Wednesday after-noon (dated Thursday} at Kendrick,Idaho, by Jane I and %. A, Roth

Subscription $8,50 per yearSecond Class Postage Paid A,t

Kendrick, Idaho 88587Strictly Independent in POMtfcs,

Mrs, Ray Lohnxan ....„..News EditorOf«ssfffed Adverlalng

150 pex'ne, Figure Ave aver«gewoxcfs to the Mne, Minimum 80c.

Fix Ridge Noteslifts'dolph Dennfor

Phono 276-3740

'America Ridge

News Notes'xis. P. P. Be«scot«r


Dear God me ask Thy beaslngAl fhfs TffANXSQIVINQ day 1We come fo Wee confesahfgThings we shouM fhrolv away-

Walt Benscoter of American 1%Idgewas a Monday evening vis!i,or of Mr.and Mrs, David Dennler and fern!ly.

Tuesday even!ng, Mrs, Dave Denn-ler and Diana attended the concertat Qenesee.

Saturday afternoon, Mrs. DaveDcnnlcr, Diana and David helpedMrs. Wayne 1Vegner celebrate herbirthday annfysrsaxy,

Mrs. Tom Dinnlir «nd Mrs, VY@Dennier were .. Tuesday afternoifuc«Mere in the Dav«.-X3ennfer home,

OfQcers Training School-Pocateno —The fifth basic 'e-

cruit school now going on at theIdaho Peace Offfcers Training Acad-emy at Idaho State University inPocateno, Mats candidates from 18city departments, three from sher-iff departments and six from UMState Ponce.

Graduation exerches for the classwOl be heid Nov. 20.

Sheriff ifepartment c n~cdstes in-clude Doiiifd E, Schoefffer, rear-m«ter county.

We who hsye weathered oftenAbandonnx& of dreams;Turn us from ihings that softenTo goodness Ihsf redeems,

Mr. «nd Mrs. Edd Kent were weekend guests in the Clyde Nicholshome in Clarkston.

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Davis, Puli«man, spent the week end with Mr.and Mrs. Rick Beche and famuy.Sunday...MxxL Davis xancf Mrs. K echeand, gsfxfc1«eyd,, Tanya, frfends%ca:.~~slane:, Rick~Went deer:;:alinCSIlg «ijff:,'~r haddinner wfth:: the Prank Bclscoter's.

Vfcfde Bcclx«cuter «eccxNLpanfedBarhsrac Heyhi. ssxd HNtfa, Axxnitageto Sofas to «ktied a xnietfng..of theState Soaxcf of FledercLted,Q«rdenClubs. St«nfey Hepler piuoted theplane r~~ng them to their destfncLtion on Thuxxxfay axxd.,xekuxxxfng onFriday.. Mr, . L«ray . y andKralg ': gsiri, Lsfidston, wereSunday.ev«nixie,guests fn, the DickBen«cot«r.„",hem@.:,'' Mrs, P%~o@QQt:,:sxnd MIMLed Spfcerwexe Suxidcjj- «alex'n =:the EddKsut home,

Mrs. Frank ~ter w«s a Lew-fstcxa visitor on Satuxday, ~un~ onher sister, Rufh Odem st the Oxeb-axcfs Nursing Home and her brotherDr. Dau Guy at St. Joseph's Hospi-tal She also visited fn the Don «ndRay Benscoter homes.

Mr. «nd Mrs. Andy Cox and MxaGObext Spmuf went: to Moscow Sun-day,"«ftc~~on to ~~ a receptionhCL„'~n~;~ Nfta ,.Car«sn Whe fa,e'~:,Star Piofnt hYtfxe Oxcfer of'IEsshiisa" RRir.

Fxfday «upper guests of the Law-rence R'~~~xxrs w«xe Mr. «ndMrs. Davfd Johnson and If«mfiy and

Rev. «nd MxxL Ray Hn~xn cnn, anof Lewfcxtnn. Other evening::visitorsmere Mr.. «ucf Mrs. Wayne Hifmglxxt-ner and Allen, Potlatch Ridge, «udMrs. Hefnxgartner's aunt, fxemCsfl foxxxfa.

Little Jennifer Reid of Mcxscowspent the week end with her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Cox andTom.

Mr. «nd Mrs. Lawxence Hefm-

Plant fn our hearts at fhis Thsnfcsgiv-in8ffde

Seeds Ifuct mUI burgeon, blooxn, and nodand Nvsyi

Of I%y great deathless lore Ibat mustabide,

When fife. and death, and:worfch, havepassed away, -Berk Gamble

Rsi!sx RliigsRail I.leR«f News


Stony Point ItemsMrs, Ernest Stelgers

Phone 278-SSSB

On SickLhl:j-'r»,

Cecil-';-:Dean was taken toSpokane Mondsiy, for,medical care.Her husband and~@; 3ifrs. BingBfanffefd took her up. 'We will havemore detaih later,

Thank you FFA boys, and Mr,Whfttfg for the clean up after H«M-oween of Kendrick and JuOaetta.This group cleaned not only Sunday,but again on Monday for some "fate"tricker«, or the same ones perhaps7Home On Leave

Pfc. MOce Holt ts spending a 2-viifaek furlough from Ft LeonardWeed, Missouri, with hh fanNy. Hexeports b«ck to Missouri,Brief«f Shower

Mrs. Sylvest«r Konen and Mr+Phil Balu attended a bxfdal showerSaturday afternoon at JuffaettsNas«rene Church for Miss LouiseArnett, Junaetta,

Mr, and Mrs. Phu Sshr and SkipArnett were Ruaday dinner guestsof Mr. and Mr«L Slag Bfsnffefd, BearRidge. They also visited in the~ COCO

Dean home at Deary.M. «nd M Conrad S f,

Moscovr and Mr. and Mrs. LeonardWofff, Lelank wexe Sunday dinnerguests of Mr. and Mrs. 81O Wnsonaad famuy. They celebrated BN'sbirthday. Mxs, Wfson reports thatLilly Wlhon has returned howe from«visit to C«Mforxlfs.

Mr. and Mxs. Dan WaNnder, Spo-kane. were weekend guests of Mr.and flfrs. Infer!on Souders snd fam-ily. Mxs. Grace Soudcrs, Kendrick,joined then for Sunday dhmer,

Mr. and Mrs. Cec/l Srammcr andfamily were Sunday dinner guests ofMiss Ehie snd John Darby. Kend-rick.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parsley spentthe weekend ln Spokane Mrs ftoserNeLson and daughters st«pal withthefr chOdrcn. l

Mr+ Phn Sahr accompanied Mr.iand Mrs. Sylvester Konen io


Wednesda*'Al vfafi, Mxs. KateSeem

Kenneth Dennfcr, and 3LI r. andMxa, Ehner Weaver and family,Lewfcaon, were wcefcend guest»


and l4ra Sam We«ver. Mr. andMrs, John Chapman and Bryan,Lewhton. were Sunday guest+

Mc. ILnd 3Lfx«, David B«M «nd son,of Potlatch visited S«tu~y even-

'ngwflb the James Boll family, andwith Pfc. Mike Holt, who ls homeocl, fLLrfough. The B«lls were overxafght guests of Mr, «nd Mra ElmerCuddy.

Drfve with your headlights on,not your l«mps, advisea theIdaho State Po ce, especlany beforethe sun rhea or sets. HeadMghts not

afhxw you to see bette; but alsoto be seen by ONer drfv«xs.


LILvi isaaaI

ORI«s Ia P«st«Nfe« ~f Ii


VP™::-~~i9 a, na. f«4 P. xxa. Ii

!1Dr. D. A. Chfxbftensen


18fo0 A RL T«8180 P. RLiI E «~ Galls «t Alf RX«cere Oaiii

I Iifpuaeatssxfii OXNes Pfleu«8888 11«sldexaee 5871


II Offfes Xxa

CNfix1sse«sx«L BufMI«ip Kendxfek

't '

WANTED TO BUY—8 or 4 bedxeomhome in Kendrick 289M97. tfc84

FOR RENT—Space ncsiv occupied;byKendrick Beauty Shop 84tfe

FOR SALE—Fresh Turkeys —Live ordressed, Chrhtcnsens. 289-5877.


FOR RENT—Partly Furnished, 2-bedroom House. Phone Kendrick289~1 lt48c

NEED RIDERS —Kendrick co Mos-cow Mon.-Frf. Can 289<881 after5 p. m. 48tfc

NOTKK —Fey Bros. Repair wNbe closed on Satuxcfays until fur-ther notice. 48&

Bim, Bear RidgeFOR SALE—Washer $40. Chrometable and 4 chafcs, $15. Range $55.Phone 2894051 or 289-5171 (45tfcl

FOR HEI''T: Sm«M moMe home, suft-.sbfe for one person or couple.Cont«ct AT 54793, 6 ~, ld«ho

FOR SALE—1981 Scout, 4-wheel dr.with new chatns. Phone Kendxfck,289-5884. 8145p

FOR YOUR FULLI0R PRODUCTS-~lease M~elena ma Mlllle Hah.

FOR UliflON Oil Pxoducfs fn theKecadrfck ax«a, caM BN RogexsRSM%1

By The Happy Home ClubMrs. Eula Galloway

Card PartyThere wfi Ibe a public caxd party

at the Coxmxumity H-., F=:daynight, Nov. 13, at 7:80 p. m. i.idgeladies bring either cookies or LcL~d-wiches.Other News

Kelth Xngfe spent Tlxursday LLfghtwith Efdou Wilson.

Sneer~ axnxcne fxcLm Spokanespent the weik~ with her uncleand «unt, Mr. «nd Mrs. Oscar Sffnd.

Mr. «nd Mxa George ~ ofSpofcsne visited in the Oscar SMndhome Thursday and Pxfday.

and MnL Joe rs~~fissenwexe Thursday evenfng visitors ofMr. and MxcL Jerry J. Xngle.

Mr. and Mna. Oscar Sflnd vfsltedfn Tfg«xcf. Oregon, last week withtheir son-fn-faw and daughter, Mr.«nd Mxxc. Harcnon Sommexa and fam-By, and also with their son anddaughter ln-law, Mr. «nd MnL Le-land Sand and, family at Longvfew,Wash.

Jofeue Br«xnmer w«s a Saturdaydinner guest of Karen Ingle.

Mra Lfnnie Ingle «ud Alcfe Neth-ken were Wednealay eveaing dinnerguests of Mr. «nd Mxa, A. A. Kxem-mins and Miss Alta Mooce in JuMa-etta.

Mr. Cy Bxsixcch and Mrs. Fxed Fru-burg of Llacrosse, Wn„wexe week-end visitors of Mr. «nd Mrs. A. C.Wilson, Mr.-and Mxxa, Wayne Wilsonand Mr. and Mxxx. Jay Dee Vs«on«nd. son

Mxs. Geroe Heffef visited Tues-,day and Wednesday with her daug-hter ancl f«xnfly, Mr. «nd Mxa EddieGalloway and sons.

Gerald Ingle atbsxdod a lam en-forcement pl«cluing commfsslon meet-ing in Lewlsfon Frldxay.

Mrs. Lfnnie Ingfe and Mxs. Alcfe¹thkfn were Fr!iday evening dinnerguests of¹.«nd Mrs. Jerry Ingleand family.

Mr. «xad MrcL Ed Ganow«y «ndMrs. Eddie G«noway «ncl sons wereSunday «ftccrnoon visitors in St. Mar-ie« with Mr. «nd Mxe. Raleigh Hugh-es.¹s.Ger«ld Ingle Lmpa~ted Mrs.Della Gefffe, president of IdahoHomemakers Council at the Agri-cultural Consulting Councn at theI of L SUB Friday fn Moscow.

John G«lfoway w«s a cMnner guestSundccy of Mrs. Anna Bower.

Mr. «ncf ¹aDon WOO«ms anddaughter Linda fcclm Moscow visitedSunday afternoon with Mr. and ¹s.Charles Bow«r «nd ¹s.Anna Bower.

Lee M«gnuson spent Friday andSatunhqr with Jerx3r Ganow«y.

Mr. and ¹xaJerry Ingle and fam-ily were Sundccy dinner guests ofMrs. Ofga ¹fson ln Do«ry.

Mr. and Mx«. Larry Gollaway,Krafg and Karl 'were Sunday cnnnerguests of Mrs. Eula G«Moway, Janlceand Jerry.

Mc«. Alcie Nefhken returned toher homo in Anchorage, Alaska Sun-day after spending two weeks visit-ing hor mother and other relatfvcxL

Max Clomcnh«gen w«s a Frfdaymorning bxe«kfast guest of¹.«ndMrs. Grant Clemenhagen.

Mrs. Gx«nt Clcmenh«gen attrxlcfediho Rebecca Lodge banquet fn DearyAVcdncsday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clemenhagenand Ida Ruby were Sunday after-noon vlsltnrs of Mr. and Mxs. GrantClemcnhagcn.

Mr. and ¹s.Frank HolslngiunLvcrr. Safuxdlcy evening visitors ofMr. and Mra Grant Cfemonhagrn.

Mr. «nd Mrs. Anton Moon of CoeurLf'A.frnc were Sunday guests of Mrs.Johanna Nelson. All vLwrc dinnerglLcsts ot'r. «nd Mrs. Ervin Hal-sct.h and Pam.

Monday Mr. «xld Mrs. Roy Glenn;Mrs, NOD Rode of Iwwfston andlifrs. Iona Whitcomb of Juuaoltavisited with ÃtlL Johanna Nelson

Gas C«xf Seh ~~ hT 54181 fsrUsfsa OR ~~ u «s ««sacer eaSAT 544k,

SEE ME For Your Chrhtmas Cards.Also everyday cards and noveltygifts, Alma Selt«, SoutfLLa fcfc.


VPANTIIID —CHUIQ4ING CRIRAM.Lxiwfsto«pxfs«at Ke«drisk. Leaveat Kexxfrfsk Tsifafe Suypfy, Kcsad-xfck. GOM«a Gr«fa, Lewfs-ten. 22

ORDER YOUR CERAMICS NOW—for Christmas, Articles on displayand for Sale. Call 289-5801 or280~. 2-18-nc

FOR RENT —8'x85'x«Oer House.Contact Joe Nffson, 8008 E. Main.Lswiston, or Mxs. Oral Craig.


FOR RENT—Large 2 Mrm, dayMghtbasement'pt. Unfur, except forLa~sr, dryer. See Mrs. J«ckBxewn. Julaetta 2784188. tf88c

FOR SALE —PAM TOP 88" high,Slue bubble glass c«nopy; Sak«dwhile enamel color, Mke new, $300.Phone 289-5887 atter 5:00 p. xn.


....FOR SALF~-rcom home with 2extra lots in Genesce. 2-car garagewith shop space. Total price $9,000-42,000 down. Phone Geneaee AT5-2884 for appolntmcnt to see.


DXD YOU KNOW YOU CAN RENT—Rug sham pooers, floor poM«hers.staplers, lawn thatcher«, fertf if«orsflre«der«, hand trucks, sewer tape,yips threaders. ladders and manyoNer items at ASRAMS HARD-WARE CO., Kendrick. tf<2c

TREK DISTRIBUTORSHeavy Duty, Funy Guaranteed, Axn-erlcan-macle under carriages andparts to fft aO crawler tractors. Youcan't afford lo rebuild your under-carrfagcx» when you c«n got cMrect,wholesale prices on ncw! Meet samaspccNcatfons as original equipment—parts interchange.

Dealer PricesTo AM Customers

Examples;D-7 RaO«, 86 Link, ea..........$480.80D.B Rane, 80 Link, ca, .......$810.80D-4 Rails, 81 Link, cL,,.....$


Raus, 38 I ink, ea.„......220.71TD»S Rails, 88 Link, ea,, ........$107.50TD-8 Rails, 82 Link, os, ...........148.24D4 Roller Shells, IT, ca, .......$14.84TD-0 Roncr Shells, w/bu, ea. $ 23.II'1I.lko prices on other sfscs-idlerssprockots, shafts, roncrs, tops andbottom, scale, ctc. Order carly beforeprices increases.

Used Mach!ncry2—Pca Rollers4—105 ft. JD Ccnlor Drive WcodersSU-D-B Farm, Excel!rat713-D-B Feral, Exrcllrnt7U-D-4 5 Roller, Farm7U.D-4 5 Rollec Farln Lv/ncw doter1ID-5 Farm-41095.002—12 ft.. Model 8 Drnls on RubberI-'10 ft, Model 8 Drill on Rubber.Plows, Fcltn!xcrs Syrcacfers, Sprlng-

tooNS, Harrows, DIscs, etc,DENNLER SUPPLYDave Dcnnlcr, Owner

Call Jul!actta 276-3771—Anytime


II ~r-a Door Deirv~ iIi

I Fast, Safe, DependableI'I

OFPX43E PHONE «894888

mmxcxxaENCE PXXONE 8894881 Ii,I I'I Ii



Custom SlaughteringMeat Cut, Wvapifedand Quick Fro2A.n

Locker Beef lpHalf and Quarter

)I Ii

Custom Butchering

IlEvelfy %'eek



(+nf~ SI ouf'8 Be I By lifo«.) I,il Lfve PNc up Can B«krnuage4 I

iI Iiil 8 RRN«s Bast «t Tx«y on Troy I

lie«xy Highway I

ii PRi. M 8-f1841 Eve 8N49NIil

Friendship Club

Seventeen fad!ca, four chffdxecL «ndtwo men enjoyed Cjub, held Tfffuffiday, Nov. 5th with.-:.tha host««aBetty Coyrger xuuf -eo-hostess MxaGlen Stevens. QuOtfng ayd: fuuxfwork wa«-done for th«hcsictesic'„

The, neIct meeting wflf';;he he34.:;oLNov. 19th at the hcnn«('Q~ NewtHeath.

A guest, Miss ~tte Sourge-ault, won the "white elephant', a aetof blue coffee mugs and holdingstand.Old Fashioned Sawing Bee

Alvin Johnson, Bedrock Canyon„;axed up hfs two xcl)uv~ sfeanl

on Satu~~~r-.e,=day ofsawhig, fixe wood,;.=«fd«II"-.'b j'."-,«ever«Imen of':the suxrcacn4lng 'xiefghbor-hood!!

Dinner w«s prepared':.gpr the group«t the Axt,:;Jjtuuston hei',;fxL Agatha...@II repijkd in fnterci'Sung day!

Px@III bury,-.;=-4;:great deal of -'M [email protected] consumed by th«enginesin the process' As w«M as agreat deal of food by the men!!Other News

Mr. and Mrs. I~us Helmgart-ner spent Sunday at CfearLvater,

Uwy i~ bhtM y s -Incr honoring son Tfnx Straw, heidiat his home.

Mrs. Forest Gibbs, Spokane, spent,the week-end with her p~, Mr.and 8frs. Newt Heath. Sunday din-,ner guests included Mr. «nd, Mrs.Kenneth Rugg and Ihree


Mr. and Mrs. Russell BonmLMeand fsmOy, all of Lewhton.

3lfr. and Mrs. Gordon Heath mereFriday luncheon guests in the NewtHeath home.

Mr. «nd Mrs. Stanley SfuiLnnan,Spokane. are visiting cousins, lheGlen and Marion Stevens, and the13ufus Fairfields, this ~

3Lfr. and Mxs. Wayne Hefmg«rtnerwere Sunday dinner guests in thehome of Mr. «nd Mxs. Bill Harrf atClark«ton. On Friday evening theyvhfted with Mr. and Mr+ LawrenceHefxngartller.

Gathering at the new Hunt Hatchhome on the north slope aboveKamiah. across the Cfeccxw«ter River,for a Saturday evening dtnner paxtywith movies «nd cards, weri ninecouples and nhle chndx«lL fronl Cot-tonwood, Lewlston„Kamfah andCherryl«ne present. The


Erneat, Steigers famines repre-sented Chenyfane. Mr. and Mxs. IMilo Spfvy {he a I'ormer cesfdentiatop Ffr Bluff) were ahao present,

Along mf th other parents «nd I

friends Mr. and Mrs. Roy Helmgart«Iner attended the annual banquet hon- <

oxfng the ~ football players,(held at the Lewlsfon Y. Vlf. C Aon Monday evenfng, Nov. 9th. Lap-;vLef ranks ln No. I position fn theirleague this season.

Mr. «nd MrcL Sob Blair and daugh-;ters of Lectfston vhited Satlxrcfaywiih hex parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cle-Us Holslngton.

Ed. W. Ranta returned home, fol-lowing recent surgery al St. Joseph'Hospft«L He and Mrs. Ranta call-ed at the E. Steigers home on Sun-day afternoon. Ed. «~ in a c«xeful manner and Ands his pickup withfts hfgher, stiffer seat the only meansof tnuuqertaffon he could use incomparaUve comfort. St!itches wereremoved from hh back on Monday,Nov. 0. Comylcte recovery will taketime.

Wednesday night supper guests ofthe Don Hoisingtons were her parents, Mr. «nd Mrs. Ved Weyen', Herbrother, Dean Weycn, U. of' «tu-dent, Lvas a Sunday supper guest,3lfr. and Mrs, Skip Koepp were lateevening caser«.

Sunday afternoon caners IIL thehome of Mr. «nd Mrs. Jim Bust ofCherrylane, to become better ac-qalnted with tiny Bobby Hust, wereMr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Stefgexs.

University Receives GrantTo Study Steelhead

MOSCOW —A $42,000 reiearchgrant has been «ma&ed to the Ida-ho Cooperative Fishery Unit, at theUniversity of Idaho by the U. S.Bureau of Flahorles and WO1Mfe tostudy the effects of low and hightemps cxLtures on thc physiologicalbehavior of juvenno stcclhcad trouthl the Snakc and Columbia riversystems.

According to Dr. Donald SV. Chap-maiL, leader of the Id«ho Coopera-tive Fishery Unit, temperaturechanges In the rivers increase eachyea,c duc to therm«3 power p)antsand high dame. Thc coming uso ofnllclcar power plants Lvin raise thetemp oraturc of the waters evenmore than at present,

A yorllon of the research wfOexamine the effects of temperatureflllctuailoll on slcclhcad hibernation.Chapman said that if nitrogen suycc-saturaffon contfnucs to be a problemln the Bnalcc RILwr during sprfngfloods, rcsourcc ll'la\agrrs ll&y cncourage Sn cally cnd to I'ish Ilibcr-nstlon by rrlrasfng Lvsrmcr Lvaferfrom Hells Canyon and Dwolzhakdsms, rnabl!ng Ash in nloiw intocollect!on farllitlcs now bcfng in-

( stalled in lllrblnc rntranccs on SnakcRlvrr dallls

The slrolhcad wm111 then bctranspm<rif tn the leaver Colu1nblaRlvcr, prcvcnlhLg high morlantyrates at doemrivcr sites, hc snfd.


Sej'gng +@vice +variably:- vAse, ancf-.',~11«~se, YARDiHxcKFAMILY Fkccaxxraafs, sponsorna


you sewing more chan iver the Urdversity of clcfaho Cooper'atfvefor yourself, your family snd your Extension Servfce, fs'.the title of thfxahome? Are you, thfnfcfng mfnf ~ program, which wOI: be preseniecs..mfdi —maxi —for Fan 19707 Come on November 19 at X~ pm. al th»and hear Sfmpifcfty Pattern Com- Clearwater POLver ~xfum, Lewpany's Consumer Education Program'ston. ;..:jz.':.

that wfff help you "measure up'* the ( Lower your sights oxx those hanx-Mnes most becoming to yoLL, ~..your famuy clothing budget by


and Ray were Sunday dfn„ord natfng daughter's wardrobener guests of Mr. and Mx«. Dick your omnGrosecfose in Juffeetta

- Sunday evening visitors fn the ~t of fabrfcs,home were Mx «xfcf the hMt '~re ~xf!Rus«I '- '::+

@ra~ Beati and daughters.S y c an~'n the W«xxxey


bclothes for the.-p~cloler.L Fr ~y --s . 3 you ~:tsseh

George,. xaam«ms w«s agllest fn the 'erner Bram» fox whom ou Pattemer home. Reyner Havens was a ~ sefectf

as many other sewing tecbnfcXue« .father George Havens. wN be presented.Mr. and Mxs, Wayne Davis retheft Pnl1rnen home on I Models wfM be ~ected

Thursday after Wayu'e finished hfs)This Education«3 ~cu~ Pxogx«uaf«M WOrk ln ~ ac«e,'t Seemed hee,hymn met .SXNIL'-,=~~f1 ~sl~n!ce to have.'hem ..',Cfxicufating fn wfIexevijr it goggly.. %e.":jcxfcxsr:-lt wfnour nefghboxfxcxxf. aeshma both +~~, sind studenfxa

We are.,ALII-,:;IL«ppy to, hear ~',«s . as tf~'$1e ~.consum-Judy Caufsoi'~vexfnfX so nfo«fjf f er:5'j: the resrexxffng ~n»~. iffxcsax her recent~ suq,nj. 1 creitfve clothing .


-%'ann MefnorialKermit hlalcom Manage

$infple, Dignified f'unerur Services

New Building —Pleffsant Surroundings




Guaranteed WorkSERVICE IS OUR SPECIa~rr 1!

LocatedOld Mill Site —West of Kendrick, Maho

Phone 2894177 Roy and Harlan Fey,k,

M G I,'. ". '.."...'.V ci


lima —I P. N. Is 11 P.


Many Stuffed Animals and Fine PrheaCANES YOlJ NlLL FlND

Panda TossBalloon Dart CameFish PondBaseball Throw

lilSiln and Nlngl




.i ili I 5 ill ,'ill 'i



Such Famous Iranils As


And Many, Many Others l


Page 6: Fr„mM~ I, - 1970 - The Gazette News... · 11/12/1970  · teachers of iCendrjck Joint School Pocatojio District No, 285, were honored at n Mrs. Charl«s IBettej Deob«jd, the roc@tlon