fracking un agenda 21 and banks

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  • 8/13/2019 Fracking Un Agenda 21 and Banks



    David Cammegh - EndAgenda21.Com

    Many means are used to manipulate us.

    A clue of manipulation is when the corporate mass media push a subject, while

    creating an artificial opposition to it. Whilst this opposition will contain much truth, it

    will eventually be deliberately ignored and set aside so that the pre-determined plan

    may take place.

    It's the same technique that is used now when the council says that it needs tobuild loads of houses in your village: the decision has already been made - the

    houses will be coming no matter what you think; but, to keep the public in a state of

    ignorance, a fake opposition is created. This 'opposition' then loses or 'compromises'

    so that the people think, 'Well, at least we tried,' or, 'At least we stopped them going

    all the way.' Whereas, of course, they had no real input whatsoever - certainly not a

    definite YES/NO vote on the matter.

    This is, in part, what is happening with 'fracking'; which some people are attempting

    to push on us all, when only a very few will benefit.

    Here is adefinition of frackingfrom Fiona Harvey in The Guardiannewspaper:

    The process of hydraulic fracturing or "fracking" involves drilling a hole deep

    into the dense shale rocks that contain natural gas, then pumping in at very high

    pressure vast quantities of water mixed with sand and chemicals. This opens up tiny

    fissures in the rock, through which the trapped gas can then escape. It bubbles out

    and is captured in well that brings it to the surface, where it can be piped off.

    There is a lot ofopposition to fracking.For example, it wrecks the countryside, as it

    involves placing a fracking plant wherever there is gas, which could be in a field next

    to your house. This fracking monster will then proceed first to drill, extract gas by

    blasting rock with a great deal of water and chemicals, which include hydrochloric

    acid and many others. Meanwhile, as we have seen in numerous examples,such as

    in Lancashire,there is danger of causing an earthquake.

    The upshot is certainly gas, as has been proved, but it can also be polluted land

    and water, not to mention the eyesore of the fracking plant and the traffic involved

    with it. Hence in Pittsburgh, USA, for example, they are considering a ban on

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    But don't think that you will be able to object to these plants in the UK: if the blight

    of wind farms or the unwanted building developments currently being stuffed in every

    corner across the UK have set any precedent these things will be placed wherever

    the big corporations see fit, except in the very rare cases when truly informed people

    stand and fight.

    It is clear to me that the net eventual outcome of this fracking process in the UK

    and anywhere else will be noise, ugliness, poisoned land and reduced property

    prices. These problems will very nicely serve the implementation of U.N. Agenda 21,

    which is ultimately about impoverishing people, getting people off the land, cramming

    them into heavily surveilled towns - a globally centralised total control corporate land

    grab behind a green mask. Meanwhile, there will be big profits for all those involved

    in the process and more land for 'the state', or the big banks - those that run both the

    state and U.N. Agenda 21.

    Larry Abraham, along with Garry Allen, co-authored of the book,None Dare Call It

    Conspiracy,which was published in 1971. This book explains briefly and clearly the

    origins of global government and how it would unravel. Because the book is based in

    fact, the plan explained has unravelled as predicted - chillingly so.

    If you read Larry Abraham's other book The Greening, which was published in

    1990, you will see that he explains how 'the environment' will play an important role

    in delivering the horror of global socialism or corporate fascism to the world. In the

    book he explains that once oil has been put under complete control and set aside

    natural gas would follow; which it is now doing, specifically with fracking. AgainAbraham's ability to predict what would happen is uncanny, not because he had a

    crystal ball, but because he used the available facts, which are out there for all to


    Another deceptive approach used by those who want to usher in global

    government and total control is the Hegelian Dialectic. That is, problem, reaction,

    solution. In other words, a problem is created, a reaction occurs, which calls for a

    solution to the problem. Then a predetermined solution is applied only to the benefit

    of those who caused the problem in the first place.

    This is the method, often described as using a'false flag',that has been used since

    time began for certain interests to be pushed at the expense of everyone else; and,

    as far as I can see, it has been used in the energy industry to help globally centralise

    and control all energy, all land, all nations, all people, all wealth, all construction - in

    short, to bring to life U.N. Agenda 21 'sustainable development' - the environmental

    control freak's dream of the 21st century.

    If you take an overview of energy in the UK for example, you will see that at one

    time not so long ago we had a massive coal industry, enough to sustain us for

    centuries, or at least certainly for enough time to discover other forms of energy.Unfortunately, in what is clearly to me a false flag, the unions, specifically under
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    Arthur Scargill, were set against the Conservative and well meaning, but horribly

    manipulated, Mrs. Thatcher. A battle ensued, the coal mines were then closed down

    and have in many cases since been flooded, or rendered unworkable without

    considerable cost.

    Meanwhile, it is said that our oil supply has reduced, as has our natural gas from

    the North Sea. At the same time, false scarcity of resources, specifically oil has

    happened around the world.

    As the writer and researcherGreg Palastsays in one of his recent books, Vultures'

    Picnic, in reference to Azerbaijan, 'The Contract of the Century gave BP the right to

    drill the oil, but more important, the right not to drill it, to keep it off the market, to

    squeeze the world price higher... Wars are fought over oil... but also to keep it from

    getting to the market. And that is the story of Iraq 2003... This wasn't a war of blood

    for oil. It was a war of blood for nooil, to limit the flow.'

    So, the oil industry has been taken over completely and put under tight control,

    pushing up prices so that the people of the world cannot enjoy the benefits of fuel,

    and the benefits of using that fuel to assist human ingenuity towards discovering

    even better sources of energy.

    And so, we have a 'crisis', yet another false flag, yet another example of the

    Hegelian Dialectic. In the wake of this fake scarcity of oil, and coal in the UK, we

    have, as Larry Abraham might have said, quite naturally, a demand for a pre-

    determined 'solution', 'natural gas', by fracking; which, as explained, helps push us

    even closer to the total control grid of U.N. Agenda 21 'sustainable development',

    while enabling the 'elite' not only to seize more land, more resources, but also to

    make a huge sum of money.

    As ever, only the tiny globalist elite benefits: more or less always the big

    international banks, such as Goldman Sachs.

    It is the big banks, of course, who are behind UN Agenda 21 'sustainable

    development'. If you read the U.N. Agenda 21 document you will find many

    references, for example, to the World Bank.

    And the World Bank has many direct links to big international banks, such as

    Goldman Sachs.

    And never forget, for example, that Goldman Sachs operatives have mysteriously

    been installed in very influential positions. For example in the Greek government

    (Lucas Papademos was until 2012 the Greek Prime Minister), and in the role of

    Governor of the Bank of England (the Canadian Mark Carney will take up the

    position on July 1st 2013). But then, of course, banks such as Goldman Sachs are

    behind the EU, and are said to'rule the world'.Indeed, it is in their dark interests to

    create a banker-run world government, with no borders and total centralised control -

    their control at our expense.
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    No surprise either that these banks are behind oil and gas - and fracking.

    Incidentally, there is another U.N. Agenda 21 false flag/problem, reaction solution

    linked to fracking, which is water scarcity. Water scarcity is a relatively new focal

    point of the United Nations,and is therefore newly important to those involved with

    U.N. Agenda 21. And it is known that fracking canpoison the water-supply.Not only

    this, the process of fracking involves using huge amounts of water. And so, what can

    we expect? Yes, a fracking-induced water shortage and therefore more centralised

    control of water, which, as I have said, fits very nicely with U.N. Agenda 21.

    How do we know the banks are behind fracking?

    Let's just follow one simple lead by using an example of a fracking company

    operating in the UK,Cuadrilla Resources.

    A quick look at their website reveals plenty of U.N. Agenda 21 terminology, such as'Partners' and 'Part of the Community'.

    A quick glance at Wiki reveals that Cuadrilla'sUK Chairman is Lord Browne.

    A quick look at the Cuadrilla 'Partners' and you find Riverstone, a large global


    A quick look at Riverstone's 'Partners' and you findLord Browne. It states, 'Lord

    Browne joined Riverstone in 2007 and is co-head of Riverstones Renewable Energy


    A quick look at Lord Browne on Wikiand you enjoy a colourful biography, which

    includes direct links to Goldman Sachs. You also learn that he is 'currently Managing

    Director and Managing Partner (Europe) of Riverstone Holdings LLC', and much

    more, including his fellowship of the Royal Society, which has, with good reason,

    been described as 'an organisation made up of renowned eco-fascists and

    depopulation fanatics'.You also learn of Browne's role as Chief Executive of BP -

    hence, according to Greg Palast, his direct involvement with the afore-mentioned

    'Contract of the Century'no tto drill for oil in Azerbaijan. Oh, yes, he also has plenty

    of honorary degrees and has been knighted.

    If this short article currently in your hand doesn't explain to you why we should

    avoid fracking, or at least take a very long pause before supporting it, then I suggest

    you look again; perhaps not just at what I have written but at other sources.

    As far as I can see fracking is clearly yet another ploy against humanity, against

    national sovereignty, against energy independence, against freedom, against liberty,

    against prosperity.

    Hence I am disturbed when I see UKIP members, such as Roger Helmer MEP and

    Paul Nuttall MEP in support of fracking. As these men are members of a party thatcalls itself libertarian and must therefore be committed to the independence of,_Baron_Browne_of_Madingley,_Baron_Browne_of_Madingley,_Baron_Browne_of_Madingley
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    nations and to supporting small businesses and liberty in general, their support of

    fracking indicates either collaboration with globalists or ignorance.

    Collaboration with globalists would be unforgiveable, because that would suggest

    they are in some way trying to deceive their voters. I must therefore give them the

    benefit of the doubt: they are simply unaware of the shenanigans and deceit of those

    who are pushing for transnational government, those who actually support the EU as

    the socialist totalitarian banker-run monster it has become - those who are really

    behind fracking.

    The question Mr. Helmer and Mr. Nuttall might ask is, 'If not fracking, then what?'

    As far as I am concerned, the answer to that question would be simple.

    First get informed. Then understand the false scarcity of energy resources and how

    that 'scarcity' is used to take money, land, power, sovereignty. Then expose the falsescarcity. Then put everything into re-opening the UK coal mines, and opening coal

    power stations, becauseusing coal for fuel is completely clean.

    These steps would be enough to be getting along with and would have great

    benefits, for example, newly opened private mines and power stations would

    increase local employment with real meaningful work. Not only this I think that, as

    long as it's kept a long way out of the hands of the likes of Lord Browne, coal would

    be a real step towards independence, which is what UKIP, surely, is after, as are the

    vast majority of people on this earth.