fr. gerard m. balinnya

NOTI C E BOARD No Guns No Knives “In Faith We Grow” Chaplain’s message 28th APRIL, 2019 PEACE BE WITH YOU! Dear Brethren, I hope you managed to somehow engage with the Lord during Lent and more so in the Holy Week. The build up to Easter is an important spiritual experience which helps to deepen our understanding of the meaning of the Resurrection of the Lord. Looking back at the Good Friday events we feel the depth of God’s love for us and his desire to redeem us by the shedding of his blood on the Cross. For the disciples who witnessed those Good Friday events first hand, it was too much to bear. The Master had been brutally murdered! It looked like the end of the world and so they went into hiding “for fear of the Jews” (John 20:19). They knew they were the next target to be arrested and crucified! So in the midst of that fear, behind locked doors, the Lord—now no longer confined by space or time because he was risen— appeared to them and greeted them: “Peace be with you”, three times. He made sure that their fears and doubts be dispelled. Thus, he called upon Thomas to verify that he was indeed risen by letting him put his finger in his hand and his side to feel the holes in his body. He was no longer dead; he was truly risen! I am sure we have all gone through some hope-shattering experiences in life: an incurable illness, a bereavement, job loss, relationship breakdown, broken marriage, financial loss, life changing accidents, etc. Those are some Good Friday experiences which have caused us to doubt God’s love and/or existence. Some people have managed to overcome them somehow. But many have lost their faith completely and given up on God. Today’s message is: “Peace be with you. Doubt no longer but believe” (John 20:27). Our country is going through many tough challenges at the moment. We sometimes feel that the Lord has forgotten us because the situation is getting worse every other day. We are like the disciples behind locked doors, living in fear. The Easter message of “Peace be with you” may feel far-fetched! The desert, wilderness, Gethsemane and Good Friday experiences feel so much prolonged! We are longing for the message of “Peace be with you” to be more real for us. So let us ask the Risen Lord to fill us with faith, hope and courage as we strive to walk with him on this journey. May Eastertide bring hope. Fr. Gerard M. Balinnya BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS Margaret Hawkins 2nd Flavia Kkulubya 3rd Olivia Mukiibi 3rd Jordan Ssali 4th Santos Mondo 5th George Kasibante 6th Paschal F. Kyazze 6th Maria B.Tumwesigye 10th Juliet Mutyaba 12th Raphaela Kitayimbwa 14th Lydia K. Zzinga 16th Florah Mugwanya 18th Charles Lubega 19th Deo Ssebaggala 19th Hilda Kitaka 19th Jeremiah F. Kuteesa 20th Felista N. Kibuuka 22nd Vincent Kigongo 23rd Denis Muwonge 24th PRAYERS FOR THE SICK *Miss Winnie Nnantege *Mrs Theo Bengo *Mathias Wasswa *Mr Polly Tamwesigire *Maria Ddungu and others housebound or in hospital for God’s healing. MASAKA DIOCESE GETS NEW BISHOP Good news was broken on 16th April 2019 of the appointment of Mgr SERVERUS JJUMBA, as the new bishop to succeed Bishop John Baptist Kaggwa. Born 2nd July 1962, he attended St. Augustine’s & St. Paul’s Kitovu Primary School, Bukalasa, Katigondo and Ggaba Seminaries. He was ordained 20.6.1992 and is Vicar General of Masaka since 2014. He will be consecrated on 6.7.2019. We congratulate him and wish him all the best as a good shepherd. May the Lord bless him. MASS FOR MIGRANTS on Monday 6th May 2019 at Westminster Cathedral starting at 10 am with Banner procession. You are all welcome to attend. KIGANGO SESSION Kabaka’s Officials in East London will hold the ‘Kigango’ Session on Sat. 4th May 2019 at Beckton Community Centre, 14 East Ham Manor Way, London, E6 5NG, 4.30—10 pm. Contact: Omukungu Rachel Nnabudde 07961019177 WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Mr. Gerald and Mrs Grace Kalema Ssali: 17/04/2010 = 9 years Mr. Charles Lwanga and Mrs Olivia Kisaala: 01/04/2007 = 12 years Mr. Godfrey and Mrs Irene Ssekisonge: 24/04/2004 = 15 years Mr. Kizito and Mrs Edna Bukenya: 24/04/1993 = 26 years UMCC Jubilee Day on 30.6.2019 at 1.30 pm led by Rt. Rev. Bishop J.B. Kaggwa of Masaka.

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Page 1: Fr. Gerard M. Balinnya


No Guns No Knives “In Faith We Grow”

Chaplain’s message

28th APRIL, 2019


Dear Brethren,

I hope you managed to somehow engage with the Lord during Lent and more so in the

Holy Week. The build up to Easter is an important spiritual experience which helps to

deepen our understanding of the meaning of the Resurrection of the Lord. Looking back

at the Good Friday events we feel the depth of God’s love for us and his desire to redeem

us by the shedding of his blood on the Cross.

For the disciples who witnessed those Good Friday events first hand, it was too much

to bear. The Master had been brutally murdered! It looked like the end of the world and so

they went into hiding “for fear of the Jews” (John 20:19). They knew they were the next

target to be arrested and crucified!

So in the midst of that fear, behind locked doors, the Lord—now no longer confined

by space or time because he was risen— appeared to them and greeted them: “Peace be

with you”, three times. He made sure that their fears and doubts be dispelled. Thus, he

called upon Thomas to verify that he was indeed risen by letting him put his finger in his

hand and his side to feel the holes in his body. He was no longer dead; he was truly risen!

I am sure we have all gone through some hope-shattering experiences in life: an

incurable illness, a bereavement, job loss, relationship breakdown, broken marriage,

financial loss, life changing accidents, etc. Those are some Good Friday experiences

which have caused us to doubt God’s love and/or existence. Some people have managed

to overcome them somehow. But many have lost their faith completely and given up on

God. Today’s message is: “Peace be with you. Doubt no longer but believe” (John 20:27).

Our country is going through many tough challenges at the moment. We sometimes

feel that the Lord has forgotten us because the situation is getting worse every other day.

We are like the disciples behind locked doors, living in fear. The Easter message of

“Peace be with you” may feel far-fetched! The desert, wilderness, Gethsemane and Good

Friday experiences feel so much prolonged! We are longing for the message of “Peace be

with you” to be more real for us. So let us ask the Risen Lord to fill us with faith, hope

and courage as we strive to walk with him on this journey. May Eastertide bring hope.

Fr. Gerard M. Balinnya


Margaret Hawkins 2nd

Flavia Kkulubya 3rd

Olivia Mukiibi 3rd

Jordan Ssali 4th

Santos Mondo 5th

George Kasibante 6th

Paschal F. Kyazze 6th

Maria B.Tumwesigye 10th

Juliet Mutyaba 12th

Raphaela Kitayimbwa 14th

Lydia K. Zzinga 16th

Florah Mugwanya 18th

Charles Lubega 19th

Deo Ssebaggala 19th

Hilda Kitaka 19th

Jeremiah F. Kuteesa 20th

Felista N. Kibuuka 22nd

Vincent Kigongo 23rd

Denis Muwonge 24th


*Miss Winnie Nnantege

*Mrs Theo Bengo

*Mathias Wasswa

*Mr Polly Tamwesigire

*Maria Ddungu and

others housebound or in

hospital for God’s healing.


Good news was broken on 16th April 2019 of the appointment

of Mgr SERVERUS JJUMBA, as the new bishop to succeed

Bishop John Baptist Kaggwa. Born 2nd July 1962, he attended

St. Augustine’s & St. Paul’s Kitovu Primary School, Bukalasa,

Katigondo and Ggaba Seminaries. He was ordained 20.6.1992

and is Vicar General of Masaka since 2014. He will be

consecrated on 6.7.2019. We congratulate him and wish him all

the best as a good shepherd. May the Lord bless him.


Monday 6th May 2019 at

Westminster Cathedral

starting at 10 am with

Banner procession. You are

all welcome to attend.


Kabaka’s Officials in East

London will hold the

‘Kigango’ Session on Sat.

4th May 2019 at Beckton

Community Centre, 14

East Ham Manor Way,

London, E6 5NG, 4.30—10

pm. Contact: Omukungu

Rachel Nnabudde



Mr. Gerald and Mrs Grace Kalema Ssali: 17/04/2010 = 9 years

Mr. Charles Lwanga and Mrs Olivia Kisaala: 01/04/2007 = 12 years

Mr. Godfrey and Mrs Irene Ssekisonge: 24/04/2004 = 15 years

Mr. Kizito and Mrs Edna Bukenya: 24/04/1993 = 26 years

UMCC Jubilee Day on 30.6.2019 at 1.30 pm led by Rt. Rev. Bishop J.B. Kaggwa of Masaka.

Page 2: Fr. Gerard M. Balinnya


AD MEMORIAM (Memorial Anniversaries)

Dr. Fr. Joseph Kisekka (26.3.1959 14.4.2016)

Mr. Joseph Nnyanzi (1953 - 12.4.2016)

Ms Veronica Kawere (1969 –11 April 2016)

Mr. Reginald Matovu (22.5.1961 –11.04.2016)

28th APRIL, 2019







Mr. David Gerald S. Mutumba(26.2.1962; 4.4.2019)

Miss Esther Nnakimuli (48) d.20.4.2019 (sister to Mrs

Olivia Nnamakula Ssebuuma); and as we went to press

Mrs Felicity Nnanfuka Kibuuka (95), [d. 25.4.2019].

May their souls rest in eternal peace.



UMCC youth went out for a

social event on 12th April and

had fun. 18 of our young

people (6 - 30) took part in a

day of activities including a

laser tag game, meal and drinks

as a well as a social drink in a bar for the over 18 olds.

They are grateful

to the community

for supporting

the event which

helped to

enhance their


Thanks to Jessica Bukenya, Mark Kaweesa and Mrs

Teddy Mathison for organising this nice event. We are

very proud of all of you. Keep up the positive spirit!

FRANCIS PULLE (d. April 1998)

FRANCIS BBAALE (d. 2.4.2015)

VINCENT KAYIMA (d. 8.4.2015)

ROSE M. NANKABIRWA (d. Apr. 2015)

THERESA KIZZA (d. 12.4.2017)

AGAATI KAWEESA (d. 23.4.2017)

Mrs Mary Nkata (d. 20 April 2016) Mrs Flora Alice Oyelewu (3.11.1938 –30 Mar. 2017) Mrs Maria Salome N. Mwanje (8.1.1956–5.4. 2017)

Mr. Augustino Kigozi (89); [Died 28.4.2016]

Nearly 20 UMCC pilgrims went to Rome on 11.4.2019 and toured around

the Vatican. Then, as a climax, they joined Pope Francis for Palm Sunday

Mass in St. Peter’s Square on 14.4.2019 attended by tens of thousands.

Below, right, they posed for a photo after Mass at their hotel. Thanks to

Mr & Mrs Bukenya for organising the pilgrimage along with Mgr Charles

Namugera (far right). Fr. Gerard was among the pilgrims and

concelebrated with the Pontiff. The pilgrims were ecstatic all through!

Solemn Palm


procession led

by Pope

Francis in St.

Peter’s Square

Mrs Eliza Nnantongo Jockuat (28.3.1974 -16.4.2018)

Nnaalongo Millicenta Nnanteza(16.3.1933-18.4.2018

Mrs Florence Nsubuga (1954 –9.4.18)

Ssaalongo William Muyomba (1944 - 24.3.2018)