fourth sunday of lent |march 11,...


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Fourth Sunday of Lent |March 11, 2018

Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma |marzo 11, 2018


TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The wrath and the mercy of the LORD are revealed in the exile and liberation of the Chosen People (2 Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23) or 1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a. Psalm — Let my tongue be silenced, if I ever forget you! (Psalm 137) or Psalm 23. Second Reading — God, who is rich in mercy, brought us to life with Christ (Ephesians 2:4-10) or Ephesians 5:8-14. Gospel — The Son of Man must be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life (John 3:14-21) or John 9:1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38]. The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 65:17-21; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13b; Jn 4:43-54 Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday: Is 49:8-15; Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18; Jn 5:17-30 Thursday: Ex 32:7-14; Ps 106:19-23; Jn 5:31-47 Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Ps 34:17-21, 23; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday: Jer 11:18-20; Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-12; Jn 7:40-53 Sunday: Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:3-4, 12-15; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33 Alternate readings (Year A): Ez 37:12-14; Ps 130:1-8; Rom 8:8-11; Jn 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45]

The Sunday bulletins contain important and necessary information. If you have anything to be placed in our bulletin, please send an e-mail to [email protected] by 4pm on Monday.

The Pastor’s Corner

Fourth Sunday! We've passed the halfway

point! We're making our way through Lent!

Our readings today give us one of the best known

Psalms in the Jewish Psalter: "If I forget you

Jerusalem, let my right hand wither." A lament from

exile, sung by the streams of Babylon, it expresses

our extraordinary urgency as those who are far from

home, far from our heavenly home. Urgency and

fragility--the recognition that in the attractions and

bustle of our surroundings, we could lose sight and

forget our true home.

Let my tongue be silenced, if I ever forget you--the

Psalm recognizes that we collapse, we lose our

meaning, if we become detached from our true

identity. Like Jesus would ask many generations

later, "What does it profit a man if he gain the whole

world and lose his soul?"

Today is our chance to redouble our Lenten

practices, to throw ourselves more fully into our

Lenten endeavor so as to reawaken our heart's

longing for the truth, for who we truly are. And as a

parish, we hold the significant responsibility of

handing on this reality to our children, of ensuring

that this insight is not extinguished with us.

I'd like to renew my request that you support our

parish school in awakening this vision in our

children. If you haven't yet done so, go to our parish

website (you can google

our parish to find the page), and there you'll find a

link to contribute via Online Giving. Please make a

monthly pledge to the school there via Faith Direct,

whether $5 a month or a full tuition's worth of $370

monthly, and assist us in handing on the fire of the


If you and I allow the Faith to die with us, if we don't

hand on what we have received, if we allow the

heavenly Jerusalem to be forgotten by the next

generation, we are more than withered, more than

lost. The memory of Jerusalem our home may be

erased, but let it not be with us or our children.

Fourth Sunday of Lent |March 11, 2018

Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma |marzo 11, 2018



Primera lectura — La ira y la misericordia del Señor se

manifestaron en el exilio y la liberación del pueblo

(2 Crónicas 36:14-16, 19-23) o 1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a.

Salmo — Que se me pegue la lengua al paladar si no me

acuerdo de ti (Salmo 137 [136]) o Salmo 23 (22).

Segunda lectura — Dios, rico en misericordia y amor,

nos dio vida con Cristo. (Efesios 2:4-10) o Efesios 5:8-14.

Evangelio — Dios nos dio su Hijo único, para que todo

el que crea en Él tenga vida eterna (Juan 3:14-21)

o Juan 9:1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38]. Salmo responsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano Dominical © 1970, Comisión Episcopal Española. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados.

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Is 65:17-21; Sal 30 (29):2, 4-6, 11-13b; Jn 4:43-54 Martes: Ez 47:1-9, 12; Sal 46 (45):2-3, 5-6, 8-9; Jn 5:1-16 Miércoles: Is 49:8-15; Sal 145 (144):8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18; Jn 5:17-30 Jueves: Ex 32:7-14; Sal 106 (105):19-23; Jn 5:31-47 Viernes: Sab 2:1a, 12-22; Sal 34 (33):17-21, 23; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Sábado: Jer 11:18-20; Sal 7:2-3, 9bc-12; Jn 7:40-53 Domingo: Jer 31:31-34; Sal 51 (50):3-4, 12-15; Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33 Lecturas alternativas (Año A): Ez 37:12-14; Sal 130 (129):1-8; Rom 8:8-11; Jn 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45]

Durante este tiempo de oración intencional, iniciaremos la Misa rezando la Oración de San Miguel.

El Rincón del Párroco ¡Cuarto domingo! ¡Hemos ya pasado la mitad del camino! ¡Vamos avanzando en la Cuaresma!

Nuestras lecturas de hoy nos dan uno de los salmos más conocidos en el salterio judío: "Si te olvido, Jerusalén, que se me paralice la mano derecha". Un lamento del exilio, cantado por las corrientes de Babilonia, expresa nuestra extraordinaria urgencia como aquellos que están lejos de casa, lejos de nuestro hogar celestial. Urgencia y fragilidad: el reconocimiento de que, en las atracciones y el bullicio de nuestro entorno, podríamos perder de vista y olvidarnos de nuestro verdadero hogar.

Que se me pegue la lengua al paladar, si no me acuerdo de ti, el Salmo reconoce que colapsamos, perdemos nuestro significado, si nos separamos de nuestra verdadera identidad. Como Jesús preguntaría muchas generaciones después: "¿De qué le sirve a un hombre ganar el mundo entero y perder su alma?"

Hoy es nuestra oportunidad de redoblar nuestras costumbres cuaresmales, de lanzarnos más plenamente a nuestro esfuerzo de Cuaresma a fin de despertar el anhelo de nuestro corazón por la verdad, por lo que realmente somos. Y como parroquia, tenemos la importante responsabilidad de transmitir esta realidad a nuestros hijos, de garantizar que esta visión no se extinga con nosotros.

Me gustaría pedirles nuevamente que apoyen a nuestra escuela parroquial para despertar esta visión en nuestros niños. Si aún no lo ha hecho, vaya al sitio web de nuestra parroquia (puede buscar nuestra parroquia en google para encontrar la página), y allí encontrará un enlace para contribuir a través de Online Giving. Haga un donativo mensual para la escuela a través de Faith Direct, ya sea de $ 5 al mes o una matrícula completa de $ 370 mensuales, y ayúdenos a pasar la llama de la Fe a nuestros niños.

Si usted y yo permitimos que la Fe muera con nosotros, si no entregamos lo que hemos recibido y si permitimos que la próxima generación olvide a la Jerusalén celestial, estamos más que marchitos, más que perdidos. El recuerdo de Jerusalén, nuestro hogar, puede borrarse, pero que no se borre con nosotros ni con nuestros hijos.

Fourth Sunday of Lent |March 11, 2018

Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma |marzo 11, 2018




(Weekend of Feb. 24-25, 2018) Includes direct deposit and credit card donations

In-Pew (Collection) $ 12,926.50 Faith Direct* $

Total $ 12,926.50

Year-to-Date (7/1/17-2/25/18, all offertory) $ 510,466.62

Year-to-Date Budget (7/1/17-2/25/18) $ 515,466.25


(for the month of January) Includes direct deposit and credit card donations

Building Fund $230.00 St. Vincent de Paul $1,313.50 School Support $3,844.76

Thank you for your generosity!

*Faith Direct contributions are recorded twice monthly. Sign up at:


Some feedback that we received after the mid-year

Parish financial report had been given at the Sunday

Masses during the weekend of February 17 and 18

indicated that you might have been surprised to hear

that we were running about $27,000 over budget at

the end of December 2017. Following your

feedback, we noted that the summary of the Sunday

collection that appears in the bulletin every week

indicates that we are collecting more than our

budgeted expenses, and we see how this might have

been the cause of your surprise. We are sorry to

report now that the summary of the collections has

been mistaken because we reported an amount taken

from a wrong line in the budget. We have corrected

this mistake, and you can see now how the Sunday

collections are running below budget.

Next week, our parish will take up The Catholic Relief Services

Collection (CRSC). Funds from this

collection help provide food to the

hungry, support to displaced refugees,

and bring Christ’s love and mercy to all

people here at home and abroad. Next week, please give

generously to the CRSC, and help Jesus in disguise. Learn

more about the collection at



8:00am Edelmira Ayala (Birthday)

5:00pm Solomon R. Sahagun

7:00pm Cirilo Aceves, Isabel Ortega

SUNDAY 8:00am Collective Mass Intentions: Raymond & Gwen

Hyzynski, Manuel Basterrechea (healing), Henry Mitchell (Birthday), Juan Manuel Gutierrez (Birthday), Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Guadalupe

10:00am Beatriz Vazquez (Birthday), Jessica, Luis and Ricardo

Parra (Special Intentions)

12:00pm Ildelfonso Lazo Velazquez

2:00pm Alejandra Villagomez (Birthday)

5:00pm Luterio Genato (Birthday)

7:00pm Marcela Salazar

MONDAY 8:30am Krog Family (Thanksgiving), Allison Family


TUESDAY 8:30am Rudy Galli

WEDNESDAY 8:30am Georgina Hall (Birthday)

THURSDAY 8:30am Leonila A. Sahagun

6:30pm Eva Herrera Ramos

FRIDAY 8:30am William White Jr.

PRAY FOR... | OREMOS POR... Please keep the following people in your prayers this week: For those

suffering illness, infirmity, and those in need of our prayers… Recordemos en

nuestras oraciones de esta semana a todos aquellos que estan enfermos,

especialmente a:

Ann Boyd, Cici Low, Ray Buttacavoli, Georgia G. Poulos, Steve Flarida, Steven Andrew Jung, Efrain Ortiz,Julie Sasamoto, Sam

Uriarte, Jack Abe, Sandy Kenny, Oliver Lanier, Albert Antuna, Rey Yandall, Joan Stone , Louise Zocco, Ella Land, Fabia de Leon,

Evelyn Emezi, Maryann Krog., Anabella Vazquez, Andy Low, David Beltran, Simplicia Gacayan, Bien Clariza, Mimi Fife, Cherry Wy, Ed

Genato, Rose Healy, Merci and Sam Uriarte, Rolan Broussard, Socorro Martinez, Joann Vega-Johnson and Paul Lehtinen, Donald

Ross, Cathy Ross and Todd Larson.

For the souls of the following recently departed, that through the mercy of

Christ, they may rest in peace… Oremos tambien por todos los fieles difuntos

para que a través de la misericordia de Dios descansen en paz....

Rosa Elena Hughes, Conchita Ramirez, Sister Claire Hillary, Cecilia and James Krog, Rita Vasquez

The names on these lists will be on for two weeks ONLY


In this time of intentional prayer, we will

open the Mass with the St. Michael Prayer.

Fourth Sunday of Lent |March 11, 2018

Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma |marzo 11, 2018


Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

In the Atrium. In the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atrium here at St. Isidore, we serve children from ages 3 to 12. If you would like more information about enrolling your child next fall or becoming a CGS catechist, please contact Michelle Knox at [email protected]. Please pray for our children and catechists! Thank you, and may God bless you.

Our Don Bosco Youth Group meetings will be every Friday from 5:00 – 6:15pm in the School Science Room. Come and participate in your Catholic faith- this is your group this is your Church. Viva Cristo Rey.



Parish Hall

$10.00 single or $15.00 a couple

Tacos/Soda for sale inside

DJ Juan Casimiro : Cumbias, Salsa, …….

This dance is our Don Bosco Youth fundraiser for WORLD YOUTH DAY PANAMA 2019. The price for WYD PANAMA is ($2500) per person – please help support our youth and their young Catholic faith. GOD BLESS YOU.

What does Lent have to do with those becoming Catholic?

In Lent, RCIA participants move into the final period of preparation for the sacraments. They have been nourished by the graces of various liturgical Rites throughout the RCIA process, which have helped them to embrace God's call. In Lent, God pours purifying and enlightening graces upon them, through the spiritual preparation they receive in RCIA sessions, the special Rites that mark the Sundays of Lent, and the prayers offered for them by the faithful.

We have 2 more Scrutinies, the 11th at the 8 am Mass and the 18th at the 10 am Mass. What are the Scrutinies? These Rites are celebrated to help deliver the elect from the power of sin and Satan, to protect them against temptation, and to give them strength in Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (RCIA 141). The Gospel story of the Samaritan woman at the well for the 1 st Scrutiny, the Gospel story of the healing of the man born blind for the 2nd Scrutiny, and the Gospel story of the raising of Lazarus for the 3rd Scrutiny. The celebrations of the Scrutinies also remind the whole parish community of the need to reflect on their own sins and the need for God's help.

St. Isidore School Open House We invite all of our parishioner to the school's Open House on Thursday, March 22nd from 6 to 7 pm. This is a perfect time to come see what our students are doing. We would encourage all those interested in enrolling for the 2018-2019 school year to attend. Registration material will be available.

TK and Kindergarten Information Night

St. Isidore School will be holding a special Information Night for parents of TK and Kindergarten students on Monday, March 26th. Kindergarten Information will be at 6 pm in the kindergarten classroom. The Transitional Kindergarten will be at 6:30 pm in the TK classroom. Students must be 4 years old by Sept.1 to enroll in TK and 5 years old by Sept. 1 to enroll in Kindergarten

Adopt a Student Tuition Assistance Fund-

St. Isidore School During the weeks of February 25th through March 18th, St. Isidore Parish and School is increasing awareness of the financial assistance needed by many families who desire a Catholic school education for their children. More than 50 % of our school families cannot afford the full tuition. Hopefully through your prayers and support we can increase our Adopt-a-Student program 100%. We would like to thank all of those who have already shown their financial support for our Adopt A Student Pledge Drive. We do appreciate your generosity.

This weekend’s Second Collection will be for our

Parish School. What a wonderful way to help

educate our young people with a solid Catholic

education. Please be generous and thank you.

Knights of Columbus Membership Drive

We will be there after every English Mass on Mar-17th and 18th. Please come join us to help support St. Isidore Church & School, Diocesan Seminarians, St. Vincent de Paul, Right to Life, Special Olympics and all the other things we do. Come be part of a very special group of men. Any question you can call Gary at 788-2427

Fourth Sunday of Lent |March 11, 2018

Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma |marzo 11, 2018


Knights of Columbus College Scholarships

This year the Knights of Columbus will award $1000.00 in College Scholarships to two graduating High School Seniors from our Parish. Winners are judged on academic achievement, education goals, personal goals, church and community activities and/or achievements and financial needs. Applications are available in the Parish Office or by sending a self addressed stamped envelope to: Knights of Columbus

P O Box 1142 Yuba City CA 95992


TOLD. Come & Learn about “Why now is the Time of Mercy”.

Beginning on Tuesday, April 3, you are invited to learn about

Divine Mercy in the Second Greatest Story Ever Told. This will be 5 DVD sessions featuring Fr. Michael Gaitley. These DVD sessions, followed by small group discussion, bring together the prophetic witness of St. John Paul II, and the profound connection between Marian Consecration and Divine Mercy. It is a call to respond to the urgent need for mercy in our time of unprecedented evil. All are welcome. No book is required, but may be purchased: workbook $25, book $20, but need to call to order by March 25. Call Cathy at 755-1536 & leave a call back phone. Location: Bishop Quinn Hall at 6:30 PM, Tuesday, April 3 to May 1.

Come to the Feast of Divine Mercy on Sunday, April 8th! Holy Hour at 3:30 & Divine Mercy

Chaplet. Bilingual Mass at 5:00 PM

Did you know that Jesus said this feast would one day be the “last hope of salvation”? Why? What is so special about this new Feast of Divine Mercy you might be asking yourself? It is the promise of the total forgiveness of all sins and punishment for any soul that would go to Confession and then receive Jesus in Holy Communion on this very special Feast of Divine Mercy!

Why would Jesus offer us something so great at this time? Jesus told St. Faustina that she was to prepare the world for His Second Coming and that He would be pouring out His Mercy, in very great abundance, before He comes again as the Just Judge and as the very last hope of salvation.

Don’t miss out on this incredible gift of mercy that is available, in every Catholic Church, at every Mass on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 8th!

To properly celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy and to receive the forgiveness of all sins and punishment, you must go to Confession within 20 days before or after Divine Mercy Sunday. Or if you are in the state of very serious or mortal sin, you must always confess them before receiving Jesus in Holy Communion. For more information, contact Cathy at 755-1536, leave a call back phone number.

PERPETUAL ADORATION Please join us every Friday at 3p during Lent in a Eucharistic Procession to our local abortion clinic.

We will process together in unity, led by Father Avram, to pray against abortion. This is a great way to build up our spiritual journey during Lent. We will begin Friday February 16, at 3 pm and will meet in the church. For more details, please contact Ruth Pendilla @ 530-301-2174.


Marysville Deanery Meeting LADIES! The next meeting of the Marysville Deanery will be on Thursday, April 15th at St. Joseph’s Church in Marysville. Mass is at 11:00, followed by Lunch and the meeting. Please join us! RSVP to Mary Gunderson at 530-674-2840.


Sign up and receive a “Cool Green Bag” to fill with non-perishable items. Every other month, volunteers will come to your home, pick up the bag, and distribute the food to local food pantries, including our St. Vincent de Paul. Join us to help battle hunger in our community.

Contact Carolina Estrada at 916-733-0253 or

[email protected] for registration.

Fourth Sunday of Lent |March 11, 2018

Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma |marzo 11, 2018


The importance of living your faith and leaving your legacy. Representatives from the Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services, a ministry of the Diocese of Sacramento, will be giving a brief presentation about Cemetery and Funeral Options including cremations after all Masses the weekend of, March 17th & 18th, 2018. Short presentations will be held in the library allowing time for questions. Please join us to learn more about end-of-life services and how you can be more prepared. We are here as your resource through one of life’s most difficult times. For more information, please contact Nicole Zamora, Director of Community Outreach, at (916) 840-2138 or by e-mail at [email protected].


It is not enough for me to love God, if my neighbor

does not love God.

—St. Vincent de Paul

ADORACION PERPETUA Por favor, únase a nosotros todos los viernes a las 3 de

la tarde durante la Cuaresma en una Procesión Eucarística a nuestra clínica local de abortos. Procesaremos juntos en unidad, dirigidos por el Padre Avram, para orar en contra del aborto. Esta es una gran manera de fortalecer nuestro viaje espiritual durante la Cuaresma. Comenzaremos el viernes 16 de febrero a las 3 p.m. y nos reuniremos en la iglesia. Para obtener más información, por favor

de contactar a Ruth Pendilla @ 530-301-2174.

Open House- Muestra de nuestra escuela St.

Isidore Abierta al publico

Invitamos a todos nuestros feligreses a la Open House de la escuela el jueves, 22 de marzo de 6 a 7 p. M. Este es un momento perfecto para venir a ver lo que nuestros estudiantes están haciendo. Animamos a todos los interesados en inscribirse para el año escolar 2018-2019 a asistir. El material de registro estará disponible.

Noche de Información sobre los grados de TK y


La Escuela St. Isidore tendra un Noche Informativa especial para los padres de estudiantes de TK y Kindergarten el lunes 26 de marzo. La información de kínder será a las 6:00 p.m. en el salón de kínder. El Kínder Transicional será a las 6:30 p.m. en el salón de TK. Los estudiantes deben tener 4 años antes del 1 de septiembre para inscribirse en TK y 5 años antes del 1 de septiembre para inscribirse en Kindergarten.

Campaña Adopte a un Estudiante

Durante las semanas del 25 de febrero al 18 de marzo, La iglesia y escuela de San Isidro estara lanzando una campaña para hacer conciencia sobre la asistencia financiera que necesitan muchas familias que desean una educación escolar católica para sus hijos. Más del 50% de las familias de nuestra escuela no pueden pagar la matrícula completa. Esperamos que a través de sus oraciones y apoyo podamos aumentar nuestro programa de “Adopte a un Estudiante” al 100%. Nos gustaría agradecer a todos aquellos que ya han mostrado su apoyo financiero a la Campaña Adopte a un Estudiante

haciendo sus donativos. Apreciamos tu generosidad.

La segunda colecta este fin de semana es para nuestra Escuela Parroquial. ¡Gracias por el Apoyo Continuo!

Fourth Sunday of Lent |March 11, 2018

Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma |marzo 11, 2018


La próxima semana realizaremos The

Catholic Relief Services Collection (CRSC). Los fondos recaudados en esta colecta ayudan a proporcionar

alimentos a los que pasan hambre, apoyo a los refugiados desplazados y trae el amor y la misericordia de Cristo a todos los pueblos, aquí en casa y en el exterior. La próxima semana por favor contribuye generosamente a la CRSC y ayuda a Jesús con otro rostro, ¿le ayudarás? Infórmate más sobre esta colecta en

El Grupo Juvenil Don Bosco se reúne todos los viernes de 5:00 a 6:15 p. M. En el salón de Ciencias en la escuela. Ven y participa en tu fe católica: este es tu grupo, esta es tu Iglesia. Viva Cristo Rey.



• sábado 17 de marzo de 6 a 10 p.m. • Salón parroquial • $ 10.00 por persona o $ 15.00 por pareja • Tacos / refrescos a la venta dentro del Salón • DJ Juan Casimiro: Cumbias, Salsa…

Este baile es nuestra recaudación de fondos para el DÍA MUNDIAL DE LA JUVENTUD PANAMÁ 2019. El precio de la JMJ PANAMÁ es de ($ 2500) por persona. Ayúdenos a apoyar a nuestros jóvenes y su fe católica. QUE DIOS TE BENDIGA.


Necesitamos estar concientes de que la felicidad

puede a veces colarse por la puerta que no sabíamos

había quedado abierta.


Estudio Básico de Biblia Todos los martes a las 6pm en el cuarto de conferencias comenzando el 20 de marzo. El curso será dirigido por el Diacono Rubén Rojo. Para más informacion por favor de llamar a la oficina Parroquial.


No es suficiente que yo ame a Dios, si mi prójimo no

ama a Dios.

—San Vicente de Paúl

Fourth Sunday of Lent |March 11, 2018

Cuarto Domingo de Cuaresma |marzo 11, 2018


Church Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. close for lunch from 12:30pm-1:30pm

Catholic Bible—available in the Parish Office $10 each. Each family must have a Bible! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

OUR WARMEST WELCOME TO ALL We extend our hands and hearts in Christian Fellowship to all who celebrate with us, whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the Parish. To register, please complete and place in the collection basket, or mail to the Parish Office. Name: _____________________________City/State/ZIP: __________________________________ Home Phone: __________________________________________

Services & Prayer Directory

Bulletin Editor: call the Parish Office 673-1573, or email [email protected]. Deadline is Monday at 4pm.

Mass Announcements: Submit to Parish Office by Tuesday preceding weekend, or use online form: http://www. stisidore-yubacity. org/pulpitbulletinform. Htm

Communion for the Sick and Homebound: Call Parish Office, 673-1573.

Divine Mercy: Meets 3rd Mon @ 6:30 p. m. in the Conference Room. Cathy, 673-1573

Knights of Columbus: Bob Guerin, (530) 755-3403 Legion of Mary: Mon 4:15pm – 6:00pm in the small

dining room. Both men and women are invited to attend. Novena and Prayers to Our Mother of Perpetual

Help: Wednesday's after 8:30am daily Mass. Religious Education: Rita Ramos, 673-1573 or

[email protected] Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA): Adult

Baptism, Confirmation & First Communion. Jennifer Hackney: [email protected]

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, Adapted for Youth and Teens (RCIA Adapted): For youth 7 and above who have not been baptized or not baptized Catholic. Jennifer Hackney: [email protected]

Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA): Español-Bautismo Confirmacion, Comunión de adultos. Llamar a Diácono Rubén Rojo, 673-1574.

Marriage Preparation: Call Paige Westlake, 530-673-1573 or [email protected]

YLI: Leslie Lee, (530) 713-9996 Youth Group: Daniel Quiroz: 530-673-1573.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

A Woman’s Friend: Pregnant? Don’t know where to turn? Call 741-0556

Prayer Blanket Ministry: To receive a blanket at no

charge, visit the parish office. For more information, to

volunteer, or to donate, call Kathy Anderson 713-7022. Child Care: Available in the Little Lambs Nursery

(located in the Preschool) Sunday mornings 9:30 a.m. to 1 p. m., children 0 to 5

Cuidado de Niños: Abierto a las: 9:30 a. m. — 1:00 p. m. Niños edades 0-5. Lugar Escuela Pre-escolar Cursillos: Hilario Rivera # 790-7640. Ultreyas son el

segundo y cuarto viernes del mes a las 7pm en el cuarto de conferencias.

Engaged Encounter: 916-987-0747 Food Locker/St. Vincent de Paul: 671-5154 Grupo de Oracion: miércoles a las 7 p. m. Demetrio

Méndez #530-673-1573. Relevant Radio: 1620 AM Marriage Encounter: 893-2348 or 891-0426 Prayer Chain: Serious illnesses or critical situations: 673-

0556 Natural Family Planning: Call Parish Office for referral Rachel’s Vineyard: For those suffering emotional or

spiritual pain from abortion, 888-HOPE-790 Respect Life/Yuba-Sutter Right to Life: 1st Wed every

month @ 7 p. m. in the Brides Room; Maureen, 673-1437 Troubled Marriage: 800-283-5952/ www. retrouvaille. org Chamorro Ministry: (530) 673-1573 Filipino Ministry- (530) 673-1573 Encuentro Matrimonial- Eugenio & Magdalena González

530-701-1677 Guadalupanas - Cora Garcia 671-4269 Perpetual Adoration Ministry- Ruth Pendilla 530-674-

7193 Catholic Moms Group: For moms with children still at

home. Facebook group, Park days, Moms who homeschool, Request prayers, Resources and more. Jennifer Hackney 530-415-7854

St. Paul Street Evangelization- Greg Thompson, 530-713-9909 or [email protected]

Additional contacts are found on the parish website’s “Contact Us” link


671-6152Integrity and Experience

Over 35 YearsCalBRE #00951505

ST. ISIDORE / 182 For advertising information, please call (951) 776-0601

Office Hours By Appointment

RON L. C. SUEN, D.M.D., Inc.

1215 Plumas St. Ste. #52Yuba City, CA 95991

(530) 755-9968Fax: (530) 755-4557

What Hearing Should Be

530-749-9734747 Plumas St. • Yuba City

Kenneth S. WoodB.S. Speech Pathology & Audiology

Dispenser Lic. H.A. 6032

Mei-Ling MillerAu.D. Audiologist

Lic. AU2891Oticon, Starkey, Widex, Phonak, Resound, Unitron

OliveWoodfrom the

Holy Landis available for sale.

Please check the Parish office for more details.

Independently Owned & OperatedLidia Jimenez

"Hablo Español" • REALTOR® • Church Member951 Live Oak Blvd. • [email protected]

Cell: (530) 701-7321 • Office: (530) 751-8000CalBRE #01836864

BRADLEY OPTOMETRY, INC.Quality Family Eye Care

Dr. David A. BradleyDr. Elizabeth Hankins

1160 Live Oak

Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.

710 Cooper Ave.Yuba City, CA

(530) 673-3137


Eva Garcia Owner10821 Stephanie Dr. • Live Oak, CA 95953

FREE ESTIMATES • [email protected]


Continuing a fifty year tradition of excellence in personal injury lawNo charge for initial consultation

1289 Lincoln Rd.Yuba City

[email protected]

Damon Ullrey817 Almond St. • Yuba City

(530) 673-9542 • Fax (530) 673-2066


Solar Specialist

1978 Bridge St.Yuba City

(530) [email protected]

John L. GuthCertified SpeCialiSt in eState planning, probate & truSt lawby the State bar of California board of legal SpeCialization

474 Century Park Dr. #300Yuba City(530) 674-9841

[email protected] (530) 674-7818

919 Reserve Dr. #118Roseville

(916) 774-7030


Family & Cosmetic Dentistry1215 Plumas St. Ste. 1901

Yuba City(530) 751-7671

Fax: (530) 751-7234

HOLYCROSSMemorial Services, Inc.

Affordable Funeral & Cremation | Hablo Español486 Bridge Ste., Yuba City | (530) 751-7000 | FD1653

David Holycross

Kevin & Jodi MallenOwners

Michael HansenService Manager

( 5 3 0 ) 6 7 1 - 2 1 1

1150 Stabler Ln.Yuba City, CA 95993

Mallen's Automotive

We Proudly Sell General Automotive Repair • Lube & Service • Tune Ups • Hoses • BeltsShocks • Struts • Suspension • Check Engine Light / Diagnostics

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LIPP & SULLIVANFuneral Directors

Dan & Kay Gray Church MembersThe Gray Family has been providing compassionate care to grieving

families and individuals in California since 1888(530) 742-2473 • 629 D St. • Marysville

[email protected]

FD #387 FD #856

530-674-8900700 Plumas St. • Yuba City


Letty DuenasRealtor BRE #01457210

[email protected] Office Independently Hablo Owned & Operated Español

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Leyva & Associates