fourier and fourier- stieltjes algebras on locally compact ... · measure algebras on groups,...

Mathematical Surveys and Monographs Volume 231 Fourier and Fourier- Stieltjes Algebras on Locally Compact Groups Eberhard Kaniuth Anthony To-Ming Lau

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Mathematical Surveys

and Monographs

Volume 231

Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes Algebras on Locally Compact Groups

Eberhard Kaniuth Anthony To-Ming Lau

Page 2: Fourier and Fourier- Stieltjes Algebras on Locally Compact ... · Measure algebras on groups, semigroups, ... Abstract harmonic analysis – Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms

Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes Algebras on Locally Compact Groups


Page 3: Fourier and Fourier- Stieltjes Algebras on Locally Compact ... · Measure algebras on groups, semigroups, ... Abstract harmonic analysis – Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms
Page 4: Fourier and Fourier- Stieltjes Algebras on Locally Compact ... · Measure algebras on groups, semigroups, ... Abstract harmonic analysis – Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms

Mathematical Surveys

and Monographs

Volume 231

Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes Algebras on Locally Compact Groups

Eberhard Kaniuth Anthony To-Ming Lau

Page 5: Fourier and Fourier- Stieltjes Algebras on Locally Compact ... · Measure algebras on groups, semigroups, ... Abstract harmonic analysis – Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms


Robert GuralnickMichael A. Singer, Chair

Benjamin SudakovConstantin Teleman

Michael I. Weinstein

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 43-02,43A10, 43A20, 43A30, 43A25, 46-02, 22-02.

For additional information and updates on this book,

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Kaniuth, Eberhard, author. | Lau, Anthony To-Ming, author.Title: Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes algebras on locally compact groups / Eberhard Kaniuth, An-

thony To-Ming Lau.Description: Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society, [2018] | Series: Mathe-

matical surveys and monographs; volume 231 | Includes bibliographical references and index.Identifiers: LCCN 2017052436 | ISBN 9780821853658 (alk. paper)Subjects: LCSH: Topological groups. | Group algebras. | Fourier analysis. | Stieltjes transform.

| Locally compact groups. | AMS: Abstract harmonic analysis – Research exposition (mono-graphs, survey articles). msc | Abstract harmonic analysis – Abstract harmonic analysis –Measure algebras on groups, semigroups, etc. msc | Abstract harmonic analysis – Abstractharmonic analysis – L1-algebras on groups, semigroups, etc. msc | Abstract harmonic analysis– Abstract harmonic analysis – Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms on nonabelian groupsand on semigroups, etc. msc | Abstract harmonic analysis – Abstract harmonic analysis –Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms on locally compact and other abelian groups. msc |Functional analysis – Research exposition (monographs, survey articles). msc | Topologicalgroups, Lie groups – Research exposition (monographs, survey articles). msc

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We dedicate this book to our wives, Ulla and Alice, for their lifetime of supportand exceptional patience during the preparation of the manuscript.

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Page 8: Fourier and Fourier- Stieltjes Algebras on Locally Compact ... · Measure algebras on groups, semigroups, ... Abstract harmonic analysis – Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms


Preface ix

Acknowledgments xi

Chapter 1. Preliminaries 11.1. Banach algebras and Gelfand theory of commutative Banach

algebras 11.2. Locally compact groups and examples 61.3. Haar measure and group algebra 121.4. Unitary representations and positive definite functions 181.5. Abelian locally compact groups 241.6. Representations and positive definite functionals 281.7. Weak containment of representations 301.8. Amenable locally compact groups 33

Chapter 2. Basic Theory of Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes Algebras 372.1. The Fourier-Stieltjes algebra BpGq 382.2. Functorial properties of BpGq 462.3. The Fourier algebra ApGq, its spectrum and its dual space 502.4. Functorial properties and a description of ApGq 572.5. The support of operators in V NpGq 602.6. The restriction map from ApGq onto ApHq 662.7. Existence of bounded approximate identities 722.8. The subspaces AπpGq of BpGq 782.9. Some examples 832.10. Notes and references 86

Chapter 3. Miscellaneous Further Topics 913.1. Host’s idempotent theorem 913.2. Isometric isomorphisms between Fourier-Stieltjes algebras 963.3. Homomorphisms between Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes algebras 1013.4. Invariant subalgebras of V NpGq and subgroups of G 1073.5. Invariant subalgebras of ApGq and BpGq 1133.6. Comparison of ApG1q pbApG2q and ApG1 ˆ G2q 1173.7. The w˚-topology and other topologies on BpGq 1213.8. Notes and references 127

Chapter 4. Amenability Properties of ApGq and BpGq 1294.1. ApGq as a completely contractive Banach algebra 1294.2. Operator amenability of ApGq 132


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4.3. Operator weak amenability of ApGq 1384.4. The flip map and the antidiagonal 1404.5. Amenability and weak amenability of ApGq and of L1pGq 1444.6. Notes and references 152

Chapter 5. Multiplier Algebras of Fourier Algebras 1535.1. Multipliers of ApGq 1535.2. MpApGqq “ BpGq implies amenability of G: The discrete case 1605.3. MpApGqq “ BpGq implies amenability of G: The nondiscrete case 1675.4. Completely bounded multipliers 1795.5. Uniformly bounded representations and multipliers 1865.6. Multiplier bounded approximate identities in ApGq 1915.7. Examples: Free groups and SLp2,Rq 1955.8. Notes and references 202

Chapter 6. Spectral Synthesis and Ideal Theory 2056.1. Sets of synthesis and Ditkin sets 2066.2. Malliavin’s theorem for ApGq 2106.3. Injection theorems for spectral sets and Ditkin sets 2116.4. A projection theorem for local spectral sets 2146.5. Bounded approximate identities I: Ideals 2206.6. Bounded approximate identities II 2286.7. Notes and references 234

Chapter 7. Extension and Separation Properties of Positive DefiniteFunctions 237

7.1. The extension property: Basic facts 2387.2. Extending from normal subgroups 2427.3. Connected groups and SIN-groups 2467.4. Nilpotent groups and 2-step solvable examples 2507.5. The separation property: Basic facts and examples 2577.6. The separation property: Nilpotent Groups 2647.7. The separation property: Almost connected groups 2687.8. Notes and references 273

Appendix A 277A.1. The closed coset ring 277A.2. Amenability and weak amenability of Banach algebras 280A.3. Operator spaces 282A.4. Operator amenability 284A.5. Operator weak amenability 287

Bibliography 291

Index 303

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Let G be a locally compact group. Let CbpGq be the C˚-algebra of boundedcontinuous complex-valued functions on G with the supremum norm, and let C0pGq

be the closed ˚-subalgebra of CbpGq that consists of functions vanishing at infinity.

IfG is abelian, let pG be the dual group ofG, and let ApGq be all pf (Fourier transform

of f), f P L1p pGq (the group algebra of the dual group pG); and let BpGq be all pμ (the

Fourier-Stieltjes transform of μ), μ P Mp pGq (the measure algebra of pG). Then ApGq

is a subalgebra of C0pGq, and BpGq is a subalgebra of CbpGq. Furthermore, ApGq

(respectively, BpGq) with norm from L1p pGq (respectively, Mp pGq) is a commutativeBanach algebra called the Fourier (respectively, Fourier-Stieltjes) algebra of G.

In Chapter 2, we shall introduce and study some basic properties of Fourier andFourier-Stieltjes algebras, ApGq and BpGq, associated to a locally compact groupG based on the fundamental paper of Eymard [73]. BpGq will be identified asthe Banach space dual of the group C˚-algebra C˚pGq and a fair number of basicfunctorial properties will be presented. Similarly, for the Fourier algebra ApGq, theelements will be shown to be precisely the convolution products of L2-functionson G.

In Chapter 3, we shall study some further topics of ApGq and BpGq. Generaliz-ing the classical description of idempotents in the measure algebra of a locally com-pact abelian group, Host [129] has identified the integer-valued functions in BpGq.Host’s idempotent theorem, which has numerous applications, will be shown in thischapter. A natural question is whether either of the Banach algebras ApGq andBpGq determines G as a topological group. This question has been affirmativelyanswered by Walter [280]. If G1 and G2 are locally compact groups and BpG1q

and BpG2q (respectively, ApG1q and ApG2q) are isometrically isomorphic, then G1

and G2 are topologically isomorphic or anti-isomorphic.Amenable Banach algebras were introduced by B. E. Johnson. He showed the

fundamental result that a locally compact group is amenable if and only if the groupalgebra L1pGq is amenable. We present a proof of the “only if” part of Johnson’sresult in Chapter 4. In particular, if G is abelian, then ApGq, being isometrically

isomorphic to the L1-algebra of the dual group pG, is amenable. However, when Gis nonabelian, then ApGq need not be weakly amenable, even when G is compact.

In Chapter 4, we will also consider the completely bounded cohomology theoryof the Fourier algebra ApGq and of the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra BpGq. We willshow that ApGq, equipped with the operator space structure inherited from beingembedded into V NpGq˚, is a completely contractive Banach algebra. Using this, weestablish in this chapter the fundamental result, due to Ruan [245], that a locallycompact group G is amenable precisely when ApGq is operator amenable.


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An important object associated to any (nonunital) commutative Banach alge-bra A is the multiplier algebra MpAq of A; that is, the algebra of all bounded linearmaps T : A Ñ A satisfying the equation T pabq “ aT pbq for all a, b P A. WhenA is faithful, then the map a Ñ Ta, where Tapbq “ ab for b P A, is a continuousembedding of A into MpAq.

Let G be a locally compact group. Then MpApGqq consists of all boundedcontinuous functions u on G such that uApGq Ď ApGq, and since ApGq is an idealin BpGq, BpGq embeds continuously into MpApGqq. If G is abelian, then as shownby Wendel [288], MpL1pGqq “ MpGq, and hence MpApGqq “ BpGq. It is notdifficult to see that this holds true, more generally, when G is amenable. One of theprofound achievements in abstract harmonic analysis has been that the converseholds; that is, MpApGqq “ BpGq forces G to be amenable. This was shown byNebbia [219] for discrete groups G and by Losert [201] for nondiscrete G. We willpresent these results in Chapter 5.

In Chapter 6, we study spectral synthesis and ideal theory for ApGq. A famoustheorem of Malliavin [207] states that spectral synthesis fails for ApGq whenever Gis any nondiscrete abelian locally compact group. Using this and a deep theoremof Zel1manov [293] ensuring the existence of infinite abelian subgroups of infinitecompact groups, we prove that for an arbitrary locally compact group G, undera mild additional hypothesis, spectral synthesis holds for ApGq if and only if G isdiscrete.

One of the most interesting problems in the ideal theory of a commutativeBanach algebra is to identify the closed ideals with bounded approximate identities.For Fourier algebras this problem is also treated in Chapter 6.

The Hahn-Banach extension theorem asserts that if E is a normed linear spaceand F is a closed linear subspace of E, then each continuous linear functional onF extends to a continuous linear functional on E. From this it follows that givenx P EzF , there exists a continuous linear functional φ on E such that φ “ 0 on Fand φpxq ‰ 0 (the Hahn-Banach separation theorem). In Chapter 7, we addressthe analogous properties for positive definite functions on locally compact groups.

Let G be an arbitrary locally compact group, and let H be a closed subgroup ofG. We show in Chapter 2 that the restriction map u Ñ u|H from ApGq into ApHq issurjective. The corresponding problem for Fourier-Stieltjes algebras is much moredelicate. We say that G has the extension property if for every closed subgroup H,each ϕ P P pHq admits an extension φ P P pGq (equivalently, BpHq “ BpGq|H). Thelargest class of locally compact groups sharing this extension property is formedby the groups with small conjugation invariant neighbourhoods of the identity, theSIN-groups. The converse implication is true for connected Lie groups and forcompactly generated nilpotent groups. More precisely, a connected Lie group hasthe extension property only if it is a direct product of a vector group and a compactgroup. On the other hand, there exists a compactly generated 2-step solvable groupwhich has the extension property, but fails to be a SIN-group.

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The first author was very pleased to be a Pacific Institute of MathematicalSciences Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Alberta at Edmontonbetween 2007 and 2008 when the first thoughts of this work started. Subsequently,the first author’s visit to the University of Alberta was funded by NSERC grant ofAnthony To-Ming Lau, and the second author’s visit to the University of Paderbornwas supported by the funding of Eberhard Kaniuth from the university. The authorsare very grateful to Dr. Liangjin Yao for generously helping in the final preparationof this manuscript. We are very grateful to our friends Garth H. Dales, BrianForrest, Zhiguo Hu, Mehdi Monfared, Ali Ulger, and Matthew Wiersma for verycareful reading of the manuscript with many valuable suggestions. Without theirkind help, this book may not have been completed on time. We are also verygrateful to the American Mathematical Society for accepting our book. We wouldlike to thank Ina Mette for kindly inviting us to submit our book at a CanadianMathematical Society meeting in winter 2009 held at University of Windsor, andfor her patience. We would also like to thank Marcia Almeida and Becky Rivard ofthe American Mathematical Society for their very kind help in the final preparationof the manuscript for publication.

We would like to thank for referees of the first and second reviews of the bookand their many valuable comments.

Eberhard Kaniuth passed away recently in April 2017—an enormous loss tothe mathematical community. I enjoyed very much our over 20 years of researchcollaboration and his warm friendship. I would also like to thank Eberhard for hismany years of hard work in preparation of the book.


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C˚-algebra, 1

H-separation property, 257

L1-algebra, 14

rSINsH -group, 246˚-algebra, 1

cb-multiplier norm, 180

n-step nilpotent group, 8

n-step solvable, 8

p-adic integers, 11

p-adic number field, 10

abstract opeartor space, 283

affine group, 9

affine map, 141


˚-, 1C˚-, 1

L1pGq, 14

Banach, 1

Banach-˚, 1

Figa-Talamanca-Herz, 88Fourier, 52

Fourier-Stieltjes, 44

group C˚-, 32

measure, 15

multiplier, 5normed, 1

normed ˚, 1

of almost periodic functions, 11

reduced group C˚-, 32

regular, 3Tauberian, 3

unital, 1

almost connected group, 7

almost periodic function, 11

amenable Banach algebra, 281amenable group, 33

amplification, 282

antidiagonal, 129

approximate diagonal, 280

approximate identity, 2

bounded, 2multiplier bounded, 191

sequential, 159

ascending central series, 8

Banach ˚-algebra, 1

Banach algebra, 1

amenable, 281

completely contractive, 284

operator amenable, 284

semisimple, 5


operator, 284

pseudo-unital, 281

Bochner’s theorem, 27

Bohr compactification, 11

bounded approximate diagonal, 285

bounded approximate identity, 2

character, 24

closed coset ring, 277

of R, 280of T, 280of Z, 280

coefficient function, 29

Cohen-Hewitt factorization theorem, 2

commutator series, 8

compact-free group, 250

compactly generated group, 6

completely bounded map, 282

completely bounded multiplier, 179

completely contractive Banach algebra, 284

completely contractive map, 282

completely positive map, 282

concrete operator space, 282

conjugate representation, 20


of measures, 14

convolution of functions, 13

coset ring, 277

coset space, 6

cyclic representation, 19

Day’s fixed point theorem, 34

derivation, 280

descending central series, 8



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bounded approximate, 285

virtual, 285diagonal operator, 280

direct sum of representations, 268disjoint representations, 81Ditkin set, 205

Douady’s observation, 242dual

reduced, 32dual group, 24

of R, 25of T, 25of Z, 25of Ωp, 25of direct product, 25

dual space topology, 32

Euclidian motion group, 9extending subgroup, 238

extension property, 238

Fell group, 85Fell topology, 30

Figa-Talamanca-Herz algebra, 88flip map, 129Folner’s condition, 34

formulainversion, 27

Weil, 15Fourier algebra, 52

Fourier transform, 26Fourier-Stieltjes algebra, 44

Fourier-Stieltjes transform, 26, 45full host algebra, 90function

almost periodic, 11coefficient, 29

modular, 13negative definite, 23, 196

positive definite, 22uniformly continuous, 11

functionalpositive, 28


convolution of, 13

Gelfand homomorphism, 3Gelfand representation, 3

Gelfand space, 3Gelfand transform, 3

Gelfand-Mazur theorem, 2Gelfand-Naimark theorem, 2Gelfand-Raikov theorem, 19

GNS-construction, 29GNS-representation, 29

grouprSINsH , 246

ax ` b, 9n-step nilpotent, 8

n-step solvable, 8affine, 9

almost connected, 7amenable, 33compact-free, 250compactly generated, 6

dual, 24Euclidian motion, 9Fell, 85Heisenberg, 10integer Heisenberg, 10

locally compact, 6locally finite, 35maximally almost periodic, 11nilpotent, 8semidirect product, 9

SIN, 246solvable, 8unimodular, 13

group C˚-algebra, 32

Haar measureon semi-direct product, 17

Heisenberg group, 10host algebra, 90

Host’s idempotent theorem, 91hull-kernel topology, 31


primitive, 31IN-group, 247induced representation, 21induction in stages, 21inner derivation, 280

integer Heisenberg group, 10intertwining operator, 18inverse Fourier transform, 27inverse Fourier-Stieltjes transform, 27inversion formula, 27

inversion theorem, 27involution, 1involution on L1pGq, 14irreducible representation, 19

Jacobson topology, 31

Kakutani-Kodaira theorem, 11

lattice, 193left Haar measure, 12left invariant mean, 33left invariant measure, 12

left regular representation, 18local Ditkin set, 206local spectral set, 206local synthesis, 206locally compact group, 6

locally finite group, 35

Malliavin’s theorem, x, 205

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affine, 141

completely bounded, 282

completely contractive, 282

completely positive, 282

flip, 129

piecewise affine, 142

matricial norm, 283

Mautner phenomenon, 264

maximally almost periodic group, 11

mean, 33

left invariant, 33right invariant, 33


Radon, 12

measure algebra, 15

modular function, 13

multiplier, 5

completely bounded, 179

multiplier algebra, 5

multiplier bounded approximate identity,191

negative definite function, 23, 196

neutral subgroup, 260

nilpotent group, 8

normed ˚-algebra, 1

normed algebra, 1


intertwining, 18

operator A-bimodule, 284operator amenable Banach algebra, 284

operator space projective tensor product,283

Parseval identity, 27

piecewise affine map, 142

Plancherel theorem, 26

Plancherel transform, 27

Pontryagin duality theorem, 24

positive definite function, 22

positive linear functional, 28

primitive ideal, 31

primitive ideal space, 31

product group, 16

pseudo-unital bimodule, 281

quasi-equivalent representations, 82

radical of G, 7

Radon measure, 12

reduced dual, 32reduced group C˚-algebra, 32

regular algebra, 3

Reiter’s condition (P1), 35


conjugate, 20

cyclic, 19

GNS-, 29irreducible, 19left regular, 18nondegenerate, 28right regular, 18support of, 30uniformly bounded, 186

representationsdirect sum, 19, 268quasi-equivalent, 82similar, 186tensor product, 20weakly equivalent, 30

right invariant mean, 33right regular representation, 18Ruan’s representation theorem, 283

Schoenberg’s theorem, 23semidirect product group, 9semisimple Banach algebra, 5separating subgroup, 257separation property, 257

for cyclic subgroups, 257sequential approximate identity, 159series

ascending central, 8commutator, 8descending central, 8

setDitkin, 205local Ditkin, 206local spectral, 206of synthesis, 206spectral, 206

set of synthesis, 206similar representations, 186SIN-group, 246small H-invariant neighbourhoods, 246solvable group, 8space

abstract operator, 283concrete operator, 282

spectral set, 206spectrum, 3strong convergence to invariance, 34subgroup

extending, 238neutral, 260

separating, 257torsion, 250

support of a representation, 30support of an operator, 62

Tauberian algebra, 3tensor product

operator space projective, 283tensor product of representations, 20theorem

Bochner, 27

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Cohen-Hewitt factorization, 2Day’s fixed point, 34Gelfand-Mazur, 2Gelfand-Naimark, 2Gelfand-Raikov, 19Host’s idempotent, 91induction in stages, 21

inversion, 27Kakutani-Kodaira, 11Malliavin, x, 205Plancherel, 26Pontryagin duality, 24Ruan’s representation, 283Schoenberg, 23Wendel, 18

topologydual space, 32Fell, 30hull-kernel, 31Jacobson, 31

torsion subgroup, 250transform

Fourier, 26Fourier-Stieltjes, 26Gelfand, 3inverse Fourier, 27inverse Fourier-Stieltjes, 27Plancherel, 27

uniformly bounded representation, 186uniformly continuous function, 11unimodular group, 13unital algebra, 1

virtual diagonal, 285

weak containment, 30weakly equivalent representations, 30Weil’s formula, 15Wendel’s theorem, 18

word length, 195

Page 31: Fourier and Fourier- Stieltjes Algebras on Locally Compact ... · Measure algebras on groups, semigroups, ... Abstract harmonic analysis – Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms

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227 Roberto Frigerio, Bounded Cohomology of Discrete Groups, 2017

226 Marcelo Aguiar and Swapneel Mahajan, Topics in Hyperplane Arrangements, 2017

225 Mario Bonk and Daniel Meyer, Expanding Thurston Maps, 2017

224 Ruy Exel, Partial Dynamical Systems, Fell Bundles and Applications, 2017

223 Guillaume Aubrun and Stanis�law J. Szarek, Alice and Bob Meet Banach, 2017

222 Alexandru Buium, Foundations of Arithmetic Differential Geometry, 2017

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220 A. Shen, V. A. Uspensky, and N. Vereshchagin, Kolmogorov Complexity andAlgorithmic Randomness, 2017

219 Richard Evan Schwartz, The Projective Heat Map, 2017

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217 Benoit Fresse, Homotopy of Operads and Grothendieck–Teichmuller Groups, 2017

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215 Robert Bieri and Ralph Strebel, On Groups of PL-homeomorphisms of the Real Line,2016

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210 Jason P. Bell, Dragos Ghioca, and Thomas J. Tucker, The DynamicalMordell–Lang Conjecture, 2016

209 Steve Y. Oudot, Persistence Theory: From Quiver Representations to Data Analysis,2015

208 Peter S. Ozsvath, Andras I. Stipsicz, and Zoltan Szabo, Grid Homology for Knots

and Links, 2015

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206 Bennett Chow, Sun-Chin Chu, David Glickenstein, Christine Guenther, JamesIsenberg, Tom Ivey, Dan Knopf, Peng Lu, Feng Luo, and Lei Ni, The Ricci Flow:Techniques and Applications: Part IV: Long-Time Solutions and Related Topics, 2015

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The theory of the Fourier algebra lies at the crossroads of several areas of analysis. Its roots are in locally compact groups and group representations, but it requires a considerable amount of functional analysis, mainly Banach algebras. In recent years it has made a major connection to the subject of operator spaces, to the enrichment of both. In this book two leading experts provide a road map to roughly 50 years of research detailing the role that the Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes algebras have played in not only helping to better understand the nature of locally compact groups, but also in building bridges between abstract harmonic analysis, Banach algebras, and operator algebras. All of the important topics have been included, which makes this book a comprehensive survey of the field as it currently exists.

Since the book is, in part, aimed at graduate students, the authors offer complete and readable proofs of all results. The book will be well received by the community in abstract harmonic analysis and will be particularly useful for doctoral and postdoctoral mathematicians conducting research in this important and vibrant area.
