fourever family christmas newsletter 2014

FOUREVER FAMILY FOUREVER FAMILY D “No, I’m talking about Disneyland with 15 family members wearing matching t-shirts with dwarf names. Like Devon was Geeky, I was Saucy, Gavin was Quirky, you were Boozy...” “Sorry to cut you off there Saucy, but it looks like we have another guest. You know him as Quirky, but these days he much more Artsy. It’s Gavin!” “Ohhh, father, you really aren’t as punny as you stink you are. Perhaps if you embraced your artistic side as I have with art and ceramics, you would achieve in my high school program...” “Sorry to cut you off there Artsy- Fartsy, but that’s all the space we have this year. Thanks to our other guests who couldn’t make it: Sharon, Everything is Awesome, Findley, Paul & Gail, Got the Workaholic Blues , Bourgeois, and all the rest of the fam. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and that 2015 has more power for everyone.” oes anybody know what time it is?” Yule Time!“That’s right, and F’n’B Tools presents Findley ‘the Foolman’ Nailer!” “Thank you Heidi. It’s been a great year with lots of powerful renovations that just could not have happened withouy my amazing handywoman Erica ‘Poor Jane’ Standbyourtoolman.” “Thanks, Fin. I just wanted to take a moment ot remind our readers about an importent safety tip: always turn off the power and the water when unhooking a dishwasher because...” “Sorry to cut you off there Jane, but I’ve just been told we have a special guest joining us. That’s right it’s my eldest son who’s ‘an ogre in more ways than one’, Devon!” “Oh, aye, thank ye Da. It’s grreat ta be herrre un stage wit yoo todaaayy. In fact, I feel a song cumin’ on... E QR QT W “Cut the music! There’ll be no singing in my newsletter! This is all about the kitchen and not your being cast as Shrek in the school’s musical.” “Hold on there Fin. I think our readers knows there’s more to this year than renovations. What about our big trip to the Magic Kingdom?” “Ah yes, oh-ho-ho-ho! The Magic Kingdom! There really is no place quite like Home Depot. In fact I remember...” We have done it all in our kitchen this year: a full gut-job with new electrical, insulation, and drywall, all new appliances, a customized RGB LED glass backsplash, and a coffee/tea service area. We even re-did all the flooring in the house, installed hardwood nosings and stairs, a whole new powder room, and fresh paint throughout the main living area. It’s been a never-ending process that might actually end in early 2015 (I hope). It has been a Magical and POWERFUL year as we undertook a Disneyland family vacation for 15 people and a major kitchen renovation (that quickly became a whole HOME IMPROVEMENT project). There were moments that it was a Nightmare and where TOOL TIME was no longer FUN TIME, but despite the Tangled mess we soon SOLDERED on to turn it into something absolutely MalifIcent and something Tim Taylor would go HRGGGG HRGHHH HRGGG about. So, since I believe in continuing the pleasure and PAIN of the year, I present a dual-themed newsletter à la HOME IMPROVEMENT and Disneyland. Scott, Erica, Devon & Gavin BEFORE AFTER

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Our annual Christmas newsletter with the duality of Home Improvement and Disney together.


Page 1: Fourever Family Christmas Newsletter 2014

Fourever FamilyFourever Family

“D “No, I’m talking about Disneyland with 15 family members wearing matching t-shirts with dwarf names. Like Devon was Geeky, I was Saucy, Gavin was Quirky, you were Boozy...”

“Sorry to cut you off there Saucy, but it looks like we have another guest. You know him as Quirky, but these days he much more Artsy. It’s Gavin!”

“Ohhh, father, you really aren’t as punny as you stink you are. Perhaps if you embraced your artistic side as I have with art and ceramics, you would achieve in my high school program...”

“Sorry to cut you off there Artsy-Fartsy, but that’s all the space we have this year. Thanks to our other guests who couldn’t make it: Sharon, Everything is Awesome, Findley, Paul & Gail, Got the Workaholic Blues, Bourgeois, and all the rest of the fam. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and that 2015 has more power for everyone.”

oes anybody know what time it is?”

“Yule Time!”“ T h a t ’ s r i g h t ,

a n d F ’ n ’ B To o l s presents Findley ‘the Foolman’ Nailer!”

“Thank you Heidi. It’s been a great year with lots of powerful renovations that just could not have happened withouy my amazing handywoman Erica ‘Poor Jane’ Standbyourtoolman.”

“Thanks, Fin. I just wanted to take a moment ot remind our readers about an importent safety tip: always turn off the power and the water when unhooking a dishwasher because...”

“Sorry to cut you off there Jane, but I’ve just been told we have a special guest joining us. That’s right it’s my eldest son who’s ‘an ogre in more ways than one’, Devon!”

“Oh, aye, thank ye Da. It’s grreat ta be herrre un stage wit yoo todaaayy. In fact, I feel a song cumin’ on...EQR QT W”

“Cut the music! There’ll be no singing in my newsletter! This is all about the kitchen and not your being cast as Shrek in the school’s musical.”

“Hold on there Fin. I think our readers knows there’s more to this year than renovations. What about our big trip to the Magic Kingdom?”

“Ah yes, oh-ho-ho-ho! The Magic Kingdom! There really is no place quite like Home Depot. In fact I remember...”

We have done it all in our kitchen this year: a full gut-job with new electrical, insulation, and drywall, all new appliances, a customized RGB LED glass backsplash, and a coffee/tea service area. We even re-did all the flooring in the house, installed hardwood nosings and stairs, a whole new powder room, and fresh paint throughout the main living area. It’s been a never-ending process that might actually end in early 2015 (I hope).

It has been a Magical and Powerful year as we undertook a Disneyland family vacation for 15 people and a major kitchen renovation (that quickly became a whole HoMe IMProVeMeNT project). There were moments that it was a Nightmare and where Tool TIMe was no longer fuN TIMe, but despite the Tangled mess we soon soldered

on to turn it into something absolutely MalifIcent and something Tim Taylor would go Hrgggg HrgHHH Hrggg about. So, since I believe in continuing the pleasure and PaIN of the year, I present a dual-themed newsletter à la HoMe IMProVeMeNT and Disneyland. Scott, Erica, Devon & Gavin



Page 2: Fourever Family Christmas Newsletter 2014

talkin’ to me?

Are You Pokey & Nosey

PA withBoozy makes o


Captain america & geeky ‘bonding’

With Saucy

Tink & Qui




Boozy & Saucy

Baby you can


my cars

15 dwarves


The Fam





& Cutie


In honour of The Happiest

Place on Earth, and the fifteen

different dwarves who made the

journey, we present “Heigh-Ho”,

It’s off to Disneyland we g
