four secrets to solo entrepreneur success


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By Lorraine Cohen BZ Riger-Hull Terri Zwierzynski Rose Hill of Team Solo-E


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The Four Secrets to

Solo Entrepreneur Success™


Lorraine Cohen

BZ Riger-Hull

Terri Zwierzynski

Rose Hill

of Team Solo-E

© 2005-2006, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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The Four Secrets to Solo Entrepreneur Success™

Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................. 5

Secret #1: The Secret of Personal Development....................... 6

Personal Development – A Page from the Corporate Handbook .......6 What does that have to do with being a Solo Entrepreneur? ...........7 An Example.............................................................................8 Conquering the Chaos...............................................................9 Bottom Line........................................................................... 10

Secret #2: The Secret to Working With Clients You Love – Create Your Attraction Niche.................................................. 12

What is An Attraction Niche?.................................................... 13 What an Attraction Niche Can Do For Your Business .................... 14 How to Create Your Attraction Niche ......................................... 15 An Example........................................................................... 16 Bottom Line........................................................................... 17

Secret #3: Leverage -- The Secret to Doing What You Love – And Only That......................................................................... 19

How can you do it all?? ........................................................... 19 Why do you do this to yourself? ............................................... 20 How can I afford help? ............................................................ 21 An Example........................................................................... 22 Another Kind of Leverage ........................................................ 22 Automate!............................................................................. 23 Bottom Line........................................................................... 24 About the Author ................................................................... 24

Secret #4: The Secret to Getting More Done and Making More Money as a Solo Entrepreneur – Collaboration ....................... 26

The Benefits of Collaboration ................................................... 27 The Best Collaborations for Solo Entrepreneurs .......................... 29 An Example........................................................................... 31 Bottom Line........................................................................... 31

Conclusion.............................................................................. 33

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The Four Secrets to Solo Entrepreneur Success™

The Four Secrets to Solo Entrepreneur Success™


Certainly our four secrets have been taught, singly, elsewhere.

However, for reasons best understood by those that study culture and

human behavior, these concepts are the least publicized, understood,

and implemented strategies for business success — even though they

are acknowledged as the most powerful drivers of success for the

Solo Entrepreneur*.

In pondering these secrets, I marvel at their simplicity — while at the

same time, I recognize my own resistance to actually applying them in

business. You might recognize this same resistance within you as you

read this report — that’s okay. Because you’ll also be inspired and

begin to see your own barriers to being a more successful Solo

Entrepreneur start to dissolve.

To your solo success, Terri Zwierzynski Conductor of Extraordinary Ideas (CEI)

* Solo Entrepreneur: one who wishes to work for themselves, with no or few employees (and little inclination to hire more), and who does so because of a desire to do work that fits their values, passions and lifestyle. Typically a corporate refugee, but not always.

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The Four Secrets to Solo Entrepreneur Success™

Secret #1: The Secret of Personal Development

Written by: Lorraine Cohen

Edited by: Terri Zwierzynski Copyright Lorraine Cohen 2005 for, Inc. All Rights Reserved

"Success is about who you become. The big challenge is to become all

that you have the possibility of becoming. You cannot believe what it

does to the human spirit to maximize your human potential and

stretch yourself to the limit." -Jim Rohn

As a Solo Entrepreneur you may be starting a new business or

intending to grow your existing business. Aside from getting the most

obvious systems in place — technology, business and marketing

plans, defining your product or services, and finances — what else is

needed to be successful?

Personal Development – A Page from the Corporate Handbook

Companies have been bringing in corporate trainers for years. It’s

good business to invest in programs that teach employees how to be

better leaders, manage conflict, improve communication, increase

sales effectiveness, become more confident, and so forth. Using a

myriad of tools — including personality and behavioral assessments,

skill building techniques, and self-reflective exercises — many training

programs empower people to develop both professionally and

personally. Smart, right? Of course, the integration and sustainability

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of the information is dependent upon how much a person values self-


Having cutting edge technology, innovation, great products and

services is not enough to guarantee sustained success. Why? Because

people drive the success of a business. The greatest asset a company

has is its workforce. To grow a business, you must also be growing

your people.

What does that have to do with being a Solo Entrepreneur?

I’m so glad you asked!

If I had a $1.00 every time I heard someone say, “Just show me (or

tell me) what I need to do to accelerate my business, build wealth,

manage my time….” Many people believe that focusing solely on

strategies to achieve external goals is the best way to achieve success.

The truth is that, for your business to flourish, you must be flourishing

as a person. Looking to grow your business without investing in

yourself is a plan to limit your business success. Your outside world

(your life) is a reflection of your inside world (who you are). Who you

are affects what you do (or don’t do!)

If your business and personal life is NOT flourishing, where you are

looking for your solutions? Personal Development is a vital key in

having a successful business AND a fulfilling life!

For a solo-entrepreneur, investing time, energy, and resources

to grow yourself is a critical key in the level of success you


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An Example

One of my coaching clients (I’ll call her Carol), is a solo entrepreneur

who owns a graphic design company. Relocating two years ago, she

has been working long hours to jumpstart her business and build a

name for herself in the area. Because of her hard work and marketing

savvy, Carol has built a strong following very quickly. (Normally,

business takes 3-5 years to build). In fact, her business is growing so

fast, she is unable to keep up! You might be thinking, who wouldn’t

want that? She should be celebrating, right?

She’s not! In fact she began feeling depressed. Working such a hectic

schedule was beginning to take negative tolls on her. BIG RED


Here’s the rest of the story…

Carol works 16 hour days and works on weekends because she fears

losing business. Her private life is almost non-existent.

A perfectionist, Carol put enormous pressure on herself in servicing

her clients. She constantly feels stress and worries about keeping her

clients happy. (They are usually thrilled with her results!) Even though

she is highly talented, she’s tough on herself, and lives with fear and


As a one woman-show, she manages every aspect of her business.

And, having grown so quickly, she has no systems in place to help run

her business efficiently. As a result, she feels overwhelmed and

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stressed with all the people and responsibilities she has to manage.

Who wouldn’t?

Her relationships with her husband and friends are suffering. She is so

busy working, she has no time for the people and things she loves the

most. Or, even time for herself!

Despite all of her business success, she is concerned she is losing her

enjoyment for her work. She has difficulty sleeping at night, unable to

turn off her brain. She often feels exhausted. She feels more like a

human doing than a human being.

If her outer world was in chaos, imagine how she felt on the inside!

Conquering the Chaos

Carol is a smart woman. She realized she was working harder, not

smarter. What did she do? She understood she needed help to

continue to grow her business and thrive as a person. She also

realized that in order to change the way she was running her

business (or more accurately, how her business was running her), she

needed to look at herself. Not an easy task — changing what has

always worked for you but is no longer working, takes courage and


So, she hired a personal and business coach. Some of the things she

worked on included:

1. Identifying her values, vision, and purpose

2. Learning how to manage her time

3. Engaging in extreme self-care

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4. Designing strategies to help her stay focused and motivated

Motivated by the chaos and anxiety in her life, Carol has made huge

progress in six short months. Choosing to make the investment in her

business and herself, Carol is beginning to enjoy her work again and

have a life!

Bottom Line

Learning more about who you are on the inside (your beliefs, core

values, natural strengths, passions, and innate talents) is the KEY

INGREDIENT to making decisions that produce deep satisfaction and

extraordinary results. By bringing who you are into the equation, you

can view a full spectrum of choices and solutions to reach more

satisfying and richer outcomes — like bringing Technicolor to a black

and white picture!

At, we help you unlock the power of Personal

Development. Sign up now for our free Solo Secrets newsletter and

experience it for yourself

About the Author

Lorraine Cohen brings more than 25 years experience in business

and personal coaching, psychological counseling, and sales to more

than 1500 business owners, entrepreneurs, and executives from a

wide range of industries. Working with business people to accelerate

their business, she coaches people from the inside out — to achieve

exceptional results by executing action in alignment with core beliefs,

values and life purpose. An expert in breaking through fear and

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eliminating barriers to success, she helps people articulate what they

want and gives them the tools to succeed. Check out Lorraine’s unique

products and services at Sign up for her

free e-course and newsletter today!

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The Four Secrets to Solo Entrepreneur Success™

Secret #2: The Secret to Working With Clients You Love

– Create Your Attraction Niche

Written by: BZ Riger-Hull Edited by: Rose Hill, Amy Ewart, and Terri Zwierzynski Copyright BZ Riger-Hull 2005 for, Inc. All Rights Reserved

What do you do to attract clients and customers instead of running

around after them? Is your definition of whom you serve aligned with

who you’ve discovered you are?

Would you like to know a secret to attracting all the perfect clients and

customers you want with ease?

A secret that lets you have fun marketing…

A secret that lets your passion in business shine through…

A secret that — once you understand it and integrate it into your

Attraction Marketing mindset — will let you easily create multiple

income streams that will allow profits to flow in.

And what if I told you this secret would also bust one of the top myths

that hold Solo Entrepreneurs back from thriving?

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The Four Secrets to Solo Entrepreneur Success™

The secret is having a clearly defined, developed, and deep niche. Not

just any niche — but an Attraction Niche.

What is An Attraction Niche?

A traditional market niche is a targeted group of people or businesses

that share a common characteristic that makes them easy to locate

and reach with your marketing activities and messaging. For example:

• Realtors

• Financial advisors

• Stay at home moms

• Divorced dads

An Attraction Niche, however, is even more targeted. It is directly

related to the solutions you provide, your expertise and passion in

business, and the qualities and characteristics of your perfect

customers and clients.

An Attraction Niche lets you attract the customers you want to be of

service to — in a way in which you can make a powerful, positive

impact in their lives or businesses. Thus allowing you to attract a

bigger universe of prospects than someone who doesn’t have an

Attraction Niche. And with your Attraction Niche you can create

multiple income streams for your business, allowing your niche to

change and grow as you and your business evolve.

An Attraction Niche is not about limiting the people who you can work

with. It’s about aligning your passion with the process of how you run

your business and who you really want to connect with. It allows you

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to market with fun, integrity, and a creative strategic approach,

dramatically increasing the number of perfect customers you attract.

What an Attraction Niche Can Do For Your Business

An Attraction Niche is one of the most powerful tools for growing your

small business. With an Attraction Niche, you know exactly who and

where to focus your Attraction Marketing actions, allowing you to

quickly and easily attract your definition of success.

Part of creating your Attraction Niche is to identify your target market.

Financial viability is another important criterion of your Attraction


Once you clearly and specifically define your target market, you can

then broaden and deepen the scope to which you serve that market

through your Attraction Niche. The profits your business can gain from

attracting your perfect customers and clients from within your

Attraction Niche will broaden and deepen as well.

An Attraction Niche is not limiting — it is freeing. It doesn’t shrink the

pool of potential customers — it makes it a whole water park filled

with perfect customers and clients.

An Attraction Niche frees you up to focus on attracting your perfect

clients instead of running around trying to talk with and be visible to

everyone — only to find out the people who do hire you or buy from

you are not a good fit at all. Deciding who your perfect clients are —

and who they are not — is essential to success in creating your

Attraction Niche.

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Once you shift your thinking about the importance of having an

Attraction Niche, and start to see what a powerful tool it can be, the

one question that comes to mind is:

How do I find my niche?

You don’t. A niche is not something you find. It’s something you


How to Create Your Attraction Niche

A great Attraction Niche is:

1. Based on your passion in business

2. Intentionally designed

3. A generator of great success and wealth for you

4. Continually evolving and growing as your business does

5. A receptive audience with whom you can easily connect

6. Filled with perfect customers who love to refer you new business

An Attraction Niche is created based on the solutions you are

passionate about providing. Then you can broaden the niche and

develop multiple income streams for it by adapting your solutions to

specific industry or demographic segments.

Let’s say your current niche is helping people with solutions to time-

management challenges.

This is a solution-based niche that you can provide through a number

of different vehicles: in person, in groups, via Teleclass, with

workshops, and many other formats. You could also develop a number

of different products that solve the challenges people have around

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time management. A few examples would be e-courses, audio

recordings, check lists, and assessments.

You could then develop several focused sub-niches based on your

solution of time management. For example:

• Time management for single moms

• Time management for small business owners

• Time management for traveling sales women

By taking a solution you are passionate about providing and targeting

it to a specific sub-niche, you can provide a fantastic product for

people — one that really solves their challenges, fits their needs, and

gives them the specific solutions they are looking for. In addition to

having satisfied customers, you have a product that commands a

premium price. Because your product is specialized and custom-

tailored to a specific audience’s need, your customers don’t have to

wade through generalized information that doesn’t benefit them and

their specific circumstances.

An Example

A great example of the power of an Attraction Niche is my client

Juliann. Juliann had been a solo entrepreneur for 3 years when we

started working together. She wanted to be more successful and

increase her income. By focusing on her passion in business and

clearly defining and developing her Attraction Niche, she was able to

do just that.

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Within six months Juliann had fine-tuned her website and marketing

materials, increased her monthly income by an additional $4,000 a

month, and was connecting with more of her perfect customers.

Using marketing language that attracts your perfect customers and

focuses on your Attraction Niche makes your website a powerful tool to

increase your income.

For Juliann, creating an Attraction Niche allowed her to reduce the

amount of time she was working while increasing her profits each

month. But she says the most important thing it did for her was she

fell in love with her business again. New ideas easily flow to her and

she keeps the ones that fit into her evolving Attraction Niche and lets

the rest go.

Bottom Line

Why is an Attraction Niche so important to the enjoyment of your

business and level of income flowing in?

Without a clearly defined niche and strategic systems to attract your

perfect clients and customers, marketing becomes a struggle.

Attracting prospects and converting them becomes a hit-or-miss

process. And your passion and income quickly erode.

Defining and developing an Attraction Niche is essential to making

steady deposits into your spiritual and financial bank accounts.

At, we help you unlock the power of an Attraction Niche.

Sign up now for our free Solo Secrets newsletter and experience it

for yourself

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The Four Secrets to Solo Entrepreneur Success™

About the Author

BZ Riger-Hull is an expert Success Mindset Coach and Bodacious

Marketing Consultant and author of the Web Success Wizard. BZ helps

you develop and effectively market profitable products and services.

She knows how important having a step-by-step process to get the

clients, customers, and income you really want flowing in, is to

creating Bodacious Success. BZ helps you focus on what is most

important, demystifies marketing and helps harness your creativity

and market your products and services through your website, blog,

podcast, newsletter, autoresponders... Making the complex technology

pieces easy to understand and implement. "Success comes from you

not to you, it’s all about committing to your success and taking

action." She lives on Martha's Vineyard and begins each morning with

a beach walk with her two white Labradors Taza and Luna before

getting to the days' customers and clients. Please contact BZ

[email protected] for solutions to help you be Bodaciously


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The Four Secrets to Solo Entrepreneur Success™

Secret #3: Leverage — The Secret to Doing What You Love — And Only That

Written by: Terri Zwierzynski

Edited by: Rose Hill, Amy Ewart, Jeff Morrow, and Kasey Zanolli Copyright Terri Zwierzynski 2005 for, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Ah, the sweet promise of Solo Entrepreneurship. No boss to tell you

what to do or when. No commute through the daily gridlock. No

employees to supervise.

And then there’s the reality of running a business on your own.

Bookkeeping, ordering office supplies, marketing, answering the

phone, updating your web site, and oh, yeah — doing the work you

love with clients! If you’ve followed the first two Secrets, those clients

and customers are rolling in — how do you keep up?

How can you do it all??

The short answer? You can’t. If you try to wear all the hats in your

business, you are likely to find yourself overworked, underpaid,

frustrated, and ultimately, burned out. The hours you can spend with

clients, actually making money, will be limited — and so will your

income! As your frustration mounts, it starts getting harder to get

clients — because they can sense that you aren’t enjoying your work

or doing your best. Instead, you are distracted by that bill that needs

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to be paid by Friday, by the clutter in your office, by those brochures

you need to get to the printer by 4:00 p.m. Trying to do it all is like

stealing from yourself.

You are keeping yourself from doing the work you love, your genius

work, by forcing yourself to learn all the aspects of running the

business, and then trying to perform them all.

Why do you do this to yourself?

Probably a couple of reasons. First, especially when you are starting

out, you think you can’t afford help. “I’ll get a

bookkeeper/receptionist/assistant later, when I have enough

business.” Somehow, enough business never comes… because you

simply never have enough time to get that business! Because you are

too busy doing everything else. It’s a vicious cycle!

The second reason might be about control. Face it; you got into

business for yourself so that you could have control over all the

aspects of your “job.” You want your clients to experience a high-

quality product or service; after all, it’s your name on the masthead!

You want your accounts in order; you dread the thought of a tax audit,

or worse, someone stealing from you. You want your web site to be

just so, and it’s just easier to do it yourself than to explain to someone

else how you want it. No one else will ever do it the way you


It’s time to let go of the myths and fears.

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The truth is: you can’t afford NOT to get help. And you have to LET GO

of the need to oversee everything. If you want to have a business that

gives you the freedom and flexibility you want, you need to take

advantage of the secret that successful Solo Entrepreneurs know and

apply consistently and profitably: The secret is LEVERAGE.

How can I afford help?

Leverage is defined as “Supplementing, Enhancing, or having Gained

Advantage.” One example of leverage is when you take that first

simple step to outsource some task that you dislike or aren’t good at.

For instance, one task that vexes many Solo Entrepreneurs is

bookkeeping. Suppose it takes 4 hours a month to do the bookkeeping

for your business. And for this example, let’s say that you can

outsource your bookkeeping in your community (or virtually) for

$25/hr, and you sell your own services for $100/hr. The instant you

replace yourself with a bookkeeper, you’ve increased your potential

monthly income by $300. Could you use an extra $300 a month,

$3600 a year? And that’s just by outsourcing one task! Additionally,

you have created a business write-off, which is essential to lowering

your taxes.

In today’s virtual world, you can outsource just about any service you

might need. Of course, you’ll want to hire carefully to find someone

with the skills and integrity that meet your standards.

What about a service that is just as costly as your time? What if you

could hire a marketing consultant to help you with your market

research, but their hourly rate is the same as yours? Sure, you could

do that research yourself — but how long would it take you to do it?

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A marketing consultant who is skilled and practiced at market research

can do the job in a fraction of the time it would take you to do it


An Example

When we started, my business partner and I did virtually

everything ourselves. We limited our cash investment by editing much

of the web site ourselves, posting all the articles and classes, and

creating the newsletter each week. We were able to get started on

only $10,000, which lasted us more than a year. But our membership

didn’t grow as we forecast, partly because we didn’t have the time to

devote to things like setting strategy and marketing!

When we finally contracted with three Virtual Assistants, a huge weight

was lifted off my shoulders. I realized how much I disliked the kind of

detailed work that our VA’s loved doing! Suddenly I was free, not only

with more time but without the negative energy dragging me down. In

hindsight, were I to do it over again, I would find the money to get

help immediately. Solo-E would have grown more quickly and had

more to show for our investment sooner.

Another Kind of Leverage

The leverage described above is about how to leverage yourself:

using your time in the most productive and profitable way, and hiring

others who are more productive at the tasks you aren’t suited for.

Another kind of leverage that will boost your business into the

stratosphere if you take full advantage of it is leveraging your


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If you are a typical solo service professional, your work is time-based.

Your income is limited by the number of hours available to work on a

project, to teach a class, to talk with a client. If you want to make

more income, you have to work more hours.

Leveraging your knowledge removes that limitation. If you have

valuable knowledge to share and can package that knowledge and sell

it, your income potential is now limited only by your skill in marketing

(or the skill of that marketing consultant you’ve contracted with!).

Recorded Teleclasses, e-books, e-courses, audio or video CDs, and

print books can all be sold 24/7 via the Internet with a good

eCommerce solution. Electronic products can be delivered

automatically, and you can outsource the fulfillment of physical

products. The possibilities are endless. By leveraging your knowledge

and taking advantage of technology, you not only create multiple

income streams, you also can make this money even while sleeping, or

golfing, or vacationing.


No discussion of leverage would be complete without mentioning the

role of technology. There are many ways you can use technology in

your business to leverage your time. Examples include using email

rules to automatically sort your email, autoresponders to send oft-

requested information, and of course your cell phone, PDA, Blackberry,

and other assorted technical gadgets.

The key is understanding the difference between the nice-to-haves and

those that allow you to optimize your focus on leverage. Recall what

we mentioned above about leveraging your knowledge. Consider how

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you can combine technology and your knowledge into a money-making

product! That's the key! You now have your custom content being

automatically paid for and distributed... while you are meeting with

clients. Oh yeah... and your virtual assistants are helping set you up

for your next round of success.

The one other thing that our webmaster points out (notice the

leverage) is to be careful about your choices in the technology arena.

If you get too excited and grab the first thing that comes along, it may

not be the best or most cost-effective solution.

John Foster Dulles reminds us: "The measure of success is not

whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it's the

same problem you had last year." Go for it! Leverage your way to


Bottom Line

So gain advantage, enhance your business, and supplement your

income by using the secret of leverage. Make a list of the tasks you

do in your business that you dislike. Call a couple of bookkeepers to

find out the going rate. Start the outline of an e-book you’d like to

write. Do something today, and everyday, that takes advantage of

leverage in your business.

At, we help you unlock the power of Leverage. Sign up

now for our free Solo Secrets newsletter and experience it for


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The Four Secrets to Solo Entrepreneur Success™

About the Author

Terri Zwierzynski is the CEI (Conductor of Extraordinary Ideas) at She is also is a coach to small business owners and Solo

Entrepreneurs and the author of 136 Ways to Market Your Small or

Solo Business. Terri is an MBA honors graduate from UNC-Chapel Hill.

Terri has been coaching for over 10 years in a variety of settings,

including 6 years as a senior-level coach and consultant for a high-tech

Fortune 500 company. She went solo in 2001. See all of her

companies at

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The Four Secrets to Solo Entrepreneur Success™

Secret #4: The Secret to Getting More Done and Making

More Money as a Solo Entrepreneur — Collaboration

Written by: Rose Hill

Edited by: Amy Ewart, Lorraine Cohen, and Terri Zwierzynski Copyright Rose Hill 2005 for, Inc. All Rights Reserved

If you’ve followed the first three secrets, business is humming now.

But it still seems as if something is missing…

The great paradox of being a solo-entrepreneur is that, by definition,

you are flying solo in your business — but you only reach the pinnacle

of success when you collaborate with others. Teaming up with others

allows you to focus on the special services you provide, while

increasing your business and leveraging your resources.

Let’s start with a fact: You only have three ways to increase your


• Get more money from each sale.

• Get new clients.

• Get your current clients to hire you more often.

By collaborating with others, you put all three of these factors to work

in building your business success.

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The Benefits of Collaboration

When you use collaboration you can:

Land more business and increase your income.

By working with others in your business, you gain access to new

clients and new markets. That’s because you gain access to their

networks, clients, and alliances — vastly expanding your sphere of

contacts and influence. You can participate in bigger projects; package

your services with those of others to land new clients, and partner with

the “big boys” to extend the reach of your business.

Handle more clients.

You only have 24 hours in a day. And not all of that time is billable —

you’re limited to the number of billable hours you have in any period.

By calling on your collaborators you can avoid the dilemma of either

over-committing and not meeting your commitments to your clients,

or of under-committing and cheating yourself out of potential income

and new clients.

Eliminate the feast-or-famine cycle.

Too many Solo Entrepreneurs operate in a feast-or-famine cycle. That

is, they land a client, focus on providing their services to that client,

complete the project, and then look up to notice that they don’t have

their next client or project ready to start. Or, they are oblivious to the

greater economic landscape in which their business functions,

repeatedly being blindsided when external factors, such as economic

stagnation or an industry recession, hit their business.

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By collaborating with others, you can keep yourself working steadily

regardless of the state of the macro-economy in which you work.

Take on bigger, more interesting projects.

When you work by yourself, you might be presented with a project

that requires skills that you don’t yet have or that will take more hours

than you alone can provide. When you have a cadre of collaborators in

your contacts database, you can easily take on these projects with full


Increase the ease with which you can change directions when


Because you can draw on the skills and abilities of your collaborators,

when your client wants something done that you haven’t mastered you

can instantly provide it. Having the skills and abilities of a collaborative

team will extend your scope of services and expertise to a broader


Be seen as a serious player in your niche.

Unfortunate, but true, many of your potential clients view Solo

Entrepreneurs as “dabblers.” They lump you in with the growing

numbers of “consultants” made up of professionals who have been laid

off and who aren’t really serious about building a business for the long

haul. Aligning with a group of business-oriented collaborators will

communicate an effective/strong professional message to your target


Enhance your credibility or reputation.

By working with a team of collaborators that includes people who

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already have great reputations in your field, industry, or area of

expertise, you benefit by the halo effect. And they benefit from yours.

Stretch your promotional budget — get more bang for the buck!

Leveraging your marketing and advertising through joint ventures with

your collaborators magnifies your visibility in the marketplace.

Sounds great, yes? It is!

The Best Collaborations for Solo Entrepreneurs

To maximize your business success, focus on:

• Project-Oriented Teams

• Marketing Alliances

Project-Oriented Teams

A project-oriented team is created for the sole purpose of completing a

specific project. Hence, the number and skills of members in a project-

oriented team is dictated by the needs of the project. Once the project

is completed, the team disbands. These teams come together and

disband as needed, with tenuous ties among the collaborating

members when they are between projects.

Project-oriented teams consist of one project leader and multiple

subcontractors. You can work this from either side — as the project

leader or as a collaborating subcontractor. Usually, the project leader

is the person who secured the contract with the end client. The

collaborating subcontractors are other Solo Entrepreneurs or small

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businesses that then contract directly with the project leader’s

company to supply specific services and deliverables for the project.

If you’re an adept marketer, you can quickly develop your business by

pulling together a cadre of high-quality and qualified subcontractors

that you can call upon for the fulfillment of your large projects.

If you’re new at marketing and promoting your business, or if you

don’t have all the work you want, you can offer your services (at your

wholesale rate, of course) to people who you would normally have

considered your competitors. Doing so allows you to extend your

network, enhance your reputation, and increase your billable hours.

Marketing Alliances

In a marketing alliance, you join with other business owners to create

or provide mechanisms to cross-expose your clients and prospects to

the services and expertise of those in your business alliance.

The keys to success in these alliances are:

• Each partner must be perceived as an expert in their profession

or service.

• Each partner must contribute something that is of equal value to

what is contributed by the other. Unequal exchanges usually

destroy these alliances.

The goal of all actions is to substantially increase the visibility of each

partner’s business to their target market — resulting in increased


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An Example

Here’s a common example of a marketing alliance:

A Business Plan Writer partners with a professional association that

serves entrepreneurs. The writer offers to contribute a column entitled

“Tips & Shortcuts for Great Business Plans” in the association’s

monthly ezine. The writer also offers to host a free, quarterly teleclass

on how to write a Business Plan. In return, the writer gains the third-

party endorsement of being in the association’s ezine, and she gets

exposure on a regular basis to those who can use her services to

create their Business Plans. And the association gets information that

is highly valued by its members, allowing the association to attract

even more entrepreneurs into membership.

Bottom Line

If you’re ready to expand the pool of clients and projects available to

your business, be seen as a serious business professional, and make

more money, start collaborating with others today!

At, we help you unlock the power of Collaboration. Sign up

now for our free Solo Secrets newsletter and experience it for


About the Author

Rose Hill made the leap of faith into full-time self-employment in

1990. A self-taught entrepreneur, she also studied coaching at a

variety of well-known coaching programs, including The Coaches

Training Institute, the Academy for Coach Training, and the Graduate

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School of Coaching. Additionally, she has developed and presented

classes for the School of Small Business Coaching centered on how to

coach the solo entrepreneur, and regularly presents her program

entitled "Are You Ready to Be Self-Employed?" for the Professional

Development Center of Portland State University.

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Are these the only strategies necessary for success as a Solo

Entrepreneur? Of course not. However, our experience tells us that

these are the most often overlooked, misunderstood, and

underutilized. Here are other strategies that are more obvious, but just

as crucial to your success:

Passion — If you don’t have a passion for what you’re doing, you

may need to look harder at the Secret of Self-Investment, or the

Secret of Niche. Or you may need to re-evaluate whether being a Solo

Entrepreneur is really the right path for you.

Self-care — Solo Entrepreneurs need vacations too! Figure out a

way to take a hiatus — put your clients on hold for a while, find a

colleague to cover for you, do something that will give you some time

away — no computer, no cell phone, no <fill in your favorite gadget

here>. You might just re-discover your passion after you’ve had time

for some much-deserved rest.

Persistence — The average Solo Entrepreneur business takes 18

months to really get off the ground; some more, some less. Knowing

these Four Secrets can get you there faster — and you still need to

have the tenacity to keep trying new things, experimenting, and


Find the Right Teachers — Don’t make the mistake of looking for

the holder of the magic bullet – the one guru whose formula you will

follow (isn’t that why you left the corporate world, so you could stop

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mindlessly taking direction from others?). Find the right teachers that

can help you get in touch with the guru within. You don’t have to do

exactly what they teach; instead, figure out how they think, pick the

pieces that fit your business and your style, and build your own

formula for success. At Solo-E you can find many qualified, inspiring

teachers to help you find your keys to unlocking the power of all the


Take Action Today! Here’s the Solo-E Challenge.

• Are you investing in yourself?

• Are you aligning whom you serve with who you are?

• Are you leveraging your time and knowledge?

• Are you joyfully working with others to do even more?

If the answers to these questions is anything less than a resounding

YES!, you are not alone! Even 7-figure Solo Entrepreneurs keep

tweaking and honing their skills, knowledge, and application of the

Secrets. Shouldn’t you be too?

Find the keys to unlocking the Secrets™ at Sign up now

for our free Solo Secrets newsletter and experience it for yourself


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