foundations of privacy lecture 7

Foundations of Privacy Lecture 7 Lecturer: Moni Naor

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Foundations of Privacy Lecture 7. Lecturer: Moni Naor. Recap of last week’s lecture. Counting Queries Hardness Results Tracing Traitors and hardness results for general (non synthetic) databases. Can We output Synthetic DB Efficiently?. |C|. subpoly. poly. |U|. Not in general. subpoly. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Foundations of Privacy

Lecture 7

Lecturer: Moni Naor

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Recap of last week’s lecture• Counting Queries

– Hardness Results– Tracing Traitors and hardness results for general (non

synthetic) databases

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Can We output Synthetic DB Efficiently?






? ?


Signatures Hard on Avg.Using PRFs

Not in general


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General output sanitizers


Traitor tracing schemes exist if and only if sanitizing is hard

Tight connection between |U|,|C| hard to sanitizeand key, ciphertext sizes in traitor tracing

Separation between efficient/non-efficient sanitizersuses [BoSaWa] scheme

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Traitor Tracing: The Problem• Center transmits a message to a large group • Some Users leak their keys to pirates• Pirates construct a clone: unauthorized decryption


• Given a Pirate Box want to find who leaked the keys


K1 K3 K8

ContentPirate Box

Traitors ``privacy” is violated!

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Need semantic security!

Traitor Tracing ! Hard Sanitizing A (private-key) traitor-tracing scheme consists of algorithms Setup,

Encrypt, Decrypt and Trace.Setup: generates a key bk for the broadcaster and N subscriber keys

k1, . . . , kN.

Encrypt: given a bit b generates ciphertext using the broadcaster’s key bk.

Decrypt: takes a given ciphertext and using any of the subscriber keys retrieves the original bit

Tracing algorithm: gets bk and oracle access to a pirate decryption box. Outputs an i 2 {1, . . . ,N} of a key ki used to create the pirate box

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Simple Example of Tracing Traitor• Let EK(m) be a good shared key encryption scheme• Key generation: generate independent keys for E

bk = k1, . . . , kN • Encrypt: for bit b generate independent ciphertexts

EK1(b), EK2

(b), … EKN(b)

• Decrypt: using ki: decrypt ith ciphertext • Tracing algorithm: using hybrid argument Properties: ciphertext length N, key length 1.

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Equivalence of TT and Hardness of Sanitizing



Traitor Tracing

Database entry


Sanitizing hard

TT Pirate Sanitizer

for distribution of DBs(collection of)

(collection of)

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Traitor Tracing ! Hard Sanitizing TheoremIf exists TT scheme

– cipher length c(n), – key length k(n),

can construct:1. Query set C of size ≈2c(n) 2. Data universe U of size ≈2k(n) 3. Distribution D on n-user databases w\ entries from UD is “hard to sanitize”: exists tracer that can extract an entry in

D from any sanitizer’s output

Separation between efficient/non-efficient sanitizersuses [BoSaWa06] scheme

Violate its privacy!

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Interactive Model


Multiple queries, chosen adaptively


query 1query 2Sanitizer

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Counting Queries: answering queries interactively

Counting-queriesC is a set of predicates c: U {0,1}Query: how many D participants satisfy c ?

Relaxed accuracy:

answer query within α additive error w.h.pNot so bad: error anyway inherent in statistical analysis

• Queries given one by one and should be answered on the fly.


Database D of size n

Query c


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Can we answer queries when not given in advance?

• Can always answer with independent noise– Limited to number of queries that is smaller than

database size.

• We do not know the future but we do know the past!– Can answer based on past answers

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Idea: Maintain List of Possible Databases• Start with DD0 = list of all databases of size m

– Gradually shrinks• Each round j:

– if list DDj-1 is representative: answer according to average database in list

– Otherwise: prune the list to maintain consistency

DDj-1 DDj

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Low sensitivity!

• Initialize DD0 = {all databases of size m over U}.• Input: x*• Each round DDj-1 = {x1, x2, …} where xi of size m

For each query c1, c2, …, ck in turn:

• Let Aj à Averagei 2 DDj-1 min{dcj(x*,xi), T}

• If Aj is small: answer according to median db in DDj-1

– DDj à DDj-1

• If Aj is large: Give true answer according to x*

– remove all db’s that are far away to get DDj

Noisy threshold

Plus noise

T ¼ n1-

Need two threshold values: around T/2

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Need to showAccuracy and functionality:• The result is accurate • If Aj is large: many of xi 2 DDj-1 are removed

• DDj is never empty

Privacy:• Not many large Aj

• Can release identity of large rounds• Can release noisy answers in large rounds.

How much noise should we add?

# of large rounds /

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The number of large rounds is bounded• If Aj is large, then must be many sets where the

difference with real value is close to T – Assuming actual answer is close to true answer (with

added noise): many sets are far from actual answer– Therefore many sets are pruned


Actual Threshold for small and largeThreshold for far

Size of DD0 - ( )

|U| m

Total number of rounds: m log|U|

Constant fraction

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Why is there a good xi

Counting-queriesC is a set of predicates c: U {0,1}Query: how many D participants satisfy c ?

The sample is assumed to be from x* since we start with all possible sets

Existential proof – need not know c1, c2, …, ck in advance


Database x* of size n

Query c

Claim: Sample x of size m approximates x* on all given c1, c2, …, ck

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Size m is Õ(n2/3 log k)

For any c1, c2, …, ck:

There exist a set x of size m = Õ((n\α)2·log k) s.t. maxj distcj

(x,x*) ≤ α

For α=Õ(n2/3 log k), distcj

(x,x*) =

|1/m hcj,x i-1/nhcj,x*i|

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Why can we release when large rounds occur?

• Do not expect more than O(m log|U| ) large rounds• Make the threshold noisy

For every pair of neighboring databases: x* and x’*• Consider vector of threshold noises

– Of length k• If a point is far away from threshold – same in both• If close to threshold: can correct at cost

– Cannot occur too frequently

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Privacy of Identity of Large Rounds

Protect: time of large rounds

For every pair of neighboring databases: x* and x’*Can pair up noise thershold vectors

12k-1 k k+1

12k-1 ’k k+1

For only a few O(m log|U|) points: x* is above threshold and and x’* below. Can correct threshold value ’k = k +1 Prob ≈ eε

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Summary of Algorithms

Three algorithms• BLR


• RR (with help from HR)

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What if the data is dynamic?

• Want to handle situations where the data keeps changing– Not all data is available at the time of sanitization


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Google Flu Trends

“We've found that certain search terms are good indicators of flu activity.

Google Flu Trends uses aggregated Google search data to estimate current flu activity around the world in near real-time.”

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Example of Utility: Google Flu Trends

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What if the data is dynamic?• Want to handle situations where the data keeps changing

– Not all data is available at the time of sanitization

Issues• When does the algorithm make an output?• What does the adversary get to examine?• How do we define an individual which we should protect?


• Efficiency measures of the sanitizer

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Data StreamsData is a stream of items

Sanitizer sees each item and updates internal state.Produces output: either on-the-fly or at the end

state Sanitizer

Data Stream


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Three new issues/concepts• Continual Observation

– The adversary gets to examine the output of the sanitizer all the time

• Pan Privacy– The adversary gets to examine the internal state of the

sanitizer. Once? Several times? All the time?

• “User” vs. “Event” Level Protection– Are the items “singletons” or are they related

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Randomized Response• Randomized Response Technique [Warner 1965]

– Method for polling stigmatizing questions– Idea: Lie with known probability.

• Specific answers are deniable• Aggregate results are still valid

• The data is never stored “in the plain”







“trust no-one”

Popular in DB literatureMishra and Sandler.

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The Dynamic Privacy Zoo

Differentially Private

Continual Observation

Pan Private

User level Private

User-Level Continual Observation Pan Private


Randomized Response

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Continual Output Observation

Data is a stream of items Sanitizer sees each item, updates internal state.Produces an output observable to the adversary




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Continual Observation• Alg - algorithm working on a stream of data

– Mapping prefixes of data streams to outputs– Step i output i

• Alg is ε-differentially private against continual observation if for all – adjacent data streams S and S’– for all prefixes t outputs 1 2 … t

Pr[Alg(S)=1 2 … t]

Pr[Alg(S’)=1 2 … t]≤ eε ≈ 1+ε e-ε ≤

Adjacent data streams: can get from one to the other by changing one element

S= acgtbxcde S’= acgtbycde

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The Counter Problem

0/1 input stream 011001000100000011000000100101

Goal : a publicly observable counter, approximating the total number of 1’s so far

Continual output: each time period, output total number of 1’s

Want to hide individual increments while providing reasonable accuracy

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Counters w. Continual Output Observation

Data is a stream of 0/1 Sanitizer sees each xi, updates internal state.Produces a value observable to the adversary

1 00 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1


1 1 1 2 Output


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Counters w. Continual Output ObservationContinual output: each time period, output total 1’sInitial idea: at each time period, on input xi 2 {0, 1}

Update counter by input xi

Add independent Laplace noise with magnitude 1/ε

Privacy: since each increment protected by Laplace noise – differentially private whether xi is 0 or 1

Accuracy: noise cancels out, error Õ(√T)

For sparse streams: this error too high.

T – total number of time periods

0 1 2 3 4 5-1-2-3-4

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Why So Inaccurate?

• Operate essentially as in randomized response– No utilization of the state

• Problem: we do the same operations when the stream is sparse as when it is dense– Want to act differently when the stream is dense

• The times where the counter is updated are potential leakage

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Main idea: update output value only when large gap between actual count and output

Have a good way of outputting value of counter once: the actual counter + noise.

Maintain Actual count At (+ noise )Current output outt (+ noise)

Delayed Updates

D – update threshold

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Outt - current output At - count since last update.Dt - noisy threshold

If At – Dt > fresh noise then Outt+1 Outt + At + fresh noise At+1 0 Dt+1 D + fresh noise Noise: independent Laplace noise with magnitude 1/εAccuracy:• For threshold D: w.h.p update about N/D times• Total error: (N/D)1/2 noise + D + noise + noise• Set D = N1/3 accuracy ~ N1/3

Delayed Output Counter


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Privacy of Delayed Output

Protect: update time and update value

For any two adjacent sequences101101110001101101010001

Can pair up noise vectors

12k-1 k k+1

12k-1 ’k k+1

Identical in all locations except one’k = k +1

Where first update after difference occurred

Prob ≈ eε

Outt+1Outt +At+ fresh noise

At – Dt > fresh noise, Dt+1 D + fresh noise



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Dynamic from Static• Run many accumulators in parallel:

– each accumulator: counts number of 1's in a fixed segment of time plus noise.

– Value of the output counter at any point in time: sum of the accumulators of few segments

• Accuracy: depends on number of segments in summation and the accuracy of accumulators

• Privacy: depends on the number of accumulators that a point influences

Accumulator measured when stream is in the time frame

Only finished segments used


Idea: apply conversion of static algorithms into dynamic onesBentley-Saxe 1980

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The Segment ConstructionBased on the bit representation:Each point t is in dlog te segments


t xi - Sum of at most log t accumulators

By setting ’ ¼ / log T can get the desired privacyAccuracy: With all but negligible in T probability the error at

every step t is at most O((log1.5 T)/)). canceling

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Synthetic Counter

Can make the counter synthetic• Monotone• Each round counter goes up by at most 1

Apply to any monotone function

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The Dynamic Privacy Zoo

Differentially Private Outputs

Privacy under Continual Observation

Pan Privacy

User level Privacy

Continual Pan Privacy


Sketch vs. Stream