foundation: introduction - muslim world ·...

MUSLIM WORL LEAGUE Introduction The Muslim World League (MWL) is an international non-governmental Islamic organiza- tion based in the Holy City of Makkah. It is engaged in propagating the religion of Islam, elu- cidating its principles and tenets, refuting suspicions and false allegations made against Is- lam. The MWL also strives to unite the ranks of Muslims and to help them solve their problems and carry out their projects in the sphere of Da'wah, education and culture. The MWL is well known to promote dialogue with the followers of other cultures, advo- cate peace, security and justice, and reject all acts of violence and terrorism. Foundation: The Muslim World League was founded in accordance with a resolution adopted during the meeting of the General Islamic Conference, which was held in Holy Makkah on the 14th of Dhul Hijjah 1381H corresponding to 28 May 1962. 28

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Page 1: Foundation: Introduction - Muslim World · Introduction The Muslim World League ... Objectives: 1. ... ous issues concerning


IntroductionThe Muslim World League (MWL) is an international non-governmental Islamic organiza-

tion based in the Holy City of Makkah. It is engaged in propagating the religion of Islam, elu-cidating its principles and tenets, refuting suspicions and false allegations made against Is-lam. The MWL also strives to unite the ranks of Muslims and to help them solve theirproblems and carry out their projects in the sphere of Da'wah, education and culture.

The MWL is well known to promote dialogue with the followers of other cultures, advo-cate peace, security and justice, and reject all acts of violence and terrorism.

Foundation:The Muslim World League was founded in accordance with a resolution adopted during

the meeting of the General Islamic Conference, which was held in Holy Makkah on the 14thof Dhul Hijjah 1381H corresponding to 28 May 1962.


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Affiliations:The MWL is affiliated to most of the Islamic and international organizations including:

* The United Nations Organization: Observer in consultative status with the ECOSOC.

* Organization of the Islamic Conference: Observer status in attendance at all Islamic sum-mit meetings and conferences of the Islamic Foreign Ministers.

* UNESCO: Member

* UNICEF: Member

Objectives:1. Introducing the Islamic creed, law and lifestyle according to the texts of the Holy Qur'an and

the immaculate Sunnah (tradition of Prophet Muhammad, blessing and peace be upon him).

2. Exerting efforts to further the message of Islam in promoting peace, justice and mainte-nance of human rights.

3. Elucidating the true Islamic tenets, refuting the false allegations against Islam, combatingthe defamation of its image and the misguidance that is directed against call of the truth.

4. Developing mutual understanting and cooperation between Muslim peoples and awakening con-sciousness of the issues facing the Muslims and their aspirations towards justice, peace and stability.


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5. Making efforts to solve the problems facing the Muslims and helping them achieve theirlegitimate aspirations.

6. Exerting possible efforts to remove conflicts, divisive factors and disputes from within andbetween the Muslim communities.

7. Striving to promote virtue and reform on this earth, combat mischief and urge people toobey God and His Messenger (peace be upon him).

The Secretariat General:The Secretariat General of the Muslim World League is the executive wing of the organi-

zation. It supervises the day-to-day activities of the MWL, and implements the policies andresolutions adopted by the Constituent Council, under the direction of the Secretary General,and with the suppost of the assistant secretaries and the general staff.

Headquarters: Makkah Al-Mukarramah - Om Al-Jood, Saudi Arabia.

Mailing address: P.O. Box, 357

Tel: 009662/5600919 - Fax: 009662/5601267-5601319

Telefax: 450390 - 540009


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The MWL Affiliate Bodies:

The General Islamic Conference:The General Islamic Conference is the highest policy making body of the Muslim World

League. It expresses the feelings of Muslim peoples around the world, as well as their aspira-tions towards achieving their higher goals. The GIC is made up of senior Muslim scholarsand preachers who meet to discuss major issues concerning Islam and Muslims, and helpsolve their problems and achieve their good aspirations. The GIC has met on several occa-sions so far as follows:

TheFirst Meeting of the General Islamic Conference:This was held in the year 1381H (1962). The decision to establish the Muslim World

League was taken during this meeting.

The Second Meeting of the General Islamic Conference:This was held in the year 1384H (1965). Major recommendations in support of the idea of


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the Islamic solidarity were made with the aim of removing from its path, obstacles such aslack of religious commitment, sectarian prejudice, and conflict of regional interests, foreigninfluence and alien thought.

The Third General Islamic Conference:This was held in the year 1408H (1987). It adopted a significant recommendation on the

need to believe in the sacredness of the two Holy Mosques, glorify Holy Makkah, the sacredmonths and Hajj rituals.

The Fourth General Islamic Conference:This was held in the year 1423H (2002). It passed significant resolutions concerning the

Ummah (worldwide Islamic community), Da'wah (Islamic propagation), globalization andother issues concerning Muslims. It also issued the Makkah Charter for Islamic Action, astatement on Palestine and a decision to form a Higher Coordination Commission for IslamicOrganizations and an International Forum for Muslim Scholars and Intellectuals.

The Constituent Council:The Constituent Council is the authority in the Muslim World League, which approves the


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plans that have to be implemented by the Secretariat General. The Council consists of sixty(60) prominent Muslim scholars representing Muslim peoples and minorities. Members areappointed according to the decision of the Council.

Membership to the Constituent Council: The prospective member of the Constituent Coun-cil must be either a preacher to Allah, or notably active in the field of Islamic work.

Meetings: The Constituent Council meets periodically to review researches and issues sub-mitted either by the Secretariat General or by three members of the Council. It also adoptsappropriate resolutions concerning progress so far made by the MWL in order to achieve itsgoals, and provides governments and communities with advice and counseling in the serviceof Islam and Muslims.

World Supreme Council for Mosques:The WSCM is an affiliate of the MWL enjoying independent legal personality. It was

formed following a recommendation by the Message of the Mosque Conference, which wasorganized by the MWL in Holy Makkah between 15-18 Ramadhan 1395H corresponding to


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21-23 September1975.

The WSCM aims at carrying out the task of the maintenance of the mosque and helping itundertake the functions prescribed by Islam.


The WSCM consists of forty (40) members representing Muslim peoples and communitiesaround the world.

Objectives:* To build and maintain mosques with worshiping, Islamic propagation, learning and guid-


* To protect the mosques and the Islamic endowments against attack, and safeguard theirsanctity and purity.

* To combat destructive ideological onslaught, rectify deviant behavior in the life of Mus-lims, and form public opinion about Islamic issues and causes.

* To provide social and educational services.


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* To support the Muslim minorities in order to enable them achieve their rights and practicetheir religious rites freely.

* To support the Muslim scholars to enable them conduct objective dialogues with others.

The Islamic Fiqh Council:The Islamic Fiqh Council is an affiliate of the MWL with an independent legal personali-

ty. It was founded by a resolution of the Constituent Council in the year 1398H, and is madeup of a select group of Muslim jurists and scholars who meet periodically to consider seri-ous issues concerning the Muslim Ummah and issue appropriate rulings based on the textsof the Holy Qur'an and the immaculate Sunnah.

Aims and objectives:The Islamic Fiqh Council aims at furthering the following goals:

1. Elucidating the rulings of the Islamic Shari’ah regarding problems and calamities facedby Muslims.

2. Proving the supremacy of Islamic Fiqh over man-made laws, by showing the comprehen-sive nature of Fiqh and its ability to provide solutions to problems facing the Muslim


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Ummah at any time and place.

3. Publicizing the Fiqh heritage and clarifying its terms according to the modern languageand conceptions.

4. Promoting academic research in the various fields of Islamic Fiqh.

5. Compiling authentic religious edits and Fiqh opinions issued by renowned Fiqh scholarsand reliable Fiqh assemblies and publishing them among the Muslim public.

6. Taking measures to counter suspicions raised against Islam, as well as problems and ob-servations designed to either spread skepticism about the rulings of Islamic Shari’ah ordegrade their importance.


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The International Islamic Relief Organization of Saudi Arabia.

This relief and charity organization with independent legal personality was formed as anaffiliate of the Muslim World League in the year 1399H. It helps the needy and providesemergency relief to the victims of wars and natural disasters.

The International Commission on Scientific Signs in the Qur'an and SunnahThe ICSSQS is an affiliate of the Muslim World League with independent legal personal-

ity. It was founded following a decision of the World Supreme Council for Mosques duringits ninth session in 1404H.

It aims at projecting all aspects of the scientific signs in the Qur'an and Sunnah, layingdown the stipulations and the rules guiding the formation of independent judgment in eluci-dating the signs, exposing the facts of the meanings of the verses of the Holy Qur'an andSunnah concerning the cosmic sciences in the light of modern scientific discoveries. It alsostrives to interpret all aspects of the linguistic implications without affectation and providethe preachers and media persons in the world with invaluable research work to be used by


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every individual in his field of specialization.

Moreover, the Commission takes measures to publicize the approved research works amongthe people in a way that’s suitable to the level of their education and culture with translationsinto the various languages, and link cosmic sciences to the facts of faith. The Commission en-deavors to introduce the contents of the approved research woks into the curricula of the variouseducational institutions at variaus stages, and train a generation of scholars and researchers tostudy scientific issues and cosmic facts in the light of the Qur'an and Sunnah.

The World Commission for Memorization of the Holy Qur'anIt is an international organization with an independent legal personality, which was

founded to realize the MWL objectives of serving the Book of Allah, the Most Exalted andrelevant sciences. It was established following a resolution adopted during the 36th sessionof the Muslim World League held between 4-6 Sha'ban 1421H.

The Commission aims at teaching and memorizing the Holy Qur'an, publicizing its sci-ences and enhancing the methods of learning it for Muslims in the world. The Commission,which is designed to function outside Saudi Arabia, is the first of its kind in the world to beengaged in the field of learning the Holy Qur'an.


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The International Islamic Organization for MediaIt is an independent body of the Muslim World League, which aims at developing the

modules of media directed towards Muslims, championing their causes, simplifying the Is-lamic principles and modernizing the discourse of Islamic media with the aim of rectifyingthe image of Islam in the minds of non-Muslims. The decision to establish the IIOM wasadopted during the 36th session of the Constituent Council of the Muslim World Leagueheld between 4-6/8/1421H.

The International Islamic Organization for EducationAn affiliate of the Muslim World League with independent legal status, which aims at

drawing up the policies and goals of education. It also extends material and moral supportto the needy sections of the Muslim world and Muslim minority communities, and usesclear-cut methodology to enhance their potentials. It was established during the 36th ses-sion of the Constituent Council of the Muslim World League, which was held between 54-6/8/1421H.

The International Commission for Converts to IslamIt was established as an affiliate of the Muslim world League with independent legal per-

sonality. It takes care of new converts to Islam, and coordinates between Islamic organiza-39

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tions and societies around the World.

Its foundation came as a result of a decision taken by the Constituent Council of the Mus-lim World League during its 36th session which was held between 4-6/8/1421Ha.

The International Islamic Organization for Introduction of IslamIt was established as an affiliate of the Muslim World League following a decision adopt-

ed during the 38th session of the Constituent Council, which was held between 4-6/8/1425H. The Organization, which has an independent legal personality is charged with thetask of using the material and moral means to introduce Islam wherever it is needed in theworld, and present its real image in a clear manner. It is trying to achieve the followinggoals:

1. Introducing the eternal message of Islam in various languages.

2. Showing the excellent qualities of Islam by spreading its real image in both Muslim andnon-Muslim societies.

3. Defending the cause of Islam in various fields.

4. Realizing Islam's message of peace, security, cultural construction and preservation of hu-man rights.


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The World Program for Introducting the Prophet of MercyThis globally oriented program was established by a team of religious, legal, engineering

and media experts under the auspices of the Muslim World League. The task of the WPIPMis to keep track of publications in the various forums and media, in order to come out with aplan of action and a clear-cut program of introducing and defending the Prophet (peace beupon him). The Program is mainly concerned with cultural as well as media aspects and ac-tivates dialogues of civilizations on the basis of mutual respect.

TheWorld Organization for Muslim Woman and FamilyThis organization functions under the umbrella of the Muslim World League, and aims at en-

hancing the capabilities of female leadership and raising the educational, intellectual, economic andenvironmental standards of the Muslim women and to defend the rights of children. It was estab-lished in accordance with a decision adopted during the 38th session of the Constituent Council ofthe Muslim World League, which was held between 4-6/8/1425H.

The International Islamic Organization for Economy and FinanceThis organization, which enjoys an independent legal personality, was established follow-


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ing a decision adopted duing the 38th session of the Constituent Council of the MuslimWorld League, which was held between 4-6/8/1425H. Its task is to establish the religious as-pects pertaining to financial as well as economic issues and transactions, and to present aunified vision of the Muslim scholars and intellectuals in this respect.

The International Organization for Construction and DevelopmentThis organization, which was established in accordance with a decision adopted during

the 38th session of the Constituent Council of the Muslim World League, which was heldbetween 4-6/8/1425H. The IOCD, which enjoys independent legal personality, is concernedwith the task of building and maintaining the mosques, establishing, operating and supervis-ing the Islamic schools and centers, as well as other Islamic projects through its officesaround the world.

The Makkah Mukarramah Charity FoundationThis foundation has independent legal personality and is concerned with the welfare of

the needy Muslim orphans. It was incorporated into the Muslim World League during the25th session of the Constituent Council of the Muslim World League, which was held be-tween 7-10/8/1418H.


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The Muslim World LeagueCity: Makkah Al-Mukarramah Country: Saudi ArabiaTelephone: 5600919Telefax: 5601319Telefax: 5601267P.O.BOX: 537 Zip. 21955Telex: 540009/450390Email: [email protected]:

The Islamic Fiqh CouncilCity: Makkah Al-Mukarramah

Country: Saudi Arabia

Telephone: 5601276

Telefax: 5601232

P.O.BOX: 537 Makkah Al-Mukarramah 21955

Email: fiqh [email protected]

The International Islamic Relief Or-ganization of Saudi Arabia

City: JeddahCountry: Saudi ArabiaTelephone: 6512333Telefax: 6512997P.O.BOX: 14843 Jeddah 21434Email: [email protected]: http:/[email protected]

The Commission on Scientific Signs inthe Qur'an and Sunnah

City: Makkah Al-Mukarramah Country: Saudi ArabiaTelephone: 5601332Telefax: 5601332 ext: 12P.O.BOX: 5736, Makkah 21955Email: [email protected]: htpp://

Contact Addresses


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The International Organization for

Memorization of the Holy Qur'anCity: Jeddah

Country: Saudi Arabia

Telephone: 6900030/6900040

Telefax: 6824826

P.O.BOX: 118584, Jeddah 21312

Email: [email protected]


The International Islamic Organization

for EducationCity: makkah Al-mukarramah

Country: Saudi Arabia

Telephone: 5222666

Telefax: 5222888

P.O.BOX: 6414 Makkah 21955

Email: [email protected]

Website: [email protected]

The International Islamic Organiza-tion for Media

City: Jeddah

Country: Saudi Arabia

Telephone: 6760202

Telefax: 6760303

P.O.BOX: 13877 Jeddah 21313

Email: [email protected]


The International Islamic Organiza-tion for Muslim Women and Family.

City: Jeddah

Country: Saudi Arabia

Telephone: 6065598/ 6065798

Telefax: 6065799

P.O.BOX: 54997 Jeddah 21514

Email: [email protected]



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The International Islamic Organization

for Converts to IslamCity: Jeddah

Country: Saudi Arabia

Telephone: 6685126

Telefax: 6645974

P.O.BOX: 54944 Jeddah 21524

Email: [email protected]


The International Organization for

Introduction of IslamCity: Madinah Munawwarah

Country Saudi Arabia

Telephone: 8150133

Telefax: 8150144 ext. 37

P.O.BOX: 6303, Madinah

Email: [email protected]:

The World Program for Introducingthe Prophet of Mercy

City: Riyadh

Country: Saudi Arabia

Telephone: 4806267/ cell: 0658812637

Telefax: 4806267 ext. 36

P.O.BOX: 361199 Riyadh 11313

Email: [email protected]


The International Islamic Organiza-tion for Economy and Financ

City: Riyadh

Country: Saudi Arabia

Telephone: 4766400

Telefax: 4766937

P.O.BOX: 7511 Riyadh 11472, Saudi Arabia.

Email: [email protected]



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The International organization Founda-tion for Construction and Development

City: Riyadh

Country: Saudi Arabia

Telephone: 4833324

Telefax: 4833326

P.O.BOX: 68275 Riyadh 11527

Email: [email protected]


The Makkah Mukarramah CharityFoundation

City: Riyadh

Country: Saudi Arabia

Telephone: 4932200

Telefax: 4920693

P.O.BOX: 57091 Riyadh 11574

Email:[email protected]



Page 20: Foundation: Introduction - Muslim World · Introduction The Muslim World League ... Objectives: 1. ... ous issues concerning

Introduction The Muslim World League is an international non governmental Islamic organization based in the Holy City of Makkah. It is engaged in propagating the religion of Islam, elucidating its principles and tenets, refuting suspicious and false allegations made against the religion. The League also strives to persuade people to abide by the commandments of their Lord, and to keep away from prohibited deeds. The League is also ready to help Muslims solve problems facing them anywhere in the world, and carry out their projects in the sphere of Da'wa, education and culture. The League, which employs all means that are not at variance with the Sharia (Islamic law) to further its aims, is well known for rejecting all acts of violence and promoting dialogue with the people of other cultures. Foundation: The Muslim World League was founded in accordance with a resolution adopted during the meeting of the General Islamic Conference, which was held in Holy Makkah on the ١٤th of Dhul Hijjah ١٣٨١ Hijra corresponding to the ١٨th May ١٩٦٢. Affiliations:

The United Nations Organization: Observer in consultative status with the ECOSOC Organization of the Islamic Conference: Observe status in attendance at all meetings and conferences. ISESCO: Member UNICEF: Member

Charter: We the members of the Muslim World League, representing it religiously, hereby undertake before God, Almighty to:

Discharge our obligation towards God, by conveying and proclaiming His Message all over the world. We also reaffirm our belief that there shall be no peace in the world without the application of the principles of Islam.

Invite all communities to vie with one another for the common good and happiness of mankind, establish social justice and a better human society.

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Call upon God to bear witness that we do not intend to undermine, dominate or practice hegemony over anyone else. Hence, in order to further these goals, we intend to:

Unite the ranks of the Muslims, and remove all divisive forces from the midst of the Muslim communities around the world.

Remove obstacles in the way of establishing the Muslim world union. Support all advocates of charitable deeds. Utilize our spiritual as well as material and moral potentialities in furthering the aims of this charter. Unify efforts in order to achieve these purposes in a positive and practical way. Reject all the pretenses of ancient as well as contemporary Jahiliah (attitudes of the pre-Islamic era). Always reaffirm the fact that Islam has no place for either regionalism or racism.

Means of furthering our goals:

Calling on individuals, communities and state entities to abide by the rules of the Sharia (Islamic law). Coordinating the activities of Islamic activists in the world. Enhancing the methods of Islamic propagation in conformity with the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah. Raising the standard and productivity of Muslims in the fields of media, education, Da'wah and culture. Organizing seminars and refresher courses. Taking advantage of the Hajj seasons to bring Muslim intellectuals together, and encourage the exchange of

views among them. Supervising the activities of the Fiqh Council. Supporting efforts to promote and raise the standard of the Arabic language. Establishing Islamic bureau and centers to further Islamic purposes. Providing people affected by war and natural disasters with emergency relief. Helping activate the role and the maintenance of Mosques.

The Secretariat General: The Secretariat General of the Muslim World League is the executive wing of the organization. It supervises the day to day activities of the 'League', and implements the policies and resolutions adopted by the Constituent Council, under the direction of the Secretary General, the assistant secretaries and the general staff.

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Headquarters: Makkah al- Mukarramah – Om al-Jood, Saudi Arabia. Mailing address: P.O. Box, ٣٥٧ Tel: ٠٠٩٦٦٢/٥٦٠٠٩١٩ - Fax: ٥٦٠١٣١٩- ٠٠٩٦٦٢/٥٦٠١٢٦٧ Telefax: ٥٤٠٠٠٩ - ٤٥٠٣٩٠

The League's Councils: The General Islamic Conference: The General Islamic Conference is the highest policy making body that expresses the feelings and aspirations of Muslim peoples around the world. It is the source of the League's legitimacy and capacity as the spokesman of Muslims world-wide. The GIC consists of leading Islamic preachers and activists who meet annually to review major issues facing Islam and Muslims and to find appropriate solutions for the realization of Muslim interests and aspirations. The GIC has met on several occasions so far as follows: The General Islamic Conference, held its first meeting in the year ١٣٨١ Hijra (١٩٦٢), and passed the resolution to establish the Muslim World League. The General Islamic Conference held its second meeting in the year ١٣٨١ Hijra (١٩٦٥), and issued recommendations supporting the idea of the Islamic solidarity, removing from its path, obstacles such as lack of commitment to religious commandments, sectarian prejudice, and conflict of regional interests, foreign influence and alien thought. The General Islamic Conference held its third meeting in the year ١٤٠٨ Hijra (١٩٨٧) and adopted a significant recommendation on the need to believe in the sacredness of the two Holy Mosques, glorify Holy Makkah, the sacred months, Hajj rituals and the responsibility of the Muslim ruler of the two Holy Mosques to establish. security therein. The General Islamic Conference held its fourth meeting in the year ١٤٢٣ Hijra (٢٠٠٢) and passed resolutions concerning the Ummah (world-wide Islamic community), Da'wa (Islamic propagation), globalization and other issues concerning Muslims. It also issued the Makkah charter for Islamic action, a statement on Palestine and a decision to for a higher body for coordination and an international forum for Muslim scholars and intellectuals.

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The Constituent Council: The Constituent Council is the highest authority in the Muslim World League. The Council consists of about sixty (٦٠) prominent Muslim scholars representing Muslim peoples and minorities. Members are appointed according to the decision of the Council. The Council endorses plans adopted by the Secretariat General. Membership: The prospective member of the Constituent Council must be active in the field of Islamic propagation. Meetings: The Constituent Council meets periodically to review research works and issues submitted either by the Secretariat General or by three members of the Council and to adopt appropriate resolutions. The Council may also provide governments and communities with advice and counseling in the service of Islam. Members function voluntarily. They receive neither salaries nor remunerations. World Supreme Council for Mosques: The WSCM has an independent legal personality. It aims at reactivating the mission of the Mosque as a vital focal point of the religious as well as the temporal life of the Muslim. Ultimately, the WSCM aims at restoring the Mosque's role to what it was during the early days of Islam. It also strives to protect Mosques and Islamic trusts against assault, and to maintain the sanctity and purity of the Mosque. The WSCM was founded in compliance with a resolution adopted by the "Message of the Mosque" conference, which was held in Holy Makkah during the month of Ramadan ١٣٩٥ (September ١٩٧٥) under the auspices of the Muslim World League. Composition: The WSCM consists of forty (٤٠) members representing Muslim peoples and communities around the world. Members function voluntarily, without salary or remuneration. Objectives:

Formation of Islamic public opinion regarding the various issues of concern to Muslims, within the guidance of the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah

Combating ideological incursions and aberrant thought.

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Advocating the freedom of preaching to the path of God. Striving to protect Mosques and Mosque properties against attack. Preserving Islamic endowments. Defending the rights of the Muslim minorities.


Laying down plans designed to revive the role of the Mosque in the fields of guidance, education, preaching and provision of social services.

Publishing the 'Message of the Mosque' periodical, which deals with finding ways and means of raising the standard of the cultural as well as technical efficiency of the Imams and the Khateebs.

Publishing Islamic books and pamphlets. Conducting a comprehensive survey of the world's Mosques and publishing the information gathered in book

form and in the shape of periodical bulletins. Selecting and posting groups of well qualified preachers on guidance missions throughout the Mosques of the


Organizing local or regional refresher courses to enrich the culture of the Imams and the Khateebs and to raise the standard of their efficiency.

Formation of board of directors to supervise the affairs of each and every Mosque at the national as well as

the regional levels.

Studying the ideas and patterns of behavior that contravene the teachings of Islam.

Helping in rehabilitating and training Imams and Khateebs for posting to the various Muslim areas to lead Muslims in prayers, deliver sermons and guidance lessons.