fotostrip comenius office 2007 · a few months ago, right after our previous comenius visit. a few...

21/10/2010 1 photo comic Comenius - Pécs, Hungary A few months ago, right after our previous Comenius visit. A few months ago, right after our previous Comenius visit. A strange man turned up in our school. A few months ago, right after our previous Comenius visit. A strange man turned up in our school. ‘I am Milieuman,’ he said. ‘I’ve come to make sure your school takes care of the environment. No one knows where Milieuman came from. Just that he decided to set up camp in the middle of the local basketball court. He also put up posters like these all over school. Are you going? Then switch me off. Don’t waste heat through open doors and windows. Keep all outer doors closed. He really tried to make us aware of what we were doing.

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Page 1: fotostrip Comenius Office 2007 · A few months ago, right after our previous Comenius visit. A few months ago, right after our previous Comenius visit. ... but he’d rather go to



photo comic

Comenius - Pécs, Hungary

A few months ago, right after our previous Comenius visit.

A few months ago, right after our previous Comenius visit.

A strange man turned up in our school.

A few months ago, right after our previous Comenius visit.

A strange man turned up in our school.

‘I am Milieuman,’ he said. ‘I’ve come to make sureyour school takes care of the environment.

No one knows where Milieuman came from. Just that he decidedto set up camp in the middle of the local basketball court.

He also put up posters like these all over school.

Are you going?

Then switch me off.

Don’t waste heat through open doorsand windows.

Keep all outer doorsclosed.

He really tried to make us aware of what we were doing.

Page 2: fotostrip Comenius Office 2007 · A few months ago, right after our previous Comenius visit. A few months ago, right after our previous Comenius visit. ... but he’d rather go to



Close the door, please! Close the door, please! This time he added a few more exclamation marks.

Close the door, please! This time he added a few more exclamation marks.

He even put up signs in English.

Close the door, please! This time he added a few more exclamation marks.

He even put up signs in English.

Just in case an international visitor arrives.

Close the door, please! This time he added a few more exclamation marks.

He even put up signs in English.

Just in case an international visitor arrives.

We made him take away the German, Czech and Hungarian signs.

Close the door, please! This time he added a few more exclamation marks.

He even put up signs in English.

Just in case an international visitor arrives.

He left them a broom instead.

We made him take away the German, Czech and Hungarian signs.

Page 3: fotostrip Comenius Office 2007 · A few months ago, right after our previous Comenius visit. A few months ago, right after our previous Comenius visit. ... but he’d rather go to



He also tried to steal one of the outfits that the people who empty our containers wear.

He loves how the colours light up in the dark.

He claims to be the author of these two books on ecology. He also tried to steal one of the outfits that the people who empty our containers wear.

He loves how the colours light up in the dark.

He claims to be the author of these two books on ecology.

This book however, was written by his archenemy: Ecoman.He kindly requests the staff of St. John’s to remove this book from their library.

He also tried to steal one of the outfits that the people who empty our containers wear.

He loves how the colours light up in the dark.

On his second visit, he commandeered thisvehicle and brought in reinforcements.

They jumped off the truck and ran into the school to teach the unsuspecting pupils a few lessons about taking care of the environment.

This is Milieuman, by the way.

Time for me to check whethereveryone is obeyingthe rules.

Page 4: fotostrip Comenius Office 2007 · A few months ago, right after our previous Comenius visit. A few months ago, right after our previous Comenius visit. ... but he’d rather go to



He also tried to steal one of the outfits that the people who empty our containers wear.

He clearly got the idea for his superhero pose from the Hungarian headmaster.

He also tried to steal one of the outfits that the people who empty our containers wear.

He clearly got the idea for his superhero pose from the Hungarian headmaster.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank ourHungarian friends for their hospitality and warm welcome.

He also tried to steal one of the outfits that the people who empty our containers wear.

He clearly got the idea for his superhero pose from the Hungarian headmaster.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank ourHungarian friends for their hospitality and warm welcome.

Milieuman wishes he could be here as well …

… but he’d rather go to the Czech Republic instead.

We are getting off track. Let’s go back to the school.

… but he’d rather go to the Czech Republic instead.

This is the lunch hall.

Every pupil is supposed to bring their lunch to school in a lunch box.

Lunch boxes can be usedover and over again.

Page 5: fotostrip Comenius Office 2007 · A few months ago, right after our previous Comenius visit. A few months ago, right after our previous Comenius visit. ... but he’d rather go to



Oh, something is going on.

Milieuman isn’t happy.What are you doing? This is tin foil.

It is not environmentally friendly.

Why didn’t you bring a lunch box instead?

There are so many to choose from!

He’s right. There are such a lot of cool lunch boxes.

A little later, in the playground…

Well, we’ve got an offender here.

Someone threw wrappers on the playground.

And what do we do with offenders? PUNISH THEM!

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Ah, damn! I shouldn’t have littered.

Follow me.

You’re going to carry thatfor the rest of the day.

Suddenly, Milieuman heard his sidekicks call him.

Milieuman, these pupils need your help!

Well, let me show you how itis done.

Cleaning is a form of art.

Much like dancing.

That’s how it’s done!

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A bit later, at the copy machine.

What do you think you’redoing?


Don’t do it again or next time…

You’ll get punished, just like me.

Meanwhile, in the lavatory. It seems to me someone forgot to turn off the tap.

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But I was going to. See?

Oh, and I suppose you weregoing to switch off the light as well?

Mmmmmm, what should we do? PUNISH HIM!

All right, they’ve found someoneelse to take my place!

The next day Milieuman sensed something was wrong.He went to take a look in one of the containers.

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These are normallyused for paper and cardboard. Butnow Milieuman found a stow-away.

The next day Milieuman sensed something was wrong.He went to take a look in one of the containers.

Well, I don’t know whoput you in here, butwhoever it did: theydon’t know anythingabout recycling.

But Milieuman was in for a big and unpleasant surprise.

I am Ecoman. I have come to overthrow Milieuman and I’ma much cooler superhero.

Mr Schouppe’s first reaction: “Who, him? He’s been attending mylessons since the beginning of the school year.”

“He always volunteered to clean the classroomand empty the paper bin after each lesson.”

It didn’t take very long before Mileuman and Ecoman wereat each other’s throats.

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It didn’t take very long before Mileuman and Ecoman wereat each other’s throats.

Ecoman hates that Mileuman has better book sales.

Even superheroes need a short break to catch their breath.

The four recycle-girls were ready to intervene, but posed for a picture first.

The four recycle-girls were ready to intervene, but posed for a picture first.

Wouldn’t this be a perfect opportunity for them to explain their outfits and in the process you could learn something about how we recycle in Belgium?

The epic battle continued… Ecoman soon got overpowered.

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You can tell that they’re enjoying this!

Let’s drag him to the playground.

Milieuman first wanted us to carve him a wooden statue to celebrate his victory.

But because he wanted to save the tree, he settled for some good old worshipping.

Ecoman regained consciousness and tried to flee but was chased down by loads of angry schoolchildren.

Ecoman begged for forgiveness and said hewould now help out wherever he can.

“Our environment is too important”, he said.

“We should all work together to improve it.”

Ecoman is now helping out Mileuman bypunishing pupils who were wasting water.

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They have to drink the amount of water that they’ve wasted.

Because I am not evil anymore, I help them out.

However, I can’t be seen with a mug in the playground.

The headmaster of this school isn’t too fond of it.

Milieuman also has a fan club. Milieuman also has a fan club.

If you would like to join… don’t hesitate! There is an opening available.

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Milieuman also has a fan club.

If you would like to join… don’t hesitate! There is an opening available.

The membership of the person in the middle recently expired.

Seriously, sign up nowand join us in our fight to protect the environment.

We’ve all joined willingly!

Well, he didn’t, obviously.



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Sint-Paulus is really trying to make a difference. It is time forMilieuman and his companions to help out other countries in taking care of the environment, starting with Hungary.

… WE WILL BE THERE!You will all receive a copy of our CO-PAPER.

… WE WILL BE THERE!Well, some of you will.

Not because you don’t deserve one, but because we take care of the environment.If you want one: we have an electronic version as well.

… WE WILL BE THERE!You can start giving us a round of applause now.



ENDNow it’s your turn.


We’ve addressed a few problems in our school during this presentation.

Let’s take a closer look at one of them:

How would you try to prevent pupils from throwing their wrappers on the ground or making a mess of the classroom?

And how would you handle pupils that don’t obey the rules?