forwards info re facility attachments of various reactors ...1.t t table 10 4.n*uelear...

. W =%.p- J fl _ 'l D EPARTM ENT OF STATE NA$ i. w : : _ . - -, ; -- BUREAU OF OCEANS AND INTERNATIONAL ' ~~_ , ENVIR0NMENTAL AND SCIENTIFIC AFFAIRS . .. -> . . . - - _ _ . ~"~ FEg 2 3 137; Mr. James R. Shea Director of International Programs United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Room 6714 - MNBB Bethesda, Maryland Dear Mr. Shea: I refer to my letter of January 25, 1979 and to previous correspondence regarding the status of Facility Attachments of various reactors and intermediate consignees covered by pend- ing NRC export license applications. We have received a telegram from U.S. Mission Vienna (Vienna 1134) reporting that the IAEA has confirmed that all the Facility Attachments to the Subsidiary Arrangements have been completed for all Japanese facilities listed in Table 10 of the IAEA Annual Report for 1977. We hope that the above information will be helpful to the Commission in reaching an early decision on any license appli- cations involving the facilities cited. Sincerely, i . *^~ $ - ,/ . , . s - P D Louis V. N6sen:o Deputy Assistant Secretary Enclosure: Table 10, IAEA Annual Report 1977 7904160ON

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Page 1: Forwards info re facility attachments of various reactors ...1.t t Table 10 4.N*uelear insta2.latices under A gency safeguards or c:r.:aining- safeguarded :na:erial under ag te:nents





NA$ i. w : :_

. - -, ; --




->. . . - -

_ _ .

~"~FEg 2 3 137;

Mr. James R. SheaDirector of International ProgramsUnited States Nuclear Regulatory CommissionRoom 6714 - MNBBBethesda, Maryland

Dear Mr. Shea:

I refer to my letter of January 25, 1979 and to previouscorrespondence regarding the status of Facility Attachments ofvarious reactors and intermediate consignees covered by pend-ing NRC export license applications.

We have received a telegram from U.S. Mission Vienna(Vienna 1134) reporting that the IAEA has confirmed that allthe Facility Attachments to the Subsidiary Arrangements havebeen completed for all Japanese facilities listed in Table 10of the IAEA Annual Report for 1977.

We hope that the above information will be helpful to theCommission in reaching an early decision on any license appli-cations involving the facilities cited.



.*^~ $ -,/ . , . s - P

DLouis V. N6sen:oDeputy Assistant Secretary

Enclosure:Table 10, IAEA Annual Report 1977


Page 2: Forwards info re facility attachments of various reactors ...1.t t Table 10 4.N*uelear insta2.latices under A gency safeguards or c:r.:aining- safeguarded :na:erial under ag te:nents

Table 10 4


.N*uelear insta2.latices under A gency safeguards or c:r.:aining -

safeguarded :na:erial under ag te:nents approved by the .[.Board of Goverr. ors ~J


. :s

A. Researca reactors anc cr:t;ca; f aculties t:

?t' Acorov tated Cacactly :

. a: e-- Laca:lon ,y e In ooerstion 3,

. y,,g ,,i-

At ge ttma RA.0 Corocca Tand O.00 :--ERA.1 C:sst;:vyertes Ar gonaut 3.1: x[,RA.2 Consta:uyente s Ar gonaut 3.03 x

RA.3 E:etta Pool tans 5.00 m ..*

R.A.4 Rosario Saud.nomo ge neou s 3.33 x p. - - -.

A.s s.iag/ MITAR Lacas Heig".t s. N. S. W. Tans 11.30 x -1-

MCATA Lucas Heig9ts. N. S. W. Argonaut C. 31 x 'E-

CT Lucas Heignts, N. S. W. Cr:tical Facuity 3.30 x,;.

A s .:";E SAR Craz Ar gonaut 3.01 x [

TRICA. VIENNA Tr:ga II 3.25 x E-

{ASTR.A Se.ner sca rf Poot 12. 30 x~

I344.a= / BRI.CIN Mot Tans 4.30 ms

3R: CEN 5:o1 Tans 103.30 x i-EThou s Cent Pool C.15 x_T3RC2.CEN 5tol Taas 3.30 xE.CEN. Venus Mel - Taas 3.30 x=

3rar_: IEA.R1 Sio Pawlo Pool 5.00 x _.-

!PR.R1 Belo Mortzonte T r:g a 1 3. L 0 x yERIEN.1 Rio de Janetto Ar gonaut 3. 31 x=

Salg a.rth 5IRT-2000 Sofia Pool 2.00 x-

C u m * si NRX Chalk River. Ont. NRX 30.30 x bNRC Chalk River. Ont. NRC 125.00 x ETR. L P'.nawa. Manttoca Cr g'ar.a c. cooled 50.00 x EMc51 aster Hamdton On:. Pool.tpe :. 5 ESlowoose . of Toronto Pool type 0. 0: x T.

Toronto _

gSlowpose . Ot a n a. Ont. Poci. type 3. 0: xOtta = a p

PTR Chalk R&ver. Ont. Poot type C. 3 0 x yEED.2 Cha;k Rtver. Ont. Pool type 3. 30 m


EEEP Cha2 R.ver. Ont. Tand O.00 x I{Slowoone . Dalhousse Unty. Pool type 0. 32 x

Mal;faz 7Slowpone . Ecole Poly. Pool type 0.02 x


Montreal r

[:Slowoome . C. v. of Alterta Pool. type 3. 3 xEdmonton :

?0+ He raid Sa=t:a go Heraa 5. 00 x 5

MTR La Aguttre Pooi 10.30 x_


Cs a. RecusLe of *MCA Ms;n-enu P ock 1.30 x *:jTRR Maatt:vou NRX 40.3C a

EPR Lang. Tan Pool 3.31 x. iE


TMAR Ms tr.cau A rgonaut 3. 01 x

MER Ms:n.chu Mockle Educationa4 Reactor 0.00 x d,

jEColectata IAN.R1 Sogoti Poul. type 3. 3* x ;[

8:4/C.t eeino atavas ta- SR.CC P'iseo Poci 3.30 x .

!~rVV R.S Rez Taas 10.00 x

~'R .O Rez Tanz 0. 00 x '?:


-p;*- xratte Pecoie's IRT Poca. cans : 30 s

Re: a of Korea (modatied) .:

Oea =arsN - OR.1 R;se Homo geneou s 0.00 s

OR.3 Rise Taas 10.30 -r-

T . ..asd P.R i C* antemt Tr:(1 :: 0.25 x :

._ ar. 3emocra::e 4 NR.S(M) R o s se r.corf T ar.4 10.00 x -

$M e : .a..:3/ RRR arc RAKI ' Ro ssenorf T ar.x 3.30 x



Page 3: Forwards info re facility attachments of various reactors ...1.t t Table 10 4.N*uelear insta2.latices under A gency safeguards or c:r.:aining- safeguarded :na:erial under ag te:nents


s' Atorenate a C a:ac;t r L5:s:7 , ocation .ype p.g ,.n ocerat:en;



Cer r.any. Tedera; TRN! Carenta g Pooi 4.00 m E-Res.a c oG/ CK35.TRC1 Cee sinacnt Pcoi 5.90 m T

CK35.TRC: Cee s:nacnt P:ci 15.s0 x-

TRT Trannt.rt kcuro.s H;mageneus . . ~. 5 x ?C TK.Tb 2 Karlsr ene Tana e !. 00 t


KWU.PR;0 Karlste:.n Ar gona.t . 0.00 x 3KTA.TRJ1 JMica Poci 10.00 x -

K T A.T RJ 2 J T aas 3.00 x ITnga Mautz Tr:ga1 0. 0 x iInga1 Hesdeiter g Tr:ga 1 0. ;5 x vTr:ga 2 Hetceiberg Trtga ;I C. 2 5 x ET!.1R3 3 raun senw etg Tans . 00 m iTr:ga Hanover Tr:ga II 0.25 x ETr:ga Seuneroorg T*:ga 11 1.00 i iCTK. SNEAK Karlsrae Cnucal assemoly 0. 00 x EKTA.KAMTER . Mica Critical assemoiy 0.00 a EAD53KA Juten Acueous Homogeneous 0.00 x "

SUR 100 Carenta g So11d. homogeneous 0. 0'O x ESUR 100 Darms:act Solic.comogeneous 0.00 x E

ESUR 100 Stutt g art Soltd.ncm e ge neous 0.00 xSUR 100 Hamourg Solid nomogeneous 0.00 x ESUR 100 K.el Solta.n orn o ge neo u s 0.00 x =SUR 100 Ulm Soita.nomogeneous 0.00 x [SFR 100 Karlsrune Solio. nom o ge neous 3.00 x y*SUR 100 3remen Solid-nom o ge neous 0.00 xSUR 100 Turtwang Solta. nom c geneo us 0.00 x [SUR 100 Aachen Soite.ncma geneous 0.00 m EKTA.LTR JUach Cnucal assemo;y O. 00 x *~

KWU Karlateta Cnucal assemoty G. 00 E:53ER.! Serlin , West) Acueaus Homogeneous 5. 00 x

5UR 100 Serlan (West) soito. nom o genec us 0.00 x E

Crees w/_

5 OGRR.1 Atnens Pool 5.00 x L

Hucg W'#R.5&I Sudapest Pool 5.00 xOR.4 and ZR 4 Suaace st Pool 0.00 x ETratalag reactor S udape st Pool 0.01 x E


Incoce sta PRA3 (~RICA !!) Bandung Triga :: 1.00 x E:

Ira T5PRR Teneran Pool 5.00 x [Itrac 5I IRT 2000 3agncac Poci :. 00 EEIsrael IRR.1 Screq Pool 5.00 x @:.

1:.a.yb Tr:ga 1.RCI Casaceta Tnga : 1.00 x EACN.201 Pa4e rmo Soite nomogeneous 0.00 x ECISNIT.I.54 11.lan Acueous Hor-ogeneous 0. 05 x EESSCR isors T ar.4 G 00 m ERT5 1 5.P!.A Pisa Poci 5. 00 x ERANA Casaceta Pool 0. 01 x [R2 2 Montecucco Argonau: 0.01 x

~R:"MO Casaceta Pool 3.00 xTAP!RO Casaccia Tast:eutr:n 3. 00 x [Tnga 2 Pavia - Tr:f a :: L :5 x ;RCSPO Casaccia Tanx 0.00 x [R3.i Montecuc:o Craent:e 0.00 x ER3 3 Montecucco Tanx ;D.,C) 0.01 x _:

Jan.. AHCT I Tokat Mura Cn:tcal Facthty 0.00 x.

. -:

OCA Carat.Macht Cr:tical Tacdtty 0.00 x ETCA Tokai.Mura Cnnea; Tacdny 0.01 x ~ IHC7 Caen;i Cetucal Tacci:y 0.00 [.

HTR Kawa ssat.snt Poet 0.10 x ;JM R Carat.Macna Tanx 50.00 x LJMTP.CA Cacat.Macnt Cr:t: cal Ta::. :r. O.30 x [JOYC Carat E3 R 50.00 5


JPCR Tocat.Mura ater 30,00 x 7JRR.: Tosat. Mars Tand 10.00 x [JRR.3 *:xat. W ra Tans 10.00 x

EJR R.4 Tomat. \tura Fool . 00 x3Kin 41 University K aw an at UTR.B 0.00 x

i{KUR K matort.cno Poo. 5 00 xKUTA .< o Ce cal Tac ;;v 0. 00 x ENSRR Tama s. Mi.ra T *:ga owse. .3*

. :--



: 4.. ^ e; sni. at fac4.*. ;

- 33

Page 4: Forwards info re facility attachments of various reactors ...1.t t Table 10 4.N*uelear insta2.latices under A gency safeguards or c:r.:aining- safeguarded :na:erial under ag te:nents

C a:ac.tvype g3.g ,a coerata:na/ A'otreviated

5:ates Lacation .


Musasna Codege Kawasant sat Triga : 0.*3 ssuof Tecrtcology

NA;C.CA Ka.a sante s .. Critical TacL : ' . . a _..

R.4.yo Nagasant Trtga 11 3. ; 0 x ;

SHCA Tomat.Mura Cntt:21 TacQn ..0 x,

=*J atve r sityr

TCA Tomat. L ra Cntical TacQty 0. 3 x -

TCDA1 Tomat.Mura Tast Neutron >2ur:e Reactor 0.::: x~

TTR Kawasa41. nt Pool 0. O a

"M ut su'* Manato.Ntacrt M at su PWR 35.e3 s

C;weiear Ship)--

Karea. Repuel.c ok KRR . TRICA II Seoul Trtga !! 3.;0 m

KRR . TRICA ; Seoul T ri g a '" * ~3 s

{.;es:f/ Centro Nuclear Ocoyoacac Triga III 1. ;0 a-


de Mestco:{'.'Tratatng rescur Mexico City 5t*R.100 0.00 a

faculty ;.

Net .o rtand sb t.TR Petten Argonaut 0.31 x-

HCR.TH3 Deut Pool * 00 i~


" BARN Wageningen Crspntte 3. t 0 x

. KE2.1A Arnnem Acueous Homogeneous . 00 x -

HTR Petten Tans 4 3. ;G z-

D E:.PHY D e L*: Critical assemely.


N .EIP.11 Kjener Tand 2.30 a*NorwayK3WR Halden E3 WR 25.00 x

Paa stan PARR Rae aipandt Poo; !.30L."

Pnd. m esb PRR.1 Dutman, Quoten C.ty Pool 1.00 x_._

PolanoU EWA $ teru Taas 8.30 _.

Anna * $wiert Gracntte 0.00 x 's

Agata $wserr Pool 0.00 s _.

Marta $nteru Tana 30.00 x

:Por-ugal RPI Sacavem Tanx 1.30 x



RomantaN VVR.5 Margurele Tana 10. 30 s

,RP 01 Marguroie Critical Taccity 0.00 -

5Sout.:t A!.rtca SATARI.1 Pelir.daca Taas 20.30 s

Scat.:t .'IN.1 and Madrid Pool 3. 30 x ..

.'EN . 2-

CCRA!.! Macnd Fast Critical Taccity 0. 30 :

AR31 3Cbso Ar gonaut 0.01 x

ARCCS 3 ar c elor.a Argonaut 0. 31 s -

SwecenN R2 Studsvik Tanx 50.30 :

R2 0 Studsvik Pool 00 x

KRIT7. Stud svtx Pool 3.00R-O 5tueswk Pool 3. ;0 m


5 11 :erland Proteus W aren11= gen Cntical Facd ty 0.00 :.

Sapatt WQrenitagen Poci 5.00 x

Diorts WQrenitagen rIW 30.00Crocus ! ausa.nne Pool 1.00 x.

ACN 01P Ceneva Sclic.ncmo geneous 0. ;0 m.- ACN 211P Basel Post 0. 00 m


hab TRR.1 3angkos Pool : 00 : ~~ ,-'i

Turuey TR-1 Istancul Pool 1.30 s .

United King som ?.ecra Wininth Critical Facdttv 3.00 ::

s/Crurtays at:01 Mar.teviseo !acxneed 3. i c .

Ve r.e s ueia RVI Alto de Ptpe Pool :. 00 m-

%iY.go s.avia ' Trtga!! Ljuel;ana Tnga ;; 3. ;5 x

3erts Kicric R. '.*ind a Pool 5.50 x .

R3 .- tal a Cru =al asse'.Ly 0. ;0 x.

2 a. r .'-' Tnga Kinsnasa T-tga ;I .;0 x

- 5.

Page 5: Forwards info re facility attachments of various reactors ...1.t t Table 10 4.N*uelear insta2.latices under A gency safeguards or c:r.:aining- safeguarded :na:erial under ag te:nents


3 Nuclear power reactors t,


Location .ype .i5:a:es , Name of power Capac:tv

reactar MWf e s-.a opus: en


A.r ;er. :r.a Atacna Nucaear At'.cna PTAR 2D a s

Pow er 5:stian E? Corocoa Cancu 4C0 .:

A s:r:ab T alnerfele 0.entencart PWR 700 b.:

.f's !

3... c ::t-* 3 R . 3.CI'M.'o1 Mot P'VR 11 s

DCIL.i Antwerp e rp PWR 41: x [DCIL. 2. Antw e rp Antw erp PWR 4:2 x iSIMC.T.nange T.hange PWR 900 x E*

:3raza Angra.L Angra aos Reis PWR 3*5 h.


3 Q arta b Kozloduy [ Kozioduy PWR 887 x E_r

D ICar.aca.I Bruce.1 Tiverton Ontar:o Candu 788 xB ruc e= 2 TLverton. Ontarto Cancu 788 x EBruce 3 Tiver*on. Ontar:o Cancu 788 x E

E3ruce 4 Tiverton. Ontar:o Canou 785 .

EDPG5 Kacarcane. Cntario Cancu 208 x

Centcy.1 Centc y. Queces Cancu 250 x f~E-Centcy.2 Centcy. Queoec Cancu 600 .*

ENPD Ralanton. Cetar:o Cucu :2 stP:cxering.1 Picuer:ng. Cntar:o Candu 340 x

5Pic x e rin g. 2 Picsering. Cmtario Canou $40 xP:ce e rin g. 3 Picxering. Ontario Candu 540 x 3Picz e ran g.4 Picuering. Ontar:o Candu 540 x 1

EChma. Repunuc of PNPSc1 Ching-San BWR 636 x 3

PNPS.2 SWR 538 .I.-

Czecho slovacab Al Bohunice HWCC 143 x 3bN Lo wisa Loviisa PWR 880 x iPiraand.

German Democratic Rhe nsterg PWR Rhetnsterg PWR to x 5.

o ERepunuc_/ 3runo Leuschner Credswald PWR 883 a

P%%. L EBruno Leuscaner Credswald PWR 440 x 5


Cermany. Peoeral KAs.t. G.uscremmingen 3WR 250 x iRest.nlic ofe! Cedrem=ingen :

[C TK. M *.,P R . Karlsrune PWR 58 xKariar me -

*/AK.KAHL. Crossweizhetm SWR 16 x i.Cro sswelznetm [

A*/R.Jthen JCaica liTOR 15 x ;

KW L. I .L.n g e n Langen SWR 257 x ;

NNK.Karlsrut.e Karlsruhe 3;R 21 x _

Kr#.Wur gas sen Wurgs s sen SWR 570 x_

XX3.Stade.1.KA.'.1 Itace PWR 68: x :KWC.Ctr:gne= Ctr:gnet= PWR 343 x ;KK3.a run smut:ei 3runsouttea SWR 305 x :

RWI.813 L 2.A 3ttu s PWR 1:04 x ;

RWI.B:3L;5 3 Sitn s PWR 13C0 m

CKN. Necxarwe sthe tm PWR 505 m ;Nemrwe stne=

!KKif.Umerw e se r (*nce weser PWR 1300 xKKI.i3AR Chu 3WR 907 x -

CKSS. Gee sthacht Ceesthacht SWR 1 xKKP. Ptippsourg SWR 107 x

PM11ppsourg :

;nc a Taracur.1 Taramur 3%1 130 x.

Taracur.2 Tarsour 3WR UC x -

Rajasthan.1 Ra;astaan Cancu 000 :

Raja stnan.: R a.a stnan Cancu 00 -

;:a.y1 I . N. I. .. . Latma CCR '60 x

LatmaI . ' . I. . Car: guar.o 3WR 150 x

C sr: "t:J:.!R;NC. Tar:n PWR :!S s


I.'.I. .. Cacrso 3WR 3:0 i


55 -.

Page 6: Forwards info re facility attachments of various reactors ...1.t t Table 10 4.N*uelear insta2.latices under A gency safeguards or c:r.:aining- safeguarded :na:erial under ag te:nents


* :n coeration5:a:N Loc ation Type .,,p


Ja; a . Tagen T suruga ATR 165 .

Tumu sa:m a.1 Ckuma-Tuuusn:ma SWR 460 x sntm a.3 Cium a. T.42 satm a 3WR 734 s ?F .m a s ntm a - 3 C=uma. T anu sntma S NR ~34 x 'IT wa sn:m a.4 C=um a. T anusatm a 3WR 734 -


T.masatma 5 Tua usatm a SWR 734 x ;

C onm ai.1 Kyu sna PTR 553 x ;

Hamaoma.1 Marnasua.cno SWR 540 x _-

Hamaosa.1 Hamaona.cno SWR 340 .

14ata. ! ':.sntus apn PWR 535 x :

': nama.1 ?.!. ham a- T an at PWR 340 s

[?.t a.: ?.t. ham a. Tum an FWR 500 s

M aam a.3 * I. ham a- T unat PWR 3:5..


Chi 1 Cat.cno PWR 1:73 x F

C hs.3 Cht.cno PWR 1175 x i

Sh: mane Kasnama.cno BWR 460 x i

Tananam a.1 Tamanam a PWR 331 x iTaianama.2 Tamanama PWR S:5 a -

Tosat 1 Tomat. .!ura Map ox ;!4 x iTomat.2 Tsuruga C.ty BWR 1100 m iT suruga Tsuruga SWR 357 s


Kor+a. Repoisc oh Ko rt.1 Kort PWR 564 .

.-!Mekes/ I.apna Verce :.arma Ver.e. 5 XR 650 -

Vera Crus i


? e:ne. an:ss i CK.% Cod e s aart Docewaard SWR 54 s ?.

P OIM.B o r s s eie Borsseie PWR 468 x

EKA;UPP Karaen: Canca *:S a jPys:an


1Scan Almaraz.1 Prmece of Caceres PWR 330 .

;Aa araz.2 Prmace of Caceres PWR 330 .

4Asso.1 Pronnce of Tarragona PWR 330 .

EAsco.2 Pronnce ofIareagona PWR 330 .

ECofrente s Pronnce of Valenc:a BWR 373 .

Jose Cabrera ALmonacid ce Zorita PWR 153 x I

1.emoniz.1 Pronnce of V!scaya PWR 330 - E

i1.emontz.2 Pronace of Viscaya PWR 330 .

Santa Mar a Pronece 2f 3ergos SWR 440 x 3se Carona :



5. ed e- S ar seeac a- 1 Near Ma.=S SWR 320 x03arsectem.2 Near Malma SWR 530 x

Torsmarx.1 Near Uppsala BWR 300 -- -

Forsmaru. Near Uppsa;a BWR 300 -

[Casarsnamn.1 Oscarsnamn SWR 440 x

Osaarsnamn.2 O smarsnamn SWR 580 x

Ratinals.t Near Cateoorg SWR 750 xR agnats 2 Near Cateoorg PWR 330 m

Ruignals.3 Near Catecorg 3 %~A 830 . .

3..:zertaro M".hlecerg M chlecer g SWR 305 x

Sernau ! 3etnau PWR 350 :

Setnaa 13 Bernau PT'A 350 x


- T4



Page 7: Forwards info re facility attachments of various reactors ...1.t t Table 10 4.N*uelear insta2.latices under A gency safeguards or c:r.:aining- safeguarded :na:erial under ag te:nents


. *.

C. C:nestsisa F.a..;e. '.ei fear:sauen idar.ts. anft:9a' eat aient s ano enen te al re.roce ss nz.

ciaris .-: c. :rg ;det ptants a zin an anrual t::rougenu sr 1rver er"

exceeotag one effe:::ve 4Gogram .



5 a .1 Amorevtatec r.ame Lacan:n Tvee of

A r;e r. ::r a ?.;st Tael Taor: cat;on P'.a- Const:tuyente s PGct fuel fact::a::on,

3..; um1' T3FC Desset B2.= f.e. fasricanen-

3eigonuc.eatre-BN.MCX Desset Mcz du.= fuei f aar:catten -


C.r.a a - CANI. Tael Taar:caton Plan' Cha;. R.ver PCst fuei faoricanen-

Canadian Cereral E;ectric Peterce rougn Sea fuel fa:r: canon.


Tael Taar:ca::en Plant Cntar:o r:

Canadian General Electric Toronto BG fusi faar: canon.


Peilettneg Plant Ontar:o -

EWestingsouse Tuel Port Hope Bula fuel fa:ricatten i

Taartcat:on Piant Cntar:o }E;daraco . Nuclear L:s. Port Hoce 3a.k converston

. Ontar o ,'

Westinga.ouse Tuel Varennes 3G fuel faoricanon'

Taortcation Plant Queoec -

Ch:na. Resd.:e af C:ER Tuei Tamricat:an Plar.t ; .r.g Ton 3G f.ei f aar:can:n

u :C :*:nc siavaa.aL Nuclear Twel !asutute Prague Pdot fuei faer'. canon

: er.tarmE Metallurgy Depart:::ent R!ss Puot fuel faericanonR.s4

Germany, Teceral ALKIM.Wolfgang Manau Max converston and tu.xRess.oiac oG/ fuei faar canon i

:.A! KIM.Karlsteta Karlstein Moa fuel faert:agion -

NrKIM. Wolf g ang Hanau Suik conversten and fuei 5faor: canon :

R30 1.Wolfgan g Hanas Conversion ano se fasi .

f as.:c anon

33U-2 Rarlsteta Karlsteta 3uik fuel faericanen.

KW1.'.Karlsteta Karlste:n Ptiot fuei faartcanon"


C'.W. WAX.Leocolo snafe n Karlsrune Recrocess:ng slant.

-c.a Nuclear Tael Camo.ex Hyceracao Enrieneo urantum fuei :u;n

:enverst:n arJ faar:cancn.

-Iha;;4 Tasnuc.Bosco Mareep A.e s sanc r:a 3;.' fue; faar canon

CORIN Sa;ugg.a Se fuet f act:cance

EURIX Saisg;;a Re;rocessing plant

ITIC Sa;;ggia Ptiot fue! fabricanon

ITRIC.Triaata Rotencella Puot recrocesstag plant ,

Japan PNC Reprocessing Plant Tonat Mura Su.k fuel

N TI (Kaciatort.1) Ki.M.'

f... . ::ri:st: ~*


SMM (Tanat.ii Tanat Mura 3 0 fue4 f a:r.c anen

:7 AP! (Cnetya.i) OP.m ty a Zan fuei faar:can:n

J';T Yono so-a Sua fuel f aer.:anen

!.0:7 T =a; Mara 3u.x fuei is=r.can:n

??:C (! Tamat Su. fuei fa:r:can:n

.J.AP! f Cr..Tiva.2 ) un m.v a fue! f aericanon

:. .. .

Page 8: Forwards info re facility attachments of various reactors ...1.t t Table 10 4.N*uelear insta2.latices under A gency safeguards or c:r.:aining- safeguarded :na:erial under ag te:nents


5:a:S Asareviateo name -sc atien Type af ;iant

.Nyt ( or =1) K = at:r, PCat fuei ta:r: cationOsaaa E

I.5?.!!.! 'T:4aa.:) Tomat LP.ra PCot fuel fa:r:ca::sn


.NTI iTo ayama.:) Tsaaysma PC:t it.el fa:r::a:::n


PNC (Tosat.2) Tomat Stura PCat enr:en:nen:

N CRENCO-Alm eio Aim elo Enr:ca. ment sla.-t -

!;e _ ertands

ti;tra-Centr:fage A;meio Pilot enr:enmer.t pian' {-.*

.c. w ay Fuel I;ement Ptiot Kjeller PCot fuei facr:cattensProhct en Plant ?

R::-ar.;a b Oemfuel Pite st: PCot fuet faaricat en I

hSa.a itetallurg: cal Plant Madr:d PCat fuel facr: cat:en' Jean Vigon Researes Centre F


Ptiot Reprocesstng P. ant m cr d Pilot fuel recrocesstsg- -

Jm Vigon Research Centre

5.ecen3l ASEA . ATOst vasteras BG fuel convers.on and. faort at on























- 58 -

Page 9: Forwards info re facility attachments of various reactors ...1.t t Table 10 4.N*uelear insta2.latices under A gency safeguards or c:r.:aining- safeguarded :na:erial under ag te:nents




D. Other accountabtlity areas covenng more inan or.e effective adogram of nuclear material.

5:a:4- Attrev sted name Loc ation Type,


A.*' Researen Laneratory ecas Hetints RAD e stachstimen:~


.-3e.g. .n d CIN.Laco.M oi Stol RAD facity

S CSL%Ceel Ceel RAD fac ity-

1RE.Mol Mol RAD fac;1 sty_

Overpelt.Clen Cien Se::arate storate facA:y -

Eurocnemtc. Mal Mol Separate storage facdt:y-

3 N.Mol Mol Separate storage fact 1.:y

CanacaN Chant River Nuclear Chalk R:ver RAD estaolisnmer:t .


Laboratone s :.

tC:ecas.slonata Reseatern Laborktories Res R&D estactisncent




Oer.nara / FA3.STO. Rise Risp Separate storage facmty

Germa.n Oemocratte Repuotte /3XLac edaneous location s '.* ar:o u s Otner 'ocations



comoined in one mater:a;,

talance area .

Ier .a.ny. Feceral Repuclic sib KTA.NT.A.JCien 4 %;ca RAD faco:y

CTK.LA3.Karlsrune Karlsruhe R&D f acd: 7 .

KTA.LAS.JCica J a.iten R&D facdt:y

KWU.Hote ell.Karlsrune Karlsrune RAD facdt:y

C FK.Hotc e11.Karlsrsne Karlsrvae R1D !acdity -


TRANSU1MN.Kar'arune Karlsruhe R&D facCty _

CTK.RA.CHC.I. Karlsrsae Karlsrune R&D facQ:y

KW'J.LAS.Eriar. gen't RAD facdL:7 -

*RADE.Karlsrune Karlsruno Separate storage facC:y

B raunxonie.We s seltr.g We s se1La g Separa:e storage facity

CTK Kartsrune assem:17

M.. :n. E .nstitute af !setooes S uca:e st RAD facity

1:a.A CNC .LA3.TEC.Casace:a Casaec:a RAD facc:y


CNIN. LL3. ?U. Ca sacc:a Casaccia RAD facQ:y,

CORat.isera Isora Se:arate storage facdt:y

CCRM.ECO 1scra Separate storage facd;:y

ACIP Sosco.Marengo A;e s sar.cria Separate storage facdt y.

Ja:an JAIRI Tomas RAD facm;y

P'iC Carat RAD facity -

Ilectro.tecnnical Lao. Tanasnt Other icent: ens

Tosyo Unty. Tosat Tasat.mura 0:ner Weations

m zer_ancs R. ~.ABC. Petten ?stten RAD facm y

P . t. :~ Ins:::u:e sf Nuc' ear Resear:n $4:er4 R&D fac:.L .

hacedaneous loca::cas '.' a r: o u s Otner .2ca::an s::r-staed :n sne mater:a.=a;ar.ce area

f a . ;e- - t.scedaneous 'sca:;ons V ar: css Ota.e r . seat.on s.


Cen:rs. Hot Lascrattev 3:s:sv s RAD

5.' ..

Page 10: Forwards info re facility attachments of various reactors ...1.t t Table 10 4.N*uelear insta2.latices under A gency safeguards or c:r.:aining- safeguarded :na:erial under ag te:nents


- s,



5:a w. Aborev.ated name Lcc a t.c n T ze

. W:P.escale storage facity s c ale 5e:arate storage fac 't:y*

etra storage facW!y W. .fr.:n 59:arate s:Orage fac:: ty_


'J T A Arg: rte Nat: oral Lasors:;r** Ar;c f 9e 5-: ara:e s:sraie facG''~


A e-:r 13 :sts costs coes r.o: .tr. .y 'te ex:?vssion of any coteton u na:sovs er 3r *he ;ar of r.e 5ec retarta: concer .te;. e;e;a. s:atus of any cour.:n or terr::3rv 3r of . s autacrittes, se concorr.rg tae :eurnita::3?. cf .:s f.-s*:.ers...

.NPT safer.aros agreerner.t.:

1 P- :r is :. e entry nts force on :: Tetraarv M*T of :ne safeg. ares agreer-en: setw een t.9e ses en r:n w:.e ar-w eapon.

5:a:e s of I*JRATC11. E*JRATC11 ar.: s A;er.:y, NPT safeguarts were as;;'.et n Oenrearx .r:er me NPT agree. ment"

. -

4.-- Ler .ar. * sica e .:eree :::s to.-:e sn " *!arcat 19t*.52:, s agreement .n cor.necnar. w :a me Treaty f:r tre Pronistr.on of Lc. ear Wearons .- Lan- Amert:1.

T' Treaty) an: NPT.















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