forum - · 11/24/2009  · nd co mi t e of th child ren’s soci ety, ha p nde mu...

FORUM HARPENDEN TOWN COUNCIL’S AWARD WINNING QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER Designed by Splatt Design, Harpenden. 01582 712251. TOWN COUNCIL MEETINGS are held in the Town Hall or Park Hall in Leyton Road at 7.30pm. Members of the public are very welcome to attend all Council meetings. FULL COUNCIL MEETINGS - Monday 6 April 2009 at the Town Hall. Monday 18 May 2009 at the Town Hall. For a full list of Council meetings please see the notice boards in the Town, or contact Harpenden Town Council on Tel: 01582 768278. If you would like to raise a question at any Council meeting, please contact the Town Clerk. TOWN COUNCIL SURGERIES - Due to minimal attendance at Harpenden’sTown Councillor surgeries, a decision has been taken by the Town Council to cancel any further surgeries. If in future you wish to raise any matters concerning the Harpenden area this can be done by contacting the Town Hall at the address at the bottom of this page. The Town Council Office and the Information Point in Leyton Road are open between 10.00am–4.00pm Monday to Friday. Tel: 01582 768278. Interviews with the Town Clerk at other times by appointment. Forum Editor: John Bagshaw, Town Clerk. MARCH 2009 - ISSUE 128 HARPENDEN TOWN COUNCILLORS 2008/2009 Town Mayor: Councillor Pat Kent Deputy Town Mayor: Councillor Nicola Linacre NORTH WARD STD Code: 01582 John Chambers 715550 John Holley 715860 Albert Pawle 620617 [email protected] Michael Weaver 713128 [email protected] SOUTH WARD STD Code: 01582 Richard Perry 763556 [email protected] Pat Kent 764161 [email protected] Michael Wakely 764688 [email protected] Matthew Redwood 07841 751129 [email protected] EAST WARD STD Code: 01582 Michael Ellis 462630 [email protected] Rosemary Farmer 712076 [email protected] Steve Green 620997 Caroline Vincent 624846 [email protected] WEST WARD STD Code: 01582 Lee Jackson 713133 Tony McFarland 768801 [email protected] Nicola Linacre 766245 [email protected] Daniel Chichester-Miles 766479 DISTRICT COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES HARPENDEN NORTH STD Code: 01582 John Chambers 715550 Geoffrey Turner 769882 Albert Pawle 620617 [email protected] HARPENDEN SOUTH STD Code: 01582 Paul Foster 760403 [email protected] Teresa Heritage 761014 [email protected] Stuart Roberts 469775 HARPENDEN EAST STD Code: 01582 Julie Bell 624714 Alison Steer 620092 [email protected] Michael Wakely 764688 [email protected] HARPENDEN WEST STD Code: 01582 Julian Daly 715645 [email protected] Allen Chamberlain 765294 Daniel Chichester-Miles 766479 St Albans District Council 01727 866100 COUNTY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES STD Code: 01582 NORTH EAST Bernard Lloyd 761292 [email protected] SOUTH WEST Teresa Heritage 761014 [email protected] April 2009 4 The Hardynge Choir - will be presenting their Spring Concert in High Street Methodist Church at 7.30pm.The one piece – Petite Messe Solennelle – for soloists and chorus is one of Rossini’s most loved choral works. Tickets: Reserved £12 and £10, unreserved £8, Students/ children under 16 are £5. Tel: 0845 0583912 for tickets and info. 7 Harpenden Floral Decoration Club - floral demonstrations by Edna Harris "For the Love of Them", on the 10th May by Charmaine Grace-Woodham "Hollywood Dreaming" and on the 2nd June, Joyce Furssedon presents "Inspired and Enjoyed". All at the Harpenden Public Halls, at 2.00pm. Visitors most welcome details Tel: 01582 621757. 14 The Harpenden Photographic Society - Annual Exhibition at the High Street Methodist Church Hall from 10.00am to 4.30pm. Come along and see our work. All are welcome and entry is free – or better still join us and display your own work. Website: 16 Harpenden Evening Floral Group – “Dancing with Flowers" demonstration by Jackie Watson and on 7 May, "Summer Approaches" demonstration by Gill McGregor. Both meetings at All Saints Church, Station Road at 7.30pm. Enquiries Tel: 01582 761277/713092 17 NCT Nearly New Sale - at the Harpenden Public Halls on Southdown Road, from 10.00 am until 12 noon.£1 donation requested. 22- "On Monday Next" - a comedy by Philip King - will be performed by Harpenden Methodist Players at the Public Hall at 8.00pm. 24 Tickets are £10 (£8.50 concessions) available from High Street Methodist Church office, Felicitations orTel: 01582 766096 26 Save the ChildrenWeek – House to House collections, High Street Collections, Station Collection. Any offers of help to Liz on -2 Tel: 01582 792186 or Frances onTel: 620921. Also, on 30 May 90th Birthday Celebration Barn Dance, Mackereye End Farm May Barn, music by The Broookfield Band with Dawn Skye “calling”. Light supper provided and a bar.To book ticketsTel: 01582 792186 May 2009 16 Spring Fair - High St Methodist Church Hall. Plants, Cakes, Books,Toys and Bric a Brac 10.00am to 2.00pm. Entry free. All proceeds toThe Children’s Society. 16 Harpenden and St Albans Citizen's Advice Bureau - is holding its annual Plant Sale and Fair at the Harpenden Trust Centre, Southdown Road, from 1.00pm to 5.00pm. Refreshments available. 17 Lea Valley Walk – Dr Richard Bromilow is organising a walk from Batford Local Nature Reserve. The walk will go from the Reserve up to Leasey Bridge and back again. Meeting at the Upper Lea Valley Group Shop on the Lower Luton Road at 10.00 am.All welcome to join the walk. June 2009 6 Summer Concert - organised by the Harpenden Committee of The Children’s Society, Harpenden musicians, Ellie Fagg, Guy Johnston and Susanna Stranders will play at Wheathampstead House (St Albans High School for Girls), Codicote Rd, Wheathampstead at 7.30pm. Tickets £15 to include an interval glass of wine. Proceeds to the Charity.Tel: 01582 767836 If you would like to contribute to the Community Action or What’s On features in Forum, please write to Heather Scott at the Town Hall or E-mail: [email protected] by 20th April 2009. WHAT’S ON Harpenden Town Council Information Service, Town Hall, Leyton Road, Harpenden, Herts. AL5 2LX. Tel: 01582 768278 • Fax: 01582 760026 • E-mail: [email protected] • Website: Extra free copies of Forum are available from the Library or the Town Hall. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE FARMERS MARKET DATES 4 HARPENDEN IN BLOOM 5 HARPENDEN EVENTS 11 Harpenden Town Council delivers a wide range of services to the local community including: ENVIRONMENT Sustainable management and maintenance of the Common and Greens, Nickey Line, Lydekker Park and car park, and the Parish Paths Partnership. Management of 15 Allotment sites. Land assets including the redevelopment of disused allotment sites. Restoration and rejuvenation projects such as Lydekker Pond and Southdown Ponds. COMMUNITY SERVICES The Town Hall and Information Point, Park Hall community building, Harpenden in Bloom, Farmers’ Market, Community safety - CCTV, Restricted Alcohol Zone, lighting. Christmas celebrations - Christmas lights, poster competition, and window display competition. Public Toilets, other services - bus shelters, litter bins, dog bins, notice boards, High Street banner and bicycle stands. DEMOCRATIC REPRESENTATION AND MANAGEMENT Committee and Member support, Civic Representation - Town Mayor support, Planning and Development Control. Town Twinning, Youth Town Council, Grant Aid to local organisations, Communications - Forum newsletter, Town Guide, website, Council Tax leaflet. Partnership working. CORPORATE MANAGEMENT Administrative and Statutory responsibilities. DELIVERING ‘QUALITY STATUS’ SERVICES CLOSER TO THE COMMUNITY 16 I n 2004 Harpenden Town Council became the first Town or Parish Council to achieve Quality Town Status, an award given in recognition of the high standard of service delivery undertaken. The attainment of this certificate demonstrates that Harpenden Town Council has the ability and experience to promote greater co-operation between the tiers of local government by encouraging St Albans District Council and Hertfordshire County Council to work in closer partnership with the Town Council for the benefit of the local community. MISSION STATEMENT: To promote the area as a place to live, a place to work, a place to visit and a place to invest. CORPORATE OBJECTIVES: To promote and represent the community’s views and aspirations at local, county, regional and national level. To serve those who live in the Town, work in the Town and visit the Town. To promote growth of Council activities where new services can be taken on effectively and efficiently. To strive to improve the quality of life for all residents of the Town. To work in partnership at local, county, regional and national level to promote and provide for the well being of the Town. SPECIAL EDITION

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Page 1: FORUM - · 11/24/2009  · nd Co mi t e of Th Child ren’s Soci ety, Ha p nde mu s ic a n, E l e F g, Guy J oh t and Sus a nS t rde s wi lp y Wh ea th amps d House



TOWN COUNCIL MEETINGS are held in the Town Hallor Park Hall in Leyton Road at 7.30pm. Members of thepublic are very welcome to attend all Council meetings.

FULL COUNCIL MEETINGS -Monday 6 April 2009 at the Town Hall.Monday 18 May 2009 at the Town Hall.

For a full list of Council meetings please see the notice boardsin the Town, or contact Harpenden Town Council onTel: 01582 768278. If you would like to raise a question atany Council meeting, please contact the Town Clerk.

TOWN COUNCIL SURGERIES -Due to minimal attendance at Harpenden’s Town Councillorsurgeries, a decision has been taken by the Town Council to cancelany further surgeries. If in future you wish to raise any mattersconcerning the Harpenden area this can be done by contactingthe Town Hall at the address at the bottom of this page.The Town Council Office and the Information Point inLeyton Road are open between 10.00am–4.00pm Monday toFriday. Tel: 01582 768278.Interviews with the Town Clerk at other times by appointment.Forum Editor: John Bagshaw, Town Clerk.

MARCH 2009 - ISSUE 128

HARPENDEN TOWNCOUNCILLORS 2008/2009Town Mayor:Councillor Pat KentDeputy Town Mayor:Councillor Nicola Linacre


John Chambers 715550John Holley 715860Albert Pawle [email protected] Weaver [email protected]


Richard Perry [email protected] Kent [email protected] Wakely [email protected] Redwood 07841 [email protected]

EAST WARDSTD Code: 01582

Michael Ellis [email protected] Farmer [email protected] Green 620997Caroline Vincent [email protected]

WEST WARDSTD Code: 01582

Lee Jackson 713133Tony McFarland [email protected] Linacre [email protected] Chichester-Miles 766479



John Chambers 715550Geoffrey Turner 769882Albert Pawle [email protected]


Paul Foster [email protected] Heritage [email protected] Roberts 469775


Julie Bell 624714Alison Steer [email protected] Wakely [email protected]


Julian Daly [email protected] Chamberlain 765294Daniel Chichester-Miles 766479St Albans District Council01727 866100


STD Code: 01582NORTH EASTBernard Lloyd [email protected]

SOUTHWESTTeresa Heritage [email protected]

April 2009

4 The Hardynge Choir - will be presenting their Spring Concert inHigh Street Methodist Church at 7.30pm.The one piece – PetiteMesse Solennelle – for soloists and chorus is one of Rossini’s mostloved choral works. Tickets: Reserved £12 and £10, unreserved £8,Students/ children under 16 are £5. Tel: 0845 0583912 for ticketsand info.

7 Harpenden Floral Decoration Club - floral demonstrations byEdna Harris "For the Love of Them", on the 10th May byCharmaine Grace-Woodham "Hollywood Dreaming" and on the2nd June, Joyce Furssedon presents "Inspired and Enjoyed". All atthe Harpenden Public Halls, at 2.00pm. Visitors most welcomedetails Tel: 01582 621757.

14 The Harpenden Photographic Society - Annual Exhibition at theHigh Street Methodist Church Hall from 10.00am to 4.30pm.Come along and see our work. All are welcome and entry is free –or better still join us and display your own work.

16 Harpenden Evening Floral Group – “Dancing with Flowers"demonstration by Jackie Watson and on 7 May, "SummerApproaches" demonstration by Gill McGregor. Both meetings atAll Saints Church, Station Road at 7.30pm. EnquiriesTel: 01582 761277/713092

17 NCT Nearly New Sale - at the Harpenden Public Halls onSouthdown Road, from 10.00 am until 12 noon.£1 donationrequested.

22- "On Monday Next" - a comedy by Philip King - will be performedby Harpenden Methodist Players at the Public Hall at 8.00pm.24 Tickets are £10 (£8.50 concessions) available from High StreetMethodist Church office, Felicitations or Tel: 01582 766096

26 Save the Children Week – House to House collections, High StreetCollections, Station Collection. Any offers of help to Liz on-2 Tel: 01582 792186 or Frances on Tel: 620921. Also, on 30 May90th Birthday Celebration Barn Dance, Mackereye End FarmMayBarn, music by The Broookfield Band with Dawn Skye “calling”.Light supper provided and a bar. To book tickets Tel: 01582 792186

May 2009

16 Spring Fair - High St Methodist Church Hall. Plants, Cakes,Books, Toys and Bric a Brac 10.00am to 2.00pm. Entry free. Allproceeds to The Children’s Society.

16 Harpenden and St Albans Citizen's Advice Bureau - is holding itsannual Plant Sale and Fair at the Harpenden Trust Centre,Southdown Road, from 1.00pm to 5.00pm. Refreshmentsavailable.

17 Lea Valley Walk – Dr Richard Bromilow is organising a walkfrom Batford Local Nature Reserve. The walk will go from theReserve up to Leasey Bridge and back again. Meeting at the UpperLea Valley Group Shop on the Lower Luton Road at 10.00 am.Allwelcome to join the walk.

June 2009

6 Summer Concert - organised by the Harpenden Committee of TheChildren’s Society, Harpenden musicians, Ellie Fagg, Guy Johnstonand Susanna Stranders will play at Wheathampstead House(St Albans High School for Girls), Codicote Rd, Wheathampsteadat 7.30pm. Tickets £15 to include an interval glass of wine.Proceeds to the Charity. Tel: 01582 767836

If you would like to contribute to the Community Action or What’s Onfeatures in Forum, please write to Heather Scott at the Town Hall orE-mail: [email protected] by 20th April 2009.


Harpenden Town Council Information Service, Town Hall, Leyton Road, Harpenden, Herts. AL5 2LX.Tel: 01582 768278 • Fax: 01582 760026 • E-mail: [email protected] • Website:

Extra free copies of Forum are available from the Library or the Town Hall.



Harpenden Town Council delivers awide range of services to the localcommunity including:

ENVIRONMENTSustainable management and maintenanceof the Common and Greens, Nickey Line,Lydekker Park and car park, and the ParishPaths Partnership. Management of 15Allotment sites. Land assets including theredevelopment of disused allotment sites.Restoration and rejuvenation projects suchas Lydekker Pond and Southdown Ponds.

COMMUNITYSERVICESThe Town Hall and Information Point,Park Hall community building,Harpenden in Bloom, Farmers’ Market,Community safety - CCTV, RestrictedAlcohol Zone, lighting. Christmascelebrations - Christmas lights, postercompetition, and window displaycompetition. Public Toilets, other services- bus shelters, litter bins, dog bins, noticeboards, High Street banner andbicycle stands.

DEMOCRATICREPRESENTATION ANDMANAGEMENTCommittee and Member support, CivicRepresentation - Town Mayor support,Planning and Development Control. TownTwinning, Youth Town Council, Grant Aidto local organisations, Communications -Forum newsletter, Town Guide, website,Council Tax leaflet. Partnership working.

CORPORATE MANAGEMENTAdministrative and Statutory responsibilities.




In 2004 Harpenden Town Council became the first Town or Parish Council to achieve QualityTown Status, an award given in recognition of the high standard of service delivery undertaken.The attainment of this certificate demonstrates that Harpenden Town Council has the ability andexperience to promote greater co-operation between the tiers of local government by encouragingSt Albans District Council and Hertfordshire County Council to work in closer partnership withthe Town Council for the benefit of the local community.

MISSION STATEMENT:To promote the area as a place to live, a place to work, a place to visit and a place to invest.

CORPORATE OBJECTIVES:� To promote and represent the community’s views and aspirations at local, county,

regional and national level.� To serve those who live in the Town, work in the Town and visit the Town.� To promote growth of Council activities where new services can be taken on effectively

and efficiently.� To strive to improve the quality of life for all residents of the Town.� To work in partnership at local, county, regional and national level to promote and

provide for the well being of the Town.


Page 2: FORUM - · 11/24/2009  · nd Co mi t e of Th Child ren’s Soci ety, Ha p nde mu s ic a n, E l e F g, Guy J oh t and Sus a nS t rde s wi lp y Wh ea th amps d House



2 3

� Achieved the Green Flag award for the Common for thesecond time, becoming one of 743 parks and green spaces toreceive the award.

� Successfully organised four volunteer project days on theCommon. Carrying out various projects and improvementworks in different locations on the Common.

� Won the Silver Gilt Award in the Large Town Category inAnglia in Bloom.

� In partnership with Busy Bees Day Nursery, hosted a TeddyBears Picnic in Lydekker Park.

� Took part in Local Democracy Week by holding a Questionand Answer session with local secondary schools.

� Harpenden gained Fairtrade status.� Continued to improve services, develop initiatives andprovide public awareness and representation.

� Increased size of Forum newsletter, to carry more newsarticles and keep residents informed.

� Attracted £15,000 local authority business growth incentivescheme funding for Harpenden initiatives

� Developed a green waste recycling facility with a localpartner.

� Achieved a balanced andresponsible budget in theseparticularly difficult anduncertain financial timeswhere the precept is only a2.9% increase on a Band Dequivalent Council Tax orapproximately an additional£1.87 pence in a full year.

� Setting the budget whilstremaining ambitious, whilstwisely making savings wherethese can be achieved,particularly throughefficiencies, and to allow theCouncil once again toimprove services, developinitiatives and provide valuefor money.

� Respond to concerns fromthe public by allowing forparking regulations to freeup the car parks on theCommon at Leyton Roadand opposite the Silver Cupfrom commuter parking allday and allowing thesespaces to be used for theiroriginal intent, for shoppersand walkers on theCommon.

� Following the second year’saward of the Green Flag tocontinue the campaign tofly the flag from theCommon in recognition ofour Civic Trust award.

� To make provision forinvestment into recreationalfacilities at Porters Hill Parkin Batford for all age groupsof the community to benefitfrom and enjoy.

� Increase the contribution toboth Allotment Societies inthe Town, recognising thevaluable role that they makeand the increasing demandfor this leisure pastime.

� Provide for the necessaryrestoration works to the WarMemorial and on-goingmaintenance and popular

project days on theCommon.

� Support new initiatives suchas Harpenden Beer Festival,as part of the District Artsand Food Festivalcelebrations, and theintroduction of an issuesresponse facility, to seek theviews of residents on issueswithin the Town utilisingtechnology.

� Recognise the increasingwork of the HarpendenTown Youth Council byproviding more support forthe events they haveplanned during 2009.

� Introduce a new role ofGeneral Assistant to workalongside the Town Wardenin order that the Councilcan undertake and respondto work rather than havingto contract it out.This willnot only provide greaterflexibility and ownership inthe range of tasks that willbe carried out but it alsoextends the opportunity forpartnership working byachieving additional benefitsto the Town as aconsequence, particularlywhen considering jointprojects such as improvingthe street scene with theDistrict Council.

� Provide a Bus Shelter inSun Lane, jointly withHertfordshire Highways,an amenity that will benefitlocal residents and schoolchildren alike.

� Ensure that funding is“earmarked’ for schemesincluding the developmentof Westfield and thepossible collaborative workwith Hertfordshire CountyCouncil regarding theOaklands College site inVictoria Road.

The Town Council has recently set its budget and precept for2009/10.Within this process there have been a number ofinitiatives and issues considered and the following outlinesthose included:


n Commonsand Greens£293,047• 32%

n DemocraticRepresentation£275,443• 30%

n CommunityServices

£151,712• 17%

n CorporateManagement

£108,100• 12%

n Servicingof Loans

£51,260 • 5%

n Park Hall£20,580 • 2% n Allotments

£15,778 • 2%




Being the Mayor is both an honour and aprivilege and one that I have thoroughlyenjoyed.It will hold many special memoriesfor me; the people I have met, the occasionsI have witnessed and the events I have beenfortunate enough to attend.I would like to thank my CharityCommittee for their support, guidance andcommitment in helping to raise funds formy two nominated charities; HarpendenFriends of Cancer Research UK andThe Lady Taverners.Both are very special tome, more particularly Harpenden Friends asI was the founder Chairperson when thegroup was formed in 1977. Throughout theyear my Committee and I have raisedmonies for both of these worthwhilecharities and I would like to thank all of theindividuals, organisations and businessesthat have helped make my events such asuccess. Donations, raffle prizes andsponsorship throughout the year haveguaranteed flourishing events and thegenerosity of all those who have attendedhas been truly appreciated.The Mayoralty is a busy office and I haverepresented the Town at a variety ofmeetings, events, openings and Civicoccasions. All have been very different.All have been equally rewarding. I amcontinually amazed by the commitment oflocal people, both young and old, to forwardtheir cause and interest. I particularlyremember the Public Meeting held inBatford Methodist Church to prepare ourresponse to the proposed closure of BatfordPost Office by Royal Mail. Sadly the PostOffice has now been closed. But, it was notwithout considerable community voice in

opposition. The meeting was packed and themessage was strong. It is disappointing thatthe words fell on deaf ears.The youth in Harpenden are extremelyactive and I have been impressed with theircommitment at all levels. This can bewhether it is entering the Christmas postercompetition to the junk garden designs.I have had the opportunity to visit severallocal schools and meet students interested tolearn more about the role of the TownMayor. I hope that I have been helpful inproviding an insight into this office. I havecertainly learnt more about the schoolsduring this process and the Town can rightlybe proud of the standards that are achieved.I have received visits from several overseasschools and welcomed them to Harpendenin the Council Chamber. French, Germanand African students have all beenentertained at the Council offices and I feltpleased and honoured to meet them all.This has been a year of building for thefuture and I have been delighted to attendthe opening of new offices in the HighStreet, new educational facilities atRoundwood Park Secondary School,extensions to St Mary’s Church inKinsbourne Green and also The ElmsMedical Practice. This is not to forget theopening of the new Scout hut at WaldegravePark, a much needed and merited facility forthe youth of the Town. I note that work isconcluding on the new facility at theMethodist Church in the High Street andlook forward to celebrating the completionof this major building project. I alsoattended the launch of a feasibility study tore-commission Harpenden MemorialHospital. How exciting should this berealised and what an asset to the town.The year always heralds the annual events,celebrations and occasions in the Town.I was welcomed to the Carnival and theHighland Gathering in Rothamsted Park.I visited the Classics on the Common andtook the salute on the Veterans Day Paradein June. I attended the Remembrance Day

Service and Christmas Carnival and inbetween the many Carol concerts andservices to which I was invited and dulyattended I was still able to attend the localpantomime at the Public Halls. Oh yes Idid! I suspect Christmas will never be thesame again. It was wonderful.With the advent of spring, it is nice to reflecton the gardens and being outdoors.The 2008 Harpenden in Bloom entry intoAnglia in Bloom was well-received and theTown achieved silver gilt. My congratulationsto all those involved working with the TownCouncil to achieve this accolade. TheCouncil also achieved a second Green Flagfor the Common. I look forward to theoccasion when we can fly the flag.I have witnessed a considerable amount ofwork on the Common and congratulate thevolunteers associated with all the ProjectDays. I would also like to congratulate theUpper Lea Valley Group and the Friends ofthe Nickey Line for the valiant work thatthey do in their respective areas and thecontribution that they make in providing asustainable future for the naturalenvironment.As many of you will no doubt know, I wasjoined by Izzy from Escala to switch on theChristmas Lights this year. Izzy was not theonly musical attraction in the Town this yearand I have to congratulate all those whohave been involved in putting on musicalevents at the Public Halls over the last 12months. I thoroughly enjoyed the 70thAnniversary of the Halls with the Old TimeMusical Celebration, which was a joyousoccasion and one that truly captured thespirit of this community facility.It certainly has been an eventful year.In ending, I would just like to thank all thecitizens of Harpenden for giving me such awarm welcome and their unstinting support.I know that the new Mayor will enjoy theirtime as much as I have and it only remainsfor me to wish them every success in office.Councillor Mrs Pat Kent

Page 3: FORUM - · 11/24/2009  · nd Co mi t e of Th Child ren’s Soci ety, Ha p nde mu s ic a n, E l e F g, Guy J oh t and Sus a nS t rde s wi lp y Wh ea th amps d House

ANNUAL TOWN MEETINGHarpenden Town Council’s Annual Town Meeting is to take place onMonday 6 April 2009 in Park Hall, Leyton Road from 7.00pm.This meeting gives the public an opportunity to speak to theirCouncillors about matters of concern; there will also be the presentationof the Award of Merit’s and a Question and Answer session.

4 5

Sunday 22 March 2009

Sunday 26 April 2009

Sunday 24 May 2009

Sunday 28 June 2009

Sunday 26 July 2009

Sunday 23 August 2009

Sunday 27 September 2009

Sunday 25 October 2009

Sunday 22 November 2009– Christmas Carnival



COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVES:Volunteers from the community for the 2009 year are: East Harpenden GardeningClub, Harpenden Brownies, Cubs, Scouts and Guides, Harpenden PhotographicSociety, Harpenden Village Rotary Club, South Harpenden Allotments and GardensSociety, Townsend Nursery, and Harpenden Horticultural Society.

SPONSORS:Ashtons Estate Agents, Mrs S Ayres, Billy’s Wine Bar & Restaurant, GreenacresEquestrian, Exclusive Linens Ltd, Frosts Estate Agents, The Gingerbread Man,Hairline, Harpenden Cycles, Harpenden House Hotel, Harpenden InsuranceServices, Harpenden Musicale, Harpenden Osteopathic Practice, HarpendenTaxis, Hicks & Co, HSBC Bank, The Harpenden Building Society, TheHarpenden Society, Harpenden Village Rotary Club, Inner Wheel Club ofHarpenden Village, Jarvis Group Limited, John Photiades & Co, John O’Conner(Grounds Maintenance) Ltd, John Steven’s Framing, M J Taylor King Ltd, Oui,Pizza Express, Shapla Restaurant, Skye Optometrists, Southdown Dental Practice,St Nicholas Lodge, Storax Limited, Strutt and Parker, Taylor Walton Solicitors,Townsend Nurseries Ltd, The Two Wheel Centre Ltd, Waitrose and Woosters

Harpenden in Bloom is a community initiative designedto enhance the appearance of Harpenden and promote asense of ownership of the Town by the local community.This is achieved through various events in the Town,planting days, competitions and with the schools.Aim: To maintain the appearance of Harpenden, Southdownand Batford and improve the quality of life for all.

Objectives:� Improve the existing beauty of Harpenden.� Develop and encourage community involvement.� Provide opportunities for people of all ages to work together ongroup activities.

� Encourage Clubs, Societies and Local Businesses to participatein the ever-expanding number of community projects.

� To promote the right environment for our local businesses toprosper.

� To improve the quality of life for all residents of Harpenden.� To promote the area as a place to live, work, visit and to invest in.

The Town of Harpenden then enters into the regional competition,‘Anglia in Bloom’. Harpenden was very successful in 2008 andreceived the SILVER GILT AWARD in the Best Large TownCategory.

Mr & Mrs Webb, Winner Best Back Garden Large

Peter Thorpe & Angela Taylor, Winner Best Balcony Patio

2009 LOGOWINNERWilliam Thomas

Roundwood Primary School

FOCUS ON A STALL HOLDERTEIFI VALLEY GOATS OFWOBBLY BOTTOM FARMWobbly Bottom Farm make arange of wonderful tasty softgoat’s cheese, a greatCamembert styled cheesecalled Pure Pirton as well as ahard cheese made in aCheshire style. Teifi Valley hasbeen attending HarpendenFarmers Market since thebeginning. You will often findAngela setting up her stall atthe last minute because she hasto milk all of her goats beforeshe arrives at the market!

Alan and Angela run a smallfarm situated a mile outsidethe historic market town ofHitchin in Hertfordshire.The farm has a mixed dairygoat herd of British Saanens,British Alpines, BritishToggenburgs and AngloNubians all selected for theirfine quality milk.

The Farm runs an open barnpolicy and the goats are freeto choose to stay undercoveror graze on the 39 acres ofgrass fields.

The goat feed is mixed on thefarm and at present about65 % of what the goats eat isproduced at Wobbly Bottom.They have just planted 18acres of spring beans to beadded to the feed ration andonce this is harvested they willbe producing 85% of the feed.This ensures that Alan andAngela know that the qualityof the feed and hence the milkand cheese is at its highest.


Page 4: FORUM - · 11/24/2009  · nd Co mi t e of Th Child ren’s Soci ety, Ha p nde mu s ic a n, E l e F g, Guy J oh t and Sus a nS t rde s wi lp y Wh ea th amps d House



It is with great sadness that the Harpenden community havelost a very well known and loved figure – June Wall. Junepassed away in January following a short illness. She was verywell known for her kindness and in helping others, includingthe Town Council at various events, including the AnnualCivic Service at St Nicholas Church and Harpenden in Bloomreceptions. June was a pillar of the church community atSt Nicholas, where she was responsible for the opening andclosing the building over many years, assistingwith the church services and withcatering at church events. Junewho grew up in Parliament Hillin London with her two siblingswas also a talented poet. Junelater became a legal secretarywhere she met her husbandGeorge and after theirmarriage moved toHarpenden where theybrought up their two sonsGraeme and Steve. June willbe sadly missed by many ofthe local community.

�� Best Allotment Plot East Harpenden Gardening Club

�� Best Communal Garden

�� Best School Garden/Environment Project

�� Best School Garden/Environment Project Portfolio

�� Best Community Sector Floral Display

�� Best Commercial Sector Floral Display

�� Best Place of Worship Floral Display

�� Best Sports and Leisure Facility Floral Display

�� Public Houses (Class A - Licensees Floral Displays)

�� Public Houses (Class B - Displays Managed by contract)

Closing date is 14th June 2009.

The Harpenden in Bloom Working Party wouldreally appreciate any photos of your garden/s tobe sent in with your entry form.You will be notified when judging will take place assoon as possible.Names and addresses will be used for publicity

purposes. Data Protection law gives you a right to opt out of publicityactivities. If you would prefer that we do not publicise or keep a record ofyour name and address for Harpenden in Bloom marketing activities,please tick this box. ��

Reply Slip: ENTRY FORMName: ................................................................................

Tel: .....................................................................................

Address: .............................................................................



............................................. Post code: ............................

I wish to enter in the following competitions(please tick which category/ies you wish to enter)

�� Best Front Garden

�� Best Back Garden (small - less than 2,000 square feet).My garden is ____(sq ft).

�� Best Back Garden (large - over 2,000 square feet). My garden is ____ (sq ft).

�� Best Balcony/Patio Garden

�� Best Allotment Plot South Harpenden Allotments& Gardening Club

WAYS OF BECOMING INVOLVED PREPARATION for Harpenden in Bloom is a year longprocess, starting in September with schools, pubs, churches,businesses and residents planning their gardens, floral displays,environmental projects and logo entries, this culminates in Julywith the judging of competitions and the prize giving ceremony.

PLANTING of the flowerbeds in the High Street will takeplace at the Summer Planting Day on 31 May 2009 commencingat 9.30am, meeting at the War Memorial on Church Green.Volunteers are invited to join in the planting on the day.

SPONSORSHIP of flowerbeds and hanging baskets in theTown is also an important part of the initiative, bringing life tothe Town Centre, its Greens, Southdown and Batford. Oncesponsored, flowerbeds and baskets are maintained by HarpendenTown Council’s contractors, John O’Connor (GroundMaintenance) Ltd, who also give voluntary help with theHarpenden in Bloom initiative. Townsend Nurseries alsovolunteer along with Councillors, Brownies, and members of thelocal Horticultural Society and the community, who maintainthe planting throughout the year to ensure the best floraldisplays possible.

COMPETITIONS - Individuals, clubs, streets, estates,schools, public houses, places of worship and local businesses areall encouraged to enter the Harpenden in Bloom Competitions.In previous years, the displays have added that special dimensionto Harpenden.

The competitions are: Best Allotment plot East and South, FrontGarden, Balcony/Patio Garden, Back Garden (Small – less than2000 square feet), Back Garden (Large – over 2000 square feet),Commercial Sector Floral Display, Communal Garden,Community Sector Floral Display, Dressed Public House, Place ofWorship, Young Peoples Project under and over 12 years old, andJunk Garden.

If you are interested in entering any of competitions listed, simplycomplete the entry form below.

2008/2009 Report Past EventsLOGO COMPETITION

Students from Primary, JMI schools,Brownies and Cubs were invited to designthe Harpenden in Bloom logo for the 2009competition. This logo is used on allcompetition correspondence, leaflets,brochures and posters. As in previous yearsthe quality of entries was very high, andWilliam Thomas from Roundwood PrimarySchool, Harpenden, designed the winninglogo, featured here.

PLANTING(Sponsored by John O’Conner Grounds Maintenance Limited)

Harpenden in Bloom have been very busy planting thousands ofdaffodil bulbs in the Harpenden Schools, and also wild bulbs inLydekker Park, so keep a look out for a wonderful colourfuldisplay that will be happening this spring.

Contact us today!If you are interested in becoming involved in the Harpendenin Bloom initiative, be it entering a competition, sitting onthe Working Party, or sponsorship, please contactSarah Norwood at Harpenden Town Council, Town Hall,Leyton Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2LX.Tel: 01582 768278, or E-mail [email protected]

Mrs Walker, 1st PrizeFront Garden

FRIENDS OF THE NICKEYLINE – NEW COMMUNITYGROUP WEBSITE Friends of the Nickey Line, the users support group for the oldrailway line between Hemel Hempstead and Harpenden, now usedas a footpath and cycleway, announced a new web site funded by theBig Lottery Fund Breathing Places scheme.

Friends of the Nickey Line was formed in 2006 and set up a smallwebsite created by one of the committee. As time progressed, thecommittee felt they wanted to expand the website to provide a betterservice to members, users and the wider local community. They alsorealised - like many small groups - they were very dependent on oneindividual to keep the site updated and so vulnerable to any futurechange in their availability.

The new site is available at It provides moreinformation than the previous site and also the ability to involvemembers and other local people with photographs, information andpersonal stories about the Nickey Line.

Friend’s committee member Roger Thornhill said “We are delightedto have an attractive and more informative site for local users of theNickey Line. We can keep the site updated more easily and are lessreliant on any one person to do all the work.” Roger added ‘We wantto thank the Big Lottery Fund and Net Commerce Solutions forhelping us to develop this much improved web site’.

Contact for Friends of the Nickey Line is Mr Roger Thornhill onemail: [email protected].


new ad inprogress

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Harpenden is blessed with anumber of organisations, manyof them run on a voluntarybasis, which provide advice,help or services to the seniorperson. All these organisationsare very much appreciated andvalued. Recent discussionsbetween the Town Council, thelocal police and a number oflocal charities have, however,highlighted two issues:

Many of the senior residents ofHarpenden are not aware of therange of services available andthere is no single point wherethey can get all the informationand guidance they need.

Although there is quite a high(and growing) level of seniorresidents in Harpenden, there isno specific organisationthrough which they can maketheir voice heard. Theirparticular needs or preferencesare often overlooked on a seriesof public issues simply becausethey have not been represented.

It has therefore been proposedto set up an initiative, with the

support of the Town Counciland the local police, which willseek, with the advice andcollaboration of the existingorganisations, to address theabove issues.

First of all, it will seek toprovide a system to gather,update and disseminated usefulinformation to the seniorresidents of Harpenden withoutduplicating what already exists.

Secondly, it will set up a Forumin which representatives fromexisting organisations will beable to contribute to “Thesenior voice of Harpenden” ona range of issues.

In essence, the Forum will be a“link organisation”, improvingthe links between organisationsand potential clients as well asbetween the organisationsthemselves so that a clearer andstronger picture of their clients’needs can be made known.

Our long term aim is also tohave an office where anyonecan telephone and or visit tofind more information.


Harpenden has been twinned with Alzey in Germany andCosne-sur-Loire in France for a number of years. This link isstrengthened by two community groups, the Friends of Alzeyand the Friends of Cosne. Alzey in Germany is approximately30 miles south of Mainz. Cosne in France is situated on theRiver Loire about 115 miles south of Paris. Both are attractivetowns, in wine-making regions.Members of the Friends of Cosne are planning a weekend visitto Cosne-sur-Loire this year, leaving on 25 September andreturning on 28 September. Hospitality is in local peopleshomes. Staying with local people gives you the opportunity toform new friendships and gain experience and knowledge of theFrench way of life.It is the turn of the Friends of Alzey to host visitors from Alzeyin Harpenden, from 6 – 10 August 2009. If you have a sparebedroom and would like to be a host for the weekend please donot be shy, as new hosts are always welcome. There is a fullitinerary planned including a day trip to Cambridge and a visitto Luton Hoo Hotel.If you would like to get involved in either event or for moredetails please contact Helen Eadon on Tel: 01582 463665.

Harpenden has been twinned with the French town, Cosne SurLoire for 27 years and has strong links. One of the local schools isorganising for their students to have work experience in England.The students are 17-18 years old and are studying English.They are looking for work from 1 – 29 June 2009. Ideally theywould like to work in secretarial or accounting arenas but couldwork in a shop or for a charity. The school will provide theinsurance. If you feel you are able to offer a placement or if youwould like more details please contact Helen Eadon onTel: 01582 463 665 or email [email protected].



Harpenden Town Council and RothamstedResearch are going greener together bypartnering a green waste facility for the twoorganisations to use.All green waste collected from Rothamstedland or from the Common by the TownCouncil’s contractors will be recycled at a siteprovided by the Institute. Firstly the waste will

be stored to allow it to rot down; it will be regularly turned and sifteduntil eventually it is a mulch/ soil improver. The high quality end product will be shared between the twoorganisations, with the Town Council placing it back onto theflowerbeds in the High Street and other locations which are enteredin the Harpenden in Bloom competition. This is an excellentexample of two organisations working in partnership together andboth gaining a rewarding benefit. The Town Council are delighted tobe working with the Institute on this initiative. If you would like any further information please contact HarpendenTown Council Tel: 01582 768278.

8 9

Harpenden Seniors ForumThe Day CentreLeyton RoadHarpendenAL5 2HU

Name .......................................................................................

Address ....................................................................................





If you would like to find out more please, fill in thecoupon below with your details and send it to: �

AVAILABLE FOR HIRE FORWEDDING RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, SLIDESHOWS, DINNERS/DANCES, MEETINGS,EXHIBITIONS, SALES, TRADE FAIRS, ETC.Facilities include fully equipped kitchen, hearingloop, portable stage, microphone and car

For further details please contact Harpenden Town Council on 01582 768278


Harpenden Town Council andRothamsted turning greener

Page 6: FORUM - · 11/24/2009  · nd Co mi t e of Th Child ren’s Soci ety, Ha p nde mu s ic a n, E l e F g, Guy J oh t and Sus a nS t rde s wi lp y Wh ea th amps d House

10 11

Wednesday 17 June 2009

Sunday 6 September 2009

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Harpenden Common Project DaysOther Project Daysmaybe arranged inbetween these datesdepending onwork/weather!

Easter Fair 9 – 13 April 2009Harpenden Carnival 17 May 2009Spring Fair 22 – 25 May 2009Harpenden Common Discovery Day 13 June 2009Art Exhibition on the Common 13 & 14 June 2009Common Walk 1 21 JuneChinese State Circus 24 – 28 JuneCommon Walk 2 25 JuneVeterans Day End June 2009 tbcHighland Gathering 12 July 2009Classics on the Common 29 July 2009Teddy Bears Picnic 15 August 2009Summer Fair 28 – 31 August 2009Statty Fair 8 – 13 September 2009Herts 10K 11 October 2009Fungi Foray 4 November 2009

Harpenden Events 2009

Splatt’s graphic design services can help grab attention, keep it and get results

For an informal chat call 01582 712251












Hertfordshire Trading Standards areadvising residents to always say no totraders that turn up uninvited on thedoorstep. Rogue builders and gardenersoften trick people into paying high pricesfor unnecessary or shoddy work and givefalse names and addresses. The followingadvice is given:

� Only deal with callers by appointment� Always ask for ID and check it carefully� Keep front and back doors locked� Fit a door bar/chain and use it � Do not keep large sums of money in the home� Do not buy goods or services at the door� Don’t be a victim – say NO to doorstep callers� For the majority of contracts made at your home (both invitedand uninvited visits) you will be entitled to a 7 day coolingoff period.

The trader should give you a cancellation noticeexplaining your rights, and he must not start workwithin the 7 days without you requestinghim to do so in writing. If the trader failsto comply then he is breaking the lawand the contract is unenforceableagainst you – you don’t have to pay

If you need to have home maintenance /improvement work carried out, considerusing a Trustmark registered

For advice and to report cold callers callTrading Standards (via Consumer Direct)on 0845 60 444 66


ART ON THE COMMON13 – 14 JUNE 2009Preparations are in progress for this unique event on HarpendenCommon which has now been running for over 25 years.It is open to everybody and there is no entrance fee for thepublic. Money is raised for charity simply by local artistsselling their works and donating a proportion of their takingsto Cancer Research UK.Currently we are looking for artists interested in selling their ownoriginal work, whether it is painting, jewellery, greetings cards,ceramics, sculptures or other artistic products. Getting a widevariety of stalls makes for a lively show, so if you are interested orwant to register contact Joy Reynolds on Tel: 01582 620961About half the stallholders have been coming for years, but thereis plenty of opportunity for newcomers to sell their work to thepublic. A pitch costs only £15 for the weekend and the salescommission to Cancer Research UK is 20%.If you are not an artist, but want a relaxing time out seeingfresh work and talking to the artists themselves, please put thisdate in your diary, and look out for posters closer to the event.

HARPENDEN COMMON DISCOVERY DAYWatch out for the next issue of Forum for details of a newHarpenden Common event, to be held in conjunction with Artson the Common. The countryside themed event will combinefun and entertainment with opportunities to have a go atactivities. It will be a chance for everyone to enjoy the Common,learn more about it and get involved in your Common. For moredetails contact Helen Eadon on Tel: 01582 768278.

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In midJanuary, theHarpendenBranchOffice ofthe StAlbansDistrict

Credit Union relocated to oneof the rooms at the rear of theHigh Street Methodist Churchon the High Street (accessthrough the arch on the Argosside of the premises).The opening hours of Tuesdaysand Saturdays from 10.00amto 12 noon have not changed.The telephone number is stillTel: 07972 370857.

The Credit Union staff arehoping that the move to thecentre of Harpenden will bemore convenient for existing

and potential customers andthey are looking forward toestablishing a stronger presencein the town.

The objectives of the CreditUnion are quite simple.They are all about encouraginglocal people to make savings,as well as to make fair costloans across the wholecommunity. Loans are availablefor a variety of uses.

Investments are 100%guaranteed by the FinancialServices Authority and saverscan get their money backwhenever they need it.

This is a great way of investingin our local community andyou are encouraged to pop inand talk to the staff.

ISSUE RESPONSEHarpenden Town Council wantsto express the views andaspirations of the communityeffectively and efficiently, butequally importantly, in a timelyfashion. The Council doesn'twant to enter into long drawnout questionnaires andconsultation procedures.We want to know your views.To help us to do this we aresetting up a new service called'Issue Response'. The system willenable the Town Council tocollect your views via an onlinesurvey on important issues whichaffect Harpenden. Issues couldinclude concerns over the East ofEngland Plan, building on the

greenbelt around Harpenden,environmental issues concerningthe expansion of London Lutonairport, Post Office closures orlocal initiatives such asHarpenden Memorial Hospital(the Red House), works toHarpenden Common, Christmaslights, Town Centre parking orthe allotments.

It is anticipated that we would beseeking views on no more thanhalf a dozen issues a year, i.e.bimonthly. What we wouldrequire from you is your emailaddress so that we can contactyou with the question to seekyour view. Often it will be asimple 'yes' or 'no'. However, on

bigger issues it might lead to afew more questions to seek youropinion. 'Issue Response' willonly take a few minutes tocomplete and it will give you anopportunity to have your say.

It's quick, it's easy and it givesthe community a stronger voiceand you’re Councillors a clearermandate to fight forHarpenden's interests on themany key issues now effectingHarpenden's future.

If you would like your views tobe known on these importantissues please email:[email protected] the subject title 'IssueResponse'.


12 13


The Luton & Dunstable Hospital (L&D) was the first NHSorganisation in Beds, Herts and Bucks to become an NHSFoundation Trust.Being a Foundation Hospital gives the L&D the freedom to runits own affairs while remaining fully part of the NHS. The L&Dis directly accountable to the local public through an electedCouncil of Governors - which includes 22 members of the public. The Council of Governors are elected by the Foundation Trustmembers and are a link between the members and the hospital’sBoard of Directors. They act on behalf of the Foundation Trustmembers.Getting Involved:Becoming a Foundation Trust member of the L&D Hospital is apractical way for you to have a say in how the hospital is run.Members can get involved as little or as much as they wish to. As a member you will:� Be eligible for the NHS discount scheme� Receive newsletters and updates about the hospital’s activities� Have direct access to L&D Governors, to raise concerns andideas

� Receive invitations to members’ meetings and medicallecture/information forums

� Be able to elect the Governors� Be eligible to stand for election as a GovernorAnyone aged 18 or over living in Bedfordshire or Hertfordshireis eligible to become a voting Public Member of the L&DFoundation Trust. To become a member: call 0845 1212 127 or complete the on-line registration form at is also an opportunity to sign up and become a memberat an information stand which is to be positioned on theConcourse outside Argos on the Lower High Street, Harpendenon Saturday 21 March from 9.30am, to 1.30pm.


KEEP IT LOCALIn these harsh economic times oneway in which the Town Council cansupport local businesses and retailers isto encourage residents to ‘keep itlocal’. There are a multitude ofbusinesses both in the High Street andhidden away on estates and otherlocations in the town which provide avaluable service to the community andthe Town Council wants local peopleto recognise their value and use theirfacilities. A business directory has beendeveloped for Harpenden. It isavailable on the website provides free listings of all businessesand retailers in the town and is a first

point of reference for those living inthe community who want to knowwhat is available to them.

Encouraging people to shop local issomething that St Albans DistrictCouncil recognised when theypromoted their shop St AlbansCampaign. Harpenden is doing it foritself and saying ‘keep it local’ in orderto keep our High Street and businessesvibrant and sustainable.

5,000 window stickers are beingproduced to promote the campaignand residents are encouraged to putthem in their windo ws at home or intheir cars to encourage others in thetown to ‘keep it local’.

The Town Council are proposing to undertake some repair and restorationworks to the Town’s War Memorial in the forthcoming months.

The works plannedinclude the removal ofsurface soiling and lichenbuild up from the granitestructure, re-pointing andrepairing loose andflaking sections around itsbase and treating thecorroded bronze nameplaques. The Councilhave managed to securepartial funding for theseworks from the WarMemorials Trust whowork for the protectionand conservation of warmemorials in the UK.

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The Harpenden Trust – The Trust is always looking for more

volunteers to continue its work of helping Harpenden people in

need. Currently we need a company secretary. Are you that person?

If so, or if you want to know more about other ways you could

help, regularly or occasionally, please contact the Trust now on

Tel: 01582 460457 or emailing: [email protected].

Our occasional helpers include the 250 who each December deliver

and collect the envelopes for our Christmas Appeal. Through their

efforts and the generosity of Harpenden people the appeal in 2008

raised £24,000. With the recession biting deeper we need every

penny we can get to meet the growing number of local people who

need our help.

Recycling at Dark Lane Waste Centre – Do you know what items

you can recycle at the Harpenden Household Waste Recycling

Centre, Dark Lane, off Grove Road? The number of items that you

can recycle is vast and includes the following:

Aluminium foil, domestic and car batteries, cans - aerosol,

aluminium and steel, cardboard, CD’s, fluorescent lighting tubes,

fridges and freezers, glass, green garden waste, metals, mobile

phones, engine oil, ovens and hobs, paper, plasterboard, plastic -

rigid, bottles and carrier bags, shoes, soil improver, textiles, toner

cartridges, TV’s, PC monitors, tyres, any other white goods and

wood. The site is open 10.00am – 6.00pm. Recycling points are

also sited at the car parks in Amenbury Lane and Bowers Way.

Tetra paks (drinks cartons) can now also be recycled at Amenbury

Lane. For more information contact St Albans District Council,

Tel: 01727 819285 or WasteAware Helpline, Tel: 08457 425000.

Harpenden and District Local History Society – Mounts

quarterly exhibitions in Park Hall on the first Saturday’s of

March, June, September and December between 2.30pm and

4.30pm. For further information or membership enquiries

contact Miss Parrott on Tel: 01582 764359 or Mr Casey

Tel: 01582 712998.

Citizens Advice Bureau – Harpenden office: First Floor,

Harpenden Town Hall, Leyton Road, Harpenden,

Tel: 01582 769387, is open for advice Monday to Friday

10.00am – 1.00pm.

Harpenden Information Point – Harpenden Information Point

at the Town Hall, Leyton Road, is open between 10.00am –

4.00pm Monday to Friday, except Bank Holidays.

Tel: 01582 768278.

HARPENDEN VILLAGEROTARY CLUB Having helped to run the town’s classic car rally, Classics on the Common, for the past four years, Harpenden Village Rotary Club has

now taken over full responsibility for running the event,

with support from members of the Carpenters Arms

Classic Car Club. This follows the retirement of Peter

Madden who founded the event 15 years ago and

developed it into one of Britain’s biggest classic car

rallies. The Rotary Club, already one of the largest and

busiest in the region, would welcome new members, men

and women, to help with Classics on the Common and

its many other hands-on activities in the town.

Contact Geoffrey Turner on Tel: 01582 769882,

email [email protected] or visit

14 15



Did you know that Rothamsted Park has anew Management Plan, and an activeManagement Committee that meets twiceper year? St Albans District Council andHarpenden Town Council would like tohear the views of local people, and users ofthis much loved park, to ensure that thepark provides the facilities and meets thestandards that people wish to see.

Copies of the Management Plan can beviewed and downloaded from the DistrictCouncil’s web page for Rothamsted Park.The Management Committee next meets inSeptember at the Town Hall, Leyton Road.The committee would like to welcomenew members.

For further information please contactthe Parks and Green Spaces team onTel: 01727 819366 or [email protected] orthe website:

Here is the ultimate gardeningcompetition for all young peoplein Harpenden aged 5 – 11 years old.Create your own garden whilst teachingyour parents a trick or two about creatingan exciting garden!

Make a garden inside a cereal box usingonly junk you might normally throw away.No living material must be used. You canenter on your own or in a group of no morethan 6 people. Group entrants may use alarger box, but remember you will have tobring it into the Town Hall so not too big!The sides of the box will be the fences,hedges or wall around your garden.The Junk Gardening Competition is opento individuals, Youth Clubs and Schoolgroups in Harpenden. Schools and YouthClubs may enter more than one completedgarden from different groups of children.

Each garden must beaccompanied by:1. Your name(s) and the title ofyour garden.

2. Your age(s).3. Your address and a contacttelephone number.

Your entry must be brought tothe Town Council Offices bythe 17 April 2009

The winners will be presented witha prize and a certificate by theTown Mayor.


Last years wining Junk Garden was createdby Bex, Fiona, Izzie and Anna fromWood End School.

THERE'S A CLUE IN THE TITLE- IT'S FOR HARPENDENGARDENERS TOO...Spring is a busy time on allotment plots and the growingseason is also under way in gardens.

SOUTH HARPENDEN ALLOTMENTS AND GARDENSSOCIETY is not only for plotholders but also for all thoseinterested in gardening and the Society's shop aims to meetthe needs of both. Open on Sunday mornings between 10.00am and 12 noon (except during the Christmas and New Yearperiod), it stocks a variety of potting and seed composts,fertilizers, organic manure, seeds, gardening tools and muchmore. At appropriate seasons, as well as the garlic, onion setsand seed potatoes, there are spring and summer flower bulbs.Prices are competitive and shopping locally also brings savingsin time and petrol. For further green credentials, combineyour trip to the Dark Lane recycling centre with a visit tothe shop.

Joining as an Associate Member allows use of the shop and formany that is the only reason that they join. The membershipcost is soon outweighed by the savings and convenience.All Associate Members receive the Society's lively twice yearlynewsletter and if they wish to be more involved and to join inevents in the social calendar, they are very welcome.The Society's Allotment Shop is located on the Piggottshillsite, off Dark Lane.

Become an Associate Member by enrolling at the shop£3.50 annual subscription

Associate Membership Secretary: Peter Loveland Tel: 01582 767619

Society website:

Members of Harpenden Horticultural Society may also usethe shop if an HHS membership card is shown.

East Harpenden Gardening Club have allotment plots available attheir Batford and Pickford Hill sites for gardeners keen to startgrowing their own produce this spring.

Anyone interested should contact Heather Rennoldson onTel: 01582 764030 or John Hope at the Clubs Headquarters atHolcroft Road (next to Batford Memorial Hall) on Sundaysbetween 10.00am and 12 noon.

The Club also has associate membership available to gardenerswishing to take advantage of our stocks of seeds, composts andother gardening sundries at reasonable prices.