forrester's it forum emea 2010

FORRESTER’S IT FORUM EMEA 2010 The Business Technology Transformation: Making It Real June 9–11, 2010 Hotel Cascais Miragem Lisbon Portugal

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FORRESTER’S IT FORUM EMEA 2010The Business Technology Transformation: Making It Real

June 9–11, 2010 ■ Hotel Cascais Miragem ■ Lisbon ■ Portugal


FORRESTER’S IT FORUM EMEA 2010Dear colleague,

As we work our way through a bad economic slump, it’s time for some soul-searching in IT, time to learn from past lessons and create a better way forward. Forrester calls this new mandate for transformation “business technology” (BT). It’s based on the simple premise that technology is more ubiquitous and core to the business than ever before, and organizations therefore must think about it differently — beyond the traditional mindset of plan, build, run. But, like you, we’re asked to make BT more than a name change, to bring the concept down from the ether and into reality. This year’s IT Forum EMEA will help you do just that.

So transformation needs to take on a real meaning. Think of the changes leaders face: customers and employees, demographically and geographically dispersed, creating new ways of doing business; myriad cloud-based or other lighter, fit-to-purpose delivery models available; and of course, fiscal and regulatory pressures not seen in decades. These trends and others require that leaders outside IT need to engage more inside IT. And as the clouds of recession begin to lift, these stakeholders want to move faster. This time, the need for transformation is real.

At Forrester’s IT Forum EMEA 2010, we’ll help you look inside your IT organization and build a strategy to transform it into a BT organization. We’ll help you pose the right questions to peers and suppliers — and prepare you to answer tough questions in return. Forrester analysts and leading industry speakers will tackle issues related to driving the BT transformation — like connecting people fluidly; infusing process with insight; simplifying always, everywhere; delivering services, not assets; and creating differentiated business capabilities.

Forrester’s IT Forum EMEA 2010 is more than an industry conference. It’s an investment in your organization’s bottom-line success. Through a combination of analyst presentations, in-depth case studies, executive exchanges, analyst One-On-One Meetings, and peer networking, you’ll acquire the tools, knowledge, and best practices to bring your IT organization to the forefront of the business.

I look forward to seeing you in Lisbon!

Simon YatesVice President, CIO GroupForrester Research

,,,,“An excellent opportunity to meet Forrester analysts and industry peers.”

Ian Bennett, Chief, PeopleSoft Systems Management, UNHCR (The UN Refugee Agency)

,,,,“A good event to attend with a broad spectrum of topics discussed which will

add value to my role.”Gary Gascoigne, ISD Head of Delivery, Asda Stores


Role-Based Forum



Track Information

Expert Advice

Venue & Sponsors










As the clouds of recession begin to lift, the need for IT transformation is real. Forrester calls this new mandate “business technology” (BT), where every business activity is enabled by technology, and every technology decision hinges on a business need.

Join your peers in one of our seven role-focused tracks or select a curriculum that best suits your needs. Bring your colleagues, too! With nearly 100 track sessions to choose from, there’s something for everyone.

At Forrester’s IT Forum EMEA 2010, we’ll help each of the roles we serve lead the shift from IT to BT. Through keynotes, track sessions, One-On-One Meetings with analysts, and peer networking, you’ll learn how to address five efforts that will ultimately enable the BT transformation.

∙ Connecting people more fluidly to drive innovation.

∙ Infusing business process with business insight.

∙ Simplifying always and everywhere.

∙ Delivering services, not assets.

∙ Creating new, differentiated business capabilities.

∙ Benefit from the unbiased expertise of Forrester analysts. ∙ Identify opportunities for intelligent cost saving. ∙ Separate hype from utility. ∙ Meet one-on-one with Forrester analysts. ∙ Network with peers in your role. ∙ Meet leading vendors and discover emerging technologies.

Your Role, Your Priorities, Your Success!

Why Attend?


Role-Based Track

Track A: Application Development & Delivery

K.I.S.S.: Keep It Simple And Spectacular

Track B: Information & Knowledge Management And Business ProcessTransforming The Business With People,

Processes, And Information

Track C: CIO

Leading Your Business Technology


Track D: Enterprise Architecture

Boosting The Value And Impact Of EA

Track E: Infrastructure & Operations And Security & Risk

Enabling Business Transformation Through IT

Infrastructure, Operations, Security, And Risk


Track F: Sourcing & Vendor Management

Sourcing Strategies For The Business-

Technology-Focused Enterprise

Track G: Technology Product Management & Marketing And Vendor Strategy

Engaging BT Professionals: Navigating The Next

Three Years Of Tech Industry Recovery


Who Are We?

Forrester uses personas like us to represent clients in their professional roles and deliver a uniquely relevant and solution-oriented experience.




Industry Keynotes

Forrester Keynotes

Edouard Odier, Executive Vice President for Information Technology, Air France-KLMEdouard Odier is AF-KLM EVP in charge of IT since January 2009, he is member of AF-KLM Executive Committee. He joined Air France in 1977 Edouard Odier managed Air France Operations Research Group from 1982 to 1989. He joined Amadeus France as General Manager from its creation in 1989. He was appointed as Vice-President Development of Air France IT Department in April 2001 and AF CIO in October 2003.

Charles Newhouse, Head of Strategy & Design, Enterprise IT Services, BAE SystemsCharles Newhouse joined BAE Systems’ head of�ce in 2000 as head of eBusiness strategy, following the company's investment in the creation of Exostar, the aerospace and defense industry e-marketplace (cofounded with Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and Rolls-Royce). At the beginning of 2005, he moved to become IT Director, Head Of�ce & Shared Services. In his three-year tenure of the post delivering services to 2,000 users, he achieved a 25% reduction in the operational IT budget while improving service delivery (40%) and customer satisfaction (15%). Since 2008, Mr. Newhouse has been focused on developing and implementing the strategy for BAE Systems’ midrange infrastructure service, services

platform, and identity management programs, culminating in his recent appointment into his current role. Enterprise IT Services is an approximately £100M per annum business providing 36,000 users desktop, network, collaboration, midrange infrastructure, eCommerce, and consultancy services. Prior to BAE Systems, Mr. Newhouse worked for GEC Marconi Electronic Systems in a number of engineering-related roles. He has a master’s degree in electronic engineering.

Gianluigi Castelli, Executive Vice President ICT, EniGianluigi Castelli joined Eni in 2006 and holds the position of Executive VP ICT. Prior to Eni, Mr. Castelli worked at Vodafone as CIO, CTO, and, �nally, as Global IT Director. From 1997 to 2001, Mr. Castelli worked at the Fiat Group, �rst as Fiat Auto’s CIO, then as CEO and Managing Director of Fiat’s IT service company (GSA). He is the chairman of the Italian branch of the EuroCIO group, and he won the EC ITEA Award in 1995 and the EUCIP Champion Award in 2009.

Peter Hambling, CIO, Lloyds of LondonPeter Hambling is the Chief Information Of�cer of Lloyds, heading up the specialist insurance markets Information Technology Group. Previously, he was responsible for designing and supervising the build of HSBC's second-generation global eCommerce platforms. These now run 48 personal �nancial services businesses and 18 commercial banking businesses globally, servicing over 30 million customers. He has led teams pioneering, developing and supporting very large complex multi-channel distributed global FX & MM trading systems, associated integration middleware and market data infrastructure.

Marcus Alldrick, CISO, Lloyds of LondonIn his role at Lloyd’s Marcus is responsible for ensuring that risks to information are understood and adequately mitigated in a cost effective manner throughout the corporation, both in the UK and in its overseas locations, and that assurance to this effect is provided to Executive, Senior and Line Management. Prior to joining Lloyd’s, Marcus was a Principal Advisor for KPMG, working in IT Advisory and specializing in information security strategy de�nition and implementation. Before that Marcus has been Head of Information Security for Abbey National plc, and Information Risk and Security Manager for Barclaycard.

Planning And Delivering Capabilities Your Business WantsAlex Cullen, Vice President, Research Director, Forrester Research

Business leaders are more bullish on technology’s potential, and as a result, they’re generating a lot of demand. But IT’s budgets are �nite, and their resources can’t do everything that’s asked of them. The result is angst. And while the balancing of supply with demand is a perennial high-wire act for CIOs, the angst seems to be worsening as businesses position for slow economic recovery. The solution is to apply information technology where and how it can bring the most bene�t to the business. But in today’s world, this means more than better governance; it means thinking and talking, planning and executing around enhanced business capabilities that drive business results — the �rst step in the BT transformation.

Harnessing The Groundswell: How Real Heroes Are Turning Consumer Technology To Business AdvantageTed Schadler, Vice President, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research

Whether you call it “consumerization of IT” or social, mobile, video, or cloud, the impact is the same: Customers and employees are harnessing new technology to be more powerful than you are. And you have little control over what they do. The solution is not to lock all systems down or trample the groundswell. Instead, it is to empower employees to use the technology and skills they mastered �rst at home, but with IT guardrails up and with business guidance. But how? This panel of what we call HEROes — highly empowered and resourceful operatives — has �gured that out.

To Move From IT To BT, CIOs Need To Focus On Balance Sheets As Well AsProcesses — And Smart Computing Provides The Tools To Do SoAndrew Bartels, Vice President, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research

For the past 20 years, CIOs and IT departments have mostly focused on making business processes more ef�cient. This focus has helped make their companies much more productive and has improved product and service quality, with positive impacts on income statements. But there is more to business than process ef�ciencies and lower operating cost; there is also the balance sheet of assets and liabilities — both tangible, such as buildings and equipment or investments and debt, and intangible, such as brand, reputation, human capital, or intellectual property. The next frontiers for tech departments in the transition from IT to BT are twofold: 1) optimizing the business results from processes that affect the

balance sheet, and 2) optimizing directly the returns on corporate assets and minimizing the costs of corporate liabilities. Fortunately, the tech market is starting to provide the tools to help tech departments conquer these frontiers. These tools — which Forrester is calling Smart Computing — are still emerging and are very much works in progress. So, CIOs need both to work with their business partners to identify ways in which Smart Computing technologies can help their businesses address critical balance sheet issues and to work with vendors to shape the Smart Computing tools so that they can do so.




All session speakers, themes, and times are subject to change.




08:00 - 10:00 Registration And Refreshments In The Solutions Showcase10:00 - 10:20 Forum Welcome with George F. Colony, Chairman of the Board & CEO, Forrester Research10:20 - 10:35 Setting The Stage Simon Yates, Vice President, CIO Group, Forrester Research10:35 - 11:20 Industry Keynote: Peter Hambling, CIO, Lloyds of London Marcus Alldrick, CISO, Lloyds of London11:20 - 11:50 Morning Networking Break In The Solutions Showcase11:50 - 12:35 Planning And Delivering Capabilities Your Business Wants Alex Cullen, Vice President, Research Director, Forrester Research12:35 - 13:45 Networking Lunch 13:45 - 14:35 Track Sessions14:35 - 15:05 Afternoon Break In The Solutions Showcase15:05 - 15:35 Gold Sessions16:35 - 16:45 Track Sessions16:45 - 17:45 Harnessing The Groundswell: How Real Heroes Turn Consumer Technology To Business Advantage Ted Schadler, Vice President, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research17:45 - 18:45 Networking Reception In The Solutions Showcase

08:00 - 08:50 Breakfast Presentations08:00 - 09:00 Registration And Refreshments In The Solutions Showcase09:00 - 09:05 Opening Remarks09:05 - 09:50 Industry Keynote: Charles Newhouse, Head of Strategy & Design, Enterprise IT Service, BAE Systems09:50 - 10:35 Industry Keynote: Edouard Odier, Executive Vice President for Information Technology, Air France-KLM 10:35 - 11:10 Morning Networking Break In The Solutions Showcase11:10 - 12:00 Track Sessions12:00 - 13:00 Networking Lunch In The Solutions Showcase13:00 - 14:50 Track Sessions

08:00 - 08:50 Breakfast Presentations08:00 - 09:00 Registration And Refreshments In The Solutions Showcase09:00 - 09:05 Opening Remarks09:05 - 09:45 Industry Keynote: Gianluigi Castelli, Executive Vice President ICT, Eni09:45 - 10:25 Platinum Keynote: Verizon Business10:25 - 11:05 How Much Of Your Future Will Be In The Cloud? Strategies For Embracing Cloud Computing Services James Staten, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research11:05 - 11:35 Morning Networking Break In The Solutions Showcase11:35 - 12:25 Track Sessions12:35 - 13:05 Gold Sessions13:05 - 14:15 Networking Lunch14:15 - 15:05 Track Sessions16:05 - 16:30 Afternoon Break In The Solutions Showcase16:30 - 17:20 Track Sessions17:30 - 18.30 To Move From IT To BT, CIOs Must Focus On Balance Sheets As Well As Processes Andrew Bartels, Vice President, Principal Analyst, Forrester Research18.30 - 21:30 Evening Event




Andrea DaviesApplication Development & Delivery Professional

Iris KendallInformation & Knowledge Management Professional

Brian PorterBusiness Process & Applications Professional



K.I.S.S.: Keep It Simple And Spectacular Transforming The Business With People, Processes, And InformationHow many times have you sat through a long management meeting

for your application development and delivery organization and wondered: “Does it have to be this complex? Are we making it all too hard?” Well, it can be simpler, and many enterprises are replacing the complexity of traditional IT organizations with something different — a simpler approach. This frees development and delivery professionals to serve the business better, with more innovation and value — a spectacular result. How do they do it? They begin by getting requirements right the first time. They have learned how to scale Agile up across the organization. They have built a world-class development team. They know how to deliver compelling user experiences. They have learned important lessons from software product companies that they can apply to their core value streams. And they know how to apply the latest advances in application technology, whether that be Java, DBMS and information management, integration, or multichannel customer experiences, or the latest best practices for PMOs, enterprise portfolio management, application and ERP consolidation, or test-data management and privacy. How can you learn to do the same? Come to Forrester’s IT Forum Application Development & Delivery track!

Unite Business Analysts And QA Professionals To Deliver Increased Business ValueMary Gerush, Analyst, and Margo Visitacion, Vice President

A Checklist For Success With Cross-Channel ApplicationsJost Hoppermann, Vice President, Principal Analyst, and George Lawrie, Principal Analyst

Enterprise Portfolio Management and the EPMO: Translating the Theory Into RealityMargo Visitacion, Vice President

Building A World-Class Development Team Mary Gerush, Analyst, and Diego Lo Giudice, Vice President, Principal Consultant

The Future Of Information Management And DBMS Technology Noel Yuhanna, Principal Analyst

Deliver The Right Software The First Time By Breathing New Life Into Your Old Requirements PracticesMary Gerush, Analyst

Application Modernization, Rationalization, And Consolidation Strategies – In Search Of Leaner, Meaner PortfoliosGeorge Lawrie, Principal Analyst

The Latest Trends In Agile, Lean, And Product-Centric Software DeliveryDave West, Senior Analyst

The promise of empowering employees with the information, processes, and tools to solve customer problems has never been greater. IT professionals now have a vast set of options for supporting the workforce with emerging tools like social networks, digital video, next-generation collaboration platforms, and communications technologies. Yet breaking down silos and driving real business benefits from content, processes, collaboration, and communications infrastructure require a sound strategy. Business Process & Applications professionals participating in this track will learn how to align their current and future technology investments and deployment models with transformational business process initiatives. Information & Knowledge Management professionals participating in this track will gain practical advice and examples of how IT leaders are turning their people, technology, and information management investments into distinctive business outcomes.

For Business Process & Applications ProfessionalsBest Practices For Consolidating And Centralizing Your BI Environment, Including Do’s And Don’ts From Your PeersJames G. Kobielus, Senior AnalystSAP’s Current State And Future TrajectoryGeorge Lawrie, Principal Analyst, James G. Kobielus, Senior Analyst, and Stefan Reid, Ph.D., Senior AnalystBPM: The New Language Of IT To BTDerek Miers, Principal Analyst and Alexander Peters, Ph.D., Principal AnalystCenters Of Excellence For SAP Governance Alexander Peters, Ph.D., Principal AnalystTransform Business Processes Through Business Analytics James G. Kobielus, Senior Analyst, Connie Moore, Vice President, Research Director, and Derek Miers, Principal Analyst

For Information & Knowledge Management ProfessionalsBuild An Innovation Center To Harness Emerging TechnologiesRob Koplowitz, Principal AnalystSharePoint 2010 Beta: Early Lessons Learned And Road Map PlanningRob Koplowitz, Principal AnalystIs Google Wave The 21st-Century Future Of Collaboration?Ted Schadler, Vice President, Principal AnalystTurning Your Intranet Into An Efficient Information WorkplaceTim Walters, Ph.D., Senior AnalystTo SharePoint Or Not To SharePoint For External Web SitesStephen Powers, Principal Analyst



Carol ItoCIO

Eric AdamsEnterprise Architecture Professional


Leading Your Business Technology Transformation Boosting The Value And Impact Of EA

As firms embark on the transformation from IT to BT (business technology), CIOs’ leadership abilities will be put to the test. Smart CIOs will carry the BT torch by deftly shedding their outdated technology portfolio and processes in favor of technology-enabled business innovations and services. This track will arm senior IT leaders with insights and real-world examples of emerging organizational, process, and technology practices that drive new business value without placing the organization at risk.

Total Economic Impact™ (TEI): Justify Business-Critical IT Investments (Action Session)Chip Gliedman, Vice President, Principal Analyst

Business Technology Investment Strategies: Categorizing And Classifying IT Investments In The BT Service CatalogChip Gliedman, Vice President, Principal Analyst

From Black Box To Glass Box: Case Studies In IT Transparency Craig Symons, Vice President, Principal Analyst

IT Governance In A BT World

Craig Symons, Vice President, Principal Analyst

Future BT Organizational Models Marc Cecere, Vice President, Principal Analyst

Leading Your IT Workforce TransitionMarc Cecere, Vice President, Principal Analyst

The CIO’s Guide To Social ComputingNigel Fenwick, Vice President, Principal Analyst

Building A Road Map To BT Demand Management MaturityBobby Cameron, Vice President, Principal Analyst

Pursuing Emerging Technologies In ContextBobby Cameron, Vice President, Principal Analyst

In a business technology world, IT can’t remain an order-taker and must mature its business partnership capabilities. Enterprise architecture (EA) is the critical success factor for this partnership. Sessions in this track will help EA professionals realize this role in IT-business partnership — examining how to create a business-focused and relevant architecture and how to craft an EA program that drives this partnership.

Crafting Your Technology Strategy For Business ImpactRandy Heffner, Vice President, Principal Analyst

The Anatomy Of Capability MapsAlex Cullen, Vice President, Research Director

You Need Information Architecture To Reap The Benefits In The Next Tech BoomGene Leganza, Vice President, Principal Analyst, and Henry Peyret,

Principal Analyst

Services As Context: Binding Business Architecture To Information And Application Architecture

Randy Heffner, Vice President, Principal Analyst; Gene Leganza, Vice

President, Principal Analyst; and Noel Yuhanna, Principal Analyst

How Next-Generation Systems Management Meets The Needs Of Digital Business Galen Schreck, Principal Analyst

Next-Generation Enterprise Architecture (Panel Discussion)Moderated by: Gene Leganza, Vice President, Principal Analyst Panel:

Bobby Cameron, Vice President, Principal Analyst, Alex Cullen, Vice

President, Research Director, and Henry Peyret, Principal Analyst

The Role Of EA Before, During, And After An M&AHenry Peyret, Principal Analyst

Marketing Tactics To Boost EA’s Value MessageAlex Cullen, Vice President, Research Director

PPM, APM, And The State Of The Art For EA GovernanceHenry Peyret, Principal Analyst , and Diego Lo Giudice, Vice President,

Principal Consultant




Stefan ValentiSourcing & Vendor Management Professional



Enabling Business Transformation Through IT Infrastructure, Operations, Security, And Risk Management

Sourcing Strategies For The Business-Technology-Focused Enterprise

As the global economy recovers, pent-up business demand for new applications and new market initiatives will thrust infrastructure and operations (I&O) and security and risk management (SRM) leaders and their teams into the heart of the business technology (BT) transformation. But with these new opportunities — such as cloud computing, client virtualization, and mobility — come increased security and risk management concerns. This track will show how I&O and SRM decision-makers can embrace BT activities and apply their expertise and techniques to elevate skills and accelerate business capabilities.

Building A Skills Competency Benchmark For Your Infrastructure & Operations Team (Action Session)Rachel A. Dines, Researcher

Optimizing Service Management: Automate With Continual Service Improvement Glenn O’Donnell, Senior Analyst

Justifying Your Cloud InvestmentJames Staten, Principal Analyst

The Future Of Client Virtualization Benjamin Gray, Senior Analyst

The Mobile Platform Wars Escalate Benjamin Gray, Senior Analyst

Assessing The Maturity Of Green IT In Your Organization (Action Session)Doug Washburn, Analyst

Real-World Infrastructure Efficiency KPIsAndrew Reichman, Senior Analyst

Security In The Cloud — A Paradigm ShiftKhalid Kark, Vice President, Principal Analyst

Building A World-Class Security OrganizationKhalid Kark, Vice President, Principal Analyst

Identity Management In 2010: Building A Flexible, Compliant, Secure Foundation Andras Cser, Principal Analyst

As firms embark on the transformation from IT to BT, sourcing and vendor management professionals must assume new roles. They must help the business understand key technology trends and tradeoffs of new and legacy sourcing models, and they must ensure maximum value from vendor investments. They play a crucial role in optimizing technology spend — and in making sure that they are taking advantage of newer models like SaaS and cloud services where it makes sense. This track will focus on key sourcing and vendor management strategies for making BT work across major areas of technology investment including applications, infrastructure, services, and telco.

Planning, Building, And Running Your Multisourcing ModelEuan Davis, Principal Analyst

Can Your Offshore Providers Help In Business Transformation?Sudin Apte, Principal Analyst

Measuring The Risks And Value Of Emerging Technologies Chris Andrews, Senior Analyst

The Future Of Application Services In The CloudLiz Herbert, Senior Analyst

SaaS Sourcing Strategies: How To Sustain Business Empowerment While Maintaining IT GoalsLiz Herbert, Senior Analyst

Understanding The Strengths And Weaknesses Of Major IT Sourcing ModelsWolfgang Benkel, Principal Consultant

Focus On Governance To Drive Sourcing SuccessEuan Davis, Principal Analyst, and Wolfgang Benkel, Principal Consultant

How Sourcing Professionals Can Drive More Innovation From Service ProvidersChris Andrews, Senior Analyst

New Global Telecoms Service Delivery Models: Enterprises Will Benefit From Emerging ICT And Cloud-Type Telecoms ServicesBrownlee Thomas, Ph.D., Principal Analyst

Noughty Software Licensing — Is The Obituary Premature?Liz Herbert, Senior Analyst

Sean RhodesSecurity & Risk Professional

Ian OliverInfrastructure & Operations Professional





Engaging BT Professionals: Navigating The Next Three Years Of Tech Industry Recovery

June 8, 2010 – LisbonThe Marketing Of IT

Enterprise technology customers are seizing greater control over their destinies as they transform business with IT. These business technology (BT) professionals increasingly base decisions in terms of business outcomes, not traditional technology feature, function, or performance metrics. B2B tech companies must significantly upgrade core customer-facing competencies to successfully engage business technologists. The tech industry’s new winners will be vendors that undergo their own BT transformation — introducing BT into all marketing, selling, and customer interactions that in turn will power clients’ BT adoption and success. Technology vendors large and small need to navigate huge issues in order to succeed, including the size and shape of the tech industry’s recovery in 2010 and beyond, pivoting to “as-a-service” delivery and pricing of IT capabilities, and the advent of Smart Computing that will bring IT capabilities to bear on new classes of business problems.

Sales Enablement: Effective Practices And Leadership Lessons LearnedEric G. Brown, Vice President, Research Director, and Bradford J. Holmes, Vice President, Role Manager – Sales Enablement

Dynamic Product Portfolios For Dynamic Channels Tom Grant, Ph.D., Senior Analyst, and Tim Harmon, Senior Analyst

Building Powerful B2B Technology CommunitiesPeter Burris, Principal Analyst, Research Director

The Future Of The B2B Technology Marketing MixMichael Gale, Vice President

The Tech Industry Rebound In 2010 And BeyondAndrew Bartels, Vice President, Principal Analyst, Holger Kisker, Ph.D., Senior Analyst

Strategies For “Everything-As-A-Service” Pricing And Delivery ModelsPascal Matzke, Vice President, Principal Analyst

The Cloud Opportunity for StrategistsStefan Reid, Senior Analyst

Led by Bobby Cameron, Vice President, Principal Analyst, Forrester ResearchParticipants in this Workshop will learn how to develop an IT marketing program that improves the communication of IT’s value and increases the successful deployment and adoption of IT-based solutions. The Workshop will provide detailed guidance on how to get started marketing IT’s work, using examples of how other IT organizations organize, justify, target, and deliver successful IT marketing campaigns. Topics covered include: making the case for IT marketing, establishing a marketing plan, segmenting the business and IT audience, using multiple communication channels, taking advantage of portals and newsletters, assigning the work, using external PR where appropriate, and measuring the program’s success. Through discussions and group exercises, participants will gain valuable insight and sample takeaways that will enable their IT organizations to elevate business’ perception and involvement — improving IT’s effectiveness.

Justifying Technology Investments

Led by Robert Cormier, Principal Consultant, Forrester ResearchLearn the fundamentals for building effective business cases for technology investments by applying Forrester’s proven Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) framework and methodology. Forrester Principal Consultant, Bob Cormier, teaches you how to build sound business cases; easily understand basic financial concepts; quantify business benefits, risks, and flexibility options; and prioritize and communicate with business stakeholders and management. Apply this learning in exercises and a case study, ending the day building an action plan to incorporate an improved technology business case process within your organization. Pre-Forum Workshop pricing: €1,500 for paying IT Forum EMEA 2010 attendees (€1,975 regular rate). To register, call: +31 (0)20.305.4848

Victor ScottVendor Strategy Professional

Travis MartinTechnology Product Management & Marketing Professional

"From the view of a sourcing unit in the financial industry, the Forrester IT Forum conference provided valuable insights into other buyers' challenges, the latest IT developments, and

good, relevant networking opportunities."

Jacob Ikkala, Sourcing Specialist, Group Sourcing, Nordea,,,,



Serving Application Development & Delivery Professionals

Serving Business Process Professionals

Serving CIOs

Serving Enterprise Architecture Professionals

Serving Information & Knowledge Management Professionals


Mary Gerush, AnalystApplication Development, Application Development Management, Application Development Metrics & Benchmarks, Application Development Organizational Structure, Application Development Processes & Tools, Application Development Roles & Responsibilities, IT Management, Portfolio Management & PMOs, Project Management Tools & Processes, Requirements De�nition & Management

Connie Moore, Vice President, Research DirectorBusiness Process Management, Business Process Optimization, Collaboration Strategy, Enterprise Collaboration, Enterprise Content Management, IT Management, IT Organization, Information & Knowledge Management, Organizational Design & Change Management, Packaged Applications

Marc Cecere, Vice President, Principal AnalystApplication Development, Architecture & Technology Strategy, Budgeting & Forecasting, Cost Control, IT Management, IT Organization, IT Spending & Budgeting, IT Strategic Planning, IT Strategy, Planning, & Governance, Organizational Design & Change Management

Nigel Fenwick, Vice President, Principal AnalystBusiness Technology, Business Value of IT, CIO Leadership, CIO Role, Customer Experience, IT & Business Alignment, IT As A Business, IT Management, IT Strategic Planning, IT Strategy, Planning, & Governance, Retail, Retail Technologies, Serving The Business, Social Computing & Web 2.0, The Marketing Of IT

Chip Gliedman, Vice President, Principal AnalystBusiness Process Management, CRM Strategy & Deployment, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Relationship Management Applications, Customer Service & Support, IT Management, IT Spending & Budgeting, Packaged Applications, Portfolio Management & PMOs, Total Economic Impact™

Craig Symons, Vice President, Principal AnalystBalanced Scorecard, CIO Leadership, CIO Role, IT Governance, IT Management, IT Organization, IT Portfolio Management, IT Strategic Planning, IT Strategy, Planning, & Governance

Alex Cullen, Vice President, Research DirectorIT Management, IT Organization, IT Strategy, Planning, & Governance, Organizational Design & Change Management

Randy Heffner, Vice President, Principal AnalystApplication Architecture, Application Development, Application Development Processes & Tools, Application Security, Digital Business Architecture, Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Architecture Domains, SOA & Web Services, SOA Design, SOA Management & Web Services Management, SOA Platforms, SOA Security, SOA Strategy, Security & Risk, Service-Oriented Architecture, Software Modeling

Rob Koplowitz, Principal AnalystCollaboration Strategy, Enterprise Collaboration, Information & Knowledge Management, Information Workplace, Instant Messaging, Messaging

Gene Leganza, Vice President, Principal AnalystApplication Architecture, Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Architecture Domains, Government, IT Management, IT Strategic Planning, IT Strategy, Planning, & Governance, Information Architecture, Technical Architecture

Stephen Powers, Principal AnalystDigital Asset Management, Document Management, Enterprise Content Management, Information & Knowledge Management, Web Content Management

Henry Peyret, Principal AnalystEA Modeling & Repository Tools, Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Architecture Practices, Government, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Professional Services, Retail, Telecommunications Services, Transportation & Logistics, Travel

Ted Schadler, Vice President, Principal AnalystCollaboration Platforms & Strategy, Enterprise Collaboration, Information & Knowledge Management, Information Workplace, Instant Messaging, Real-Time Collaboration, Web Conferencing

Galen Schreck, Principal AnalystCloud Computing, Computer Architectures, Data Center Management, Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Architecture Domains, High Availability/Fault Tolerance, IT Infrastructure & Operations, IT Management, IT Strategic Planning, IT Strategy, Planning, & Governance, Processor Architectures, Server Virtualization, Systems Management, Systems Partitioning & Virtualization, Technical Architecture

Tim Walters, Ph.D., Senior AnalystDigital Asset Management, Document Management, Enterprise Content Management, Information & Knowledge Management, Web Content Management

Alexander Peters, Ph.D., Principal AnalystEnterprise Architecture, IT Governance, IT Management, IT Organization, IT Strategic Planning, IT Strategy, Planning, & Governance, Organizational Design & Change Management, Sourcing & Procurement, Sourcing Strategy & Execution

Bobby Cameron, Vice President, Principal AnalystApplication Development, Architecture & Technology Strategy, Business Value of IT, Governance, Risk, & Compliance, IT & Business Alignment, IT Governance, IT Management, IT Operations Measurement, IT Strategic Planning, IT Strategy, Planning, & Governance, Security & Risk, Serving The Business

Jost Hoppermann, Vice President, Principal AnalystApplication Development, Application Planning & Strategy, Architecture & Technology Strategy, Banking Platforms, EA Governance Processes, EA Organizational Structure, Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Architecture Practices, Financial Services, Multichannel Architecture, Retail Banking

George Lawrie, Principal AnalystConsumer Packaged Goods, Enterprise ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning Applications, Financial Services, Manufacturing, Packaged Applications, Professional Services, Retail, Supply Chain Management

Diego Lo Giudice, Vice President, Principal ConsultantApplication Architecture, Application Development, Application Development Processes & Tools, Architecture & Technology Strategy, Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Architecture Domains, Enterprise Architecture Practices, IT Management, Open Source Strategy, SOA & Web Services, Sourcing & Procurement, Sourcing Strategy & Execution Also serving Business Process & Applications professionals

Margo Visitacion, Vice PresidentAgile Methodologies, Application Development, Application Development Processes & Tools, IT Management, Portfolio Management & PMOs, Project Portfolio Management, Quality Assurance, Testing & Test Management

Dave West, Senior AnalystAgile Methodologies, Application Development Metrics & Benchmarks, Processes & Methodologies, Processes & Tools, Application Infrastructure Technologies, Application Life-Cycle Management, EA Modeling & Repository Tools, Enterprise Architecture, IT Management, Portfolio Management & PMOs, Programming Languages, Project Management Tools & Processes, Requirements De�nition & Management, Software Change & Con�guration Management, Software Modeling

Noel Yuhanna, Principal AnalystB2B Sales & Marketing, Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery, Clustering, Computer Architectures, Data Center Management, Data Integration, Data Management, Data Protection, Data Security, Database Management Systems, Enterprise Architecture, IT Infrastructure & Operations, Information & Knowledge Management, Information Protection, Integration Technologies, Mobile Services, Security & Risk, Storage & Data Management, Telecommunications Services

James G. Kobielus, Senior AnalystAnalytic Applications, Business Intelligence, Data Integration, Data Management, Data Mining & Advanced Analytics, Data Visualization, Data Warehousing, Database Management Systems, Enterprise Portals & Search, Information & Knowledge Management, Integration Technologies, OLAP, Predictive Analytics, Text Mining & Analytics

Derek Miers, Principal AnalystApplication Development, B2B Sales & Marketing, Enterprise Marketing Platforms, Interactive Marketing, Marketing & Advertising, Marketing Automation, SOA & Web Services

Benjamin Gray, Senior AnalystClient Computing Hardware, Client Operating Systems & Software, Enterprise Desktops, Enterprise Laptops, Enterprise Mobile Devices, Enterprise Mobility, IT Infrastructure & Operations, Mobile Operating Systems, Mobile Services, Mobile Software & Platforms, Telecommunications Services

Rachel A. Dines, AnalystBuild And Lead A High-Performing Infrastructure And Operations Team, Business Value Of IT, Data Center Management, Data Center Planning, IT Infrastructure & Operations, IT Management, IT Operations Measurement, IT Organization, IT Strategy, Planning, & Governance, Server Management, Server Virtualization, Serving The Business, Systems Management, The Marketing Of IT

Serving Infrastructure & Operations Professionals

Application Development, Application Development Processes & Tools, Information-As-A-Service, Lean Software, SOA & Web Services, Service-Oriented Architecture

Mike Gilpin, Vice President, Research Director

Application Management, Client Computing Hardware, Client Operating Systems & Software, Client Security & Management, Computer Displays, Enterprise Laptops, Enterprise Mobile Devices, Enterprise Mobility, IT Infrastructure & Operations, Mobile Operating Systems, Mobile Software & Platforms, PC Support, Peripheral Devices, Server-Based Computing

Simon Yates, Vice President, CIO Group


Serving Security & Risk Professionals

Serving Sourcing & Vendor Management Professionals

Serving Technology Product Management & Marketing Professionals

Serving Technology Sales Enablement Professionals

Serving Vendor Strategy Professionals

Liz Herbert, Senior AnalystAccounting Systems, Contract Negotiations, Distribution Channels — ISVs, OEMs, & VARs, Enterprise ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning Applications, Financial Management, IT Consulting, Midmarket ERP, Outsourcing, Package Implementation Services, Packaged Applications, Pricing, RFPs, Service-Level Agreements, Software As A Service, Sourcing & Procurement, Supplier Scorecarding, Sustainable Sourcing, Systems Integration, Vendor Evaluation, Vendor Management

Peter Burris, Principal Analyst, Research DirectorApplication Development, Enterprise Marketing Platforms, Interactive Marketing, Marketing & Advertising, Marketing Automation, SOA & Web Services, Sales, Marketing, & Product Strategy.

Tim Harmon, Senior AnalystBoost leads and productivity through an integrated marketing mix, Build business with effective channel partners, Drive client value and pro�ts via effective product management, Drive sales and pipeline performance via effective, end-to-end programs, Engage customers and prospects globally using social media, Establish a global brand that attracts opportunity and drives sales

Peter O’Neill, Vice President, Principal AnalystBusiness Service Management, Competitive Analysis, Computer Hardware & Software Industries, Data Center Management, Globalization & Emerging Markets, Go-To-Market Strategies, IT Process Automation, ITIL, Innovation Networks, Marketing & Sales Strategies, Partnership Best Practices, Social Computing & Web 2.0, Tech Tech Marketing Value Proposition, Technographics Segmentation, Technology Vendor Alliances & Partnerships

Eric G. Brown, Vice President, Research DirectorEmerging Marketing Channels, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Marketing & Advertising, Marketing Organization & Culture, Value-Based Marketing

Bob Cormier, Principal AnalystIT Spending & Budgeting, Total Economic Impact™

Bradford J. Holmes, Vice President, Role Manager — Sales EnablementB2B Sales & Marketing, Government, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Tech Marketing Strategies, Tech Marketing Tools & Best Practices

Pascal Matzke, Vice President, Principal AnalystB2B Sales & Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, Go-To-Market Strategies, Marketing & Advertising, Mergers & Acquisitions, Offshore Services, Outsourcing, Packaged Applications, Partner & Af�liate Marketing, Product & Solutions Strategies, Sourcing & Procurement, Sourcing Execution, Sourcing Strategy & Execution, Stakeholder Alignment, Strategy Execution & Measurement, Systems Integration, Technology Vendor Alliances & Partnerships

Thomas Mendel, Ph.D., Vice President, Research DirectorB2B Sales & Marketing, Business Service Management, CMDB, Corporate Strategy, Data Center Management, IT Infrastructure & Operations, IT Management Software, IT Process Automation, Media & Entertainment, Mobile Services, Product & Solutions Strategies, Service-Level Agreements, Sourcing & Procurement, Strategy Execution & Measurement, Systems Management, Telecommunications Services

Holger Kisker, Ph.D., Senior AnalystApplication Development, Application Strategy & Selection, Business Process Management, Business Process Modeling, Customer Relationship Management, Energy & Utilities, Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Resource Planning Applications, Information & Knowledge Management, Manufacturing, Order Management, Packaged Applications, Supply Chain Management

Andrew Bartels, Vice President, Principal AnalystAuthentication, Authorization, & Audit, B2B Sales & Marketing, Financial Services, Government, High-Tech, IT Spending & Budgeting, Professional Services, Security & Risk, Smart Cards, Sourcing & Procurement, Tech Marketing Strategies, Tech Marketing Tools & Best Practices, Tech Sector Economics, eBusiness/eCommerce, eCommerce Platforms & Technologies

Ellen Daley, Vice President, Role Manager – Vendor StrategyB2B Sales & Marketing, Enterprise Mobility, Market Research Tools & Best Practices, Tech Marketing Strategies & Best Practices, Telecommunications Services

Mike Cans�eld, Principal AnalystCommunication Service Provider Issues & Technologies, Convergence Services, European Telecommunications Services, Managed Telecommunications Services, Structural Separation, Telecommunications Marketing, Telecommunications Services, Telecommunications Services By Region, Wholesale Communications

Stefan Ried, Ph.D., Senior AnalystApplication Development Processes & Tools, Application Infrastructure Technologies, Application Planning & Strategy, Application Platforms & Programming Strategy, Application Server Platforms, Architecture & Technology Strategy, B2B Sales & Marketing, EA Governance Processes, EA Organizational Structure, Enterprise Architecture Practices, Enterprise Service Bus, IT Infrastructure & Operations, Professional Services, Repositories & Registries, SOA & Web Services, SOA Governance, Service-Oriented Architecture

Brownlee Thomas, Ph.D., Principal AnalystBroadband & Remote Access, Client Security & Management, Contract Negotiations, Convergence Services, Enterprise Mobile Devices, Enterprise Mobility, Global Mobile Services, Global Satellite Services, Global Telecommunications Services, Hosted & Managed IP PBX Services, Managed Telecommunications Services, Mobile Broadband Access & Device Management, Mobile Roaming & Services, Outsourcing, RFPs, Remote Work & Telecommuting, Site-To-Site MPLS Services, Video/Videoconferencing Services, Sourcing & Procurement, Telecommunications Services, Uni�ed Communications, Vendor Management, Voice Over IP Platforms & Services, Wide Area Networks & Data Services, Wireless Voice Services - Mobile Voice & VoWi-Fi

Andrew Reichman, Senior AnalystConsumer Electronics, Consumer Technology, Data Archiving, Data Protection, IT Infrastructure & Operations, Next Generation DVDs, Storage & Data Management, Storage Management, Storage Networking

Onica King, ResearcherData Center Management, Green IT, IT Asset Management, IT Infrastructure & Operations, IT Process Automation, ITIL

Phil Sayer, Principal AnalystClient Security & Management, Convergence Services, Data Services, Enterprise Mobile Devices, Enterprise Mobility, Financial Services, IT Infrastructure & Operations, IT Services, LAN Protocols & Standards, Local Area Networks, Managed Telecommunications Services, Mobile Device Management, Mobile Services, Networking, Outsourcing, Telecommunications Services, Uni�ed Communications, Voice Over IP Platforms, Voice Over IP Services, Wide Area Network Services

James Staten, Principal AnalystBlade Servers, Capacity On Demand & Utility Computing, Cloud Computing, Computer Architectures, Data Center Architecture, Data Center Consolidation, Data Center Management, Grid Computing, IT Infrastructure & Operations, Server Consolidation, Server Hardware, Server Virtualization, Systems Management, X86 Servers

Andras Cser, Principal AnalystEnterprise Single Sign-On, Entitlement Management, Financial Services, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Identity & Access Management, Mobile Services, Passwords, Professional Services, Security & Risk, Strong Authentication, Telecommunications Services, User Account Provisioning, Web Single Sign-On

Khalid Kark, Vice President, Principal AnalystGovernance, Risk, & Compliance, IT Compliance Management, IT Risk Management, Regulations & Legislation, Security & Risk, Security Performance Management, Security Policies, Security Program Governance, Security Services, Security Standards, Regulations, & Legislation, Security Strategy

Chris Andrews, Senior AnalystB2B Sales & Marketing, Contract Negotiations, Corporate Strategy, Go-To-Market Strategies, IT Consulting, IT Services, Innovation Networks, Marketing & Sales Strategies, Mergers & Acquisitions, Mergers & Acquisitions Best Practices, Offshore Services, Product & Solutions Strategies, RFPs, Sourcing & Procurement, Sourcing Strategy & Execution, Strategy Execution & Measurement, Strategy Frameworks & Models, Systems Integration, Vendor Management, Vendor Positioning

Sudin Apte, Principal AnalystIT Services, Offshore Services, Outsourcing, Systems Integration

Wolfgang Benkel, Principal ConsultantPricing, RFPs, Service-Level Agreements, Sourcing & Procurement, Sourcing Strategy & Execution

Doug Washburn, AnalystClient Computing Hardware, Data Center Management, Green IT, IT Infrastructure & Operations, IT Management, IT Organization, Server Hardware, Server Management, Storage & Data Management, Storage Management

Glenn O'Donnell, Senior AnalystApplication Development, Application Performance Monitoring, Business Service Management, CMDB, Capacity Modeling & Planning, Data Center Automation, IT Asset Management, IT Infrastructure & Operations, IT Management, IT Organization, IT Process Automation, IT Service Management, IT Strategy, Planning, & Governance, ITIL, Infrastructure Change Management, Infrastructure Con�guration Management, Infrastructure Metrics, Integrated IT Management, Networking, Organizational Design & Change Management, Server Management, Server Provisioning, Service-Level Management, Software Distribution, Systems Management





Hotel Miragem CascaisAvenida Marginal, 8554, Cascais 2754-536Phone: +351 210 060

The Hotel Cascais Miragem is a contemporary design hotel that offers magnificent views over the Atlantic Ocean. Rooms at the conference hotel are limited, so register early for the Forum to secure your room at the Miragem!

Forrester’s Infrastructure & Operations Forum EMEAMarch 11–12, 2010, London

Forrester's Security Forum EMEAMarch 11–12, 2010, London

Forrester's Infrastructure & Operations Forum USMarch 17–18, 2010, Dallas

Forrester's IT Forum USMay 26–28, 2010, Las Vegas

Forrester's IT Forum EMEAJune 09–11, 2010, Lisbon

Forrester's Security Forum USSeptember 16–17, 2010, Boston

Forrester's Business Process & Applications Forum USOctober 07–08, 2010, National Harbor

Forrester's Content & Collaboration Forum USOctober 07–08, 2010, National Harbor

Forrester's CIO Summit USOctober 07, 2010, National Harbor

Forrester's Services & Sourcing Forum USNovember 09–10, 2010, Chicago

Forrester's Services & Sourcing Forum EMEANovember 16-17, 2010, London

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€2,295 €2,495

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€3,690 €3,990

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STEP 2 Choose Your Role: Find the role that best matches your function and write the corresponding “letter” in the “Role box” in “STEP 3 Your Details.”

A Application Development & DeliveryB Technology Product Management & MarketingC Business Process & ApplicationsD Information & Knowledge Management

E Infrastructure & OperationsF Technology Sales EnablementG Sourcing & Vendor ManagementH Enterprise Architecture

I Security & RiskJ CIOK Analyst RelationsL Vendor Strategy