forotrix documentation.doc

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  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc




    Ayesha Mehboob(09-arid-602

    !ahee" Ta#$%(09-arid-6&0

    Maria Isha%#e(09-arid-626

    S#'erised by

    Syed Meh)ab Aa*a"




    BS (CS






  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    Dedi4a)ed )o o#r be*oed 'are5)s a5d )o a** )hose 7hose 'rayersa*7ays 'ae )he 7ay )o s#44ess 8or #s



  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    Project Title : Image Processing Editor

    Organization : PMAS-UIIT

    Objectives : To enance te !otos and give tem a better loo"#

    Underta"en $% : A%esa Meboob &'(-arid-)'2*

    +aeem Ta,. &'(-arid-)1'*

    Maria Isa.,e &'(-arid-)2)*

    S,!ervised $% : Mr# S%ed Metab Aalam

    /ate Started : Marc '10 2'1

    /ate om!leted : 3,l% '0 2'1

    Tecnologies Used : Android0 Ecli!se0 3ava

    O!erating S%stem : Android 4#'#2 &Ice ream Sand5ic*

    S%stem Used :

  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc



    Tan"s to Almigt% Alla 6or giving ,s "no5ledge0 !o5er and strengt to

    accom!lis tis tas"# 7e learned a lot 5ile doing tis !roject and tis 5ill

    certainl% el! ,s in o,r 6ort coming li6e# Man% 6riends o6 ,s el!ed ,s d,ring

    tis !roject b,t 5e are reall% tan"6,l to te el! and s,!!ort o6 Mr# S%ed

    Metab Aalam 6rom Instit,te o6 In6ormation Tecnolog%0 5o el!ed ,s in all

    te !ases o6 tis !roject# 8is s,!ervision el!ed ,s a lot d,ring te times o6

    di9c,lties# In te end 5e 5o,ld li"e to tan" all o6 o,r 6riends 6or teir

    s,!!ort and enco,ragement



    !A.EEM TA,!I/



  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc



    I5e ereb% declare tat tis so6t5are0 neiter as a 5ole nor as a !art as

    been co!ied o,t 6rom an% so,rce# It is 6,rter declared tat I 5e ave

    develo!ed tis so6t5are and accom!anied re!ort entirel% on te basis o6

    m%o,r !ersonal e;orts# I6 an% !art o6 tis !roject is !roved to be co!ied o,t

    6rom an% so,rce or 6o,nd to be re!rod,ction o6 some oter# I 7e 5ill stand

    b% te conse.,ences#

  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc



    It is certied tat te contents and 6orm o6 te !roject entitled >6ototri?@s,bmitted b% A%esa Meboob &'(-arid-)'2*0 +aeem Ta,. &'(-arid-)1'*

    and Maria Isa.,e &'(-arid-)2)* as been 6o,nd satis6actor% 6or te

    re.,irements o6

    PMAS - Arid A;ri4#*)#re ,5iersi)y Ra7a*'i5di

    !or )he a7ard o8 )he de;ree o8


    BS (CS


    Mr# S%ed Metab Aalam

    E=a"i5er &<

    Mr# BBBBBBB#

    E=a"i5er 2<

    Mr# BBBBBBB#

    Da)ed< Dire4)or< >

    /r# Soail Asgar


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    TABE O! Co5)e5)s






    C.APTER &&0


    1#1 I

  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    2.*.+ Re"i,e t)e -)oto"###############################################################################################1K2.*. C)a%ge t)e /ormat" o/ -)oto"############################################################################1K2.*.0 e-loy a--li$atio% i% a%droid maret#################################################################1K2.*. C)a%ge t)e "etti%g" o/ old -)oto"######################################################################1K

    2#) SPEI+IATIOter%al I%ter/a$e Re=uireme%t"########################################################################1(2#J PCO3ET O$3ETIES#################################################################################################1(2#K USE ASES#################################################################################################################2'

    C.APTER 322


    #1 USEASES&/IAGCAM*####################################################################################################22#2 DASS/IAGCAMS###########################################################################################################2# ATIIT/IAGCAMS########################################################################################################24#4 SEHUE

  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    *.2.* Ca%&a"############################################################################################################### 41*.2.+ Palette################################################################################################################ 41*.2. Co%Aguratio% C)oo"er########################################################################################41*.2.0 7ayout Re/a$tori%g Su--ort################################################################################41*.2. 6-dati%g t)e (T Plugi%#####################################################################################42

    =# 7I

  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc






    O,r !roject entitled0 as >6ototri?@ an >Image Processing Editor@ is basicall% anandroid based !roject# Te s%stem is develo!ed to !rovide a sol,tion toandroid ,sers 6or enancing !otos# It !rovides vario,s !o5er6,l tools 6or5or"ing 5it images#


    Te s%stem is designed and develo!ed "ee!ing in vie5 tat it so,ld be ,ser6riendl%0 it so,ld ave a good inter6ace0 it so,ld ave an im!ressingo,tloo"0 attract at rst sigt0 ,ser 6riendl% and sel6-e?!lanator%#Dist o6 tas"s o,r editor !er6orms are enancing its contrast and brigtness0resizing !ict,re according to screen size0 a!!l%ing e;ects &negative0 blac"and 5ite0 se!ia0 gre%scale0 tresold0 smooting0 gla%0 oil !ainting etc#*0a!!l%ing lters &emboss0 sar!en0 bl,r*0 saving or sending desired !otos0adj,sting te geometr% &le6t rigt rotation and cro!!ing*# O,r editor does nota;ect te original !oto#


    Te sco!e o6 a s%stem means tat 5ic areas are being covered b% tes%stem# Te sco!e clearl% denes te bo,ndaries o6 te !ro!osed s%stem#Te 6,nctional areas o6 tis a!!lication tat lies ,nder te sco!e o6 !ro!oseds%stem are: brigtness balance0 contrast balance0 rotate 6,nctionalit%0 cro!6,nctionalit%0 send !otos tro,g emails0 save images in te S/ card0 resizean image according to te screen size0 cange te 6ormats o6 te images and

    lter bases image modication0 AdSense to so5 Ads ,sing Google Ad mobsand also te de!lo%ment o6 tis a!!lication in te android mar"et# Image!rocessing as been ne5l% introd,ced in mobile !ones#



  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    In tis !roject o,r image !rocessing and !oto editing services lets %o,enance and mani!,late !otogra!s b% a!!l%ing di;erent lters0 le6t andrigt rotations0 cro!!ing etc# to meet %o,r needs#


    +ollo5ing are te di;erent com!onents or mod,les o6 o,r !roject#

    &3& I"a;e Geo"e)ry "od#*e

    Tis mod,le incl,des te geometr% e;ects 6or e?am!le rotation &bot le6tand rigt* and cro!!ing#

    &32 !i*)er Mod#*e

    O,r lter mod,le incl,des bl,r0 sar!en and emboss#


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    &33 Bro7se se*e4) a5d sae i"a;es

    Tis mod,le incl,des bro5sing !otos 6rom S/ card0 coosing te one andsetting tat to Image ie5 on Editor Screen and a6ter a!!l%ing di;erent

    e;ects save tat image on S/ card#

    &3@ AdSe5se )o sho7 Ads

    Tis mod,le incl,des creating AdSense to so5 te Google ads on o,ra!!lication# Google AdSense is a e?ible 5a% to earn reven,e#

    &3 Se5d desired i"a;es )hro#;h e"ai*s

    Tis mod,le incl,des sending o6 desired images tro,g an% o6 te mailing

    servers &8otmail0 %aoo mail and Gmail*#

    &36 Resie )he 'ho)os

    Tis mod,le incl,des resizing o6 !oto to s!ecic sizes according to ? %coordinate#

    &3 Cha5;e )he 8or"a)s o8 'ho)os

    O,r a!!lication lets %o, cange te 6ormat o6 !oto 6rom one t%!e to anoter6or e#g# j!eg to !ng and vice versa#

    &3 De'*oy a''*i4a)io5 i5 a5droid "ar:e)

    Google Pla% is te content-deliver% mar"et!lace o;ered b% Google and 5eave de!lo%ed o,r a!!lication in te !la% store#

    &39 I"a;e 4o*or 'ro4essi5;

    Tis mod,le incl,des brigtness and contrast adj,stments and di;erente;ects li"e blac" and 5ite0 se!ia0 gra%scale0 gla%0 smooting etc#

    &3&0 Cha5;e )he se))i5;s o8 o*d 'ho)os

    Old !otos can be canged b% ,sing an% o6 te 6eat,re li"e cro!!ing0resizing0 a!!l%ing lters0 setting contrast and brigtness etc#


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc



    7e 5ill nd te 6ollo5ing "ind o6 re!ort 6rom te !ro!osed sol,tion# O,r a!!lication 5it its less editing 6eat,res satises te needs o6 most

    o6 te !eo!le# O,r a!!lication is ligt 5eigted#

    A6ter a!!l%ing te !rovided 6eat,res0 te .,alit% remains te same#

    O,r a!!lication tends to !rovide nest .,alit% images#

    O,r a!!lication is ver% e9cient#


    Lee!ing in vie5 te ,ser re.,irement0 o,r s%stem 5ill !rovide te 6ollo5ing


    && E!!ICIENC1

    E9cienc% o6 an% s%stem is concerned 5it te minim,m !rocessing time as5ell as te o!timal ,se o6 s%stem reso,rces in designing te !ro!oseds%stemN te e9cienc% 6actor as been ta"en 5ell into consideration#O,r a!!lication is e9cient in a 5a% tat it !rocesses eac activit% e9cientl%5it a little dela%#


    Te inter6ace o6 te s%stem is designed and develo!ed "ee!ing in vie5 tatit so,ld be ,ser 6riendl%0 so tat ,ser ma% be benetted tro,g teservices !rovided b% te s%stem# O,r a!!lication !rovides a 5ell-designedand eas% to ,se inter6ace tat can be ,sed to go tro,g all !ortions o6 tea!!lication easil%# O,r a!!lication can be easil% andled b% all ,sers#


    O,r a!!lication !rovides no cance 6or red,ndanc% o6 data#



  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    Tecnolog% is being dened b% innovations# Innovative a!!lications ma"emore !rogress# O,r a!!lication being innovative 5ill o!e6,ll% ma"e good!rogress#


    A "e% 6eat,re o6 te !ro!osed sol,tion 5o,ld be its e?tensibilit%# O,ra!!lication can be canged and modied b% adding more 6,nctionalit%#

    &6 SCAABIIT1

    An a!!lication ens,res scalabilit% i6 it cater gro5ing amo,nt o6 5or"# It canbe dened as te ease 5it 5ic a s%stem or com!onent can be modied tot te !roblems#

    7e e?!ect tat te ,sers o6 o,r a!! 5ill be increased as android devices areincreasing#

    & AD.ERENCE TO STANDARDS ()o be 4ha5;ed


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    O,r aim is to develo!0 install and s,!!ort te globall% ac"no5ledgedtecnologies tat serve te contin,,m o6 b,siness !roced,res 6or older r,lesto te modern b,siness !rocess management s"ills#


    7e 5ill ,se te 6ollo5ing tools to develo! o,r s%stem# I/E &Integrated /evelo!ment Environment*


    S/L Tools


    Cational Cose


    Admobs sd"

    &6& E4*i'se

    Ecli!se is an o!en-so,rce comm,nit% tat develo!s o!en !lat6orms and

    !rod,cts# In te so6t5are 5orld0 a sim!le mention o6 Ecli!se ,s,all%

    re6ers to te Ecli!se so6t5are develo!ment "it &S/L*#Te Ecli!se S/L

    consists o6 te Ecli!se Plat6orm0 3ava develo!ment tools# Te Ecli!se

    Plat6orm is a m,lti-lang,age so6t5are develo!ment environment

    com!rising an integrated develo!ment environment &I/E* and an

    e?tensible !l,g-in s%stem# It is 5ritten mostl% in 3ava# 7e are also ,sing

    te ecli!se 6or develo!ing in android o!erating s%stem#

    &62 Ra)io5a* Rose

    CationalMacines 5as 6o,nded b% Pa,l Dev% and Mi"e to !rovide tools toe?!and te ,se o6 modern so6t5are engineering !ractices# 7e are ,singrational rose enter!rise edition in o,r !roject to dra5 o,r ,se case0 activit%0and com!onent and collaboration diagrams#

    &63 +aa

    Android a!!lications are develo!ed ,sing te 3ava lang,age# As o6 no50tats reall% %o,r onl% o!tion 6or native a!!lications# 3ava is a ver% !o!,lar


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    !rogramming lang,age develo!ed b% S,n Micros%stems &no5 o5ned b%Oracle*# /evelo!ed long a6ter and QQ0 3ava incor!orates man% o6 te!o5er6,l 6eat,res o6 tose !o5er6,l lang,ages 5ile addressing some o6teir dra5bac"s#Android relies eavil% on 3ava 6,ndamentals# Te Android S/L incl,des man%

    standard 3ava libraries &data str,ct,re libraries0 mat libraries0 gra!icslibraries0 net5or"ing libraries and ever%ting else %o, co,ld 5ant* as 5ell ass!ecial Android libraries tat el!s %o, to develo! a5esome Androida!!lications#

    &6@ Pho)osho'

    Potoso! is an image editing tool ,sed to ma"e logo and temes 6or

    an% 5ebsite develo!ment# 7e ave ,sed Potoso! in o,r !roject to

    ma"e title !age o6 te a!!#


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc





    2& So8)7are Re%#ire"e5) S'e4i$4a)io5 (SRS

    A so6t5are re.,irements s!ecication &SCS* com!letel% describes tebeavior o6 te s%stem tat is to be develo!ed# It doc,ments all necessar%re.,irements o6 te s%stem#

    A So6t5are re.,irements s!ecication &SCS*0 a re.,irements s!ecication 6or

    a so6t5are s%stem0 is a com!lete descri!tion o6 te beavior o6 a s%stem tobe develo!ed and ma% incl,de a set o6 ,se cases tat describe interactionste ,sers 5ill ave 5it te so6t5are# In addition it also contains non-6,nctional re.,irements# 6ototri? !oto editor@ is basicall% an a!! 6or Android!ones 6or a!!l%ing di;erent e;ects on te !otos# Te s%stem is develo!edto !rovide a sol,tion to android ,sers 6or enancing !otos# It !rovidesvario,s !o5er6,l tools 6or 5or"ing 5it images#Tro,g tis a!! ,ser can easil% a!!l% lter e;ects and image geometr%0 setbrigtness and contrast etc# One o6 te most im!ortant 6eat,res o6 tis a!! isto bro5se0 select and save images on te S/ card and ,ser can set teoriginal !oto bac" i6 e doesnt 5ant to edit te !oto#

    23 P#r'ose

    Te !roject titled0 as >6ototri? !oto editor@ is basicall% an Androida!!lication develo!ment !roject# Te s%stem is develo!ed to !rovide a!lat6orm 6or te android ,sers to enance teir !otos in a ,ser-6riendl%environment#


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    2@ Pro'osed So*#)io5 oerie7

    Te main objective o6 te !roject is to em!lo% Android tecnolog% to create a!lat6orm 5ic !rovides ver% interactive and ,ser 6riendl% inter6ace !roviding5it te rigt tools a!!ro!riate 6or te !,r!ose o6 image !rocessing#

    In tis !roject

    O,r image !rocessing and !oto editing services lets %o, enance andmani!,late !otogra!s to meet %o,r needs#

    Te !oto editing !rocess el!s %o, to !rod,ce te best .,alit%!otos#

    2 Mod#*es o8 )he Pro'osed So*#)io5

    &6& I"a;e Geo"e)ry "od#*e

    Tis mod,le incl,des te geometr% e;ects 6or e?am!le rotation &bot le6tand rigt* and cro!!ing#

    &62 I"a;e 4o*or 'ro4essi5;

    Tis mod,le incl,des brigtness and contrast adj,stments and di;erente;ects li"e blac" and 5ite0 se!ia0 gra%scale0 gla%0 smooting etc#

    &63 !i*)er Mod#*e

    O,r lter mod,le incl,des bl,r0 sar!en and emboss#

    &6@ Bro7se se*e4) a5d sae i"a;es

    Tis mod,le incl,des bro5sing !otos 6rom S/ card0 coosing te one andsetting tat to Image ie5 on Editor Screen and a6ter a!!l%ing di;erente;ects save tat image on S/ card#

    &6 AdSe5se )o sho7 Ads


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    Tis mod,le incl,des creating AdSense to so5 te Google ads on o,ra!!lication# Google AdSense is a e?ible 5a% to earn reven,e#

    &66 Se5d desired i"a;es )hro#;h e"ai*s

    Tis mod,le incl,des sending o6 desired images tro,g an% o6 te mailingservers &8otmail0 %aoo mail and Gmail*#

    &6 Resie )he 'ho)os

    Tis mod,le incl,des resizing o6 !oto to s!ecic sizes according to ?-%coordinates#

    &6 Cha5;e )he 8or"a)s o8 'ho)os

    O,r a!!lication lets %o, cange te 6ormat o6 !oto 6rom one t%!e to anoter6or e#g# j!eg to !ng and vice versa#

    &69 De'*oy a''*i4a)io5 i5 a5droid "ar:e)

    Google Pla% is te content-deliver% mar"et!lace o;ered b% Google and 5eave de!lo%ed o,r a!!lication in te !la% store#

    &6&0 Cha5;e )he se))i5;s o8 o*d 'ho)os

    Old !otos can be canged b% ,sing an% o6 te 6eat,re li"e cro!!ing0resizing0 a!!l%ing lters0 setting contrast and brigtness etc#

    26 S'e4i$4a)io5 Re%#ire"e5)s

    26& !#54)io5a* Re%#ire"e5)s

    O!en te !otos 6rom S/ card or galler%

    $ro5se te !otos

    Increasedecrease brigtness

    Set contrast

    ro! !otos

    A!!l% rotations

    A!!l% lters

    Cesize te !otos


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    Send !oto tro,g emails

    reate AdSense to so5 ads

    Save !otos

    /i;erent 6ormats o6 !otos

    262 Per8or"a54e Re%#ire"e5)s

    262& ,ser i5)er8a4e

    Te inter6ace o6 o,r a!!lication is ,ser 6riendl%N an% ,ser 5it sim!le"no5ledge abo,t a!!lication can ,nderstand te s%stem easil%#

    2622 Ca'a4i)y

    Te s%stem as te 6ollo5ing caracteristics# K G$ CAM

    ='' G$ ard dis"

    2#= G8z Processor

    2623 Res'o5se Ti"e

    Ces!onse time o6 te a!!lication 5ill totall% de!end on te versions o6android !ones and on te s!eed o6 7i-+i or internet connection#

    263 E=)er5a* I5)er8a4e Re%#ire"e5)s

    +ototri? is te mobile a!!lication0 5it te interactive GUI 5ic is ,ser6riendl%##


    Te main objective o6 te !roject is to em!lo% Android tecnolog% to create a!lat6orm 5ic !rovides ver% interactive and ,ser 6riendl% inter6ace !roviding5it te rigt tools a!!ro!riate 6or te !,r!ose o6 image !rocessing#


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    2 ,SE CASES

    ,SECASE S)ar) 8o)o)ri= ,SECASE Ter"i5a)e8o)o)ri=

    ACTOR User ACTOR User

    Pre-4o5di)io5 o, so,ld ave

    6ototri? installed#

    Pre-4o5di)io5 +ototri? so,ld be

    o!ened#Pos) 4o5di)io5 Ta! te 6ototri? icon

    to start#



    Ta! te bac"


    Des4ri')io5 Install 6ototri? in

    %o,r !one and ta!

    its icon to start it#

    des4ri')io5 To terminate

    6ototri?0 ta! te

    bac" b,tton#

    ,SECASE Bro7se 'ho)o ,SECASE Se) 4o5)ras)

    ACTOR User ACTOR ,ser

    Pre-4o5di)io5 o, so,ld ave

    !otos available in

    S/ card#

    Pre-4o5di)io5 Ta! te contrast

    icon to see see"

    bar#Pos) 4o5di)io5 Ta! te desired




    Move see" bar rigt

    or le6t to set

    contrastDes4ri')io5 oose a !oto

    6rom te saved

    !otos and ma"e it

    te one to a!!l%


    des4ri')io5 A contrast icon 5ill

    be tere on editor

    screen# Ta! tat

    icon and ten

    adj,st contrast

    tro,g see" bar#

    ,SECASE A''*y 4ro''i5; ,SECASE Se) bri;h)5ess

    ACTOR User ACTOR User

    Pre-4o5di)io5 Select cro! icon

    6rom te list o6


    Pre-4o5di)io5 Ta! te brigtness

    icon to see see"



  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    Pos) 4o5di)io5 ro! te !oto as




    Move see" bar rigt

    or le6t to adj,st

    brigtness#Des4ri')io5 Ta! te cro! icon

    and ten cro! te

    !oto accordingl%#

    des4ri')io5 To set brigtness

    ta! brigtness icon

    on editor screen

    and ten adj,st it

    accordingl%#,SECASE A''*y ee4)s ,SECASE A''*y ro)a)io5

    ACTOR User ACTOR User

    Pre-4o5di)io5 Select e;ects icon

    6rom te list#

    Pre-4o5di)io5 Select rotate icon#

    Pos) 4o5di)io5 A!!l% an% e;ect

    6rom te given




    Ta! te le6t rotation

    icon to move le6t0

    rigt rotate icon to

    move rigt#Des4ri')io5 Ta! te e;ects icon

    to see di;erent

    e;ects dis!la%ed

    orizontall%# Selectan% o6 tem to

    a!!l% it on %o,r


    des4ri')io5 lic" rotate icon to

    see le6t and rigt

    rotate icons# Select

    te desired icon toa!!l% rotation and

    to a!!l% invert

    rotation clic" on

    %o,r selected


    ,SECASE Se) Ori;i5a*'ho)o

    ACTOR User

    Pre-4o5di)io5 Select original

    b,ttonPos) 4o5di)io5 Edited !oto 5ill be

    canged into

    original !oto#


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    Des4ri')io5 Ta! te original

    b,tton i6 %o, dont

    5ant to edit !oto#


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc





    2& ,se Cases (Dia;ra"

    Use cases are re.,irements0 !rimaril% 6,nctional or beavioral

    re.,irements tat indicate 5at te s%stem 5ill do#

    Use cases are a good 5a% to el! "ee! it sim!le0 and ma"e it

    !ossible 6or domain e?!erts or re.,irement donors to temselves

    5rite 6or !artici!ates in 5riting ,se cases#

    Use case diagrams are ,sed to vis,alize0 s!eci6%0 constr,ct and

    doc,ment te beavior o6 te s%stem d,ring re.,irement ca!t,re

    and anal%sis#

    Provide te 5a% 6or develo!ers0 end-,sers to comm,nicate#

    Serve as basis 6or testing#

    Use case diagrams contain ,se cases0 actors and teir


    A ,se case is a descri!tion o6 a set o6 se.,ences o6 action a

    s%stem !er6orms to %ield an observable res,lt o6 val,e to an


    Eac se.,ence re!resentation interaction o6 actors 5it te


    An actor re!resents te set o6 roles tat ,sers o6 ,se case !la%

    5en interacting 5it tese ,se cases#

    Actors can be ,man or a,tomated s%stems#

    Actors are entities 5ic re.,ire el! 6rom te s%stem to !er6orm

    teir tas" or are needed to e?ec,te te s%stems 6,nction#


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    Use cases are not 5ell s,ited to ca!t,ring non-interaction based

    re.,irements o6 a s%stem or non-6,nctional re.,irements# Tese

    are better s!ecied declarativel% else5ere#

    Te ,se case diagram o6 o,r !roject is so5n belo5:

    22 C*ass Dia;ra"s

    A 4*ass dia;ra"in te Unied Modeling Dang,age &UMD* is at%!e o6 static str,ct,re diagram tat describes te str,ct,re o6a s%stem b% so5ing te s%stemRs classes#

    It denes model elements s,c as classes0 inter6aces0 teir

    internal str,ct,re and teir relationsi! to eac oter#

    Ineritance &generalizes!ecialize*0 aggregation &com!rises*

    and com!osition &as* relationsi!s are also ca!t,red in tis


    lass attrib,tes and teir data t%!es are identied ere0 as

    are te o!erations and teir ret,rn t%!es#

    isibilit% is indicated b% Q0 or 6or !,blic0 !rotected and


    Te class diagram !la%s a vital role in te transition 6rom

    design to constr,ction as it contains s,9cient detail to begin

    te coding !rocess#

    In te class diagram tese classes are re!resented 5it bo?es

    5ic contain tree !arts#

    Te ,!!er !art olds te name o6 te class#

    Te middle !art olds te attrib,tes o6 te class#

    Te bottom !art gives te metods or o!erations te class

    can ta"e#

    It is o6ten ,sed to !artitioned res!onsibilities among te

    !roject team members and to g,ide and meas,re te

    constr,ction !rocess#


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    Te UMD incl,des class diagrams to ill,strate classes0inter6aces0 and teir associations#

    Te% are ,sed 6or static object modeling#

    In a conce!t,al !ers!ective te class diagram can be ,sed tovis,alize a domain model#

    Te class diagram o6 o,r !roject is given belo5:


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    23 A4)ii)y Dia;ra"s

    A4)ii)y dia;ra"sare gra!ical re!resentations o6 5or"o5s o6

    ste!5ise activities and actions#

    An activit% diagram so5s te overall o5 o6 control#

    Activit% diagrams are constr,cted 6rom a limited n,mber o6

    sa!es0 connected 5it arro5s#

    Co,ndedrectangles re!resent activities#

    /iamonds re!resent decisions#

    $ars re!resent te start &s!lit* or end &join* o6 conc,rrent


    A blac" circle re!resents te start &i%itial "tate* o6 te 5or"o5#

    Arro5s r,n 6rom te start to5ards te end and re!resent te

    order in 5ic activities a!!en# 8ence te% can be regarded as

    a 6orm o6 o5cart# T%!ical o5cart tecni.,es lac" constr,cts

    6or e?!ressing conc,rrenc%# 8o5ever0 te join and s!lit s%mbols

    in activit% diagrams onl% resolve tis 6or sim!le cases#

    A UMD0 activit% diagram so5s se.,ential and !arallel activities

    in a !rocess#

    Te% are ,se6,l 6or modeling b,siness !rocesses0 5or"o5s0 data

    o5s0 and com!le? algoritms#

    An activit% diagram is ,sed to model a large activit%Rs se.,ential

    5or" o5 b% 6oc,sing on action se.,ences and res!ective action

    initiating conditions#

    Te state o6 an activit% relates to te !er6ormance o6 eac

    5or"o5 ste!#

    Te activit% diagram o6 o,r a!!lication is given ere:


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    2@ Se%#e54e Dia;ra"

    A se%#e54e dia;ra"in a Unied Modeling Dang,age &UMD* is a

    "ind o6 interaction diagram tat so5s o5 !rocesses o!erate 5it

    one anoter and in 5at order#

    A se.,ence diagram so5s object interactions arranged in time


    Se.,ence diagrams are sometimes called event diagrams0 event

    scenarios0 and timing diagrams

    A se.,ence diagram so5s0 as !arallel vertical lines &li/eli%e"*0

    di;erent !rocesses or objects tat live sim,ltaneo,sl%0 and0 as

    orizontal arro5s0 te messages e?canged bet5een tem0 in te

    order in 5ic te% occ,r

    In order to dis!la% interaction0 messages are ,sed# Tese are

    orizontal arro5s 5it te message name 5ritten above tem

    /ased arro5s 5it stic" eads are ret,rn messages#

    Activation bo?es0 or metod-call bo?es0 are o!a.,e rectangles

    dra5n on to! o6 li6elines to re!resent tat !rocesses are being

    !er6ormed in res!onse to te message#

    A se.,ence diagram so5s o5 !rocesses are connected to oneanoter and it also denes te order or se.,ence o6 !rocesses oractivities#

    ertical dased lines re!resent te li6elines0 vertical lines re!resentteir activation and orizontal lines de!ict te messages or callssent to one anoter#

    Te se.,ence diagram o6 o,r a!!lication is given belo5:


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    2 Co**abora)io5 Dia;ra"s

    A collaboration diagram0 also called a comm,nication diagram orinteraction diagram0 is an ill,stration o6 te relationsi!s and

    interactions among so6t5are objects in te Unied ModelingDang,age &UMD*#

    Te conce!t is more tan a decade old alto,g it as been renedas modeling !aradigms ave evolved#

    A collaboration diagram is also called comm,nication or interaction


    A omm,nication diagram models te interactions bet5een objects

    or !arts in terms o6 se.,enced messages#

    omm,nication diagrams re!resent a combination o6 in6ormation

    ta"en 6rom lass0 Se.,ence0 and Use ase /iagrams describing

    bot te static str,ct,re and d%namic beavior o6 a s%stem#

    Te collaboration diagram o6 o,r a!!lication is so5n belo5:


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    26 Co"'o5e5) Dia;ra"s

    A com!onent is a container o6 logical elements and re!resents

    tings tat !artici!ate in te e?ec,tion o6 a s%stem# om!onents also ,se te services o6 oter com!onents tro,g

    one o6 its inter6aces#

    om!onents are t%!icall% ,sed to vis,alize logical !ac"ages o6

    so,rce code &5or" !rod,ct com!onents*0 binar% code

    &de!lo%ment com!onents*0 or e?ec,table les &e?ec,tion


    In te Unied Modeling Dang,age0 a com!onent diagram de!icts

    o5 com!onents are 5ired togeter to 6orm larger com!onents

    and or so6t5are s%stems#

    Te com!onent diagram o6 o,r a!!lication is so5n belo5#


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  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    2 De'*oy"e5) Dia;ra"s

    A de!lo%ment diagrams so5s te assignment o6 concrete

    so6t5are arti6acts &s,c as e?ec,table les* to com!,tationalnodes &someting 5it !rocessing services*#

    It so5s te de!lo%ment o6 so6t5are elements to te !%sical

    arcitect,re and te comm,nication &,s,all% on a net5or"*

    bet5een !%sical elements#

    A de!lo%ment diagram in te Unied Modeling Dang,age

    models te-)y"i$alde!lo%ment o6 arti6acts on nodes#

    To describe a 5eb site0 6or e?am!le0 a de!lo%ment diagram

    5o,ld so5 5at ard5are com!onents &nodes* e?ist &e#g#0 a

    5eb server0 an a!!lication server0 and a database server*0 5at

    so6t5are com!onents &arti6acts* r,n on eac node &e#g#0 5eb

    a!!lication0 database*0 and o5 te di;erent !ieces are


    Te nodes a!!ear as bo?es0 and te arti6acts allocated to eac

    node a!!ear as rectangles 5itin te bo?es#

    Te de!lo%ment diagram is so5n belo5#


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    3& ProHe4) Ma5a;e"e5)

    Project management is te disci!line o6 !lanning0 organizing0 motivating0 andcontrolling reso,rces to acieve s!ecic goals# A !roject is a tem!orar%endeavor 5it a dened beginning and end &,s,all% time-constrained0 ando6ten constrained b% 6,nding or deliverables*0 ,nderta"en to meet ,ni.,egoals and objectives0 t%!icall% to bring abo,t benecial cange or added

    val,e# Te tem!orar% nat,re o6 !rojects stands in contrast 5it b,siness as,s,al &or o!erations*0 5ic are re!etitive0 !ermanent0 or semi-!ermanent6,nctional activities to !rod,ce !rod,cts or services# In !ractice0 temanagement o6 tese t5o s%stems is o6ten .,ite di;erent0 and as s,cre.,ires te develo!ment o6 distinct tecnical s"ills and managementstrategies#

    32 Mi*es)o5es

    Te !roject entitled as >+otoTri? !oto editor@ is divided into man%

    milestones 6or te ease o6 acieving o6 te !roject 5itin te time


    Milestones o6 tis !roject are as 6ollo5s#

    32& Mi*es)o5e & (Mid Ter"

    A!!l%ing rotation on !otos &le6t and rigt*

    Setting contrast and brigtness

    A!!l%ing lter e;ects on !otos

    Cesizing o6 !oto according to screen

    Selecting and bro5sing !otos 6rom S/ card

    /oc,mentation o6 rst 4 ca!ters


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    322 Mi*es)o5e 2 (A8)er Mid Ter"

    A6ter midterm milestones 5ill be:

    Image cro!!ing

    Saving !oto a6ter editing

    Sending !otos tro,g email

    reating Adsense to so5 Ads ,sing Google Admobs sd"

    anging te 6ormat o6 images

    om!lete doc,mentation o6 te !roject


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    33 ProHe4) C*oseo#) Re'or)

    Ti)*e +OTOTCI !oto editorCo"'*e)ed by +aeem Ta,. &'(-ACI/-)1'*

    Maria Isa.,e &'(-ACI/-)2)*

    A%esa Meboob &'(-ACI/-)'2*I5)er5a**y

    S#'erised byE=)er5a**y

    S#'erised byE=a"i5ed by

    33& ProHe4) De*ierab*es

    De*ierab*e Da)e a44e')ed Co5)i5;e54ies or



    rotation on

    !otos &le6t

    and rigt*#






    lter e;ects

    on !otos

    Cesizing o6



    '2-'=-2'1 All te mod,les in te

    rst ro5 so,ld be

    com!leted be6ore te

    midterm eval,ation#

    Tese mod,les so,ld

    be andover to te

    s,!ervisors be6ore te

    midterm nal



  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    to screen




    !otos 6rom

    S/ card

    A6ter midterm



    deliver% o6 te

    a!!lication 5it



    Image cro!!ing

    Saving !oto

    a6ter editing

    Sending !otos

    tro,g email


    Adsense to so5

    Ads ,sing Google

    Admobs sd"

    anging te

    6ormat o6 images

    All tese 6,nctionalities

    so,ld be s,bmitted

    be6ore or at te time o6

    nal demonstration#


    doc,mentation o6 te




    containing UMD diagram

    and all te test cases

    so,ld be s,bmitted

    be6ore nal

    demonstration o6


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc



    3@ O'era)io5s a5d Mai5)e5a54e

    3@& ProHe4) Reso#r4es

    Reso#r4e(Des4ribe or 5a"e)he reso#r4e #sed

    Perso5 orOr;a5ia)io5 hoRe4eiedReso#r4e T#r5oer Da)e

    ProHe4) Tea"

    A%esa Meboob /evelo!ers+aeem Ta,. /evelo!ers

    Maria Isa.,e /evelo!ers


    Android !ones /evelo!ers

    So8)7are Too*s

    Ecli!se /evelo!ers

    3ava S/L /evelo!ers

    Android S/L /evelo!ers

    Microso6t 7ord 2'1' /evelo!ers

    Cational rose /evelo!ers

    I5diid#a* Res'o5sibi*i)yA%esa Meboob oding0 designing and doc,mentation+aeem Ta,. oding0 designing and doc,mentationMaria Isa.,e oding0 designing and doc,mentation

    3 Ris: Ma5a;e"e5)

    3& I5)rod#4)io5 (Ris: Ma5a;e"e5) Sys)e"


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    Cis" management ens,res tat develo!ers identi6% and ,nderstand te ris"s5ic can occ,r in teir 5a%# It also g,arantees tat develo!ers so,ldidenti6% te 5a%s to tac"le tose ris"s#A !roject management !lan is a t%!e o6 doc,ment tat a develo!er !re!aresto 6or see ris"s0 estimate te sced,le and !re!are a sol,tion 6or tese 6,t,re

    ris"s#Good ris" management so,ld be as sim!le as ans5ering tese .,estions#

    7at can go 5rongV

    7at 5ill 5e do 5en an%ting 5rong 5ill a!!enV

    32 P#r'ose

    Te !,r!ose o6 ris" management is to identi6% !otential !roblems be6ore te%occ,r so tat ris"-andling activities ma% be !lanned and invo"ed as neededacross te li6e o6 te !rod,ct or !roject to mitigate adverse im!acts onacieving objectives# Cis" management is a contin,o,s0 6or5ard-loo"ing

    !rocess tat is an im!ortant !art o6 b,siness and tecnical management!rocesses# Cis" management so,ld address iss,es tat co,ld endangeracievement o6 critical objectives# A contin,o,s ris" management a!!roacis a!!lied to e;ectivel% antici!ate and mitigate te ris"s tat ave criticalim!act on te !roject#

    E;ective ris" management incl,des earl% and aggressive ris" identicationtro,g te collaboration and involvement o6 relevant sta"eolders# Strongleadersi! across all relevant sta"eolders is needed to establis anenvironment 6or te 6ree and o!en disclos,re and disc,ssion o6 ris"# Alto,gtecnical iss,es are a !rimar% concern bot earl% on and tro,go,t all!roject !ases0 ris" management m,st consider bot internal and e?ternalso,rces 6or cost0 sced,le0 and tecnical ris"# Earl% and aggressive detectiono6 ris" is im!ortant beca,se it is t%!icall% easier0 less costl%0 and lessdisr,!tive to ma"e canges and correct 5or" e;orts d,ring te earlier0 ratertan te later0 !ases o6 te !roject#


    Te roles and res!onsibilities o6 te ris" management areW Setting !olic% 6or ris" management

    W $,ilding a ris" a5are c,lt,re 5itin te organizationW Establising internal ris" !olic% and c,lt,reW /esigning and revie5ing !rocess 6or ris" managementW oordinating te vario,s 6,nctional activities 5ic advise on ris"

    management iss,esW /evelo!ing ris" res!onse !rocess incl,ding contingencies !lans

    and !re!aring re!orts on ris"


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    3@ Ris: A5a*ysis S#""ary






    2 S,!ervisor It is ,se6,l 6or 6,t,reenancement



    4 S,!ervisor Te entire enancement5ic 5e cange or im!rovetat 5as attractive#



    1 S,!ervisor Time is a big constraint toandle 5or"#



    S,!ervisor It is ,se6,l to attract rstsigt ,sers#

    3 Ris: Res'o5se S#""ary


    Ris:N#"ber Ris: Na"e




    2 CSL-'1 odeanges

    S,!ervisor 7ite $o?testing

    1 CSL-'2 TimeSced,ling S,!ervisor /eliver !rojecton time 5it.,alit%#

    CSL-' /esigncanges

    S,!ervisor User 6riendl%la%o,t#

    4 CSL-'4 Ce.,irementsenancements

    S,!ervisor Enance te.,alit% o6 !roject#


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc




    @& A5droid '*a)8or"

    Tis is a list o6 6eat,res in te Android o!erating s%stem

    @&& .a5dse) *ayo#)s

    Te !lat6orm is ada!table to larger0 GA0 2/ gra!ics librar%0 / gra!icslibrar% based on O!enGD ES 2#' s!ecications0 and traditional smart!onela%o,ts#

    @&2 Co55e4)ii)y

    Android s,!!orts connectivit% tecnologies incl,ding GSME/GE0 I/E

  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    M,ltitas"ing o6 a!!lications0 5it ,ni.,e andling o6 memor% allocation0 isavailable#

    @& E=)er5a* s)ora;e

    Most Android devices incl,de micro S/ slot and can read micro S/ cards6ormatted 5it +AT20 E?t or E?t4 le s%stem# To allo5 ,se o6 ig-ca!acit%storage media s,c as US$ as drives and US$ 8//s0 man% Android tabletsalso incl,de US$ RAR rece!tacle# Storage 6ormatted 5it +AT2 is andled b%Din,? Lernel +AT driver0 5ile rd !art% sol,tions are re.,ired to andleoter !o!,lar le s%stems s,c as

  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    gra!ical la%o,t editor lets %o, design ,ser inter6aces 5it a drag and dro!inter6ace#

    @2@ SD? Too*s I5)e;ra)io5

    @2@& .e*' desi;5i5; i4o5sTe Android Asset St,dio is a 5eb-based tool tat lets %o, generate icons6rom e?isting images0 cli!art0 or te?t# It also generates te icons 5itdi;erent /PIs 6or di;erent screen sizes and t%!es#

    @2@2 Code Edi)ors

    In addition to Ecli!seRs standard editor 6eat,res0 A/T !rovides c,stom MDeditors to el! %o, create and edit Android mani6ests0 reso,rces0 men,s0 andla%o,ts in a 6orm-based or gra!ical mode# /o,ble-clic"ing on an MD le inEcli!seRs !ac"age e?!lorer o!ens te a!!ro!riate MD editor#

    @2@3 Gra'hi4a* ayo#) Edi)or

    Edit and design %o,r MD la%o,t les 5it a drag and dro! inter6ace# Te

    la%o,t editor renders %o,r inter6ace as 5ell0 o;ering %o, a !revie5 as %o,design %o,r la%o,ts# Tis editor is invo"ed 5en %o, o!en an MD le 5it avie5 declared &,s,all% declared in resla%o,t# +or more in6ormation0see Gra!ical Da%o,t Editor#

    @2@@ A5droid Ma5i8es) Edi)or

    Edit Android mani6ests 5it a sim!le gra!ical inter6ace# Tis editor isinvo"ed 5en %o, o!en anAndroidMani6est#?ml le#

    @2@ Me5# Edi)or

    Edit men, gro,!s and items 5it a sim!le gra!ical inter6ace# Tis editor isinvo"ed 5en %o, o!en an MD le 5it a Xmen,Y declared &,s,all% locatedin te resmen, 6older*#

    @2@6 Reso#r4es Edi)or


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  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    @2 Co5$;#ra)io5 Chooser

    At te to! o6 te editor is te cong,ration cooser# It !rovides o!tions tocange a la%o,tRs rendering mode or screen t%!e#

    @2 ayo#) Re8a4)ori5; S#''or)

    @2& Cha5;e *ayo#)

    Tis lets %o, cange te la%o,t on te % and re-renders te canvas 6or %o,#o, can a!!l% tis re6actoring to an% la%o,t and te la%o,t is converted tote ne5 t%!e i6 !ossible# In man% cases0 te o!ening and closing tags o6 tela%o,tRs MD element are canged along 5it tings s,c as I/ attrib,tesand teir re6erences# 8o5ever0 6or some s,!!orted t%!es0 A/T attem!ts to!reserve te la%o,t0 s,c as canging a Dinear Da%o,t to a Celative Da%o,t#

    @22 Cha5;e 7id;e)

    Tis lets %o, select one or more 5idgets and converts tem to a ne5 5idgett%!e# In addition to canging te element name0 it also removes an%attrib,tes tat are not s,!!orted b% te ne5 5idget t%!e and adds in an%mandator% attrib,tes re.,ired b% te ne5 5idget t%!e# I6 te c,rrent I/ o6 a5idget incl,des te c,rrent 5idget t%!e in its I/ &s,c as a X$,ttonY 5idgetnamed b,tton1*0 ten te I/ is canged to matc te ne5 5idget t%!e andall re6erences are ,!dated#

    @29 ,'da)i5; )he ADT P*#;i5

    +rom time to time0 a ne5 revision o6 te A/T Pl,gin becomes available0 5it

    ne5 6eat,res and b,g ?es# Generall%0 5en a ne5 revision o6 A/T isavailable0 %o, so,ld ,!date to it as soon as convenient#In some cases0 a ne5 revision o6 A/T 5ill ave a de!endenc% on a s!ecicrevision o6 te Android S/L Tools# I6 s,c de!endencies e?ist0 %o, 5ill needto ,!date te S/L Tools !ac"age o6 te S/L a6ter installing te ne5 revisiono6 A/T# To ,!date te S/L Tools !ac"age0 ,se te Android S/L Manager0 asdescribed in E?!loring te S/L#To learn abo,t ne5 6eat,res o6 eac A/T revision and also an% de!endencieson te S/L Tools0 see te listings in te Cevisions section# To determine teversion c,rrentl% installed0 o!en te Ecli!se Installed So6t5are 5indo5,sing .e*'YSo8)7are ,'da)esand re6er to te version listed 6or Android

    /evelo!ment Tools#

    @3 i5do7s

    @3& S'eedy Boo) Ti"e


  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    Te load and boot ,! s!eed as im!roved signicantl% over 7indo5s

    !redecessors# Tis is !artl% d,e to te better reso,rce allocations to

    a!!lications and te s%stem# 7en com!ared to 7indo5s J des"to! PU0

    7indo5s K as an even s!eedier boot time#

    @32 a5;#a;e a5d s)a5dards s#''or)

    Te M,sic a!! sna!!ed to te side o6 te /es"to!

    7indo5s K allo5s te ,se o6 a ne5 !lat6orm0 te 7indo5s C,ntime &7inCT*0

    to create a ne5 t%!e o6 a!!lication tat r,ns in a sec,re sandbo?0 and

    6acilitate easier saring o6 data bet5een tem0 or sna! to te side o6 a

    5idescreen dis!la% 6or m,lti-tas"ing# 7inCT0 being a OM-based API0 allo5s

    6or te ,se o6 vario,s !rogramming lang,ages to code a!!s0 incl,ding QQ0

    QQ0 0 is,al $asic #

  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    ones 5it 2J-inc ig-denition screens0 Microso6t contends0 in a 7indo5s

    K G,ide distrib,ted 5it 7indo5s /evelo!er Previe5#

    @3 ?eyboard shor)4#)s

    Use te trlQTab sortc,t to see all o6 %o,r 7indo5s K a!!s listed togeter#

    S5i!ing and ta!!ing aro,nd 7indo5s K is ne on a to,cscreen inter6ace0b,t 5at abo,t standard la!to!s and des"to!sV

    Lno5ing te "e%board sortc,ts 6or 7indo5s K can save %o, a lot o6 clic"ingand dragging 5it te mo,se0 and ma"e it easier to navigate te o!eratings%stem#

    7inK brings ,! te arms bar0 6or e?am!le0 5ile !ressing te 7indo5s "e%on its o5n s5itces bet5een te des"to! and te Start !age#

    @36 i5do7s S)ore

    7indo5s Store is a digital distrib,tion !lat6orm b,ilt into 7indo5s K0 5ic ina manner similar to A!!leRs A!! Store and Google Pla%0 allo5s 6or tedistrib,tion and !,rcase o6 a!!s designed 6or 7indo5s K# /evelo!ers 5illstill be able to advertise des"to! so6t5are tro,g 7indo5s Store as 5ell# Toens,re tat te% are sec,re and o6 a ig .,alit%0 7indo5s Store 5ill be teonl% means o6 distrib,ting 7in-based a!!s 6or cons,mer-oriented versions o67indo5s K#

  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc





    & Derii5; Tes) - Case S'e4i$4a)io5s

    Te s!ecications 6or testing are derived 6rom c,stomer re.,irements0 6rom

    te st,d% o6 design code o6 so6t5are mod,les0 and 6rom screen or vis,al

    inter6aces tro,g 5ic te ,ser interacts 5it te s%stem# Test-case

    s!ecication in !er6ormed 6or s%stem testing b% "ee!ing in mind several

    iss,es0 5ic are disc,ssed in te 6ollo5ing s,bto!ics#

    2 S)a)e )he Tes) E5iro5"e5)

    Te so6t5are is tested 5it te re.,ired ard5are and so6t5are

    re.,irements# Eac macine in based on a Penti,m !rocessor# Te so6t5are

    cong,ration is 7indo5s K 5it android em,lator and rational rose installed

    on it#

    3 Tes)i5; Ide5)i$4a)io5

    A s!ecic test so,ld be !lanned 6or ever% test level to test all s%stem

    com!onents# Te test !roced,re so,ld be detailed so tat te s%stemmeets all ,ser re.,irements#

    Te s%stem can be divided into tese mod,les:

    1# Image Geometr% mod,le


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    2# +ilter Mod,le# Select 0$ro5se and save Images4# anging te settings o6 old !otos=# Send desired images tro,g emails)# AdSense to so5 ads

    J# Cesize te !otosK# ange te 6ormats o6 !otos

    Te s%stem in e?ec,ted s%stematicall%0 and its o,t!,t is veried#

    @ Tes) Pro4ed#re

    A testing strateg% is decided 6or testing te s%stem so tat all mod,les are

    tested to 6,lll all ,ser re.,irements# A test strateg% is metodolog% tat

    describes te vario,s ste!s tat need to be !er6ormed d,ring testing and te

    time and e;ort re.,ired 6or !er6orming tem# Te 6ollo5ing strategies are

    ,sed 6or testing an a,tomated Inventor% Management s%stem#

    ,5i) Tes)i5;

    Unit testing is a 5ite-bo? testing tecni.,es# Te main consideration in tis

    test is verication o6 all mod,les o6 te so6t5are s%stem# Eac mod,le is ,nit

    tested0 as 6ollo5s:

    W Unit testing te mod,le to save !otos in re.,ired 6ormat

    W Unit testing te mod,le to a!!l% geometr% e;ects on desired


    W Unit testing te mod,le to a!!l% lters e;ects on desired


    W Unit testing te mod,le to select and !ro!erl% save images

    in te S/ card#

    W Unit testing te mod,le to send !otos tro,g emails#

    W Unit testing te mod,le to cange te settings o6 old !otos#


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    W Unit testing te mod,le to create AdSense to so5 Ads on

    o,r !rod,ct#

    W Unit testing te mod,le to resize te !oto according to

    desired size#

    6 I5)e;ra)io5 Tes)i5;

    Integration testing is te tecni.,e 6or testing te inter6aces o6 so6t5are

    com!onents# Eac so6t5are com!onents in ,nit tested0 and all tecom!onents are integrated to !er6orm togeter# Te tests are cond,cted to

    ens,re tat te com!onents are 5or"ing !ro!erl% a6ter inter6acing#

    All mod,les are integrated b% an incremental a!!roac0 and integration

    testing o6 te s%stem is !er6ormed as 6ollo5s:

    W Integrate all mod,les and test#

    Sys)e" Tes)i5;

    S%stem testing involves te set o6 tests tat ens,res tat te entire s%stem

    !er6orms according to s!ecications#

    & Re4oery Tes)i5;

    Te so6t5are s%stem is 6a,lt tolerant# +a,lt tolerance is te abilit% o6 te

    so6t5are s%stem to recover 6rom errors .,ic"l% and res,me 5or"ing again#

    7e ave develo!ed a 6a,lt-tolerant s%stem0 "ee!ing in mind all te

    s!ecicationsN as a res,lt0 tere are minim,m cances o6 6a,lts#


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    2 Se4#ri)y Tes)i5;

    S%stem testing is !rotection testing tat test sec,rit% metods in te s%stem

    to avoid invalid intr,sions# Te s%stem stores secret and sensitive

    in6ormation tat is s,sce!tible to invalid intr,sions# An intr,sion to obtain

    secret in6ormation ma% ca,se severe economic damage te organization#

    3 Per8or"a54e Tes)i5;

    Per6ormance testing ,ses criteria to cec" tat te s%stem 6,nctions

    according to te s!ecications# Te !er6ormance o6 te so6t5are is tested at

    all levels o6 testing# All ,nit mod,les ave been tested s,ccess6,ll%# Te

    integration o6 tese ,nit mod,les !rod,ces res,lt according to re.,ired


    Tes) P*a5


    Sys)e" Oerie7

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    .ard7are: Te ard5are re.,irements are core i= !rocessor o6 2#=

    G8z S!eed 5it K G$ CAM and a GPS enabled cell !one 5it Android


    Par)i4i'a)i5;Or;a5ia)io5s: O,r !roject team

    Perso55e*: 7e0 te !roject team members 5ill !er6orm te test#

    9 Tes) Cases

    A test case is !re!ared 6or eac test tat needs to be !er6ormed# Te test

    cases res,lt in te develo!ment o6 test re!orts0 5ic 5ill be ,sed 6or test-

    o,t!,t anal%sis#A test case is a detailed !roced,re tat 6,ll% tests a 6eat,re

    or an as!ect o6 a 6eat,re# 7ereas te test !lan describes 5at to test0 a testcase describes o5 to !er6orm a !artic,lar test# o, need to develo! a test

    case 6or eac test listed in te test !lan#

    A test case incl,des:

    Te !,r!ose o6 te test#

    S!ecial ard5are re.,irements0 s,c as a modem# S!ecial so6t5are re.,irements0 s,c as a tool#


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    S!ecic set,! or cong,ration re.,irements# A descri!tion o6 o5 to !er6orm te test# Te e?!ected res,lts or s,ccess criteria 6or te test#

    Test cases so,ld be 5ritten b% a team member 5o ,nderstands te

    6,nction or tecnolog% being tested0 and eac test case so,ld be s,bmitted6or !eer revie5#Organizations ta"e a variet% o6 a!!roaces to doc,menting test casesN teserange 6rom develo!ing detailed0 reci!e-li"e ste!s to 5riting generaldescri!tions# In detailed test cases0 te ste!s describe e?actl% o5 to!er6orm te test# In descri!tive test cases0 te tester decides at te time o6te test o5 to !er6orm te test and 5at data to ,se#Most organizations !re6er detailed test cases beca,se determining !ass or6ail criteria are ,s,all% easier 5it tis t%!e o6 case# In addition0 detailed testcases are re!rod,cible and are easier to a,tomate tan descri!tive testcases# Tis is !artic,larl% im!ortant i6 %o, !lan to com!are te res,lts o6

    tests over time0 s,c as 5en %o, are o!timizing cong,rations# /etailedtest cases aremore time-cons,ming to develo! and maintain# On te oterand0 test cases tat are o!en to inter!retation are not re!eatable and canre.,ire deb,gging0 cons,ming time tat 5o,ld be better s!ent on testing#


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    clic"ed clic"edCotate







    An% oter



    Invalid Oter





    Testing Environment: Ecli!se and GPS ell!one 5it Android OSTested $%: A%esa Meboob0 +aeem Ta,.0 Maria Isa.,e


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    cardTes) Des4ri')io5

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    d and






  • 8/10/2019 forotrix Documentation.doc


    !otoTesting Environment: Ecli!se and ell!one 5it Android OSTested $%: A%esa Meboob0 +aeem Ta,.0 Maria Isa.,e

    9& Tes) O#)'#) A5a*ysis

    Te test o,t!,t anal%sis is based one o6 te 6ollo5ing s!ecications: All test com!onents 5ere toro,gl% revie5ed 6or errors#

    Testing con6orms to test s!ecications i6 te test res,lts in 6a,lts or


    I6 te above t5o s!ecication res,lts in no sol,tion0 te s%stem as

    errors# Tese errors are re-anal%zed b% develo!ers and testers#

    92 S#""ary o8 Tes) Res#*)s

    Te objective o6 tese tests is to demonstrate tat te !er6ormance o6 te

    so6t5are s%stem meets all re.,irements# All mod,les ave been s,ccess6,ll%

    ,nit tested# Te !er6ormance o6 te test is according to said s!ecications#

    Te s%stem is also 6,ll% tested 6or recover% testing0 sec,rit% testing0 stress

    testing0 and !er6ormance testing#

    93 Deia)io5 8ro" Tes) Cases

    Tere is no deviation 6rom te test case and te s%stem !er6orms 5ell

    according to te said


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    S!ecications and it can be tere6ore in6erred tat S!iral Model 6or

    develo!ing te s%stem 5as good eno,g to generate a s%stem tat is 5ell

    e.,i!!ed 5it te sol,tion to !roblems stated earlier in te boo"#

    &0 B#; Re'or)

    A b,gs re!ort or de6ects re!ort is a list o6 b,gs 6o,nd o,t b% testers 5ile testinga so6t5are !rod,ct in testing !ase ,nder a testing environment# Te testenvironment is created at develo!ment site similar to te act,al environment in5ic te so6t5are is s,!!osed to 5or" or r,n in live sit,ation at c,stomer site#Environment b,ilt 6or testing is s,!!osed to be an inde!endent entit% meant onl%6or testing team to !er6orm testing 5ito,t an% develo!ment canges a!!eningon it#

    $,gs or de6ects re!ort is te most vital tool 6or develo!ers to ,nderstand 5erete !rod,ct tat as been b,ilt b% tem is lac"ing its 6,nctionalit% or!er6ormance# Testers ave to be ver% care6,l in st,d%ing b,siness and c,stomerre.,irements 5ile b,ilding teir test cases and test !lan# Te .,alit% o6 testcases 5ill clearl% enance te core !er6ormance and 6,nctionalit% o6 te !rod,ctb,ilt#


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    7e 6eel ver% !ro,d a6ter develo!ment and im!lementation o6 o,r nal

    !roject s,ccess6,ll%# $e6ore develo!ing tro,g tis !roject alto,g 5e ave

    a good teoretical "no5ledge o6 so6t5are engineering0 being st,dents o6

    com!,ter science0 b,t it is 6ar a5a% 6rom teor% to develo! a real li6e s%stem

    tat com!letel% 6,lll te ,ser re.,irements# 7e ad a ver% good interaction

    5it m% s,!ervisor >S%ed Metab Aalam@N e el!ed ,s to develo! te

    s%stem 5ell in time#

    /,ring te develo!ment o6 te !roject 5e ave acieved te 6ollo5ing


    W Project management and sced,ling

    W 8o5 to interact 5it te ,ser

    W S%stem anal%sis and data collection

    W A good "no5ledge o6 s%stem designing and modeling

    W Datest tools and tecnologies

    W Testing strategies

    W User doc,mentation

    /,ring te modeling !ase 5e learnt

    W Cational Cose

    /,ring testing and im!lementation nding a b,g and its ?t,re 5as

    totall% ne5 and ealt% e?!erience# One o6 te ver% im!ortant as!ects o6 te

    !roject 5as o5 to doc,ment o,r !roject !ro!erl%# 7e ave learnt ne5 tools


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    Android0 ecli!se0 Adobe Potoso!0 and Gi6 Animator 5ic 5ill el! ,s a

    long 5a% as 5e 5ill be starting o,r careers as IT !ro6essional#


    Te !roject is develo!ed "ee!ing in vie5 te researc oriented re.,irement

    o6 a nal master !roject# So it ma% lac" some elegance or so!istication b,t

    5e are ver% !ro,d tat 5e ave 5or"ed in a igl% versatile environment and

    5e ave ta"en te rigt ste!s to5ards te rigt direction in terms o6 5ere

    te tecnolog% is going no5ada%s#


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    & Re8ere54es





    2 Bib*io;ra'hy

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