formatting output

Formatting Output Escape Sequences iomanip.h Objects setw() setiosflags(…) setprecision()

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Post on 16-Jan-2016




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Formatting Output. Escape Sequences iomanip.h Objects setw() setiosflags(…) setprecision(). Output ¾ cout The object cout is used to direct data to the st standard output device, usually the monitor. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Formatting Output

Formatting Output

Escape Sequences iomanip.h Objects

setw() setiosflags(…) setprecision()

Page 2: Formatting Output

Output cout

The object cout is used to direct data to the ststandard output device, usually the monitor.

predefined stream object in iostream library used with insertion operator <<


Page 3: Formatting Output

Output cout

Syntax: cout << ExprOrString;

Read << as “put to”.

cout << 24;

cout << ‘y’;

cout << “Hello”;


Page 4: Formatting Output

Output cout

Syntax: cout << ExprOrString;

cout << “The answer to question “;

cout << qu_num;

cout << “ is “;

cout << 1.5 * pay_rate;


Page 5: Formatting Output

Output cout

Syntax: cout << ExprOrString << ExprOrString;

Each appends data to the stream.

cout << “Num1 * num2 is “ << num1*num2;


Num1 * num2 is 110

* *


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Output cout

Syntax: cout << ExprOrString << ExprOrString;

Each appends data to the stream.

cout << “Num =“ << 35.1;


Num =35.1

* *

no space

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Output cout

Syntax: cout << ExprOrString << ExprOrString;

Each appends data to the stream.

cout << “Hi, “ << name << “how are you?”;

no spacespace


Hi, Shadowhow are you?

* * *

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Output cout

Syntax: cout << ExprOrString << ExprOrString;

cout << “The answer to question “;cout << qu_num;cout << “ is “;cout << 1.5 * pay_rate;

* *

no ;

cout << “The answer to question “ << qu_num << “ is “<< 1.5 * pay_rate;

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Output cout

Syntax: cout << ExprOrString << ExprOrString << ExprOrString ;

cout << “The answer to question number 17 is listed after question “;cout << lastqu << ‘.’;

* *

cout << “The answer to question number 17 “<< “is listed after question “ << lastqu<< ‘.’;

no ;

Page 10: Formatting Output

Escape Sequences \ Changes the meaning of the

character that follows it.

\n hard return\t tab\\ \\” “\a beep or bell

These must be within quotation marks.

Page 11: Formatting Output

Escape Sequences

cout << “Name\tTotal\tGrade\n”;cout << “Miyo\t186\t B\n”;cout << “\n Jake\t211\t A\n”;cout << “Syd\t203\t A\n”;

OUTPUTName Total GradeMiyo 186 B

Jake 211 ASyd 203 A_ *

\n \n gives a blank line

Page 12: Formatting Output

Escape Sequences

\ Changes the meaning of the character that follows it.

\” take quotes literally


“Alfonsus \”Butch\” Billone”gives

Alfonsus ”Butch” Billone

Page 13: Formatting Output

Escape Sequences

* * * *

“\n Alfonsus\n\”Butch\” \nBillone”gives


“|\n Alfonsus\n \t \”Butch\” \tBillone|”gives


“Butch” Billone|

Page 14: Formatting Output

Formatting Output

endlendl does the same thing as does the same thing as \n\n

- inserts a hard return- inserts a hard return requires the insertion operatorrequires the insertion operator

cout << endl << endlcout << endl << endl;;is the same as:is the same as:

cout << “\n\n”;cout << “\n\n”;

Page 15: Formatting Output

Formatting Output

iomanip.h contains the objects which have special effects on the iostream.


#include <iostream.h>#include <iomanip.h>

Page 16: Formatting Output

setw(n) how many columns for data setprecision(n) sets number of decimals

setiosflags(ios::fixed) displays 6 digits after the decimal

* * *

Formatting Output

iomanip.h contains the objects which havespecial effects on the iostream.…… …...

Page 17: Formatting Output

Formatting Output

setw(n) how many columns for data

cout << setw(4) << ans cout << setw(1) << ans<< setw(5) << num << setw(3) << num<< setw(4) << “Hi”; << setw(3) << “Hi”;

* *fields expand

337132Hi 337132Hi

Page 18: Formatting Output

Formatting Output

setprecision(n) sets number of decimals

x = format result314.0 setw(10)


point counts

314.0 setw(10)setprecision(5) 314.00000

* * *columns added

314.0 setw(7)setprecision(5) 314.00000

Page 19: Formatting Output

Formatting Output

setiosflags(ios::fixed) displays 6 digits after the decimal


void main(){

double v = 0.00123456789; double w = 1.23456789; double x = 12.3456789; double y = 1234.56789; double z = 12345.6789;

Page 20: Formatting Output

Formatting Output

cout <<v<< endl<<w<< endl <<x<< endl <<y<< endl <<z<<”\n\n”;

cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed);cout <<v<< endl <<w<< endl <<x<< endl

<<y<< endl <<z<<”\n\n”;

cout << setprecision(2);cout <<v<< endl <<w<< endl <<x<< endl

<<y<< endl <<z<<”\n\n”;}

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Formatting Output













+ setprecision(2)






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Formatting Output

For decimal alignment use:For decimal alignment use:

ios::fixed and setprecision( ) sitcky sitcky

setw( ) only onceonly once

cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(n);cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(n);

cout << “- -” << setw(n) << var1 << setw(n) << “- -”;cout << “- -” << setw(n) << var1 << setw(n) << “- -”;

cout << “- -\t” << setw(n) << var1 << setw(n) <<var2;cout << “- -\t” << setw(n) << var1 << setw(n) <<var2;*

Page 23: Formatting Output

cout Syntax

cout << ExprOrStringOrManipulator << ExprOrStringOrManipulator...;

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Good luck is nothing

but prepardnessprepardness and

opportunityopportunity coming
