formative assessment

Fo rm at iv e As se ss me nt “Assessment for learning”: 1. Where am I going? 2. Where am I now? 3. How do I close the gap?

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Formative Assessment

“Assessment for learning”:

1. Where am I going?2. Where am I now?3. How do I close the


Formative Assessment = feedback.

“I am impressed at how descriptive your writing has become. You have

included many details to describe your day at the

State Fair!”

“You did a wonderful job adding the two digit equations

accurately! All of your answers are correct. Be

careful not to move on before you’ve done everything the

directions asked for you to do. Did you show your work using

the ten sticks and circles?”

Feedback should be timely and descriptive.

The purpose of feedback during instruction is to guide students through the learning process.

Vague feedback serves no purpose.

How does formative assessment take place in the classroom?

•Have students write a brief summary or reflection.

•Creating graphic organizers/ illustrations.

• Informal strategy to check for learning during instruction.

•Observation of students at work, work samples/ homework, quizzes & informal testing.

Teacher observations

Thumbs up/ thumbs down

JournalsVisual Representations

GoSoapBox: Hear What Your Students are Thinking | Classroom Response SystemSelfChecker - Online formative assessment - YouTube

• Benefits of Implementing Formative Assessment in the Classroom

• Teachers determine where students are in meeting the objectives.

• Frequent formative assessments ensure that skills/shortcomings are current and accurate.

• Several approaches possible.• Eliminates inaccurate outcomes that can be

caused by test anxiety.• Students are encouraged to become accountable

for their own learning.• Timely, descriptive feedback motivates students

to keep trying as the goals are clear.