formative assessment 2 4

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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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1. Feb 4, 2015 Formative Assessment 2. But 1st Teachers with Courage PARCC Training Index Cards 3. Index Cards Topic Standards Examples Formative Assessme nts I-B-1 Variety of Assessment Methods I-B-II Adjustment to Practice Warm up (connected to objectives) Exit ticket (connected to objectives) Variety of strategies for checking for understanding Effective questioning Positive, specific feedback (written or verbal) 4. Agenda Assessment vs. Evaluation Formative Self-Assessment Standard III Evidence Carousel Standard IV Formative Self- Assessment Shawns Formative Assessment Survey 5. The educator Demonstrates the capacity to reflect on and improve the educators own practice Actively pursues opportunities to improve quality of practice Collaborates effectively with colleagues on a wide range of tasks. Shares responsibility for the performance of all students within the 6. Formative Assessment The process used to assess progress towards attaining goals set forth in Educator plans, performance on standards, or both. This process may take place at any time(s) during the cycle of evaluation, but typically takes place at mid-cycle. Formative Evaluation An evaluation conducted at the end of Year 1 for an Educator on a 2-year Self-Directed Growth plan which is used to arrive at a rating on progress towards attaining the goals set forth in the Educator Plan, performance on Standards and Indicators of Effective Teaching Practice, or both. 7. Teachers on one year plans Sep-Jan Teachers on two year plans Year 1 Year 2 Formative assessme nt Summativ e evaluatio n Jan-Jun Sep-Jan Jan-Jun Formative assessme nt Summativ e evaluatio n Formative evaluatio n Summativ e evaluatio 8. Standard III: Family and Community Engagement. The teacher promotes the learning and growth of all students through effective partnerships with families, caregivers, community members, and organizations. Evidence? 9. Formative Self-Assessment Indicator IV-E. Shared Vision: Continuously engages all stakeholders in the creation of a shared educational vision in which every student is prepared to succeed in postsecondary education and become responsible citizens and community contributors. IV-E. Elements Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary IV-E-1. Shared Vision Development Does not engage stakeholders in the creation of a shared educational vision, or the vision is disconnected from college and career readiness, civic engagement, and/or community contributions. Engages staff, students, families, and community members in developing a vision focused on some aspects of student preparation for college and career readiness, civic engagement, and community contributions. At all grade levels, continuously engages staff, students, families, and community members in developing a vision focused on student preparation for college and career readiness, civic engagement, and community contributions. Leads staff, students of all ages, families, and community members to develop and internalize a shared educational vision around preparation for college and careers and responsible citizenship. Is able to model this element. Indicator IV-F. Managing Conflict: Employs strategies for responding to disagreement and dissent, constructively resolving conflict and building consensus throughout a district/school community. IV-F. Elements Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary Indicator IV-D. Continuous Learning: Develops and nurtures a culture in which staff members are reflective about their practice and use student data, current research, best practices and theory to continuously adapt instruction and achieve improved results. Models these behaviors in the administrators own practice. IV-D. Elements Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary IV-D-1. Continuous Learning of Staff Accepts the practice of educators working largely in isolation, without consideration of data and best practices, or discourages reflection among staff. May encourage educators and teams to reflect on the effectiveness of instruction and interactions with students and to use data and best practices to adapt instruction but does not support educators in these practices. Leads all educators and teams to reflect on the effectiveness of lessons, units, and interactions with students. Ensures that staff use data, research, and best practices to adapt instruction to achieve improved results. Models for educators how to reflect on the effectiveness of lessons, units, and interactions with students and uses data, research, and best practices to adapt instruction to achieve improved results. Supports all educators to work in teams as often as is feasible and appropriate. Is able to model this element. IV-D-2. Continuous Learning of Administrator Does not reflect on personal practice or demonstrate new ways of thinking about administration and leadership. Occasionally reflects on personal practice, sets meaningful goals, and/or researches ways to improve efficiency and practice. Reflects on and improves personal practice, sets meaningful goals, and develops new approaches in order to improve the efficiency and practices of the school. Demonstrates openness and commitment to learning; reflects on personal practice; and relies on student data, current research, and best practice to improve own leadership. Is able to model this element. 10. Exit Ticket Formative Self-Assessment on Standard IV Share one thing with a neighbor. Have a great day!