formation of the universe review. observed change in the frequency of a wave when the source or...

Formation of the Universe Review

Upload: beryl-lynch

Post on 16-Dec-2015




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Formation of the Universe Review

• observed change in the frequency of a wave when the source or observer is moving

• Doppler Effect

• theory that all matter and energy in the universe exploded 10 to 15 billion years ago and began expanding in all directions.

Big Bang Theory

• Big Bang Theory

• apparent shift toward shorter wavelengths of light when a luminous object moves toward the viewer

• Blue Shift

• theory that matter distorts space

• General Theory of Relativity

• sum of all space, matter and energy

• Universe

• matter not visible through current methods, but observable through gravitational interactions between galaxies

• Dark Matter

• apparent shift toward longer wavelengths of light when a luminous object moves away from the viewer

• Red Shift

• steady but faint microwaves from all over the sky

• Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

• unexplained high speed of galaxies going into outer space

• Dark Energy

• the study of the nature, structure, origin and fate of the universe

• Cosmology

1. _____ Space based telescopes, such as the Hubble Space Telescope, allow astronomers to see further away than they can with telescopes on Earth. Seeing more distant objects is in effect equivalent to seeing

a. the edges of the universe c. further back in time.b. into other universes. d. further forward in time.

c. further back in time.

• 2. _____ Is the following sentence true or false? All distant galaxies are moving away from ours because our galaxy is at the center of the universe.

a. true b. false

• b. false

• 3. _____ The _________________ states that the universe began when a dense, hot, super massive singularity violently exploded.

a. steady state theory c. big bang theoryb. string theory d. big crunch theory

• c. big bang theory

• 4. _____ Which is NOT evidence to support the big bang theory?

a. red shift of galaxiesb. cosmic background radiationc. Galactic clustersd. abundance of light elements (H, He and Li)

• c. galactic clusters

• 5. _____ Which fate of the universe do scientist currently believe to be true?

• a. open universe c. flat universe• b. closed universe d. accelerating universe

• d. accelerating universe

• 6. _____ The red shift of distant galaxies show that the universe is ___________.

a. contractingb. expanding

• b. expanding

• 7. _____ Radiation left over from the big bang is called

a. cosmic radio wavesb. cosmic microwaves background radiationc. gamma ray burstsd. cosmic x-ray radiation

• b. cosmic microwaves background radiation

• 8. _____ About how long ago did the big bang occur?

a. 4.6 billion years agob. 10 billion years agoc. 13.7 billion years agod. 100 million years ago

• c. 13.7 billion years ago

• 9. _____ The universe is mostly made up of

a. dark matter c. atoms

b. dark energy d. empty space

• d. empty space

• 10. _____ The first elements that were formed in the universe were?

a. hydrogen and lithium c. hydrogen and helium

b. lithium and helium d. lithium and beryllium

• c. hydrogen and helium