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By Chris Cooper A Photographic Exploration into the nature of climbing within the Peak District

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By Chris Cooper

A Photographic Exploration into the nature of climbing within the Peak District

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I know of no other activity in which I can so easily lose all the hours of an afternoon without a trace. Or a regret. I have had storms creep up on me as if I had been asleep, yet I knew the whole time I was in the grip of an intense concentration, focused first on a few square feet of rock, and then on a few feet more. Sometimes in the lowlands when it is hard to work I am jealous of how easily concentration comes in climbing. This concentration may be intense, but it is not the same as the intensity of the visionary periods; it is a prerequisite intensity.

- Doug Robinson

When I climb I forget where I am in the world, and all the fears and concerns I have seem to disappear. If I am stressed or scared I go climbing, look at my surroundings and it helps me find a way to escape. Climbing to me is about the present, and the task in hand. This book explores the nature of climbing within the Peak District. It aims to inspire and motivate climbers to explore and experience the tranquility and beauty of this incredible area. Take time to lose yourself there, and it will help you find yourself again.

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QuoteLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam massa felis, malesuada eu luctus ut, mattis at leo. Nullam eu orci quis nisi tincidunt varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum laoreet elit ac lacus aliquam dapibus. Nulla mattis laoreet tincidunt. Nullam dapibus sodales cursus. Nulla nisi massa, consequat ut mollis at, ultricies non tortor. Vestibulum vitae elit nisi. In vitae nisi justo, bibendum faucibus sapien. Duis pellentesque cursus leo, eget malesuada neque posuere et.

Donec aliquet nunc id erat consectetur faucibus.libero sed urna ultrices eu placerat velit volutpat.

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Climbing requires intense concentration. I know of no other activity in which I can so easily lose all the hours of an afternoon without a trace. Or a regret. I have had storms creep up on me as if I had been asleep, yet I knew the whole time I was in the grip of an intense concentration, focused first on a few square feet of rock, and then on a few feet more. Sometimes in the lowlands when it is hard to work I am jealous of how easily concentration comes in climbing. This concentration may be intense, but it is not the same as the intensity of the visionary periods; it is a prerequisite intensity.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam massa felis, malesuada eu luctus ut, mattis at leo. Nullam eu orci quis nisi tincidunt varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum laoreet elit ac lacus aliquam dapibus. Nulla mattis laoreet tincidunt. Nullam dapibus sodales cursus. Nulla nisi massa, consequat ut mollis at, ultricies non tortor. Vestibulum vitae elit nisi. In vitae nisi justo, bibendum faucibus sapien. Duis pellentesque cursus leo, eget malesuada neque posuere et.

Donec aliquet nunc id erat consectetur faucibus. Nam ac turpis dictum orci imperdiet tincidunt nec nec lectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur purus nisi, eleifend nec malesuada sit amet, porta a justo. Morbi pretium pharetra dignissim. Quisque ornare condimentum neque, eget placerat velit pretium eu. Vestibulum quis quam eros, id tristique leo. Aliquam elementum elit eget mi venenatis in viverra arcu sollicitudin. Nullam vel odio eros. Morbi mattis auctor ipsum, vel laoreet urna porta vitae. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras sit amet nisl quis nisi blandit ornare. Integer hendrerit, orci in consequat vehicula, turpis mauris ullamcorper risus, in

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QuoteLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam massa felis, malesuada eu luctus ut, mattis at leo. Nullam eu orci quis nisi tincidunt varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum laoreet elit ac lacus aliquam dapibus. Nulla mattis laoreet tincidunt. Nullam dapibus sodales cursus. Nulla nisi massa, consequat ut mollis at, ultricies non tortor. Vestibulum vitae elit nisi. In vitae nisi justo, bibendum faucibus sapien. Duis pellentesque cursus leo, eget malesuada neque posuere et.

Donec aliquet nunc id erat consectetur faucibus.libero sed urna ultrices eu placerat velit volutpat.

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QuoteLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam massa felis, malesuada eu luctus ut, mattis at leo. Nullam eu orci quis nisi tincidunt varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum laoreet elit ac lacus aliquam dapibus. Nulla mattis laoreet tincidunt. Nullam dapibus sodales cursus. Nulla nisi massa, consequat ut mollis at, ultricies non tortor. Vestibulum vitae elit nisi. In vitae nisi justo, bibendum faucibus sapien. Duis pellentesque cursus leo, eget malesuada neque posuere et.

Donec aliquet nunc id erat consectetur faucibus.libero sed urna ultrices eu placerat velit volutpat.

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QuoteLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam massa felis, malesuada eu luctus ut, mattis at leo. Nullam eu orci quis nisi tincidunt varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum laoreet elit ac lacus aliquam dapibus. Nulla mattis laoreet tincidunt. Nullam dapibus sodales cursus. Nulla nisi massa, consequat ut mollis at, ultricies non tortor. Vestibulum vitae elit nisi. In vitae nisi justo, bibendum faucibus sapien. Duis pellentesque cursus leo, eget malesuada neque posuere et.

Donec aliquet nunc id erat consectetur faucibus.libero sed urna ultrices eu placerat velit volutpat.

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QuoteLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam massa felis, malesuada eu luctus ut, mattis at leo. Nullam eu orci quis nisi tincidunt varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum laoreet elit ac lacus aliquam dapibus. Nulla mattis laoreet tincidunt. Nullam dapibus sodales cursus. Nulla nisi massa, consequat ut mollis at, ultricies non tortor. Vestibulum vitae elit nisi. In vitae nisi justo, bibendum faucibus sapien. Duis pellentesque cursus leo, eget malesuada neque posuere et.

Donec aliquet nunc id erat consectetur faucibus.libero sed urna ultrices eu placerat velit volutpat.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam massa felis, malesuada eu luctus ut, mattis at leo. Nullam eu orci quis nisi tincidunt varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum laoreet elit ac lacus aliquam dapibus. Nulla mattis laoreet tincidunt. Nullam dapibus sodales cursus. Nulla nisi massa, consequat ut mollis at, ultricies non tortor. Vestibulum vitae elit nisi. In vitae nisi justo, bibendum faucibus sapien. Duis pellentesque cursus leo, eget malesuada neque posuere et.

Donec aliquet nunc id erat consectetur faucibus. Nam ac turpis dictum orci imperdiet tincidunt nec nec lectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur purus nisi, eleifend nec malesuada sit amet, porta a justo. Morbi pretium pharetra dignissim. Quisque ornare condimentum neque, eget placerat velit pretium eu. Vestibulum quis quam eros, id tristique leo. Aliquam elementum elit eget mi venenatis in viverra arcu sollicitudin. Nullam vel odio eros. Morbi mattis auctor ipsum, vel laoreet urna porta vitae. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras sit amet nisl quis nisi blandit ornare. Integer hendrerit, orci in consequat vehicula, turpis mauris ullamcorper risus, in

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam massa felis, malesuada eu luctus ut, mattis at leo. Nullam eu orci quis nisi tincidunt varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum laoreet elit ac lacus aliquam dapibus. Nulla mattis laoreet tincidunt. Nullam dapibus sodales cursus. Nulla nisi massa, consequat ut mollis at, ultricies non tortor. Vestibulum vitae elit nisi. In vitae nisi justo, bibendum faucibus sapien. Duis pellentesque cursus leo, eget malesuada neque posuere et.

Donec aliquet nunc id erat consectetur faucibus.libero sed urna ultrices eu placerat velit volutpat.

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When I climb I forget where I am in the world, and all the fears and concerns I have seem to disappear. If I am stressed or scared I go climbing, look at my surroundings and it helps me find a way to escape. Climbing to me is about the present, and the task in hand. This book explores the beauty of the Peak District, and aims to inspire and motivate climbers to get out and experience the tranquility and beauty of this incredible area. Take time to lose yourself there, and it will help you find yourself again.

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When I climb I forget where I am in the world, and all the fears and concerns I have seem to disappear. If I am stressed or scared I go climbing, look at my surroundings and it helps me find a way to escape. Climbing to me is about the present, and the task in hand. This book explores the beauty of the Peak District, and aims to inspire and motivate climbers to get out and experience the tranquility and beauty of this incredible area. Take time to lose yourself there, and it will help you find yourself again.

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When I climb I forget where I am in the world, and all the fears and concerns I have seem to disappear. If I am stressed or scared I go climbing, look at my surroundings and it helps me find a way to escape. Climbing to me is about the present, and the task in hand. This book explores the beauty of the Peak District, and aims to inspire and motivate climbers to get out and experience the tranquility and beauty of this incredible area. Take time to lose yourself there, and it will help you find yourself again.

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When I climb I forget where I am in the world, and all the fears and concerns I have seem to disappear. If I am stressed or scared I go climbing, look at my surroundings and it helps me find a way to escape. Climbing to me is about the present, and the task in hand. This book explores the beauty of the Peak District, and aims to inspire and motivate climbers to get out and experience the tranquility and beauty of this incredible area. Take time to lose yourself there, and it will help you find yourself again.

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When I climb I forget where I am in the world, and all the fears and concerns I have seem to disappear. If I am stressed or scared I go climbing, look at my surroundings and it helps me find a way to escape. Climbing to me is about the present, and the task in hand. This book explores the beauty of the Peak District, and aims to inspire and motivate climbers to get out and experience the tranquility and beauty of this incredible area. Take time to lose yourself there, and it will help you find yourself again.

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QuoteLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam massa felis, malesuada eu luctus ut, mattis at leo. Nullam eu orci quis nisi tincidunt varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum laoreet elit ac lacus aliquam dapibus. Nulla mattis laoreet tincidunt. Nullam dapibus sodales cursus. Nulla nisi massa, consequat ut mollis at, ultricies non tortor. Vestibulum vitae elit nisi. In vitae nisi justo, bibendum faucibus sapien. Duis pellentesque cursus leo, eget malesuada neque posuere et.

QuoteLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam massa felis, malesuada eu luctus ut, mattis at leo. Nullam eu orci quis nisi tincidunt varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum laoreet elit ac lacus aliquam dapibus. Nulla mattis laoreet tincidunt. Nullam dapibus sodales cursus. Nulla nisi massa, consequat ut mollis at, ultricies non tortor. Vestibulum vitae elit nisi. In vitae nisi justo, bibendum faucibus sapien.

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When I climb I forget where I am in the world, and all the fears and concerns I have seem to disappear. If I am stressed or scared I go climbing, look at my surroundings and it helps me find a way to escape. Climbing to me is about the present, and the task in hand. This book explores the beauty of the Peak District, and aims to inspire and motivate climbers to get out and experience the tranquility and beauty of this incredible area. Take time to lose yourself there, and it will help you find yourself again.

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When I climb I forget where I am in the world, and all the fears and concerns I have seem to disappear. If I am stressed or scared I go climbing, look at my surroundings and it helps me find a way to escape. Climbing to me is about the present, and the task in hand. This book explores the beauty of the Peak District, and aims to inspire and motivate climbers to get out and experience the tranquility and beauty of this incredible area. Take time to lose yourself there, and it will help you find yourself again.

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QuoteLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam massa felis, malesuada eu luctus ut, mattis at leo. Nullam eu orci quis nisi tincidunt varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum laoreet elit ac lacus aliquam dapibus. Nulla mattis laoreet tincidunt. Nullam dapibus sodales cursus. Nulla nisi massa, consequat ut mollis at, ultricies non tortor. Vestibulum vitae elit nisi. In vitae nisi justo, bibendum faucibus sapien. Duis pellentesque cursus leo, eget malesuada neque posuere et.

Donec aliquet nunc id erat consectetur faucibus.libero sed urna ultrices eu placerat velit volutpat.

QuoteLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam massa felis, malesuada eu luctus ut, mattis at leo. Nullam eu orci quis nisi tincidunt varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum laoreet elit ac lacus aliquam dapibus. Nulla mattis laoreet tincidunt. Nullam dapibus sodales cursus. Nulla nisi massa, consequat ut mollis at, ultricies non tortor. Vestibulum vitae elit nisi. In vitae nisi justo, bibendum faucibus sapien. Duis pellentesque cursus leo, eget malesuada neque posuere et.

QuoteLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam massa felis, malesuada eu luctus ut, mattis at leo. Nullam eu orci quis nisi tincidunt varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum laoreet elit ac lacus aliquam dapibus. Nulla mattis laoreet tincidunt. Nullam dapibus sodales cursus. Nulla nisi massa, consequat ut mollis at, ultricies non tortor. Vestibulum vitae elit nisi. In vitae nisi justo, bibendum faucibus sapien.