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Formaldehyde Training N. C. State University Environmental Health & Safety Center

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Page 1: Formaldehyde Training zN. C. State University zEnvironmental Health & Safety Center

Formaldehyde Training

N. C. State University Environmental Health & Safety Center

Page 2: Formaldehyde Training zN. C. State University zEnvironmental Health & Safety Center


Review of OSHA Formaldehyde Standard (1910.1048)Potential Health EffectsExposure Control MethodsSigns and Symptoms of ExposureHygiene ProtectionEmergencies and Spill ProceduresMedical SurveillanceRecordkeeping MSDS

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OSHA Formaldehyde Standard (1910.1048)

Scope: Applies to all occupational exposures to

formaldehyde (i.e.. Formaldehyde gas, its solutions and materials that release formaldehyde)

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OSHA Formaldehyde Standard (1910.1048)

Requirements: Requires initial monitoring for employees who

may be exposed at or above the action level/STEL

Monitoring whenever sign and symptoms of exposure reported

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OSHA Formaldehyde Standard (1910.1048)

Requirements: Periodic monitoring In laboratories, all experiments involving

formaldehyde need to be carried out in a certified chemical hood

Initial training:Recommended for all employees who may come to contact

with formaldehyde in their work environmentRequired for anatomy, pathology, & histology

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OSHA Formaldehyde Standard (1910.1048)

Requirements: Annual refresher training:

For anatomy, pathology and histology labsAny lab with airborne formaldehyde

concentrations at or above 0.1 ppm Refresher training whenever a new/modified

process is introduced in work areaSite specific training by PI/supervisor

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OSHA Formaldehyde Standard (1910.1048)

Requirements:All laboratories using formaldehyde

require a written safety plan Safety plan shall explain methods of

safe handling formaldehyde in all process

NCSU written formaldehyde program may be used as a support document for formaldehyde use

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OSHA Formaldehyde Standard (1910.1048)

Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs)

TWA - Time Weighted Average: 0.75 ppm as an 8-hour TWA

STEL - Short Term Exposure Limit2.0 ppm for any 15 minute period during the work

period Action Level

0.5 ppm as an 8-hour TWA

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OSHA Formaldehyde Standard (1910.1048)

Regulated Areas -

Shall be established where airborne formaldehyde concentrations exceed either TWA or STEL

Danger signs shall be posted at entrances

Access shall be limited to authorized persons




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Potential Health Effects

Inhalation: Repeated or chronic exposure- may cause headaches, rhinitis, nausea, drowsiness,

respiratory impairment, kidney injury and pulmonary sensitization and tissue damage

May cause neuropsychological effects including sleep disorders, irritability, altered sense of balance, memory deficits, loss of concentration, and mood alterations

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Potential Health Effects

Inhalation: Carcinogenic Effects

Long-term exposure to formaldehyde is reported to be associated with an increased risk of cancer of the nose and accessory sinuses and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal cancer in humans.

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Potential Health Effects

Skin ContactAcute Exposure: vapors or solutions may cause

smarting, white discoloration, roughness, hardness, anesthesia, and first degree burns. In previously exposed individuals subsequent exposures may result in a sensitization dermatitis characterized by the sudden eruption of blisters on the eyelids, face, neck and arms.

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Potential Health Effects

Skin Contact Chronic Exposure: Prolonged or repeated

exposures may cause second degree burns, numbness and itching rash, fingernail damage, hardening or tanning of the skin and sensitization. The dermatitis may be either a sudden blistering reaction or may be delayed several years with eruptions starting on the digital areas, wrists and other body parts.

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Potential Health Effects

Eye Contact Acute Exposure: Airborne concentrations from

0.05 to 3.0 ppm may cause irritation with redness, itching, pain, blurred vision, and mild tearing. Concentrations from 4 to 20 ppm may cause profuse tearing and damage to the eye. Aqueous solutions effects range from reversible, minor injury and discomfort to severe, permanent corneal damage and loss of sight.

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Potential Health Effects

Eye Contact Chronic Exposure:

Effects depend on the concentration and duration of exposure

Effects are different based on the individual’s sensitivity

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Signs and Symptoms of Overexposure

Watery eyesBurning sensations in eyes, nose and throatSkin rashesNausea Coughing Chest tightnessAllergic reactions

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Exposure Control Methods

Engineering Controls Reduces or eliminates hazard at the source Preferred method of hazard control

Examples:• Using formaldehyde preservative substitute whenever possible

• Using formaldehyde only in chemical laboratory hoods

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Exposure Control Methods

Administrative Controls (Work Practices) Control between the worker and the source of hazard:

Examples:• Keep solution containers of formaldehyde closed when not in use

• Reduce exposure time

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Exposure Control Methods

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Specialized clothing or equipment worn to protect from hazard

Provides limited protection

Requires proper use and maintenance

The last choice for exposure control

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Exposure Control Methods

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Eye protection :

Indirect-vent gogglesface shield worn with goggles for severe exposure

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Exposure Control Methods

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Gloves : choose gloves and sleeves with proper

permeation and degradation ratings, materials such as nitrile or neoprene are recommended

Gloves have limited protection and shall be changed as soon as they become contaminated

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Exposure Control Methods

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Respiratory protection

• Used at exposures above PEL or STEL• Used only when other control methods are not feasible/effective• Used in emergencies• Voluntary use (employee’s concern)

– Air purifying respirators with chemical cartridge– Air supplied respirators

• Any respirator selection/use requires EH&S approval

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Exposure Control Methods

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Apparel: Aprons and sleeves may be worn over lab coats,

neoprene and nitrile materials offer excellent resistance to formaldehyde and a wide variety of other chemicals

For more information on personal protective equipment contact EHSC at 513-1282

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Hygiene Protection

Emergency Showers will be located in areas where employee’s skin

may be splashed with solutions containing 1% or greater formaldehyde

Emergency showers require annual inspection and test

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Hygiene Protection

Emergency Eyewashes Shall be located in areas where employee’s eyes

may be splashed with solutions containing 0.1% or greater formaldehyde

Emergency eyewash shall be able to deliver at least 1.5 liters of water per minute (0.4 gpm) for 15 minutes

Eyewash stations need weekly test and annual inspection

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Emergencies and Spill

Exposure Incidents Inhalation: leave the area and seek immediate

medical attention, report to supervisor Skin/eye exposure: rinse the effected area/eyes

using the emergency eyewash/safety showers for at least 15-minute and seek immediate medical attention (report to supervisor)

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Emergencies and Spill

Injuries While protecting yourself, try to help by removing

the victim to a safe area Report the incident to the campus police (911) Stay with victim until help arrives

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Emergencies and Spill

Large Spills Leave the area, close the door, call campus police at 911

and inform your supervisor Report the location and volume of the spill

Small Spills Need to be cleaned by trained people Use appropriate types of PPE Seal and contain cleaning debris as hazardous waste

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Medical Surveillance

Institute medical surveillance program for all employees exposed to formaldehyde concentrations at or exceeding the Action Level or exceeding the STEL

Employees who develop signs and symptoms of overexposure

Employees exposed to formaldehyde in emergencies

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Medical Surveillance

Program includes: Medical Disease Questionnaires

Performed by or under supervision of a licensed physician

Medical Examinations No cost to employee

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Medical Kept for duration of employment and 30 years

thereafter Archived at the Student Health Services

Monitoring and exposure assessment data: Kept for 30 years Archived at EH&S

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Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

A unique document for a specific chemical, explaining information such as hazards, exposure limits, spill control, and protective equipment in different sections

Must be readily available wherever chemical is being used

Manufacturer's responsibility to develop and provide MSDS

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Additional Resources

OSHA Formaldehyde Program (29 CFR 1910.1048)

OSHA Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories (29CFR 1910.1450)

NCSU on-line formaldehyde program

factsheet/Risk/formaldehydeNIOSH pocket guide to chemical hazardsNational Cancer Institute

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For More Information

For Additional Information, Assistance, or Questions in Working Safely with

Formaldehyde Contact the Industrial Hygiene Section at 919-513-1282

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