form multi to cross channel marketing & customer support

Si.mobil From Multi to Cross Channel Marketing & Customer Support 10.12.2012, TAG Business School, Customer Exepreince Forum David Rozman, Head of digital solutions @ Si.mobil

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Si.mobilFrom Multi to Cross Channel Marketing & Customer Support

10.12.2012, TAG Business School, Customer Exepreince ForumDavid Rozman, Head of digital solutions @ Si.mobil

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I. Intro We live in multi world

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Most important source among EU onliners when buying mobile phone subscriptions to start research is ...

Source: Consumer Barometer by TNS, IAB and Google 2012

1. Advertising starts research

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Most important source among EU onliners when buying mobile phone subscriptions generally used for research

Source: Consumer Barometer by TNS, IAB and Google 2012

2. Websites/shops are most used for research

1. Advertising starts research

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Most important source among EU onliners when buying mobile phone subscriptions for final purchase decision

3. Stores for final purchase decision

Source: Consumer Barometer by TNS, IAB and Google 2012

2. Websites/shops are most used for research

1. Advertising starts research

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EU Onliners [more than two thirds of population] mobile phone subscribers customer journey

73% research online or online & offline

Source: Consumer Barometer by TNS, IAB and Google 2012

3. Stores for final purchase decision

2. Websites/shops are most used for research

1. Advertising starts research

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Journey is not only multichannel is also multi device How many use another device while watching TV?

Source: Google/Ipsos/Sterling, 2012

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Journey is not only multichannel is also multi device How many move between devices to complete a task?

Source: Google/Ipsos/Sterling, 2012

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Journey is not only multichannel is also multi device In 2014 _% will vist our site via mobile device?

Source: Morgan Stanley Research

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What about the social media What our customers want most on social media?

Source: Consumer Views of Live Help Online 2012: A Global Perspective. Oracle 2012.The Perception Gap: what customers want and what executives think they want. Pivot 2012.

It’s not the customer supportIt’s Deals & Promos, followed by Reward programs, Exclusive content, Feedback on new products only afterwards comes the Customer service

But when they do us it for customer service, they expect rapid responseMore than half of Twitter users worldwide expect a personal response within two hours of tweeting a question or complaint

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Multi channels to support the customer Which channel prefer customers most to solve their problem?

Source: Web Sites That Don’t Support Customers’ Goals Waste Millions, Forrester Research 2010

No. It’s not the phoneCommon customer service misperceptions is that customers prefer calling the call center to solve problems with a “human touch”

72% of consumers prefer to go online first to resolve problem US customers prefer self-reliance and the ability to get quick answers to their questions and move on

Customers escalate to expensive channels if website doesn't support themTelephone customer service has highest satisfaction

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So this is our new multi world ...

1. consumers switch between multiple channels on a customer journey to research/buy mobile phone subscriptions

2. they use many devices at the same time and sequentially to complete tasksTV no longer commands their full attention67% of them start shopping on one device and continue on another

3. in 2014 50% of them will access the web via mobile device

4. social media is not only for support, but their users expect rapid responseMore than half of Twitter users worldwide expect a personal response within two hours of tweeting a question or complaint

5. 72% of consumers prefer to go online first to resolve problemNo it’s not the phone. Customers Escalate to More Expensive Channels When the Website Doesn't Support Them

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II. Discussion Are we ready for this new multi world?

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What is the biggest challenge of this new multi world?

1. Are your using multiple channels at the same time to push a single message to the customer?

2. But can your customer move cross channels in a way that he can continue with task started at the previous channel?Not forcing him to start the task at the beginning on each channel switch?

For example when a customer comes to the POS there is no need to explain his problem to the sales person as salesman can view all the recent customer interaction on the Facebook, Chat and Phone

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Multi Channel vs. Cross Channel analogy

Instruments are the channels

The song is customer journey

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Multi Channel Channels are central, not customer journey

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Cross Channel customer journey is central, he can switch progressively between channels

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Three Variables of Cross Channel Customer Journey

1. Phases 2. Channels 3. Journey

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Cross Channel Customer Journey Online Shop Example

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Cross Channel Customer Journey Loan Appliaction Example

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Cross Channel Customer Journey Retail Example

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Multi Channel vs. Cross Channel

Multi Channel Cross Channel

SiloedEach channel has own stock

Integrated Single stock

Marketing channels

SiloedUnconnected technologies

IntegratedChannels + Tickets + KB

Support channels

limted customer interaction view 360º customer view

Channel attribution analyticsCRM & Analytics

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Benefits of cross channel marketing?

Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of global interactive marketing provider ExactTarget

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What holds us back from driving effective cross-channel campaigns an customer support?

1. Lack of strategy

2. Organisational structure

3. Disparate technology platforms

Source: Econsultancy Cross-Channel Marketing Report

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Technology: Marketing Solutions

Adobe InsightThe standard

KissmetricsMore accessible solution

Google Universal AnalyticsAnnounced

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Technology: Customer Support Solutions

ZendeskThe flexible solution

Service CloudThe standard from Salesforce

Some OTP solutionsIn evalvation

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1. Who should be responsible for cross channel activities?

2. What kind of organizational structure do we need?

3. Should we take step by step approach or revolutionary one?

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Strategy to Move From Multi to Cross Channel Marketing & Customer Support?

You've got to start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology Steve Jobs

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