form 4 - university system of georgia 4 6 form revised 07/11/2014 chem 3411 organic chemistry 1 (4)...


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Page 1: Form 4 - University System of Georgia 4 6 Form Revised 07/11/2014 CHEM 3411 Organic Chemistry 1 (4) CHEM 3412 Organic Chemistry 2 (4) PHYS 1111 Intro. to Physics 1 (4) PHYS 1112 Intro
Page 2: Form 4 - University System of Georgia 4 6 Form Revised 07/11/2014 CHEM 3411 Organic Chemistry 1 (4) CHEM 3412 Organic Chemistry 2 (4) PHYS 1111 Intro. to Physics 1 (4) PHYS 1112 Intro

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1. Description of the program’s fit with the institutional mission, existing degrees and majors.

Since the consolidation of the legacy institutions to form Augusta University, the

undergraduate student population seeking a STEM degree has increased 37 percent

(based upon Fall 2013 to Fall 2015 enrollment). Augusta University’s institutional

mission is to be a comprehensive research university with an emphasis on the key

areas of health care, STEM, and cyber.

Existing STEM degrees offered are Bachelor of Science degrees. The proposed

Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry program would use existing coursework in chemistry

but target preparation for health care careers and immediate employment with a

broader based curriculum than the existing Bachelor of Science in Chemistry program.

The continuing BS in Chemistry degree will offer a more comprehensive program in

chemistry as it is designed primarily as preparation for graduate studies in chemistry.

The proposed BA program seeks to meet the needs of the student population while

improving graduation rates.

2. Program Description and Goals:

a. Institutional Priority: Describe how the proposed program is aligned with

the institution’s academic strategic plan. Indicate where this program falls

in terms of the institution’s top priorities for new degrees.

The BA Chemistry program will provide effective STEM education to both meet

employer needs in the region and provide the pre-healthcare preparation for the

increasing student population interested in this career path. The proposed degree will

offer an additional STEM option to meet student needs and improve graduation

rates. Therefore, this program is a high institutional priority.

The BA Chemistry degree will offer a more diverse and flexible degree option than

the continuing BS Chemistry degree while utilizing existing coursework. The BA

degree will be most valuable for pre-health professional students, students pursuing

secondary education certification, students pursuing a double major, and those

seeking employment in a technical field with utilization of the bachelor's degree and

not a graduate degree. It will better allow a technical education to accompany

the skills from disciplines in other colleges while allowing completion of the degree

in a timely manner. It is not suitable for those pursuing graduate school in chemistry

or those who desire the extensive coursework in chemistry provided by the BS.

b. Brief description of the program and how it is to be delivered.

The program will require the core curriculum for science majors, utilize the existing

chemistry coursework to provide breadth across multiple sub-disciplines of

chemistry, and demand competencies from other disciplines through additional

coursework. The coursework in the major is delivered through traditional face-to-face

instruction and hands-on laboratories.

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c. Goals/objectives of the Program

The BA CHEM program will provide a strong education in chemical principles and

hands-on laboratory and instrument work to provide a foundation for success in a wide

variety of employment scenarios or in professional programs. As an alternative to the

BS program, it will provide a pathway for high value STEM education that includes

greater curricular diversity for graduation in a timely manner with this greater

diversity of experience. Students will attain STEM skills for technical employment,

meeting employer needs, while the required additional coursework will add valuable

diversity to meet student needs with improved time to graduation. Particular areas

anticipated to be useful to students include coupling this degree with coursework in

secondary education, business, communication, or other STEM areas. Currently,

students who seek double majors in CHEM to meet their career goals experience an

unacceptably long time to graduation. This will be shortened with this degree.

Coordination with the College of Education and the Hull College of Business are

likely to be especially fruitful. The existing BS CHEM degree leaves few hours to

pursue business education, yet many employers hire scientists from within their

organizations into supervisory roles. Discussions with regional employers have

revealed that they find value in their science personnel having coursework in

business. The existing secondary education certification in CHEM requires 136 credit

hours to complete the program that can be reduced by the BA while still achieving

quality. As the value of communication and critical thinking in a liberal arts

context becomes more widely recognized in STEM, the flexibility of the BA CHEM

will facilitate coursework in the Pamplin College of Humanities and Social Sciences

for those students who wish to pursue such a combination.

As a final focus area, many students matriculate to Augusta University seeking

admission to professional health care programs. However, the reality is there are not

enough seats in medical, dental and other health care areas to accommodate all

qualified students. Because chemistry touches nearly every other area of science, a

chemistry education is a gateway to a wide variety of technical employment that will

increase the job prospects of pre-health care students who are not accepted into

professional programs. We anticipate this BA program will be an attractive major or

double-major for pre-health care students to provide excellent foundation for their

desired professional program and increase employment opportunities.

The existing BS CHEM degree will continue to be an important part of chemistry

programs. It provides excellent preparation for graduate programs, professional

programs, and employment. As we move forward with American Chemical Society’s

approval of the BS program, we expect it to continue to strengthen and continue to

draw students. However, we recognize that the BS does not best serve the needs of all

students interested in chemistry. Having a BA in Chemistry available will provide an

alternative to serve other students well in meeting their career goals.

d. Location of the program – main campus or other approved site

Main campus (Summerville Campus)

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3. Curriculum: List the entire course of study required and recommended to complete the

degree program. Provide a sample program of study that would be followed by a

representative student. Include Area F requirements (if applicable).

Bachelor of Arts with a major in Chemistry

Core Curriculum Areas A-E for Science Majors 42 hours

Core Area F 18 hours CHEM 1211/1211L Principles of Chemistry I (4) CHEM 1212/1212L Principles of Chemistry II (4)

CHEM 2810 Quantitative Analysis (5)

MATH 2011 Calculus I (1 hour from Area D)

Additional 4 hour course selected from the menu of required lower division courses

Required Lower Division Courses 3-12 hours PHYS 1111 or 2211 (4) and PHYS 1112 or 2212 (4) (if not in Area D)

Select 2 of the following courses (4h to be used in Area F):

MATH 2210 Elementary Statistics (3)

CSCI 1301 Principles of Computer Programming (4)

ENGR 2060 Programming for Science and Engineering (4)

BIOL 1107 Principles of Biology (4)

Major Concentration 11 hours CHEM 3411 Organic Chemistry I (4)

CHEM 3412 Organic Chemistry II (4)

CHEM 3820 Laboratory Management and Safety (2)

CHEM 4800 Advanced Seminar (1)

Major Electives 9-10 hours Choose 3 courses from the options below

CHEM 3721 Physical Chemistry I (3)

CHEM 3810 Advanced Organic Chemistry (3)

CHEM 4210 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (3)

CHEM 4551 Biochemistry I (3)

CHEM 4840 Instrumental Analysis (4)

Additional Major Elective 3-4 hours Select one additional 3 or 4 hour course not chosen above.

Choose from:

CHEM 3000 Introduction to Nuclear Science; CHEM 3600 Intro to Medicinal Chemistry; CHEM 3721

Physical Chemistry; CHEM 3722 Physical Chemistry II; CHEM 3810 Advanced Organic Chemistry;

CHEM 4100 Forensic Chemistry; CHEM 4210 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry; CHEM 4310 Water

Chemistry; CHEM 4410 Heterocyclic and Transition Metal Chemistry; CHEM 4551 Biochemistry I;

CHEM 4552 Biochemistry II; CHEM 4610 Rational Drug Design; CHEM 4840 Instrumental Analysis

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Advanced Laboratory Electives 0-8 hours Choose either:

CHEM 4700 Integrated Laboratory


Any two advanced laboratory courses from:

CHEM 3010 Nuclear Measurements; CHEM 3723 Physical Chemistry Lab; CHEM 4100 Forensic

Chemistry; CHEM 4410 Heterocyclic and Transition Metal Chemistry; CHEM 4553 Biochemistry lab;

CHEM 4840 Instrumental Analysis. Note: A combined laboratory/lecture course may be used to satisfy

both a major elective and an advanced laboratory requirement

*Minor, additional major or additional coursework 15-21 hours

Additional upper division courses for minimum of 39 hours 0-6 hours

Free Electives 0-17 hours

Wellness Graduation Requirement 4 hours WELL 1000 Wellness (2)

Activity course (1)

Activity course (1)

Total Hours for the Degree 124 hours

Completion of the ACS Diagnostic of Undergraduate Chemistry Knowledge Exam with a minimum score

of 25 correct.

Sample Program of Study


Fall Semester Spring Semester

CHEM 1211 Principles of Chemistry I (3) CHEM 1212 Principles of Chemistry 2 (3)

CHEM 1211L Principles of Chem I lab (1) CHEM 1212L Principles of Chem 2 lab (1)

MATH 1113 Pre Calculus Math (3) MATH 2011 Calculus 1 (4)

ENGL 1101 English Composition 1 (3) ENGL 1102 English Composition 2(3)

Core E (3) Core E (3)

COMS 1100 Fund. Of Human Communication (3) INQR 1000 Fund. Of Academic Inquiry (1)

------------------------ -------------------------

16 h Total 15 h Total


Fall Semester Spring Semester

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CHEM 3411 Organic Chemistry 1 (4) CHEM 3412 Organic Chemistry 2 (4)

PHYS 1111 Intro. to Physics 1 (4) PHYS 1112 Intro. to Physics 2 (4)

BIOL 1107 Principles of Biology 1 (4) CSCI 1301 Prin. of Comp. Programming 1 (4)

HUMN 2001 World Humanities 1 (3) HUMN 2002 World Humanities 2 (3)

WELL Activity (1)

--------------------- ----------------------

15 h Total 16 h Total


Fall Semester Spring Semester

CHEM 4551 Biochemistry 1 (3) CHEM 3810 Advanced Organic Chemistry (3)

CHEM 2810 Quantitative Analysis (5) CHEM 4840 Instrumental Analysis (4)

CHEM 3820 Lab Management and Safety (2) *Upper division minor course 2 (3)

*Upper division minor course 1 (3) *Upper division minor course 3 (3)

WELL 1000 Wellness (2) Free elective (3)

---------------------- --------------------------

15 h Total 16 h Total


Fall Semester Spring Semester

CHEM 3721 Physical Chemistry 1 (3) CHEM 4800 Advanced Seminar (1)

CHEM 3723 Physical Chemistry lab (1) *Upper division minor course 5 (3)

*Upper division minor course 4 (3) Core E (3)

Core E (3) WELL Activity (1)

Free electives (6) Free electives (7)

----------------------------------- ------------------------------

16 h Total 15 h Total

*(If pursuing a minor, 15 hours are required for a minor. Hours plus free elective hours may also go

towards another major. Additional coursework or electives may also be taken to satisfy this area.)

Total Hours: 124 (includes 4 hours of WELL)

a. Clearly differentiate which courses are existing and those that are newly

developed courses. Include course titles as well as acronyms and credit hour

requirements associated with each course.

Titles shown with credit hours in parentheses.

b. Append course descriptions for all courses (existing and new courses).

All courses are already existing.

c. When describing required and elective courses, list all course prerequisites.

The prerequisites for each course are listed with the catalog description in Appendix A.

d. Provide documentation that the program and all courses in the proposed

curriculum have been approved by all relevant campus curriculum governance


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All courses are previously existing and are part of the official university catalog. Link to

catalog is:

e. Append materials available from national accrediting agencies or professional

organizations as they relate to curriculum standards for the proposed program.

No new courses are proposed. Existing courses have been designed to meet the American

Chemical Society (ACS) standards for coursework. The ACS provides a set of

supplements with content recommendations in each main sub-discipline (analytical,

biochemistry, inorganic, organic, and physical) of chemistry. Courses in these areas were

developed in accordance with the ACS recommendations and will be required for the

proposed BA CHEM degree. The BS program and, consequently, the courses comprising

it are currently undergoing evaluation for certification as meeting an ACS-approved

degree program as further affirmation that the courses are consistent with national norms.

The ACS supplements which guide the content of the coursework are included in

Appendix B.

f. Indicate ways in which the proposed program is consistent with nationally

accepted trends and standards in the discipline.

In order to provide sufficient breadth of chemistry, the BA program requires upper

division coursework to cover at least 3 of the 5 major sub-disciplines. This level of

breadth is typical among the many BA chemistry programs examined at other

institutions. These courses are designed to fit the ACS guidelines for content.

g. If internships or field experiences are required as part of the program, provide

information documenting internship availability as well as how students will be

assigned, supervised, and evaluated.

No such experiences are required.

h. Indicate the adequacy of core offerings to support the new program.

All courses required for the BA CHEM program have been offered at least annually over

the past several years and a number of them are offered every semester.

i. Indicate the method of instructional delivery.

All courses will be face-to-face delivery, supplemented as appropriate with technology.

4. Admissions criteria. Please include required minima scores on appropriate standardized

tests and grade point average requirements.

There are no special admissions requirements.

5. Availability of assistantships (if applicable).

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6. Evaluation and Assessment:

a. Provide the student learning outcomes and other associated outcomes of the

proposed program.

1. The program will promote professional and ethical behavior of its graduates.

2. The program will promote an environment of responsible learning, self-directed learning,

and group lea1rning.

3. The program will graduate students with effective oral and written scientific

communication skills.

4. The program will promote critical, scientific and problem solving skills appropriate to a


5. The program will provide training of skills that support the chemical sciences.

6. The program will provide fundamental knowledge, application, and appreciation of the

major concepts of chemistry.

7. The program will graduate students with practical experience in experimental design,

construction and interpretation.

b. Describe how the institution will monitor and ensure the quality of the degree


Regular assessment of learning outcomes will occur to guide program improvement

by closing the loop

7. Administration of the program:

a. Indicate where the program will be housed within the academic units of the


The program will be housed in the Department of Chemistry and Physics

b. Describe the administration of the program inclusive of coordination and


The program will be administered by the faculty of the Department of Chemistry and Physics as a

part of the College of Science and Mathematics. The program will be directed by the department

chair who will have coordination and budgetary responsibility.

8. Waiver to Degree-Credit Hour (if applicable): If the program exceeds the maximum

credit hour requirement at a specific degree level, then provide an explanation

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supporting the increase of hours (NOTE: The maximum for bachelor’s degrees is 120-

semester credit hours and the maximum for master’s degrees is 36-semester credit



9. Accreditation (if applicable): Describe the program’s alignment with disciplinary

accreditation requirements and provide a time line for pursuing accreditation. Indicate

the source of institutional funding that will be used, if needed, for the accreditation



10. External Reviews (This item only applies to doctoral level programs): Provide a list of

five to eight reviewers, external to the System, from aspirational or comparable

programs/institutions. This list should contain contact information for each reviewer,

and include an explanation of why the reviewer was suggested. The list should not

include individuals for whom the department or institution has consulted during the

process of program proposal development.


11. Enrollment Projections and Monitoring:

a. Provide projected enrollment for the program during the first three years of

implementation. (NOTE: These projections will be used to monitor enrollment

following program implementation.)

b. Explain the specific methodology used to determine these projections and verify

their accuracy, especially if new student enrollment will be needed to sustain

funding for the program. Indicate whether enrollments will be cohort-based.










Student Majors

Shifted from other programs 5 5 5 5

New to the institution 4 8 8 15

Total Majors 9 22 35 55

Course Sections Satisfying Program


Previously existing 16 29 38 42

New 0 3 1 5

Total Program Course Sections 16 32 39 47

Credit Hours Generated by Those Courses

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Existing enrollments 1800 2896 3377 3444

New enrollments 72 176 351 530

Total Credit Hours 1872 3072 3728 3974

Projections of enrollment were determined from a combination of tracking student behavior at

Augusta University and national data on STEM. Over the past four years, AU has added new

concentrations to the BS Chemistry degree. The forensic chemistry and nuclear science

concentrations in particular both have increased degree flexibility and a reduction in the total upper

division credit hours required in the chemistry discipline relative to our other concentrations. The

response to these concentrations has been excellent. Total chemistry graduates in these concentrations

has risen as follows:

AY2013: 8 percent

AY2014: 33 percent

AY2015: 37 percent

AY2016: 57 percent

Advisors report that the increased flexibility and less extensive chemistry curriculum (while still

meeting student needs) were among the factors in the student choices of these concentrations. The

forensic chemistry concentration in particular has proven especially attractive to double-majors

because it was most achievable without an excessive delay of graduation. We also have seen an

increase in total number of graduates as students complete these new concentrations, with 23

graduates in AY2016 representing a significant increase over the typical 12-14 graduates each year.

The students with these more streamlined concentrations are successful in securing desirable

employment or admission to professional programs such as medical school. It is a logical conclusion

that students will respond favorably to the proposed BA program which extends this trend in

flexibility and replaces the upper-division chemistry requirements with a multidisciplinary

preparation. This is not an isolated trend as nationally, only 35 percent of chemistry graduates at

schools with an ACS-approved program complete the certified degree on which AU’s BS program is

modeled. We expect the creation of the BA program differentiated from the ACS-like BS program

will attract twice the number of students as our current degree program. The specific projections are

based upon the number of students with current interest in these more flexible concentrations and our

anticipation of the proposed program’s value to pre-medical and pre-dental preparation. It accounts

for a shift of some students from the BS chemistry program as well as new pre-medical and pre-dental

students to the university.

The BS CHEM will remain the recommended degree for students who wish to have the most

thorough preparation in chemistry, and especially for students who do not wish to concentrate in an

additional area. Therefore, the university intends to sustain the existing BS degree through advising

and by strengthening the BS with achieving ACS approval for this program. However, the BA will be

available to meet the needs of students with a broader concentration to increase their competitiveness

for jobs while helping with timely graduation in accordance with Complete College Georgia.

Enrollments will not be cohort based.

12. Provide the year when the program is expected to be reviewed in the institution’s

comprehensive program review process.

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First comprehensive program review will be AY2022-23, if implementation is successful in Fall


13. Describe anticipated actions to be taken if enrollment does not meet projections.

Specific recommended coordinated curricula with other programs will be re-evaluated to ensure the

program will meet student needs not anticipated in the initial study and design. However, no new

courses are being taught to support this program which are not already supporting other programs.

Thus, a low enrollment in the program will not lead to inefficiency or waste.

14. Faculty Qualifications & Capacity:

a. Provide an inventory of faculty directly involved with the program. On the list

below indicate which persons are existing faculty and which are new hires. For

each faculty member, provide the following information:

NOTE: All faculty named are existing. One unnamed faculty member is anticipated future hire.



Rank Highest






Area of




Brian Agee Lecturer Ph.D. Ph.D.,

M.S., B.S.

Chemistry Organic 90% teaching,



5% service



Professor Ph.D. Ph.D.,


Chemistry Organic 24% teaching,



Cheryl Eidell Lecturer Ph.D. Ph.D., B.S. Chemistry Organic 90% teaching,

10% service





Ph.D. Ph.D.,

M.S., B.S.

Chemistry Analytical 60% teaching,



10% service





Ph.D. Ph.D.,


Chemistry Organic 25% teaching,



5% service





Ph.D. Ph.D.,

M.S., B.S.

Chemistry Inorganic/organic 80% teaching,



5% service



Professor Ph.D. Ph.D.,

M.S., B.S.

Chemistry Analytical 80% teaching,



15% service





Ph.D. Ph.D.,

M.S., B.S.

Physics Nuclear science 80% teaching,


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10% service

Siva Panda Assistant


Ph.D. Ph.D.,





Organic/biochemistry 50% teaching,



10% service





Ph.D. Ph.D., B.S. Chemistry Biochemistry 80% teaching,



10% service





Ph.D. Ph.D., B.S. Medicinal


Organic 60% teaching,



20% service

Yanjun Wan Lecturer Ph.D. Ph.D.,

M.S., B.S.

Chemistry and

Chemical Education

Analytical 90% teaching,



5% service





Ph.D. Ph.D.,

M.S., B.S.

Chemistry Physical 75% teaching,



10% service




Lecturer or



Analytical 60-90%


Total Number of Faculty: 13 current

b. If it will be necessary to add faculty to support the program, give the desired

qualifications of the persons to be added, and a timetable for adding new


Initial years of start up of the program, a small number of additional sections will be

needed which would warrant having three, part-time faculty sections taught in Years 2

and 3. As enrollment growth increases the total number of additional sections, one further

faculty is anticipated. This will likely be in the Year 4 based upon anticipated

enrollments. This person must be able to contribute to the analytical chemistry courses.

c. If existing faculty will be used to deliver the new program, include a detailed

faculty load analysis that explains how additional courses in the new program

will be covered and what impact the new courses will have on faculty current

workloads. (For example, if program faculty are currently teaching full loads,

explain how the new course offerings will be accommodated.)

Existing faculty will be used to continue instruction in existing coursework. Thus, the

new program is not expected to have an impact on workloads. Any impact would be the

direct result of increased enrollment beyond current instructional capacity, which will

likely occur in Year 4.

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15. Budget – Complete the form below and provide a narrative to address the following:

a. For Expenditures:

i. Provide a description of institutional resources that will be required for the

program (e.g., personnel, library, equipment, laboratories, supplies, and

capital expenditures at program start-up and recurring).

All courses are existing courses that are taught by existing faculty. With enrollment

growth, an additional section each of CHEM 1211, 1212, and 3411 is anticipated starting

in year 2 (with a cost of $3000 per section if taught by part-time faculty). In year 3 an

additional section of CHEM 3412 will also be needed for an additional cost of $3000 if

taught by PT faculty. Further growth will necessitate an additional full time faculty

member beginning in year 4 which may be a lecturer or tenure track professor. The

budget reflects the expected cost of a full time lecturer.

Increased number of sections of organic chemistry will trigger a modification of the

equipment drawers for students and the glassware used by the students. The facilities

cost is the amount necessary to divide an existing equipment drawer to serve an

additional section while the equipment is the cost to purchase the necessary equipment to

support the experiments for the additional students.

The expenses do not account for faculty and other resources needed to support the course

sections beyond the chemistry major coursework that are necessary for graduation.

No unusual expenditures are anticipated upon startup because existing faculty and

existing courses will be utilized. In the first years a small number of additional sections

will be needed that would warrant having 3 part-time faculty sections taught in years 2

and 3 until further growth justifies a new full-time faculty instead. As stated above, the

enrollment growth anticipates triggering one additional faculty in the 4th year. This

person must be able to contribute to the analytical chemistry courses. Office space is

necessary for any new personnel.

ii. If the program involves reassigning existing faculty and/or staff, include

the specific costs/expenses associated with reassigning faculty and staff to

support the program (e.g. cost of part-time faculty to cover courses

currently being taught by faculty being reassigned to the new program or

portion of full-time faculty workload and salary allocated to the program).

No faculty are expected to be reassigned because there are no new courses. Faculty will continue to teach the existing courses to support the new program with assignments reflecting student demand for courses.

b. For Revenue:

i. If using existing funds, provide a specific and detailed plan indicating the


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1. Source of existing funds being reallocated.

2. How the existing resources will be reallocated to specific costs for

the new program.

3. The impact the redirection will have on units that lose funding.

No reallocation of funds is anticipated. The department has capacity within its current structure to accommodate this program until such time enrollment growth demands additional instructional positions.

ii. Explain how the new tuition amounts are calculated.

Students in the program will pay the standard undergraduate tuition amounts for Summerville campus programs. For the purpose of this analysis, tuition was calculated at $219.73 per credit hour generated based on new enrollment projections. This represents Augusta University’s fall 2016 in-state undergraduate rate for 1-9 hours. No annual increase in tuition was applied for years 2 through 4.

iii. Explain the nature of any student fees listed (course fees, lab fees,

program fees, etc.). Exclude student mandatory fees (i.e., activity, health,

athletic, etc.).

No special fees will be present for this program. Students would be subject to the existing laboratory fees for the existing laboratory courses. Lab fee projections are based on an average of $40 per student per course per year, assuming each student enrolled in two labs. It’s recognized this revenue stream will vary by semester and year.

iv. If revenues from Other Grants are included, please identify each grant and

indicate if it has been awarded. N/A

v. If Other Revenue is included, identify the source(s) of this revenue and the

amount of each source. N/A

c. When Grand Total Revenue is not equal to Grand Total Costs:

i. Explain how the institution will make up the shortfall. If reallocated funds

are the primary tools being used to cover deficits, what is the plan to

reduce the need for the program to rely on these funds to sustain the


Projected revenue exceeds projected costs. There is no plan to reallocate funds and the costs are directly proportional to the enrollment growth.

ii. If the projected enrollment is not realized, provide an explanation for how

the institution will cover the shortfall.

All courses for the program are existing, and a lower than expected enrollment in the BA

program will not create a revenue shortfall. If enrollment does not grow as expected,

the additional part time or full time faculty will not be hired. Facilities costs for

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modifications to labs are relatively low (by comparison to personnel costs) and also

would not be triggered until/unless enrollment grew sufficiently to warrant those


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Personnel – reassigned or existing


Faculty (see 15.a.ii)

Part-time Faculty (see 15 aria)

Graduate Assistants (see 15 aria)

Administrators(see 15 aria)

Support Staff (see 15 aria)

Fringe Benefits

Other Personnel Costs

Total Existing Personnel Costs 0 0 0 0


Personnel – new positions (see 15 a.i)

Faculty 50,000

Part-time Faculty 9000 12,000

Graduate Assistants


Support Staff

Fringe Benefits 12,000

Other personnel costs

Total New Personnel Costs 0 9000 12,000 62,000

Start-up Costs (one-time expenses) (see 15


Library/learning resources

Equipment needs defined in section 15.a.i 4010


Physical Facilities: construction or

renovation (see section on Facilities)


Total One-time Costs 0 6710 0 0

Operating Costs (recurring costs – base

budget) (see 15 a.i)




Library/learning resources


Total Recurring Costs 0 9,000 9,000 62,000

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GRAND TOTAL COSTS 0 15,710 12,000 62,000


Source of Funds

Reallocation of existing funds (see 15 b.i)

New student workload 0 0

New Tuition (see 15 b.ii) 15,820 38,672 77,125 116,456

Federal funds 0 0 0 0

Other grants (see 15 b.iv) 0 0 0 0

Student fees (see 15 b.iii)

Exclude mandatory fees

(i.e., activity, health, athletic, etc.).

720 1760 2800 4040

Other (see 15 b.v)

New state allocation requested for budget


0 0 0 0

GRAND TOTAL REVENUES 16,540 40,432 79,925 120,496

Nature of Revenues

Recurring/Permanent Funds 16,540 40,432 79,925 120,496

One-time funds 0 0 0 0

Projected Surplus/Deficit

(Grand Total Revenue – Grand Total Costs)

(see 15 c.i. & c.ii).

16,540 24,722 67,925 58,496

Please remember to include a detailed narrative explaining the projected expenditures and

revenues following the instructions appearing at the beginning of the Budget section.

These students will also populate courses in the department that have a laboratory fee associated

with them. The number of students each year in such departmental laboratory courses, using the

current laboratory fee of $40 per lab course, was used to calculate the fee revenue.

The revenues do not account for tuition and fees generated from the course sections beyond the

chemistry major coursework that will also be completed for graduation.

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Typical program of study for tuition and fee revenue calculations


Fall Semester Spring Semester

CHEM 1211 Principles of Chemistry I (3) CHEM 1212 Principles of Chemistry 2 (3)

CHEM 1211L Principles of Chem I lab (1) CHEM 1212 Principles of Chem 2 lab (1)

MATH 1113 PreCalculus Math (3) MATH 2011 Calculus 1 (4)

ENGL 1101 English Composition 1 (3) ENGL 1102 English Composition 2(3)

Core E (3) Core E (3)

COMS 1100 Fund. Of Human Communication (3) INQR 1000 Fund. Of Academic Inquiry (1)

------------------------ -------------------------

16 h Total 15 h Total


Fall Semester Spring Semester

CHEM 3411 Organic Chemistry 1 (4) CHEM 3412 Organic Chemistry 2 (4)

PHYS 1111 Intro. to Physics 1 (4) PHYS 1112 Intro. to Physics 2 (4)

BIOL 1107 Principles of Biology 1 (4) CSCI 1301 Prin. of Comp. Programming 1 (4)

HUMN 2001 World Humanities 1 (3) HUMN 2002 World Humanities 2 (3)

WELL Activity (1)

--------------------- ----------------------

15 h Total 16 h Total


Fall Semester Spring Semester

CHEM 4551 Biochemistry 1 (3) CHEM 3810 Advanced Organic Chemistry (3)

CHEM 2810 Quantitative Analysis (5) CHEM 4840 Instrumental Analysis (4)

CHEM 3820 Lab Management and Safety (2) *Upper division minor course 2 (3)

*Upper division minor course 1 (3) *Upper division minor course 3 (3)

WELL 1000 Wellness (2) Free elective (3)

---------------------- --------------------------

15 h Total 16 h Total


Fall Semester Spring Semester

CHEM 3721 Physical Chemistry 1 (3) CHEM 4800 Advanced Seminar (1)

CHEM 3723 Physical Chemistry lab (1) *Upper division minor course 5 (3)

*Upper division minor course 4 (3) Core E (3)

Core E (3) WELL Activity (1)

Free electives (6) Free electives (7)

----------------------------------- ------------------------------

16 h Total 15 h Total

*(If pursuing a minor, 15 hours are required for a minor. Hours plus free elective hours may also go

towards another major. Additional coursework or electives may also be taken to satisfy this area.)

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16. Facilities—Complete the table below.

Total GSF

a. Indicate the floor area required for the program in gross square feet

(gsf). When addressing space needs, please take into account the

projected enrollment growth in the program over the next 10 years.

Will share

space with

existing BS




new space of

500 square

feet over the

next 10 years

would be


with faculty

offices as a

result of

more faculty

to support



b. Indicate if the new program will require new space or use existing space. (Place an

“x” beside the appropriate selection.)

Type of Space Comments

i. Construction of new space is required It is anticipated that existing space can

support the faculty offices from the

additional faculty for this program.

Outside of faculty offices, any new

space requirements would not be a

result of solely this new program, but

growth in multiple areas.

ii. Existing space will require modification As additional sections of organic

chemistry become necessary to

support increased enrollments, the

equipment drawers will be modified to

accommodate each additional section.

Such modification is currently $2700

per section with the addition of 3 new

sections readily accommodated.

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iii. If new construction or renovation of existing

space is anticipated, provide the justification for

the need.

Students in the organic chemistry

courses have equipment and samples

they use throughout the semester that

is assigned to them. As many as 3

sets of drawers may be divided to

double capacity of them without

interfering with smooth operation of

the laboratory.

iv. Are there any accreditation standards or

guidelines that will impact facilities/space

needs in the future? If so, please describe what

the impact will be.

v. Will this program cause any impacts on the

campus infrastructure, such as parking, power,

HVAC, etc. If so, indicate the nature of the

impact, estimated cost and source of funding.

vi. Existing space will be used as is The majority of the space will be used

as is. The existing space already

accommodates the courses to be used

for the program. Modifications will a

direct result of supporting a larger

number of students in courses, and not

because the purpose of the room has


Under section e. part i. below, the

classroom, lab, office, and stockroom

spaces to be used for the program are

estimated existing spaces that are

already supporting the courses to be

used for the proposed program. No

reallocation of this space is necessary.

c. If new space is anticipated, provide information in space below.

i. Estimated construction cost

ii. Estimated total project budget cost

iii. Proposed source of funding

iv. Availability of funds

v. When will the construction be completed and

ready for occupancy? (Indicate semester and


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Note: A Program Manager from the Office of Facilities at the System Office may contact

you with further questions separate from the review of the new academic program.

Appendix A- Course Descriptions

CHEM 1211 - Principles of Chemistry I

First course in a sequence designed for science majors; topics include composition of matter, stoichiometry, periodic relations,

gas laws, molecular geometry and nomenclature. A student may not apply both CHEM 1151 and CHEM 1211/1201 to satisfy

core (Area D and/or F) requirements. Prerequisite- MATH 1111 (C or better) Co-requisite- CHEM 1201 Principles of Chemistry

I Laboratory

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 3

CHEM 1211L - Principles of Chemistry I Laboratory

Laboratory course to accompany CHEM 1211. Students will develop experimental techniques, safe lab practices, problem-

solving, data analysis, recordkeeping, and written communication skills.

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: MATH1111 >= C or MATH1113 >= C or MATH2011 >= C

Credit Hours: 1

Lab Hours: 3

Co-Requisites: CHEM1211

CHEM 1212 - Principles of Chemistry II

Second course in a sequence for science majors; topics include solutions, acid-base, colligative properties, equilibrium,

electrochemistry, kinetics, and descriptive chemistry. A student may not apply both CHEM 1151 and CHEM 1211 to satisfy core

(Area D and/or F) requirements. Prerequisites include meeting the departmental standard on the national ACS exam.

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: (MATH1113 >= C or MAT115 >= C or MATH2011 >= C or MAT201 >= C) and (CHEM1211 >= C or CHM121

>= C) and CHEM1211L >= C

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 3

CHEM 1212L - Principles of Chemistry II Laboratory

Laboratory course to accompany CHEM 1212. Students will develop experimental techniques, safe lab practices, problem-

solving, data analysis, recordkeeping, and written communication skills.

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: CHEM1211 >= C and CHEM1211L >= C and MATH1113 >= C or MAT115 >= C or MATH2011 >= C or

MAT201 >= C

Credit Hours: 1

Lab Hours: 3

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CHEM 2810 - Quantitative Analysis

Theories, principles and practice of volumetric, gravimetric and elementary instrumental analysis. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1212

(C or better).

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: CHEM1212 >= C or CHM123 >= C

Credit Hours: 5

Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 6

CHEM 3000 - Introduction to Nuclear Science

An introduction to nuclear models and structure, natural and artificial radioactivity, interactions of radiation with matter, nuclear

reactions, neutron physics and reactors. Prerequisite(s): MATH 2011 (grade of C or better) and either PHYS 1112 or PHYS 2212

(grade of C or better). Credit may not be earned for both CHEM 3000 and PHYS 3000

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: MATH2011 >= C and (PHYS1112 >= C or PHYS2212 >= C)

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0

CHEM 3010 - Introduction to Nuclear Measurements

An introductory course on scintillation counters, semiconductor detectors, nuclear electronics, nuclear spectroscopy, counting

statistics and shielding. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 3000 or PHYS 3000 (grade of C or better). Credit may not be earned for both

CHEM 3010 and PHYS 3010.

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: CHEM3000 >= C or PHYS3000 >= C

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 2 Lab Hours: 2

CHEM 3412 - Organic Chemistry II

A continuation of Organic Chemistry I. Mechanisms, synthesis, and spectroscopy will be emphasized. Prerequisite(s): CHEM

3411 (C or better).

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: CHEM3411 >= C or CHM341 >= C

Credit Hours: 4

Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 3

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CHEM 3600 - Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry

A study of the chemical mechanisms of action of the major drug classes, including those derived from natural products, with a

particular emphasis on the organic chemistry that controls drug-receptor interactions, as well as drug uptake, distribution,

metabolism, and toxicity. Modern drug discovery process from bench to clinical trials to manufacturing will also be examined.

Grade Mode: Normal, Audi

Prerequisites: CHEM3412 >= C

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 3

CHEM 3721 - Physical Chemistry I

A study of gases, first, second, and third laws of thermodynamics, thermochemistry, and chemical equilibria, followed by an

introduction to the basic principles of chemical kinetics. Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1112 or 2212, MATH 2011, CHEM 3411 (C or

better in each).

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: (PHYS2212 >= C or PCS212 >= C or PHYS1112 >= C or PCS202 >= C) and (MATH2011 >= C or MAT201 >=

C) and CHEM3411 >= C

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0

CHEM 3722 - Physical Chemistry II

Further applications of chemical kinetics. The principles of quantum mechanics, approximation methods, theory of chemical

bonding, symmetry and optical spectroscopy. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 3721 and MATH 3020 (C or better in each) or permission

of the instructor.

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: (CHEM3721 >= C or CHM372 >= C) and (MATH3020 >= C or MAT302 >= C)

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 3

CHEM 3723 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory

Introduction to the principles of physical chemistry in the laboratory. Topics usually include computation, simulation,

measurement, spectroscopy, thermodynamics, and kinetics.

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: CHEM3411 >= C

Credit Hours: 1

Lab Hours: 3

Co-Requisites: CHEM3721

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CHEM 3810 - Advanced Organic Chemistry

An examination of the principles of modern physical and synthetic organic chemistry with an emphasis on mechanism,

mechanism elucidation methods, chemoselective, regioselective, and stereoselective transformations. Prerequisite(s): CHEM

3412 (C or better).

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: CHEM3412 >= C or CHM342 >= C

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0

CHEM 3820 - Laboratory Management and Safety

Formal instruction and practical experience in all phases of assisting with instructional laboratories. Safety instruction includes

proper use of protective equipment and fire extinguishers, and CPR training. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 2410 or CHEM 3411 ( C or

better), or permission of instructor.

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: CHEM2410 >= D or CHM241 >= D or CHEM3411 >= C or CHM341 >= C

Credit Hours: 2

Lecture Hours: 1 Lab Hours: 3

CHEM 4100 - Forensic Chemistry

Application of chemical principles to forensic science including acquisition, interpretation, and validation of data and

communication of results to nonscientists. Topics include legal, statistical, and quality control principles in the discipline; drugs

and poisons, fire/explosion; firearm analysis; fingerprint analysis; and fiber/hair analysis. Prerequisite: CHEM 3412 (C or better)

or CHEM 2810 (C or better).

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: CHEM3412 >= C or CHEM2810 >= C

Credit Hours: 4

Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 3

CHEM 4130 - Water Chemistry

Study of how water quality is monitored and maintained and the effect of water quality in the home, industry, and the

environment. The course includes a study of typical impurities, including how these impurities are detected, removed or

mitigated, and how these impurities are related to problems such as corrosion and toxicity.

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: CHEM1212 >= C

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 3

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CHEM 4210 - Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

A study of advanced topics in inorganic chemistry including molecular orbital theory, coordination chemistry, descriptive

chemistry of the elements, and atomic structure. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 3412 (C or better).

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: CHEM3412 >= C

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0

CHEM 4410 - Heterocyclic and Transition Metal Chemistry

The study of nomenclature, structure, synthesis, and reactivity of heterocyclic compounds including furans, thiophenes, pyrroles,

pyridines, indoles, and others. Name reactions in heterocyclic chemistry. Common transition metal catalyzed coupling reactions

such as Negishi, Stille, Suzuki, and Sonogashira couplings will also be studied. The laboratory portion will focus on preparation,

purification, and characterization of heterocyclic compounds.

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: CHEM3412 >= C

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 2 Lab Hours: 3

CHEM 4552 - Biochemistry II: Bioenergetics and Metabolism

A study of the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, nucleotides, and related compounds; the regulation and

energetics of the metabolic pathways; and oxidative and photophosphorylation. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 4551 (C or better) or

permission of the instructor.

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: CHEM4551 >= C

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0

CHEM 4553 - Biochemistry Laboratory

A laboratory course exploring research techniques and principles of biological chemistry. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 4551 (grade of

C or better).

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: CHEM4551 >= C

Credit Hours: 1

Lecture Hours: 0 Lab Hours: 3

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CHEM 4610 - Rational Drug Design

An introduction to drug target selection, lead compound discovery, and application of structure-activity relationships and

computational chemistry towards design and optimization of lead compounds and their derivatives. Includes synthesis and

optimization of lead compounds, case studies, high throughput screening assays, and quantitative cell line based bioassays.

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: CHEM3412 >= C

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 2 Lab Hours: 2

CHEM 4700 - Integrated Laboratory

A laboratory course combining computational, synthetic, and analytical skills commonly used in physical chemistry, organic

chemistry and inorganic chemistry. Prerequisites: CHEM 2810, CHEM 3412, MATH 2011 (C or better in each).

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: CHEM2810 >= C and CHEM3412 >= C and MATH2011 >= C

Credit Hours: 3

Lecture Hours: 1 Lab Hours: 6

CHEM 4800 - Advanced Seminar

An oral presentation of topics of current chemistry interests and an introduction to preparation of technical chemistry

presentations using chemical databases to retrieve the scientific information. Prerequisites: CHEM 3721 or CHEM 4551 (grade

of C or better).

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: CHEM3721 >= C or CHEM4551 >= C

Credit Hours: 1

Lecture Hours: 1 Lab Hours: 0

CHEM 4840 - Instrumental Analysis

Theories and applications of instrumental methods of analysis. Spectroscopic techniques (including atomic absorption,

ultraviolet/visible, infrared, and fluorescence spectroscopy), separations and electrochemistry will be discussed. Prerequisite(s):

CHEM 2810, CHEM 3412 (C or better in each).

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: (CHEM2810 >= C or CHM281 >= C) and (CHEM3412 >= C or CHM343 >= C)

Credit Hours: 4

Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 3

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CHEM 4990 - Undergraduate Research

Individual modern chemical research. A minimum of three hours of laboratory work per week for each semester hour of credit.

Report/thesis required. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor.

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Credit Hours: 1 TO 4

Lecture Hours: 0 Lab Hours: 1 TO 4

CHEM 4993 - Research Thesis

Continuation of directed undergraduate research experiences and independent study in a specialized area of chemistry that results

in a comprehensive, written, formal document disseminating research results that is evaluated by a faculty panel using a

departmental rubric. Instructor permission for this course assumes a suitable agreement between the faculty member and student

concerning the remaining expected research outcomes necessary for the comprehensive report.

Grade Mode: Normal, Audit

Prerequisites: CHEM4990 >= C

Credit Hours: 1

Lab Hours: 3

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Appendix B

American Chemical Society (ACS) standards for approved programs- curriculum requirements.

The ACS Committee on Professional Training provides guidelines for chemistry education including a

formal approval of certain BS programs. At institutions that have approved programs, generally more

students will earn a non-approved degree than an approved degree. These guidelines also serve to

promote best practices in coursework, through sub-discipline specific supplement, that may be used for a

non-approved degree. These supplements are listed below for each of the five traditional sub-disciplines

of chemistry.

The supplements are written based upon how they would fit into an approved program, which is not the

intention of the proposed BA CHEM program. However, the course content specified is the model for the

chemistry courses at Augusta University that will support both the existing BS and the proposed BA.

Committee on Professional Training

Analytical Chemistry Supplement Context Classroom and laboratory experiences in analytical chemistry at the undergraduate level should present an integrated

view of methods and instrumental techniques, including their theoretical basis, for solving a variety of real chemical

problems. Students should receive a coherent treatment of the various steps of the analytical process, including:

problem definition, selection of analytical method, sampling and sample preparation, validation of analytical

method, data collection and interpretation, and reporting. The problem-oriented role of chemical analysis should be

emphasized throughout the student’s experience. Such experiences provide an excellent introduction to the

analytical process while engaging students in relevant societal problems requiring modern chemical analysis.

Conceptual Topics The student should emerge from an undergraduate program of study having been exposed to a systematic treatment

of the entire sequence of steps of the analytical process, including:

Definition of Analytical Requirements

What is the analyte?

What is the nature of the sample?

What information is needed (qualitative, quantitative)?

What level(s) of analyte(s) is (are) expected?

For quantitative analysis, what is the detection threshold, and what is the required precision and accuracy?

Selection of Analytical Method

Criteria: information content, specificity, limit of detection, interferences, dynamic range, sampling methods (gas,

liquid, solid), sample preparation (solid phase extraction, digestion, etc.), accuracy, speed, ease of use, cost,

temporal and spatial resolution, regulations (FDA, EPA, GLP, ISO)

Capabilities and Limitations of Analytical Methods:

o Chemical and Biological Reactions for Analysis and their Properties: Reaction stoichiometry, equilibrium

chemistry, reaction rate, labeling (fluorescent, radiochemical), biospecific reactions (enzymes, antibodies, DNA)

o Instrumental Methods: Instrument components and principles of their operation in the following areas:

Spectroscopy (UV-vis, fluorescence, atomic absorption, ICP-AES, IR, Raman, x-ray, NMR)

Separations (GC, HPLC, electrophoresis, ion chromatography, affinity chromatography)

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Mass spectrometry including the distinction and utility of different ionization methods (e.g., EI, CI, ESI,

MALDI) and mass analyzers (e.g., quadrupole, TOF, ion trap)

Electrochemistry (ion selective electrodes, amperometry, voltammetry)

Hyphenated techniques (GC-MS, LC-MS)

Thermal methods (TGA, DSC)

Signal Measurement and Processing Concepts:

Basic electronics, signal/noise ratio, signal transducers, signal processing (filtering, Fourier transform)

Sampling and Sample Preparation

Sampling approaches (random, stratified, etc.) power analysis, sample stability and storage

Analyte pre-concentration and separation from complex matrices, elimination or reduction of interferences,



Identification and correction of problems when executing a method

Validation of Method:

Choice of suitable standards, instrument calibration (standard addition, internal and external standards), use of

surrogates (tracers), standard reference materials

Collection and interpretation of data

Statistical analysis (hypothesis testing, outliers, confidence intervals, errors, analysis of variance), accessing and

employing databases


Record-keeping, report writing, and oral presentation

Practical Topics The laboratory experience needs to reflect the entire “analytical process” and not focus only on the measurement

step. Problems to which students are exposed should reflect the diversity of analytical problem-solving scenarios:

Biological and chemical systems including materials analysis and characterization

Major to trace components

Various physical states of matter

Chemical speciation

Comparison and selection of analytical methods for:

o Qualitative analysis

o Quantitative analyses reflecting a range of accuracy, precision, dynamic range, limit of detection, and limit of


The lab experience should include diverse approaches that reflect the wide range of analytical tools available

(equilibrium-based methods, kinetic-based methods, physical properties) using various families of instrumentation

including spectroscopy (atomic and molecular), separations, mass spectrometry and electrochemistry.

Illustrative Modes of Coverage Analytical chemistry is typically taught in a two-course sequence – one at the foundation level, the other at an in-

depth level. If a two-course sequence is used, both courses should include laboratory work and coverage of

chemical/biological and instrumental methods of analysis. A foundation course in analytical chemistry should

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include an introduction to basic concepts and instrumental methods, with the goal of providing a systematic

treatment of the entire sequence of steps of the analytical process. The laboratory would focus on problem solving

approaches reflective of contemporary analysis requirements. The in-depth course and associated lab will build upon

basic concepts developed in the foundation course. Laboratories associated with an in-depth course should

incorporate more complex problem-solving and decision-making than that occurring in the foundation course.

An approach in which analytical chemistry is distributed throughout the curriculum is acceptable as long as the

analytical process is taught. Carefully designed courses in environmental or forensic chemistry and biochemistry

may provide some components of the analytical curriculum. The choice of problems for analysis affords an

opportunity for students to understand and address the application of chemistry to broad societal concerns. Examples

of such problems include environmental assessment, screening for controlled substances and explosives, materials

characterization, toxicology, food safety, and detection of pathogens.

While spectroscopic characterization of newly isolated or prepared substances, which is typically included in

organic and inorganic laboratories, are important components of the undergraduate curriculum, these experiences

cannot be substituted for teaching the analytical process as described.

Committee on Professional Training

Biochemistry Supplement Context In the belief that all professional chemists need to know some biochemistry, the ACS guidelines require that

approved programs offer and certified majors graduate with the equivalent of three semester hours of biochemistry.

Molecular aspects of biological structures, equilibria, energetics, and reactions should be covered in the required

biochemistry experience for chemistry majors. Sufficient introduction should be presented so that students can

obtain the flavor of modern biochemistry and an appreciation of the important applications in biotechnology.

Conceptual Topics Three general subject areas in biochemistry, along with specific topics in each area, are appropriate for meeting the

biochemistry requirement. While all three general subject areas are expected, CPT recognizes that most approved

curricula will not be able to cover all of the topics for each of the three general areas.

Biological Structures and Interactions

• Fundamental building blocks (amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleotides, and prosthetic groups)

• Biopolymers (nucleic acids, peptides/proteins, glycoproteins, and polysaccharides)

• Membranes

• Supramolecular architecture

Biological Reactions

• Kinetics and mechanisms of biological catalysis

• Biosynthetic pathways and strategies/metabolic engineering

• Metabolic cycles, their regulation, and metabolomics

• Organic and inorganic cofactors

Biological Equilibria and Thermodynamics

• Acid-base equilibria

• Thermodynamics of binding and recognition

• Oxidation and reduction processes

• Electron transport and bioenergetics

• Protein conformation/allostery, folding, oligomerization, and intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs)

Practical Topics Some of the required topics in biochemistry may be covered in laboratory courses. The experiments that are used for

this purpose should emphasize techniques of general importance to biochemistry as described in the general

guidelines outlined above. Some examples are: error and statistical analysis of experimental data, spectroscopic

methods, molecular biology techniques (including PCR), electrophoretic techniques, kinetics, chromatographic

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separations, protein purification, bioinformatics and –omics, molecular modeling, protein engineering, and isolation

and identification of macromolecules and metabolites.

Illustrative Modes of Coverage Most commonly approved programs implement the requirement in one of two ways:

1) minimally three-semester-credit-hour self-contained foundation course in biochemistry and/or

2) the first semester of a traditional two-semester biochemistry sequence. A second-semester in-depth course is

expected to build upon foundation courses that cover fundamental biochemistry, chemical bonding and structure,

organic chemistry, thermodynamics, and kinetics. A prerequisite of more than one semester of organic chemistry

may be needed for either mode of delivery.

Committee on Professional Training

Inorganic Chemistry Supplement Context Inorganic chemistry plays a key role in the science of materials, catalysis, biological processes, nanotechnology, and

other multi-disciplinary fields.

Conceptual Topics Topics that are part of the inorganic curriculum are listed below. It is recognized that many curricula will not cover

all of these topics, and that some topics may be distributed among several different courses.

Atomic Structure. Spectra and orbitals, ionization energy, electron affinity, shielding and effective nuclear charge.

Covalent Molecular Substances. Geometries (symmetry point groups), valence bond theory (hybridization,

sigma, pi, delta bonds), molecular orbital theory (homo and heteronuclear diatomics, multi-centered MO, electron-

deficient molecules, -donor and acceptor ligands), acid-base.

Main Group Elements. Synthesis, structure, physical properties, variations in bonding motifs, acid-base character,

and reactivities of the elements and their compounds.

Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry. Ligands, coordination number, stereochemistry, bonding

motifs, nomenclature; ligand field and molecular orbital theories, Jahn-Teller effects, magnetic properties, electronic

spectroscopy (term symbols and spectrochemical series), thermodynamic aspects (formation constants, hydration

enthalpies, chelate effect), kinetic aspects (ligand substitution, electron transfer, fluxional behavior), lanthanides and


Organometallic Chemistry. Metal carbonyls, hydrocarbon and carbocyclic ligands, 18-electron rule (saturation

and unsaturation), synthesis and properties, patterns of reactivity (substitution, oxidative addition and reductive

elimination, insertion and de-insertion, nucleophilic attack on ligands, isomerization, transmetallation,

stereochemical nonrigidity).

Solid State Materials. Close packing in metals and metal compounds, metallic bonding, band theory, magnetic

properties, conductivity, semiconductors, insulators, and defects.

Special Topics. Catalysis and important industrial processes, bioinorganic chemistry, condensed materials

containing chain, ring, sheet, cage, and network structures, supramolecular structures, nanoscale structures and

effects, surface chemistry, environmental and atmospheric chemistry.

Practical Topics The goal of the inorganic laboratory is to give students experience with a range of techniques used in the synthesis

and characterization of inorganic compounds and to give them experience in preparing and analyzing various classes

of inorganic compounds (coordination, organometallic, and main group compounds, extended solids) and

bonding/structural motifs (fluxional behavior, metal-metal multiple bonds, ligands with multiple bonding modes, 3-

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center bonds, hapticity). Among the techniques that are recommended for inclusion in the inorganic laboratory are

the following:

Synthetic Methods that make use of inert atmospheres (dry box/bag, Schlenk methods), a high temperature

furnace/heated tube, a vacuum line, a high pressure autoclave, and electrochemical apparatus.

Purification Methods such as column/ion exchange chromatography, sublimation, recrystallization and

resolution of optically active compounds.

Characterization Methods that involve measurements of magnetic susceptibility, conductivity, oxidation-

reduction potentials, X-ray diffraction, IR, UV-vis, NMR (variable temperature, multinuclear, multidimensional),

optical rotation, ESR, Mössbauer, and mass spectrometry, electronic properties (band-gaps, conductivity, etc.)..


In the ideal case, experiments should be more than a list of instructions to be followed. Instead, they should illustrate

how characterization methods provide insight into fundamental electronic structure and structure-property

relationships (by studying families of related compounds for instance). Instructors are encouraged to consult the

chemical education literature for ideas about suitable experiments. The list below provides examples of complexes

that have been described in the chemical education literature, as a starting point for development of laboratory


Coordination Compounds – [Co(NH3)5Cl]Cl2, Mn(acac)3, [Co(en)3]Cl3, CrCl2(H2O)4+, Cr(acac)3,

[Cr(NH3)6](NO3)3], Cu(O2CMe3)2•H2O, [Co(en)2Cl2]Cl, [Co(o-phen)3]Br2, Co(salen), Mo2(O2CMe)4, K4Mo2Cl8.

Organotransition Metal Compounds – ( 6-1,3,5-Me3C6H3)Mo(CO)3, Cp2Fe2(CO)4, Ir(Cl)(CO)(PPh3)2, Cp2Ni,

PtCl2(1,5-cyclooctadiene), [Pd(Cl)( ( 3-allyl)]2, Cp2Fe, Rh(Cl)(CO)(PPh3)2, Fe3(CO)12.

Main Group Element Compounds – BH3:NH2(t-Bu), B(OR)3, C60, GeH4, Sn(Cl)2(R)2, Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2,

K2S2O8, PhBCl2, K(C2B9H11), ICl3, [I(pyridine)2](NO3), [PCl4][SbCl6], Me3N:BF3, siloxane polymers.

Solid State Compounds – YBa2Cu3O7, VO(PO4)(H2O)2, a zeolite, semiconductors, CrCl3.

Bioinorganic Compounds – Ni(glycinate)n(2-n)+, copper(II) tetraphenylporphyrin, Pd(nucleoside)2(Cl)2,

Cu(saccharin)2(H2O)4, Cu(glycinate)2, cis-platin, cobaloxime model complexes.

Special Topics – quantum dots, nanocrystals, templated synthesis of nanowires, self-assembled monolayers,

catalysis, ferrofluids, and metalloorganic frameworks (MOFs).

Illustrative Modes of Coverage The conceptual topics are usually taught in one or two courses dedicated to inorganic chemistry (one foundation and

one in-depth), with the in-depth course having a physical chemistry pre-requisite in the ideal case. It is possible for

course material to be spread over several courses that do not focus explicitly on inorganic chemistry, as long as a

reasonable breadth and exposure to principles of inorganic chemistry are included. Examples might include courses

on the synthesis of organic and inorganic compounds, polymeric and supramolecular synthesis and structures,

materials chemistry and nanotechnology, catalysis, bioinorganic, organometallic, atmospheric and environmental

chemistry. The inorganic laboratory experience can be offered as a course dedicated to inorganic chemistry or as

part of a laboratory course that integrates inorganic practical experiences with those of the other areas of chemistry.

Committee on Professional Training

Organic Chemistry Supplement

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Context Carbon-based molecules are central to a host of chemical and biological processes because of their broad range of

structure and reactivity. The millions of organic compounds alone, ranging from polymers to pharmaceuticals, make

the field important for study. Yet organic chemistry is also a highly integrated discipline that impacts and is

impacted by the other branches of chemistry and other sciences. Indeed organic chemistry enables a molecular

understanding of physicochemical phenomena in materials science, the environment, biology, and medicine.

Because the field has reached a high level of integration with these areas, progress in organic chemistry continues at

a fast pace and much more remains to be discovered.

An introductory sequence should drive the student to appreciate the breadth of organic chemistry by facilitating an

understanding of the principles, and the practice of applying them, to gain a working knowledge and appreciation of

organic structure and reactivity.

Conceptual Topics the understanding that our only way to molecular knowledge is through experimentation; correlating structure

with reactivity and function through wet chemical methods, spectroscopy, (notably nuclear magnetic resonance and

infrared spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography) and use of computational simulations

bonding and its consequences on molecular structure and reactivity

interplay between electronic, steric, and orbital interactions in the behavior and properties of molecules

the dependence of structure and reactivity on context, particularly solvent effects and other non-covalent


Lewis and Brønsted acid-base chemistry

stereochemistry and conformational analysis

addition, elimination, substitution and rearrangement mechanisms, and reactive intermediates

functional groups and their interconversions, particularly redox transformations

organic synthesis, including retrosynthetic analysis of target molecules

synthesis and behavior of macromolecular species, including biomolecules such as proteins and polysaccharides,

and synthetic polymers

methods of activation, including Brønsted or Lewis acid/base, free radical chemistry, and organometallic catalysis

Practical Topics The laboratory portion of the organic chemistry experience should demonstrate how organic chemical knowledge

is acquired through experimentation. Laboratory skills and techniques are important, as are the skills of asking

questions that can be formulated into chemical experiments, and then answering them by the analysis of


data. Working in teams can be useful in the laboratory learning environment, and mirrors the team-oriented

problem solving that occurs in professional laboratories.

developing a feel for the logic of organic experimental procedures: the logic of glassware design, selecting

the optimum equipment for a particular reaction or operation, why particular solvents and reaction conditions

are used for a specific transformation planning and carrying out a variety of organic reactions, including

safety considerations

keeping a laboratory notebook as a record of what is done and when it was completed

monitoring the process of a reaction

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isolation and purification of products

spectroscopic analysis of starting materials and products; deducing structures by interpretation of modern

spectroscopic and computational data, and its use to answer the formulated hypothesis

analysis sis of experimental data using statistical analysis

the value and limitations of computational methods

Illustrative Modes of Coverage The foundation experience in organic chemistry is generally presented as a two-semester (or equivalent) sequence of

courses and associated laboratories. While it is usually taught in the second year, some institutions teach it with

success in the first year. Where a one-semester foundation course is used to support other course work such as

biochemistry, the topics in that course must be carefully chosen. Some topics appropriate for the foundation course

that supports biochemistry include:

carbonyl chemistry, including nucleophilic addition, alkylation and condensation reactions

oxidation and reduction

nucleophilic substitution reactions

addition and elimination

acidity and basicity of organic compounds

stereochemistry, as applied to the previous topics

concepts and consequences of resonance and aromaticity

spectroscopy at a basic level as applied to the previous topics

Since this may be the only course in organic chemistry a student may see, the lecture and laboratory must reinforce

each other. It is appropriate for the primary treatment of spectroscopy, including NMR and IR spectroscopy, to be

done in the laboratory setting.

Committee on Professional Training

Physical Chemistry Supplement Context Physical chemistry provides the fundamental concepts and organizing principles that underlie all aspects of

chemistry and related fields. It develops rigorous and detailed explanations of central, unifying concepts in

chemistry and contains mathematical models that provide quantitative predictions. Physical chemistry contains the

mathematical underpinning to concepts applied in analytical, inorganic, organic, and biochemistry courses, as well

as more advanced topics in chemistry. Physical chemistry techniques and explanations are used for atomic,

molecular, nanoscale, mesoscale, and macroscopic materials.

Conceptual Topics Physical chemistry should emphasize the connection between microscopic models and macroscopic phenomena and

the transition from atomic scale to macroscopic scale materials, from both a theoretical and an experimental

perspective. Courses should develop both qualitative and quantitative models of physical properties and chemical

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change, and students should critically apply these models to deepen their understanding of chemical phenomena.

Problem solving is a key activity in learning physical chemistry. Physical chemistry courses typically require at least

two semesters of calculus and two semesters of physics. Previous experience with multivariable techniques is highly

desirable, and exposure to differential equations and linear algebra is very useful as well. In addition, prior

chemistry courses may provide preparation for the principal areas of coverage in physical chemistry.

The core treatment of physical chemistry will typically address each of the major concepts listed in bold below.

However, a two-semester course cannot cover all of the topics listed for each concept, and a one-semester course

will require an even more judicious choice of topics and coverage. A broad survey of the concepts and in-depth

treatment of selected topics is a common and effective approach. Because physical chemistry concepts underlie the

descriptions of many phenomena, it is especially useful to include examples of current scientific interest, make

connections to others areas in chemistry, and study interdisciplinary applications of physical chemistry.

Thermodynamics and equilibria. Standard functions (enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs energy, etc.) and applications.

Microscopic point of view especially for entropy. Chemical potential applied to chemical and phase equilibria. Non-

ideal systems; standard states; activities; Debye-Huckel limiting law. Gibbs phase rule; phase equilibria; single and

multi-component phase diagrams. Thermodynamics of electrochemical cells. Thermodynamics of elastomers and

coil-type molecules.

Chemical kinetics. Differential and integral expressions with emphasis on single-step and multi–-stepphenomena

of various orders. Relaxation processes. Microscopic reversibility. Derivation of rate laws from chemical

mechanisms. Steady-state approximation. Chain reactions and polymerization. Collision theory; absolute rate

theory; transition state theory. Isotope effect. Enzyme kinetics. Molecular reaction dynamics including molecular

beams, trajectories, and lasers. Reactions on surfaces. Photochemistry.

Quantum mechanics. Postulates and formulation of Schrodinger equations. Operators and matrix elements.

Particle-in-a-box. Simple harmonic oscillator. Rigid rotor; angular momentum. Hydrogen atom; hydrogenic wave

functions. Spin; Pauli principle. Approximate methods. Helium atom. Hydrogen molecule ion; hydrogen molecule,

Diatomic molecules. LCAO method. Computational chemistry. Quantum chemistry applications.

Spectroscopy (often interspersed with quantum mechanics to provide immediate applications). Light-matter

interaction; dipole selection rules. Rotational spectra of linear molecules. Vibrational spectra. Term symbols.

Electronic spectra of atoms and molecules. Magnetic spectroscopy. Raman spectroscopy; multiphoton selection

rules. Lasers.

Statistical thermodynamics (often associated with thermodynamics). Ensembles. Maxwell-Boltzmann

distributions. Standard thermodynamic functions expressed in partition functions. Partition function expressions for

atoms, rigid rotors, harmonic oscillators. Einstein crystal; Debye crystal.

Interdisciplinary applications. Atmospheric, biophysical, materials, and/or quantum chemistry.

Practical Topics The physical chemistry laboratory gives students experience in connecting quantitative models with observed

chemical phenomena using physical chemistry concepts. The pedagogical goal is for students to understand the

qualitative assumptions and limitations of models and the quantitative ability of the models to predict observed

chemical phenomena.

Students must understand how to record good measurements, decide whether their measurements are valid, and

estimate the errors in their primary experimental variables. This entails understanding the principles and use of

electronic instrumentation for making measurements, as well as developing laboratory problem-solving experience

with these instruments. Hands-on experience with modern instrumentation for measurement of physical properties

and chemical change is essential. The opportunity for students to design aspects of their own experiments is quite

valuable in learning about making measurements. During their data analysis, students must develop the ability to

propagate experimental measurement uncertainties into uncertainties in calculated chemical quantities. A detailed

error analysis is an important feature of physical chemistry laboratory reports.

Computers should assist in the collection, analysis, and graphing of data, as well as in the writing of reports. It is

important that students gain experience with spreadsheet programs and linear least-squares fitting for data analysis.

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Computational tools such as Mathematica, MATLAB, or Mathcad are useful for helping students connect models to

observed phenomena, and experiments using modern computational techniques (quantum calculations, molecular

modeling) play an important role.

A sample list follows from which a set of experiments in physical chemistry might be selected. Within the physical

chemistry area itself, as well as in an integrated laboratory, it is common for individual experiments to combine

several aspects of experimental methods and theoretical concepts.

Thermodynamics. Heat of combustion; enthalpy of reaction in solution. Thermodynamic functions from the

temperature dependence of an equilibrium constant or the emf. Study of a system in which activity coefficients play

a prominent role. Synthesis and characterization of solid state or polymeric materials.

Phase Equilibria. Solid-liquid phase diagram. Liquid-vapor phase diagram.

Kinetic Theory. Thermal conductivity of gases. Diffusion in solution. Knudsen effusion. Viscosity of gases.

Kinetics. Relaxation study (first-order kinetics), possibly using lasers. Kinetic analysis of a complex reaction.

Enzyme study.

Computational chemistry. Molecular orbital theory. Calculation of structure and spectral properties

Spectroscopy. Analysis of a vibration-rotation spectrum; isotope effects, e.g., HCl/DCl. Analysis of a polyatomic

vibrational spectrum, e.g., SO2. Analysis of an electronic-vibration spectrum, e.g., I2. Analysis of electronic spectra,

e.g., conjugated polyene dyes. Atomic spectroscopy. Raman spectroscopy. NMR analysis of spin-spin coupling in a

non-first-order case. Laser applications.

Other. Micelle formation

Illustrative Modes of Coverage A common and traditional approach for teaching physical chemistry is a two-semester lecture and laboratory course

taught in the third year. The laboratory program may accompany the lectures, be a separate course, or be an

intensive single-semester course. The physical chemistry laboratory experience may also be integrated into a broader

laboratory experience. These examples are not proscriptive, and creativity in the pedagogy and teaching of physical

chemistry concepts is encouraged.

A one-semester course provides both opportunities and challenges for introducing students to the topics of physical

chemistry within the context of a degree track. Often these courses provide a broad survey of the concepts and in-

depth treatment of selected topics. The challenge of designing a one-semester course in physical chemistry is to

determine the important principles that govern the physical and chemical behavior of matter within the context of

the course emphasis. For example, a one-semester class for students who are pursuing a biochemistry track might

focus on quantum chemistry, thermodynamics, and kinetics with examples from biochemistry used to illustrate these

concepts. An environmental degree track could use examples based on analyzing field measurements or the kinetics

of air pollutants.

Given the amount of material and time constraints of a one-semester class, some of the important topics in physical

chemistry could be moved into other courses. For example discussions of enzyme kinetics could be incorporated

into a course in biochemistry, kinetic modeling into an in-depth course in atmospheric chemistry, molecular orbital

theory into physical organic or physical inorganic chemistry, and non-ideal solutions and electrochemistry into

analytical chemistry. The choice of topics and coverage is at the discretion of the instructor and department; and

discussion is encouraged within the department to ensure that important topics are not overlooked.

Independent of the focus of a one-semester physical chemistry course, students should be exposed to both

microscopic and macroscopic aspects of physical chemistry, the relationship between these two approaches, and the

use of quantitative models for understanding and predicting chemical phenomena of both large and small molecules.

Discussion within and among departments is encouraged as the chemistry community works to develop one-

semester physical chemistry courses that provide students with the necessary background and training to pursue a

career in the chemical sciences.