forget mamp and wamp, use virtual box to have a real ubuntu server

Using Virtualbox– Wisconsin Drupal Camp - 7/23/10 Forget MAMP and WAMP, Use Virtual Box to Have a Real Ubuntu Server DrupalCamp Wisconsin July 23 rd 2010

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Page 1: Forget MAMP and WAMP, Use Virtual Box to Have a Real Ubuntu Server

Using Virtualbox– Wisconsin Drupal Camp - 7/23/10

Forget MAMP and WAMP, Use Virtual Box to Have a Real

Ubuntu Server

DrupalCamp Wisconsin

July 23rd 2010

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Using Virtualbox– Wisconsin Drupal Camp - 7/23/10



Ubuntu Server 9.10



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Using Virtualbox– Wisconsin Drupal Camp - 7/23/10

Why VirtualBox?



Large user-base / documentation

You are using the real deal!



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Using Virtualbox– Wisconsin Drupal Camp - 7/23/10

Why Drubuntu?

Takes care of LAMP package installation

Community supported

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Using Virtualbox– Wisconsin Drupal Camp - 7/23/10

Cooking time

Downloading and installing VirtualBox (30 minutes)

Downloading and installing Ubuntu (60 minutes)

Configuring LAMP (60 minutes)

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Using Virtualbox– Wisconsin Drupal Camp - 7/23/10

Installing Ubuntu Server

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Using Virtualbox– Wisconsin Drupal Camp - 7/23/10

Installing Ubuntu Server

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Using Virtualbox– Wisconsin Drupal Camp - 7/23/10

Bridged vs. NAT

NAT hides behind the IP address of the VM host

Bridged creates its own virtual network interface

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Connecting to Your VM

Add SSH to your ubuntu vm “apt-get install ssh”

If you are using bridged adapter type “ifconfig” to find your host ip address

ssh to your devm using that ip address (using putty in windows)

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Port Forwarding

If you are using NAT adapter in Windows you must use port forwarding to connect through ssh

For instructions google “ssh port forwarding virtualbox”

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Using Virtualbox– Wisconsin Drupal Camp - 7/23/10

Package management in Ubuntu

Using apt or aptitude

To get updates type “apt-get update” and “apt-get upgrade”

To install new packages type “apt-get” package-name

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Using Virtualbox– Wisconsin Drupal Camp - 7/23/10

Installing Drubuntu


Copy and Paste “wget '' ; cat ; read -n1 -p "Run above script? (y/n)" ; bash drubuntu-”

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Managing Your LAMP

Webroot is /var/www

Apache settings /etc/apache

To access mysql type “mysql”

Hosts file /etc/hosts

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Installing Drupal on Your VM

Go to webroot “cd /var/www”

Make sure you have ownership of webroot (root does by default)

“sudo chown username:username /var/www

“drush dl drupal”

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Using Virtualbox– Wisconsin Drupal Camp - 7/23/10

Adding a database

“mysql -e” from the command line

'mysql -e “creat database NAME”'

“create user 'USERNAME'@'localhost' identified by PASSWORD”

“grant all privileges on *.* to 'USERNAME'@'localhost'”

Or use phpmyadmin

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Add Virtual Host

Should be able to start off with http://vboxipaddress/folder

Virtual hosts allow you to user internal site names (ie mysite.local)

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Using Virtualbox– Wisconsin Drupal Camp - 7/23/10

Add a Virtual Host cont.

“cd /etc/apache/sites-available”

“cp default myhostname”

Update vhost file with internal hostname

“a2ensite myhostname”

change hosts file in host OS

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Using Virtualbox– Wisconsin Drupal Camp - 7/23/10

What Does Drubuntu Do?

LAMP Packages:

curl php5-curl php5-xdebug php5-gd php-apc php5-mcrypt php5-dev php-pear libmagic-dev dnsmasq

cvs subversion svn-load git-core bzr meld mysql-query-browser mysql-admin phpmyadmin ghex siege gworldclock konqueror wine cabextract opera google-chrome-beta

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Running Headless

Turn on:

VBoxManage startvm VMNAME -type headless

Turn off:

VboxManage controlvm NMNAME poweroff

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Using NAT with Host-only adapter

Add network interface in ubuntu


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Settings in /home/username/.vimrc