forex quotations and arbitrage

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  • 8/19/2019 Forex Quotations and Arbitrage


    Forex Quotations and Arbitrage

  • 8/19/2019 Forex Quotations and Arbitrage



    • Most of the trades in the world are with strong economiessuch as The United States ,Jaan, !erman", United#ingdom,etc$

    • There are of course trade transactions between othercountries as well$

    • %hile ban&s maintain corresondent'ban&ing relationswith ban&s in other countries ,the" would ob(iousl" refer

    to maintain it with those countries ban&s with whom theircustomers ha(e significant trade (olume$

    • This is because maintaining such account in another ban&abroad cost fees for the boo&&eeing chores erformed$

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    • The accounts held b" a ban& abroad are called nostroaccounts, (ostro accounts, or loro accounts

    •  *ostro, +ostro and loro are italian words$

    •  *ostro means domestic ban&s account held with a foreign ban& $for e$g$ IndusInd -an&s Account with )itiban&,USA$

    • +ostro means Foreign ban&s account with domestic

     ban& $for e$g$ Scotia ban&s account with S-I$• .oro means third art" account$ For eg$ .ondon ban&

     a"ing an amount /to French ban&0 b" crediting French ban&s account held with US ban&$

  • 8/19/2019 Forex Quotations and Arbitrage


    )orresondent -an&ing

    •  *ostro and +ostro are corresondent ban&ing accounts$If a

    U)1 -an& customer has to get US2 3m in chicago, then

    U)1 -an& will use its own account with Amex -an&

    /*ostro -an&0 to effect remittances$

    • It is ob(ious that ban&s in almost all the countries of the

    world would ha(e corresondent ban&s in all strong

    economies$ Additionall" the" also maintain such

    relationshi with the regional countries$

    • US dollar is the most commonl" used and the strongest

    (ehicle currenc" in the international mar&et so far$

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    +ehicle )urrenc"

    • US dollar is the most commonl" used and the strongest

    (ehicle currenc" in the international mar&et so far$

    • The external (alue of domestic currenc" gets established in

    the local foreign exchange mar&et against a ma4or

    currenc"$ This currenc" is an" of the uni(ersall" acceted

    ma4or international currenc" such as US2,!-5 or 6U7$

    Such currenc" is called (ehicle currenc"$

    • In India effecti(e from 3883,US2 I*7 9uotation gets

    established in the local mar&et$ This 9uotation is &nown as

    +ehicle )urrenc" Quotation$

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    • %hen rates are re9uired against an" other currenc", sa")A2I*7, local mar&et 9uote of US2 )A2 is used toestablish the desired :)ross 7ate of )A2 I*7$

    • +ehicle currenc" thus gets eliminated after cross ratescalculation$

    • The +ehicle currenc" therefore ro(ides the connectinglin& between the domestic currenc" and all other

    international currencies$ The choice of +ehicle )urrenc" isformall" influenced b" the following factors;

    30 5oular In(oicing currenc" for exorts and imorts of thecountr"

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  • 8/19/2019 Forex Quotations and Arbitrage



    • In the United States, where almost all foreign exchange

    transactions are cleared, a comuter based )learing >ouse

    Interban& 5a"ment S"stem /)>I5S0 handles tens of

    thousands of a"ments reresenting transactions worth

    se(eral hundred billion dollars each da"$

    • )>I5S can be thought of as a sort of international ban&ers

     la" mone"$

    • 2uring the da", all international ban&s ma&ing dollar

     a"ments to one another ass this chis mone" to one

    another in lieu of real mone" $

  • 8/19/2019 Forex Quotations and Arbitrage



    • At the end of the da" the game'master totals u

    e(er"bod"s )>I5S mone" to see the net amount that is

    owed b" who to whom, and real mone" /?Fed Funds0 is

    transferred in that amount$

    • Also &nown as )>A5S ,clearinghouse automated a"ment


  • 8/19/2019 Forex Quotations and Arbitrage



    • The imro(ement in the domestic US clearing s"stem

    utili@ed for international transactions has been followed b"

    imro(ement in international ban& communications that

    lin& national clearing s"stem$

    • -an&s from 3 countries formed the Societ" for

    %orldwide Interban& Financial Telecommunications i$e$

    S%IFT that began oerations at the end of 38$

    • S%IFT consists of national data concentration centres ,

    which are connected b" leased telehone lines to oerating

    centres in -elgium, the *etherlands, and the United States$

  • 8/19/2019 Forex Quotations and Arbitrage


    Foreign 6xchange Quotations

    • The executi(es in the ban&s who offer rice 9uotes for

    foreign exchange and deals in Forex are called as :traders$

    • %hen a cororate customer as&s for a rice 9uote for U#

    5ound Sterling, for US dollars to a trader, he would 9uote

    in the following manner;


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  • 8/19/2019 Forex Quotations and Arbitrage



    • The difference between bid rate and as& rate /offer rate 0 is

    called as bid as& sread /bid offer sread0$ In the first

    examle bid as& sread is C$CCCB dollar /er one ound0$

    • In normal mar&et trader exects ?to be hit on both sides ofhis 9uote in roughl" e9ual amounts$ This means he assumes

    there is aroximatel" e9ual demand to bu" and sell the


    • -id as& sread is the measure of the following;/30 It is margin to co(er transactions costs and other costs$


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    /=0 If trader is being hit on one side more than the other side ,

    then this sread indicates his encouragementGdiscourage'

    ment on either side$

    -I2'AS# S576A2 in 5ercentage terms;

    The sread is generall" exressed in ercentage b" the e9uation;

    /a0 Sread As& /sell0 7ate'-id /bu"0 7ateGAs&/sell0 7ate x


     *ote that here denominator is :As& rate$ %ith this we calculatethe ercentage which -id rate is lower/at discount0 as

    comared to As& rate$

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    • /b0 Sread As& /sell07ate K -id/bu"0 7ateG-id /bu"0

    7ate x3CC

    • %ith this we calculate the ercentage b" which, As& rate is

    higher /at remium0 as comared to -id rate$

    • 6xressing -id as a discount o(er As& is more commonl"

     ractised and hence we shall adhere to formula/a0 for our


  • 8/19/2019 Forex Quotations and Arbitrage



    • 2irect Quote;

    Foreign 6xchange rate exressed in terms of domestic

    currenc" er unit of foreign currenc" is called as 2irect


    For instance, DB$=< 7s$G is a direct 9uote in India$

    Indirect 9uote;

    Foreign 6xchange rate exressed in terms of foreign currenc" er unit /or er hundred units0 of domestic currenc" is

    called as Indirect Quote$

    For instance,

  • 8/19/2019 Forex Quotations and Arbitrage



    • American Terms /Quotes0; Since US dollar is the most oular (ehicle currenc", foreign exchange rates areexressed in terms of US dollar$ If the" are exressed as

    number of US dollars er unit of another currenc" then it iscalled as 9uote in American Terms$

    For instance, C$88LCG or 3$EB3=G

    6uroean terms /Quotes0 ;

    If foreign exchange rates are exressed as number of units ofanother currenc" er US then it is called as 9uote in6uroean Terms$

    For instance, 3$C3

  • 8/19/2019 Forex Quotations and Arbitrage



    • Indicati(e Quote;

    Mar&et ma&ers rice which is not firm$ >e will firm u the same

    onl" when customer starts negotiating serious contract with details$

    )71SS 7ates ;

    2ef; An exchange rate between the two currencies, neither of which

    is the US dollar$ /In strict terms, ?neither of them is a (ehicle


    Alternati(el",It is a rate between third air of currencies, b" using the rates of two

     airs, in which one currenc" is common$


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    • A cross rate is usuall" constructed from the indi(idual

    rates of the two currencies with resect to the US dollar

    /(ehicle currenc"0$

    • Following examle illustrates the concet of cross rates;

    An Indian imorter is to settle his bill in )anadian dollars$

    >is oeration in(ol(es bu"ing of )anadian dollars against

    ruees$ >e re9uires 9uote for; )anG7s$ *either of these is

    a common currenc"$ Forex Trader /-an&er0 will call forUSG)an and USG7s$ 9uote$ This means trader shall first

     bu" )anadian dollars against US dollars$

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    • 2ef; The simultaneous urchase and sale /or lending and

     borrowing0 of two assets in order to rofit from a rice


    In simlistic terms if one goldsmith is read" to sell gold at ECC

    7s$G!ram and another goldsmith is read" to bu" gold for

    EC< 7s$G!ram, then one can easil" b" 1ne #ilogram of gold

    from the first goldsmith and sell it to the second one, then he

    will rofit 7s$

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    • In erfect mar&et there should not be an" arbitrage

    oortunit"$ -ut in ractise such oortunities exist and

    as arbitrageurs sot it and use it,these oortunities

    (anish and hence ?e9uilibrium is established again$

    • 1n the sot exchange ,two t"es of arbitrages are


    /30 !eograhical arbitrage /Two oint arbitrage0


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    !eograhical Arbitrage

    • 2ef$; The trading ractise of bu"ing a currenc" in one

    geograhical mar&et and selling it in another in which the

     rice is higher$

    • !eograhical arbitrage consists of bu"ing a currenc"

    where it is the cheaest and selling it where it is the dearest

    so as to ma&e a rofit from the differences in the rates$

    • In ideal mar&et, there should not be an" arbitrage

    oortunit" because of geograh"$

    • 6seciall" in forex mar&et there is nothing li&e :natural

    cro or :oil'field ad(antage to an" countr", er se$

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    • Also there is no shimentGtransortation cost that lea(es ga for

    theoretical arbitrage$ Forex mar&ets are wired mar&ets$

    • All ban&s forex treasuries oerate round the cloc& on

  • 8/19/2019 Forex Quotations and Arbitrage


    Triangular Arbitrage

    • The rocess of bu"ing and selling foreign exchange between

    three different currencies in order to rofit from a discreanc"

    in cross rates$

    • Triangular arbitrage occurs when three currencies are in(ol(ed$

    • >ence if cross rates as calculated with our calculations are

    different from actual 9uotes for those currencies, then such

    oortunit" of arbitrage is a triangular arbitrage$

    • If 9uotes of three currenc" airs are a(ailable ,sa" 7s$,N and$Then an Indian exorter willing to bu" it through two

    routes/30 -u" with a(ailable 9uote between 7uee and 2ollar 

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    /e will t"icall" calculate 7uee cost b" both the routes and

    ot for the cheaest$

    If cost b" the two routes is different , then it is an indication

    of otential arbitrage oortunit" $