foreword from general chair 3rd first 2019 …


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Welcome to 3rd IHRST 2019t is with a great p]easureat we extend our wam wcome to all the
parCipts Of the 3d FIRST 2019temational Conference, FomResearch, Science, and
TechnoIogy This conferlCe is held forrd time§d orgahized by StaPolyteehnic of Sriwijaya.
Thest conferCe in the series was held in State Polytecic of Swaya, Palembang, South
Sunatera,donesia, On October 18-19, 2016, Whee second conferce was held on October 30-31,
2019 at Hoson Ultima Hotel Palembang.
It is a gcod collaboration of State Polytecic of Sriwjaya, Managemt and Science University
(MSU), and National Chin-Yi University of TechnoIogy (NCUT). To facilitate the rescarchs and
te commity server, the 3rd FIRST 2019 is cougatedSeminar Nasional pikasi Tckno0gi
unk Masyarakat 2019 (SNAPTEKMAS), `e7eγan Peebgan ZologMeningkafn
Nai EoOial ’’
ed FST 2019nd licSs, Mysia,
Jap, Tawan,d Bmei Dasalam. The 3rd HRST 201 9 particarly encoged rah students
and developing academcs to presentd to discuss new and current woin thedd of 3 Tmcks,
?‡‡ COmmittee,temal reviewsd editorial board, however oy 192 paprs Were Selected. For
SNS,eee Oyp§ae aCCepd.
Fally, aSe General Chair of ’e Conference,wod like to express my deep appreciation to a11
members of the Steering Committee, Technical Program Committee, Oanizing Commee and
Reviewers who have devotedeir time and energy foreecess ofe event.
Ate end, I hope you enjoy the corferencede beauof PaleIIlbang.
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Rita Mari, SE,, M.Si., Ak., C
Geral Chair of 3rd FST 2019
Organizing Committee
Prof. Yasushi Kiyoki, Keio University, Japan
Prof. Drs. Tjiptohadi Sawarjuwono M.Ec., Ph.D., Ak., Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Rahmat Budiarto, Al Baha University, Saudi Arabia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Augustus E. Osseo-Asare University of Sunderland, United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Werner Rammense, Cologne University, Germany
Prof. Eddy Yusuf, Ph.D., Management Science University, Malaysia
Prof. Win-jet Luo, Ph.D., National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan
Steering Committee
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Yeakub Ali, International Islamic University Malaysia
Dr.drh R. Wisnu Nurcahyo, DVM., Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Dr. Untung Santoso, M.Si., Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia
Assoc. Prof. Ahmad Hoirul Basori, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Prof. Dr. Ir. Siti Nurmaini, Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Prof Aldes Lesbani S.Si,M.Si,Ph.D, Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Yu-Lieh Wu, Ph.D., National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taiwan
Dr. Zulhadi Zakaria, Politeknik Seberang Perai, Malaysia
Dr. Ing. Ahmad Taqwa, M.T, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr. RD. Kusumanto, MM, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr.Ir.Rusdianasari, M.Si, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Irsyadi Yani, ST., M.Eng. PhD, Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr. Yohandri Bow, M.Si, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr. Yuli Yetri, M.Si, Politeknik Negeri Padang
Dr. Marieska Verawaty, M.Si., Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr. Eng. Tresna Dewi, M.Eng., Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr. Maya Fitri Oktarini S.T., M.T., Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Ir. Indra Chandra Setiawan, M.T., PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Indonesia
General Chair
General co-Chairs
Ir. Jaksen M. Amin, M.Si, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Ade Silvia HAndayani, S.T, M.T., Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Publication Chairs
Desloehal Djumrianti, S.E., MIS., PhD, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Nyayu Latifah Husni, S.T., M.T, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Technical Program Chairs
Muhammad Abu Bakar Sidik, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D, Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Reza Firsandaya Malik, S.T., M.T., Ph.D, Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr. Herlambang Saputra, S.Pd., M.Kom., Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Finance Chairs & Treasurer
Public Relation Chairs
Drs Zakaria MPd., Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dra. Tiur Simanjuntak, M.Ed.M, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Sukandar S.Si.,M.T,Ph.D., Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Dr. GK Marriappen, Politeknik Seberang Perai, Malaysia
Ir. Irwin Bizzy, M.T., Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr. Sari Lestari Zainal Ridho, SE., M.Ec, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr. Lambok Vera R Pangaribuan, S.E., M.Si, Ak, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr. Ir.Leila Kalsum, M.T, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr. Martha Aznury, M.Si., Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr. Ir. Abu Hasan, M.Si., Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr. Leily Nurul Komariah, S.T., M.T., Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr, Rosmalinda Permatasari ST MT, Universitas Tridinanti Palembang, Indonesia
Erliza Yuniarti, S.T., M.Eng, Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang, Indonesia
M. Miftahul Amin, S.Kom., M.Eng., Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Leni Novianti, M.Kom., Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Firdaus, S.T., M.Kom., Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Syarifah Putri Raflessia. S.Kom. M.T., Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Ervi Cofriyanti, S.Si, M.T.I, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Local Chairs
Aladin SE, M.Si,,Ak ,CA, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr. Evada Dewata,S.E., M.Si., Ak, CA, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr. M. Syahirman Yusri., M.S., Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr. Ir. Aida Syarif, M.T., Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr. Neneng Miskiyah, S.E. M.Si., Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr. Periansya, M.M., Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr. Markoni Badri, S.E., MBA, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Dr. Heri Setiawan, M.M. , Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Pridson Mandiangan, S.E., M.M., Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Bainil Yulina, S.E., M. Si., Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Adewasti, S.T., M.Kom., Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Hairul, S.T., M.T.,Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Eka Susanti, S.T., M.Kom., Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Yasushi Kiyoki, Professor, Ph.D
Professor of Faculty of Environment and Information Studies and Graduate School of Media and
Governance, KEIO University,
Program Chair of “Global Environmental System Leader Program (KEIO GESL): PhD Leading
Program in Ministry of Education, Japan,
Former Dean of Graduate School of Media and Governance, KEIO University, 2015 to 2017,
Former President of Database Society of Japan (DBSJ), 2016-2018,
IPSJ(Information Society of Japan) Fellow, 2004,
5D-World Map System Creator : Global Environmental Database System, currently utilized in SDG-
14, United Nations-ESCAP:
TEL: +81-466-47-5111
EMAIL: [email protected]
Jl. Srijaya Negara Bukit Besar Palembang 30139 South Sumatera – Indonesia phone +62711 353414 Fax: +62711 355918
TRACK 1 ................................................................................................................................................... 1
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ...................................................................................................................... 1
5G Channel Model for 28 GHZ Frequency in Palembang ....................................................................... 2
B Alfaresi , Z Nawawi , R F Malik, K Anwar .......................................................................................... 2
Wireless Sensor Network Data Communication and Information System to Regulate Water Volume
and Turbine Rotation .............................................................................................................................. 3
Yurni Oktarina 1 ,Tresna Dewi
1 , Pola Risma
Performance Evaluation Solar Charge Controller on Solar Power System Home-Based SPV
Amorphous 80 Watt-Peak ....................................................................................................................... 5
2 , Bhakti Yudho Suprapto
The Implementation of YateBTS Based GSM Using Raspberry PI ........................................................... 6
Sopian Soim 1)
............................ 6
Optimization of Own Electricity Usage with Electricity Supply from Solar Cells at Darajat Geothermal
Power Plant ............................................................................................................................................. 7
1 ...................................................................... 7
Ultrasonic Sensor Application as a Performance Enhancement of Robot Two Wheels ......................... 8
Yeni Irdayanti (1)
, Rd. Kusumanto (2)
, Masayu Anisah (3)
, Niksen Alfarizal (4)
, Zarmariesyah Erman (5)
... 8
Operation 3 Phase Induction Motor 1 KW Star Delta System Using HP (Smart Phone)......................... 9
Nofiansah 1 , M. Noer
4 ........................................................................... 9
PLC Omron CJ1M CPU-21 Control Modification for Drill Oil Hole Machine in an Automotive Company
.............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Jl. Srijaya Negara Bukit Besar Palembang 30139 South Sumatera – Indonesia phone +62711 353414 Fax: +62711 355918
Lin Prasetyani 1, Bayu Ramadhan1 , Tresna Dewi2 , William Sarfat1 .............................................. 10
Characteristics of Battery Use in Electric Car ........................................................................................ 11
Yessi Marniati*, Andri Suyadi, Herman Yani, Sutan Marsus** ......................................................... 11
Learning Module of Analog Electronics Practice .................................................................................. 12
Sabilal Rasyad, Evelina, Amperawan, Dewi Permata Sari, Nyayu Latifah Husni ............................... 12
CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM USING THE CMYK COLOR MODEL ................................................................ 13
Implementation of Facial Feature Extraction Using Viola-Jones Method for Mobile Robot System ... 14
Ahmad Zarkasi 1,2
, Siti Nurmaini, Deris Setiawan, Ahmad Kuswandi, Sri Desy Siswanti ................... 14
Effect of Load on BLCD Motor............................................................................................................... 15
Rumiasih, Carlos R. Sitompul, Anton Firmansyah, Indah Susanti ..................................................... 15
Implementation of DSK TMS320C6416T Module in Designed of Sound Detection ............................. 16
D A Pratama, N L Husni, E Prihatini, S Muslimin ............................................................................... 16
Automatic Cooling of a PV System to Overcome Overheated PV Surface in Palembang..................... 17
Ahmad Taqwa 1,2
, Tresna Dewi 1,2
, RD. Kusumanto 1,2
, Rusdianasari 1 ................ 17
Analysis of Performance Test and Consumption of BLDC 350 W Motor Power to Mechanical
Vibration with Variation of Speed and Load Variation ......................................................................... 18
Hairul, Markori, Indrawasih dan Sudirman Yahya ............................................................................ 18
The Influence of Change of an Angle of Illuminance on Solar Power Generating Capacity 30 Watts in
Laboratory of Electrical Engineering Polytechnic of Sriwijaya .............................................................. 19
Zainuddin Idris, M. Yunus, Siswandi, Bambang Guntoro .................................................................. 19
The Effect of Drying Airflow Rate on H2O MASS Evaporated for Banana Chips Drying Using
Photovoltaic Solar Panel ....................................................................................................................... 20
2 , Muhammad Taufik
Development and Feasibility Analysis of Floating Solar Panel Application in Palembang, South
Sumatra ................................................................................................................................................. 21
2 , Carlos Sitompul
2 ............................................................................. 21
Effects of Grid Frequency Drop on The Dynamic Performance of Full Converter Wind Turbine
Generator .............................................................................................................................................. 22
1 , dan Purwito Purwito
3 ...................................... 22
Effects of Grid Frequency Drop on the Dynamic Performance of Full Converter Wind Turbine Generator
A. M. Shiddiq Yunus1,*, Makmur Saini2, Sri Suwasti1, dan Purwito Purwito3 1Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang, Energy Conversion Study Prog., Mechanical Engineering
Department, 90245 Makassar, Indonesia.
Department, 90245 Makassar, Indonesia
Department, 90245 Makassar, Indonesia
Abstract. Recently, wind turbine generators connected to the grid is
increased significantly. It has reached about 540 GW worldwide
installation in the mid of 2018. One of the popular wind turbine types is
Full Converter Wind Turbine Generator (FCWTG). It has a capability in
extracting more energy compared to fixed speed type and also could
contribute some amount of reactive power when is required by the grid.
Although frequency deviation rarely occurs in a grid side, it might be
important to investigate the effects to FCWTG as FCWTG is very sensitive
to a grid fault. In this paper, a deviation of frequency at the grid side is
applied to investigate the dynamic performance of FCWTG during the
frequency drop at the grid side. The system under study is carried out using
Matlab/Simulink and the simulation results show that the grid frequency
drop of 47.5 Hz has been started to cause the unstable dynamic
performance of FCWTG. The worse scenario of grid frequency drop of 45
Hz could even lead the FCWTG to get damage.
1 Introduction
Wind turbine generator becomes a popular alternative energy source to generate electric
power. It has been installed widely all around the world and already reaches about 540 GW
in the mid of 2018 [1]. One of modern wind turbine type that contributes to the wind
turbine market niche is Full Converter Wind Turbine Generator (FCWTG) or so-called
Type-4 WTG. It could extract more wind energy compared to Fixed Speed Wind Turbine
Type [2]. Moreover, with a full-size converter that equipped with the turbine, it could
contribute to supply reactive power to the grid [3].
* Corresponding author: [email protected]
Among its advantages over other wind turbine types, however, it is very sensitive with
grid faults. Many papers have discussed FCWTG dynamic responses during voltage sag
[4]-[6] and flicker [7], no attention is given to investigate the effects of grid frequency drop
on the dynamic performance of FCWTG.
Although frequency drop might scarcely occur, in fact, some cases that even lead to
brown and blackout are due to the frequency deviation. For example, a case of East Ontario
Canada in 1972, caused islanding electrical grid due to frequency variation between 58.7
Hz-62.6 Hz [8]. New York City the USA, had also experienced the islanding electrical grid
in 1977 due to frequency drop until less than 47.5 Hz [9] and the new case in Europe was
cascading outage in 2006 [10]. Tabel 1 shows the major frequency deviation cases from
No Places Frequency
Transmission Line
4 Brazil [8] 55.25 Hz-58.0
of England [10]
8 Perth, Australia
9 Europe [11] NA Cascading Outage 2006
10 Italy [12] 47.0 Hz Lack of Generation 2003
2 Research Methodology
Typical FCWTG is described in Fig. 1, where it consists of two converters to allow
voltage adaptation during wind speed variation. A dc link capacitor is placed between the
two converters to maintain the permissible voltage level in order to smooth out the energy
transfer to the grid.
Fig. 1. A typical type of FCWTG
In this paper, five of 2 MW FCWTG are connected to the grid via 30 Km distribution
line s shown in Fig. 2. All systems under study are simulated and carried out using
Fig. 2. System under study
The parameters used in the system under study including the FCWTG are provided in
Table 1 and 2.
Table 1. FCWTG parameters
Rs (p.u.) 0.006
H(s) (p.u.) 0.62
Vdc (V) 1100
Parameters Distribution line
R1 (ohms/km) 0.1153
R0 (ohms/km) 0.413
L1 (H/km) 1.05e-3
L0 (H/km) 3.32e-3
C1 (F/km) 11.33e-9
C0 (F/km) 5.01e-9
All the system were modeled and simulated using Matlab/Simulink software package and
the simulation results will be elaborated and the following section.
3 Simulation Results and Discussion
In this paper, four levels of frequency deviation are applied to the grid side. The lowest
deviation is 55 Hz and the most worse is 45 Hz. Frequency drop of 47.5 Hz is also applied
to resemble the case of New York City case in 1977 [9], to see its impact on the dynamic
performance of FCWTG.
Fig. 3. Power output responses with various frequency drops
Fig. 3 shows the dynamic impacts of grid frequency drops on FCWTG. Output power has a
quite significant drop up to 0.5 pu during grid frequency drop at 0.5s. However, with a
proper controller of FCWTG particularly for the self-healing system, the generated power is
forced back to stable but giving a small and short fluctuate response when the fault is
cleared out. The worse scenario has occurred on grid frequency drop at 45 Hz, the
generated power goes significantly down and might damage the generator. The self-healing
system of FCWTG is also malfunctioned in this fault level.
Fig. 4. Reactive power output responses with various frequency drops
Fig. 4 depicts the reactive power spark response during faults start and end for all grid
frequency drops, however, the worse condition is for grid frequency drop at the level
Fig. 5. Vdc link voltage of FCWTG during various drops of the grid frequency
Fig. 5 shows the DC link response during various grid frequency drops. The voltage rise for
the grid frequency drops of 47.5 Hz has violated the safety margin of 120% maximum
overshoot of allowable DC link voltage. This might lead to the converter protection blocks
the converters of FCWTG.
Fig. 6. Generator speed of FCWTG during various drops of the grid frequency
Fig. 6 exhibits generator speed responses during various grid frequency drop. It clearly
demonstrated that the larger level of grid frequency drop the larger oscillation occur which
means the generator is under an unstable condition that might damage the generator.
3 Conclusion
This paper investigates the effects of various grid frequency drops on the dynamic
performance of FCWTG. The overall systems are simulated and carried out using
Matlab/Simulink. In the range of grid frequency drop about 55 Hz to 50 Hz, the self-healing
mechanism could maintain the dynamic responses are still within safety margin. However,
from 47.5 Hz drop, the dynamic response of FCWTG is started to be unstable and in the
worse condition, it might lead to the damage of FCWTG.
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