foreword by the mayor - €¦ · of the city for the 2003-2004 council year is councillor glenys...

Warrnambool City Council - Council Plan 2003-2004 1 FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR This Council Plan sets out clear statements of what Council intends to achieve for our community over the next 3 years and the means by which this will occur. The Plan provides the basis for Council to determine Budget allocations for recurrent services and capital works. The “Key Imperatives” within the Plan initially summarise the core areas for Council’s performance over the next 3 years. The Council Plan then sets out 5 Key Result Areas, each containing 3 year strategies followed by specific actions for 2003-04, which will be the subject of performance measurement and reporting to the community in the Annual Report. These actions span across the 35 discrete services listed in Council’s Best Value Program. The underlying principles of the Plan are directly linked to Council’s purposes as a democratic local government in meeting the needs of its community. This requires continuing and effective community consultation processes to which Council is fully committed. This Plan also provides for the wide range of services delivered by Council to be systematically reviewed under the framework of the Best Value Principles legislation, to ensure the best possible quality outcomes from available resources. On behalf of Council, I thank the community for the contributions to this Plan, which will guide the Council’s work over the next 3 years. CR. GLENYS PHILLPOT

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Page 1: FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR - €¦ · of the City for the 2003-2004 Council Year is Councillor Glenys Phillpot (Levy’s Ward), The other members of Council are Councillor Fiona Aulsebrook

Warrnambool City Council - Council Plan 2003-2004 1


This Council Plan sets out clear statements of what Council intends to achieve for our community over the next 3 years and the means by which this will occur. The Plan provides the basis for Council to determine Budget allocations for recurrent services and capital works. The “Key Imperatives” within the Plan initially summarise the core areas for Council’s performance over the next 3 years. The Council Plan then sets out 5 Key Result Areas, each containing 3 year strategies followed by specific actions for 2003-04, which will be the subject of performance measurement and reporting to the community in the Annual Report. These actions span across the 35 discrete services listed in Council’s Best Value Program. The underlying principles of the Plan are directly linked to Council’s purposes as a democratic local government in meeting the needs of its community. This requires continuing and effective community consultation processes to which Council is fully committed. This Plan also provides for the wide range of services delivered by Council to be systematically reviewed under the framework of the Best Value Principles legislation, to ensure the best possible quality outcomes from available resources. On behalf of Council, I thank the community for the contributions to this Plan, which will guide the Council’s work over the next 3 years. CR. GLENYS PHILLPOT MAYOR

Page 2: FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR - €¦ · of the City for the 2003-2004 Council Year is Councillor Glenys Phillpot (Levy’s Ward), The other members of Council are Councillor Fiona Aulsebrook

Warrnambool City Council - Council Plan 2003-2004 2

CONTENTS PAGE Foreword by the Mayor ................................................................1 The Council ...................................................................................3 Organisational Structure...............................................................4 The City at a Glance......................................................................5 The Strategic Direction .................................................................6

��������The Council Planning Process ................................................7 ��������Our Commitments....................................................................8 ��������Customer Service Charter .......................................................9 ��������Council’s 3 Year Key Imperatives..........................................10 Key Result Areas – Strategies and Actions 2003-2004 ..............11

1. Community Focused Council .........................................12-16 2. Natural & Built Environment...........................................17-20 3. Safe & Healthy Community.............................................21-25 4. Growing City ...................................................................26-28 5. Responsible Asset Management ....................................29-31 Council’s Financial Strategic Plan..............................................32 Annual Business Plan Indicators ...............................................33 Best Value Program ....................................................................35 Monitoring and Implementation..................................................36

Note: “Council Plan” is the Corporate Plan within the meaning of Section 153A of the Local Government Act 1989. The “Key Result Areas/Goals” are the corporate objectives for the next 3 financial years under the Act and the “3 Year Strategies” are the strategies for achieving these corporate objectives.

Page 3: FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR - €¦ · of the City for the 2003-2004 Council Year is Councillor Glenys Phillpot (Levy’s Ward), The other members of Council are Councillor Fiona Aulsebrook

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Warrnambool City Council is divided into 7 Wards, each represented by a Councillor. Under the triennial election system, the whole Council is elected for the same 3 year period. The third elected Council for the City took office on 25 March 2002. The Mayor of the City for the 2003-2004 Council Year is Councillor Glenys Phillpot (Levy’s Ward), The other members of Council are Councillor Fiona Aulsebrook (Botanic Ward), Councillor John Kenneally (Cassidy Ward), Councillor Graeme Rodger (Pertobe Ward), Councillor David Atkinson (Proudfoot Ward), Councillor James Nicol (Sherwood Ward) and Councillor Jack Daffy (Wollaston Ward). Advisory Committees

Warrnambool City Council is committed to actively consulting with the community in order to strengthen community participation in local government processes. The following advisory committees have been established -

• Warrnambool Livestock Exchange Advisory Committee

• Performing Arts Centre Reference Group

• Parks and Gardens Advisory Committee

• Warrnambool Youth Advisory Committee

• Coast and Rivers Advisory Committee • Disability Advisory Committee • Warrnambool Airport Advisory

Committee • Flagstaff Hill Management Committee

• Heritage Buildings Advisory Committee

• Warrnambool Economic Development Advisory Committee

• Art Gallery Reference Group • Warrnambool Stadium Advisory Committee

• Warrnambool-Moyne Local Safety Committee

• Audit Committee • Warrnambool Resettlement Advisory


• AquaZone Advisory Committee • Warrnambool Stadium Advisory

Committee • Warrnambool Community Building

Project (“WAVE”) Steering Group

L-R Cr. David Atkinson (Proudfoot Ward),

Cr. James Nicol, (Sherwood Ward),

Cr. Glenys Phillpot, Mayor (Levys Ward),

Cr. Fiona Aulsebrook (Botanic Ward),

Cr. John Kenneally (Cassidy Ward),

Cr. Jack Daffy, (Wollaston Ward),

Cr. Graeme Rodger (Pertobe Ward)

Page 4: FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR - €¦ · of the City for the 2003-2004 Council Year is Councillor Glenys Phillpot (Levy’s Ward), The other members of Council are Councillor Fiona Aulsebrook

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Glendon Dickinson


Graeme Gard


Bill Millard


Bruce Anson


Peter Robertson


Andrew Lacey


Murray Murfett


Peter Reeve


Yvonne Stewart


Anne Waters


Russell Lineham


Paul O'Brien


Howard Nichol


Peter Costello


Andrew Minack



June 2003

Page 5: FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR - €¦ · of the City for the 2003-2004 Council Year is Councillor Glenys Phillpot (Levy’s Ward), The other members of Council are Councillor Fiona Aulsebrook

Warrnambool City Council - Council Plan 2003-2004 5

THE CITY AT A GLANCE Warrnambool is Victoria’s largest coastal City outside Port Phillip Bay and is the fastest growing economy and population centre in south-west Victoria. The City is a major provider in the fields of commerce, governance, social services, health, education, the arts and recreation.

Warrnambool is a major destination for people travelling along tourist routes including the Great Ocean Road, Princes Highway and the south-west railway. The City caters for regional, intrastate, interstate and international visitors. With a location adjoining both protected and exposed coastline and a strong maritime and built heritage, over 700,000 tourists visit the City each year to relax in the beach environment and surrounding recreational precincts. Physical attractions such as Lake Pertobe, the Hopkins and Merri Rivers, the Lady Bay foreshore and the prospect of whale watching provide a range of year-round activities.

As well as a developing tourist industry, Warrnambool is the focus for a range of activities that provide an employment base for the City’s population of approximately 30,600 and the adjoining sub-region, including –

�� A major retail and business centre.

�� Quality education facilities from pre-school to university.

�� Community, health and governance services.

�� Primary production and food processing.

�� Manufacturing.

The City offers a wealth of passive and active recreational activities for residents and visitors alike. The coast and surrounding foreshore provide opportunities for a range of aquatic pursuits. Recreation facilities developed by the public and private sector provide for both team and individual activities on an indoor and outdoor basis, including the recently completed AquaZone and Warrnambool Stadium facilities. A number of tourism and cultural facilities including Flagstaff Hill Tourism Precinct (with the “Shipwrecked” sound and light presentation), Performing Arts Centre and Regional Art Gallery are important regional attractions for the City.

The City’s total budgeted expenditure for all functions in 2003-2004 is $44.05 million. There are approximately 13,560 rate assessments and a staff of 303 (equivalent full time). The wide span of local government services provided reflects Warrnambool’s regional centre role and its urban, coastal and rural areas.

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Page 7: FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR - €¦ · of the City for the 2003-2004 Council Year is Councillor Glenys Phillpot (Levy’s Ward), The other members of Council are Councillor Fiona Aulsebrook

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Annual Management /


Detailed Service Planning

Performance Management &


3 Year Strategic Directions

�� Purpose, Vision, Values �� Key Result Areas – goals �� 3 Year Strategies �� Strategic Performance

Indicators �� Strategic Resource Plan

2003 – 2004 Actions

�� Annual activities/initiatives

�� Responsibility/ timing

�� Best Value Program �� Standard


Service Plans �� Victorian Local Government Indicators

�� Local Government Improvement Incentive Program – assessment criteria

�� Review of operations �� Service-specific

delivery indicators

Financial Strategic Plan

�� Strategies to maintain the financial wellbeing of Council

Annual Budget

Service delivery under Warrnambool Best Value

Program 2001-2005

Annual Report

�� Asset investment �� Budget programs �� Financial statements

Council Plan

�� Key Studies* ��Municipal Strategic Statement (April 1999) ��Warrnambool 2010 Strategy (June 2000) ��Warrnambool Economic Development & Tourism

Strategy (2001) ��South West Sustainability Blueprint (August 2001) ��Great Ocean Road Region Strategy (Draft) ��2001-04 Strategic Business Plan, Shipwreck Coast

Tourism ��South West Victoria Dairy Industry Cluster Project (May

2001) ��“Healthy Communities” Integrated Services Project (May

2002) (Regional/municipal public health & community safety plans)

��South West Regional Waste Management Plan ��Warrnambool Environment Management Plan (June

2002) ��Warrnambool City Council-Road Safety Strategy ��Warrnambool City Council – Disability Action Plan ��City of Warrnambool – City Plan (September 1996) ��Warrnambool Drainage Study (draft) ��Warrnambool Public Open Space Strategy (2000) ��Warrnambool Stormwater Management Plan (February

2002) ��Warrnambool City Centre Urban Design Framework

(June 2001) ��Warrnambool Retail Strategy Update (December 2002) ��Warrnambool Industrial Land Strategy (September

2001) ��Warrnambool Industrial Estate Capability Audit (2002) ��Warrnambool Coastal Action Plan (April 1999) ��Warrnambool Foreshore Urban Design Framework

(April 1999) ��Warrnambool Harbour Precinct Report (February 2003) ��Locality/Site Specific Studies relating to Logans Beach

Urban Design, Former Woollen Mills Site, former Brierly Hospital site, Harbour Siltation, Tree Asse ssment, Moyne-Warrnambool Intermodal Freight, Wetlands Management, Merri River management, Russells Creek management, Middle Island management, Bicycle Plan, Performing Arts Centre, Warrnambool Art Gallery, Tower Hill Future Directions

�� Services planning policies* �� Best Value Program* �� Studies �� Market research* �� Statutory requirements �� Audit recommendations �� Agreements

NOTE: *These “inputs have typically involved community consultation/participation.


Medium Term Vision

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OUR PURPOSE To benefit the people of Warrnambool by providing –

��Responsible governance; ��Quality and valued services; and ��Effective planning, based on the City’s natural features and diverse assets.

OUR VISION FOR WARRNAMBOOL IN 2013 �� Leading practice in regional city local government; ��Centre of a prosperous region of outstanding clean and green reputation; ��High quality lifestyle; �� Learning and enterprising City.

OUR VALUES Our decisions, services and allocation of resources will be guided according to the following values – People Ensuring that all people are treated with dignity, respect and fairness. Our staff are critical to the achievement of our goals and we are committed to their continued development. Service Excellence We are here to serve our community and will strive to meet their needs to the highest affordable standards. Government Open, accessible and accountable government, in touch with the existing and changing needs of our community. Innovation We will continually look for ways to improve our services. Communication Accurate, timely and relevant information involving the open exchange of ideas and information with the community and all staff. Environment Environmental sustainability, to maximise opportunities for all people and future generations to enjoy social and physical well being.

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CUSTOMER SERVICE CHARTER 1. Goal We will provide quality service to our customers, by always: ��Being accessible to them; ��Treating them as being more important than the task; ��Adopting courteous and user-friendly approach to assisting them; and ��Striving for improvement in all aspects of our services. 2. Objectives We aim to: ��Be completely professional in both our attitude and our actions; ��Meet our customer’s needs and expectations; ��Provide information which is timely, accurate and comprehensive; ��Achieve excellence in communication; and ��Undertake appropriate follow-up to ensure the continuous and accurate evaluation

of the service provided and the relevance of any changes introduced.

3. Customers Our customers may expect: 3.1 Courteous, professional and friendly service at all times; 3.2 To be informed of:

��The services we will provide and how we will provide them; ��Their rights and obligations as users of our services; ��What service standards may be expected and how to tell if we are achieving

those standards; ��How their concerns and complaints will be handled; and ��Their right to redress if our service standards are not met.

3.3 Prompt and appropriate attention to their enquiries, requests and complaints, with a satisfactory outcome being achieved within a reasonable time.

3.4 The utmost discretion and confidentiality in their dealings with Council; 3.5 Accurate, timely and complete information; 3.6 The opportunity to comment on and make suggestions about our services; and 3.7 Full information about Council policies, decisions, actions, services and facilities.

Page 10: FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR - €¦ · of the City for the 2003-2004 Council Year is Councillor Glenys Phillpot (Levy’s Ward), The other members of Council are Councillor Fiona Aulsebrook

Warrnambool City Council - Council Plan 2003-2004 10

COUNCIL’S 3 YEAR KEY IMPERATIVES 1. Responsible Governance

2. Financial Sustainability

3. Asset Renewal/Stewardship

4. Strategic Planning and Performance Accountability

5. Major Projects – Successful Operation

6. Continuous Improvement for Quality Services

7. Effective Regional Partnerships

8. Repositioning Warrnambool for Tourism Attraction and Economic Development

Page 11: FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR - €¦ · of the City for the 2003-2004 Council Year is Councillor Glenys Phillpot (Levy’s Ward), The other members of Council are Councillor Fiona Aulsebrook

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3 Year

Strategies Actions


1. Community Focused Council 6 64

2. Natural & Built Environment 5 38

3. Safe & Healthy Community 11 59

4. Growing City 4 37

5. Responsible Asset Management 3 22

Total 29 220

Strategies and Actions

2003 -2004 Note: In the following “Key Result Areas” the officer nominated in the column “Responsibility” has the lead role to facilitate and co-ordinate the work necessary to complete the strategies and actions. Legend “Key Result Areas- Strategies and Actions” (refer pages 12 - 31) CE Chief Executive DCS Director Corporate Services DPS Director Physical Services DRS Director Resident Services DED Director Economic Development

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Warrnambool City Council - Council Plan 2003-2004



Our Goal

To provide responsible governance for our City in keeping with valued community participation, effective advocacy, financial sustainability, service excellence and organisational capacity.

Page 13: FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR - €¦ · of the City for the 2003-2004 Council Year is Councillor Glenys Phillpot (Levy’s Ward), The other members of Council are Councillor Fiona Aulsebrook

Warrnambool City Council - Council Plan 2003-2004 13

1.01 3 YEAR STRATEGY: INCREASE COUNCIL’S ADVOCACY ON BEHALF OF THE COMMUNITY Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Council’s Advocacy and Community Representation (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to improve from 67% in 2003 to 69% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

1.01.01 Meet with local Members of Parliament, advocating on issues affecting Warrnambool and the region. 2 meetings per year CE

1.01.02 Submission to the Minister for Environment relating to public land management arrangements with Warrnambool’s foreshore. By February 2004 CE

1.01.03 Promote and implement 40 kph around schools, within context of Statewide program. By June 2004 DPS

1.01.04 Advocate for housing initiatives in Warrnambool, including affordable housing and public housing renewal investment.

Develop strategy by December 2003 DED

1.01.05 Promote and advocate for population targets and employment and migration opportunities in Warrnambool. 4 promotions/activities DED

1.01.06 Present an updated submission to the Minister for Education relating to a new primary school site in Warrnambool North. By September 2003 DED

1.01.07 Work with DSE and Parks Victoria and undertake advocacy for implementation of recommendations from the Future Directions Strategy for Tower Hill.

By June 2004 DED

1.01.08 Continuing partnership advocacy approach with South West Municipalities for upgrading of the Princes Highway West, including declaration as a Road of National Importance.

By March 2004 CE

1.01.09 Advocate the role of Warrnambool for management of regional services and Government offices. By June 2004 CE

1.01.10 In conjunction with South West Water, advocate for increased reuse of water. By March 2004 CE

1.01.11 Advocate for the inclusion of people with a disability in community life. By June 2004 CE

1.01.12 Continue to provide appropriate advocacy and other assistance relating to the staged development of “Brauerander Park” in Warrnambool West, taking into account regional needs and benefits relating to the planned synthetic athletics track facility.

By November 2003 CE

1.01.13 Advocacy for upgraded passenger rail and freight rail services to enhance social and economic benefits. By June 2004 CE

1.01.14 Advocate (as appropriate) and assess policy and operational implications of the updated Local Government Act. By October 2003 CE

1.01.15 Advocate for Department of Defence (Cwth) and State Government funding to complete final stages of the Doug Clark Warrnambool Rifle Range.

By July 2003 DRS

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Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Community Engagement processes by Council (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to improve from 56% in 2003 to 66% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

1.02.01 Establish increased liaison opportunities between ward Councillors and communities.

2 ward gatherings per annum per Councillor CE

1.02.02 Conduct appropriate service-specific market research to assist planning of services and works priorities. By June 2004 DCS

1.02.03 Ensure well-designed community consultation processes as an integral part of all studies and investigations where outcomes directly affect the community.

100% CE

1.02.04 Ensure that the community receives useful and accessible information about Council’s programs and policies, including the fortnightly “City News” broadsheet and the half yearly “City News” magazine.

Publishing timetable DCS

1.02.05 Prepare fully complying Accountability Framework documents including the 2002-03 Annual Report (September 2003) and the 2003-04 Council Plan (July 2003).

On-time completion/publishing DCS

1.02.06 Produce “Business Matters” newsletter relating to local/regional economic development trends and indicators. Quarterly DED

1.02.07 Upgrading and effective maintenance of Council’s internet website. By July 2003 DCS

1.02.08 Facilitate and prepare 2004 Warrnambool Calendar of Events. By December 2003 DED

1.02.09 Quarterly performance reporting relating to Council Plan implementation, Annual Budget (Financial Report), Best Value Program and Customer Requests Management.

Quarterly DCS

1.02.10 Report on 2002-03 National Competition compliance, also the 2002-03 Best Value Annual Report. By September 2003 DCS

1.02.11 Continue liaison meetings with Moyne Shire Council, including those relating to regional dairy industry initiatives. 2 Meetings p.a. CE

1.02.12 Research and promote the establishment of an accredited volunteer training program By March 2004 DRS

1.02.13 Engage and promote corporate participation in volunteer activity. By June 2004 DRS

1.02.14 Conduct liaison discussions with Council advisory committees in late 2003/early 2004. By March 2004 CE

1.02.15 Promote Council’s Statement of Reconciliation with the community and support action opportunities, in close liaison with indigenous community bodies.

By June 2004 CE

1.02.16 Review feedback from the 2004 Community Satisfaction Survey. By May 2004 CE

1.02.17 In partnership with other councils and stakeholders, assist role and effectiveness of regional bodies established for library services, waste management, tourism, economic development, coastal/catchment management, primary health care and economic/environmental sustainability.

By June 2004 CE, Directors

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1.03 3 YEAR STRATEGY: MAINTAIN AND IMPROVE CUSTOMER SERVICES Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Customer Contact (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to improve from 76% in 2003 to 81% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

1.03.01 Link Best Value Program service reviews to existing service charters and develop new charters where appropriate. By April 2004 DCS

1.03.02 Customer requests to be completed within nominated period (current results approximately 85%). 90% by June 2004 DCS

1.03.03 Customer contact after request completed (when required). 98% DCS

1.03.04 Identify appropriate course of action with relevant Customer Service accreditation standards. Select standards DCS

1.03.05 Further improve correspondence and phone call response standards, in accordance with Enterprise Agreement and Best Value service review.

95% DCS

1.03.06 Report compliance with “service guarantees” set down within relevant service charters and/or Best Value service reviews. Quarterly DCS

1.04 3 YEAR STRATEGY: ENSURING USEFUL AND ACCESSIBLE INFORMATION Performance Indicator: On-line options available for all information (including application forms and payments) for 90% of Council’s programs and services by 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

1.04.01 Develop a “Community On-Line” Strategy. By October 2003 DCS

1.04.02 Investigate and report on opportunities for shared municipal information services/technology on a regional basis. By December 2003 DCS

1.04.03 Complete and adopt a “Disaster Recovery Plan” relating to Council’s Information Services. By December 2003 DCS

1.04.04 Collect, record and protect Council’s records in accordance with an adopted plan based in leading practice and statutory requirements.

Collect 100% DCS

1.04.05 Prepare and update Information Services Strategic Plan. By September 2003 DCS

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1.05 3 YEAR STRATEGY: ENSURE FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY Performance Indicator: To return annual operating surpluses within effective, strategically developed annual budgets.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

1.05.01 Financial Strategic Plan 2004-05 prepared and adopted. By April 2004 DCS

1.05.02 2004-05 Annual Budget prepared and placed on public notice. By June 2004 DCS

1.05.03 Updated “Long Term Asset Investment Plan” (10 years) prepared and adopted, based on Council’s Asset Management Policy. By February 2004 DCS, DPS

1.05.04 Achieve better than start-up operating surplus for 2003-04. By June 2004 DCS

1.05.05 Rates and charges revenue collection for 2003-04. 98% DCS

1.05.06 Submit Victoria Grants Commission return for 2003-04, including possible further submission in relation to special “regional city” cost adjustors and/or other areas to offset impacts of reduction in General Assistance and Local Roads grants.

By October 2003 DCS

1.05.07 Review and implementation of updated Asset Realisation Program. By March 2004 DCS

1.05.08 Enhance processes relating to legal, asset management and service delivery functions relating to Council properties. By November 2003 DCS

1.05.09 Review, adoption and implementation of 2003-04 internal audit program. By May 2004 DCS

1.05.10 Audit Committee to provide annual report following third full year of operations. By June 2004 DCS

1.05.11 Develop a revised structure and components for 2004-05 Council Plan and Budget and 2003-04 Annual Report, arising from provisions of updated Local Government Act.

By March 2004 CE, DCS


Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Customer Contact (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to improve from 76% in 2003 to 81% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

1.06.01 Prepare and adopt a corporate training plan for 2003-2004. By July 2003 DCS

1.06.02 Produce a Human Resources Policy manual. By February 2004 DCS

1.06.03 Train an additional 30 staff in “Working Smarter”. By May 2004 DCS

1.06.04 Prepare a quarterly report on the achievements of the “Working Smarter” program. Quarterly DCS

1.06.05 Conduct “Working Smarter” awareness campaign for all staff. By April 2004 DCS

1.06.06 Implement and report on procedures relating to the Information Privacy Act 2000, Health Records Act 2001 and Whistleblowers Act 2001.

By September 2003 CE, DCS

1.06.07 Ensure systematic approach for project management arrangements (particularly major capital works) within the organisation.

By September 2003 CE

1.06.08 Update existing service plans to ensure consistency with the Council Plan, Long Term Financial Plan, Annual Budget and Best Value service reviews.

By December 2003 Directors

1.06.09 Develop updated standards and procedures from the Working Smarter program and relevant internal audit reports. By February 2004 CE, Directors

1.06.10 Implement time-related aspects of Warrnambool Enterprise Agreement No. 2, 2001, particularly for organisational improvement targets.

By September 2003 CE

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Our Goal

To facilitate the planned development of our City achieving high standards of amenity and environmental sustainability.

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2.01 3 YEAR STRATEGY: ENSURE EFFECTIVE, STRATEGIC LAND USE PLANNING FOR THE CITY Performance Indicator: Gazettal of revised Warrnambool Planning Scheme by 2005.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

2.01.01 Detailed strategic review relating to the planning of the City over the next generation, with particular reference to Warrnambool’s outer growth areas ($50,000 allocation).

By March 2004 CE, DPS

2.01.02 Complete review of the Warrnambool Planning Scheme inclusive of a range of matters to be incorporated, as listed within the previous 2002-03 Council Plan.

By June 2004 DPS

2.01.03 Review and introduce updated Local Policy content into the Planning Scheme including disability access, sustainable building design and development contributions.

By May 2004 DPS

2.01.04 Establish “Safe Design Guidelines” for Council and private facilities. By May 2004 DPS

2.01.05 Issue planning permits within defined/targeted periods of time (currently 20 days). 19 days DPS

2.01.06 Successfully represent Council’s position in planning appeals. 85% positive outcome DPS

2.01.07 Implement transition arrangements (legal, technical/administrative, communication) associated with declaration of designated flood levels in the Warrnambool urban area.

By March 2004 DPS

2.02 3 YEAR STRATEGY: PROTECT THE CHARACTER AND AMENITY OF THE CITY Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Town Planning Policy and Approvals (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to increase from 58% in 2003 to 66% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

2.02.01 Develop a framework for Neighbourhood Character Assessment and implement Stage 1 for highest priority area(s). By April 2004 DPS

2.02.02 Undertake a Heritage Study to address gaps in Planning Scheme protection for heritage buildings/assets ($40,000 allocation). By April 2004 DPS

2.02.03 Establish a Heritage Plan for a systematic approach in implementing various aspects of heritage awareness, facilitation and protection.

By April 2004 DPS

2.02.04 Produce Heritage Guidelines to assist property owners and applicants. By April 2004 DPS

2.02.05 Sponsor Design Workshops for local designers and builders to assist and encourage designs which are responsive to ResCode provisions, including neighbourhood character requirements.

By March 2004 DPS

2.02.06 Implement investigation, masterplan and feasibility processes arising from the Warrnambool Harbour Precinct study. By December 2004 CE, DPS

2.02.07 Undertake assessment for improved amenity and appearance at key visitor entrance points to the City i.e. Princes Highway, Hopkins Highway, Warrnambool Railway Station and Warrnambool Regional Airport.

By March 2004 DPS

2.02.08 Progressively update signage to key visitor destinations in accordance with updated, thematic signage guidelines. By June 2004 DPS

2.02.09 Update Tree Assessment and Inventory (relating to road reserves and parks) for incorporation into the Planning Scheme and parks design and operational procedures.

By December 2003 DPS

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2.03 3 YEAR STRATEGY: IMPROVE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY OUTCOMES Performance Indicator: Achieve Milestone 4 for the Cities for Climate Protection program and play a leadership role in the regional sustainability agenda.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

2.03.01 Convert one Council vehicle per year to electric/petrol or gas. By April 2004 DPS

2.03.02 Develop staged action plan to fence and revegetate Council owned/managed land along Hopkins and Merri Rivers. By May 2004 DPS

2.03.03 Restoration landscaping of Blue Hole Carpark ($44,500 allocation). By June 2004 DPS

2.03.04 Develop an updated Environmental Management Plan for the Warrnambool Livestock Exchange. By March 2004 DPS

2.03.05 Sponsor and promote a workshop for developers/builders on the use of sustainable building materials and five star ratings for new buildings.

By April 2004 DPS

2.03.06 Development of methodology and case examples for introduction of “Triple Bottom Line” reporting, taking into account provisions of Local Government Act update.

By March 2004 CE, DCS

2.03.07 Partnership-based implementation of adopted recommendations from the South West Sustainability Blueprint and other initiatives facilitated by the South West Sustainability Partnership.

By May 2004 CE, DED, DPS

2.03.08 Progressively implement actions from management plans (subject to funding) for the Hopkins River, Merri River and Russells Creek, within the framework of the Glenelg Hopkins Regional Catchment Management Strategy 2003-2007.

By May 2004 DPS

2.04 3 YEAR STRATEGY: REDUCE WASTE TO LANDFILL Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Council’s Waste Management services (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to improve from 77% in 2003 to 81% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

2.04.01 Develop and approval of an updated Waste Management Strategy. By Arpil 2004 DPS

2.04.02 Maintain and improve community information in order to achieve domestic waste to landfill not exceeding 8.5kg (average) per household per week (currently 8.7kg per week).

By June 2004 DPS

2.04.03 Maintain and improve community information in order to achieve domestic recycling not exceeding 9.4kg (average) per household per week (currently 9.2kg per week).

By June 2004 DPS

2.04.04 Implement updated arrangements to ensure effective operation of the regional landfill agreement and contracted-out waste management services.

By August 2003 DPS

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Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with the Appearance of Public Areas (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to improve from 81% in 2003 to 83% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

2.05.01 Implement the Street Tree Improvement Program. Plant 500 trees by June 04 DPS

2.05.02 Develop a public art “framework policy”. By March 2004 DPS

2.05.03 Develop a Graffiti Removal Policy, including possible implementation via a local law. By December 2003 DPS

2.05.04 Review service standards for parks, reserves and landscaped public spaces arising from the relevant Best Value Program service review.

By December 2003 DPS

2.05.05 Prepare and implement an updated street tree policy for the municipality. By December 2003 DPS

2.05.06 Review and updating of Warrnambool Coastal Action Plan (1999), subject to funding assistance. By June 2004 DPS

2.05.07 Implemented adopted open space recommendations arising from the “Former Brierly Hospital Site – Redevelopment Strategy”. By November 2003 CE, DPS

2.05.08 Develop updated plan for Lower Merri River open space link between Stingray Bay and Wellington Street, including integration with the Development Plan for the former Woollen Mill site.

By October 2003 DPS

2.05.09 Complete audits of public open space areas (having regard to criteria within the adopted Public Open Space Strategy), including Council consideration of findings.

By December 2003 DPS

2.05.10 Continue conservation works arising from the Middle Island Management Strategy in the Merri Marine Sanctuary ($25,000 allocation).

By November 2003 DPS

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Our Goal

To enhance and promote quality of life for all people in our community; in terms of healthy living, safety, recreational and cultural experiences.

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INTEGRATED AND RESPONSIVE TO THE COMMUNITY’S NEEDS Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Council’s Health and Human Services (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to improve from 79% in 2003 to 81% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

3.01.01 Establish a more effective centralised grouping for early childhood services (other than services delivered by neighbourhood facilities).

By February 2004 DRS

3.01.02 Further enhance partnerships and networks between parents, community and all early childhood service providers. By June 2003 DRS

3.01.03 Establish parent advisory group to advise Council on the needs of families with young children. By March 2004 DRS

3.01.04 Maintain and improve a range of early childhood training and resource programs. By March 2004 DRS

3.01.05 Plan and provide for ethnic diversity within early childhood services. By December 2003 DRS

3.01.06 Identify and facilitate a specialist training program for all early childhood staff. By March 2004 DRS

3.01.07 Review inclusion policy for children with special needs across all early childhood services. By March 2004 DRS

3.01.08 Actively monitor needs and avenues for overall provision of quality childcare services in the City. By September 2003 DRS

3.01.09 Investigate opportunities for multi-purpose use of Council childcare and pre-school facilities, consistent with long-term services planning.

By November 2003 DRS


Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Council’s Health and Human Services (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to improve from 79% in 2003 to 81% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

3.02.01 Implement adopted strategies from the Gaps and Needs Analysis of youth services.

By March 2004 DRS

3.02.02 Advocacy support for the establishment of a “Community and Youth Complex” by Brophy Family and Youth Services.

By December 2005 DRS

3.02.03 Promote positive image and community focus for Warrnambool youth via Council publications.

Six feature articles per year DRS

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Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Council’s Health and Human Services (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to improve from 79% in 2003 to 81% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

3.03.01 Achieve compliance with the National HACC Service Standards. 100% DRS

3.03.02 Develop policies, practices and processes to support service coordination. By December 2003 DRS

3.03.03 Adopt regional service coordination templates for service delivery. By December 2003 DRS

3.03.04 Implement adopted recommendations arising from the Aged Care Strategic Plan. By June 2004 DRS

3.03.05 Explore aged care program options for implementation at the Archie Graham Centre. By March 2004 DRS

3.03.06 Participate in regional strategies to improve respite options for carers (involving increase in respite hours by 10%). By March 2004 DRS

3.03.07 Further develop partnerships and resources to support service demands. By September 2003 DRS

3.03.08 Participate in the evaluation process for the Rural Access Program. By June 2004 DRS

3.03.09 Develop a regional “community network” to implement plans that support improved health outcomes. By December 2004 DRS


Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Council’s Health and Human Services (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to improve from 79% in 2003 to 81% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

3.04.01 Develop an implementation model for an integrated range of regional public health and community safety plans. By June 2004 DRS

3.04.02 Facilitate the formation of: a) Regional Community Safety Committee; and b) Regional Municipal Public Health Planning Committee.

By September 2003 DRS

3.04.03 Identify further funding partnership opportunities that support expansion of community based health promotion activities.

By March 2004 DRS

3.04.04 Report on the integration of safety into town planning and road and neighbourhood design. By March 2004 DPS

3.04.05 Develop policy that add value to the objectives of the Healthy Communities Project, including recommendations to the Project Steering Committee ($169,500 allocation).

By March 2004 DRS

3.04.06 Effective management of Stage 2 of the Warrnambool Community Building Demonstration Project ($211,000 allocation). By June 2004 DRS, DCS

3.04.07 Maintain activities to reduce sales of cigarettes to minors and enforcement of cigarette advertising restrictions. 2 Activities DPS

3.04.08 Undertake activities to increase the numbers of children immunized at 2 years, currently 94 %. To 95% DPS

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3.05 3 YEAR STRATEGY: MAINTAIN HIGH FOOD SAFETY STANDARDS Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Council’s Health and Human Services (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to improve from 79% in 2003 to 81% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

3.05.01 Food Safety Plans for food premises completed, currently 98%. 100% assessed for registration DPS

3.05.02 Number of food premises and food vehicles inspected annually, currently 95%.

100 % inspected annually DPS

3.05.03 Investigate food complaints within the prescribed times. 100% DPS

3.06 3 YEAR STRATEGY: ENHANCE LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Council’s enforcement of Local Laws (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction survey) to improve from 70% in 2003 to 71% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

3.06.01 Achieve an increase of 4% in dog registrations in the City, currently 3561. To 3700 DPS

3.06.02 Review parking management measures in the City Centre, consistent with ensuring high availability for shopper usage. By October 2003 DPS

3.07 3 YEAR STRATEGY: MAINTAIN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLANNING CAPABILITY Performance Indicator: Effectiveness of current Municipal Emergency Management Plan.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

3.07.01 Municipal Emergency Management Plan updated and submitted for annual audit. By March 2004 DPS

3.07.02 Review and implementation of Municipal Fire Prevention Plan. By September 2003 DPS

3.08 3 YEAR STRATEGY: IMPROVE ROAD SAFETY AND PARKING MANAGEMENT Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction for Traffic Management and Parking Facilities (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to improve from 43% in 2003 to 65% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

3.08.01 Implement adopted actions from the Warrnambool Road Safety Strategy. By June 2004 DPS

3.08.02 Prepare a City Centre-Strategic Parking Plan, (based on the Urban Design Framework), including land assembly and Planning Scheme requirements.

Present to Council by February 2004. DPS

3.08.03 Review local roads speed limits (other than 50kph urban default limit) in conjunction with VicRoads. By June 2004 DPS

3.08.04 Implement adopted projects within the TravelSmart program. By December 2003 DPS

3.08.05 Advocate and assist necessary improvements for public transport services within Warrnambool and connecting to other destinations. By May 2004 DPS

3.08.06 Assess effectiveness of City Centre pedestrian/traffic safety measures. By April 2004 DPS

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3.09 3 YEAR STRATEGY: DEVELOP A MORE ACCESSIBLE AND MODERN LIBRARY SERVICE Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Council’s Recreational Facilities (including Library Services), (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to improve from to 81% in 2003 to 83% in 2006..

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

3.09.01 Participate in the “Future Directions” review of the Corangamite Regional Library Corporation. By August 2003 DRS

3.09.02 Investigate funding to increase access to interactive technology for Warrnambool public library. By December 2003 DRS


Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Council’s Recreational Facilities (including arts centres and festivals), (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to improve from 81% in 2003 to 83% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

3.10.01 Complete a consolidated Development Plan for Warrnambool’s Arts Precinct for the purposes of financial assistance submission to State Government.

By September 2003 DRS

3.10.02 Implement agreed marketing strategies from the Cultural Services Co-operative Marketing Project (Flagstaff Hill, Performing Arts Centre, Art Gallery facilities).

By June 2004 DRS

3.10.03 Report on funding opportunities from Arts Victoria for touring exhibitions and programs. By December 2003 DRS

3.10.04 Further investigations regarding a possible Historical Records Centre, including prospects for such facility to be located at the former Woollen Mill site.

By March 2004 DRS

3.10.05 Investigate relocation feasibility for the Warrnambool Theatre Company and Holiday Actors. By December 2003 DPS, DRS


Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Council’s Recreational Facilities (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to improve from 81% in 2003 to 83% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

3.11.01 Develop and implement a Warrnambool Sports and Clubs Development Program, subject to budget provisions. By June 2004 DRS

3.11.02 Assist with the establishment of a Sports Academy and a Sport Education Centre in Warrnambool. By June 2004 DRS

3.11.03 Implement adopted planning processes arising from the Bushfield Recreation Reserve Masterplan and Major Reserves Redevelopment Strategy (Reid Oval and Friendlies Society Reserve).

By June 2004 DRS, DPS

3.11.04 Develop improved basis for financial assistance submission relating to a new regional synthetic hockey field at Albert Park (estimated cost $910,000).

By November 2003 DRS

3.11.05 Continue investigations relating to the feasibility of relocating activities from the Queens Road Stadium, taking into account building condition, community needs and capital investment priorities.

By February 2004 DRS, DPS

3.11.06 Achieve and maintain a court occupancy rate of 90% during prime usage time at Warrnambool Stadium. By March 2004 DRS

3.11.07 Implement a Development Program for junior basketball in Warrnambool, subject to review by early 2003. By early 2004 DRS

3.11.08 Increase Learn to Swim term enrolments at AquaZone to 350. By January 2004 DRS

3.11.09 Achieve industry standard member retention at AquaZone. By June 2004 DRS

3.11.10 Develop updated/new policies for user groups of sports grounds and pavilions, taking into account recent key studies. By February 2004 DRS

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Our Goal

To plan and facilitate sustainable economic development and tourism to enable a prosperous future for our City and region.

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4.01 3 YEAR STRATEGY: ENHANCE ECONOMIC GROWTH Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Economic Development (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to improve from 67% in 2003 to 70% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

4.01.01 Strategic planning and facilitation (including coordination of Council services) to contribute to a positive environment for new residential, commercial and industrial investment.

$55m by June 2004 (12 months) DED

4.01.02 Planning and facilitation to assist jobs growth in the City. 50 by June 2004 (12 months) DED

4.01.03 City promotion and information, as a place to live, work and invest. 1 State, 3 regional promotions by June 2004


4.01.04 Achieve targeted average occupancy rate at Business Incubator. 75% in 2003-04 DED

4.01.05 Develop review paper for Business Incubator future options. By March 2004 DED

4.01.06 Continue support for “Young Achievement Australia” and local Small Business Networks.

Increase membership by 10% DED

4.01.07 Establish Business On-line program. By December 2003 DED

4.01.08 Implement NLIS Technology at Warrnambool Livestock Exchange. By July 2003 DCS

4.01.9 Increase utilisation of the Warrnambool Livestock Exchange. Increase throughput by 10% in 2003-04. DCS

4.01.10 Participate in proposed “Regional Housing and Industry Development” study, in partnership with Department of Human Services and key industry stakeholders.

By December 2003 DED

4.01.11 Provide 20 CJP employment and training positions on a targeted basis. By June 2004 DED

4.01.12 Update local and sub-regional business database and flexibility of applications.

Achieve an 80% listing for local and sub regional business


4.01.13 Establish updated development/management plans for holiday parks situated on coastal Crown Land. By March 2004. DCS

4.01.14 Facilitate expansion of the Walsh Road inter-modal freight terminal. By December 2003 DED

4.01.15 Facilitate all processes relating to the redevelopment of the former Woollen Mill site. By February 2004 CE, DPS

4.01.16 Provide strategic support for the growth of the equine industry. By March 2004 DED

4.01.17 Facilitate planning and actions for industrial land supply in the City, taking into account the Warrnambool Industrial Land Strategy and “Allansford Industrial Business Park” study ($200,000 allocation).

By June 2004 DED

4.01.18 Facilitate major projects development involving Council owned/managed areas eg Warrnambool Harbour Precinct, former Brierly Hospital site, Fletcher Jones property, Scott Street depot site, Nicholson Street SES site, lands adjoining Swinton Street and Braithwaite Street, coastal Crown land between McDonald Street and Warrnambool Golf Course.

By June 2004 CE, DPS, DED

4.01.19 Continue active participation in the South West Victorian Dairy Industry Project. By June 2004 DED

4.01.20 Coordinated implementation of various initiatives relating to Warrnambool population growth, including the “Supporting Relocation to the South West” project ($100,000 allocation).

By June 2004 DED

4.01.21 Working partnership with secondary and post-secondary education providers in the City to attract international students, including opportunities for improved range of student accommodation facilities.

By June 2004 DED

4.01.22 Active participation within the Rural and Regional Marketing Campaign, including regional “tactical” campaign initiatives. By December 2003 DED

4.01.23 Participation and support for the Food for the Future Project, auspiced by the South West Sustainability Partnership. By March 2004 DED

4.01.24 Review and update priorities and actions under the Warrnambool Economic Development and Tourism Strategy. By February 2004 DED

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4.02 3 YEAR STRATEGY: ENHANCE THE VITALITY OF THE CITY CENTRE Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Economic Development (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to increase from 67% in 2003 to 70% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

4.02.01 Implement approved projects within the Warrnambool City Centre Improvement Program ($755,500 allocation). By May 2004 DPS, DED

4.02.02 Strengthen consultation with the business community to ensure a partnership approach to all linked aspects of City Centre improvement.

By June 2004 DED

4.03 3 YEAR STRATEGY: INCREASE TOURISM Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Economic Development (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to increase from 67% in 2003 to 70% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

4.03.01 Active implementation of all post-completion activities and improvements for optimum economic benefits from Flagstaff Hill Redevelopment Project, including private investment multiplier effects ($147,000 allocation).

By April 2004 DED

4.03.02 Increase visitor numbers to Flagstaff Hill facility. By 95,000 pa (by June 2004) DED

4.03.03 Complete updated business systems for the Flagstaff Hill facility. By September 2004 DED

4.03.04 Close liaison with Shipwreck Coast Tourism to ensure effective and coordinated approach to Warrnambool and regional tourism destinational marketing.

By June 2004 DED

4.03.05 Increase tourism stay and yield through the Visitor Information Centre visitation and services.

5% to 130,000 (by June 2004) DED

4.03.06 Review existing monitoring processes and indicators and visitation. By May 2004 DED

4.03.07 Establish online purchasing at Flagstaff Hill facility. By June 2004 DED

4.04 3 YEAR STRATEGY: ENSURE EFFECTIVE CITY PROMOTION AND KEY EVENTS Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Economic Development (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to increase from 67% in 2003 to 70% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

4.04.01 Preparation of updated strategic framework for the roles, purposes and economic benefits of all key events and festivals, whether or not auspiced by Council.

By November 2003 DED

4.04.02 Appraise and report on the 2003 Wunta and Fun 4 Kids Festivals. By August 2003 DED

4.04.03 Provide targeted support to other key events, including Sports Tourism events. By June 2004 DED

4.04.04 Ensure coordinated approach for Council, City and regional promotion between relevant service providers. By June 2004 DED

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Our Goal

To ensure the City’s infrastructure is safe and well maintained and that new investment achieves environmental and industry best practice.

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5.01 3 YEAR STRATEGY: IMPROVE ASSET MANAGEMENT PLANNING Performance Indicator: Long-Term Asset Investment Plan to be developed, based on rigorous strategic planning and analysis.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

5.01.01 Continue with MAV Step Program, which includes all types of infrastructure assets. By June 2004 DPS

5.01.02 Complete inventories of existing assets condition rating. By December 2003 DPS

5.01.03 Review and adopt appropriate service standards for all Council assets.

Commence reporting by 30 September 2003


5.01.04 Draft Asset Management Plans to Council for buildings, drainage and Parks and Gardens. By June 2004 DPS

5.01.05 Complete Roads Risk Management Plan. By September 2003 DPS

5.01.06 Implement Footpath and Tree Inspection Program. By August 2003 DPS 5.01.07 Develop and implement a comprehensive inspection program for

all other Council infrastructure assets. By December 2003 DPS

5.01.8 Finalise position on long term use of Swan Reserve premises. By February 2004 CE

5.02 3 YEAR STRATEGIC: IMPROVE LOCAL ROADS AND PATHS Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Local Roads and Footpaths (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to improve from 70% in 2003 to 71% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

5.02.01 Review road hierarchy to assist management planning. By December 2003 DPS

5.02.02 Establish operational road management standards and systems as required by Road Management Bill. By June 2004 DPS

5.02.03 Implement construction and maintenance methods for roadworks and bridgeworks that achieve best practice, including environmental issues.

By May 2004 DPS

5.02.04 Complete local roads projects within Council’s 2003-04 Budget ($1,376,000 allocation). By June 2004 DPS

5.02.05 Complete footpath and bicycle path projects within Council’s 2003-04 Budget. By June 2004 DPS

5.02.06 Ensure systematic, risk management approach to achieve improved public liability insurance rating. To 75% by April 2004 DCS

5.02.07 Develop a traffic management plan for the Scott Street, McMeekin Road and Koroit Street area. By September 2003 DPS

5.02.08 Implement updated asset protection arrangements for works carried out in road reserves. By July 2004 DPS

5.02.9 Complete planning and negotiations and construct North-South collector to serve Warrnambool’s north-eastern urban area ($1,300,000 allocation).

By May 2004 DPS

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5.03 3 YEAR STRATEGY: IMPROVE THE CITY’S DRAINAGE SYSTEMS Performance Indicator: Community satisfaction with Local Roads and Footpaths (as measured through the annual Community Satisfaction Survey) to improve from 70% in 2003 to 71% in 2006.

Actions 2003-2004 Timing/Measure Responsibility

5.03.01 Review and revise Drainage Standards Policy arising from the Stormwater Quality Plan. By April 2004 DPS

5.03.02 Complete maintenance/restoration works for all drainage soakage pits under Council’s management. By March 2004 DPS

5.03.03 Clean 1/3rd of all other drainage pits annually. 100% DPS

5.03.04 Finalisation and Council decisions relating to the Warrnambool Drainage Strategy. By December 2003 DPS

5.03.05 Develop approach for solutions and funding methods for major drainage and flood mitigation projects. By December 2003 DPS

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COUNCIL’S FINANCIAL STRATEGIC PLAN - An essential foundation for responsible financial management. Council’s strategic approach to long term financial planning arises from its commitment to responsible financial management. The Financial Strategic Plan is an essential pre-requisite for adequate resourcing of the 3 Year Strategies and 2003-2004 Actions contained in this Council Plan. The Financial Strategic Plan incorporates principles which include the achievement of a sustainable financial position and responsible stewardship of community assets. Council’s debt management policy, pricing philosophy, capital funding and liquidity objectives are also specifically addressed. The Financial Strategic Plan enables Council to identify the sources of revenue and expenses required to adequately resource the proposed actions within this Council Plan. As for the overall Council Plan, the Financial Strategic Plan is reviewed each year to ensure the validity of assumptions and to take into account any change in circumstances.

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a) Budgeted Statement of Financial Performance

2003 2003 2004 2005 2006

Revised Forecast Budget Budget BudgetBudget

C:\DOCUM E~1\WCLARK~1.W AR\LOCALS~1\Temp\h.lo\[~5050165.xls]PS$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000


Revenue from ordinary activitiesRates 11,558 11,558 12,854 13,870 14,865User charges, fees & fines 8,512 8,502 9,162 9,388 9,659Grants 14,794 14,853 10,782 9,852 9,345Contributions 606 514 1,940 1,066 242Other revenue 2,410 2,100 3,239 2,964 2,866Interest 138 149 124 103 102Proceeds from disposal o f property, plant and equipment 734 734 1,584 623 933

38,752 38,410 39,685 37,866 38,012Expenses

Expenses from ordinary activitiesEmployee expenses -11,903 -11,904 -12,821 -13,237 -13,596Materials, services and contract payments -16,241 -16,029 -16,825 -16,218 -16,726Bad and doubtfu l debts -101 -101 -2 -2 -2Depreciation -5,265 -5,264 -5,395 -5,435 -5,452Lease Expense -305 -305 -444 -454 -465W ritten down value of assets so ld -734 -734 -1,584 -623 -933Other Expenses 0 0 0 0 0

-34,549 -34,337 -37,071 -35,969 -37,174

Borrowing costs expense -224 -224 -220 -196 -163Share of net profits of associates and join t ventures 0 0 0 0 0Share of net losses of associates and jo int ventures 0 0 0 0 0

Result from ordinary activities 3,979 3,849 2,394 1,701 675

Result from extraordinary items 0 0 0 0 0

Net result for the reporting period 3,979 3,849 2,394 1,701 675

M ovements in equityNet increase (decrease) in asset revaluation reserve 0 0 0 0 0

Total movements directly recognised as equ ity 0 0 0 0 0

Total changes in equity for the year 3,979 3,849 2,394 1,701 675

Warrnambool City Council

On a year to year bas is fluc tuations will occur with the Net Result from Counc il Operations . These may occur due to capital grants being received (capital expenditure is exc luded from the Statementof F inancial Performance), assets taken over from developers (Non-cash contributions), and profit or loss on asset sales.

An ongoing defic it from Operations will highlight a local government with a sus tainability problem .

"Revenues" are inflows or other enhancements, or sav ings in outflows, of future economic benefits in the form of increases in assets or reductions in liabil ities of the ent ity, other than those relating tocontributions by owners, that result in an increase in equity during t he reporting period.[Ex trac ted from CPA Austral ia Members' Handbook December 2002 issue , SAC4 Definition and Recognition of the Elements of F inancial Statements.]

"Expenses" are consumptions or losses of future economic benefits in the form of reductions in assets or increases in liabi li ties of the entity, other than those relating to distributions to owners , thatresult in a decrease in equity during the reporting period.[Ex trac ted from CPA Austral ia Members' Handbook December 2002 issue , SAC4 Definition and Recognition of the Elements of F inancial Statements.]

Budgeted Statement of Financial Perfo rmancefor the year ended 30 June

Page 34: FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR - €¦ · of the City for the 2003-2004 Council Year is Councillor Glenys Phillpot (Levy’s Ward), The other members of Council are Councillor Fiona Aulsebrook

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b) Budgeted Statement of Financial Position

2003 2003 2004 2005 2006Revised Forecast Budget Budget BudgetBudget

C:\DOCUME~1\W CLARK~1.WAR\LOCALS ~1\Temp\\[~5050165.xls ]FP $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000


Current assetsCash assets 2,453 2,429 1,678 1,131 1,055Short term investm ents 1,525 1,525 1,700 1,800 1,900Receivab les 1,558 1,544 1,595 1,522 1,528Assets held fo r resale 0 0 0 0 0Inventories - consumables 87 87 87 87 87Other current assets 52 52 52 52 52Total current assets 5,675 5,637 5,112 4,592 4,622

Non-cu rrent assetsReceivab les 145 145 82 57 49Investments in associates & jo int ventures 1,241 1,241 1,241 1,241 1,241Other financial assets 2 2 2 2 2Property, in frastructure, plant & equ ipment 175,576 175,441 178,021 178,970 178,817Total no n-current assets 176,964 176,829 179,346 180,270 180,109

Total Assets 182,639 182,466 184,458 184,862 184,731


Current liabilitiesPayables 1,545 1,524 1,600 1,542 1,591Trust funds 358 358 358 358 358Provisions 1,694 1,672 1,755 1,691 1,745Interest-bearing liabilities 1,040 1,094 1,172 1,226 952Total current liabilities 4,637 4,648 4,885 4,817 4,646

Non-cu rrent liabilitiesProvisions 1,439 1,439 1,550 1,600 1,644Interest-bearing liabilities 7,432 7,378 6,628 5,348 4,669Total no n-current liabilities 8,871 8,817 8,178 6,948 6,313

Total liabilities 13,508 13,465 13,063 11,765 10,959

Net Assets 169,131 169,001 171,395 173,097 173,772

Represented by:Accum ulated surplus 129,708 129,578 131,922 133,674 134,099Reserves 39,423 39,423 39,473 39,423 39,673Equity 169,131 169,001 171,395 173,097 173,772

W arrnambool City Council

A Statement of F inancial Position reports the financial position of a reporting entity at a spec ific point in time. Counc il's financial position is reflected by its assets owned, liabi lties owed and accumulatedsurplus.

"Assets " are future economic benefi ts controlled by the enti ty as a result of pas t transac tions or other past events.

"Liabili ties" are the future sacrifices of economic benefits that the entity is presently obl iged to make to other enti ties as a result of past transac tions or other past events .

"Accumulated Surplus" is the res idual interes t in the assets of the entity after deduction of its liabi lities.

[Extracted from CPA A us tralia Members' Handbook December 2002 issue , SAC4 Definition and Recognition of the Elements of Financial Statements and Accounting in Austral ia, Hogget & Edwards.]

Budgeted Statement of Financial Positionas at 30 June

Page 35: FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR - €¦ · of the City for the 2003-2004 Council Year is Councillor Glenys Phillpot (Levy’s Ward), The other members of Council are Councillor Fiona Aulsebrook

Warrnambool City Council - Council Plan 2003-2004 35

c) Budgeted Statement of Cash Flows

2003 2003 2004 2005 2006Revised Budget Forecast Budget Budget Budget

BudgetInflows/ Inflows/ Inflows/ Inflows/ Inflows/

(Outflows) (Outflows) (Outflows) (Outflows) (Outflows)H:\[Budget 0304 v3a.xls]CF $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000Cash flows from operating activities

Receipts from Ratepayers and Users (inclusive of GST) 25,517 25,091 29,741 29,658 29,890Payments to suppliers and staff (inclusive of GST) -30,401 -30,205 -32,419 -32,280 -32,906Receipts from Government 14,794 14,853 10,782 9,852 9,345Interest Received 138 149 124 103 102Interest Payments -224 -224 -220 -196 -163Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 9,824 9,664 8,008 7,137 6,268

Cash flows from investing activities

Proceeds from sale of assets 734 734 1,584 623 933Payments for property, infrastructure, plant and equipment -10,724 -10,593 -8,793 -6,261 -5,519Capitalised Borrowing Costs -317 -317 -312 -277 -231Capitalised Employee Expenses -380 -375 -454 -469 -481Development Costs for Land for resale 0 0 0 0 0Proceeds from sale of investments 2,154 2,154 -175 -100 -100Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities -8,533 -8,397 -8,150 -6,484 -5,398

Cash flows from financing activities

Proceeds from borrowings 2,000 2,000 500 0 0Repayment of borrowings -1,095 -1,095 -1,172 -1,226 -953Loans to outside body 0 0 0 0 0Repayment of loans by Outside Bodies 57 57 63 25 8Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 962 962 -609 -1,201 -945

Change in cash held 2,253 2,229 -751 -548 -75

Cash at the beginning of the financial year 200 200 2,429 1,678 1,131

Cash at the end of the financial year 2,453 2,429 1,678 1,131 1,055

Budgeted Statement of Cash Flowsfor the year ended 30 June

Warrnambool City Council

The information provided in a statement of cash flows together with other information in the financial report may assist users in assessing the abili ty of an entity to:(a) generate cash flows(b) meet its financial commitments as they fall due, including the servicing of borrowings and the payment of dividends(c) fund changes in the scope and/or nature of its activities(d) obtain external finance.

Laws and other government requirements may limit the capacity of publ ic sector enti ties to change the nature or scope of their activities or obtain external finance. Nevertheless, information about the nature and amount of cash flows may be useful to decisions about cash requirements and how they are satisfied. While some not-for-profit entities may neither pay dividends nor be required to service borrowed funds, information about their cash flows is relevant in identifying the applications of the cash outflows and the sources of cash inflows.

[Extracted from CPA Austral ia Members' Handbook December 2002 issue , AAS28 Statement of Cash Flows.]

Cash and Short Term Investments at end of the financial year must always exceed the requirements under the Local Government Regulations 2002 to fund existing Long Service Leave entitlements and be sufficient to service working capital and fund employee annual leave entitlements.

Page 36: FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR - €¦ · of the City for the 2003-2004 Council Year is Councillor Glenys Phillpot (Levy’s Ward), The other members of Council are Councillor Fiona Aulsebrook

Warrnambool City Council - Council Plan 2003-2004 36

d) Budgeted Rate Determination Statement

2003 2003 2004 2005 2006Revised Forecast Budget Budget BudgetBudget

C:\DOCUME~1\WCLARK~1.WA R\LOCALS~1\Tem p\h.lotus.notes\[~5050165.xls]RTS$'000 $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000

RevenuesRates 11,558 11,558 12,854 13,870 14,865User charges, fees & fines 8,512 8,502 9,162 9,388 9,659Grants 14,794 14,853 10,782 9,852 9,345Contributions 606 514 1,940 1,066 242Other revenue 2,410 2,100 3,239 2,964 2,866Interes t 138 149 124 103 102Proceeds from disposal of proper ty, plant and equipm ent 734 734 1,584 623 933External Loan Principal Received 57 57 63 25 8New Loan Funds Received 2,000 2,000 500 0 0

40,809 40,467 40,248 37,891 38,020

ExpensesEm ployee expenses -11,903 -11,904 -12,821 -13,237 -13,596Materials, services and contract payments -16,241 -16,029 -16,825 -16,218 -16,726Bad and doubtful debts -101 -101 -2 -2 -2Lease Expense -305 -305 -444 -454 -465Borrowing Costs -224 -224 -220 -196 -163Capitalised Borrowing Costs -317 -317 -312 -277 -231Capital W orks -10,724 -10,593 -8,793 -6,261 -5,519Loan Redemption -1,095 -1,095 -1,172 -1,226 -953Reserve Transfers 0 0 -50 50 -250

(40,910) (40,568) (40,639) (37,821) (37,905)

Rate Determination Result (101) (101) (391) 70 115

Reconciliation between the Rate Determ ination Result and Net Result from the Statem ent of F inancial P os it ion

Rate Determ ination Result ( from above) (101) (101) (391) 70 115

Items in the Rate Determ ination S tatement not appear ing in the Statem ent of Financial Performance:Capital 10,724 10,593 8,793 6,261 5,519 Principal portion of loan repayments 1,095 1,095 1,172 1,226 953 Loan incom e (2,057) (2,057) (563) (25) (8)Capitalised Borrowing Costs 317 317 312 277 231 Trans fers to reserves 0 0 50 (50) 250

Items in the Statement of F inancial Perform ance not appearing in the Rate Determ ination Statement:Non cash contributions 0 0 0 0 0 Carrying am ount of non current assets sold -734 -734 -1,584 -623 -933Deprec iation expenses -5,265 -5,264 -5,395 -5,435 -5,452

Net Result as per Budgeted Statement of Financial Performance 3,979 3,849 2,394 1,701 675

Surplus b/f 2,109 2,226 2,125 1,734 1,804 Rate Determ ination Result ( from above) (101) (101) (391) 70 115

Year end Surplus 2,008 2,125 1,734 1,804 1,919

Less Restrictions on Cash - Local Government (Long Service Leave) 1,525 1,525 1,700 1,800 1,900 Regulations 2002 No. 10 - Clause 18

Unrestricted Cash / (Cash Shortfall) 483 600 34 4 19

Budgeted Rates Determinat ion S tatementfor the year ended 30 June

Warrnambool City Council

Page 37: FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR - €¦ · of the City for the 2003-2004 Council Year is Councillor Glenys Phillpot (Levy’s Ward), The other members of Council are Councillor Fiona Aulsebrook

Warrnambool City Council - Council Plan 2003-2004 37


For year ending 30 June 2004 �

Community Satisfaction 2000 Actual

2001 Actual

2002 Actual

2003 Actual

2004 Target

1. Community satisfaction rating for overall performance generally of the Council*

74 73 71 69 72

2. Community satisfaction index rating for overall performance in key service and areas of responsibility (individual service group ratings shown below)

71 71 71 70 71

2.1 Local roads & footpaths 67 68 70 70 70 2.2 Health & human services 78 77 79 79 79

2.3 Recreational facilities 76 83 83 81 82

2.4 Appearance of public areas. 81 79 81 81 81 2.5 Traffic management & parking

facilities 64 65 56 49 55

2.6 Waste management 71 73 75 77 77 2.7 Enforcement of local laws 70 69 67 70 70

2.8 Economic development 70 64 67 67 67

2.9 Town planning policy & approvals. 65 66 64 58 64

3. Community satisfaction rating for Council’s “interaction & responsiveness in dealing with the public”.

78 80 80 76 78

4. Community satisfaction rating for Council’s advocacy and community representation on key local issues*

68 66 64 67 68

5. Community satisfaction rating for Council’s engagement in decision making on key local issues*

NA NA 54 56 58


NOTES 1. The above results are from an annual Community Satisfaction Survey (CSS) which is common to

all councils (in terms of timing, questions asked and scoring system). The program is undertaken on behalf of the State Government by an independent research organisation.

The 2003 CSS was conducted during March 2003.

2. The above results are an indexed mean whereby residents indicated their level of satisfaction for each measure from a 5 point scale : Excellent – 5, Good – 4, Adequate – 3, Needs some improvement – 2, Needs a lot of improvement – 1. The indexed mean is calculated by taking the mean (average) value for all respondents on the 5 point scale and multiplying by 20 to convert to a figure out of 100. For example, an indexed mean of 80 represents “good”, 60 represents “adequate” etc.

3. The results of the CSS should be interpreted on a trend basis over several years. Targets established by Council have been based on an overview of Council’s strategies and issues that could impact on the 350 interviews conducted in the municipality, rather than a qualitative analysis that can accurately predict future trends.

4. NA – Not Applicable.

5. * Included in Victorian Local Government Indicators.

Page 38: FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR - €¦ · of the City for the 2003-2004 Council Year is Councillor Glenys Phillpot (Levy’s Ward), The other members of Council are Councillor Fiona Aulsebrook

Warrnambool City Council - Council Plan 2003-2004 38


2001-02 Actual

2002-03 Anticipated


2003-04 Target

�� Average rates and charges per assessment

$822 $850 $945

�� Average rates and charges per residential assessment

$715 $769 $819


�� Average liabilities per assessment $876 $964 $935 �� Operating result per assessment $634 $279 $249 �� Average operating expenditure per

assessment $2,526 $2,542 $2,743


�� Average capital expenditure per assessment

$839 $803 $670

�� Renewal Gap 77% 50% 72% �� Renewal and Maintenance Gap 82% 67% 81% �

NOTE: 3 other indicators within Community Satisfaction Survey on previous page.

Page 39: FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR - €¦ · of the City for the 2003-2004 Council Year is Councillor Glenys Phillpot (Levy’s Ward), The other members of Council are Councillor Fiona Aulsebrook

Warrnambool City Council - Council Plan 2003-2004 39

Service No

Group Timing (Updated March 03)


EXECUTIVE & CORPORATE SERVICES DIRECTORATES 1. A Council Governance Complete CE 2. A Executive Services & Organisational

Development Complete CE

3. A External/Internal Audit Complete CE 4. A Customer Service Complete CE 5. Corporate Services Directorate Complete DCS 6. Financial Services Complete DCS 7. Revenue Services Complete DCS 8. Property Services Complete DCS 9. Information Services Complete DCS

PHYSICAL SERVICES DIRECTORATE 10. Parks & Reserves & Foreshore Complete DPS 11. Health & Amenity Services: Environmental

Health, Local Laws, Animal Control. October 02 DPS

12. Development Services Planning In Progress DPS 13. Development Services Building In progress DPS 14. Waste Management/Cleansing February 03 DPS 15. Infrastructure Services: Roads, Traffic Drainage July 03 DPS

RESIDENT SERVICES DIRECTORATE 16. Food Services Complete DRS 17. Adult Day centre Complete DRS 18. Carer Respite Complete DRS 19. Aquatic Leisure Centre Complete DRS 20. Home Care Complete DRS 21. Home Maintenance Complete DRS 22. Childcare Services Complete DRS 23. Youth Services In progress DRS 24. Maternal Child Health In progress DRS 25. Family Day Care Deferred DRS 26. PAC February 03 DRS 27. Art Gallery February 03 DRS 28. Stadium February 03 DRS

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORATE (PARTLY) 29. Major Events January 03 DED 30. Tourism & Business attraction April 03 DED 31. Business Centre April 03 DED 32. Livestock Exchange July 03 DCS 33. Warrnambool Airport August 03 DPS 34. Port of Warrnambool August 03 DPS 35. Holiday Parks September 03 DCS

Notes: a) Services description needs to be clear for community understanding/communication but also aligned with Budget programs and organisational

responsibilities. b) Community consultation regarding services needs, priorities and standards can be effectively handled by groupings of services having affinity or

common interest in community consultation terms.

June 2003

BEST VALUE PROGRAM Council reviewed the Warrnambool Best Value Program 2001-2005 in August 2002 taking into account organisational imperatives, including the Australian Quality Council continuous improvement program.

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Warrnambool City Council - Council Plan 2003-2004 40


The 2003-2004 Council Plan is intended to be an integral, working document that is part of the daily life of the Council. It provides the structure for the service plans within the Council and enables progress to be measured over time. The Council Plan also sets out a range of performance indicators to assess the progress of the organisation in achieving its objectives. The objectives relate to efficiency, effectiveness and workload dimensions of the services provided by Council. The performance indicators enable the Council and our community to assess how well we use our resources and general levels of community satisfaction. Importantly, the indicators have been selected to enable comparisons with other councils and organisations providing similar services. Our performance in implementing this Plan will be regularly monitored. It is proposed to provide quarterly detailed performance reports to Council. An Annual Report will also be presented to Council and will outline the achievements for the year. Council is also committed to holding a community forum near the end of the financial year to review the year’s activities, and to provide input to the next Council Plan.