forecasting methods


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Forecasting Methods


6th AssignmentAdvanced Methods of Data AnalysisFORECASTING METODS FAC!"T#$ D% &%ahlad Mish%aG%o'()*+#AS SING CA!AN !M,-,+*A"ISA MOANT# !M,-,+.CINMA#EE SA! !M,-,./SA!RA0 1AD1A!M,-,62SR!TI !M,-,6.3A"A3 &ATA4 !M,-+.6&RI#AM0ADA CO!D!R# !M,-+52S!DISNA "EN4A !M,-+627avie% Instit'te of Management8 0h'9anes:a%,; Fo%ecasting$ Fo%ecastingt%a(olativeSim(le &%o?ectionMoving Ave%age MethodsExponential smoothing methodsAdjusted for trend (Holts Method)Adjusted for trend , seasonal variations (WintersMethod)Adjusted for trend, seasonal and cyclic variation.Autoregressive time series Models (A, AMA, A!MA)E>(lanato%ySingle E='ation ModelsSim'ltaneo's E='ation ModelsIn('t@O't('t ModelsFo%ecasting is the process of making predictions of the future based on past and present data and analysis of trends. A commonplace example might be estimation of some variable of interest at some specifed future date. In forecasting we usually work with historical data in an attempt to predict, or forecast, the uncertain future.Forecast error - the dierence between the actual value and the forecast value for the corresponding period - is given as follows! "here # is the forecast error at period t, $ is the actual value at period t, and F is the forecast for period t.Fo%ecasting (%oced'%es may 9e classiAed as follo:s$a; %hort &erm and 'ong &erm wrt &ime9; (acro 'evel and (icro 'evel wrt )ositionc;*uantitative and *ualitative wrt +ature of ,ataA fo%ecasting model is as accurate as the data on which it is based. &he data should be!+ B ) a g e -eliable and accurate -elevant and representative of the circumstances for which they arebeing used. .onsistent &imelyThe fo%ecasting (%ocess consists of the follo:ing . ste(s$ ,ata collection! /ere we collect proper data and make sure that they are correct. *uality of data points is one of the important aspects of forecasting. ,ata reduction or condensation! It is necessary because there may be some data points which may not be relevant to the problem and may reduce forecasting accuracy. &here may be other data points that are suitable in certain historical periods only. %o we may need to remove those data points.(odel 0uilding and #valuation! &his step involves ftting the collected data into a forecasting model that is appropriate in terms of minimi1ing the forecasting error. &he simpler the model, the better it is. (odel #xtrapolation! It consists of the actual model forecasts that are generated once the appropriate data have been collected and possibly reduced and an appropriate forecasting model has been chosen. 2ften forecasting for recent periods in which the actual historical values are known is used to check the accuracy of the process. Following which, the forecasting errors are observed and summari1ed. Forecast #valuation! &his step involves comparing forecast values with actual historical values. In this process, a few of the most recent data values are often held back from the data set being analy1ed. After the forecasting model is completed, forecast are made for these periods and compared with the known historical values. &he estimation of the error pattern helps us to modify the forecasting procedure so as to minimi1e the error./ere in this exercise we will be working with time series data. A time series consists of data that are collected, recorded or observed over successful increments of time.An important aspect to consider while selecting an appropriate forecasting method for time series data is to consider the dierent types of data patterns! /ori1ontal! "hen data observations 3uctuate around a constant level or mean. &rend! "hen data observations 3uctuate grow or decline over an extended period of time. .yclical! "hen data observations exhibit rise and falls that are not of a fxed period. 2 B ) a g e %easonal! "hen data observations are in3uenced by seasonal factors. It refers to a pattern of change that repeats itself year after year.+; Assignment)6$O9?ective$ &o examine the time series data pattern using time as an independent variable. &o determine whether there exists a structural change using the time series data. &o determine forecasting error by using the above given forecasting models to forecast the values for the test period and then comparing them with the actual values of the test period. &o determine the best forecasting model using (A)#.a;&%esent E>e%cise$&o implement the #xtrapolative (odels of forecasting and check the accuracy of outputs9;Ca%ia9les !sed in the %esea%ch 4. De(endent va%ia9le D %tock-%plit .ompensated .lose5. Inde(endent Ca%ia9le D &imec;A (%io%i Reasoning.d;y(othesis +ull /ypothesis!. 6789: Alternate /ypothesis!. 67;9: Data !sed$ Time Se%ies DataE ,/- data (oints F,ate .lose%plit Ad(ar>5999?@94.@A54 ?@94.@A54 BC@D@99B>Apr>5999 ?499 ?499 E44ED994>(ay>5999E@@9.94E4 E@@9.94E4 49?D99994>Fun>5999?B4?.?CDD ?B4?.?CDD 49?4?999- B ) a g eB>Ful>5999E?99.@E E?99.@E 4B5BED994>Aug>5999?BDB.4A5B ?BDB.4A5B 4?CAA?994>%ep>5999DBAD.BCC5 DBAD.BCC5 4AE99D995>2ct>5999D49C.ACB@ D49C.ACB@ 4DC554994>+ov>5999D4A?.E?? D4A?.E?? 4ABCCD994>,ec>5999AADA.99D? AADA.99D? 4959?@99@>Fan>5994E?EC.@@55 E?EC.@@55 ?BA99E>Feb>5994 AA99 AA99 4E@@995>(ar>5994 B@99 B@99 5B5D9945>Apr>5994B@[email protected]@A@ B@[email protected]@A@ B?9599B>(ay>5994BDDA.99?4 BDDA.99?4 CCAB99A>Fun>5994B5?@.@?B@ B5?@.@?B@ BBD9995>Ful>5994BDE4.B45 BDE4.B45 45CEE?994>Aug>5994BAB5.5??4 BAB5.5??4 D@EBB99B>%ep>59945BA5.EC@D 5BA5.EC@D 4EB9C9994>2ct>[email protected]? 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