force of nature -- golf -- 2010 10 00 -- carnage -- lawn bowling industry -- prohibition-terrorism...

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  • 8/8/2019 Force of Nature -- Golf -- 2010 10 00 -- Carnage -- Lawn Bowling Industry -- Prohibition-Terrorism -- MODIFIED -- PD


  • 8/8/2019 Force of Nature -- Golf -- 2010 10 00 -- Carnage -- Lawn Bowling Industry -- Prohibition-Terrorism -- MODIFIED -- PD


    CARNAGE caused by


  • 8/8/2019 Force of Nature -- Golf -- 2010 10 00 -- Carnage -- Lawn Bowling Industry -- Prohibition-Terrorism -- MODIFIED -- PD


    The DESTRUCTION of the Green Space Industry by PROHIBITION-TERRORISM

    The Beginning of the End of

    the Lawn Bowling Industry

    October 2010

    T & R Government Affairs

    Selected and adapted excerpts

    Ontarios Cosmetic Pesticides Ban Act is nearing theend of its second full season of enforcement, and itsnot only the Professional Lawn Care Industry that hasfelt its impact.

    Smaller, geographicallyisolated lawn bowling clubs are hurting, too.

    Although the Lawn Bowling Industry, like the Golf Industry, has been grantedEXCEPTION STATUS under the provincial legislation, chemical control of the LawnBowling greens falls under the heading ofspecialty turf, which means thatapplicators must not only be LICENSED , but must also be FULLYACCREDITED inIntegrated Pest Management (IPM).

    It is this stipulation which has put the Lawn Bowling Industry back against thewall, and has made itFINANCIALLY CHALLENGING for them to continue their op-erations.

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    The DESTRUCTION of the Green Space Industry by PROHIBITION-TERRORISM

    For example, Deep River Lawn Bowling Club , locatedbetween Ottawa and North Bay, is one such club.

    Its President and Greenmaster, Terry Trott ier, saidthe Ontario Government has made itextremely dif-

    ficult for clubs such as his to remain viable.

    According to Trott ier of the sports playing surface


    Although the legislation still allows the Lawn Bowling Industry to control fungiwith chemical products, the fact that they must be applied byLICENSED andIPMACCREDITED APPLICATORS has made it COSTPROHIBITIVE for many of the

    smaller clubs.

    Trott ier said that prior to the acts implementation, Deep River Lawn BowlingClub had hired an outside individual who simply had his APPLICATORS LICENCE.


    This individual, however, had reached retirement age and did not wish to gothrough the expense and commitment of becoming IPMACCREDITED , figuringthe amount of work hed be doing would not make it worth his while.

    Not being able to afford to have someone within the clubs organization accred-ited, it opted to hire the services of a newlyaccredited employee from a nearbygolf course.


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    The DESTRUCTION of the Green Space Industry by PROHIBITION-TERRORISM

    Licensed and IPMAccredited Applicators has made

    Lawn Bowling Maintenance COSTPROHIBITIVE

    Trott ier said Deep River Lawn Bowling Club s green was sprayed three timesthis season, costing the club 1,000 dollars, not including the expense of thechemical itself, and the fees for the necessary paperwork.

    Two separate costs are involved in getting an individual legally prepared to ap-

    ply a chemical pesticide

    the cost of becoming IPMACCREDITED and the costof an APPLICATORS LICENCE.

    Trott ier said clubs such as his do not have the resources to send someone tobecome certified in both areas.

    A search to find qualified personnel in Deep River Lawn Bowling Club s vicinityproduced three individuals, but none was interested in doing what was re-quired at the lawn bowling club.

    There were others found in the search who were certified to spray the green,but they resided in eitherNorth Bay orOttawa.

    According to Trott ier


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    The DESTRUCTION of the Green Space Industry by PROHIBITION-TERRORISM

    Sympathy about Lawn Bowling Industry

    from EnviroManiac G overnment Officials

    of Ontario They dont care

    Communications with government representatives regarding the plight ofsmaller, isolated lawn bowling clubs have resulted in little optimism, he said,

    adding he was told that clubs must either adapt to the current legislation orclose their doors.


    The Deep River Lawn Bowling Club has been operating for the past thirtyfiveyears, and currently has aboutsixty members.

    The number was recently bolstered by the infusion of several new junior mem-bers, butTrott ier said it will be challenging to keep their fees affordable in the

    wake of the pesticide ban.

    In a recent email message to Trott ier, Arja Nesbitt, President of the OntarioLawn Bowls Association, said her organization has found it difficult to helpmember clubs with their plight.

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    The DESTRUCTION of the Green Space Industry by PROHIBITION-TERRORISM

    Lawn Bowling Clubs will go BANKRUPT


    According to Nesbitt


    According to Nesbitt


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    The DESTRUCTION of the Green Space Industry by PROHIBITION-TERRORISM

    No doubt the reduced use of pesticides

    will greatly improve our ecology

    It may do so, however, at the cost of

    the sport of lawn bowling

    The following comment was made by an Ontario Lawn Bowls AssociationBoardMember


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    is spreading to the



    will then eliminate pest

    control products from the


    and then ...


    and then ...AGRICULTURE

    and then ...


    will finally spread NATIONALLY

    for ALL pest control products

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  • 8/8/2019 Force of Nature -- Golf -- 2010 10 00 -- Carnage -- Lawn Bowling Industry -- Prohibition-Terrorism -- MODIFIED -- PD


    Force Of Nature presents THE WHOLE TRUTH FROM AN INDEPENDENT PERSPECTIVE from National Organization Responding Against HUJE that

    seek to harm the Green Space Industry (NORAHG). It is a series of Reports destined for the Green Space Industry, the Environmental TerrorMovement, Governments, and the Media, nationwide across Canada, the United States, and overseas. The information presented in Force Of

    Nature has been developed for the education and entertainment of the reader by providing a sequence of historical events WITH COMMEN-

    TARY. The neutrality of these Reports might be disputed. Dont thank us. Its a public service. And we are glad to do it.

    HUJE are identified on the basis of their statements, activities, affiliations, and whereabouts. Even though each Enviro Maniac Culprit is a mis-guided adversary, each still deserves our respect. The use of the terms Maniac, Culprit, Terrorist, or Basterd are not accusations of any legal

    wrong doing. Force Of Nature is simply holding Enviro Maniac Activists accountable for conspiring to change public policies that TERRORIZE,HARM, and THREATEN the Green Space Industry.

    HUJE is a term used to describe Enviro Maniac Activists that routinely concoct FEAR MONGERING, FRAUDULENT LIES, MISCONCEPTIONS, CO-

    ERCION, THREATS, DECEPTIONS, TERROR, and PARANOID CONSPIRACIES that are DESIGNED to SCAM and DECEIVE the public into believingthere is some NONEXISTENT danger with conventional pest control products. HUJE also SCAM and DECEIVE Government Officials into theNEEDLESS, SENSELESS, and MALICIOUS CONSPIRACY to PROHIBIT conventional pest control products that are FEDERALLY LEGAL, SCIEN-


    HUJE have created LOSS OF REVENUES, BUSINESS FAILURES, BANKRUPTCY, and UNEMPLOYMENT, inflicting DESPAIR and DESTITUTION forTHOUSANDS of hapless victims throughout the Green Space Industry. The DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE of Maniac Culprit Terrorist Basterd HUJE

    is viewed as a form of TERROR, HARM, and THREAT against the Green Space Industry.

    This Report provides NO guarantee regarding accuracy or completeness. In no event shall Force Of Nature be liable for any incidental or conse-

    quential damages, lost profits, or any indirect damages. Force Of Nature is TOTALLY INDEPENDENT of any trade association or business oper-ating within the Green Space Industry. The events, characters, companies, and organizations, depicted in this Report are not always fictitious.

    Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, may not be coincidental. All information, excerpts, and pictures contained in this Report werefound somewhere on the Internet, and may be considered in the public domain, serving one of the following purposes archive, education,

    promotion, publicity, or press release.

    Force Of Nature, and its various incarnations, is the brainchild of William H. Gathercole and his colleagues. Mr. Gathercole is a principal FOUN-DER of the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry in BOTH Ontario and Quebec. He holds a degree in Horticulture from the UNIVERSITY OF

    GUELPH, and another pure and applied science degree from McGILL UNIVERSITY. He has worked in virtually all aspects of the Green Space In-dustry, including GOLF, PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE, and CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, and has served in environmental compliance, government

    negotiations, public affairs, and workplace safety. Mr. Gathercole has supervised, consulted, programmed, and/or overseen the successful andsafe execution of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of pest control applications in the urban landscape. He has trained, instructed, and consultedwith THOUSANDS of turf managers and technicians. Mr. Gathercole has also been an agricultural agronomist. For many years, Mr. Gathercole

    was a contributing columnist for TURF & Recreation Magazine, Canadas Turf and Grounds Maintenance Authority.

    Mr. Gathercole and his colleagues have followed the evolution of ENVIRONMENTAL TERRORISM for over a quarter century. For FIFTEENYEARS, the strategies designed and implemented by Mr. Gathercole and his colleagues guaranteed the control of the VERMIN OF ENVIRON-

    MENTAL TERROR for the entire Modern Green Space Industry across Canada. Their involvement in Environmental Issues reached a fevered

    pitch in the 1990s, when he orchestrated, with his colleagues, legal action against the Forces of Environmental Evil in the Town of Hudson,Quebec.

    Today, Mr. Gathercole is the ONLY TRUE RELIABLE WITNESS of the Hudson Affair. Mr. Gathercole is personally credited for crafting the Golf

    Industry Exception Status that endures to this day. He is also the creator of the signs that are now used for posting after application. His vastknowledge of our long journey with Environmental Issues is UNDENIABLE hopefully ! Mr. Gathercole is now retired, although his name con-

    tinues to appear as FOUNDER of Force Of Nature.

    THE LIBRARY OF REPORTS A LOOK AT Technical Information for the Green Space Industry Agriculture Bee Colony Collapse Disor-der BOGUS Green Alternatives BRITISH COLUMBIA Enviro Terror Conspiracy CALGARY (Alberta) Enviro Terror STOPPED Ca-

    nadian Association of Physicians for the Environment Canadian Cancer Society Canadian Environmental Law Association CARNAGEcaused by PROHIBITION TERRORISM CONSEQUENCES of PROHIBITION TERRORISM Cottam & Ghost Writers Culprits Who Con-spired to Prohibit David Suzuki Foundation Dating Services for Enviro Maniacs DDT and Politicized Science Environmental Ter-

    rorists UNMASKED Enviro PROFIT Accumulated by Greedy & Avaricious Enviro Maniacs Environmental Terror Organizations Envi-ronmental Terror That NEVER Ends Famous Quotations FERTILIZER Enviro Terror Global Warming GOLF INDUSTRY Looming

    Shipwreck & Collision Course Green Space Industry Health Canada HEROES Speaking Out Against Enviro Terror History of theEnvironmental Terror Movement June Irwin, the Clown of Junk Science Landscape Trades CAPITULATE In VIOLATION of Federal

    Law Lying Sacks of (Enviro Maniac) CWAP Myth Busting NATIONAL Enviro Terror Conspiracy Needless Hysteria NEW

    BRUNSWICK Enviro Terror Conspiracy NOVA SCOTIA Enviro Terror Conspiracy ONTARIO Haven for Environmental Terror OrganicFertilizers Paranoid Theories Paul Tukey, The Bin Laden of Environmental Terror Pests and Disorders of Ornamental Plants Pests and Disorders of Turfgrasses Pesticide Free BC Pesticide Q & A (Questions & Answers) Positive Waves (The Green Space In-dustry Responds with Outstanding and Innovative Ideas) TWISTED Precautionary Principle PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Enviro Terror

    Conspiracy QUEBEC Enviro Terror Conspiracy RACHEL CARSON, the Queen of Junk Science SASKATCHEWAN Enviro Terror Infes-tation Satire, Laughs & Insanity TERROR Talk & Weasel Words The 9/11 Era of Environmental Terror The FAILURE of Inte-

    grated Pest Management The FAILURE of Pesticide Free Parks The Industry STRIKES BACK Against Environmental Terror TheMISCONCEPTIONS About Cancer The National Annihilation of the Modern Green Space Industry The Wisdom of Bill Bell The Wis-

    dom of Drysdale The Wisdom of Health Canada The Wisdom of Hepworth The Wisdom of Holland The Wisdom of Lowes The Wisdom of Mains The Wisdom of Milloy The Wisdom of the Solomons The Wisdom of Whelan Update Using Children,

    Pets, & Death as WEAPONS OF ULTIMATE TERROR U.S. Enviro Terror Conspiracy 2,4D Warning

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