for students to think and rethink

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  • 8/3/2019 For Students to Think and Rethink




    Sometimes, being a student alone isvery hard. I mean, every assignment, project,

    and/or requirement in school must besubmitted. I think those students that go upon stage put more power than we (normalstudents) do. How come they are on top of the

    class when we have the same things tosubmit? How come they are honor studentsand we are not when we answer the same setof questions and submit the same type ofprojects? The answer is simple. They have all

    the requirements of FIRST-RATESTUDENTS.

    Yes, requirements of a FIRST-RATESTUDENTS are what they have. We mightask, What are FIRST-RATE STUDENTS?and What are these requirements? First, we

    have to define FIRST-RATE STUDENTS.FIRST-RATE means good or supreme. Itmight also mean first-class. So, first-rate

    students simply mean GOOD STUDENTS.


    1. Books. A student of any class (firstclass, second class or even the last

    class) isrequired tohave books

    forreference. Itsavesstudents

    from toomuch worry

    of lookingforreferences.We (students) are like houses; ourbooks are like the windows; theknowledge that is kept in the book is

    the sunlight. Sometimes we have toopen our windows to let the sunlightpour inside the house.

    2. Notebooks, Papers, and Pens. Greatscholars needed papers, ink and pen.

    So much

    like us, we also


    Sometimes, when



    processing, we need to have a penand paper and/or notebook beside

    us. We may never know when a goodthought or idea would strike. This is

    not the only purpose of pens and

    papers. They are also needed fornote-taking. When we take downnotes there is 85 percent surenessthat they will be stored in our brains.

    3. Perfect Attendance. Books,notebooks, papers and pens are souseless when we do not have PerfectAttendance. This attendance is notthe normal one. This attendance isnot the attendance our teachers

    check all the time. This attendance isin everything- your attendance

    physically,mentally,emotionally,sociologically and

    even spiritually.

    You have to bepresent in allthat aspect tohave PRESENCEOF MIND. PerfectAttendance and Presence of Mind aretwo things that coincide.

    4. Determination. Most of us areprobably lazier than we are lettingon. I mean, most of us might have a

    dozen of alarm clocks just to wakeourselves up. Being a FIRST-RATESTUDENT requires determination-

    the determination to wake up everymorning at five-thirty a.m. or atwhatever time you wake up. Being aFIRST-RATE STUDENT requires

    determination to make theassignments. It requiresdetermination to pass a project ontime. It requires determination to

    study every night. It even requiresdetermination to have a perfectattendance.

  • 8/3/2019 For Students to Think and Rethink


    5. Time. A student consumes all

    his/her time in school, they say. Is ittrue? I mean, most of us areprobably fanatics of Facebook, Angry

    Birds, Left4Dead and DOTA. Theseaddictive computer applications aretaking up most of our time. Instead

    of going home and swimming in yourpile of assignments you go straight tointernet cafes and do theseapplications. I am not saying that

    you have to stop Facebook nor did Isay to stop playing DOTA. What I amtrying to imply is that TIME must not

    be wasted. Play and surf all you want when you are done with yourassignments and projects.

    6. Fun and Balance. Being a first-ratestudent does not mean that you haveto drown yourself in all the pile ofbooks and all the stack ofassignmentsand projects. Ifyou are to be a

    first-ratestudent youmust be activeboth physicallyand mentally.

    You are notEinstein norare you IsaacNewton. You have to enjoy yourself.

    Get away with school stress for sometime. Indulge yourself to sports. PlayDOTA or Angry Birds or Left4Dead.

    Chat with friends on Facebook. Get

    out with friends on weekends but nottoo much. You must balanceeverything. Think objectively forgood. BE ACTIVE MENTALLY AND


    Since you already know the

    requirements of being a first-rate student, Imight as well tell you some tips on how tohave an effective study habit. Studying goeswith being a first-rate student. So of you wish

    to be counted as a good student you musthave good study habits.


    1. Set your buttons to study mode.2. Get your things (pens, books, review

    materials) ready.

    3. Set aside unnecessary things likephones and other gadgets.

    4. Jut down all assignments and/orprojects to be made. Make a list.

    5. Start with the easiest assignment.6. After doing the assignment check

    your list until youve completed it.7. Rest your eyes once in a while.8. When doing research, do not stick up

    your noses in the internet. There are

    books for reference as well.9. When done with all the things in

    your list, recheck everything.

    10. After youve rechecked everything,alas! You can do anything you wishto do.



    Normally, when students do notstudy well, the result is alwayssupplementary. If you did not study, then you

    fail. Student life is more like an IF-ELSEstatement.

    When we are students we get tochoose from two statements- If I study, thenI can be a FIRST-RATE STUDENT or If I donot study, I cannot be a FIRST-RATE

    STUDENT. Which is which?

    There is more on being a FIRST-RATEstudent. We must not forget that what we donow will soon generate a very fruitful future.Everyone has a dream, right? Well, thatdream has to start now or else we will see a

    future of nothingness. A future-of-nothingness looks like total drought on a

    rainy season. How ironic is that? I mean, wecan be rained with blessings but still live in

    drought because we never did somethingfruitful before. If you get my drift, well, goodfor you. But if you don't, well, try to get it.

    This is not just a how-to-make-myself-beautiful piece of advice. This is an advicethat requires thinking and rethinking over

    and over again. If you are willing to be FIRST-RATE STUDENT, perhaps you must takethese pieces of advice.