for in him we live and move and have our being, as also ... · revelation, meditate the mighty...

3 Berachah Prophetic Voice - March - April 2020 Dearly Beloved, We are going to have our Schools of the Holy Spirit at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, Trivandrum, Kerala, Hyderabad, Telegana and Theni, Tamil Nadu in this summer. Send the right candidates and do pray for these schools. May the Lord raise up thousands of Right now, the seventeenth batch of our School of the Holy Spirit for Ladies is going on in our Poondi Campsite attended by Two hundred and seventy ladies from seventeen states and five nations. The Holy Spirit is working deep in every one of them. They are being liberated to receive the truth that will enable them to remain free permanently (Jn.8:32). Ladies are very diligent in carrying the anointing and truth wherever they go. Pray for them. Our Jesus is alive! Amen! What a privilege to serve a resurrected Savior. The last Adam, Jesus Christ became a life-giving spirit (1.Cr.15:45). That life-giving spirit is living inside of us and made us to give life wherever we go and live. When people come to us, the life of God, the resurrected life in us diffuses through us and changes the atmosphere (2.Cr.2:14-15). His resurrection power is working within us. May the Lord enlighten our eyes to see the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead (Eph.1:17-20). We are heavenly beings living on this earth to establish His Kingdom. Let this revelation penetrate to your hearts. Greetings in the mighty name of the resurrected Jesus Christ! for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’ FROM THE FOUNDER Acts 17:28

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Page 1: for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also ... · revelation, meditate the mighty miracles God wrought through Moses (Ex.6-12). In order to experience God’s miracles, Berachah Prophetic Voice - March - April 2020

Dearly Beloved,

We are going to have our Schools of the Holy Spirit at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, Trivandrum, Kerala, Hyderabad, Telegana and Theni, Tamil Nadu in this summer. Send the right candidates and do pray for these schools. May the Lord raise up thousands of

Right now, the seventeenth batch of our School of the Holy Spirit for Ladies is going on in our Poondi Campsite attended by Two hundred and seventy ladies from seventeen states and five nations. The Holy Spirit is working deep in every one of them. They are being liberated to receive the truth that will enable them to remain free permanently (Jn.8:32). Ladies are very diligent in carrying the anointing and truth wherever they go. Pray for them.

Our Jesus is alive! Amen! What a privilege to serve a resurrected Savior. The last Adam, Jesus Christ became a life-giving spirit (1.Cr.15:45). That life-giving spirit is living inside of us and made us to give life wherever we go and live. When people come to us, the life of God, the resurrected life in us diffuses through us and changes the atmosphere (2.Cr.2:14-15). His resurrection power is working within us. May the Lord enlighten our eyes to see the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead (Eph.1:17-20). We are heavenly beings living on this earth to establish His Kingdom. Let this revelation penetrate to your hearts.

Greetings in the mighty name of the resurrected Jesus Christ!

for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said,

‘For we are also His offspring.’


Acts 17:28

Page 2: for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also ... · revelation, meditate the mighty miracles God wrought through Moses (Ex.6-12). In order to experience God’s miracles,

Yours in Christ,

Pray for me and my wife, for our ageing parents, leaders, and staff. May the Lord Almighty establish your territory and make you a blessing to the nations. Be the head and never again the tail. Lend to nations and never borrow again. Let the blessings run before you and overtake you in Jesus Name!

Beloved, you are God’s Joseph in Christ. God adds and increases in your life constantly. He wants you to enjoy this blessing. God desperately wants you to increase in every way. There is always room for you to grow. You may have few talents and little strength and energy, but when you faithfully use them for God, you will be surprised by their increase. This is not only true for material needs, but also for your spiritual needs.

We request your prayer for all our programs and send the right candidates to our programs. Continue to follow us on Facebook and visit our website to know the details of our seminars, and pray for all our programs.

We have to carry our nation and the world in our prayers. Now whole world is under the threat of a demonic virus. We are hearing deaths everywhere and the fear has gripped nations. They are helpless. The Church of God has the responsibility to stand in the gap and to intercede. If we don't do that, then we will also perish in the time of crisis. As a church gather and pray for this specific threat. We have to work very fast in this end time.

miracle workers through these schools and bless the world. For further details keep visiting our website


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Berachah Prophetic Voice - March - April 2020

Page 3: for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also ... · revelation, meditate the mighty miracles God wrought through Moses (Ex.6-12). In order to experience God’s miracles,

The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “I am the

Lord. Speak to Pharaoh king of Egypt all that I say

to you” .

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have

entered into the heart of man the things which

God has prepared for those who love Him. But

God has revealed them to us through His Spirit.

For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep

things of God. (Ex.6:29; 1.Co.2:9-10).



In Christ, you have God’s communicating miracle power. The greatest blessing of the new creation is the ability to hear

God’s whisperings deep down in the spirit continuously. When you came to Christ, your spiritual eyes and ears were opened. God’s Spirit in your spirit witnessed that you are a child of God (Ro.8:16). All the miracles you will ever experience in life are totally based on your ability to hear Him.

Communication and kinds of miracles: In Egypt, God performed many mighty miracles. Moses was constantly getting instructions from God for the next type of miracle. Before and after every miracle, God communicated His will to

M o s e s h a d t o d e p e n d o n G o d ’s communication for the next type of miracle. God told him every time what He would do through him. The different plagues like blood, frogs, lice, flies etc. had to be revealed to him by God. He had no choice even to alter their order.

Moses. It was not Moses’ choice. He did everything just as he heard God. Communication is the very breath of miracle life.

Even our Lord Jesus did every miracle just as

He saw His Father doing (Jn.5:19). That unleashed

all His miracles. In Christ, you too can see and do

what your Father is doing (Jn.14:12). Remember,

the Father loves you as He loved His Son!

Communication and methods of miracles:

Every time not only the miracles, but also the

methods of working miracles differed. Some

miracles were performed by Aaron while others

were done by Moses (Ex.7:10-13; 8:5-6,16-17 and

9:22-23; 10:12-13). God communicated even the

medium for every miracle. Sometimes, the rod

was stretched over the waters (Ex.7:10; 8:6). At

other times, they had to strike the dust of the

ground, or take a handful of ash and toss it into the

air (Ex.8:16; 9:8). To have continuous miracles,

you must have continuous communication.

All the Bible-miracles were done in a variety

Berachah Prophetic Voice - March - April 2020

Page 4: for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also ... · revelation, meditate the mighty miracles God wrought through Moses (Ex.6-12). In order to experience God’s miracles,


Hearing God’s voice is the key to miracle ministry. The prophetic ministry is not a substitute for personally hearing God. Satan will try his best to disconnect your communication with God. Thieves disconnect the phone line before breaking into a house. Satan knows the power of hearing God’s voice, and the damage it will cause to him. That’s why you must know the devil’s s c h e m e s a n d d i l i g e n t l y g u a r d y o u r communication faculties. Around 67 times, the Bible says, “God spoke to Moses”. The Early Church had so many miracles because they heard God through many avenues like visions, dreams, angelic visitations, personal appearances of Jesus, trances, whisperings of the Holy Spirit etc.

of ways. Our Lord Jesus performed His miracles

through many methods as He saw His Father

doing. Water turned into wine, spitting directly,

making a saliva-mud, putting the finger into the

ear, rebuking, commanding etc. were some of His

methods. Life in Christ is never rigid in any

methods! It is the most flexible life in the Spirit.

Communication and constant walk: God never gives all His instructions at a time. He leads step by step. This demands a constant intimate walk with God. One time hearing God is not enough for continuous miracles. God performed mighty miracles through Moses because he was always tuned to God’s voice. He was living and walking in the glory realm all the time.

Beloved, in Christ, all your communication channels are fully opened for greater miracles. Please, keep that channel free from sin and unbelief! As a sheep recognizes the voice of the shepherd, as a child hears the voice of the mother, as a bride knows the voice of the groom, you can hear His constant communications. Instead of thinking and reasoning, learn to tune to your spirit before doing anything. This is the way to live your miracle life in Christ. Remember, your God is a

God of communication. He longs to communicate His heart more than you long for it. Hear Him TODAY!

Thank You, Lord, Your secret is with me as I fear You, and You will show me Your covenant. Surely You do nothing unless You reveal Your secret to me, your servant. Your secret counsel is with me because I am in Christ.



So Moses and Aaron went in to Pharaoh, and

they did so, just as the Lord commanded. And

Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and

before his servants, and it became a serpent.

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in

a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being

transformed into the same image from glory to

glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord (Ex.7:10;


Life in Christ is a total miracle life. The

moment you are engrafted in Christ,

you are engrafted in the Source of all

miracles. Every member of Christ’s Body is a

miracle member. Every miracle you read and

admire in the Bible is now at your reach. With this

revelation, meditate the mighty miracles God

wrought through Moses (Ex.6-12). In order to

experience God’s miracles, you must know their

purpose. The more you know it, the more you will

show it. Take the miracles literally and claim them

one by one.

Converting miracle power: This is the first

type of miracle God showed to Moses. God

converted a rod into a serpent, a healthy hand into a

Berachah Prophetic Voice - March - April 2020

Page 5: for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also ... · revelation, meditate the mighty miracles God wrought through Moses (Ex.6-12). In order to experience God’s miracles,

leprous hand and water into blood (Ex.4:2-4,6-7;

7:14-25). Then He sent Moses to do the same

miracles before Pharaoh and his magicians.

Your own conversion: When you came to Christ, this converting miracle power transformed your life (Jn.5:24-29). You were transferred from the power of darkness into the Kingdom of light (Col.1:13). Once you were like a dead rod, but now you are throbbing with the vigorous life of God (Eph.2:1-5). You were bound in fear of death and Satan, but now God’s courage made you take the old serpent by the tail! In Christ, you trample on snakes and scorpions (Mk.16:17; Lk.10:19)!

Rod into serpent: God’s power could transform the lifeless, dry rod into a living serpent and the healthy skin into leprous skin and vice versa. Remember, this converting power of God is working mightily in you! You can speak life to the dead and health to the sick (Eze.37:1-14; Mk.16:17-20). You have the power to catch the serpent by the tail and make it a lifeless rod. With your touch, you can cleanse leprosy. Such is the power of your new creation! Release this power today to bring life into hopeless situations and healing to the sick. Set the captives free!

Water into wine: The very first miracle Jesus did was of this kind. He changed water into wine

(Jn.2:1-11). This transforming Jesus lives in you to display His power of conversion through you. Your tasteless life shall turn into the most delightful life. Just listen to His whispering in your spirit and obey.

Inner transformation: This glorious transforming power of God was dwelling in Christ. It was manifested on the mount of transfiguration. His face shone as bright as the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light (Mt.17:1-2). This life made Stephen’s face to glow like the face of an angel in midst of his enemies (Ac.6:15). Thank God, this life is shining in your heart right now! The glory of the Lord which includes the glory of Elijah, Moses and all the saints is radiating upon you right now (Ex.34:29-35; 2.Co.3:4-11). Your enemies will easily recognize it. As Moses was honored by his own brother and the elders, you shall be honored because of God’s transforming glory in you. Life in Christ makes every cell of your body shine with God’s glory! It can change your mind, emotions, will and senses, and even your skin and the clothes you wear (Ac.19:12).

Beloved, God showed this converting miracle power to Moses to convey His ability to transfer His people from slavery to liberty. In Christ, this

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One day fasting prayers @ Regional Levels - On Saturdays

(Call office to know venues)

SCHOOLS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT@ Regional Levelin this Summer....

SHORT TERM INTENSIVE COURSE@ Berachah Campsite, 11th - 21st August, 2020

Berachah Prophetic Voice - March - April 2020

Page 6: for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also ... · revelation, meditate the mighty miracles God wrought through Moses (Ex.6-12). In order to experience God’s miracles,

great confrontation with all the occult powers of Egypt. It was literally a confrontation between God’s power and evil powers. Pharaoh himself was a magician and considered a god in Egypt. He had many magicians with him. All the sorcerers and magicians were sponsored by the government as in the time of Daniel and Elijah (Da.2:1-2; 1.Ki.18:19).

Super-power in you: Moses desperately needed “higher-power” to overpower these “lower-powers”. Nothing else could save him and his nation. This is the challenge you face as a new creation.

As God made Moses as god to Pharaoh, He made you as god to all the demonic powers (Ex.7:1; Ps.82:6; Jn.11:34-36). This revelation will manifest God’s power in you. Every time Moses and Aaron performed their miracles, Pharaoh’s magicians and sorcerers did the same, but Aaron’s miracles always superseded and overpowered them. Just picture it! Aaron’s rod-crocodile opened its mouth wide and swallowed all the magicians’ rods. Always keep this picture before you! The power in you swallows all the powers that come against you.

10:3-power: Moses did ten miracles to display God’s power, but Pharaoh’s magicians could only imitate three of them. They could throw their rods and produce serpents by their magic powers (Ex.7:11-12). They could also change water into blood and bring forth frogs like Moses (Ex.7:22; 8:6-7). When Moses performed his fourth miracle , the magicians couldn’t produce lice (Ex.8:16-18). There is no match for God’s power! In Christ, you are more than a match for any powers. Truly, the One who lives in you is greater and mightier than the devil (1.Jn.4:4).

Unlimited power: Moses operated in God’s unlimited power whereas the magicians acted in satan’s limited power. When they tried to produce



But Pharaoh also called the wise men and the

sorcerers; so the magicians of Egypt, they also

did in like manner with their enchantments. For

every man threw down his rod, and they became

serpents. But Aaron’s rod swallowed up their


Also, many of those who had practiced magic

brought their books together and burned them in

the sight of all. And they counted up the value of

them, and it totaled fifty thousand pieces of silver.

So the word of the Lord grew mightily and

prevailed (Ex.7:11-12; Ac.19:19-20).

Here we see God’s confronting and conquering miracle power. In Christ, this power is working in you

constantly (Eph.3:20; 1.Jn.4:4). This is the most needed miracle for our world today. Moses was in

power is constantly transforming your life, your home, your neighborhood and even your nation. Increase this glory by gazing at Jesus through the mirror of God’s Word (2.Co.3:18). Stretch your miracle imagination! Rebuke any reasoning that explains away the miraculous (2.Co.10:5). Defy all your natural limitations! Soar into your miracle world! Activate the miracle power in you TODAY!

Thank You, Lord, I am a new creation. Old things have passed away, all things have become new. You put a new song in my mouth and poured new wine into my new wineskin. I have put on the new man which was created according to You, in true righteousness and holiness. I am being transformed into Your image from glory to glory because I am in Christ.

Berachah Prophetic Voice - March - April 2020

Page 7: for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also ... · revelation, meditate the mighty miracles God wrought through Moses (Ex.6-12). In order to experience God’s miracles,

Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and Madhya Pradesh

in this summer

lice, they could not. Then they all said to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God” (Ex.8:18-19). They could not even produce what one Finger of God produced. God’s one Finger is more than enough to confront all the powers of satan (Lk.11:20). Such is the power of your God! There is a time where the devil can no more attack you, but God can do anything for you anytime.

None of the magicians could stop or revoke Moses’ miracles. They could only change the water into blood, not the blood into water. They couldn’t destroy the frogs created by Moses, but just duplicate them. Nothing more!!!

In Christ, you received the unlimited power and Spirit of God (Jn.3:34; 14:12). The devil’s power is extremely limited. You can cast him out, you can make him run and flee in terror, you can trample on him and eventually crush him under your feet (Mk.16:17; Jas.4:7; Lk.10:19; Ro.16:20). Remember, Jesus cast out all the demons just by His finger (Mt.12:28). He lives in you with all His fullness. Rise up and destroy the works of the devil TODAY!

Conquering power: When Moses was producing boils on men and animals, even the magicians had boils and could not stand before Pharaoh (Ex.9:11). See the utter impotence of the magic powers! They could not even save the magicians. Yes, the devil has no power even to protect his own people when we attack him.

What could he do against you, the child of God!? Poor devil!!

Beloved, occultism is rampant in every nation. The church of Jesus must rise up to confront those powers in order to bring revival to the nations. The Early Church did such confrontational miracles in Samaria and in Ephesus. Both cities were under the stronghold of occult powers, but Philip and Paul rose up to their position in Christ and released their God-given power. The magicians bowed down, and a great revival broke out (Ac.8:13; 19:19). God is challenging you today to step out in faith and do confrontational miracles. Stop bragging about witchcraft powers attacking you. Be on the offensive! There is no sorcery against you, your family or ministry (Nu.23:23). No weapon formed against you shall prosper (Isa.54:17). Take up your rod! Use your authority, in Jesus’ Name!

Thank You, Lord, You have given me the authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the powers of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt me. I resist the devil, and he flees from me because I am in Christ.

Berachah Prophetic Voice - March - April 2020

Excerpts from the book “See yourself in Christ Daily”

By Prophet Ezekiah Francis

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Page 8: for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also ... · revelation, meditate the mighty miracles God wrought through Moses (Ex.6-12). In order to experience God’s miracles,

Matthew 8:16-17 When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick: That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.

1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.Confession: By Jesus’ stripes I was healed. Healing belongs to me. I was healed 2,000 years ago by the stripes Jesus bore. I’m not trying to get healed. I’ve got healing, because by His stripes I was healed.

Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

Confession: God is speaking to me now, saying, “I am the Lord that healeth thee.” He is watching over His Word to perform it. He is the Lord that healeth me. He is healing me now. This Word contains the ability to produce what it says. His Word is full of healing power. I receive this Word now. Healing is God’s nature. God is in me. My body is the temple of the Lord that healeth me. God is bigger than sickness and Satan. God is dwelling inside of me, healing me now.

Exodus 15:26 . . . If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee.

Confession: Ha, ha, ha! I have a merry heart. Sickness can’t dominate me. What do you think you’re trying to do, devil? You can’t put sickness on me. I have a merry heart and I’m full of joy! Ha, ha, ha, ha!

Confession: Jesus Himself took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses. He carried away my sicknesses and diseases. He bore them away and removed them. Disease is not mine. Healing is mine. I refuse to bear what Jesus bore for me. Satan, you cannot put disease on me. I refuse to accept sickness. I will not tolerate sickness. Sickness and disease are totally unacceptable to me.

Confession: Surely Jesus hath borne my sicknesses and diseases and carried my pains. He bore them and carried them away to a distance. I don’t have to bear what He bore for me. I refuse to bear what He bore for me. Satan cannot put on me what Jesus bore for me. By His stripes I am healed and made whole.

Isaiah 53:4-5 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

The Bible says that God’s Word is His medicine. Begin to take God’s medicine by speaking aloud and meditating on healing scriptures. Here are a few to get you started. Start expecting!

Berachah Prophetic Voice - March - April 2020

God’s MedicineHealing Scriptures & Confessions

By Kenneth E Hagin 


Legends continue writing...

Page 9: for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also ... · revelation, meditate the mighty miracles God wrought through Moses (Ex.6-12). In order to experience God’s miracles,


Dear family of God, as I am praying and

seeking God’s wisdom and guidance, the Lord has

impressed a few things upon my heart to share

with you. Unfortunately, the news about the novel

coronavirus we addressed in our last article have

not died down but increase.

Almost daily, we hear about new nations

infected by this respiratory-system-attacking

virus. Infections grow exponentially, that means,

they DOUBLE every 2 to 5 DAYS. More

infections are detected as test kits are slowly made

available to doctors and hospitals. Deaths started

to occur in different nations. People start

panicking as governments take drastic measures

to stop the spread of the virus. In Germany, a

Christian conference with over 10.000 attendees

was shut down because one of the speakers tested

positive for the virus and needed hospitalization.

In many European nations, all gatherings are

forbidden, and all schools and universities closed.

In Italy, overnight the ENTIRE NATION was put

under quarantine and cut off from the rest of the

world. A friend just wrote to me that people go

crazy for fear as no medicine and no masks are


All over Iran, Friday prayers were cancelled,

and at least two high government officials DIED

from this virus. Israel completely stopped

international flights and sent all tourists (including

some of my friends) out of the nation. Saudi

Arabia prohibits foreigners from entering the

nation even for religious festivals.

Nations increase testing and now report more

infections every day. Already two weeks ago,

entire IT companies were SHUT DOWN, with all

employees working from their homes. This is

definitely a very wise decision as it limits people’s

exposure to possible infection by traveling in

crowded public transport. Such home-quarantine

also avoids the danger of spreading the virus by

sitting in offices, even BUILDINGS, where the

same air is shared though centralized Air

Conditioning systems.

A recent study found that one person who did

not even show any symptoms unknowingly

infected 13 other passengers on a bus. This and

other studies concluded that the “Wuhan

coronavirus” stays alive in the air up to 3 hours!!!

Of course, this has horrible consequences for air-

Rev. Benita FrancisRev. Benita FrancisRev. Benita Francis


Berachah Prophetic Voice - March - April 2020


Page 10: for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also ... · revelation, meditate the mighty miracles God wrought through Moses (Ex.6-12). In order to experience God’s miracles,

conditioned vehicles and buildings where the

virus has been found to linger and survive in A/C

ducts, thus being spread quietly in such closed


Nations start to panic as computer models

predict millions of deaths all over the world. Do

YOU need to panic? Can YOU survive? Can YOU

even thrive? Oh yes, definitely. Let's see how.


Of course, your very first line of defense is

your faith, that means, a vibrant, living faith

relationship with your Lord Jesus who rose from

the dead and conquered death and the grave

(Ac.10:38-41; 1.Corinthians 15:3-4)!

There is a danger, however. Simply parroting

‘faith proclamations’ will NOT protect you or

save you. Please don’t forget that faith is a

SUBSTANCE and EVIDENCE, not just some

hope or feeling:

1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped

for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews


You can easily know the difference by your

reaction to bad news. Some years ago during a

seminar in Dubai, my sweet hubby got high fever

and was diagnosed with swine flu. My first

reaction? Run to the bathroom and WAR!!! I

bound and rebuked, shouted at the devil and told

him nobody would separate me from my husband.

No fear. Just FURY. When I left that bathroom, I

was told that by miracle the doctors had decided to

let him leave the hospital. My hubby nicely

recovered in the hotel, and a few days later we

could happily fly back home. Hallelujah!

That serious situation showed me that God’s

Word really had created the SUBSTANCE of faith

in me, and the expected EVIDENCE manifested

quickly. What is your reaction deep inside when

someone around you coughs, sneezes or has a

fever? Do you panic? Do you worry? Or do you

stand in faith, asking God’s Holy Spirit how to deal

the situation?

Contact our Office or login to our website to know our telecasts in your

Berachah Prophetic Voice - March - April 2020

Page 11: for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also ... · revelation, meditate the mighty miracles God wrought through Moses (Ex.6-12). In order to experience God’s miracles,

]The World Health Organisation, WHO, has declared the Covid-19 or the novel coronavirus infections as a pandemic due to the fact that it has spread to more than 159 countries. As of 17th March, the new strain of coronavirus has claimed 7529 lives besides infecting about 1.85 lakh people across the globe. Global leaders have called for concerted efforts to combat the virus strain that has pushed many countries to self-quarantine.

]Major sporting events like the French Open Tennis have been postponed due to the coronavirus scare.

]The newly emerged pandemic is feared to lead to global economic slowdown affecting almost all sectors, including manufacturing, services and agriculture.

]All prominent tourist destinations and other places of mass gatherings in India have been made out of bounds for visitors, to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus. All educational institutions have been shut down till the end of March. Travel except under unavoidable situations has been discouraged by the Government.

]In India, the total number of active Covid-19 cases is reported to be 120 as on 17th March, as many patients were discharged after complete cure. So far, three people in India have died of the virus. In Tamil Nadu, the only one person taking treatment has been discharged and has been kept in his home under surveillance.

]China, the country that reported the first case of the Covid-19 case in December 2019, has the maximum number of over 82,000 patients. However, the spread of the infection is now being reported more outside China, with Italy almost under a complete shutdown. Italy has nearly 28,000 cases and Iran more than 16,000. South Korea, Spain, France, Germany and the US are the other countries that have the most number of the novel coronavirus infected patients. The US President Donald Trump gave a call for observing March 15 as the national day of prayer.

]At the behest of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the leaders of the South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation SAARC had a video-conferencing to overcome the health challenge unitedly.


4 Behold the proud, his soul is not upright in

him; but the just shall live by his faith

(Habakkuk 2:4)

Don’t be proud. Don’t pretend. Don't lie to

yourself or to others. Remember, faith comes by

hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans

10:17). So please, make your faith grow by

hearing the Word of God, especially the Gospels,

Acts and the Epistles:

38 Now the just shall live by faith; but if

anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in

him (Hebrews 10:38)

17 For in it the righteousness of God is

revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The

just shall live by faith” (Romans 1:17)


So first and foremost, make your God happy

by your faith (Matthew 17:17). Make sure His

soul has pleasure in you. Keep your eyes on Jesus,

and you will never be shaken (Acts 2:25). Make

Psalm 91 not only your daily confession, but your

33 You shall walk in all the ways which the

LORD your God has commanded you, that you

may live and that it may be well with you, and that

you may prolong your days in the land which you

shall possess (Deuteronomy 5:33)

17 He who keeps instruction is in the way of

life, but he who refuses correction goes astray

(Proverbs 10:17)

lifestyle. In times like these, obeying God’s Word

and Voice is more important than ever. Make sure

your Bible is your first source of information, and

you will surely prolong your days:


Since this virus stays alive in the air for up to 3

hours, and since people can be infectious without

even knowing they have the virus, limiting social

contact to an absolute minimum is very important.

Isolation till infectiousness can be determined is a

very biblical principle and was done by the priests

(Numbers 13 & 14).


Berachah Prophetic Voice - March - April 2020

Page 12: for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also ... · revelation, meditate the mighty miracles God wrought through Moses (Ex.6-12). In order to experience God’s miracles,

Owned and published by V. Johnson from, 4th Cross Street, Senthil Nagar, Kolathur, Chennai - 99 and printed by Augustine David at Kalos Prints Offset Division, 9A, Jeevan Nagar, Adambakkam, Chennai - 88. Ph: +91 - 44 - 22670 808. Editor.V. Ezekiah Francis

As much as possible, avoid closed spaces.

Good air circulation was found to lower the risk of

infections by as much as 50%! If you need A/C, at

least keep some airflow going by keeping some

windows at least a bit open.

According to various recent studies, heat and

humidity seem to lower the rate of transmission of

the virus. Without knowing that, just last week I

bought humidifiers for our rooms! Praise God for

His Holy Spirit!!! You can get nice humidifiers for

just above 1000 rupees. They help not only

against this virus but protect your sinuses, lungs

and bronchial system from all kinds of infections

by keeping the mucosa strong. They protect your

skin and especially your eyes from the damage of

drying out.

17 I shall not die, but live, and declare the

works of the LORD (Psalm 118:17)

Interestingly, different materials allow the

virus different survival times: The virus survives

up to 4 hours on copper, 1 day on cardboard, and 3

days on stainless steel or plastic! So of course,

good hygiene is paramount. You can use a

bleach/water solution, even with some isopropyl

alcohol, to spray surfaces. Disinfecting agents like

Lysol do work but need a minimum of two minutes

contact to really kill viruses. So allow the spray to

do its work for some time before wiping the

surface clean.

Keep your immune system strong by enough

rest, good sleep, healthy food and peace of mind.

Definitely, you will declare victoriously,

Berachah Prophetic Voice - March - April 2020


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