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  • 7/27/2019 Foods pvt.



    THIS AGREEMENT is made on September 2001 between

    V.L.S. Foods Private Ltd., a Company incorporated

    under the Companies Act., 1956, having its registered

    off ice at 416.12 Krishna Colony, Gurgaon (Haryana)

    (hereinafter referred to as VLS) represented by Managing

    Director Deepak Bhardwaj of the one part and HLL

    company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956

    having its registered 7th floor, Cuffe Parade, Bombay

    hereinafter referred to as HLL represented by its General

    Manager (CS & P) Shri. A.M. Rao of the other part.

    Whereas VLS is engaged in the business of procuring and

    supplying the products manufactured by M/s. Paramount

    Food Industries (PFI), Gurgaon (Haryana) hereinafter called

    the Contract Products.

    And whereas HLL is a trading, company engaged in the

    marketing of consumer and other goods through an

    experience marketing sales organisation all over India.

    And whereas VLS is desirous of supplying the contract

    products and wishes to appoint a Marketing Representative

    to promote and sell the contract products and HLL is

    desirous of marketing the aforesaid goods supplied by VLS,

    the Parties (i.e VLS and HLL) have agreed that VLS shall

    supply the contract products to HLL , and that HLL shall

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    provide the required infrastructure and expertise for

    marketing these products upon the terms and conditions

    which the Parties have desired to reduce in writing as

    hereinafter contained.



    1. VLS hereby appoints HLL as its exclusive Marketing

    Representative to sell the contract products herein

    mentioned at Clause (2) of various pack sizes

    manufactured by PFI within the Delhi Branch areas of

    HLL. The areas of operation under this agreement may

    be increased from time to time by mutual consent of

    the parties.

    2. VLS shall supply to HLL for marketing the following

    products in the brand name of Gold Crunch in various

    pack sizes. It is also agreed that the VLS will offer new

    products/new pack sizes if any in future to HLL for sale

    on the terms & conditions that may be agreed between

    the Parties. However, the terms and conditions in such

    cases and not be less favourable than those under this


    1. Corn flakes (restricted to Rajasthan)

    2. Malted Dalia

    3. Chow Chow

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    4. Plain Noodles

    3. The target sales per month to be achieved by HLL for

    the contract products in different packs in the agreed

    areas during the validity of this agreement will be

    mutually decided by the parties from time to time.

    4. VLS shall be responsible for the supply of the Contract

    products to be delivered at the warehouses/godowns of

    HLL and HLL shall unload and store them at its risk and

    responsibility. VLS agrees that it shall make good the

    shortage arising as a result of damage caused to the

    goods in the course of transit. However, HLL shall

    inform VLS regarding, such damage arising in the

    course of transit within five days of taking delivery of

    the said goods at its warehouses/godowns. It is agreed

    that this condition will be applicable only to such

    damage to goods as can be detected visually and by

    outward inspection.

    5. It is agreed that VLS shall effect delivery of the

    contract products at the warehouses/godowns specified

    by HLL, and that it shall be given an acknowledgement

    receipt duly signed by the representatives ofHLL at the

    time of delivery. The expenses pertaining to transport

    of the contract products to the godowns of HLL and

    expenses relating to freight, insurance, handling,

    loading and other charges incidentally thereto shall be

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    borne by VLS. I t is agreed by the parties that any

    expenses that would be incurred in transporting, the

    contract products from the godowns ofHLL to the other

    stockists and/or retailers shall be borne entirely by HLL


    6. It is agreed that HLL would sell and delivery the stocks

    to its stockiest and or retailers at their own risk and

    expenses. It is further agreed that HLL shall pay the

    applicable sales tax, octroi, turnover tax and any other

    duties, levies and cesses that may be in force form

    time to time. It is agreed that the turnover tax, local

    sales-tax and other duties and cesses which are not

    permitted to be recovered from consumers which have

    been paid by HLL shall be reimbursed to it by VLS on

    receipt of proper evidence in this regard.

    7. It is agreed that VLS shall supply the contract products

    to HLL free from any manufacturing defects. However,

    in the event of any manufacturing defects being found

    in the products supplied to HLL, it shall be the right of

    HLL to return the defective goods to VLS at the

    expense of VLS at any stage i .e. from the t ime of

    delivery to HLL up to the time of ultimate consumption

    by the consumer.

    8. It is agreed by the parties that if the contract products

    are returned by the ultimate consumers to HLL, or its

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    stockist and/or retailers at any time on the ground that

    the said goods are not up to the stipulated

    specifications or on any other reasonable ground

    including expiry of the shelf life of the products, the

    expenses (including insurance and freight charges)

    incurred in returning the said goods to VLS shall be

    borne by VLS. VLS shave also agreed to take back

    old/damaged products at their cost, based on the field

    reports ofHLL.

    9. It is agreed by the parties that the delivery of the goods

    under the arrangements contemplated by this agreed

    shall be on a consignment basis and consequently; (i)

    HLL shall use its own bill books for the sales made by

    it; (ii) HLL shall print on its invoices and other business

    stationery that they are the consignees of the goods

    from VLS and that the contract products are the goods

    supplied by VLS and (iii) HLL shall be responsible for

    the filling of the sales-tax returns and other necessary

    statutory returns with the local Govt. Authorities as per

    the law.

    10.It is agreed by HLL that it shall at all times keep such

    levels of stocks of the contract products as may be

    agreed to by the parties form time to time.

    11.The contract products shall be sold by HLL at the prices

    determined by VLS. The price structure shall

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    specifically indicate the commission payable to the

    stockiest, the retailers and to HLL itself, as agreed.

    VLS shall have the option to revise the prices of the

    contract goods from time to time after reviewing the

    market conditions and other relevant factors after due

    intimation to HLL. HLL agrees and undertakes to

    strictly agreed to fix the price suitably lower than the

    price of its main competitors in order to enlarge its

    market share.

    12.HLL shall be responsible for the collection of the sale

    proceeds from the stockiest/distributors/retailers to

    whom it has billed the stocks.

    13.HLL also agrees and undertakes that during, the

    pendency of this Agreement it shall not directly or

    indirectly, in any manner promote and/or sell goods

    identical to the contract products which are

    manufactured by rival manufactures and sold under

    different brand names except the existing products

    already marketed by HLL.

    14.It is agreed by HLL that it shall form to time report to

    VLS on the market position of the contract products

    and also report about the prices, terms, product

    characteristic and ranges offered by the competitors.

    15.It is agreed by the parties that the following system of

    payment shall be followed:

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    (i) For sticks received by HLL from 1st to 15th of the

    month, the payment shall be made by t to VLS on

    the last day of that month.

    (ii ) For stocks received between 16th and the end of

    the month the payment shall be made on or before

    the 15th day of the succeeding month.

    16. It is agreed by the parties that for services rendered by

    HLL under this Agreement, VLS shall pay commission to

    HLL @ 10% (ten percent only) of the Basic price of the

    goods supplied for sale of HLL. It is agreed by the

    parties that the stipulated commission amount

    receivable by HLL shall be deducted by HLL on a

    monthly basis from the sale proceeds by it to VLS.

    17.It is agreed by the parties that all sales promotions and

    advertising expenses shall be incurred and borne by

    VLS. On its part, HLL shall render all necessary

    advertising and sales promotion plans at the request of

    VLS from time to time. VLSL shall provide sufficient

    quantities of Posters, danglers, stickers to HLL for

    promotion of the contract products. VLS have also

    agreed to offer attractive trade and display scheme at

    the time of launch of the products through HLL and also

    and when market conditions demand from to time as

    per reports of HLL. VLS have also agreed to offer 50

    gms one time free serving packs of the new products

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    free of cost for A class market/outlets and provide

    counter sales in important locations in Delhi at the

    stage of launch of the contract products under this

    agreement also special trade schemes from time to

    time by mutual consultation of the Parties.

    18.VLS shall forward any direct inquiries or orders

    received by it in respect of the supply of the contract

    products in the areas actually covered by HLL to HLL

    for execution, and HLL shall be entitled to receive

    thereon the commission as per the terms of this


    19.It is agreed by HLL that it shall send to VLS a clear

    photocopy of the Sales-tax Assessment Order(s) for

    each Financial Year and proof of discharge of the said

    Sales Tax liabilities by it.

    20.It is agreed that VLS as the supplier/Consignor of the

    contract products shall conform to the legal provisions

    of Weights and Measure Act and other applicable

    Acts/Rules. In case of any violation of the aforesaid

    Acts/Rules it is agreed that VLS alone shall be

    responsible for the said violations and the ensuing

    liabilities. VLS have agreed to affix stickers marketed

    by HLL/print the said words on the packs of contract

    products sold through HLL.

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    21. (a) It is agreed by VLS that in supplying the contract

    products it shall strictly adhere to the provisions of the

    Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 and other

    relevant rules and regulations that may be in force in

    the areas where the contract products are being

    marketed by HLL.

    (b) It is agreed that where required by law VLS shall

    furnish along with the products proper certification

    stating that scientific food analysis has been conducted

    on the products by the relevant Government

    Department. It is also agreed that VLS shall supply the

    products in properly packed containers.

    22.VLS undertakes to indemnify HLL, its Directors, Officers

    and Employees against all legal proceedings that may

    be initiated against any or all of them with regard to the

    adulteration etc. of contract products. The indemnity

    shall cover all such cases of food adulteration, food

    poisoning and other related problems arising out of or

    caused by any act or commission or omission, that can

    be reasonably attributable directly or indirectly to VLS,

    its servants, employees or agents during the course of

    manufacture of the contract products and/or their

    transport to the godowns/warehouses ofHLL.

    23.It is agreed that neither Party to this Agreement shall

    be deemed to become an agent of the other as a result

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    of this Agreement, nor shall either one of them hold

    itself out as an agent of the other, and neither shall

    incurancy commitments or a liability on behalf of the


    24.The terms of this Agreement shall commence from the

    date of its execution and shall be valid for a period 3

    years. The agreement may be renewed for such further

    periods and on such terms and conditions as may be

    mutually agreed to by the parties.

    25.(a) Notwithstanding anything contained in the

    Agreement, either party may terminate the

    Agreement by giving six months written notice to

    the other. On termination of the Agreement, it is

    agreed that HLL shall return the unsold stocks of

    VLS or pay the value thereof including those

    which were supplied to it within 10 days from the

    expiry of the notice period subject to final

    settlement of accounts. It is agreed that the

    transport, insurance and freight charges in

    respect of such return goods shall be borne by


    (b) Notwithstanding the above, either party may

    terminate this Agreement, in writing with

    immediate effect, if the other party: (i) shall have

    failed to cure a material breach of this Agreement

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    within 60 days after receipt of a written notice to

    do so and such default continues at the time of the

    letter of termination notice; or (ii) enters

    bankruptcy or Receivership or ceases business or

    is liquidated.

    26.This agreement covers domestic sales within the

    territory of India. It is agreed by the parties that if any

    export order is received by HLL in regard to contract

    products, it shall discuss with VLS as to the terms and

    conditions of pricing, payment and other essential

    matters pertaining to the execution of the export order.

    It is also agreed that the final decision in regard to all

    aspects pertaining to the export order shall rest with


    27.Any disputes or differences or claims arising out of or in

    relation to this Agreement including its construction

    validity or performance shall be filed, tried and decided

    in the Courts of competent jurisdiction in the city of

    Bangalore or Delhi to the exclusion of all other Courts in


    28.All communications concerning the validity, l ife,

    interpretation, modification or extension of this

    Agreement or of the right and obligations of the parties

    shall be addressed as follows:

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    416/12, KRISHNA COLONY,


    Or at such address as either party may from time to time

    substitute by written notice to the other. All other

    correspondence shall be sent to such address as the

    party which is to receive the same may direct.

    29.The parties agreed that VLS shall not be held liable in

    any manner whatsoever if it is unable to carry out its

    oblations under this Agreement due to circumstances

    beyond its control, and vice versa.



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    The agreement is related to consumer goods and its

    transfer to the retailers through commissioning party. The

    first party is a manufacturer and transfer the goods while

    retaining the ownership to the second party to the contract

    which basically a trading company. The second party takes

    goods in transfers its further to retails through its sales-

    network channel members. The retailers to whom the

    goods will be delivered are not a party to the contact. This

    is not a contract between two individuals but between two

    registered companies hence the concept of considering

    company as a dispute legal entity from its owner is very

    were reflected here.

    Several clauses have been added with relation to Indian

    contract Act 1872 and General Principles of law of contract

    (sections 1-75) are also a vital constituent of this


    Sections like 125, related to indemnity, section 62 and 63

    related to discharge of agreement, section 13 related to

    consent, section 2(d) related to consideration have also

    been referred to in the agreement entailing several clauses

    mentioned herewith in the contract.

    Partially, some clauses gives a reflection of application of

    sale of goods act and agency related contract but since the

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    agreement no where state that any of the party is an

    agent, hence we cant conclude that the government is

    basically an agreement based on agent principal concepts.

    Few of the clauses l ike delivery of goods (sec. 2(2))

    acceptance of del ivery by another party (sec. 42)

    delegation of authority (section 190) have been used

    regarding delivery of contract goods and the power of

    second party is using discretion.

    The agreement is fully legal contract as it do not fa ll under

    stated sections like

    Section 26 - Agreement in restraint of marriage

    Section-27 - Agreement in restraint of trade

    Section 28 - Agreements in restraint of legal proceedings

    Section-29 - Agreement the meaning of which is uncertain


    Both the representatives are fully 'Competent to Contract'

    (section 10) on behalf of aforesaid companies.

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    The 'Proposal or offer' terms are very signif icant in nature

    while drafting any kind of agreement and in this agreement

    also the offer was made earlier by one of the party and

    consequently it has been accepted by the other party after

    some desired amendments (Section 2 (A) of ICA and 2 (b)

    of ICA


    The acceptance in this case in absolute and unqualif ied

    (Section 7(1)) and also has been expressed in a usual and

    reasonable manner (Section 7(2) ICA.

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    Agreement is enforceable by law, hence it is a contract

    (Sec 2 (H) ICA

    One element is present : It is an Agreement (Sec. 2 (c))


    All essential elements of valid contract are present

    (Section 2 (4) ) ICA

    - Offer and acceptance

    - Intention to create legal relations

    Both the parties are competent (Sec. 11) ICA

    Agreement is under writing and registration (Section 25)


    It is a certain agreement (Section 29) ICA

    Complete possibility of performance as it involves

    transfer of contract goods with engaged resources (Sec.

    56) ICA

    It is a valid contract not a voidable contact (Section 2 (i)


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    Clause 1

    Amendments on mutual consent (section -14) and free


    Clause 2

    Sale of good Act (Section 4 (1) SGA

    Clause 3

    Agreement to sell (Section 4(3) SGA

    Clause 4

    Place of delivery (Section 36 (1)) SGA

    Clause 5

    Expense of delivery [Section 36 (5)] SGA

    Clause 6

    Place of delivery and further transfer goods

    Clause 7

    Buyer not bound to returns rejected good (Section 45) SGA

    Clause 8

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    Same as above

    Clause 9

    Manner of delivery - Section 36(3) SGA and expenses

    Section 36 (5) SGA

    Clause 10

    Denial of delivery of wrong quality (Section 37) SGA

    Clause 11

    Mode of fixing the price (Section 9) and expressly fixed by

    the compact itself.

    Clause 12

    Release to collection of payments

    Clause 13

    Based on mutual consent that competition goods will not

    be sold by second party during agreement tenure.

    Clause 14

    Based upon providing reports about market condition etc.

    General clause based on mutual consent,

    Clause 15

    Delivery and payment (Section 32) SGA

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    Clause 16

    Price of goods and commission receivable (Section 9) SGA

    Clause 17

    Expenses [Section 36 (5)]

    Clause 18

    Related to commission to be received on direct enquiries

    and orders.

    Clause 19

    Legal or valid element of a contract. All I am related

    requirements to be fulfilled

    Clause 20

    Liability of buyer for neglecting the goods. Adhering to

    legal provisions.

    Clause 21

    Condition as to merchantability [Section 16 (2)] SGA

    Clause 22

    Rights of indemnity holder and liability of second party in

    case of any toss or legal proceedings.

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    Clause 23

    The section 182 in fully denied i.e. neither party is an

    agent in the Agreement.

    Clause 24

    Discharge of agreement section 63 SGA

    Clause 25

    Discharge of agreement Section 63

    Clause 26

    Exports related mutual consent with discretion pertaining

    to one party.

    Clause 27

    Covered under remedies in case of breach of contract and

    Area of jurisdicious as per the agreement.

    Clause 28

    Commission addresses as per agreement mutually decided

    by both parties.

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    Submitted to:


    Submitted by: