food and i

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Post on 10-Apr-2018




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  • 8/8/2019 Food and I



    It all started when we as a family shifted abroad. The packing was done and dusted with.

    Knowing my father nothing was to left to chance and we started preparing for the flight from sparrow

    fart. I was naturally thrilled. First flight on an airplane and that too abroad. The formalities were dealt

    with and we boarded. We were received by a couple of air-hostesses with warm welcoming smiles.

    A rare species now.

    Anyhow, the plane took off. After the first few jittery moments of nervousness, calm and peace ensued.

    During the course of the flight, I refused both snacks and dinner. That probably didnt go down too well

    with the air-hostess serving. The food trolley was coming by for one last time laden with plates, spoons

    and an extremely tempting vanilla ice-cream.

    Just a few feet ahead of me, it was slowly edging towards me. Each passenger was being served. I was

    waiting in anticipation.Anytime now I say to myself.

    I will savor it, relish it, indulge myself completely in-it.

    As fate would have it, something un-toward happens. I am overlooked and the trolley passes by me onto

    the next passenger. I sit there slightly bemused and perplexed. Not even a cursory glance, let alone a

    polite inquiry.

    But then again this was PIA. Expect the un-expected.

    Seconds pass by, which turn to minutes. I was twitchy at first . Anxiety kicked in too. I looked through

    the window, only to see an endless stretch of blue sky. Perfect weather for flying.

    But things were far from perfect inside.

    I am not getting off this plane till I have my share of ice-cream. I had had enough.

    I get up, march, nearly rip off the curtains shielding the kitchen away from the rest of the crew and

    passengers. I see two staff members casually doing away with the left-overs. Yet, un-abashed and

    determined I make my claim. Needless to say, I faced rejection. Distraught and in Disdain I heaved

    myself back to my seat.

    My first flight..Surely! This was the epitome of human ruthlessness.

    From that day onwards I held a grudge against not only that air-line but also air-hostesses. However, my

    story doesnt end here.

    I vowed vengeance.

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    My revenge was to have as much of everything lest it got scarce. In the mean time I settle down well in

    my new environment till I come across fast-food. So scrumptious, I held an ambrosial attraction

    towards it. With time I also developed a serious allergy. An allergy to everything they called healthy.

    Was this a new kind of love?

    But, as it happens every relationship faces opposition. In my case, it was my parents as expected. I wastold plain and clear that I had turned into a gourmand, a guzzler.

    Eating for the sake of eating had pretty much become my shtick.

    Flabbiness, an ever expanding waist line and a tumbling self esteem was pretty much the order of each

    and every day. My association with food was turning sour now, because it was leading me to my not so

    graceful decaprication. I needed to get a handle of the situation.

    So, in came diet pills, crash dieting, freakish exercise routines. Result?

    Back at square one after a few days.

    I blamed my genes. How I wished I was oober fatty. Down but surely not out I came up with other

    sources of motivation.

    My prime source-Hollywood! The solution to all our problems.

    I loved movies. And my favourite actors all with perfectly toned bodies. Carcitures of near perfection.

    They killed hundereds. Saved millions and even deflected bullets through their six packs.

    And here I was. All I had were six flabs of fat instead of six packs of my abs.

    There were two other sources of motivation as well. One was ridiculing friends. I hatedno abhorredchild-hood obesity jokes and the ridicule that came with it. My only defense was:-

    I am extremely fond of Eating.

    As is evident, I was also not very adept at defending myself.

    The other motivating factor was an honest desire to better myself. And by now I had motivated myself

    once again for one last try.

    Ready, steady and gung ho.

    The first few weeks it was extremely tough. It toiled both mind and body. Though I managed and

    perservered since I was a fighter at heart.

    Later I grasped that eating healthy, regular exercise and getting to know your body better is the only

    easiest, simplest and fastest way for a better and leaner me.

    Hence, a relationship which started in agony, then turned into love finally ended the right way with me

    being happy, content, lean and ofcourse an experience worth sharing with everyone.

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