food and drinks. learn how to… ask and answer the questions about food give some pieces of...

Food and drinks

Post on 28-Dec-2015




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Food and drinks

Learn how to… ask and answer

the questions about food

give some pieces of advice on cooking

offer the food

My recipe

Write C (for countable nouns) or U (for uncountable nouns)

• 1. tea U • 2. potato C• 3. sugar U• 4. meat U• 5. sandwich C• 6. carrot C

Fill in: use a lot of, much, many

• We’ve got a lot of biscuits.• Is there much butter left?• She hasn’t got much chocolate.• There aren’t many cucumbers.• There is a lot of juice.• How many lemons do you need?• There isn’t much water.

Ukrainian dishes

English dishes


Offer your food and drinks

• Would your like some apple pie/ pizza?

• Do you prefer water or juice?

• What would you like to eat/drink?


1. A hungry man is an angry man.

2. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.3.Before you choose a real friend, eat a bushel of

salt with him.4.To lengthen your life,

lessen your meals.

c) Голодна людина – сердита людина.

d) Шлях до серця чоловіка лежить через його шлунок.

b) Перш ніж вибрати справжнього товариша, з’їж із ним пуд солі.

a) Щоб подовжити собі життя, треба зменшити їжу.


• Prepare a recipe for a sandwich.• Draw
