fonds de recherche du québec – nature et technologies an overvie · 2017. 12. 8. · 23.6...

Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies An Overview

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Page 1: Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies An Overvie · 2017. 12. 8. · 23.6 million dollars in grants to 264 team research projects bringing together 871 researchers;

Fonds de recherchedu Québec –Nature et technologiesAn Overview

Page 2: Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies An Overvie · 2017. 12. 8. · 23.6 million dollars in grants to 264 team research projects bringing together 871 researchers;

fonds de recherche du québec – nature et technologies an overview


the chief scientist of québec Rémi Quirion is the Chief Scientist of Québec. His position at the

interface of the three research funds enables him to build connections

and implement changes that will boost knowledge production and

innovation within Québec’s research system and, ultimately, extend

its influence on national and international levels.

The mandate of the Chief Scientist of Québec is as follows:

�� To advise the Ministre de l’Éducation, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche on matters pertaining to the development of research and science in Québec;

�� To foster the excellence, position and influence of Québec research in Canada and internationally, and ensure its commercialization;

�� To chair the boards of directors of each of the three Québec research funds, and coordinate issues of common concern and the development of cross-sectoral research;

�� To administer the human, material, financial and information resources of the three funds, and ensure the consolidation and integration of their administrative activities.

the scientific director Maryse Lassonde is the Scientific Director of the Fonds de recherche

du Québec – Nature et technologies.

As Scientific Director, Dr. Lassonde has the following mandate:

�� To advise the Chief Scientist on matters pertaining to the orientations, objectives, priorities, strategies and action plans of the FRQNT;

�� To oversee the implementation of the orientations, policies and development strategies of the FRQNT;

�� To play a leadership role in the development of partnerships and alliances with the research community and government, as well as with public and private sectors at provincial, national and international levels in all domains covered by the FRQNT.

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the mission of the frqnt

The functions of the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies are as follows:

�� to promote and provide financial support for research in the fields of natural sciences, mathematics and engineering;

�� to promote and provide financial support for knowledge mobilization in fields of research relating to natural sciences, mathematics and engineering;

�� to promote and provide financial support for the training of resear-chers through achievement scholarship programs for master’s and doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows, and grant programs to college researchers;

�� to create any necessary partnerships with universities, colleges, industry, government departments and public and private agencies and organizations.

its vision

Cutting-edge research to reinforce Québec’s position as a leader in the fields of natural sciences and


its values

Creativity, rigour, integrity, transparency

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fonds de recherche du québec – nature et technologies an overview


background information In 2012, Québec spent 8.1 billion dollars on intramural research and development (GERD), representing 2.27% of Québec’s GDP, compared with 1.62% across Canada as a whole. The chart below illustrates the distribution of GERD expenditure by funding sector in Québec.







Québec obtained 24.8% ($254 M) of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) funding in 2014-2015. This share, which has remained relatively stable for several years, is higher than the demographic weight of Québec faculty within Canada (23%). This performance can be broken down as follows: $233 M in research and career awards, and $21 M in training awards.












Grants 25.1 24.8 23.1 24.4 24.6 25.6 25.7 22.5 25.6 25.6

Awards and Scholarships 21.7 21.7 21.0 20.1 19.7 20.1 21.1 19.5 19.2 19.0

Total 24.6 24.4 22.8 23.8 23.9 24.9 25.2 24.7 24.9 24.8

Source : NSERC Awards search engine, 2015

Source: Institut de la statistique du Québec, December 2014

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its 2014-2017 strategic orientations

As part of its 2014-2017 Strategic Plan, the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies is

pursuing six broad strategic orientations:

Position natural sciences and engineering research as a lever for the socioeconomic development of Québec

The FRQNT intends to highlight the key role played by natural sciences and engineering research in the development of the knowledge society and economy, continue to offer relevant and effective programs, contribute to the development of a culture of ethics and ensure scientific integrity.

Start engaging Québec and foreign students in research at the college level

The FRQNT aims to support the introduction of students—especially women— to research at the college and bachelor’s levels, enhance the development of a versatile and highly-qualified new generation of researchers, increase support for research internships in practice settings, and encourage student mobility and the attraction of the best foreign students.

Increase basic research in cutting-edge and emerging fields

The FRQNT wishes to increase its support for university researchers, strengthen team research, consolidate Québec’s research hubs, and optimize the use of research platforms and equipment.

Accelerate the sharing of knowledge between research and user communities

The FRQNT aims to facilitate research that meets the needs of partners in areas of strategic importance for Québec, support the development of the research and innovation capacities of colleges and college centres for the transfer of technologies, and act as a catalyst for the establishment of collaborations between researchers in different settings and the users of research.

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its 2014-2017 strategic orientations (continued)

Increase support for intersectoral and international research

The FRQNT intends to foster and provide funding for intersectoral research initiatives, especially those relating to ethics, and enhance national and international collaboration.

Improve the efficiency and performance of the organization

The FRQNT wishes to improve the quality and user-friendliness of the services it provides to the scientific community, its public and private partners and society, within an open government framework. It intends to promote workplace wellness and collegiality between the different teams of the Fonds de recherche du Québec, and wishes to oversee the implementation of best practices in governance, sound management of public funds and resource optimization in accordance with the principles of integrity.

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research areas

Le Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies covers 10 areas of research.

� ENERGY Energy production, conversion and use, energy transport

� ENVIRONMENT Water, air, land, pollutants, ecology and environmental quality, management and protection

� MANUFACTURING AND CONSTRUCTION Manufacturing processes, industrial processes, design, infrastructure

� MATERIALS Basic, functional and smart materials, nanotechnology

� NATURE AND INTERACTION OF MATTER Particles and radiation, atoms and molecules, states of matter, Earth, planets and universe

� LIVING ORGANISMS Living beings, sub-cellular, cellular, genomics and proteomics, microbiology, biological organization and function, psychology – biological aspects

� NATURAL RESOURCES Agriculture, forests and vegetation, mines, inland water and oceans

� ABSTRACT STRUCTURES Computer theory, mathematics, statistics and probability, mathematical and computer tools

� TECHNIQUES, MESUREMENT AND SYSTEMS Characterization tools, waves, electrical and electronic systems, mechanical systems, transportation systems

� INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES Communication, information, artificial intelligence

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grants and scholarships

In 2014-2015, the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies awarded :

�� 18 million dollars to 1,750 Master’s and PhD students and postdoctoral fellows;

�� 4.3 million dollars to 95 new researchers in Québec universities;

�� 23.6 million dollars in grants to 264 team research projects bringing together 871 researchers;

�� 16.8 million dollars to 38 strategic clusters (including 4 co-financed by the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture) composed of 2,036 researchers (principal members and other members).

Career funding has also been provided for 70 college researchers contributing to research teams, strategic clusters or partnership targeted research projects, or funded directly.


* Total budget: $62.7 M — FRQNT Annual Report 2014-2015






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research partnerships

Research partnerships with the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies occur

primarily within the framework of the Partnerships for Innovation program. The objective of this three-

pronged program is to improve the innovation capability of Québec companies in priority sectors by

banking on partnerships between universities, companies, government research centres and college

centres for the transfer of technologies.

These partnerships include the following:

�� The Partnership Research Program on Forest Environment and Management, a partnership with the Ministère de la Forêt, de la Faune et des Parcs (forestry fund), has funded 129 research projects since 2000, for a total of close to $26 M;

�� The Partnership Research Program on Innovation in Dairy Production and Processing, a partnership with the Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation, Novalait and, for certain programs, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, has funded 69 research projects since 1996, for a total of close to $15 M;

�� The Partnership Research Program on Sustainable Development of the Mining Sector, a partnership with the Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles, with a total budgetary envelope of $17.5 M, has funded 38 research projects since its launch in June 2013;

�� The Partnership Research Program on Northern Agriculture in the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean Region, in partnership with the Fonds de recherche agroalimentaire axé sur l’agriculture nordique du Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, has funded 4 research projects for a total of more than $330,000;

�� Since 2010, the Support for Innovation Networks Program has funded 9 networks in different fields—including Notre Golfe, a new network that studies the socio-ecological environment of the Gulf of St. Lawrence—for a total of close to $300,000.

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impacts on society

Natural sciences and engineering research provides a better understanding of the world in which we

live, improves technology, practices and interventions, clarifies decision-making and public policy;

in short, it fosters innovation for the common good. Here is a look at some of their positive research


Keeping Bacteria out of the Bag: Reusable bags carry more than your grocery shopping and other purchases: they also transport thousands of bacteria. Diego Mantovani, a professor in the Department of Mining, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at Université Laval, set about keeping bacteria at bay by impregnating cotton and woven plastic bags with a solution of chitosan, a biomolecule with well-known antimicrobial properties that is obtained from shrimp shells. Mantovani and his colleagues have developed a platform based on plasma surface modification to integrate their antimicrobial weapon into the heart of the atomic structure of textile, metal and plastic materials. The researcher is currently working on optimizing the process so as to make it more interesting for businesses in different sectors. Indeed, the platform could be used to inhibit bacteria on the surfaces of numerous objects, from door handles to countertops in restaurants and food factories.

On the Trail of Rabies: The spread of raccoon rabies, a virus that is contagious and fatal to humans and animals, now appears to be under control in Québec: no cases have been recorded since 2008. Université de Sherbrooke animal ecology specialist Fanie Pelletier and her colleagues Dany Garant, from Université de Sherbrooke, and Daniel Fortin, from Université Laval, contributed to this success. The researchers studied the behaviour and population structure of raccoons, the primary carrier of the disease, with the goal of better understand the animals’ movements, in order to help to better target the distribution of bait containing a rabies vaccine. Thanks to their study, we now know that it is more effective to concentrate the vaccine bait in woodlands and along the borders of agricultural land rather than spreading it across cornfields, which are less frequently visited by raccoons.

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Mathematics at the Pharmacy: Clinicians and parents will soon have a mobile application to help them better medicate children with illnesses that require monitoring. This innovation is the brainchild of Fahima Nekka, a professor in the Faculty of Pharmacy at Université de Montréal. Drug information sheets provide general guidelines for treatment and dosage according to a patient’s age and weight. But they do not tell a doctor if she can, for example, reduce the dose at the end of the day to help a child to sleep better without affecting treatment. The tool developed by Professor Nekka and her team will help to predict this sort of therapeutic impact. It could also guide parents in dealing with certain situations, such as what to do when their child forgets to take a dose of medication. Nekka’s work has attracted the attention of the pharmaceutical industry, which has provided funding for her to put together Canada’s first pharmacometrics team.

Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies 140, Grande Allée St. East, suite 450 Québec City (Québec) G1R 5M8

Rémi QuirionChief Scientist Fonds de recherche du Québec Telephone: 514-873-2114 | [email protected]

Maryse LassondeScientific DirectorFonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologiesTelephone: 418 643-3230 | [email protected]

Benoit SévignyDirector of Communications and Knowledge MobilizationFonds de recherche du QuébecTelephone: 514-864-1619 | [email protected]