following the way of st. james - christ episcopal … the way of st. james ... nce again it’s time...

Christ Episcopal Church - Valdosta, Georgia August 2010 Mark Your Calendar August 4 A Walk With the Good Shepherd Bible Camp 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. August 11 Senior EYC Begins August 14 St. Francis Yard Sale at the church 7 a.m. until . . . Please call the church to contribute items. August 15 Sunday School Kick-Off August 18 Dominican Republic Mission Trip Presentation 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall following 6 p.m. service and dinner August 21 Jim Elliott’s Ordination St. Peter’s, Savannah 11 a.m. August 22 College Ministry Begins September 11 Nancy Sartin’s Ordination, 5 p.m. September 12 Bishop Benhase’s Visitation www.christchurch by Deacon Stella Clark T he crown jewel of Spanish walking trails, the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela (Field of Stars) began as an act of faith as Europeans crossed Spain to visit the sacred tomb of St. James. One thousand years later, the Camino continues to draw the spiritual as well as the traveler looking to enjoy the beauty of the green rolling hills and small hamlets of northwestern Spain’s Galicia. Wearing our boots and proudly displaying our scallop shells, we trudged at last into the swirl of people on the cathedral square. I noticed a subtle but striking difference between two distinct groups entering the plaza. Groups of tourists, often following a placard on a pole, looked around the square, taking pictures of whatever was pointed out to them by the guide and appeared vaguely bewildered. On the other side of the plaza, where the Camino gate stood, pilgrims straggled in. They invariably Photographs by Stella Clark continued on page 8 Following the Way of St. James Deacon Stella Clark followed the “Way of St. James,” the Camino de Compostela, for 500 miles through Spain from May 25 to July 6. View the 290 photographs by Deacon Stella on the Christ Church Valdosta Picasa Website <http://picasaweb. 100525Pilgrimage#>

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Page 1: Following the Way of St. James - Christ Episcopal … the Way of St. James ... nce again it’s time to plan for Christian Education. ... equipment. What to do? First, I invite and

C h r i s t E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h - V a l d o s t a , G e o r g i aA u g u s t 2 0 1 0

Mark Your Calendar

August 4A Walk With the Good

Shepherd Bible Camp9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

August 11Senior EYC Begins

August 14St. Francis Yard Sale

at the church

7 a.m. until . . .

Please call the church

to contribute items.

August 15Sunday School Kick-Off

August 18Dominican Republic

Mission Trip Presentation

7 p.m. in the Parish Hall

following 6 p.m. service

and dinner

August 21Jim Elliott’s Ordination

St. Peter’s, Savannah11 a.m.

August 22College Ministry Begins

September 11Nancy Sartin’s Ordination, 5 p.m.

September 12Bishop Benhase’s Visitation

by Deacon Stella Clark

The crown jewel of Spanish walking trails, thepilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela (Field ofStars) began as an act of faith as Europeans

crossed Spain to visit the sacred tomb of St. James.One thousand years later, the Camino continues todraw the spiritual as well as the traveler looking toenjoy the beauty of the green rolling hills and smallhamlets of northwestern Spain’s Galicia.

Wearing our boots and proudly displaying ourscallop shells, we trudged at last into the swirl ofpeople on the cathedral square. I noticed a subtle butstriking difference between two distinct groupsentering the plaza.

Groups of tourists, often following a placard on apole, looked around the square, taking pictures ofwhatever was pointed out to them by the guide andappeared vaguely bewildered.

On the other side of the plaza, where the Caminogate stood, pilgrims straggled in. They invariably

Photographs by Stella Clarkcontinued on page 8

Following the Way of St. James

Deacon Stella Clark followed the “Way of St.James,” the Camino de Compostela, for 500miles through Spain from May 25 to July 6.

View the 290 photographs by DeaconStella on the Christ Church ValdostaPicasa Website <>

Page 2: Following the Way of St. James - Christ Episcopal … the Way of St. James ... nce again it’s time to plan for Christian Education. ... equipment. What to do? First, I invite and

Vestry Report from June 26, 2010

The Vineyard, p. 2, August 2010

Christ Episcopal ChurchThe Rt. Rev. Scott A. Benhase,

Bishop of GeorgiaThe Rev. Peter Ingeman, RectorThe Rev. Tar Drazdowski, Assistant

RectorStella Clark, DeaconJim Elliott, DeaconPatricia Marks, DeaconMolly Stevenson, Parish AdministratorAmy Creasy, BookkeeperSue Ellen Rumstay, OrganistKathy Armstrong, St. Gregory Choir Dir.Maggie Roberts, St. Francis Choir LeaderJulia and Julius Ariail, Newsletter

VestryMimi Allen Susan ElliottJulia Ariail Philip GunterCharles Boatwright John HiersTammy Borders Phyllis HollandDave Clark Aaron PartenJerry DeMott Joe SingletaryCarolyn Eager Mike Tanner

Joe Tomberlin

Phone Numbers

Church Office 242-5115The Rev. Ingeman 245-0799The Rev. Drazdowski 249-0895Deacon Stella Clark 559-6159Deacon Jim Elliott 242-3333Deacon Patricia Marks 244-5159

Molly Stevenson 292-8215

The Vineyard On the WebThe Vineyard is posted to the Christ

Church Web site in color at <>. Click TheVineyard tab to view this publication.

The Vineyard DeadlineThe newsletter deadline is the

15th of the month prior topublication. Send information to<juliacariail@> orphone 229-559-7329.

Words for the SeasonAfter Pentecost

MannaReconciliationSteadfast Love

Dave Clark,Senior Warden

Mike Tanner, Junior Warden

• Reported on “the best and largestever” Dominican Republic MissionTrip. Thirteen members of ChristChurch and five members of othercongregations participated in theconstruction of two houses,conducted daily Vacation BibleSchool classes, held knitting classes,and celebrated the first schoolgraduation. Padre Carlos and theschool honored the Rev. Tar with aframed plaque for her dedication andhard work to build the church andschool in El Pedregal. Our teamdonated 20 school scholarships and20 summer camp scholarships. Therewill be a presentation about the tripin August.

• Reported the partial collapse ofthe rectory garage and the filingof a letter by Junior Warden MikeTanner to the Valdosta HistoricPreservation Commission (VHPC)to demolish the building.

• Voted to authorize Mike Tannerto pursue the demolition of thegarage by Cowart & Sons for$4,000 after VHPC approval.

• Discussed the resignation ofsexton Fred Quinn and writing anew job description prior to hiringa new person for the job.

• Reported that the architectsBarganier Davis Sims are workingon a fee proposal to provide thefinal drawings for the proposedbuildings.

• Noted the upcoming ordination ofJim Elliott at St. Peter’s inSavannah on August 21 at 11 a.m.

• Announced the upcoming one--day Vacation Bible camp whichwill be coordinated by Beth Baker.


Cookbook Correction

Susan Elliott reported a correctionto her recipe for Chicken Pot Pie onpage 203 of Manna & More. Theamount of chicken broth should read1 ¾ cups.

Thank YouThank you to the congregation

of Christ Church for supporting me spiritually during

my recent illness.The emails, calls, visits andprayers have been incredibly

sustaining. I feel very blessed tobe a part of Christ Church.Sincerely, Duke Guthrie

The camera symbol indicates that a seriesof photos on this subject is available at <http://picasaweb. churchvaldosta>.


A Cookbook from Christ Episcopal Church, Valdosta, GeorgiaA Cookbook from Christ Episcopal Church, Valdosta, Georgia

Page 3: Following the Way of St. James - Christ Episcopal … the Way of St. James ... nce again it’s time to plan for Christian Education. ... equipment. What to do? First, I invite and


Once again it’s time to plan for Christian Education. We are very fortunate to have Beth Baker and TarDrazdowski+ working to create an excellent program for all ages. We are very fortunate to have parishionerswho volunteer to serve as teachers. We have a parish tradition of excellence in education. All we lack is

appropriate space. Taking stock of the space that will be available, we have the front and perhaps the middle roomsof the Parish Hall; the offices of Fr. Peter, Tar+ and Molly; the Choir Room; a room in the Preschool Building; and anupstairs room in Louttit Hall. None of these rooms are designed as classroom space in seating capacity, lighting orequipment. What to do? First, I invite and encourage, in fact, parishioners of all ages to take part in our educationprograms. I think you will find a wonderful variety of learning opportunities in many subjects. Then, I think weshould all applaud our dedicated volunteer teachers who really do provide creative, excellent programs in less thanadequate space. Then, I really think we as Christ Church should concentrate on providing that adequate space. Thatmeans participation in every aspect of our building project. At this time our participation is primarily financial,supporting our fund drive as we build new facilities.

I would be delighted to talk about our building program and to answer any questions; in fact, I would be pleasedto offer a guided tour of our present space.

In Christ,Peter+

The Vineyard, p. 3, August 2010

From the Rector

Christian Formation

Christian formation and education are an important part of the life of everyChristian. In our Baptismal Covenant, we make the promise that we will raise thechild or support the child in the Christian faith. In order to keep our spiritual

minds sharp we need to be in the practice of engaging the Word of God. Sunday Schoolis one of the ways to accomplish the task we have promised. If a child begins to attendSunday School in the preschool years, continues through high school, and attends every

session during the school year, he or she will have received 292.5 hours of Christian Education. In the grand schemeof things this is not a lot of time to help our children learn about their faith and learn how to put their faith intopractice, but without it, how much time will they get in religious training? Forming our minds after the mind ofChrist is a promise that we all have made; let us all consider what steps we are taking to keep our promise to Godand each other.

Sunday School Kick-Off - August 15Make a day of it! Come and join us for the Sunday School Kick-Off. We will have an ice cream social between

the services. When you finish your ice cream, visit your child’s classroom. A rock climbing wall and bounce housewill be set up on the lawn. There will be other fun activities, too.

Adult Sunday School This year we will be offering opportunities throughout the year for adult Sunday school. Look for more details in

the Sunday bulletin. Plan to stay. You will be surprised by what you learn.


Page 4: Following the Way of St. James - Christ Episcopal … the Way of St. James ... nce again it’s time to plan for Christian Education. ... equipment. What to do? First, I invite and

You may see some names in ourlist you are not familiar with or

those of old friendswho have moved

away. Theyrespondedto thenews that

our verywonderful

We are Halfway to our Goal!

The Vineyard, p. 4, August 2010

parish was planning this expansionand wanted to be a part of it. Pleasejoin them.

Only with the participation of allof us will this much needed projectbecome a reality. Your participationis the most important thing. No giftis too large or too small. Let us knowhow we can help you get your nameon this list.

Sandra Fletcher, Capital Campaign Manager


Campaign PledgeTotal to date Campaign Goal $2,500,000

Many thanks to all of those who have stepped forward and made pledges

and gifts to the Strengthen Our Stakes Capital Campaign for Christ

Church Valdosta. For too many years our parish has gone without adequatefacilities for Christian Education and other important activities. The ChristChurch leadership is very grateful to the following people for theircommitment to the campaign as of July 18:

Mimi AllenJulius and Julia AriailTal and Norma BarnidgeClinton and Jeana BeelandBrad and Ann BurnetteJimmy and Ingrid CarrollTom and Stefani CarrollBob+ and Jan CarterLen and Melissa CarterDave and Stella ClarkThe Michael Clark FundRichard and Robin ColemanWade and Geri ColemanFrank and Diane CorkerJerry and Judy DeMottJanet DickmanJim and Tar+ DrazdowskiBob EagerCarolyn EagerDottie EagerSandra Fletcher

Lougenia GabardSheri GravettFleur HealyJohn and Phyllis HiersWalter and Gail HobgoodMike and Phyllis HollandLeona S. Hudson

Charitable FoundationMarilyn KemperAlec and Rudelle LawrencePatricia Marks Jim and Pepi NelsonBuddy and Dottie PittsSteve and Maggie RobertsEdith ShepherdMelanie SchwallenbergBill and Lucille SineathJoe and Anne SingletaryEloise SmithJoe and Norma TomberlinLoyce and Ingrid TurnerJoshua+ and Elizabeth Varner

If your name should appear on this list and doesnot, please notify the church office at 242-5115.

Page 5: Following the Way of St. James - Christ Episcopal … the Way of St. James ... nce again it’s time to plan for Christian Education. ... equipment. What to do? First, I invite and

Softball season for Christ Church began with the first game on April 13th with a gameagainst Crossroads in which they lost 13 to 5 in seven innings of play. The team had beenpracticing on a weekday evening for the past few weeks with an average of six players showingup for the practice out of 13 players on the roster. By the 3rd game the roster had expanded bythree more players with practices on Sunday afternoons at 2:00 p.m. The team won its 3rd and4th games only to lose the last four games of the first half of the season for a record of 2 and 6.

The teams were realigned by the recreation department and the second half of the season began with a 1 pointloss in the first game and a two point loss in the second and third games. In the fourth game, Christ Church won by20 to 5 when the mercy rule was used at the end of four innings. They then lost the next two games but finished theregular season with wins of 14 to 10 and 17 to 7 for a second half season record of 4 and 4.

The one day, double elimination playoffs began on Saturday, June 26 with a game scheduled for 9:00 a.m. Whenthe other team failed to show, Christ Church was awarded a win and advanced in the winners bracket. The second

game, scheduled for 11:30 a.m., was won by ascore of 20 to 5 so the team continued with theirnext game at 2:00 p.m. They lost their thirdgame but managed to hold what wasconsidered the best hitting team to only nineruns but could not get their bats going either.In 98 degree heat and even hotter on the field,Christ Church began the fourth game but lostby a score of 20 to 21 to finish the season withan overall record of 6 and 10.

Cliff Baker had the highest batting averageof 0.635, Bryan Deloach led RBI’s with 22,Stephen Sandbach had the most homeruns with3, and Griff Holland being the most patient atthe plate with 9 walks.

The Vineyard, p. 5, August 2010

NEW SERVICESunday Evening Eucharist

Softball Wrap-up by Jim Drazdowski

4th of July Hotdog Lunch

Christ Church celebrated the 4th ofJuly with four Sunday church servicesand a hot dog lunch following the11:30 service.

STATS AB Hits 1B 2B 3B HR BB Bat AVG RBI SACSCliff Baker 52 33 21 6 4 2 6 0.635 20 3Stephen Sandbach 51 27 16 5 3 3 2 0.529 16 1Bryan Deloach 56 30 21 6 1 2 0 0.536 22 2Paul Stevenson 57 32 25 6 1 0 3 0.561 14 1Matt Harrell 52 27 22 4 1 0 3 0.519 22 1Griff Holland 41 19 13 5 1 0 9 0.463 13 2David Singleton 26 13 10 3 0 0 0 0.500 5 0William Wilkens 57 25 19 2 4 0 0 0.439 13 0Ryan Hines 26 11 10 0 1 0 1 0.423 6 2Speedy Griner 55 23 21 2 0 0 3 0.418 10 2Josh Newton 30 12 11 1 0 0 1 0.400 10 2Matt Overman 36 14 13 1 0 0 0 0.389 14 0Sparky Greneker 50 18 17 0 1 0 1 0.360 15 1Luke Kelly 14 5 5 0 0 0 1 0.357 3 0Sandy Sandbach 22 7 7 0 0 0 0 0.318 4 0Jim Drazdowski 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.200 0 0

Starting on September 19, ChristChurch will add an additionalSunday service. The service will beheld at 8:00 p.m. We are adding thisservice to incorporate the collegecommunity as they return to thecampus after the weekend. Theentire college community is invitedas well as the Christ Church family.We are looking for servers andmusicians. If you are interested insigning up to help with this service,please contact Molly. She will bepreparing a schedule. We willdiscontinue the second Saturdayservice.

The Rev. Tar Drazdowski

Episcopal CollegeMinistries

Our ministry for collegestudents will resume on August 22.Feed them and they will come! Ifyou are interested in helping tofeed our college community onSunday nights there is a sign-upsheet in the parish hall. We usuallyfeed between 15-20 students onSunday evenings and three mealson dead day at the end of bothsemesters. You are welcome to stayand eat with us. Your presence willhelp to build the bridge betweenthis ministry and our churchcommunity. Dinner is at 6:00 p.m.

The Rev. Tar Drazdowski

Mr. Patience

Page 6: Following the Way of St. James - Christ Episcopal … the Way of St. James ... nce again it’s time to plan for Christian Education. ... equipment. What to do? First, I invite and

The Vineyard, p. 6, August 2010

This evocation of a 13th century creation legend,illustrated by a well-known American graphic artist, istaken from the Zohar, or Book of Splendor, in themystical Judaic Kabbalah. (I reached for it after beingfairly overcome by the wordiness of a recent theologicalstudy.) To my delight, here was the story of GodHimself contemplating creation, with each letter of thealphabet asking to be the one through whom the worldbe created. No matter that the alphabet is in reverse:that’s the point. No matter that the letters are Aramaic:the lesson is there nonetheless. The first is Tav, who

Special Days Remembered in August


1 Pat BradleySearcy McClure

2 Barbara Parks4 Sandra Walker5 Eloise Smith7 Rusty McCall8 Erin Macheski-Preston

11 Pauline Brown13 Mike Tanner14 Emma Claire Campbell 15 Donald (Bush) Bryan16 Meghann Hummel

Patricia Marks17 Katherine Berckman18 Tommy Hatcher

Josie Tidmore19 Maggie Roberts 20 Robert Tillman21 Ellis Moser22 Steve Honeycutt

Josie PartenChristopher Sandbach

23 Curt GrieveRobert Porter

24 Alex Elliott26 Aaron Davis27 Julius Ariail

Andrew DiamondJackie Griffin

28 William Parmelee, Jr.Helen Tucker

29 Craig LambertMarty Tucker

30 Phyllis HiersMarie MoserMary PeeplesDavid Singleton


3 Emily Saeger4 Gail Hobgood

Amy Wisenbaker6 Jerry DeMott9 Elizabeth Hanson

11 Hudson Tanner14 Natalie Savoie15 Betty Chason18 Katherine Mayer19 John David Greneker25 Andrew Greneker

Eleanor Parten28 Jacob Diamond


5 Steve & Sallie HoneycuttHenry & Sarah Parrish

6 Ken & Electa Ricket8 Thaddeus & Hiroko Agar

11 Joe & Norma Tomberlin12 Billy Tidmore & Jennifer

Lawrence15 Hulyn & Janet Smith21 Nicky & Leanne Balanis

Joe & Tilda Stubbs25 Will & Bonnie Hanson 30 John & Marcia Hummel

If your special day is not included in our calendar,please call the church office at 242-5115 to let us know.

The Church Bookshelf by Patricia Marks

The Alphabet of CreationWith drawings by Ben Shahn

Schocken Books, 1982 (facsimile)

pleads that he begins the Torah; but God says that healso ends the word death. The letter Koph begins theword Kodesh, or Holy One, but also Kelalah, or curse.Finally, we see the letter Beth, which begins the wordBaruch, or “Blessed be the Lord forever!” And Godgrants his wish: “In the Beginning, God created theHeaven and the Earth.” But what about Aleph, who istoo modest to ask? You will need to read the legend . . .and then, together, we can quietly meditate upon theletters of our own alphabet as the foundation of ouractions. It is a sure cure for wordiness.

Deacon Patricia Marks

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A Continuing Series: What the Diocese Does For Us

The Deacon School for Ministryby Deacon Patricia Marks

As a deacon in the Church, you are to study the HolyScriptures, to seek nourishment from them, and to modelyour life upon them. You are to make Christ and hisredemptive love known, by your word and example, tothose among whom you live, and work, and worship. Youare to interpret to the Church the needs, concerns, andhopes of the world. You are to assist the bishop and priestsin public worship and in the ministration of God's Wordand Sacraments, and you are to carry out other dutiesassigned to you from time to time. At all times, your lifeand teaching are to show Christ's people that in servingthe helpless they are serving Christ himself. (BCP, p. 543)

How do you grow a plant? Yougive it plenty of water and food;sunshine to make the leaves green

and rain to make the roots grow. Younurture, protect, and support it. And youtalk to it, encouraging it to blossom andpraising it for its fruit.

Perhaps growing a deacon is like that,and so is creating a training program. TheDeacons’ Formation Council (DFC) andthe Deacon School for Ministry (DSM)began as the seed of an idea planted in2005, when Dcn. Lynn Anderson was

appointed DFC and Dcn.Linda Scales DSM chair.Bishop Louttit’s unfailingand enthusiastic support, along with sage advice andgenerous help by Fr. Peter Ingeman and the good willand prayers of many others laid the path to approval inMay, 2006 by the Commission on Ministry.

In the intervening months, much work was done byDFC members Curtis Johnson, John Warner, SaundraReinke, Lynn Anderson, Patricia Marks, Karyl Miller,and Jim Purks. The first examining chaplains werenominated—Edie Adkins, Lynn Anderson, Mary-

Kathleen Blanchard, Kathy Kelly, PatriciaMarks, Geri Lee Nelson, Saundra Reinke,Sandy Turner, and John Warner—and given thetask of writing competencies for the diaconalschool in accord with canonical requirements.These areas include Church History and theTradition of the Church; Diakonia and theDiaconate; Ethics; Holy Scripture; Homiletics;Human Awareness and Understanding;Liturgy; Spiritual Development and Discipline;and Theology. (All of this information, andmore, is on the website,<>.)

The members scheduled classes andworship, and framed prayers and requirements. One ofthe first weekend sessions was held here at ChristChurch in June 2006; later ones met at the Convent inAugusta or at Ocmulgee State Park; but most wereconvened at Honey Creek. Today, John Warner(Deacon, St. Augustine’s, Augusta) chairs the DFC, andSaundra Reinke (Deacon, Our Savior, Martinez) chairsthe DSM.

What is special about the program? Theoverwhelming answer from former students iscommunity—the kind that teaches, supports, andrejoices, the kind that provides companionship andunderstanding. Today, the diocese has 38 deacons, with6 in process.

And more are needed, more are welcome . . . Come and see, said Christ. Come and see!

The Vineyard, p. 7, August 2010

What is special aboutthe program?. . . community— the kind that teaches,supports, andrejoices, . . .

This photo of the 2008 class was taken when Fr. Peter Ingeman servedas supervising priest of the Homiletics section taught by DeaconPatricia Marks. Left to right standing: Scott Mithen, Jim McDonald(deceased), *Nancy Byars, Steve Byrd, Fr. Peter Ingeman, HappyIngeman, Dianne Hall, *Nancy Sartin, and Lynn Anderson. Seated:Terri Degenhardt, Sue Gahagan, Patricia Marks, Ri Lamb, BeckyRowell, and *George Scott. *not yet ordained

Page 8: Following the Way of St. James - Christ Episcopal … the Way of St. James ... nce again it’s time to plan for Christian Education. ... equipment. What to do? First, I invite and

wished you “buen Camino” as youpass by, the priest who shows youhis little church and wants to praywith you before you walk on, thefellow traveler who gives you abetter way to treat a blister (Ilearned about Compeed from afellow pilgrim), from sharing of foodalong the way. There is beauty andbounty all around when the luxuriesare stripped away and you’re moredependent on the kindness ofothers.

Adversity, too is a dailycompanion...usually around the lastfew kilometers of the day, or whenthe third blister engulfs your toe, orthe mountain in front of you is steepand rocky. The Camino invites everypilgrim to walk through adversity,not around it, with their blisters,sore muscles, and bad moods. Eachache reveals to them the importanceof their mission: I WILL get toSantiago, one step at a time!

There is a saying that’s been onthe Camino since the Middle Ages:a Santiago solo se va, nunca se llega,“You can only keep going toSantiago, you can never arrive.”Standing in the plaza, with thatbewildered look, every pilgrim isdiscovering this for themselves, asecret that the package touristscannot begin to appreciate.

I’m still pondering that secretback in my day-to-day life and

The Vineyard, p. 8, August 2010

walked to the very center stone ofthe plaza, took a picture ofthemselves with the cathedralfacade in the background, embracedeach other, laughing and weeping atthe same time. Then they too, lookedaround the plaza, also appearingvaguely bewildered.

The tourists’ bewilderment waspurely practical: was lunch next or amuseum tour? The bewilderment onthe pilgrim’s faces was much moreexistential: Now What? Thisawareness hits you unexpectedly:the one thing that has totallyoccupied your every waking minutefor the past 5 weeks has suddenlyand conclusively come to an end. It’sfollowed by a wave of awarenessthat of course it’s not over. You’llkeep walking...out of the plaza andaway from Santiago...into the rest ofyour life.

Most pilgrims arrive in Santiagomuch changed from wherever theyset out, and while the tears and thebewildering NOW WHAT? mightcome as surprise to them, they’vebeen weeks in the making and comeI think from two very importantdaily experiences: generosity andadversity.

Generosity is everywhere on theCamino, often in surprising places.The woman in the doorway who

continued from page 1

Pilgrims Stella Clark; Mary Marwitz, seniorwarden at Holy Trinity Statesboro; and theRev. Joan Kilian, rector of Holy Trinity.

Pilgrims on the way.

The pilgrims walked through cities, villages,sheep tracks up mountains, and into valleys.

The vistas from the tops of mountains alongthe way were picture postcard beautiful.

“Auberge” translates as hostel or aninn for pilgrims.

One hundred twenty pilgrims stayed in thishostel.

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asking questions that I imagineevery one of us asks whenever Godwakes us up to the adventure of life:How do I become more than atourist in my own life? How do Istay on the path? NOW WHAT?

Editor’s Note: As I interviewedDeacon Clark for the story of her trip,she told me she had written a sermonto deliver at Christ Church on July 25,2010 on the Feast of St. James. Afterreading it, I knew that her sermontold the story of her pilgrimage andspiritual journey much better than Iever could. With her permission, I amreprinting it here. Julia Ariail

FactsDeacon Stella Clark walked with

two companions on the pilgrimage,the Rev. Joan Kilian, rector of TrinityEpiscopal Church in Statesboro andMary Marwitz, senior warden at thatchurch. The journey began as theyflew from Atlanta to Madrid on May25, went by bus to Pamplona and byshuttle to St. Jean, France. There theyreceived their Pilgrim’s passport andset out walking 500 miles acrossSpain. There were approximately2,000 pilgrims on the journey, veryfew Americans, mostly Europeans.In each city or in churches officialsstamped their “Credencial delperegrino,” pilgrim’s passport. Eachnight they stayed in a hostel for 5 to

The Vineyard, p. 9, August 2010

8 Euros and ate in local restaurants.They walked in the rain and coldand in beautiful sunshine upmountains and across valleys,meditating, listening to music,praying, talking to fellow pilgrimsor in silence, listening.

The shell symbol of St. Jamesmarked the way. Sometimes theshell was set in cast bronze orbrass. Other times it was paint on asign or made of sticks. Yellowarrows also marked the way. Thepilgrims walked, rode bicycles orrode horses. Along the way, theycame upon town festivals, therunning of the bulls and feast daycelebrations like Corpus Christi.

Stella visited the small churchesand large cathedrals along the waylighting candles for people whohad asked her to pray for them. Shealso made crosses to add to thekilometers-long fence row withcrosses made by pilgrims over theyears.

At the end of the journey Stellaand her companions arrived in thesquare at the Cathedral ofCompostela just as the church bellsbegan to peal. She describes heremotional response in the sermonprinted above. After the churchservice, an official issued herCertificate of Compostela afterchecking to see that she had two

continued on page 11

The Benedictine monastery, Monasterio deSamos, is the oldest monastery in the westernworld and has 90 beds for pilgrims in onestark room.

The crypt of St. James is in the cathedral inSantiago. Pilgrims carried limestone rocks tohelp build this 11th century cathedral.

Each town and church stamped the Pilgrims’passports along the way.

Cold and wet, pilgrim Stella walks beside the metal sculptures of other pilgrims. Hot and tired, the pilgrim rests along thejourney.

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Secretary of A.C.B.F.C., on October27, 1952, in which he said, “we havecome to realize the justice of thecomment by the Bishop that wewere trying to make too muchprogress too rapidly, and that, forour size, we were enjoying a plant ofadequate size.” He stated also that“there were other communitieswhose needs at this time . . . [are]greater than ours.” While thankingKent for the favorable considerationof Christ Church’s loan application,he expressed his hope that “at a laterdate, in perhaps a year or eighteenmonths when we have improvedboth our size and financial position”the Commission would be “kindenough” to receive a new ChristChurch loan request.

Regarding the second storythread, Vestry soon engaged inanother round of talk about thecontroversies within the Parishrecounted in previous articles. At acalled meeting on December 23,1952, Vestry opened the floor for anexchange of views on ”recenthappenings in the Church.” Mr.Noah E. Fry, a former SeniorWarden, according to the Minutes,“spoke feelingly and at length”about the disagreements that hadoccurred. Mr. Fry’s remarksgenerated “some discussion of allangles,” after which “it was agreedby all that the very best possiblecourse would be to forget the wholematter—to bury it for good and all,and not mention it again.” Sadly forthe historian and for posterity,Vestry agreed that “under thecircumstances, it seemed best not tomake any mention of details in the

The Vineyard, p. 10, August 2010

Christ Church Looks Backby Joseph A. Tomberlin

A group of articles beginning inthe September 2009 Vineyard focusedinitially on efforts by Christ Church’sVestry to borrow money from theAmerican Church Building FundCommission to construct SundaySchool rooms. Subsequent articlesdealt with the conflicts that developedbetween the Vicar, Clifton H. White,and the Vestry and between Fr. Whiteand the Bishop, Middleton S.Barnwell. What remains now is to tietogether the two threads of the story.

One thread is the $16,000 loanoffered to Christ Church by theA.C.B.F.C. via a letter dated October3, 1952. The Vestry, in the meeting ofOctober 17, 1952, discussed theproffered loan without deciding toaccept it. Vestrymen decided thatClerk Robert G. Macks should conferthat evening with Bishop Barnwellabout the issue and report to a calledmeeting on the nineteenth. Macks’slater account of his conver sa tion withBarnwell was brief, “chiefly to theeffect that the Bishop did not lookwith any particular favor on ourdesire to effect a loan through”A.C.B.F.C. Barnwell’s attitude, Macksexplained, was that Christ Churchshould fortify its own financialposition “before attempting anyfurther expansion.”

Vestry therefore approved a Perry-Jones motion that Mr. Macks writeA.C.B.F.C. “expressing our thanksand appreciation, and asking for apostponement of at least a year.”Macks sent a letter to Richard P. Kent,

minutes of the meeting. The matter issettled, and a workable solutionarrived at, acceptable to all. The mainand sole object is to work together forthe good of the Church, in an activeand unified manner,” The closing statement in the Minutesdeclared “Vote of confidence passedon all parties concerned.”

In the Vestry’s session on February1, 1953, members first discussed theissue of rotation of Vestry member -ship and the question of finding $859to pay off the balance of the mortgageon the Parish Hall. Fr. Whitethereupon announced that, onJanuary 1, he had presented to theBishop his resignation, effectiveMarch 21, 1953. The Minutes notequite briefly, “Motion made andpassed to accept [the Vicar’sresignation] with regret.” Next, Mr.Jamie Carroll read aloud BishopBarnwell’s letter about replacing Fr.White. Barnwell suggested that ChristChurch provide a salary of around$400 per month for the new Vicar.The Vestry’s reaction was to approvea motion for Mr. Carroll to inform theBishop that Christ Church had passeda budget for 1953 and could notafford to pay more than $200 monthly“at the most” for the remainder of1953. A higher salary probably couldbe paid in 1954, depending “veryheavily on the ability of thereplacement sent to this Church.”

Thus the disputes between Vicarand Vestry and Vicar and Bishopaffected rejection of the and led to the Vicar’sresignation. In September we turn tothe search for a new Vicar and torenewed pursuit of money for SundaySchool rooms.

Page 11: Following the Way of St. James - Christ Episcopal … the Way of St. James ... nce again it’s time to plan for Christian Education. ... equipment. What to do? First, I invite and

The Vineyard, p. 11, August 2010

stamps fromevery day alongthe journey. Healso wished her a“HappyBirthday” as theend of thejourneycoincided withher birthday.

AfterSantiago, theRev. Joan andStella took a busto Finisterre to“the end of theearth” rocks where you can look westtoward America. Stella picked up ahandful of green, brown and white seaglass on the beach there. She and Joanalso toured Madrid viewing museumsand botanical gardens before headinghome from Madrid to Atlanta on July 6.

Icon and Prayer Shawl Blessing, June 30, 2010

Deacon Patricia Marks made theprayer shawl, in feather-and-fanstitch, for the Dominican silentauction. The person who bought itbrought it to be blessed. Prayershawls are loving creations, givenfor comfort and celebration, in times

of sadness and joy. While making the shawl, the stitcher prays for therecipient, and then the shawl is blessed and given away.

The icon in the photo on the left is ofthe Archangel Michael, written byHappy and Peter+ for the silentauction in support of the DominicanRepublic Ministry. It is written in eggtempera on gessoed birch board inthe tradition the Russian Byzantinestyle after an original by theiconographer Rublev in 1420. Theicon received the traditional blessingof icons at the altar of Christ Church.

cont. from page 9

The Bishop celebrated themass at the cathedral inSantiago on June 30.

Above are the “end ofthe earth” rocks atFinisterre.

Deacon Stellaand the Rev.Joan proudlyhold their“Certificate ofCompostela,”the documentwritten in latinat right.

Christ Church Ongoing Projects

Adopt a Haven Family - The Haven has a special need for new orlike-new kitchen supplies (appliances, dishes, etc.) for mothers andchildren moving out of the shelter. Contact Patricia Marks (244-5159);<spmarks@>.

Foster Kids Project - Phyllis Holland chairs this project to assistlocal foster kids with supplies, tutoring, and mentoring. (245-3821);<[email protected]> .

Kneelers Project - Julia Ariail chairs this project to create 10additional kneelers for our altar rail. (559-7329);<[email protected]> .

Partnership for Health Clinic Project - Diane Halim chairs thisproject for donations for specific items to patients and family.<[email protected]>.

Pop Tabs - Collect pop tabs to benefit the Atlanta RonaldMcDonald Houses. Please add them to the container on the roundtable in the parish hall. Deacon Stella Clark chairs this project.<[email protected].>.

Toiletries Project - Gail Hobgood chairs the project to collectunused hotel toiletries for families at LAMP. <[email protected]>.

A special reminder - as you travel this summer, please bring back thehotel toiletries for Lamp and other organizations.

Thanks, Gail Hobgood

This gift, which was prayerfullymade for you, has been blessedat the altar of Christ Church.May it keep you in comfort andin peace. May it sustain andembrace you, and may it be asign that we are all wrapped inGod’s love.In His Holy Name, The Stitchersof Love, Christ Church, Valdosta

Gift Tag for blessed items

Page 12: Following the Way of St. James - Christ Episcopal … the Way of St. James ... nce again it’s time to plan for Christian Education. ... equipment. What to do? First, I invite and

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Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion* 10:45 a.m. Christian Education*

11:30 a.m. Holy Communion* 6:00 p.m. Vespers

8:00 p.m. Holy Communion beginning September 19 *Nursery Available

Tuesday: 10:30 a.m. @ Langdale Place Wednesday: 6:00 p.m.* Thursday: 7:00 a.m.

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Youth News by Beth Baker

Walking With The Good Shepherd

Please sign up for our excitingDay Camp on August 4th from 9a.m. - 2 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. We willprovide age appropriate activitiesfor all of our children. Forms arelocated in the Parish Hall on theinformation table.

Ichetucknee Family Floatwill be rescheduled because of

School Open Houses

The upcoming year calendar willbe out this month. Please be on thelook-out!

The first Senior High EYCmeeting will be Wednesday,August 11 at the Elliott's at1112 Cloverhill Drive for a

kick-off Fiesta!

Happening # 85

Happening#85 will be heldJuly 30 - August1! Check out<www.> for more information.

Elizabeth Hanson, in the photoabove, is a member of ChristChurch. She will serve as the rectorof Happening #85. ThomasGreneker, in the photo below, will

be the observingrector. Severalother ChristChurch youthwill serve on thestaff. Look for anexpanded articlein the SeptemberVineyard.

Mission Trip PresentationAugust 18, 7 p.m.

It is time for the “Go Team” toreport back to the “Home Team.”We successfully completed thisyear’s mission, and in order for youto see what we have accomplishedand hear the stories associated withthe pictures, we invite you to sharein this celebration. The mission is acollective effort by everyoneinvolved. If you donated a scholar -ship(s), donated to the auction,bought an item(s) at the auction,donated money for yarn or prayedfor us while we were gone, comeand see what you helped toaccomplish. Julius Ariail has takensome wonderful pictures andbehind every one on them, there is astory to tell. The presentation in theParish Hall will follow the serviceand a typical Dominican meal.

2011 Mission Trip DateJune 18th - 25th

Mark your calendars! Pleasepray about joining us in our efforts.