follow up after porvoo-6 in rome - the resolutions from porvoo 6 tapio aaltonen director,...

Follow up after Porvoo-6 in Rome - The resolutions from Porvoo 6 Tapio Aaltonen Director, CA-services Population Register Centre Finland

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Page 1: Follow up after Porvoo-6 in Rome - The resolutions from Porvoo 6 Tapio Aaltonen Director, CA-services Population Register Centre Finland

Follow up after Porvoo-6 in Rome- The resolutions from Porvoo 6

Tapio AaltonenDirector, CA-servicesPopulation Register CentreFinland

Page 2: Follow up after Porvoo-6 in Rome - The resolutions from Porvoo 6 Tapio Aaltonen Director, CA-services Population Register Centre Finland

Resolutions of the Porvoo 6 eID Group Meeting, Rome, 9-10 November 2004

The following resolutions were each passed unanimously and together highlight topics, achievements and ongoing challenges in specific key common action areas.

Page 3: Follow up after Porvoo-6 in Rome - The resolutions from Porvoo 6 Tapio Aaltonen Director, CA-services Population Register Centre Finland

Resolution 1. Welcoming address

Senatore Antonio d'Ali', Member of the Italian Parliament in the Senate Chamber, Undersecretary of State of the Ministry of Interior, responsible in the Italian Government for the Italian Electronic Identity Card (CIE), delivered a welcome speech to Porvoo 6 participants.

He recalled that an important step in the process of European integration is the capability of providing to people in Europe services that can be accessed seamlessly by every European citizen in every European country.

Page 4: Follow up after Porvoo-6 in Rome - The resolutions from Porvoo 6 Tapio Aaltonen Director, CA-services Population Register Centre Finland

To this aim, beyond the required work to be done for standardization, the contribution from the scientific community is urgent and necessary and he strongly encouraged the Porvoo community to continue in their activity.

The final goal of the Italian government regarding CIE is to realize it with Citizen Rights in mind andexpress this in the naming of the card, i.e., to protect and guarantee citizens in the electronic democracy and to strengthen the feeling of unity within the European Union.

Page 5: Follow up after Porvoo-6 in Rome - The resolutions from Porvoo 6 Tapio Aaltonen Director, CA-services Population Register Centre Finland

Resolution 2. eID promotion in Italy

The high rate and speed of successful eID deployment in Italy and the plans for further development were noted and applauded. It was also noted that the ultimate objective of the Italian government in adopt ng eID is to safeguard Citizen Rights in the Information Age. To this aim privacy of citizens’ data is especially safeguarded.There are 8102 municipalities, each of which will issue electronic identity cards. 400 K cards have been issued so far, with a target of 40 million cards to be issued by the end of 2009.

Page 6: Follow up after Porvoo-6 in Rome - The resolutions from Porvoo 6 Tapio Aaltonen Director, CA-services Population Register Centre Finland

Resolution 3. Additional Country updates

The Porvoo eID Group notes the steady progress reported since the Porvoo 5 meeting in Tallinn by the member states countries who presented on their planning and national deployments at Porvoo 6. Detailed reports of the country updates will be made available on the Porvoo 6 Website. All other Porvoo member countries are requested to provide their country status and development updates as soon as possible for Porvoo Group information sharing and for inclusion on the Group website.

Page 7: Follow up after Porvoo-6 in Rome - The resolutions from Porvoo 6 Tapio Aaltonen Director, CA-services Population Register Centre Finland

Resolution 4. Fingerprint biometrics in Passports and ID-cards

Recognising the important developments underway in the high interest topic area “Biometrics in Passports and ID-cards” the Porvoo Group expresses it immediate need from the eID card perspective for an international standard template for fingerprint minutiae. This position will be communicated to the CEN/ISSS Biometric Focus Group.

Page 8: Follow up after Porvoo-6 in Rome - The resolutions from Porvoo 6 Tapio Aaltonen Director, CA-services Population Register Centre Finland

Resolution 5. European Cross-Border Legislative Environment

The Porvoo Group welcomes the draft position proposed by Mr Thomas Myhr that the legal aspects of crossborder eAuthentication functionality may already be adequately covered in the eSign Directive.

The Porvoo Group members will study the full report which will be distributed in December and will discuss the issue in detail at its next meeting.

Page 9: Follow up after Porvoo-6 in Rome - The resolutions from Porvoo 6 Tapio Aaltonen Director, CA-services Population Register Centre Finland

Resolution 6. Support for Interoperability Standards

The Porvoo Group highlights the need for strong positive horizontal co-operation in establishing andmaintaining real interoperability between CAs and supports the provision for interoperability aspects to be included in international standards in the smartcard, certification infrastructure, and biometric domains. The Group also reconfirms the Common Requirements as laid down in the WS eAuthentication finaldeliverables Parts 1-3 currently issued by CEN for public review.

Page 10: Follow up after Porvoo-6 in Rome - The resolutions from Porvoo 6 Tapio Aaltonen Director, CA-services Population Register Centre Finland

Resolution 7. Support for system board-level integrated Smart Card Readers

The Porvoo Group Chairpersons are requested and authorised to prepare and issue a letter of request to the major PC manufactures recommending that a system-board level integrated standard card reader conforming to CEN/CWA 14890 is installed by default in at least a selected range of all their new PCs. The representative of Norway will prepare the draft letter. The issue is still open.

Page 11: Follow up after Porvoo-6 in Rome - The resolutions from Porvoo 6 Tapio Aaltonen Director, CA-services Population Register Centre Finland

Resolution 8. Publication of proceedings

The meeting presentations and input documentation will be published on the Porvoo Group 6 websitehttp://www.nestor.uniroma2it/porvoo6 and the main Porvoo eID group website and also on

Page 12: Follow up after Porvoo-6 in Rome - The resolutions from Porvoo 6 Tapio Aaltonen Director, CA-services Population Register Centre Finland

Resolution 9. Porvoo Group – the way forward

The offer from two different industry partners (Axalto and Sisgem) to support the Porvoo secretariat and activities is highly appreciated. The conditions and the actual activities will be negotiated between the chairpersons and the offering organisations.

Page 13: Follow up after Porvoo-6 in Rome - The resolutions from Porvoo 6 Tapio Aaltonen Director, CA-services Population Register Centre Finland

Resolution 10. Next meeting

The Porvoo Group welcomes and accepts the offer of Iceland to host the next meeting in May 2005 inIceland. The Chairpersons will set the final dates and communicate these to the Group. The Porvoo Group also welcomes the offers from Slovenia, Belgium and France to host one of the upcoming meetings. A Schedule for these future meetings will be established at the next Porvoo meeting or earlier where possible. The preliminary schedule is: Autumn 2005 – Belgium, Spring 2006 – Slovenia, Autumn 2006 – France. Autumn 2006 – Finland ! ?Porvoo 10 on the Finnish EU presidency

Page 14: Follow up after Porvoo-6 in Rome - The resolutions from Porvoo 6 Tapio Aaltonen Director, CA-services Population Register Centre Finland

Resolution 11. Thanks to the Italian Organisers

The Porvoo Group greatly appreciates the excellent organization and facilities provided by the host of the Rome meeting, the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Special thanks go to the local Chairperson for the Porvoo Group 6th meeting, Prof. Enrico Nardelli, to the Nestor laboratory of the University of Rome Tor Vergata for its overall financial and operational support, and to all its speakers, facilitators and reception staff for their role in assuring a very successful and enjoyable meeting in truly historical surroundings and environment.