focus on writing ch 7

Focus on Writing: Chapter 7 Using Cause and Effect

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Focus on Writing: Chapter 7

Using Cause and Effect

Page 2: Focus on writing ch 7

Cause and Effect Tells why something happened or is happening OR Shows how one thing affects something else.



Affect 1. To have an influence on or effect a change in: Inflation affects the buying power of the dollar.

2. To act on the emotions of; touch or move.3. To attack or infect, as a disease: Rheumatic fever can affect the heart.

Effect 1. Something brought about by a cause or agent; a result.2. The power to produce an outcome or achieve a result; influence: The drug had

an immediate effect on the pain. The government's action had no effect on the trade imbalance.

3. Advantage; avail: used her words to great effect in influencing the jury.4. The condition of being in full force or execution: a new regulation that goes

into effect tomorrow.5. Something that produces a specific impression or supports a general design or

intention: The lighting effects emphasized the harsh atmosphere of the drama.6. A particular impression: large windows that gave an effect of spaciousness.7. Production of a desired impression: spent lavishly on dinner just for effect.8. The basic or general meaning; import: He said he was greatly worried, or

words to that effect.

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Exemplification paragraph • Begins with a topic sentence that states

whether the paragraph will focus on causes or effects

• Points need to be placed in a logical order: Least to most important

Place the most important detail last to strengthen your paragraph


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Developing Paragraph• Begin with a topic sentence• Causes or effects supporting the general

statement made in the topic sentence Choose only causes or effects Avoid Chains: Be sure each relates to the topic sentence, not only to another effect.

Logical order – i.e. emphatic, chronological, spatial, etc.

• Summary statement that sums up its main idea

• Be sure to use transitional words and phrases. (See page 97)

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Writing the Paragraph Decide on topic Brainstorm to find ideas Write topic sentence Create outline Write first draft Apply TEST strategy Revise Revise Revise