focus group feedback


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Post on 09-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Focus group feedback

Focus group feedback My focus group consisted of 5 girls and 2 boys in order to reflect the target audience of the magazine. The ages of the focus group were all roughly 20-30 years old, however two of the participants were out of the target audience age range in order to see their opinions on the magazine. One of the participants was 16 and the other was 37. 5 out of the 7 participants were employed full time, one was a student and the final participant was working part time. I ensured that the majority of the participants within the focus group had some form of employment so that they would be able to represent my target audiences who have a disposable income to buy my magazine. The majority of the group liked the layout of my front cover page because they felt that it suited their tastes and included features that they found interesting. One of the female participants said that she liked the use of colours within the main image because it stands out and catches her attention. However, on of the male participants within the group said that he did not find that the magazine attracted him because of its girly nature. This is not a major issue for my magazine because he is not the target audience of it, so would not be likely to buy it. The contents page had some good feedback from the group, saying that it included all the information needed for the audience to find specific pages. But several of the participants said that the page was a bit too plain and simple and could be improved if it was given a background or more information was added in order to fill up blank spaces within the page. The font used in the contents page was mentioned by one of the participants because they felt that it was easy to read even from a distance and they thought that the font used suited the genre of the magazine. The feedback from my double page spread was mainly positive from my focus group. They liked the feature of the pages as a whole because

Page 2: Focus group feedback

it allowed for them to find out more about a band that they previously didn’t know about. They also liked how the images were placed on the page because it broke up large areas of text but at the same time did not over power the text on the page. Some improvements the group gave me for the double page spread was to include more information about where and when the band will be performing and more information about upcoming events for the band. When asking about the images used in my magazine, the group all said that they felt that they would be suitable for the target audience of the magazine. They liked how I used different effects in all of the images because it made them more interesting and it made each image stand out from the rest. The chosen colour scheme for my magazine had a mixed reaction from the group. Four of the girls within the group and one of the male participants felt that the colour scheme worked well with the genre of the magazine and they liked how there was one bold colour used with the black text. On the other hand, the leftover two participants, one male and one female, said that the colour scheme was not feminine enough and was more of a gender neutral colour that would not make it obvious to the reader who the magazine was aimed at. When asked in more detail about what they liked about the feature in my double page spread, the participants said that they liked how the magazine had a special feature dedicated to new and upcoming bands because it allowed for less known bands to build a larger fan base and would help the band to become better known in the music industry. When I asked the group as a whole if they felt that my magazine was suitable for its audience, they told me that many of the features included would make my target audience want to buy the magazine as it includes the sort of things that they enjoy and want to read about in a magazine. They also told me that my use of colour in the magazine as a whole was good because it is bold enough to attract a potential readers attention without becoming too overpowering.