flyspecking flyspeck

Flyspecking Flyspeck Mark Adams Radboud University / Proof Technologies Ltd Tom’s 60 th Birthday Happy Birthday Tom!

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Flyspecking Flyspeck

Mark AdamsRadboud University / Proof Technologies Ltd

Tom’s 60th BirthdayHappy Birthday Tom!

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● Part 1: Brief History of Tom’s Proof● Part 2: The Flyspeck Proof● Part 3: Possible Pitfalls in Flyspeck● Part 4: Proof Auditing Flyspeck

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Brief History of Tom’s Proof

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The Conjecture

● Kepler Conjecture (1611):– The best sphere packing is the Face-Centered

Cubic (FCC) packing

– Density = /√18 ≈ 74.048%

● In other words:– Any cuboid box of same-shaped balls has enough

space to hold at least 25.951% liquid

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Outline Proof

● Part A (Main Text):– Show that can reduce to considering spheres within a

locality of k (>2) from a central sphere.

– For a given packing, consider the graph from projecting the spheres’ centres onto the surface of the central sphere, where edges connect centres with locality of k from each other. Show that, for sufficiently small k, the graph is planar.

– Show that to do better than an FCC packing, the planar graph must be “tame”.

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Outline Proof

● Part B (Graph Enumeration):– Show that there are only ≈3,000 possible tame planar graphs

(modulo isomorphism)

● Part C (Non-linear Inequalities):– For each tame graph, find a set of non-linear inequalities that

must hold, and reduce each of these down to a set of linear inequalities.

● Part D (Linear Inequalities):– Show that each linear inequality set is unsatisfiable.

● Thus, by contradiction, there is no packing better than FCC

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Proof Size

● The main text (Part A):– 300 pages of “traditional” mathematical text

● Graph enumeration (Part B):– 2,000 lines of Java code

● Non-linear inequalities (Part C):– Thousands of lines of C / C++

● Linear inequalities (Part D):– 100,000 inequalities in 200 variables

– Solved using CPlex and Mathematica

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Publication Review

● Submitted to the Annals of Mathematics● 5 years of reviewing (1998-2003)● Referees found no significant error● But only a qualified acceptance: “99%” certain

of overall correctness

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● Flyspeck project (2003 – 2014)● Proof completely re-expressed in terms of formal logic

– Using highly trustworthy theorem prover software

● Largest ever formalisation by most measures– 20-30 person-years of effort

– 450,000 lines of proof script + 50,000 lines of theorem prover extension

– An estimated 2,000,000,000,000 primitive inferences

– Around 20 contributors

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● Main text (Part A) outsourced to Vietnam● 2009 workshop

– Background mathematics and overview of proof

– How to use HOL Light

– English lessons

● Proof chopped up into around 700 lemmas● Bounty awarded upon completion of a lemma

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The Flyspeck Proof

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Theorem Provers (Proof Assistants)

● Software for performing mechanised formal proof, rigidly adhering to a given formal logic

● User guides the proof using a proof script– Steps roughly correspond to “human” steps

● Breaks down proof script steps into tiny primitive inferences of the formal logic– So each step is justified in terms of the formal logic

● Manages joining the proof script steps together to prove a given lemma– Ensures that the intended result is proved by the proof script

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Theorem Prover Components

● Inference kernel (LCF-style systems only)– Small collection of inference rules and definition commands that can

create theorems

– ‘thm’ made a private datatype, and ML type system ensures that all theorems must be created ulitmately via the kernel

● Parser– for turning concrete syntax into abstract syntax

● Pretty printer– For turning abstract syntax into concrete syntax

● Derived inference rules● Environment for managing a proof script

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Example Proof Script Extract let MUL_POW2 = REAL_ARITH` (a*b) pow 2 = a pow 2 * b pow 2 `;;

let x = Some(0, `x pow 4 = x pow 2`) ;;

let COMPUTE_SIN_DIVH_POW2 = prove(`! (v0: real^N) va vb vc.

let betaa = dihV v0 vc va vb in

let a = arcV v0 vc vb in

let b = arcV v0 vc va in

let c = arcV v0 va vb in

let p =

&1 - cos a pow 2 - cos b pow 2 - cos c pow 2 +

&2 * cos a * cos b * cos c in

~collinear {v0, vc, va} /\ ~collinear {v0, vc, vb} ==>

( sin betaa ) pow 2 = p / ((sin a * sin b) pow 4) `,






SIMP_TAC[REAL_FIELD` ~( a = &0 ) /\ ~ ( b = &0 ) ==>

&1 - ( x / ( a * b )) pow 2 = (( a * b ) pow 2 - x pow 2 ) / (( a * b ) pow 2 )`;

eval "x"] THEN


MATCH_MP_TAC (MESON[]` a = b ==> a / x = b / x `) THEN



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HOL Light

● Theorem prover for the HOL logic● Simple logical core

– 10 primitive inference rules

– 3 axioms

– 2 commands for conservative definition

● Parser and pretty printer for concrete syntax● Theory library of 2,000 theorems● Overall around 800 lines of trusted code● Logical core has been proved correct

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Formalisation Stages

1. Prepare the proof– Re-express in a “formalisable” form

– Symbolic; No big steps; Coherent foundation

2. Prepare the theorem prover– Ensure the library supports the proof’s foundation

3. Only then can start proving– Translate the formalisable proof into proof script

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Flyspeck Preparation

● Tom made significant changes to the original proof to make more formalisable– Changed partition of geometric space (Voronoi → Marshall)

– Used hypermaps instead of planar graphs

– Detail added in various places

– Parts B/C/D were adjusted (20,000 tame hypermaps)

● John Harrison added HOL Light Multivariate library– Vectors, Determinants, Topology, Integration, Measure, …

– 190,000 lines of proof script

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Formalised Proof

● Formal text (Part A) proved in 450,000 lines of HOL Light proof script

● Tame planar graphs (Part B) generated by program proved by Isabelle/HOL.

● Non-linear inequalities (Part C) automatically proved by 25,000 lines of HOL Light extension– 5,000 hours of processing

● Linear inequalities (Part D) automatically proved by a few thousand lines of HOL Light extention

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Possible Pitfalls in Flyspeck

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Is the Formal Statement Correct?

● Informal statement:

A / B ≤ / √18where A is the volume occupied by a packing of same-sized spheres within a containing sphere of volume B, as the radius of B tends to infinity

● Formal statement in HOL Light:!V. packing V

==> (?c. !r. &1 <= r

==> &(CARD(V INTER ball(vec 0,r))) <=

pi * r pow 3 / sqrt(&18) + c * r pow 2)

● Are these precisely equivalent?

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Multiple Sessions

● The proof is spread over multiple sessions– One HOL Light session for Parts A and D– 600 parallel HOL Light sessions for Part C– One Isabelle/HOL session for Part B to generate a list manually

transcribed for use in Part A

● How can we be sure that these sessions fit together coherently without introducing inconsistency?

● Was the process of transcribing the list correct?● Cross checks were done

– But this is not policed by theorem proving

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Other Concerns

● Does the proof actually run without falling over?● Was ‘new_axiom’ used in any session?

– If used, this can introduce inconsistency

● Were any HOL Light unsoundnesses exploited?– Can use mutable strings to rename constants

– Can use Obj.magic to subvert the OCaml type system

● Were any Isabelle/HOL unsoundnesses exploited?– Known soundness bugs in some versions

● Is the display of formulae correct?– HOL Light and Isabelle/HOL have known problems– Can mean that definitions or top-level theorem isn’t what it seems

● [Demo ...]

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Pedigree of Formalisation Team

● Cannot rely on pedigree of formalisation team● Although innocent error is unlikely, it cannot be dismissed

as impossible– 20 contributors

– 450,000 lines of proof script

– 50,000 lines of complex automatic extension performing over a trillion proof steps

● Malicious error cannot be dismissed either– Outsourcing makes this more likely

● All it takes is one tiny exploit!

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Can anyone see the exploit in the proof script extract?

(I maliciously doctored it!)

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Proof Auditing Flyspeck

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Proof Auditing

● We propose the rigorous, independent assessment of important formalisation projects– Would result in EITHER a robust justification that a

complete and correct formal proof of the original informal theorem has been performed OR exposure of flaws in the project

● Should aim to make the justification as simple as possible

● Should not assume the good intentions of the project team

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Proposed Auditing Process

1. Replay original project– Run each of the sessions of the formal proof

2. Port the proof to a trusted target system– Use proof porting in the original system(s) to export proof objects

– Consolidate the proof objects into a single session in target system

3. Examine the final state of the target system– Examine the display settings

– Examine the list of axioms

– Review the statement of the top-level theorem, and its dependency graph of supporting definitions

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Requirements for the Process

● Proof porting software– Must be able to efficiently and reliably record and

export proofs from the original system

– Must be able to handle proofs of very large scale

● Trusted target system– Ideally want a system that is widely trusted not to

suffer from soundness issues or display issues

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Common HOL

● A standard for basic HOL system functionality● Enables portability of proofs and source code between HOL

systems– HOL4, HOL Light, ProofPower HOL, Isabelle/HOL, HOL Zero, hol90

– Currently only implemented for HOL Light and HOL Zero

● Consists of:– Application Programming Interface (API)

– Standard HOL theory

– Adapted versions of various HOL systems for the API/theory

– Proof object exporter

– Proof object importer

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Common HOL API

● Interface of around 450 ML functions/values– Functional programming library (100)

– Type, term & theorem utilities (150)

– Theory extension & listing commands (40)

– Inference rules (100)

– Parsing & pretty printing (20)

– Theorems (55)

● Enables fast and reliable porting of source code between HOL systems

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Common HOL: Axioms

hol90 HOL4 ProofPower HOL Light HOL Zero

IMP_ANTISYM_AX axiom derived axiom - axiom

ETA_AX axiom axiom axiom axiom axiom

SELECT_AX axiom axiom axiom axiom axiom

BOOL_CASES_AX axiom axiom axiom derived derived

INFINITY_AX axiom axiom axiom axiom axiom

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Common HOL: Inference Rules

hol90 HOL4 ProofPower HOL Light HOL Zero

ABS prim prim prim prim prim

ASSUME prim prim prim prim prim

BETA (not in platform) - - - prim -

BETA_CONV prim prim prim derived prim

DISCH prim prim prim derived prim

DEDUCT_ANTISYM_RULE - - - prim derived

EQ_MP k-derived k-derived k-derived prim prim

INST {k-derived} k-derived {k-derived} prim derived

INST_TYPE {prim} {prim} {prim} {prim} prim

MK_COMB k-derived k-derived k-derived prim prim

MP prim prim prim derived prim

REFL prim prim prim prim prim

SUBST prim prim prim derived derived

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Common HOL: Term Utilities

hol90 HOL4 ProofPower HOL Light HOL Zero

type_of type_of type_of type_of type_of

type_vars_in_term type_vars_in_term {term_tyvars} type_vars_in_term term_tyvars

aconv aconv (~=$) aconv alpha_eq

- rename_bvar - {alpha} rename_bvar

free_vars free_vars frees frees free_vars

free_varsl free_varsl - freesl list_free_vars

- var_occurs is_free_in {vfree_in} var_free_in

{free_in} free_in - free_in term_free_in

all_vars - - variables all_vars

all_varsl - - - list_all_vars

inst {inst} {inst} {inst} tyvar_inst

- - {var_subst} vsubst var_inst

{subst} {subst} subst subst subst

variant variant variant {variant} variant

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Using Common HOL

● Successfully used to record and port Flyspeck Parts A/D between two HOL Light sessions– 1.4 billion primitive inferences

– Recording/exporting overhead is around 40% of execution time

– Requires around 300MB of RAM

– Proof objects occupy around 200MB of .tgz files

– Replays in about 15% of time for original proof

● Scope for improvement

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HOL Zero

● Another implementation of the HOL logic● Designed for proof checking, not interactive proof● Simple LCF-style implementation● Extensive code comments● Carefully designed concrete syntax and pretty printer● Avoids OCaml exploits● No known flaws● $100 soundness bounty!● [Demo …]

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Using HOL Zero

● Successfully used Common HOL to port Flyspeck Parts A/D to HOL Zero– First-time port did fail, but due to subtle error in

implementation of Common HOL API for HOL Light

● Significantly slower than HOL Light– 6 hours vs 33 minutes

– Due to highly conservative architecture of HOL Zero

– Could perhaps speed up

● No issues found in Parts A/D

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Modus Ponens

● In Common HOL:A ⟝ P ⇒ Q B ⟝ P A ∪ B ⟝ Q● In HOL Light:A ⟝ P ⇒ Q B ⟝ P (A \ {P}) ∪ B ⟝ Q

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The Future

● Full audit of Flyspeck is feasible– Parts A/B/C/D all in a single HOL session

● Two remaining challenges– Recording/replaying Non-Linear Inequalities (Part C)

– Manual port of Graph Enumeration (Part B) to HOL Light

● Need to speed up HOL Zero● Need to improve proof porting● Need to port fixity as well as definitions/proofs

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Try It Yourself

● Proof Technologies website contains downloads for replaying the Main Text (Part A)– Follow link Various / Flyspeck / Flyspeck Replay

– HOL Zero and HOL SuperLight target systems

– 200MB of proof modules

● [demo …]